Caterpillar (Corrected)

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1- Not need x-ray for diagnosis

1. Hutchinson incisor
2. Dens in dent
3 concrescence
4 dileceration

Ans (1)

2 - Which one is Composite monomer

1 Methacrylate
2 Dimethacrylate
3 methyl methacrylate

Ans (2)

3- Most common site for sialolithiasis

1 submandibular gland
2 sublingual gland
3 parotid gland
4 minor salivary gland

Ans (1)

4-Most common duct for sialolithiasis

1 stensen's duct
2 bartholin duct
3 wharton's duct
4 von ebren duct

Ans (3)

5-Warthin’s tumor most common in

1 Parotid gland
2 Submandibular gland
3 Sublingual gland
4 Minor glans

Ans (1)
6-Which root of the following is LEAST likely to form ledge on it
1 long
2 curved
3 short
4 narrow

Ans (3)

7-From anterior to posterior which order is correct

1 Inferior alveolar nerve , Inferior alveolar artery , lingual artery

2 lingual artery , Inferior alveolar nerve , Inferior alveolar artery
3 Inferior alveolar artery , Inferior alveolar nerve , lingual artery
4 lingual artery , Inferior alveolar artery , Inferior alveolar nerve

Ans (1)

8-You r going to do RCT for upper lateral with perapical abscess for which of the
following possibility you have to take informed consent from the patient ?
1 Broken instrument
2 long term prognosis
3 perforation
4 ledge formation

Ans ( 2?! )

9-Succuess of indirect pulp capping depends on

1 age of the patient
2 exposure location
3 coronal seal
4 thickness of CAOH

ANS 3!!

10- NSAID therapeutic effect

1 reducing the production of prostaglandins
2 Cox inhibitors
3 increase the production of prostaglandins

Ans 1
11-Best Plastic flap surgery for root cover

1 lateral pedicle graft

2 coronal positioned flap
3 Free gingival flab
4 connective tissue flap

Ans 2!?

12-Polishing bure
1 more fluts less depth
2 Less flutes less depth
3 More flutes more depth
4 Less flutes less depth

Ans 1

13-The drug-receptor activity of naloxone is best characterized by which of the

following pairs

1 High affinity, No intrinsic activity

2 Low affinity, High intrinsic activity
3 No affinity, High intrinsic activity
4 No affinity, Low intrinsic activity
5 High affinity, High intrinsic activity

Ans 1

14- Which of the following associated with presence of supernumerary teeth

1 cleidocranial dysplasia
2 down syndrome
3 gardener syndrome
4 ectodermal dysplasia

Ans 1
15-Oligodontia mostly related to
1 trisomy 21
2 cleidocranial dysplasia
3 ectodermal dysplasia

Ans 3

16-Odontomas mostly associated with

1 neurofibromatosis
2 gardeners syndrome
3 albert syndrome

Ans 2

17- what is the percentage of calcific metamorphosis in population

1. 5-18 %
2. 20-35 %
3. 35-49%

Ans 1 ?!

18- Most common impacted tooth from the following

1 max canine
2 man 1st premolar
3 max lateral
4 man canine

Ans 1

19- Most common conginotal missing from the following

1 max lateral
2 man canine
3 max premolars
4 max canine

Ans 1
20-Most common tooth lost by perio problems
1 max premolars
2 max molars
3 man premolar
4 man anteriors

Ans 2

21-Most common tooth to have caries

1 max 1stpremolar
2 max 1 molar
3 man 1st molar
4 man 1st premolar

Ans 3

22-Which of the following have the most effact on caries formation

1 ph salaiva
2 diet
3 specific bacteria
4 time

Ans 3

23-Which of the following has no radiopaque

2 fibrous dysplasia
3 ameloblastoma
4 condensing osteitis

Ans 3

24- 22 years old girl with fever , malaise, lymphadenopathy, multiple ulcers on
tongue, palate with swollen gingiva
1 anug
2 acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
3 marginal gingivitis
4 herpangina
Ans 2
25-Best to test pulp status for newly erupted tooth with open apex
1 hot test
2 cold test
3 Electrical pulp test
4 percussion

Ans 2

26-When you take Graft from a Pig it considers as

1 xenograft
2 allograft
3 autograft

Ans 1

27-Patient girl has Pain when she turn her head to the right and swallow
1 lateral thyroid cyst
2 elongated styloid process

Ans 2

28-Muscle to elevated tongue

1 styloglossus and palatoglossus
2 genioglossus and styloglossus
3 hyoglossus and palatoglossus
4 hyoglossus and genioglossus

