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Audio Script we are sitting down and resting.

We are looking around

the cave. Hundreds of stalactites and stalagmites can
be seen, hanging from the ceiling and rising from the
Student Book ground. They’re beautiful. Next to me, two have joined
TR: B15 1 Listen and read. (See pp. 224–225.) together to form a column. Above us, on the roof of the
cave, bats can be heard. And in front of us is the most
TR: B16 2 Listen and repeat.
beautiful thing of all. It is a painting of a spotted horse.
ascend Climbers use ropes to ascend
It’s hard to imagine that our ancestors painted it more
than 10,000 years ago!
descend It takes hours to descend into a
deep cave.
TR: B21 Grammar. (See p. 236.)
a risk Why do explorers take big risks?
underwater The underwater plant life here is TR: 22 13 Listen and read. (See p. 238.)
really beautiful.
safety gear You must wear safety gear if you go Workbook
into a cave.
a headlamp Headlamps are a useful invention. TR: 43 3 Listen to the story. Choose the correct
shine Can you shine the flashlight on this answer.
rock? Last night I watched a funny movie about two thieves.
a rope This rope is not very strong. They were in the jungle, looking for buried gold. At first,
cross The explorer crossed the river. everything was fine. The sun was shining. The thieves
a stream We live next to a beautiful
successfully crossed a stream, crawled through a long
freshwater stream.
tunnel, and then ascended a steep mountain by rope.
a tunnel What is at the end of this tunnel?
When they reached the top, one of the thieves suddenly
chase Bees sometimes chase you more if
you scream. tripped over a big rock and dropped his flashlight by
curiosity To be an explorer, you need accident. A creature heard the noise and appeared. It
curiosity. was a huge mountain gorilla! At first, it looked at the
by accident I broke my leg by accident. thieves with curiosity, but then it got angry and chased
trip over I tripped over a big stone in the the men down the mountain. It moved incredibly
road and fell.
quickly. The men descended the mountain faster than
locate Can you locate the cave without a
map? they went up it! Of course, the thieves didn’t locate the
gold, and they never returned. They decided they didn’t
TR: B17 4 Listen, read, and sing. (See p. 228.) want to risk their lives like that again!

TR: B18 Grammar. (See p. 230.)

TR: 44 4 Listen. Check the correct pronunciation of
TR: B19 9 Listen and repeat. Look at the the –ed ending in each word. Then listen and repeat.
pictures. Complete the paragraph. 1. The thieves successfully crossed the stream.
a stalactite Stalactites are pointed and hang 2. They ascended the steep mountain by rope.
from the ceiling. 3. One of the thieves tripped over a rock.
a column Columns support buildings. 4. The gorilla chased the men down the mountain.
a stalagmite I tripped over a stalagmite on the 5. The men descended the mountain very fast.
6. They decided not to risk their lives again.
a bat Bats help humans by eating
TR: 45 6 Write and listen. Label the pictures.
a painting I like your painting of a volcano. It’s
beautiful. Then listen and check the pictures that are
an ancestor The fossil that Berger discovered was mentioned in the song. (See p. 228.)
our ancestor.
TR: 46 7 Read and listen. Find six mistakes. Cross
TR: B20 10 Listen and stick. Work with a partner. out the wrong word, and write the new word on the
Quiet, guys! I’m recording this! Shhhh! We’re tired so line. (See p. 228.)

250 Unit 7

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TR: 47 10 Look, match, and listen. Match the S3: When stalagmites join with stalactites, they form
words and phrases from Column A with those in columns. This process can take thousands of years.
Column B. Then listen to check your answers. S2: Here in the center of the cave, you can see
S1: OK, please listen, everyone. Gabriela and Marco three columns.
are going to show us their poster about caves. TR: 48 11 Listen again. Complete the sentences.
Gabi, Marco, are you ready?
S2: Yes, we’re ready, Mrs. Gonzalez. See script for TR: 47 above.
S1: OK, you can begin now. Pay attention, everyone. TR: 49 19 Listen to the conversation. Check
S3: Please take a look at our poster, everyone. This is T for True or F for False.
a picture of a cave. S1: Excuse me. My family and I are going to stay at
S2: First, look at the back of the cave. As you can see, your campsite next week, and I’d like to ask you
there is a very ancient painting here on the cave about trash. What do we do about it?
wall. It was painted by our ancestors. S2: Oh, there are many trash cans on the site. Trash
S3: Our ancestors often painted animals on cave can be placed there during the day but not at
walls. There is a famous cave in France that has night. Please use them correctly - biodegradable,
600 paintings of animals! non-biodegradable and so on. We’ll give you a
S2: Above the painting, there is a big group of bats. map, so you can locate the trash bins.
Bats usually hang from the ceiling because there S1: Thank you. That’s very kind. Also, are there any
are fewer poisonous gases up there. animals at the site?
S3: Bats find their way without eyes, and they can S2: Oh yes! You’ll see many animals at the site. You
live for one hundred years! can take photos of them, but please don’t feed
S2: Now look at the ceiling again. You can see some them. It makes them sick. And please tell your
stalactites hanging from the ceiling. Stalactites children not to chase them!
take thousands of years to grow. There are also S1: Yes, of course. I understand.
many stalagmites on the right. Stalagmites grow
up from the ground. TR: 50 23 Listen and read. (See p. 341.)

Answer Key a bat 4. fourth sticker: a rock painting 5. second

sticker: prehistoric people

14 SB p. 119
Student Book
1. two months, 2. headlamps and ropes, 3. There is
Unit Opener SB p. 108. 1. F, 2. T, 3. T
a rocky “sump.”, 4. The government can create a
6 SB p. 114 conservation area.
1. must be helped 5. has to be checked 15 SB p. 119
2. can’t be stopped 6. shouldn’t be used
2 base camp 1 underground river 6 sump
3. must be studied 7. must be worn
4 doline 5 Lake Myo 3 rainforest
4. have to be collected 8. can be heard
17 SB p. 120. Afterward; The writer lists the many
9 SB p. 116. 1. bats, 2. ancestors, 3. paintings,
problems the explorer faced.
4. stalagmites, 5. column, 6. Stalactites

10 SB p. 116 Workbook
1. third sticker: stalactites and stalagmites in a cave 2. Go to pp. 339–342 for the WB Answer Key for this unit.
fifth sticker: a column in a cave 3. first sticker:

Audio Script and Answer Key 251

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