Joint Inventory and Markdown Management For Perishable Goods With Strategic Consumer Behavior

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Joint Inventory and Markdown Management for Perishable

Goods with Strategic Consumer Behavior
Peng Hu, Stephen Shum, Man Yu

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Peng Hu, Stephen Shum, Man Yu (2016) Joint Inventory and Markdown Management for Perishable Goods with Strategic
Consumer Behavior. Operations Research 64(1):118-134.

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Vol. 64, No. 1, January–February 2016, pp. 118–134
ISSN 0030-364X (print) — ISSN 1526-5463 (online)
© 2016 INFORMS

Joint Inventory and Markdown Management for

Perishable Goods with Strategic
Consumer Behavior
Peng Hu
School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China 430074,

Stephen Shum
College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong,

Man Yu
School of Business and Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong,

In this paper we formulate and analyze a novel model on a firm’s dynamic inventory and markdown decisions for perishable
goods. We consider a dynamic stochastic setting, where every period consists of two phases, clearance phase and regular-sales
phase. In the clearance phase, the firm decides how much to order for regular sales, as well as whether to markdown some
(or all) of the leftover inventory from the previous period that will be disposed otherwise. Since strategic consumers may buy
the product during clearance sales for future consumption, markdown may cannibalize future sales at regular price. Hence, the
firm needs to make a trade-off between product spoilage and intertemporal demand substitution. We show that the firm should
either put all of the leftover inventory on discount or dispose all of it, and the choice depends on the amount of leftover
inventory from the previous period. In particular, the firm should introduce markdown when the amount of leftover inventory
is higher than a certain threshold, and dispose all otherwise. We also conduct numerical studies to further characterize the
optimal policy, and to evaluate the loss of efficiency under static policies when compared to the optimal dynamic policy.
Keywords: revenue management; inventory; markdown; intertemporal substitution.
Subject classifications: inventory/production: perishable/aging items.
Area of review: Operations and Supply Chains.
History: Received November 2014; revisions received May 2015, August 2015; accepted September 2015. Published online
in Articles in Advance December 30, 2015.

1. Introduction every day at each store manager’s discretion. Specifically,

This paper is motivated by a local bakery chain’s decision every day in the evening, each store manager needs to make
problem in its day-to-day operations. Every day in the ordering decision for the next day, as well as decide whether
morning, fresh bakery products are delivered to each store to sell some (or all) of the remaining products at the discount
based on the store manager’s order, which is submitted in price or put them in the backroom for return and disposal.
the previous evening. Because of the perishability nature of While there is a discount for everything consumers see on
bakery products, each shop keeps on shelf only the food display in the store, the store manager may not have made
baked on that day. Anything unsold at the end of a day all remaining items available during this promotion period.
is returned to the factory for disposal. As consumption of The number of products to put on discount in each evening
bakery products occurs in the morning or early afternoon is not a trivial problem. On one hand, the markdown sales
(for breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea), any item not sold by generate some revenue for the otherwise disposed food.
late afternoon will typically remain unsold and be returned Offering a price discount on those items can induce purchases
for disposal at the end of the day. To reduce the amount of from consumers who cannot afford the full price. On the
disposed products, the chain has started selling all products other hand, markdown provides incentives for consumers to
on display at a discount price every evening shortly before strategically forward buy. Products that are kept overnight are
the store closes. While the regular price, the discount price, not fresh enough for selling but still suitable for consumption.
and the time to introduce discount are decided centrally on Attracted by the price discount during markdown sales, some
a long-term basis, how much to sell at the discount price of the consumers who can afford the full price may stock up
and how much to order for the next day are determined the product for consumption on the next day. Hence, any
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS 119