Ans 1

29-flap in all the mandible which structure may damage

1 mental
2 facial
3 orbicularis oris muscle attachment
4 mentalis muscle attachment

Ans 1 ?!
30-Tb oral ulcer present as
1 painless ulcer for long duration
2 mostly palate

Ans 1

31- In genioplasty sergury there is risk of damage to

1 facial nerve
2 lingual nerve
3 mental nerve
4 hypoglossal nerve

Ans 3

32- Where you should’t put a temporary filling

1 have no time to finish treatment today
2 cusp of the molar is broken
3 emergency and need a root canal
4 pt has many caries lesions that has to be done today

Ans 2

33 -Pt went to educational clinic with deep class 3 in upper lateral , while the
student preparing the cavity the time is over so he should put temporary
filling which one he should use
1 GIc
3 zinc oxide ( cavite )
4 zinc polycarboxylate

Ans 2

34-MRI which type of radiation

1 electromagnetic radiowaves
2 ionizing radiation

Ans 1
35-You put Pregnant patient in left position To prevent the pressure on
1 fetus
4 bladder

Ans 2

36-Tooth past anti senetivity

1 Cacl2
2 KNO4

Ans 2

37-Patient said I don't have time to stop smoking

1 Contemplatory
2 Denial
3 Precontemplatory
4 Action

Ans 3

38 - Color property which give strength, intensity , saturation to the color

1 Value
2 Chroma
3 hue
4 translucency

Ans 2

39-Color family is
1 hue
2 value
3 chroma
4 pigmentation
( got this question 2 times different languages )

Ans 1
40-Forceps for man premolars
1 150
2 151
3 23

Ans 2

41-Which of the following Is Pre Malignant

1 odontoma
2 pagets disease
3 hairy tongue

Ans 2

42 -pseudomembranous colitis caused by clindamycin is

1 overgrowth of C. diff
2 treated by IV metronidazol

Ans 1

43-Most resitance to be killed by autoclave

1 Hepatitis B
2 Mycobacreim bovies
3 s mutans

Ans 2

44- cannot be advertised by a general dentist

1 Cost
2 Specialty
3 License agreement

Ans 2

45- 4 years child Primary central intruded 5 mm what to do

1 ortho pull
2 surgical extract
3 let re erupt

Ans 3
46- In forced excursion of central incisors u pull it
1. 1mm in 1 week
2. 2mm in 1 week
3. 1mm in 1 month
4. 2 mm in 1 month

Ans 1 ?!

47- Why replace composite anterior

1 discoloration
2 marginal detach
3 fracture

Ans 1 ?!

48- You have tooth with Sinus tract what is the additional treatment beside RCT
for this sinus tract
1 surgical excision
2 nothing
3 antibiotics

Ans 2

49- Which one is LEAST cause for extraction

1 grad 2 mobility
2 deep endo perio caused by perio
3 non restorable tooth
4 vertical root

Ans 1

50-You re implant Avulsed tooth with non rigid fixation how long you will leave
1 5-7 days
2 10-14 days
3 18-21 days
4 28-30 days

Ans 2
51- Which one of the flowing require LONGEST time for acid etching

1 Zirconia
2 Feldspathic
3 Lithium disilicate
4 Ceramic


52- you have mesial and distal caries on max 1st molar you decided to make it
MOD rather than separated cavities because of

1 remaining width of oblique ridge less than 1.5 mm

2 for more retention
3 for resistance
4 to gain occlusal anatomy

Ans 1

53- Minimum distance between 2 implants

1 . 1mm
2. 2mm
3. 3mm
4. 4mm

Ans 3

54-How much minimum buccolingual bone thickness needed for 4 mm implant

1 . 5 mm
2. 7 mm
3. 9mm
4. 11mm
(There was no 6 mm option )

Ans 2
55- How much distance From inferior alveolar canal and implant should be
1. 1 mm
2. 2mm
3. 3mm
4. 4mm

Ans 2

56-Why you put implants instate of tissue born RPD in lower arch which is
opposite upper natural dentation
1 to distribute the foce
2 to decrease bone loss
3 to increase support

Ans 2

57-Best to preserve root supported over denture

1 daily fluoride
2 metal coping
3 amalgam post

Ans 1

58-two implants to support denture

1. implant gives support and retention
2.implant gives support,tissue gives retention
3 implant gives retention tissue support
4 implant gives retention tissue retention

Ans 3

59-Lefot 1 include which of the following

1 Max sinus
2 orbit
3 zygomatic process

Ans 1
60-Maxilary artery direct branch from
3 facial artery

Ans 1

61-Lower Denture distal extension should

1 Cover 1/2 or 2/3 of retromolar pad
2 cover all retromolar pad
3 do not cover

Ans 1

62-Best root support FPD

1 longe less bone lose
2 Short less bone lose
3 Conical more bone loss
4 Conical less bone loss

Ans 1

63- ginseng contraindicated with

1 Aspirin
2 Penicillin
3 Clindamycine

Ans 1

64- Which interleukin is related to bone destruction?

