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MULTIPLE CHOICE. choose the letter of the correct answer by shading the letter in the zip grade answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is the most obsolete way of storing audio information?
A. Compact Discs C. Internet cloud
B. Magnetic Tape D. USB Drive

2. Which of the following is incorrectly paired?

A. Volume: intensity of the sound C. Pitch: how loud or soft the sound is
B. Loudness: magnitude of the sound D. Tone: audible characteristic of the sound

3. Infographics, Memes and Comic strips are examples of what media?

A. Texts C. Audios
B. Motion Pictures D. Visuals

4. You want to add animation effects in your presentation, what image format will you use?
A. bmp C. jpeg
B. gif D. tiff

5. This is a type of processing sound that requires concentration to process meaning from words and sentences.
A. Broadcasting C. Imaging
B. Hearing D. Listening

6. Music, sound effects and radio broadcast are examples of what information?
A. Texts C. Audios
B. Motion Pictures D. Visuals

7. You want your project to showcase sadness as the dominant emotion, what color will you use?
A. Green C. Red
B. Yellow D. Blue

8. This type of text serves to link different electronic documents.

A. Plain text C. Unformatted text
B. Formatted text D. Hypertext

9. You want to share your narrative report to your classmate but you do not want them to edit its content. In which file format will
you save it?
A. txt C. pdf
B. doc D. psd

10. Which of the following text file format will allow you to format your text extensively?
A. doc C. pdf
B. psd D. txt

11. You were given a task by your brother to make his wedding invitation. What typeface will you use?
A. Serif C. Script
B. Decorative D. Slab Serif
12. If you will be writing a book review, what typeface will you be using?
A. Serif C. Script
B. Sans serif D. Decorative
13. It is the importance or value given to a part of a text-based content.
A. Emphasis C. Contrast
B. Appropriateness D. Organization

14. How does citizen journalism differ from social journalism?

A. Citizen journalism involves media experts.
B. Citizen journalism makes use various social media.
C. Social journalism involves media practitioners.
D. Social journalism makes use various social media.

15. These are representations or styles of texts in the digital format.

A. Font sizes C. Font settings
B. Text styles D. Typefaces

16. You were asked by your teacher to make an announcement about an upcoming cleanliness drive, what typeface will you use?
A. Sans serif C. Slab Serif
B. Script D. Decorative

17. These are characters that can form words that maybe hand-written, printed or displayed on-screen.
A. Texts C. Audios
B. Motion Pictures D. Visuals

18. The movie director, news reporter and radio commentator are examples of?
A. People in media C. People as media
B. Lower-end media users D. Higher-end media users

19. Why does your research teacher prohibit you from referencing Wikipedia?
A. It is a product of crowd sourcing. C. Its references are not credible.
B. It is not created by media experts. D. Its information are not reliable.

20. Which of the following is a limitation of people as media?

A. Allows people to discuss ideas online C. Improves business opportunity
B. Expands market research D. Caters fake news

21. Which of the following shows the future of media and information?
A. Greater face-to-face interactions C. Higher demand for classroom aids
B. More usage of chalk talk system D. More online collaborative learning

22. Your SHS teacher, classmate and youtuber friend are examples of?
A. People in media C. People as media
B. Lower-end media users D. Higher-end media users

23. These are people who are well-oriented media users.

A. People in media C. People as media
B. Lower-end media users D. Higher-end media users

24. These are people who are media practitioners and said to be experts in the field.
A. People in media C. People as media
B. Lower-end media users D. Higher-end media users

25. These are people with limited access to media and information.
A. People in media C. People as media
B. Lower-end media users D. Higher-end media users

26. Which of the following shows the social benefit from media and information literacy?
A. Ignacio is able to collaborate with his friends online.
B. Carlo has enrolled in an online course abroad.
C. Luis has sold items and gain money through the net.
D. Juancho has posted infographics in his blog.

27. Which of the following shows the educational benefit from media and information literacy?
A. Belinda could design tarpaulins as a form of living.
B. Claudette could contact her family abroad virtually.
C. Desiree is able to search information about her classroom projects.
D. Abby is always updated with the whereabouts of the President.

28. Which shows that a person is media and information literate?

A. Marissa uses the video tutorial to cook Paella.
B. Sarah posts rants about her teacher in her blog.
C. Tisoy bullies his enemy in the social media.
D. Lucas deliberately copies and pastes the information online.

29. This defines the position from which the image was created. It is the border between the space we are allowed to see and
that which is out of our sight.
A. Height C. Angle
B. Framing D. Level

30. Which of the following is an example of wearable technology?

A. 3D films C. 3D environment
B. Google glass D. holograms

31. Which of the following shows a positive impact of citizen journalism?

A. Mr. Punzalan deactivates his Facebook account after receiving death threats.
B. Mrs. Reyes receives various spam messages on her email account.
C. Alyas Pogi, a criminal, was finally arrested after series of social media exposures.
D. Madam Loring was bashed due to her gross profile picture.

