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 1. Snake don’t have ears. [Y] 
2. We can see many lizards around us during winter season. [x]
 Correct statement: We cannot see lizards around us during winter season.
 3. The tiger’s whiskers help it find its prey. [Y] 
4. Jim Corbett National Park is situated in Uttrakhand. [Y] 
5. Mosquitoes can find you by the smell of your body. [Y]


 1. What are senses?
 Ans: Senses are the five natural powers through which we receive information about the
world around us. These senses are- touch, taste, sight, hear, and smell.
 2. What special sense do the following have: a. Ants, b. Mosquitoes c. Eagle
 Ans: Ants: Ants have a very powerful sense of smell. They recognise each other and
walk in a line using this sense.
 Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes have a very powerful sense of smell. They can find us by our
 Eagle: Eagle can see things from a distance of eight meters, what we can see from a
distance of two meters. Their eyes are very sharp.
 3. How does a mosquito know where a person is?
 Ans: Mosquito can find a person by the smell of his body.
 4. Why do dogs sniff here and there?
 Ans: Dogs mark out their area by the smell of their urine. They recognize their area by
sniffing here and there. 
5. Name a bird which has eyes in front of its head. 
 Ans: Owl is the only bird that has eyes in front of its head.
 6. Name some birds which have eyes on either side of the head.
 Ans: Penguins, crow, sparrow, eagle are some birds with eyes on either side of head.
 7. How do the ants move in a line?
 Ans: As ants move, they leave a smell on the ground. The other ants follow the smell to
find the way. Thus, they move in a line.
 8. Name some animals which sleep during the winter. 
Ans: Bee, snakes Bear, rats, squirrels, lizards etc. sleep during winters. It is called
 1. Why do birds move their neck very often?
 Ans. Most of birds have fixed eyes and they cannot move. So the birds have to turn
their heads to see around. 
2. What special senses do some birds like kites, eagles, vultures have? How do they
make use of this special sense?
 Ans. These birds can see things from a distance of 8 metres what we can see form a
distance of 2 meters. They uses this super sense to catch their prey.
 3. How do animals use sound to send message and communicate with each other. Give
two examples.
 Ans. Animals use sound to make a special warning. Birds also use sound to warn about
the danger. Fishes give alarm call by electric signals.
 4. What super sense does a tiger have? 
Ans. Tiger has a very sharp sense of hearing. It can differentiate the rustling of leaves
and sounds of animals moving on the grass. His ears can move in different directions to
catch sounds from all around. 
5. Who are hunters and poachers? Why do they poach animal?
 Ans. Hunters and poachers are people who catch and kill animals. They kill them for
their skin, bones, teeth and horn etc. Elephants are killed for their  tusk, rhinoceros for
their horn. Tigers, crocodiles are killed for their skin and mask deer for scent.
 6. What is the reason for decreasing number of some animals? What steps are being
taken to protect these animals?
 Ans. The reason for the decreasing number of some animals is hunting and poaching.
The animals are hunted on large scale for their skin, bone, teeth etc. To protect these
animals, the government has made forests as protected areas. They have made national
parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biospheres, for example Jim Corbett national park in
Uttrakhand and Ghana in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan. In these areas nobody can
hunt the animals and destroy jungles.

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