1 IL1
2 IL2
3 IL6
4 IL10

Ans 1
65-Most Perforations on max lateral root during RCT is
1 mesial
2 distal
3 buccal
4 lingual

Ans 1

66-dens invaginatus commonly seen in

1 max laterals
2 man premolars
3 max canine
4 man molars

Ans 1

67-Least likely to have caries

1 man anteriors
2 max anteriors
3 man premolar
4 man premolars

Ans 1

68-Why to wash film by water in the last step in processing

1 to remove chemicals
2 to harden the film
3 to gain latent image

Ans 1

69-For big osseous defect in mandible which graft is the best

1 Allograft
2 Autograft
3 Dried frozen

Ans 2
70-How many population have Herpes virus in there bodies
1. 35- 40%
2. 50–55%
3.80-85 %

Ans 3

71-Which of the following is NOT characteristic of external root resorption

1. Appears irregular in X-ray

2.Could be accompanied with ortho movement
3 . Can happen in reimplanted teeth
4 . Asymptomatic

Ans 2

72- Caries in radiotherapy patients MOSTLY in

1 cervical
2 occlusal
3 proximal
4 All

Ans 1

73- Antidepressant drugs mode of action

1 blockage of amine reuptake

2 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Both are correct !!

74-patient has signs of opioid toxicity what u should give

1 aspirin

Ans 2
75-Lumpy jaw appearance ( and some more information i can’t recall ) which
1 actinomycosis
2 cherubism
3 pagets disease

Ans 1

76-Which is hardest to maintain space missing primary

1 max 1st molar in 7 years
2 man 1st molar in 6 years
3 man 2nd molar in 5 years

Ans 3

77- Patient has prosthetic heart valve , penicillin allergy needs

antibiotic prophylaxis which you can give
1. 600mg clindamycin 1 hour before
2. 2 mg amoxicillin 1 hour before
3. 600 mg clindamycin 1 hour prior
4. No need

Ans 1

78-Patient has facial swelling with 101 fever which antibiotic could you give
1. 1 mg ampicillin then 500 mg * 4 for 7 days
2. 2 mg amoxicillin one shoot
3. 2m metronidazole then500mg *4 for 7 days
4. no need

ans 1
79-Cleft lip is formed in which weeks during pregnancy
1. 2-3
2. 6-9
3. 10-12
4. 13-15 ( exactly these options )

Ans 2
80-What is not recommended to place the instruments if you are going to use a
steam sterilizer?

a) Paper packets
b) Paper/plastic porous bags
c) Plastic bags
d) Solid metal containers
e) Cloth pouches

ans D

81 -Red edematous gingiva , no rete peg , marginal gingivitis , whta initial

1 oral hygiene and plaque control
2 scaling and root planning

Ans 1

82- Most important to determine any disease

1 history and clinical examination
2 blood test
3 biopsy
4 radiographic examination

Ans 1

83-Cleft palate / cleft lip mostly associated with which disorders

1 recessive dominant
2 autosomal dominant
3 Hereditary

Weird Question I think A

84- 11 years old child with buccaly erupted canine what to expected to see
1 gingival Recession
2 anterior deep bite

Ans 1
85-Which one has least benefit from antibiotic besides mechanical debridement
3 Chronic periodontitis
4 periodontal abscess

Ans 3

86-Which of the following can cause submerge

1 ankylosis
2 root resorption
3 missing teeth

Ans 1

87-Displacement of Odontoblastic processes is caused by-


ans d

88- Bulimia is most common in which population?

