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Wanita itu menderita dibetes melitus The woman has had diabetes mellitus
sejak dia pension dariRS since she retired from the hospital
Anda kelihatan pucat You look pale
Saya tidak bisa pergi ke mana-mana I can't go anywhere during lockdown
selama lockdown
Pasien seharusnya merasa nyaman The patient should feel comfortable
Perawat itu sedang membantu dokter Thenursewashelpingthedoctorwhen
ketika pemilik RS datang ke RS itu. thehospitalownercametothehospital
berusia 10tahun. His father passed away when he was
ten years old
Kami sudah lulus pada tahun 2022 We graduated in two thousand and
twenty two
Tolong bicara perlahan dan jelas! Please speak slowly andclearly
Dokter belum memeriksa patient itu The doctor hasn't examined the patient
Saya sedang minum kopi ketika I was drinking coffee when the phone
telepon berdering tadi pagi was rang this morning
Saya sudah minum obat sebelum saya I took medicine before I left for the
berangkat ke kantor kemarin office yesterday
Staff medis seharusnya memberikan Medical staff should give patients a safe
pasien perasaan aman feeling
Obat itu membuat pasien merasa lebih The drug makes the patient feel better
Apakah mereka sudah membawanya Did they take her to the hospital
(prp) ke RS?
Rekam medis itu dapat menjadi bukti di The medical record can be evidence in
pengadilan court



01 respire Respiration Respective Respectively

02 Principal principals Principal Principally

03 Cerebral Cerebrum Cerebral Cerebrally

04 Difficult Difficulty Difficult difficultly

05 Import Importance Important Importantly

06 Quiet quietness Quietist Quietly

07 describe Description Descriptive Descriptively

08 observe observation Observatory Observingly

09 Common Commonness Common Commonly

10 comfort comfort comfortable comfortably

11 differ difference Different differently

12 Product production Productive Productively

13 vary Variedness Variable Variably

14 Mix mixture Mixable Mixedly

15 bleed blood bloody Bloodily

16 Brigh Brightness Bringt brightly

17 Infect Infection infected Infectedly

18 Expectoran expectorant Expectorant Expectorantly

19 alter Alteration Altered Alteredly

20 irritate irritant/irritation irritating irritatingly

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