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Haley Smith

Mr. Kinner

ASL 1010

13 June, 2018

Chapter five of this book (Deaf Community In America) was another chapter that was

interesting because even before the official American Sign Language was created, people were

still able to communicate within the deaf community, as well as how American Sign Language

helped the deaf community evolve and expand as time went on.

To begin with, how people communicated before American Sign Language.

“Anthropologist Gordon Hewes argued that about four million years ago the first humans-

animals, australopithecines, communicated with each other using their hands…” The first

humans used their hands to possibly give direction or ask for help locating tools or other items,

gestures were stated to be more effective than vocal communication. Today, some signs are

understandable even if you do not understand sign language because it resembles gesturing,

however if individuals do not understand signs, people who understand American Sign Language

will gesture to help explain what the sign means.

The recipe for American Sign Language. “½ cup refined American sign, ¼ cup natural

gestures, ¼ cup american manual alphabet, 1 cup facial expressions. Mix all ingredients

gracefully in the deaf community. Sprinkle with a handful of care, add a dash of visual love,

blush with bodily energy, pour in deaf culture. Add deaf pride to suit your taste, serve as a

communication feast for all to enjoy! -Gil Eastman” American Sign Language is a beautiful and

complex language.
Reading this chapter was a great way for me to learn more about the history of the deaf

community as well as learning that the first humans on earth used a type of gesturing/ American

Sign Language to communicate instead of speaking. I prefer this book better than other sources

to access information about the deaf community.

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