1. 16 years old African American female

2. 15 years old Caucasian female
3. 15 years old Hispanic male
4. 15 years old Black female

Ans 2

89- Osteoradionecrosis is mostly related to

A. seen in maxilla
B. seen in mandible
C. related to bisphosphonate use
D. happens when radiation is 42.5Gy

Ans B
90-PDL mostly affected by
1 intrusion
2 extrusion
3 lateral laxation
4 Concussion

Ans 1 ( thanx god there was no avulsion option )

91- 33 years old Male Fat Patient had septal deviation suffer from sleep apnea ,
which one of the following is NOT related to sleep apnea
1 . Patient gender
2 . Patient age
3 obesity
4. Septal deviation


92 - How many cartridge of LA 2% lidocaine u can give to child 45 lbs

1. 1
2. 3
3. 6
4. 9

Ans 2 ( 3 cartridge )

93-Best prognosis of broken file at the apical third

1 vital with no preapical lesion
2 Vital with preapical lesion
3 non vital with preapical lesion
4 non vital with no preapical lesion

Ans 1

94-Broken file in apical third what to do

1 extract
2 apeocectomy
3 obturate and fellow up
and one more not logical ( there was to refer option )

Ans 3
95- Appearance of an osseous crater in a bitewing x-ray will show:

A. More bone than what is actually lost

B. Less bone than what is actually lost
C. Like a cervical burnout
D. No difference

Ans b

96-When determining the appropriate dose of systemic fluoride supplement for a

child, it is MOST
important for the dentist to consider which of the following
a. The fluoride content of the drinking water
b. the child’s diet and caries activity
c. the child age and the fluoride content of the drinking water
d. the child’s weight and the fluoride content of the drinking water.

Ans c

97-Dentist tells a boy that local anesthetic will hurt like a pinch, what is he doing

a) Refocusing
b) Relabeling
c) Distracting
d) Distancing

ans B

98- What is the correct method of excavation of deep caries?

A-Large bur from periphery to the center
B-large bur from center to periphery
C-small bur from periphery to center
D-small bur from center to the periphery

Ans A
99- cephalometric doesn't show:

a.ethmoid sinus
b.sphenoid sinus
c.maxillary sinus
d.frontal sinus

Ans A

100- high modulus of elasticity , low elongation , high strength is

1 dulicity
2 brittle
3 tough
4 malleable

Ans 3

101 – how much the reduction from incisal edge in veneer

1 0.3mm

2 0.5mm

3 0.0mm

4 1.5 mm

Ans 4

102 during panorama x ray Patient was moved for 1 sec what will happen

1 horizontal distortion

2 vertical distortion in the inferior border of mandible in this area when he moved

3 blurred all the film

4 no thing

Ans 2
103 aggressive periodontitis is characterized by

1 loss of bone around 1st molars

2 loss of bone around canines

3 horizontal bone loss

4 associated with plaque

Ans 1

104 lingual varicosis associated with

1 hypertension

2 gender

3 DM

4 xerostomia ( there was no age option )

Ans 1

105 - not involved in Ludwig's angina?

1 Sublingual space
2 Submandibular space
3 Retropharyngeal space
4 Submental space

Ans 3

106 - Most common deep fungal disease in USA

1 blastomycosis,
2 candidiasis,
3 histoplasmosis,
4 mucormycosis

Ans 2
107- Before taking inform consent what u should do

1 consult physician

2 call pt relatives

3 ask if the patient has guardian

Ans 1 !!??!!??

108- Which of the following red complex bacteria

1 Treponema denticola

2 s mutans

3 A.actinomycetcomitans

4 provetella intermedia

Ans 1

109 - scaring from the electrical burn, never treated and it is in the corner of the
mouth, what will happen?
A. arch length discrepancy
B. impacted tooth
C. decrease VDO
D. labial inclination of teeth

Ans 1 ? 3 ? please search about it

110 – after man 3rd molar extraction what may happen

1 parasthesia , trismus , infection

2 parasthesia , bone fracture , alveolar ostitis

3 . bleeding , fracture , trismus

Ans 1
111- 42 years old man with post cross bite how to treat him

1 rapid palatal expantion

2 surgical treatment

3 hyrax

Ans 2

112 – you did scaling and root planning to pt after that he went back with perfect
plaque control but still have bleeding on probing and 6 mm pocket depth what is
the next step

1 another scaling and root planning

2 no thing

3 open flap surgery

4 oral hygiene instructions

Ans 3

113 - trisomy 21 have all the following except

1 rampant caries

2 macroglosia

3 short roots

4 mandibular protrusion

Ans 1
114- acrylic mostly associated with candidiasis:

1 heat cured

2 chemical cured

3 light cured and one more option


115- class 1 composite restoration

1. Pulpal depth 2 mm
2. Cavosurface angle 45
3. Sharp line angles
4. Only do pit and fissures where caries is

Ans 4
116 - 40-year- old patient has 32 unrestored teeth. The only defects are deep-
stained grooves in posterior teeth. The grooves are uncoalesced. What is the
treatment of choice?
A- Periodic observation
B- Pit and fissure sealant
C- Preventive resin restoration
D- Application of topical fluoride

Ans a

117- if you compare the radiation dose of the person working in a nuclear power
plant and that of the dental assistant or whoever takes the x-Rey in the dental
office, how much will the dosage of that person be?

