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Tayug National High School

Senior High School

Tayug, Pngasinan



Aquino, Tonijean S.
Desierto, Joshua Michal F.
Palado, Jose Mari C.

Roderick Castillo Ph.D.

Research Teacher


The researchers would like to thank all the people who help us and guide us in

conducting this research project.

To Dr. Roderick Castillo Ph.D. and Ms. Irish Bocobo, for sharing their valuable

knowledge in research, for checking our research projects, and for giving constructive

suggestions and patience to improve this study.

To our friends and fellow classmates, for their sincere encouragement, for

sharing their knowledge and ideas in research, for giving advices and giving valuable

suggestions in making this research project.

To our parents, for their moral and financial support, for their immense and

incomparable understanding, patience and support as we conduct this research project.

And most especially to our Almighty God, our inspiration, our guide and our light,

the eternal source of knowledge and wisdom, for spontaneously showering his guidance

and grace in finishing our research project.

Table of contents


Rationale 1
Statement of the Problem 4
Significance of the Study 5
Scope and Delimitation of the Study 6
Definition of Terms 6


Research Design 8
Respondents of the Study 8
Data Gathering Instruments 9
Data Gathering Procedure 9
Statistical Treatment of Data 10


Profile of the Respondents 12

Gender 12
Study Habits 13
Parents’ Monthly Income 15
Parent’ Highest Educational Attainment 16
Parents’ Occupation 17

Level of Awareness 19
Academic; 19
Benefits 20

Level of Readiness 21
Academic 21
Financial 22
Cognitive 23


Summary 25
Findings 25
Conclusion 27
Recommendation 28

Appendix A: Plagiarism Reports

Chapter 1 30
Chapter 2 31
Chapter 3 32
Chapter 4 33
Appendix B: Permission Letter for the Respondents 34
Appendix C: Permission Letter of the School 35
Administrators to Conduct the 36
Appendix D: Questionnaire for the student 37

Appendix E: Documentations 41


This study aimed to assess the level of awareness and readiness of of selected

Grade 10 students of Tayug National High School in related to Senior High School.

Descriptive research design using descriptive survey method was administered to the

upcoming Grade 11 students. A questionnaire checklist

Chapter 1



Education is one of the most important things if you were to visit a household’s

budget. It contributes mainly to a family’s expenses. A lot of success stories got viral not

just in social Medias but also in national televisions regarding successful graduates

coming from the lower section of our society. Filipinos also have victorious stories of

senior citizens and adults’ age ranges from 30’s to 50’s who got their high school

diplomas and college degrees despite their age. These stories signify how we, Filipinos

values the importance of education in our lives.

In order to have a high school diploma you must finish Kindergarten, Elementary

locally known as Grade 1 to Grade 6 and High School, also known as First year to

Fourth year. This sums up to 11 years of attending school to have a high school

diploma. But in the year 2013, under Republic Act No. 10533, Enhanced Basic

Education Act of 2013, government added two more additional years in high school, 13

years in all, which creates the two parts of Philippines’ secondary education, the Junior

High School (Grade 7 to Grade 10) and the Senior High School (Grade 11 to Grade 12).

This act was commonly known as the K to 12 Program (Formoso, 2016).

These two additional years in high school was made to help the students choose

the right career track with the help of specific subjects related to their chosen course in

college and needed skills to be fit in their preferred field of work. These additional years

also aims to advance the students in their chosen field of expertise. This program also

renders work immersion which provides students real work experiences. With this

added portion of high school education, it created four categories from which the

students can enrol to. These categories are Academic, Arts and Design, Sports and

Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL).

According to the article Philippines’ K12 Program: Four Senior High School

Tracks, academic track prepares the students who plans to continue their study in

college. It is subdivided in four tracks namely Accountancy, Business and Management

(ABM), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and

Social Science (HUMMS) and General Academic.

The next three tracks equip the students needed skills for them to have a better

job even if they will not continue their study in college.

First is the Arts and Design which mainly involves nine subjects wherein eight out

of these nine subjects require 80 hours per semester. This is rarely offered in schools

both in private and public.

Next one is the Sports track which is also composed of nine subjects. These

subjects include Safety and First Aid, Human Movement, Coaching, Sports Officiating

and Sports Leadership. This is also rarely offered in public and private schools.

