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Little Einstein

1. Full Name : Fatita Restu Hermawan

2. Nickname : Fatita
3. Sex : Perempuan
4. Place, Date of Birth : Cirebon, 19 Februari 2001
5. Age : 18
6. Blood : A+
7. Mobile Phone : 081324186677
8. Religion : Islam
9. Language : Bahasa Indonesia, English
10. E-mail :
11. Address : Bale Wilasa 10
12. Education
a. Elementary School : SDN Kebon Baru IV Year: 2007 - 2013
b. Junior High School : SMPN 1 Cirebon Year: 2013 - 2016
c. Senior High School : SMAN 2 Cirebon Year: 2016 - 2019
d. University : Universitas Padjadjaran Year : 2019 - now

13. Organizational experience :

Organisasi (Organizations)
Nama Organisasi Jabatan Nama Institusi Periode
Organization’s Name Position Institution Name Period
Kepanitiaan (Committee)
Nama Organisasi Jabatan Nama Institusi Periode
Organization’s Name Position Institution Name Period
Gawarebon Goes To School
Divisi Perlombaan Gawarebon 2019 - 2020
FK Unpad Day Divisi Pubdekdokdes Kema FK Unpad 2019
Dimension (ISPRO 2) Liaison Officer ISMKI Wilayah 2 2019

Seminar and Training

Acara Penyelenggara
Event Organizor

14. Achievement :

PRESTASI (Achievement)
Nama Prestasi Periode
Achievement Name Period

Juara 2 Lomba Kihajar Tingkat Kota Cirebon 2018

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fatita Restu H.

Dear Coordinator of Facilitator,

I am here writing this letter to express my will to join Little Einstein’s committee as a
facilitator. I always want to be a part of an event that enlightens and teaches other people
about research.
I am new to Faculty of Medicine of Padjadjaran University and am intrigued by its students’
activeness in participating in events which educate many people in surrounding area. One of
the events aforementioned is Little Einstein. Hence, I want to experience firsthand to be one
of the committee for Little Einstein. I want to trigger the curiosity of high school students
about research so that they can be more familiar about research in the future.
I believe that I can reach my highest potential in Little Einstein because this event does not
only upgrade and educate its participant, but also upgrade and educate its committee,
especially its facilitators since facilitators are the ones that interact the most with the
participants. I am a sociable person, so it is easier for me to mingle with new people than
the average people do.
Becoming one of the facilitators in Little Einstein is the opportunity I would not pass since
this chance means that I can become the better version of myself in the future. I will
contribute to the event as much as I can in my capability. Considering my sociable nature
and my enthusiasm to have a hand in Little Einstein, I believe that I will be an irreplaceable
addition to the team. If I am given this opportunity, I assure you that I will meet and even
exceed your expectation.
Thank you for considering my application.
Sincerely yours,

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