Stop Motion Rubric

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Stop Motion Video Assessment

Year level 4
Learning area Science
Subject Biology
Title of task Food chain Video
Task Details
Description of task  Students are to create a simple stop motion video using images with text
and / or audio to identify and explain their allocated food chain
 Video must be at least 30 seconds long.

Type of Summative
Purpose of Test the students’ knowledge of food chains and their understanding of how
assessment energy gets from the sun to animals.
Content Description
Content from Science Understanding:
the Western Living things, including plants and animals, depend on each other and
Australian the environment to survive (ACSSU073)

Task preparation
Prior learning  Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can
be distinguished from non-living things
 Students are familiar with the stop motion app.
 Students understand the basics of the “circle of life”

Marking Rubric:
Student Name -

Category Outstanding (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Needs work (1)

Visual Outstanding use Good use of Use of images, Use of images,

of images, images, colours, colours, graphics colours, graphics
colours, graphics graphics etc. to etc. to enhance the etc. does not
etc. to enhance the enhance the video. video of an enhance the video,
video. expected standard. instead is
distracting from

Requirements All the All the All the Some of the

requirements are requirements are requirements are requirements are
met and exceeded met and exceeded met to the level met to the level
above what is in an above expected. expected.
expected at the average level.
Content Content covers Content covers Content covers Content does not
topic in depth and topic in depth and topic and subject covers topic and
outstanding good subject knowledge is subject knowledge
subject knowledge knowledge is displayed. is limited.
is displayed. displayed.

Originality Final Product Final Product Final Product Final Product

shows outstanding shows good shows shows limited if
understanding and understanding and understanding and any understanding
originality of originality of originality of and originality of
thoughts about thoughts about thoughts about thoughts about
subject matter. subject matter. subject matter. subject matter.

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