Lastly, the TVL which stands for Technical, Vocational and Livelihood. This also

contains nine subjects known as the TVL track subjects and TESDA specialized

subjects. These subjects include Home Economics, Agri-Fishery, Industrial Arts and

Information and Communication Technology or ICT. Majority of the students enrolled in

this track because aside from incapability of their parents sending them to college, they

will graduate as a National Certificate passer offered by TESDA which allows them to

land a better job even if they don’t have a college degree.

With this major addition to the education system here in the Philippines, it faced

many challenges and doubts if the government can fully implement this adjustment.

Academically speaking, some of the tracks offered in the k to 12 programs is not offered

in same school where the student is enrolled to. So, the tendency is that they will find a

school that offers their preferred or choosing another strand not of their choice which

results job mismatch in the future. Another one, inadequate buildings, facilities and

supplies are also one of the major problems. In addition to that, the human resource

sector for which in the country like Philippines, there’s a difficulty finding certain

individuals necessary for the job.

With the rising inflation rate in the country, additional two years in high school will

also add up to the burden of the parents in their financial aspects especially when their

children decided to go to college. But despite these challenges, the government said

that they are doing their best in finding ways to provide solutions for the successful

implementation of the K to 12 programs.

This study will be conducted to mainly assess the awareness of the incoming

Grade 11 students regarding Senior High School. This study also evaluates the

students’ readiness academically and financially. This also helps the students in

choosing the right track they are going to take up upon moving up senior high school.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to assess the level of awareness and preparedness of

selected Grade 10 students of Tayug National High School relative to Senior High

School for school year 2018-2019.

Specifically, this investigation has been seek the answer of following


1. What is the profile of the selected Grade 10 students in terms of;

a. Sex,

b. Study Habits,

c. Monthly Income,

d. Parents Educational Attainment; and

e. Parents Occupation?

2. What is the level of awareness of the students towards Senior High School

a. Academic; and

b. Benefits?

3. What is the level of preparedness of the selected Grade 10 students of Tayug

National High School in the aspects of:

a. Academic,

b. Financial; and

c. Cognitive?

Significance of the Study

This study intended to determine the level of awareness and

preparedness of selected Grade 10 students in Senior High School. The results of this

study can be used by school in guiding and counselling the Grade 10 students in

planning and choosing effectively the strand suit to them.

Students: The result of this study can be useful in identifying their desired strand

to avoid regret in the future. It is so beneficial to them by getting ready and informed by

the K to 12 Program.

Parents: This research can be a guiding base for the parents to further support

their children in choosing a strand suit to their children. This study helped the parents

determine the weaknesses of their children for them to fully provide proper support and

understanding them. It is beneficiary to parents to give advices and help their children

about what course he/she will take in college.

Teachers. It gives information to the teachers on what to improve more their

teaching styles to effectively and efficiently teach the students.

Department of Education. The newly implemented curriculum, K to 12 Basic

Curriculum, will help them analyse on how to send help to the students, to the faculties

of the school, and the school itself under the implementation of Senior High School.

Future Researchers. Those who wish to conduct a similar study may use this

finding to support and justify their proposal. This may serve as their initial basis for

better descriptive research.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study designed to assess the level of awareness and readiness of the

selected Grade 10 students related in Senior High School. The respondents involved in

this study are the selected Grade 10 students coming from different sections for school-

year 2018-2019. This research was conducted at Tayug National High School located

in Plaridel Street, Tayug, Pangasinan. A research questionnaire was used as the main

tool in gathering pertinent data.

Definition of Terms

Academic. This refers to the knowledge of selected Grade 10 students related in

Senior High School.

Awareness. This refers to the alertness and understanding of the selected

Grade- 10 students regarding on Senior High School.

Cognitive. This refers to the preparedness of the selected Grade 10 students in

related to conscious mental activities.

Financial. This refers to the money capacities of selected grade 10 students for

moving up in Senior High School.

Grade-10 Students. This refer to the students who will be the respondents to

this study.

Readiness. This refers to the preparedness of the selected Grade 10 students

towards Senior High School

Senior High School. This refers to the last two years (Grade 11 and Grade 12)

of the K to 12 Basic Curriculum Program.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents brief discussion of the methods and procedures that has

been used in this study.

Research Design

The descriptive survey method was used in this study. Descriptive

research is a type of research that seeks to find answers to questions through the

analysis of variable relationships. It is a non-experimental research for it deals with the

relationships among non-manipulated variables; the events have already occurred or

existed and they are merely described (Ariola, 2016).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the selected Grade 10 students of

Tayug National High School School-Year 2018-2019.