clearance sales on a given day has a negative impact on the be either sold or disposed by the end of the clearance phase,
revenue from selling at the full price on the next day. while leftover inventory at the end of the regular-sales phase
The example of this local bakery chain does not stand can be carried over to the clearance phase of the next period.
alone. Intertemporal cannibalization is an important concern Demand in each period is random with some consumers
when a shop markdowns otherwise-disposed products at the preferring to buy in the clearance phase and others preferring
end of a day. This practice of marking down products at the purchases in the regular-sales phase. Consumption happens
end of the day is very common for bakery products1 and at the end of the regular-sales phase. Therefore, consumers
for poultry and meat items.2 For example, grocery stores who cannot get a unit in the clearance phase may stay in the
usually choose to either markdown or dispose rotisserie market for the regular sales, while any unsatisfied demand
chickens left at the end of the day, because the process during the regular-sales phase is lost. The firm decides how
of refrigerating and reheating a rotisserie chicken is costly much leftover inventory from the previous period to sell in
and the chicken will look significantly different after this the clearance phase and places an order for delivery in the
overnight process, making it hard to attract sales on the regular-sales phase at the beginning of each period.
next day. However, consumers who purchase it at a discount One unique feature in our model is that the firm carries
in the evening may store the chicken overnight and reheat inventory from one period to another, but not from the
it for consumption the next day. There are many other clearance phase to the regular-sales phase of a period. On the
similar grocery products that are perishable in the sense other hand, consumers carry the product from one phase to
that, if kept overnight, they are not fresh enough for selling another inside a period, but not from one period to another.
but good enough for consumption. For example, it is no This leads to correlation between the demand in the clearance
secret to buyers that in evenings many Japanese and Korean phase and the demand in the regular-sales phase. In other
supermarkets slash the prices by as much as 50% for their words, markdown sales allow the firm to sell to consumers
unsold sushi, sashimi, salad, kimbap, and bentos made on who cannot afford the product at the regular price, yet at the
the day. Consumers rush into the stores at the end of the expense of a lower revenue from consumers who can afford
day to grab the sushi boxes or bentos, which are great deals the regular price but choose to buy early at the discount price.
for lunch the next day.3 Similar end-of-day deals can be To the best of our knowledge, this is the first stochastic and
found in food markets for live fish and fresh seafood.4 dynamic inventory model facing strategic customer behavior
These examples exhibit two common characteristics. with joint ordering and discounting decisions.
First, markdown and regular sales are separated as regular If demand uncertainty does not exist, the firm can always
sales occur usually during the daytime whereas markdown accurately plan its inventory. In this case, the problem
sales happen in the evenings. Second, after the mark- becomes a trade-off between additional revenue from the
down sales, firms dispose all the unsold items of the day, consumers who cannot afford the full price and the revenue
even though they can still be consumed on the next day.5 loss from the consumers who forward buy. The optimal
One reason for this practice is that some food items are strategy is naturally bang-bang, i.e., the firm either does
strictly regulated with a mandatory “sell by” date, which not mark down or put all leftover inventory on discount,
dictates the end of the items’ shelf life. After the sell by depending on the profit margin from selling to the two
date, the items must be removed from shelf, even though groups of consumers. Our results suggest that demand uncer-
they may still be edible past this date.6 In addition, the tainty reinforces the benefit of markdown and particularly,
items will deteriorate after the overnight storage, making it when demand becomes more volatile, it is more likely that
not sellable per the firms’ high quality standards. This is markdown is optimal. This is because markdown sales reduce
especially true for highly competitive industries like bakeries the overage risk that the firm will encounter during regular
or groceries, where freshness and quality are among the key sales. In particular, when the markdown quantity increases,
competitive dimensions. It is thus not surprising that many the chance of selling to an additional customer at the regular
firms adopt the policy to discard aging produce as “we only price decreases. Hence, the firm can order a smaller quantity
sell quality goods.”7 Nevertheless, since consumers may of fresh products and the expected overage cost for the
take advantage of end-of-day sales to purchase for future fresh products decreases. Furthermore, the marginal cost
consumption, managers need to carefully take account of of cannibalization decreases and the marginal cost savings
strategic customer behavior when coordinating markdown because of inventory overage increases when the markdown
sales with inventory ordering decisions. quantity increases. Thus, the optimal strategy in the presence
In this paper, we formulate a novel model in which the firm of demand uncertainty is still bang-bang: the firm should
makes simultaneous decisions on markdown and inventory either put all of the leftover inventory on sale or dispose all
for perishable products, in the presence of intertemporal of it, and the choice depends on the amount of inventory on
cannibalization and demand uncertainty. We consider a hand. In particular, there exists a threshold such that the firm
multiperiod stochastic setting, in which each period is divided should offer discount sales for all leftover inventory if the
into two phases, a clearance phase and a regular-sales phase. amount of leftover inventory is above this threshold, and dis-
We label the time periods such that every period starts with pose all inventory otherwise. This simple bang-bang optimal
the clearance phase. Any unit from the previous period has to policy allows chain stores (such as the one in our motivating
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
120 Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS

story) to develop clear guidelines for store managers to There are two main differences between our paper and
manage discount sales for leftover products. the existing papers in this stream of literature. First, most
One technical challenge in this problem is that traditional of these papers in this area assume fixed capacity and do
approaches in solving dynamic inventory models cannot be not consider the inventory decisions of the firm, because
applied to our model. This is because the single-period profit the focus of these papers has been mostly on airline and
function is neither convex nor concave but quasiconvex in hospitality industries. Second, these papers do not consider
the amount of leftover inventory to markdown. In addition, strategic customer behavior.
the intertemporal cannibalization leads to demand interde- Our paper is also related to the stream of literature on
pendence across the two phases in a period, which creates stochastic inventory management. For reviews, we refer to
complicated dynamics in how inventory is carried over from Porteus (1990), Lee and Nahmias (1993), Zipkin (2000).
one period to another. To the best of our knowledge, there Recent papers have incorporated pricing decisions (see
does not exist any prior study on preserving quasiconvexity Federgruen and Heching 1999, Chen and Simchi-Levi 2004,
in a multiperiod maximization problem. However, by using Adida and Perakis 2010, Chen et al. 2015), marketing
a transformation technique and exploiting properties that and advertising decisions (Olsen and Parker (2008)), and
are specific to our problem, we are able to prove that this transhipment and expediting decisions (Hu et al. 2008,
bang-bang policy is optimal in the multiperiod case under Huggins and Olsen 2010). While some papers focus on
some conditions. nonperishable products, our paper is more related to the
To gain further insights on the optimal policy, we conduct literature on perishable products (for recent reviews, see
extensive numerical explorations to examine how the optimal Karaesmen et al. 2008, Nahmias 2011). In the perishable-
strategy depends on the level of demand uncertainty, as inventory literature, some studies consider the question of
well as to evaluate loss of efficiency under some static how much to sell at clearance price in addition to how
policies in comparison with the optimal dynamic policy. much to order (see, e.g., Xue et al. 2012, Li et al. 2013,
Our results indicate that both the improvement of dynamic Li and Yu 2014). However, these papers assume that the
markdown policy over a static policy and the cost of ignoring demand for the regular-priced products and clearance-sales
intertemporal substitution effect can be quite significant. products do not overlap and hence there is not cannibalization
We extend our base model by considering micro models between the two. As we will show, cannibalization results
capturing individual consumers’ purchasing choices and by in interdependent demand for the regular-priced products
incorporating endogenous markdown price and consumers’ and clearance-sales products, and has a huge impact on the
shopping costs. We show, in some cases through numerical technical complexity and results of the problem.
studies, that our results are robust in these extensions. There is a rapid-growing stream of literature on strategic
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. customer behavior, after the pioneering work of Besanko
Section 2 reviews the literature. We introduce the model and Winston (1990) and Su (2007). For recent reviews, we
in §3, and present the analysis and results in §4. In §5 we refer to Shen and Su (2007), Aviv and Vulcano (2012).
examine several extensions. Finally, §6 provides concluding Different from papers that focus on the impact of other types
remarks. All proofs are relegated to the appendix, except of consumer behavior on operations management (see, e.g.,
Theorem 3 and Proposition 4, which are the main results of recent papers on the effects of stochastic reference point
the paper. (Baron et al. 2015) and of network effect (Hu and Wang
2014)), the research on strategic customer behavior evaluates
the impact of intertemporal substitution. Particularly, most
2. Literature Review papers in this area focus on the case when consumers
The question of how much to sell at a discount is a classical wait for price discount (i.e., demand is shifted forward
question in capacity-based revenue management. Earliest from the current period to future periods), with very few
work dates back to Littlewood (1972), who studies the papers studying consumer forward-buying behavior (i.e.,
problem of how to allocate a fixed number of capacity demand is shifted backward from future periods to the
to demand for two fare classes, with presence of demand current period). Shou et al. (2013) study a two-period model
uncertainty. However, this and most of the other early works where consumers may stockpile because of the fear of a
(for reviews of the early works, see Barnhart and Talluri 1997, stock-out in the second period, and the firm makes inventory
McGill and van Ryzin 1999) do not consider cannibalization ordering decisions in both periods. As price is assumed to be
across demands for different fare classes, until the seminal the same across the two periods, Shou et al. (2013) do not
work by Talluri and van Ryzin (2004). They consider the consider markdown decision. Su (2010) studies the dynamic
problem of how to allocate a fixed amount of capacity to pricing problem of a firm in a multiperiod setting when
sell at different prices when the availability of product at consumers stockpile, and some papers consider the firm’s
different prices may affect consumers’ choice. Some papers joint rationing and pricing strategy (Xie and Shugan 2001,
extend the problem to the case with a network of resources Liu and Shum 2013, Yu et al. 2014). Yet, none of these
(e.g., Gallego et al. 2004, Liu and van Ryzin 2008, Chaneton papers consider the stochastic dynamic inventory problem
and Vulcano 2011). See Talluri (2012) for a recent review. of the firm. Our work examines consumer forward buying
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS 121

behavior and its implications to a firm’s markdown and the first phase. The remaining 1 −  portion of consumers
inventory decisions. To the best of our knowledge, this is disdain to buy in the first phase and only buy the fresh
the first paper that considers a stochastic dynamic inventory product in the second phase. Among the consumers who
model of a firm facing strategic customer behavior with joint try to buy in the first phase, some can afford the regular
ordering and discounting decisions. price r but are attracted by the promotion in the first phase.
Let  represent the portion of such consumers among the
3. Model first-phase buyers. Note that  captures the magnitude of
intertemporal substitution, i.e., the demand shifted from
3.1. Formulation the regular-sales phase to the clearance phase because of
We consider a firm selling a perishable product periodically, markdown pricing. We focus on the case with  > 0. As
where each period (indexed by n ∈ 811 21 0 0 09) is divided into we illustrate below, when  = 0, the two phases become
two phases, a clearance phase followed by a regular-sales independent of each other and the firm’s markdown decision
phase.8 In the first phase of period n (i.e., the clearance becomes straightforward. While we focus on aggregated
sales on a given day), the firm has x units of inventory demand in the base model, in §5 we formulate a micro model
on hand and decides the amount zn ∈ 601 x7 to sell at a for individual consumer choice by constructing consumer
clearance price p. This inventory cannot be carried over utility function and comparing expected utilities from pur-
to the second phase, and all units unsold in the first phase chasing in either the first or the second phase. We show that
have zero salvage value. In the meanwhile, the firm also such a micro model will also lead to segments of consumers
decides the amount yn0 to produce for selling at a full price differing in the timing of purchases and hence reduce to our
r ¾ p in the second phase (i.e., the regular sales of the base model with aggregated demand.
next day). The per-unit production cost is c. What is not Since there is only limited supply zn in the first phase,
sold in the second phase of a period will remain until the not all consumers who attempt to buy the product at price p,
first phase of the next period (i.e., the clearance sales of can obtain it. In such a case, products are randomly rationed,
the next day). We assume that the firm’s holding cost is i.e., every customer has the same chance to get the product.
zero. In Appendix C4 (available as supplemental material at Those consumers who get rationed out in the first phase and, we show can afford the regular price will return for a second attempt
that holding cost can be incorporated in the model by in the second phase. That is, the demand in the second phase
redefining the cost and revenue terms. consists of those consumers who prefer purchases in the
The aggregated demand (i.e., the total number of con- second phase (i.e., the 1 −  portion), as well as those who
sumers who can afford at least the discount price p) in have been rationed in the first phase and can afford the
period n, denoted by Mn , is random, stationary, bounded, regular price (i.e., a subset of the  portion).
and independent of each other. Denote the upper and lower Because of the leadtime in inventory replenishment, the
bounds of Mn by Mmax and Mmin , respectively. Each con- firm determines the inventory in each period yn0 at the same
sumer of a period demands to use one unit of the product time when it decides the amount zn to sell at the discount
in the second phase of that period and decides whether price. Owing to the market-size uncertainty, the ordering
to purchase in the first phase or second phase. Note that quantity yn0 may not perfectly match with the demand in the
duration of the first phase is much shorter than that of the second phase. Leftover units, if any, are carried over to the
second phase because phase 1 represents the short period of first phase of the next period for markdown sales or disposal.
time (usually one or two hours) before store closure, and However, since the consumption time of a consumer buying
consumption only occurs in the second phase. That is, those in one regular-sales phase cannot be delayed into the future,
who buy in the first phase will hold the product for use in demand in the regular-sales phase cannot be backlogged into
the second phase. If consumers buy in the first phase, the the future and hence all unmet demand in this phase is lost.
value of the product will be discounted, since the product The sequence of events is summarized in Figure 1.
will be less fresh when they consume it. If they buy in the Denote a ∧ b = min8a1 b9, a ∨ b = max8a1 b9, and a+ =
second phase, they can enjoy newly produced product but a ∨ 0. For given yn0 ∈ 601 ˆ5 and zn ∈ 601 xn 7, the firm’s
the price will be higher at r. Some consumers may prefer to expected profit in period n is as follows:
purchase the product at the discount price, whereas other
consumers may prefer to wait until the next morning for a n0 4yn0 1zn 5 = pƐ6zn ∧4Mn 57
fresh product. A portion of the consumers from the former