32. What cybercrime law in the Philippines restrict child pornography?

A. R.A No. 9777 C. R.A. No. 8792
B. R.A No. 9208 D. R.A No. 9995

33. This is a crime committed with or through the use of information and communication technologies such as
radio, television, cellular phone, computer and network, and other communication device or application. What do you call this
A. Cyberbullying C. Cyberspace
B. Cybercrime D. Noncrime

34. It is known as sharing of content through online or new media.

A. Hybrid C. Viral
B. Social D. Media activation

35. It is known as the sharing of content among media users through the different media forms such as television, radio, print
media, and other traditional media.
A. Hybrid C. Viral
B. Social D. Media activation

36. The writer has altered the paper’s appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases.
A. Self – stealer C. Misinformer
B. Labor of laziness D. Poor disguise

37. Which of the following correctly states what plagiarism is?

A. Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s words and ideas without giving credit to the person.
B. Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.
C. A and B
D. A only

38. The writer takes the time to paraphrase most of the paper from other sources and make it all fit together.
A. Self – stealer C. Misinformer
B. Labor of laziness D. Poor disguise

39. There are three main parts of Mise – en – Scene Analysis except one. Which one is it?
A. Setting C. Content
B. Lighting D. Subject

40. What is Image Analysis?

A. The extraction of meaningful information from images
B. The position from which the image was created
C. The horizontal and vertical angle of images
D. None of the above choices

41. The writer copies significant portions of text straight from a single source, without alteration.
A. Ghost writer C. Photocopy
B. Self – stealer D. Misinformer

42. This defines the position from which the image was created. It is the border between the space we are allowed to see and
that which is out of our sight.
A. Height C. Framing
B. Angle D. Level

43. Which literacies listed below requires the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information in a variety of
forms, including print and non-print messages.
A. Information Literacy C. Technology Literacy
B. Media Literacy D. Communication Literacy

44. A set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and
use the needed information effectively.” Which Literacy does it refer to?
A. Information Literacy C. Technology Literacy
B. Media Literacy D. Communication Literacy

45. How is digital literacy incorporated in media literacy?

A. It is incorporated when people retrieve, create, and evaluate media.
B. It is incorporated when people simply use digital tools.
C. It is incorporated when individuals create footprints.
D. none of these is correct

46. As producers and consumers of information, you must display the ability to evaluate the of information you access and
share. What do you call this ability?
A. Critical Thinking C. Critical Mind
B. Critical Thinker D. Critical Life

47. What characteristics of being media and information literate is shown in the statement, “Don’t believe everything you read on
the internet just because there’s a picture with quote next to it”?
A. Critical thinker C. Behaves properly online
B. Being smart D. Protects oneself online

48. Which Normative Theories of the press where media is free from any authority or any control and is an idea of individualism
and limited government which is not harmful to another?
A. Soviet Media C. Libertarian
B. Authoritarian D. Social Responsibility

49. Which of the list below is an example of a broadcast media?

A. Jason Bourne movie shown in theaters
B. ABS- CBN TV Patrol aired on channel 2
C. Philippine Daily Inquirer news paper
D. Don’t Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers in Spotify

50. What is known to be the merging of three types of media?

A. Media convergence C. Media combination
B. Media existence D. Media coverage

51. Which type of media effects states that media exposure, specifically to television, shapes our social reality by giving us a
distorted view on the amount of violence and risk in the world?
A. Boomerang effect C. Reciprocal effect
B. Third Party Theory D. Cultivation Theory

52. Which type of media effects when a person or event gets media attention, it influences the way the person acts or the way the
event functions?
A. Boomerang effect C. Reciprocal effect
B. Third Party Theory D. Cultivation Theory

53. What is known to be the ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause,
a political leader, a government, etc.?
A. Propaganda C. Ideology
B. Advertisement D. Imagination

54. Which of the following refers to the abilities to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use,
and communicate information in its various formats.
A. Media Literacy C. Information Literacy
B. Technology Literacy D. Media and Information Literacy

55. When someone is behaving inappropriately on one of the sites you’re using, what should you do?
A. Report to the moderator of the site C. Tell the person off
B. Shutdown your computer D. Walk away

56. What is the common citation style in writing academic paper?

B. Chicago D. Turabian

57. Which of the following is an example of a primary source?

A. letter C. textbook
B. encyclopedia D. databases

58. Which of the following should NOT be considered when critically evaluate information sources?
A. the credentials of the author C. the accuracy of the information
B. the length of the information source D. the timeliness of the information source

59. Why is it important to understand media literacy?

A. It is important because biases are present in all forms of media, it is essential for an informed society to recognize
these and, in turn, make informed opinions.
B. It is important because every media outlet reports the same view same view, on the same stories.
C. It is important because understanding media literacy helps you understand that the media is bias-free.
D. It is important because media helps you chose which news source is the best.

60. Which of the following is the ability to effectively and efficiently comprehend and use written symbols?
A. literature C. illiteracy
B. literacy D. aliteracy

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Subject Teacher

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