The researchers obtained data from the Adviser for the accurate member

of officially enrolled Grade 10 students. The fifty (50) total enumerations of student-

respondent from Tayug National High School were included.

Data Gathering Instrument

There is one set of data gathering instrument in this study. This one set is

the questionnaire-checklist for the selected Grade 10 students, which include their

profile, their awareness in Senior High School academically and beneficially.

Furthermore, this questionnaire also designed to know the level of preparedness of the

selected Grade 10 students in related to Senior High School academically, financially

and cognitively.

The respondents asked to answer the questionnaire by checking the

corresponding column based on their knowledge regarding about Senior High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering pertinent data on the study the researchers was guided with

the following procedures.

First, the researchers seek a permission from the OIC, Office of the

Principal, Mr Mark R. Martinez.

Secondly, the researchers personally floated a questionnaire to the

selected Grade 10 students to gather pertinent information in the study. This was done

to answer the problem in the level of awareness and preparedness for incoming Senior

High School students of Tayug National High School.

Then, the researchers waited the Survey-Questionnaire until the selected

Grade 10 student-respondents have done answering the given questionnaire.

Lastly, the researchers tabulated and analysed the accomplished

questionnaire according to the problem of the study and was rank it from highest to

lowest means using the appropriate statistical tools.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gather was consolidated and analysed. It was tabulated and

analysed according to the problem of the study.

In determining the profile of the respondents, the frequency counts and the

percentage was used as the main statistical tool.

In determining the level of awareness and preparedness of the selected Grade

10 students, it’s been determined using the Average Weighted Mean (AWM). The

weighted mean of each item was calculated with five (5) point Likert Scale and was

computed by multiplying the number of frequencies by the assigned numerical values.

For Problem no. 2, in determining the level of awareness of the selected Grade

10 students, the following scale and description were applied on sub-problem a and

sub-problem b:

Weighted Description
4.21 – 5.00 Very Highly Aware
3.41 – 4.20 Highly Aware
2.61 – 3.40 Fairly Aware
1.81 – 2.60 Slightly Aware
1.00 – 1.80 Unaware

For Problem no. 3, in determining the level of awareness of the selected incoming

Senior High School students, the following scale and description was used on the sub-

problem a, b and c:

Weighted Description
4.21 – 5.00 Very Much Ready
3.41 – 4.20 Much Ready
2.61 – 3.40 Moderately Ready
1.81 – 2.60 Slightly Ready
1.00 – 1.80 Not Ready

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis of Data, and Interpretation of Findings

This chapter presents the data gathered and analysed according to the

specific problems presented. Afterwards the findings were interpreted based on the


Profile of the Respondents

The first problem of this study focused on the profile of the respondents. The

tables below represents the profile of the selected Grade 10 students of Tayug National

High School. The respondents’ profile was tabulated and computed according to the

following: gender, study habits, parents’ monthly income, parents’ highest educational

attainment, and parents’ occupation.

Table 1

Gender of the Respondents

Gender F %
Male 22 44
Female 28 56
TOTAL 50 100%

It can be noted above that most of the respondents’ gender are female with a

frequency of 28 and has the percentage of 56. While males has only a frequency of 22

with the percentage of 44. This indicates that majority of the respondents were female.

Table 2

Study Habits of the Respondents

Study Habits F %
a. I take notes properly during class
Often 24 48
Sometimes 26 52
Seldom 0 0
Never 0 0
TOTAL 50 100%
b. I take naps during class
Often 11 22
Sometimes 21 42
Seldom 10 20
Never 8 16
TOTAL 50 100%
c. I look at my cellphone or send a text messages during class
Often 13 26
Sometimes 23 46
Seldom 13 26
Never 1 2
TOTAL 50 100%
d. .I read books other than textbooks.
Often 17 34
Sometimes 30 60
Seldom 13 26
Never 0 0
TOTAL 50 100%
e. I space out during class
Often 14 28
Sometimes 18 36
Seldom 13 26
Never 5 10
TOTAL 50 100%
f. I am outspoken during class
Often 16 32
Sometimes 21 42
Seldom 12 24
Never 1 2
TOTAL 50 100%
g. I focus well on what the teacher is saying
Often 27 54
Sometimes 22 44
Seldom 1 2