+r Ɛ yn0 ∧641−5Mn +4Mn −zn 5+ 7 −cyn0 0
group may purchase at the full price in phase 2 if they are
not able to get the discounted product. For period n + 1, the starting inventory is
Without loss of generality, we abstract from the consumers’
individual purchasing decisions and focus on their aggregated xn+1 = 6yn0 − 41 − 5Mn − 4Mn − zn 5+ 7+ 1
effects on the demand in the two phases (which is similar to
the approach used in Honhon et al. 2010). Let  represent where the positive-part sign inside the square brackets
the portion of consumers who attempt to make purchases in corresponds to the fact that the product is perishable (i.e.,
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
122 Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS

Figure 1. Sequence of events.








excess supply in the first phase, if any, cannot be used considered in the perishable inventory literature, e.g., Li and
to satisfy demand in the second phase), and the positive- Yu 2014), then the two phases are decoupled and the firm
part sign outside the square brackets reflects the lost-sales should make all units available during the markdown sales.
situation in the second phase. With intertemporal substitution, the leftover inventory x
The firm’s objective is to maximize the total expected affects future periods through z and y 0 . In essence, z affects
discounted profit over an infinite planning horizon by dynam- the amount of consumers who successfully purchase in the
ically adjusting its inventory and markdown decisions peri- markdown phase of the current period and hence the demand
odically. Given an initial inventory x, the firm’s long-term arriving in the regular-sales phase, which in turn determines
profit satisfies the Bellman equation the firm’s inventory decision y 0 and the leftover inventory x̃.
 Because of this, a firm needs to take into consideration the
v4x5 = max  0 4y 0 1 z5 + ƒ Ɛ v4x̃52 y 0 ¾ 01 0 ¶ z ¶ x 1 (1) dynamic effects on future profits when making markdown
y0 1 z
where 0 ¶ ƒ < 1 is the firm’s discount factor, and by letting Our primary interest is to characterize the firm’s optimal
Mn be identically distributed as M, joint policy and to evaluate the impact of intertemporal
substitution in the dynamic setting. To facilitate our analysis,
 0 4y 0 1 z5 = p Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57 we first reformulate the problem by introducing some new
 notations and variables.
+ r Ɛ y 0 ∧ 641 − 5M + 4M − z5+ 7 − cy 0 1
x̃ = 6y 0 − 41 − 5M − 4M − z5+ 7+ 0 3.2. Reformulation
For notation simplicity, we introduce the following notations:
Denote the optimal solution to problem (1) by 6y 0∗ 4x51 z∗ 4x57.
A distinguishing feature of the dynamic program (1) is p0 = p/ and ‚ = 41 − 5/1
that within each period, consumers hold products across
two phases, whereas the firm does not; on the other hand, where recall  ¶ 1 and we can express p = p0 ¶ p0 . It is
the firm carries inventory across two consecutive periods. worth noting that p0 represents “adjusted” discount price
Without intertemporal substitution, the firm’s markdown and captures cannibalization of markdown sales on regular
decision is straightforward. To see why, note that if  = 0, sales. To see why, suppose that market size is deterministic
the firm’s single-period expected profit and system dynamics (Mn = m with probability one). In such a case, the firm
become  0 4y 0 1 z5 = p Ɛ6z∧4M57+r Ɛ6y 0 ∧41−5M7−cy 0 can always perfectly plan its inventory and the markdown
and x̃ = 6y 0 − 41 − 5M7+ , respectively. It can be shown decision becomes very simple, where the firm makes a
that z∗ 4x5 = x. Intuitively, if the clearance sales do not trade-off solely between margin and probability of sales.
influence the demand during the regular sales (as the situation When a consumer attempts to buy in the first phase, the firm
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS 123

