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Katlyn Carter

Updated 8/10/19
Drug Protocol: Lidocaine HCl
(for anesthesia during repair of vaginal lacerations after birth)
Drug: Lidocaine ( Xylocaine, Lignocaine Lidoderm, LidoDose, Lidomar, (many additional names))
Indication for Use: For anesthesia during repair of vaginal lacerations after birth.
Mechanism of Action: Local anesthetics work by reversibly blocking nerve conduction.

Form Dose Route of Administration Administration instructions Treatment notes

Injection 3–5 mg/kg IM One insertion point and “fan” from They primarily block the sensation of sharp pain;
body weight that point they do not block pressure sensation.

(typically not
to exceed

Contraindications: Contraindicated in clients with amide local anesthetic hypersensitivity.

Storage: Room temperature.

Legality in WA: Legal for use by midwives in WA as a local anesthetic.

King, T. L., Brucker, M. C., Kriebs, J. M., & Fahey, J. O., Gegor, C. L., Varney, H. (2015). Varney's midwifery. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

PDR Application. (2019). Drug summary: lidocaine.

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