Never 0 0
TOTAL 50 100%
h. I proactively participate on group work
Often 25 50
Sometimes 25 50
Seldom 0 0
Never 0 0
TOTAL 50 100%
i. I finish homework on time
Often 27 54
Sometimes 20 40
Seldom 2 4
Never 1 2
TOTAL 50 100%
j. I prepare for classes beforehand and review what I’ve learned.
Often 24 48
Sometimes 21 42
Seldom 4 8
Never 1 2
TOTAL 50 100%
k. I proactively study without being told.
Often 23 46
Sometimes 21 42
Seldom 6 12
Never 0 0
TOTAL 50 100%
l. I study while watching TV or listening to music at home.
Often 23 46
Sometimes 1 2
Seldom 5 10
Never 1 2
TOTAL 50 100%
m. I study while using smart phone or cellphone at home.
Often 26 52
Sometimes 17 34
Seldom 6 12
Never 1 2
TOTAL 50 100%

On the data above, indicators ‘I focus well on what the teacher is saying’,

‘I finish homework on time’, ‘ I prepare for classes beforehand and review what I’ve

learned’, I study while watching TV or listening to music at home’, and ‘I study while

using smart phone or cellphone at home’ were rated “often” with a frequency of 27, 27,

24, 23, 23, 26 and has a percentage of 54,54, 48, 46, 46, and 52 respectively. Based

from the rated on these items, it implies that Grade 10 students have a very good

practice on the said indicators.

Moreover, the item “I take notes properly during class”, and “I read books

other than textbooks” were rated “sometimes” which got one of the highest frequency

and percentage of 26 or 52% and 30 or 60% , meaning they practice these habits fairly.

Hence, the indicator “I take naps during class”, “I look at my cellphone or send text

messages during class”, “I space out during class” and “I am outspoken during class”

were also rated sometimes and got one of the highest frequency and percentage of 21,

23, 18, 21 or 42% , 46%, 36%, and 46% correspondingly. It indicates that the

respondents were usually performing a poorly practice habits.

Table 3

Parents’ Monthly Income of the Respondents

Monthly Income F %
Below 4,999 6 12
50,000 – 9,999 6 12
10,000 – 14,999 12 24
15,000 – 19,999 16 32
20,000 and above 10 20
TOTAL 50 100%

The table 3 shows that the respondents’ parents’ monthly income around 15,000

– 19,999 acquired the highest frequency counts of 16 having the percentage of 32.

Meanwhile, parents who have a 5,000 – 9,999 and below 4,999 got the lowest

frequency counts of 6 with a 12 percent wherein it indicates that some of the parents of

the respondents can’t afford and handle their monthly expenses and needs necessary

for their day to day basis.

The data demonstrates that most of the students-respondents have high family

income because most of parents were professional or graduated in college.

Table 4

Parents’ highest Educational Attainment

Highest Educational Attainment F %

Elementary Undergraduate 0 0
Elementary Graduate 1 2
High school Undergraduate 2 4
High school Graduate 8 16
College Undergraduate 13 26
College Graduate 26 52
TOTAL 50 100%
Elementary Undergraduate 0 0
Elementary Graduate 0 0
High school Undergraduate 2 4
High school Graduate 11 22
College Undergraduate 12 24
College Graduate 25 50
TOTAL 50 100%

The highest educational attainment of parents is categorized into: elementary

undergraduate, elementary graduate, high school undergraduate, high school graduate,

college undergraduate, and college graduate.

In terms of father’s highest educational attainment, most of them are college

graduates that has a frequency of 26 or 54 percent. On the other hand, only a frequency

of 1 with a percentage of 2 got the lowest which is ‘elementary graduate’

Likewise, most of the respondents’ mother finished college with a frequency of 25

and has a percentage of 50 while merely ‘high school undergraduate’ had been the

lowest among them all which only has a frequency of 2 with a percent of 4.

Overall, majority of the parents of the respondents in the study were professional,

where most of them were college graduate. This means that both parents can support

their children’s necessities and can give their child a better future.