has two choices: either serving the consumer and obtaining a Although y is introduced mainly for analytical convenience,
profit of p right away, or shutting down the markdown sales it has a neat economic interpretation: for a single-period
and forcing the consumer to wait to buy in the second phase problem, y is the amount of inventory prepared for M
at the higher price r. Although the latter appears to be more consumers. To see why, note that in a single-period problem
profitable, the downside is that, with probability 1 − , the (or in the last period of a multiperiod problem), the firm has
consumer may not return to buy in the second phase. Thus, only one opportunity to sell the produced units y 0 and aims
the firm loses the sales opportunity completely. Besides, the to satisfy the second-phase demand, with a total amount
firm needs to pay a unit cost c for production in the second of 41 − 5M + 4M − z5+ . Since y 0 = 41 − 5y/ +
phase. Hence, the expected profit from the latter strategy 4y − z5+ 1 y can be regarded as the total amount of inventory
is 4r − c5. Therefore, if p ¾ 4r − c5, or equivalently targeting for the M consumers who prefer to purchase
p0 ¾ r − c, then the markdown sales is profitable and the firm in the first phase. In particular, if the number of units on
should serve as many consumers as possible in the first phase, clearance sales exceeds the target stocking level in this phase,
z∗ 4x5 = x. Otherwise, the firm should not sell any product i.e., z ¾ y, then there is no need to produce extra units for
on discount and z∗ 4x5 = 0. In such a case, the optimal this group of consumers and y 0 = 41 − 5y/. On the other
markdown strategy is of bang-bang type, since the profit hand, if markdown sales is not offered, i.e., z = 0, then the
function  0 4y 0 1 z5 = p0 z + 4r − c5641 − 5m + 4m − z57 production is for both 41 − 5M and a portion  of the M
is linear in z when z ∈ 601 x ∧ 4m57. In particular, whether groups, i.e., y 0 = 641 − 5/ + 7y.
the firm should offer markdown sales is solely determined by Let 6y ∗ 4x51 z∗ 4x57 be the optimal solution to problem (2).
the value of p0 . We formally state the result in the following It should be noticed that by a standard approach in dynamic
proposition. programming, v4x5 is the limit of vn 4x5 as n goes to infinity,
where v0 4x5 = 0 and vn 4x5 are inductively defined as below
Proposition 1. When demand is deterministic, z∗ 4x5 = x if for all n ¾ 1:
p0 ¾ r − c and z∗ 4x5 = 0 otherwise. 
vn 4x5 = max 4y1z5+ƒ Ɛvn−1 4x̃52 y ¾ 01 0 ¶ z ¶ x 1 (6)
When market uncertainty is present, as we shall see later, y1 z
the firm’s trade-off becomes more complex, but the role
of p0 is similar: as p0 increases, markdown becomes more Furthermore, if we denote by 6yn∗ 4x51 z∗n 4x57 the optimal
appealing to the firm. This is because a larger p0 implies solution to the above problem, then y ∗ 4x5 and z∗ 4x5 are the
either a higher discount price or a weaker intertemporal limits of yn∗ 4x5 and z∗n 4x5 as n goes to infinity, respectively.
Also notice that our main results remain valid in a finite-
cannibalization. The former means a higher revenue from
horizon setting.
clearance sales, whereas the latter implies that the clearance
To facilitate further analysis, define two auxiliary functions
sales has less impact on the regular sales.
for x ¾ 0 as below:
It would be convenient to introduce a transformed decision
variable y: ˆ4x5 = r Ɛ6x ∧ 4M57 − cx1

y 0 = D4y1 z5 = ‚y + 4y − z5+ 0 ‹4x5 = 4r − p0 5 Ɛ6x ∧ 4M57 − cx0

where ˆ4x5 is simply the newsvendor profit function for

Obviously D4y1 z5 is increasing in y and it is equal to 0 at
the first-phase demand M and is clearly concave in x;
y = 0 for any fixed z ¾ 0. It implies that for any production
and ‹4x5 represents the difference between the newsvendor
quantity y 0 ¾ 0, there exists y ¾ 0 such that y 0 = D4y1 z5 ¾ 0;
profit ˆ4x5 and the profit from serving consumers M with
and for any y ¾ 0, the corresponding production y 0 =
on-hand inventory x at the adjusted discounted price p0 .
D4y1 z5 ¾ 0. Thus, to find the optimal inventory policy,
Define the (smallest) maximizers of ˆ4x5 and ‹4x5 as below:
it is equivalent to optimizing over y ¾ 0. Also, note that
D4M1 z5 = ‚M + 4M − z5+ corresponds to the total ’ = arg max ˆ4x51 ‘ = arg max ‹4x50
demand to be fulfilled in the second phase. Hence, the firm’s x¾0 x¾0
dynamic decision problem can be reformulated as

4. Optimal Policy
v4x5 = max g4y1 z52 y ¾ 01 z ∈ 601 x7 1 (2)
y1 z 4.1. Single-Period Problem
where We start from the firm’s problem in a single-period setting,
i.e., ƒ = 0 in problem (2). We characterize 4y1 z5 in the
g4y1 z5 = 4y1 z5 + ƒ Ɛ v4x̃51 (3) following proposition.