A. 1\10 of the nuclear worker

b. 10 times of the nuclear worker
C. 5 times of the nuclear worker
D. 1\5 times of the nuclear worker

Ans A
118- Filtration is used in dental x-ray machines to remove
A- Scatter radiation photons
B- High energy electrons
C- Long wavelength photons
D- Low energy electrons

Ans C

119- Angioneurotic oedema is mostly occurs with which of the following LA


Ans A

120- which cell doesn’t present in all stages of chronic periodontitis?

C- plasma cells
D- lymphocytes

Ans B

121- When placing I bar on premolar distal extension , under occlusal forces the i
bar moves

A-Occlusally and distally

B-Occlusally and mesially
C-Apical and distal
D-Apical and mesial

Ans D
122- If a rubber dam is abnormally wrinkled between teeth, the probable reason is

A-overlapping or crowding of the teeth involved.

B-teeth with abnormally broad contacts.

C-the holes were punched too far apart.

D-the holes were punched too close together.

E-the holes were not punched large enough.

Ans c

123- What not to do in veneer:

1.try in paste for shade
2.apply silane to inner surface
3.apply bonding agent
4.etch enamel with hydrofluoric acid

Ans 4

124- Indirect composite inlay has the following advantages over the direct
composite EXCEPT:
a. Efficient polymerization.
b. Good contact proximally.
c. Gingival seal.
d. Good retention

Ans D

125- perineural invasion is seen in:

A.Adenoid cystic carcinoma
B. Acinic cell carcinoma
C. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

Ans A
126- - Most common cause of rest breaking?

A.Heavy occlusion
B. wear by opposing tooth
C.inadequate rest seat prep

Ans c

127- combination syndrome shows all except

A.maxillary ridge resorption
B.flabby tissues
C.enlarged tuberosities
D. increased VDO

Ans D

128- Incision made in vestibuloplasty with mucosal graft

a. Subperiostal
b. Supraperiostal
c. Submucosal
d. Supramucosal

Ans B

129- Most common location for caries in a 4 year old child?

a. Distal of mandibular m2

b. Mesial of mandibular m1

c. Distal of mandibular m1

d. Distal of mandibular canine

Ans C

130- The function of post

A. Provide retention for a crown
B. Enhance the strength of the tooth
C. Provide retention for a core
D. Provide the root canal sealing
Ans C
131- In selection of maxillary teeth for overdenture abutments , the ideal location
is :
A.Maxillary canine
B. Maxillary lateral incisors
C. Maxillary premolars
D. Maxillary central incisors

Ans D

132- A radiograph of a 4-year-old child reveals no evidence of calcification of

mandibular second premolars. This means that
1. these teeth may develop later.
2. the child will probably never develop second premolars.
3. it is too early in life to make any final predictions concerning the development
of any permanent teeth
4. extraction of primary second molars should be performed to allow the
permanent first molars to drift forward.

Ans 1

Some more Question without options as we remembered only the question

and the correct answer

133- wavelength :hue

134- during routine examination you find RL lesion Periapical to mand lat incisor ,
the tooth has composite no pain , respond normally to thermal stimulus no pain on
percussion: Periapical cemento dysplasia

135-wheezing sound detention : options were so confusing but I chose the one said
lung sound and narrowing air way

136 - acrylic mostly associated with candidiasis: heat cured, chemical cured or
light cured and one more option

137- muscle that retrudes the mandible: temporalis

138- muscle that translate the mandible: lateral Pterygoid

139- disadvantage of cancellous autograft : lack of strength

140- mesolingual cusp of max 1 molar occludes with : central fossa of mand 1

141- scleroderma: microstomia

142- day 2, antibiotics for acute ulcerative periodontitis with lymphadenopathy :


143- day2: all true for transient ischemic attach except ; give nitroglycerin

144 - dentist did post and crown and insurance pay for crown : bundling

145- most common caries : pit and fissure

146 - antibiotics that is safe for renal hemodialysis ; I put clindamycin .. I hope it is

147- antibiotics for mycoplasma: erythromycin

148- how to reduce value : add complementary col

149- test for cyclic neutropenia : periodic total CBC

150- patient allergic to ampicillin what to give him : azithromycin 500 mg

Pay attention to the dose they gave options with clindamycin 1 gm
And another opinion clarithromycin 2 gm .