Table 5

Respondents’ Parents’ Occupation

Parents Occupation F %
Farmer 1 26
Housekeeper 1 2
Self Employed, Vendor, Businessman/woman 1 20
Skilled: Foreman, Construction Worker, Plummer 4 8
Professional: Seaman, Engineer, Nurse, Accountant, Teacher, 1 24
electrician, Gov’t Employee, Hospital utility 2
Labourer: Secretary, Assistant, Manager 2 4
Driver 3 6
Politician 1 2
OFW 4 8
TOTAL 5 100%

Farmer 1 2
Housekeeper 2 40
Self Employed, Vendor, Businessman/woman 6 12
Skilled: Foreman, Construction Worker, Plummer 0 0
Professional: Seaman, Engineer, Nurse, Accountant, Teacher, 1 22
electrician, Gov’t Employee, Hospital utility 1
Labourer: Secretary, Assistant, Manager 2 4
Driver 0 0
Politician 0 0
OFW 1 20
TOTAL 5 100%

As you can see above, father’s occupation of the respondents were “farmer” to

which it attained the highest frequency count of 13 with a percentage of 26, evidently

speaking that the father of the respondents has an insufficient salary to provide the

needs of his family.

However, the mother of the respondents were mostly a “housewife” having a

frequency of 20 or 40 percent. This implies that the family only depends on their father’s

occupation and salary.


The level of awareness which were presented on the table below reflects the

respondents’ awareness towards Senior High School along with two areas: Academic

and Benefits.

Table 6

Level of Awareness in terms of Academic

Objectives WM DE
1. Different Strands. Aware of the different strands offered by Senior 4.4 VHA
High School.
2. Courses. Aware of the courses that correlates with your chosen 4.28 VHA
3. Educational implementation. Aware of the educational implemented 4.32 VHA
by the DepEd in Senior High School.
4. Subjects. Aware of the subjects offered by your chosen strand. 4.2 HA
5. Time Schedule. Aware of the time schedule in Senior High School. 4.22 VHA
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 UA – Unaware; 1.81 – 2.60 SA – Slightly Aware; 2.61 – 3.40 FA - Fairly Aware;
3.41 - 4.20 HA - Highly Aware; 4.21 - 5.00 VHA - Very Highly Aware

The table above reveals that the objectives “different strands”, “courses”,

“educational implementation”, and “time schedule” has a descriptive equivalent of “very

highly aware” with a weighted mean of 4.4, 4.28, 4.32, and 4.22 respectively. However,

the objective “subjects” were describe “highly aware” with a weighted mean of 4.2.

Therefore, the overall mean is 4.3 which indicates that the students-respondents

were “very highly aware” towards Senior High School academically and the school

properly spread the background of Senior High School to the students.

Table 7

Level of Awareness in terms of Benefits

Objectives WM DE
1. Find a job. Aware that the students who’ll took Technical Vocational
Livelihood (TVL) track can find a job after graduating Senior High 4.12 HA
School through the National Certificate empowered by Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).
2. Advance Learning. Aware that I will gain an advance learning from 4.46 VHA

Senior High School.
3. Higher level of knowledge. Aware that I will equip a higher level of 4.18 HA
knowledge when you enter college education.
4. Less subjects. Aware that the subjects of my chosen course might 4.22 VHA
be lessen.
5. Work Immersion. Aware that you can use the on-the-job training or
work immersion as a work experience on your chosen field to find a 4.28 VHA
work after Senior High School.
6. Voucher program. Aware that there will be no tuition fees on Senior 4.26 VHA
High School due to the free voucher program implemented by the
Department of Education (DepEd).
Total 4.25 VHA
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 UA – Unaware; 1.81 – 2.60 SA - Slightly Aware; 2.61 – 3.40 FA - Fairly Aware;
3.41 - 4.20 HA - Highly Aware; 4.21 - 5.00 VHA - Very Highly Aware

The table 7 presents the level of awareness in related to Senior High School

regarding its benefits to the respondents. The table illustrates that the objective

“Advance learning” (4.46), “Less subjects” (4.22), “work immersion” (4.28) and “voucher

program” (4.26) has the same descriptive equivalent “Very Highly Aware”. Hence, the

objective “Find a job” and “higher level of knowledge” were equivalently described

“Highly Aware” with a weighted mean of 4.12 and 4.18.

Generally, the total average weighted mean is 4.25 which indicates that the

respondents were “Very highly Aware” on the benefits of the Senior High School. This

implies that the incoming Senior High School students are fully informed concerning

about the pros and cons of Senior High School.


