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The Super Sensitive Early Action Theory!

Please hear me out. I am a self proclaimed analytical person by

nature. As a child I was always asking why and tried to figure it
out. To figure out a better way! I am not a doctor… nor ever
claimed to be a doctor, or a professional in the medical field or
a pharmacies etc. I just claim the knowledge of living more than
60 years of life seeking wisdom, and surviving the best way I
This may not work for everyone…take this advice and/ or do
this at your owe rick!
Please listen to what I have found to work for me in 95% of the
times that I was getting sick. To me…the Most Vital time of
defeating any sickness is at its beginning or in its infancy stage.
Important This is when you Teach yourself to become Super
Sensitive to your body (the sooner the better) that some virus,
germ, cold , flu, head ache sniffles, score throat, etc. all must
have a beginning/ a start to invading your body… Please,
Please, Please… this is the time to teach yourself to hear a loud
alarm sound going off in your head causing you to stop (don’t
wait another sec. ) everything your doing to pay your full
attention to the prevention of the attack happening on your
body ( in real time)…this must be performed immediately
The prevention I use is simple, but very affective! (In my opinion)

1. Get a bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and put three drops

in one nostril at a time.
(This will burn as it go’s down. Your eyes may water and
your throat will burn.)
2. Do the other nostril the same why as the first.
3. Take about five drops and gargle it on your throat and
spit the white stuff out of your mouth. -No Rinsing-

Timing is everything. If you wait too long you will get the cold,
the flu, etc, and you may need professional help to get rid of it.
If you do as I instructed the worst thing that could happen is
you’ll never know what it could have been, a cold or flu etc. You
could have gotten…a slight sore throat and/or stuffy nose it will
go away without a trace. In most cases from one to two days
Repeat steps 1,2,3, ( repeat twice to 3 times a day.) until the
symptoms go away. Try it at your own risk …see if it works for
you. God Bless! Please remember The Early Sensitivity
Detection… is the key! Teach yourself to attack before you get
sick …instead of after your sick. By: Daniel Anderson

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