4y1 z5 = p0 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57 Proposition 2. (a) 4y1 z5 is increasing in y if y ¶ ’ and

decreasing in y if y ¾ ’.
− cD4y1 z5 + r Ɛ D4y ∧ M1 z51 (4) (b) 4y1 z5 is increasing in z if p0 ¾ r − c. Otherwise it
x̃ = 6D4y1 z5 − D4M1 z57+ 0 (5) is first decreasing and then increasing in z.
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124 Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS

Proposition 2 implies that 4y1 z5 is quasiconcave in y and needs to prepare for consumers in the  segment. In this
quasiconvex in z. With this proposition, we characterize the case, the firm does not need to produce any additional
firm’s optimal policy in a single-period problem as below. unit for this segment of consumers and, consequently, the
two phases are decoupled. Thus, the more the firm sells
Theorem 1. For the single-period problem, y ∗ 4x5 = ’ and
either z∗ 4x5 = 0 or z∗ 4x5 = x. In particular, z∗ 4x5 = x if in the markdown phase (i.e., z increases), the higher the
p0 ¾ r − c and z∗ 4x5 = 0 if p0 ¶ 6r Ɛ4’ ∧ M5 − c’7/ Ɛ4M5; firm’s profit is. On the other hand, if z ¶ y, then 4y1 z5
otherwise, there exists a cutoff level s such that z∗ 4x5 = x if depends on z via −‹4z5. The function ‹4z5 captures the
x ¾ s and z∗ 4x5 = 0 if x < s. expected profit loss by selling up to z consumers in the
first phase in comparison to having all consumers pur-
Theorem 1 states that the optimal transformed production chase with the full price in the second phase. Specifically,
quantity in the single-period problem is simply the optimal ‹4z5 = 4r − c − p0 5 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57 − c Ɛ6z − 4M57+ , where
stocking level ’ for a newsvendor facing demand M. This the first term is the loss in gross profit and equals to the
is in line with our earlier interpretation of the decision difference in the margins, r − c − p0 , multiplied by the
variable y. It is the amount of inventory prepared for the M expected sales, and the second term represents the savings in
consumers who decide to come in the first phase. Meanwhile, overage cost by serving consumers with on-hand inventory in
similar to the solution in the deterministic-demand setting, the first phase. When z increases, the probability of having
the optimal markdown policy in the case with stochastic a shortage in the first phase decreases, which implies a
demand is also bang-bang for the single-period problem, lower chance of having any of consumers from the M
i.e., the firm should either sell as much as possible in group remaining in the second phase. Thus, even if z further
the markdown sales or does not offer discount at all, i.e., increases, the expected loss in gross profit decreases because
z∗ 4x5 = x or z∗ 4x5 = 0. of a small chance of cannibalization actually occurring, but
Nevertheless, there are two main differences when com- the expected savings in overage cost increases. In other
pared to the case with deterministic demand. First, when words, the gross profit loss 4r − c − p0 5 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57 is con-
p0 < r − c, with uncertain demand it can sometimes be cave in z and the overage cost saving c Ɛ6z − 4M57+ is
optimal to sell as much as possible in the markdown sales convex in z. This means that the expected profit loss ‹4z5
(i.e., z∗ 4x5 = x), although such a strategy is never optimal is concave, implying that the profit function is convex in z.
under deterministic demand (ref. Proposition 1). This is Summarizing the two cases, the profit function is first convex
because demand uncertainty brings in another benefit of (when z ¶ y) and then increasing (when z ¾ y), and thus is
markdown. In particular, because of the market uncertainty,
quasiconvex in z, resulting in the bang-bang solution.
any production for the second phase is exposed to over-
There are two special scenarios where the optimal mark-
stocking risk: if the market size turns out to be small, the
down policy is independent of the initial inventory level.
unit cannot be sold and the production cost c is wasted. By
When the (adjusted) discount price is very high (i.e., p0 ¾
serving some consumers in the first phase, the firm can order
r − c), markdown sales are even more profitable than the
a smaller quantity of fresh products and hence the expected
regular sales and thus the firm should never limit the mark-
overage cost for the fresh products decreases.
down sales. In the other extreme, with a very low discount
The second difference when compared to the case with
price (i.e., p0 ¶ 6r Ɛ4’ ∧ M5 − c’7/ Ɛ4M5), the firm should
deterministic demand is that, the profit function is no longer
sell only in the second phase. For intermediate values of the
linear in z. It is in fact neither convex nor concave in z.
discount price, whether to allow the first-phase purchases
Luckily, as illustrated in Figure 2, the profit function is
is determined by the aforementioned trade-off between
quasiconvex in z, which preserves the bang-bang solution.
margin difference and cost saving, and thus depends on
To see the rationale behind the quasiconvex function, assume
p0 < r − c and consider two cases: if the markdown quan- the initial on-hand inventory x. Interestingly, when market
tity z is higher than y, then 4y1 z5 depends on z only size is deterministic (which implies ’ = M = Ɛ4M5),
via the term p0 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57 by (4), which increases in z. the two special cases span the whole domain of p, fully
Intuitively, as we noted earlier, when z ¾ y, the markdown characterizing the optimal solution: z∗ 4x5 = x if p0 ¾ r − c
quantity is larger than the amount of inventory the firm and z∗ 4x5 = 0 otherwise. This coincides with our discussion
in §3.2.
Figure 2. The firm’s single-period profit as a function
of z, for a given y. 4.2. Infinite Horizon Problem
We now proceed to examine the firm’s dynamic program in
(y,z) the infinite horizon setting. Compared to the single period
setting, the problem is much more challenging because of
the quasiconvexity of the single-period profit function and
the complex system dynamics. We first characterize the
profit-to-go function v4x5 and the objective function g4y1 z5
0 y z in the following proposition.
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Proposition 3. (a) v4x5 is increasing in x. the first two bracketed terms on the right are decreasing in x
(b) g4y1 z5 is increasing in z if z ¾ y, and increasing in y by ƒ ¶ 1 and Proposition 3(b), and
if y ¶ ’. 
(c) Both v4x5 + ‹4x ∨ ‘5 and g4y1 x5 + ‹4x ∨ ‘5 are ‹4‘5 + cx1 if x ¶ ‘3