This part of the study describes the level of readiness of the selected

Grade 10 students about Senior High School in relation to academic, financial, and


Table 8

Level of Readiness of the Respondents in terms of Academic

Objectives WM DE
1. New subjects. Ready on the new subjects that will be tackle. 4.32 VMR
2. Advancement of learnings. Ready on the advancement of learnings like 4.28 VMR
online platforms on Senior High School.
3. Requirements. Ready on the requirements for me to graduate Senior 4.34 VMR
High School.
4. New knowledge. Ready on the new knowledge I will gain after you finish 4.28 VMR
Senior High School.
5. New learnings. Ready on the new learnings I will learn on Senior High 4.46 VMR
6. Challenges. Ready on my presumed challenges academically when I 4.22 VMR
moved up in Senior High School.
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 NR – Not Ready; 1.81 – 2.60 SR - Slightly Ready; 2.61 – 3.40 MoR – Moderately
Ready; 3.41 - 4.20 MuR – Much Ready; 4.21 - 5.00 VMR – Very Much Ready

It can be noted from Table 8 that the respondents were “Very much ready”

objectives “new subjects” (4.32), “advancement of learnings” (4.28), “Requirements”

(4.34), “new knowledge”(4.28), “new learnings” (4.28) and “challenges” (4.22). This

manifest that the respondents are considerably prepared on Senior high School.

Overall, the selected Grade 10 students are “Very Much Ready” with a total

mean of 4.32, meaning that the respondents are academically prepared on the new

system and difficulties on Senior High School and were already decided on what track

and strand the respondents would take.

Table 9

Respondents Level of Readiness regarding on Senior High School in related to


Objectives WM DE
1. New school uniform. Ready on the new school uniform payments on 4.3 VMR
Senior High School.
2. School fees. Ready on the additional 2 years school fees such as PTA, 4.2 MuR
Security Guards, Electricity etc.
3. School works. Ready on another cost on school works like printing, 4.2 MuR
surfing, hand-outs, contributions etc.
4. School expenses. Ready on the everyday expenses while schooling. 4.04 VMR
5. Payments/Expenses. Ready on the payments/expenses of the Senior 4.1 MuR
High School Activities.
6. Unexpected payments. Ready on the unexpected payments in School. 4.04 MuR
TOTAL 4.15 MuR
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 NR – Not Ready; 1.81 – 2.60 SR - Slightly Ready; 2.61 – 3.40 MoR – Moderately
Ready; 3.41 - 4.20 MuR – Much Ready; 4.21 - 5.00 VMR – Very Much Ready

On the data above, the item “New School Uniform” and “school expenses” were

descriptively equivalent in “Very Much Ready” with a weighted mean of 4.3 and 4.4,

meaning that the respondents are exceedingly prepared on these items needed on

Senior High School.

Conversely, the respondents were all rated “Much ready” the items “school fees”

(4.2) “school works” (4.2), “payments/expenses” (4.1) and “ unexpected

payments”(4.04), in which it denotes the Grade 10 students are not entirely prepared on

the other fees when they reach Senior High School.

The overall mean is 4.15 having a descriptive equivalent of “Much Ready” which

imply that the respondents were quite prepared and financially capable on the expenses

they might encounter upon entering Senior High School.

Table 10

Grade 10 Students Level of Readiness in terms of Cognitive

Objectives WM DE
1. Intellectually prepared. Intellectually prepared on Senior High 4.14 MuR
2. Mentally prepared. Mentally prepared on the new subjects that will 3.96 MuR
be tackled.
3. Psychologically fit. Psychologically fit before and during Senior High 4.1 MuR
4. Wide range of understanding. Prepared on wide range of 4.02 MuR
understanding about Senior High School.
5. Logically prepared. Logically prepared on Senior High School. 4.08 MuR
TOTAL 4.06 MuR
Legend: 1.00 – 1.80 NR – Not Ready; 1.81 – 2.60 SR - Slightly Ready; 2.61 – 3.40 MoR – Moderately
Ready; 3.41 - 4.20 MuR – Much Ready; 4.21 - 5.00 VMR – Very Much Ready

Table above shows the level of readiness in terms of Cognitive of selected

Grade 10 towards Senior High School. Based on the data, the respondents were all

“Much Ready” on the objectives “intellectually prepared”, “mentally prepared”,

“psychologically fit”, “wide range of understanding” and “logically prepared” with a

weighted mean of 4.14, 3.96, 4.1, 4.02, and 4.08 respectively.

