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Express Yourself


Student: sergio

- This document is the study guide for you to work on the contents of the course during the

weeks between March and April.

- Delivery dates are specified on each section throughout the document.

- The link to access the google drive in order to upload your deliverables/evidences is the


- The teacher can be contacted through the following mail:

- An immediate contact with the teacher and the classmates can be done through the whatsapp

GRAMMAR (Delivery date: April 3rd)

Grammar SLO 7: Present perfect (U2)

1. Check the following presentation:

2. After you review some verbs, make a list of ten verbs in past participle that you
usually use.

Arrived, enjoyed, swum, run, eaten, collected, watched, said, seed, read.

a. How things have changed. Think about how the things have changed in the last 10
years. Write your answers in the appropriate column below.


Banking The weather

TV Mobile phones
Shopping Social life
Internet Dating
Music Education
Clothes and Fashion Transportation


has changed a lot has changed a little bit has not changed in the last ten
Clothes and Fashion Banking years
The weather TV Shopping
Mobile phones Music Education
Social life Transportation

Now, interview a friend or a member of your family. Make questions in present perfect and
complete the chart.

Your partner/relative

has changed a lot has changed a little bit has not changed in the last ten
Clothes and Fashion The weather years
TV Banking
Mobile phones Music
Dating Social life
Shopping Education
READING (Delivery date: April 3rd )

SLO 1 Identify main ideas, details and author’s purpose.

1. Now, read a short story in present perfect. Finish the exercises and share your
answers in the Delivery Tasks forum.

Present Perfect Story

Who is she? What has she done? What has happened?

Mable Jones lives in Florida in the United States. Her grandchildren live in London,
England. They have lived in London for 3 years. Mable has not seen her grandchildren in
over a year.

She has talked to her grandchildren on the phone and through e-mails many times. She
has also seen pictures of her grandchildren. They have grown so much since the last
time they visited America.

Mable knits scarves and blankets to send to her grandchildren in London. So far, she
has knitted two large blankets for her granddaughters. She has also knitted a scarf for
each grandchild.
Present Perfect Story – Exercises

A. Answer the following questions. Use the Present Perfect tense.

1. How long have Mable's grandchildren lived in London, England?

They have lived in London for 3 years.

2. How has Mable talked to her grandchildren while they've been gone?

She has talked to her grandchildren on the phone and through e-mails

3. What has Mable knitted for her grandchildren so far?

She has knitted two large blankets for her granddaughters.

B. Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no questions, WH-

questions (using the underlined word or phrase) and tag questions.

1. They have lived in London for 3 years.

Negative: they haven´t lived in London for 3 years

Yes/No Question: Yes, they have lived in London for 3 years.

WH-Question: When did they go to London?

2. They have grown so much since the last time they visited America.

Negative: They have not grown much since the last time they visited America.

Yes/No Question: Yes, they have grown a lot since the last time you visited America.

WH-Question: how much they have grown since the last time they visited America.

3. She has also knitted a scarf for each grandchild.


Yes/No Question:

2. Read the second text about Youtube video saved the radio star.
The main idea of the text is: ________________________________________________________

Read the article again and number the events in Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
order. Number the sentences 1 to 6 1)People say he will be a flash in the pan. -------
A) Ted has become a sensation. ----------------- 2)He has struggled with drugs. ---------
B) Ted has lived on the streets for years. 3) Ted worked for MTV in the past--------
------------ 4) His first job was in a talk show----------------
C)He has returned to work after Xmas.
D) He worked as a pimp-----------------
E) A local cameraman filmed him. ------------
F) He received job offers. ---------------

VOCABULARY (Delivery date: __April 3rd__)

SLO 7 Infer meaning of vocabulary words from context.

When you encounter a vocabulary word with which you are unfamiliar, what do you do? Use the
context clues to determine the word’s meaning.

Directions: Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross sentence
clues or your prior knowledge. Then, explain what clues in the sentence helped you determine
the word meaning.

1. severe: Most people feared the king because his judgment was final and his punishments
were severe.

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

2. impatient: After waiting for his call for two nights in row, Cassie grew impatient with Henry
and decided that she would call him first.