decreasing in x if y ¾ ’. ‹4x ∨ ‘5 + cx = 4r − p0 5 Ɛ6x ∧ 4M57 + c41 − 5x1

Proposition 3(a) suggests that the firm’s expected profit-to- 
if x ¾ ‘3
go is increasing in the initial inventory level. This is intuitive
because the firm can decide how much of these inventory is increasing in x. Thus, ƒv4x̃5 − c x̃ is decreasing in y,
to sell at discount and how much to return for disposal. implying that without loss of optimality we can assume
Proposition 3(b) and 3(c) are useful in characterizing the y ¶ Mmax in problem (2). For any z ¾ Mmax , because z ¾ y
firm’s optimal policy. By Proposition 3(b), we immediately by y ¶ Mmax , we know from (4) and (5) that g4y1 z5 =
observe that y ∗ 4x5 ¾ ’ and either z∗ 4x5 < y ∗ 4x5 or z∗ 4x5 = x. ‚ˆ4y5 + p0 Ɛ4M5 + ƒ Ɛ4‚4y − M5+ 5 is independent of z,
This narrows down the range of the optimal markdown i.e., g4y1 z5 = g4y1 Mmax 5. Thus, v4x5 = v4Mmax 5 for any
quantity and ordering quantity. Furthermore, we prove the x ¾ Mmax .
optimal markdown quantity in two special cases, as in the We are now ready to prove the theorem. By above discus-
following theorem. sions and Proposition 3(b), it suffices to restrict ’ ¶ y ¶
Theorem 2. (a) y ∗ 4x5 ¾ ’ and z∗ 4x5 6∈ 6y ∗ 4x51 x5; and Mmax and 0 ¶ z ¶ x ¶ Mmax in the following.
(b) z∗ 4x5 = x, if p0 ¾ r − c and z∗ 4x5 = 0, if p0 ¶ (a) Since M follows a two-point distribution, ‘1 ’ ∈
6r Ɛ4’ ∧ M5 − c’7/ Ɛ4M5. 8Mmin 1 Mmax 9. If ‘ = Mmax , then ’ = Mmax by ‘ ¶ ’,
implying that Œ4x5 is a constant when x ¶ Mmax . Together
Theorems 2(a) and 1 imply that the target inventory level with Proposition 3(a) and the fact that v4x5 + Œ4x5 is
y ∗ 4x5 is higher than or equal to that in the single-period decreasing, it ensures that v4x5 is a constant, too. Thus, the
setting, ’. It is because newly produced products not sold in myopic solution is optimal, i.e., y ∗ 4x5 = ’ and z∗ 4x5 ∈ 801 x9.
a period can be sold in the next period. In addition, if the When ‘ = Mmin , we shall prove the quasiconvexity of
optimal amount of inventory to markdown z∗ 4x5 is larger g4y1 z5 in z as follows by distinguishing among the following
than this target inventory level y ∗ 4x5 such that the firm is
three cases:
not going to order anything for consumers coming in the
(i) If z ¶ Mmin , then z ¶ y by y ¾ ’ ¾ Mmin . By (4)
clearance phase, the firm will simply put all leftover inventory
and (5), 4y1 z5 depends on z via the term 4p0 + c − r5z
in discount. Theorem 2(b) shows that the two special cases
(which decreases in z) and x̃ is independent of z. Hence,
identified in Theorem 1 for the single-period problem can be
g4y1 z5 is decreasing in z.
extended to the dynamic problem. Particularly, independent
(ii) If z ∈ 6Mmin 1 y7, then by (4) and the definition of
of the leftover inventory level, if the (adjusted) margin
from markdown sales dominates that from the regular sales
(p0 ¾ r − c), then the firm should put all leftover inventory in
g4y1z5−4‚+5ˆ4y5 = ƒ Ɛ6v4x̃5+Œ4x̃57−Ɛ6Œ4z5+ƒŒ4x̃571
discount. On the other hand, if the discounted margin is very
low, the firm should not mark down any unit. The following where the first bracketed term on the right side is increasing
theorem studies the case of intermediate markdown price. in z by the fact that v4x5 + Œ4x5 is decreasing in x and
Theorem 3. When 6r Ɛ4’ ∧M5−c’7/ Ɛ4M5 ¶ p0 ¶ r −c, the monotonicity of x̃ in z. We next show Œ4z5 + ƒŒ4x̃5 is
we have the following statements. decreasing in z, which immediately ensures that g4y1 z5 is
(a) If v4x5 + Œ4x5 is decreasing, and M follows a two- increasing z. In fact, since M follows a two-point distribution,
point distribution, then z∗ 4x5 ∈ 801 x9. one can be verified that Œ4x5 is linearly decreasing with, say,
(b) If z∗ 4x5 ∈ 801 x9, then v4x5 + Œ4x5 is decreasing in x, slope −k ¶ 0 over 6‘1 Mmax 7, and it is a constant for either
where Œ4x5 = ‹4‘ ∨ x ∧ Mmax 5. x ¶ ‘ or x ¾ Mmax . Thus, by ‘ = Mmin ¶ z ¶ y ¶ Mmax
Proof. In preparation, we first show ‘ ¶ ’. Note that and (5),
we can express ‘ = x∗ 4−p0 5 and ’ = x∗ 405 with x∗ 4t5
being the smallest maximizer of the function f 4x1 t5 = Œ4z5 + ƒŒ4x̃5