151 --deflection of Pontic occlusogingival : directly related to cubic Pontic length


152- advantage of external splint over internal splint: conservation of tooth


153- during post preparation with rotatory you see blood why ?
Lateral perforation

154- - Why shunt used for spina bifida?

To reduce intracranial pressure
155- Cardiovascular accident stroke risk factor mostly: hypertension

156- child objective fear : from his own bad experience

157- patient has problem in swallowing , while making an impression for complete
denture ... which area in mandiblular denture is hard to register?
Masseteric notch

158- after big MOD patient come back with pain in drinking cold and after
examination .. the tooth has pain in cold stimulus that subside quickly and bite
exam was normal .. tooth is not sensitive to percussion ; diagnosis ?

I picked reversible pulpitis

Other options are wrong according to the history.

159- a boy came to your clinic he has limited mouth opening . While taking his
history his mom told you that he fell in his bicycle on his face one year age ,
diagnosis ; condylar ankylosis

160- incidence :rate

161- prevelance : percentage

162- 58- 9- When u publish an article, which is the most important point that u
consider ?
P value , reject the null hypothesis

163- aspirin 12 mg/ml in plasma concentration how ml after three half lives ?
Answer: is 1.5
12–> 6 —>3 —>1.5

164- Inform consent definition ( was not clear )

165- Bundling definition ( was not direct )

166- Aggressive perio : chemotaxis

167- Gic: adherent to tooth structure

168-Object Away from focal spot in OPG

169- question from Rita file about which is not code of ethic

170 - White caries = u can see it when dry the tooth

171- Patient use Anticonvulsants drug what he have:

Trigminal neuralgia

172- patient child use amphetamine what he have : ADHD

173- Whay u have to preserve the ridge btw mesio buccal and mesio lingual cusps
in primary first molar ( I can’t recall the options but it was easy I am sure that you
Know it )

174- Warfarin mOA

175- An act from 1997 that gives free treatments to poor children. What’s the name
of the act? CHIP

176 – implant epithelium : hemidesmosome

177- nitroglycerin side effects

178- One patient want to suicide long story and unbelievable choices

u have to pick the wrong answer ( if you interested search about suicide )
Now the time for some photos which are almost same as those which
appeared in the exam

179- identify: Hyoid bone

180- identify : Coronoid process

181- diagnosis : geographic tongue ( 95% same photo )

182- which class : Kennedy class 1

183 - - which class : Kennedy class 2 mod 1

184 – diagnosis : Idiopathic osteosclerosis

185- diagnosis : Lichen planus

186 – diagnosis : Florid cemento osseous dysplasia

187- Diagnosis :
188- I got as this radiograph and asking about diagnosis : amelobastic fibro

189- got this pic but was so bad quality asking about diagnosis of this lesion in the
palate it is nicotinic stomatitis but they gave me these options
1 – inflammation of minor salivary glands
2 – erythematous lesion as a result of smoking ( really confusing options )
190- identify Q labeled structure : ear lobe

191 which class : class 2 div 1

192 – Identify the u shape in x ray : zygomatic process

193 – diagnosis : Parulis

Some questions I got from ASAD papers ( I got more 7 Question from ASDA
papers but I can’t find them so please do All ASDA )


ans 4

Ans 1

Ans 1

197 - implant analog definition

198 - What is combination clasp

199 - In selection of maxillary teeth for overdenture abutments , the ideal location
is :
A.Maxillary canine
B. Maxillary lateral incisors
C. Maxillary premolars
D. Maxillary central incisors
Some patient management Questions from ASDA which we collected during
200 - After extraction of 8 what is the percentage of alveolar bone resorption?
God only knows

201- What doesn’t occur in midline ?

A.Cleft lip
B.Lingual thyroid
C.torus paltinus
D.Nasopalatine duct cyst

Answer is A

202-Slurred speech where ?

1 Transient ischemic attack
2 dementia
3 2 more options

Answer is 1

203- On delivering cast restoration the sequence shod be used : check internal
fit then proximal contact them marginal integrity and last occlusion

204- anti tartar in tooth paste : tetra sodium pyrophosphate

Good Luck !!

Nesreen A. Ibrahim and N board prep ( AL-Azzawi )

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