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Part 1


Example of Personal Recount Text
Example of Personal Recount Text
Definisi General Language (Past Tense)
dalam Recount Text
• Simple past tense is used to talk
about a completed action in a
time before now (simple past tense
digunakan untuk aksi/kegiatan/peristiwa yang telah
selesai terjadi sebelum waktu yang sekarang (waktu
Nominal sentence is verb-less (kalimat nominal tidak menggunakan
kata kerja )
Verbal sentence consist of verb as a main part (kalimat verbal
menggunakan kata kerja)
Kalimat Nominal dan Kalimat Verbal
Kalimat Nominal
Example of Nominal Sentence
• I was a student last year (Saya adalah seorang
siswa tahun lalu)
• They were teacher last month (Mereka adalah
guru bulan lalu)
• You were beautiful (Kamu cantik)
• He was in the hospital yesterday (Dia laki-laki
berada di rumah sakit kemarin)
• Tommy was in his home last night (Tommy
berada di rumahnya semalam)
To be Noun/adjective/adverb of place
Fill the blank with to be (was or were)

Example: There …. … … A lot of cars in the park

1. He … born on Desember 31st,2000

2. The scenery … very beautiful.
3. There … many birds on the sky
4. There … many sellers who sold kinds of
5. It … Sunday when I met my family.

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