What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

3. procession: the graduates marched down the aisles and filled in their seats in an orderly


What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

4. bewilder: John was bewildered when he saw the math teacher writing letters on the board that
were to be added and subtracted. Aren't letters for reading class? John thought to himself.


What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

5. gradual: Alice was not happy with product's promise of gradual weight loss. She wanted to
lose all of her fat immediately.


What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

6. indifferent: Most of the boys in the class were in some heated argument about which sports
team would win the big game, but Jeremy was indifferent. He just wanted to play Death Troopers
on his game box.

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

WRITING (Delivery date: April 3rd)

SLO 3 Interpret and explain main information from simple diagrams

STEPS for writing a graph description

Step #1 Read the title and labels on the graph as well as the instructions.

Note down 2-3 synonyms for key words/phrases.

Write your introductory sentence, trying not to copy any phrases.

Step #2 Analyze the information in the graph, looking at the overall trend(s).

Write the rest of your introduction, explaining the main trend(s).

Step #3 Plan your body paragraphs (probably one paragraph for each main trend).

Draft a topic sentence for each body paragraph.

Step #4 Choose the most important details that will support your statement(s) of main trend(s).

Write the rest of the body paragraphs.

Remember to include key figures from the data.

Step #5 Think about how to restate the main trend(s) in the graph using different words.

Write your conclusion, paraphrasing the main trend(s).

Step #6 Proofread your description.

Check: Grammar: Accuracy of noun phrases and verb phrases, correct verb tenses & prepositions.

Organization/coherence: Linking words and variety of phrases/conjunctions.

Content: Is the information accurate and detailed enough? Do the details support the topic
Writing Example

The graph below shows permanent and long-term arrivals in New Zealand by country of origin in
August of the years 2007 to 2009. Write a report of at least 150 words describing and comparing the

Model Answer

The graph shows the number of immigrants to New Zealand from various parts of the world for the
month of August in the years 2007 to 2009. Different trends can be seen for people arriving from
North America, Asia and Europe, while immigrants from Mainland China showed the greatest increase
as well as made up the largest proportion of immigrants throughout most of this time period.

The figures for people moving to New Zealand from different regions of the world showed diverse
tendencies. The numbers of North American immigrants firstly peaked at a little over 150 for Canada
and just under 400 for the USA in August 2008, then declined by around 60 to 80 the following year.
Long-term arrivals in New Zealand from two European countries showed a continuous slight rise, with
numbers of French and Germans reaching around 70 and 310 in 2009 respectively. In contrast, the
figures for permanent arrivals from two Asian regions, Hong Kong and Mainland China, showed
completely different trends.

To sum up, areas in three different continents displayed different trends. The numbers for mainland
Chinese immigrants rose most dramatically and in 2009 represented the largest group, while Hong
Kongers comprised the smallest numbers.
Writing exercise. Read the graph and describe it by following the model.

LISTENING (Delivery date________________)

SLO 1 Identify main ideas, details, and purpose in short conversations and talks

Click on the following link:
Listen to the three conversations and answer the following questions.
1) In conversation 1, who has called Bob?

a) No one has.

b) Katie has.

2) In conversation 2, has she finished the report?

a) Yes, she has.

b) No, not yet.

3) In conversation 3, how long has Katie known Joe?

a) She just met him.

b) Since high school

4) In conversation 4, what does she say about the sweater?

a) She has not worn it much.

b) She hasn't had it long.

SPEAKING (Delivery date April 3rd)

SLO 7 Accurately use Grammar (Present Perfect)

Talking about experiences. Think about interesting experiences you have already had and answer
the following questions: Complete sentences are required. Once you have finished answering the
questions you will record yourself and upload the video in google drive and share it with me.

1. What strange food have you ever eaten?

I think the strangest thing eaten is octopus

2. Name a place you have never been to and why would you like to visit it?

I have never been to San Andres and I would like to visit it because of how beautiful its beaches

3. Think of a dream you have already achieved and explain it.

my dream since childhood was always to study civil engineering and thank God I'm doing it in a
great university

4. What things do you want to do and you haven't done yet? Explain

Tour the world and thus know the cultures of different countries and their gastronomy

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