In overall mean, Level of readiness in terms of cognitive attained a total mean of

4.06 with a descriptive equivalent of “Much ready”. These findings means that the

respondents are quite prepared cognitively believing that the knowledge they earned on

Junior High School are good enough to finished Senior High School.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and the

recommendations of the researcher based on the results of the investigation.


This study dealt on determining the level of awareness and readiness of selected

Grade 10 students in related to Senior High School of Tayug National High School. It

determined the profile of the selected Grade 10 students in terms of sex, study habits,

parents’ monthly income, parents’ highest educational attainment and parents’

occupation. It also determined the level of awareness in terms of Academic and

Benefits. And lastly, the level of readiness of the respondents determined associated in

Senior High School in the aspects of academic, financial and cognitive.

A descriptive-survey method of research was utilized in this study. The fifty (50)

randomly selected Grade 10 students of Tayug National High School during the S.Y.

2018-2019 was comprised the principal respondents of the study.

A questionnaire-checklist for the respondents’ was the data gathering instrument

used in this investigation.

Summary of Findings

The answers to the specific problems posed in this investigation are hereby

summarized. The presentation followed the order of the statement of the problem.

Profile of the Respondents. This study discloses that in terms of gender, 56%

with a frequency count of 26 were female and 44% are male with a frequency of 24. In

the study habits of the respondents, the indicator “ I focus well on what the teacher is

saying”, “I finish homework on time”, “I prepare classes beforehand and review what I’ve

learned”, “I proactively study without being told at home”, “I study while watching TV or

listening to music at home”, and “I study while using smart phone or cellphone at home”

were all rated “often” with a percentage of 54,54, 48, 46, 46, and 52 respectively. The

parents’’ monthly income of the respondents ranges around 15, 000 – 19,999 attained

the highest frequency count of 16 or 32%. Moreover, majority of the fathers’ educational

attainment (52%) and majority of the mothers’ highest educational attainment (50%) are

college graduates. In parents’ occupation of the respondents, majority of the fathers’

occupation is Farmer (26%) and majority of the mothers’ occupation is housewife


Level of awareness on Senior High School. The respondents’ level of

awareness related in academic has an overall mean of 4.32 which it were rated “Very

Highly Aware”. Meanwhile, in terms of benefits, it has an overall mean of 4.25 wherein

its descriptive equivalent is “Very Highly Aware”.

Level of Readiness towards Senior High School. The level of readiness

relative in academic has an overall mean of 4.32 which indicates that the respondents is

“Very Much Ready” academically. In terms of financial, respondents gained an overall

mean of 4.15, meaning that the selected Grade 10 students are “Much Ready”

financially. However, in the aspects of cognitive, it garnered an overall mean of 4.06

wherein respondents are “Much Ready” In Senior High School cognitively.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were derived:

1. Majority of the Grade 10 student-respondents were female. In study habits,

respondents has a very good practices except for the last two indicators in which

it can be a distraction to the respondents. Both of the respondents’ parents

earned quite high monthly income and belong to the middle class to upper sector

of the society, accomplished college degree, hence both parents occupation are

not aligned in professional jobs.

2. The respondents’ level of awareness concerning about Senior High School on

both academic and benefits is very highly aware in which the school properly

disseminated the background of the Senior High School to the student.

3. In level of awareness regarding Senior High School associated in academic is

highly prepared academically, meaning they’re already decided on what strand

they’ll going to take up. Financially speaking, respondents are quite prepared on

Senior High School, indicating that the respondents are financially capable.

Moreover, the selected Grade 10 students are reasonably prepared cognitively

believing that the knowledge they gained on Junior High School are sufficient for

them to survive Senior High School.


Based on the above conclusions, the following recommendations are offered for

possible course of action:

1. In study habits, respondents need to practice avoiding any distractions in order to

focus studying.

2. DepEd/ Head teacher/ faculties need to keep disseminating information about

Senior High School for incoming Grade 11 students in order to be aware, be

ready and prepared.

3. Financially, parents of incoming Grade 11 students should be always and keep

aware and ready for Senior High School for unexpected happenings


Formoso, Chelo B. (2016, May 01) Primer: What you should know about the K to 12 Senior High School.

Retrieved from


_______________. (n.d.). Status of K to 12 in the Philippines. Retrieved from

_______________. (n.d.). Philippines’ K12 Program: Four Senior High School Tracks. Retrieved from

Ariola, M. (2006). Principle and Methods of Research. Sta. Mesa, Quezon City. Rex Printing Company,

Inc. p46.



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