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Time Instruction VERBAL Lesson Plan

X X Brainstorming -
Mock Interview
Express yourself
Telephone Game
Interpreting Text Messages (“What else could possibly be
misinterpreted/lead into Non-Verbal)
Possibly a Video

1 Purpose ● Intended Audience

○ Mostly Girls, Teen Parents

2 Objective

3 Focus Activity Levels of communication

- Assertiveness
- Using I, you and me messages
- Professional Communication
- Mock Interview
(act out scenarios for each level)

4 Content 1. Vocabulary
2. Concepts
3. Procedure

5 Demo Assertive
-express feelings
-say no without feeling guilty
Stand up for yourself
-express yourself
-express directly to person without verbal abuse
Non threatening communication you vs. I

6 Activity Telephone
-if not being direct with a person your message can be
-some communication overlaps and is verbal and non
-examples? (personal examples)?

7 Practice

8 Questions

9 Conclusion
10 Follow Up


Time Instruction NON-VERBAL Lesson Plan

X X Brainstorming

1 Purpose ● Intended Audience

○ Mostly Girls, Teen Parents

2 Objective

3 Focus Activity ● Examples, Stories

● Charades (Non Verbal)
● Studio C “The Doorstep”
○ Some people see things differently and don’t
intend their actions to be interpreted in the way
that they are; intentions and interpretations are
● Interpreting Text Messages (VERBAL)
● “Eye-Spot” Activity (NON VERBAL)
○ Play a video from different movies without sound
and have the students guess what the
characters are trying to communicate using only
their body language. Then play the same clip
with sound and see if the guesses about what
was being communicated with only body
language is actually true.

4 Content 1. Vocabulary
2. Concepts
a. Verbal
b. Non Verbal
i. Can influence getting a job
ii. Personal Space
iii. Appearance and Grooming
iv. Dress/Clothing
v. Cultural Differences in Communication
3. Procedure

5 Demo

6 Activity
7 Practice 1. Verbal
2. Non-Verbal

8 Questions 1. Verbal
2. Non-Verbal

9 Conclusion

10 Follow Up

11 X RESOURCE Books:
S ● Teachers Wraparound Edition “Skills for Living” by
Frances Baynor Parnell


(Everyone for the first 5 minutes/introduction and last 15 minutes/questions?)

Verbal for first half of lesson and non-verbal for second half of lesson
● Verbal
● Non-verbal
○ Body Language
○ Appearance
● Barriers
○ Improving or Resolving Conflict
● Listening
○ Active
○ Feed Back
● Empathy
○ Stories
○ Definition
○ Empathy Belly
● Cultural Differences in Communication
● 5 Levels
● Social
● Assertive
● I-Message
● Communicating with Parents
● Groups
● Violence/Gang Violence
● Sexual Harassment
● What a friend is/Friendships
● Dating
○ Casual
○ Random
● Trust
● Responsibility
● Relationships
○ Negative
● Peer Pressure
● Better You
● Family
● Understanding Children

1. Purpose -
2. Objective -
3. Focus Activity -
4. Content -
a. Vocabulary -
b. Concepts -
c. Procedure -
5. Demo -
6. Activity -
7. Practice -
8. Questions -
9. Conclusion-
10. Follow Up-

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