4r + t5 Ɛ4x ∧ M5 − cx in terms of x. Since Ɛ4x ∧ M5 = −kz + ƒŒ 4‚ + 54y − M5+ − 4z − M5+ 1
is increasing in x, f 4x1 t5 is supermodular, implying that
x∗ 4−p0 5 ¶ x∗ 405 by Theorem 2.8.2 in Topkis (1998). where the right side, regarded as a function of z, consists
Next we show that it leads no loss of optimality to assume of linear pieces with slopes in 8−k1 −k + ƒk9. Since
y ¶ Mmax in problem (2), and that v4x5 = v4Mmax 5 for 0 ¶ 1 ƒ ¶ 1, we have Œ4z5 + ƒŒ4x̃5 decreasing in z, and
any x ¾ Mmax . In fact, given any y > Mmax , we can thus g4y1 z5 increases in z.
verify from (4) and (5) that g4y1 z5 = p0 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57 + (iii) If z ∈ 6y1 Mmax 7, then by (4) and (5), 4y1 z5
4r − c5 Ɛ D4M1 z5 + Ɛ6ƒv4x̃5 − c x̃7, where x̃ = D4y1 z5 − depends on z via the term p0 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57 (which increases
D4M1 z5 is increasing in y. Notice that ƒv4x5 − cx = in z) and x̃ is independent of z. Hence, g4y1 z5 is increas-
64ƒ − 15v4x57 + 6v4x5 + ‹4x ∨ ‘57 − 6‹4x ∨ ‘5 + cx7, where ing in z.
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
126 Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS

In summary, g4y1 z5 is decreasing in z when z ¶ Mmin analysis performed by Naddor (1978) suggests that optimal
and then increasing in z when z ¾ Mmin . Thus, g4y1 z5 is decisions of many inventory systems are sensitive to the mean
quasiconvex in z, implying z∗ 4x5 ∈ 801 x9. and standard deviation but not the precise form of demand,
(b) When x ¶ ‘, by Proposition 3(a, c) and ‹4x ∨ ‘5 = and two-point distribution is usually the first to be considered
‹4‘5, we know that v4x5 + Œ4x5 is a constant. When in operations problems with demand uncertainty (see, for e.g.,
‘ ¶ x ¶ Mmax , by z∗ 4x5 ∈ 801 x9, v4x5 + Œ4x5 = 6u405 + Chou et al. 2010, 2011). In §4.3, in addition to conducting
‹4x57 ∨ 6u4x5 + ‹4x571 where u4z5 = maxy 8g4y1 z52 ’ ¶ numerical studies to get a better understanding of the optimal
y ¶ Mmax 9. Because ‹4x5 is decreasing when x ¾ ‘, policy, we numerically test the robustness of our results
and g4y1 x5 + ‹4x5 is decreasing by Proposition 3(c), we when the aggregate demand follows multipoint distributions.
conclude that v4x5 + Œ4x5 is decreasing in x. ƒ Since all demand distributions can be approximated using a
multipoint demand distribution, optimality of the bang-bang
In Theorem 3 we proved that z∗ 4x5 ∈ 801 x9 when the
strategy in the multipoint demand distribution can provide
aggregate demand follows a two-point distribution. We now
confidence that the same policy is optimal for other demand
characterize how the optimal policy z∗ 4x5 depends on the
state x.
Proposition 4. If z∗ 4x5 ∈ 801 x9, then there exists a cutoff 4.3. Numerical Illustration
level s such that z∗ 4x5 = 0 when x < s and z∗ 4x5 = x when To gain further insights on the optimal policy, we perform an
x ¾ s, where s ¾ 0 is decreasing in p. extensive numerical study. We normalize the regular price r to
Proof. From the definition of 4y1 z5, z = z∗ 4x5 solves the unity and assume the discount factor ƒ = 009. In the majority
problem of the study we focus on a two-point distribution of the aggre-
 gate demand M, given by Pr8M = 1−Š9 = 1−q and Pr8M =
max p Ɛ64z ∧ 4M57 + w4z52 z ∈ 601 x7 1 (7) 1 + Š9 = q, where q = 005. In addition to the two-point
distribution, we consider multipoint distributions in the last
where w4z5 given below is independent of p: part of the study (elaborated below). We vary the following
parameters: discounted price p ∈ 80021 0041 0061 0089, marginal
cost c ∈ 80021 0049, demand uncertainty Š ∈ 80011 0021 0 0 0 1 19,

w4z5 = max r Ɛ D4y ∧ M1 z5 − cD4y1 z5 + ƒ Ɛ v4x̃5 0
first-phase demand portion  ∈ 80011 0031 0051 0071 0099, and
proportion of first-phase buyers who can afford the regular
On the maximization problem (7), since its objective function
price  ∈ 80011 0021 0031 0 0 0 1 0091 19, resulting in a total of
is supermodular in 4x1 z1 p5, and the set 84x1 z1 p52 0 ¶ z ¶ x9
41000 instances. For tractability, when solving the dynamic
forms a sublattice, its optimal solution z∗ 4x5 is increasing
program, we approximate the continuous state space x ∈ +
in x and p by in Topkis (1998, Theorem 2.8.2). Since
with a discrete one. Specifically, recall that the profit-to-go
z∗ 4x5 ∈ 801 x9, by its monotonicity in x, the cutoff level exists
function v4x5 is a constant when x ¾ Mmax (see the proof
and can be defined as s = sup8x2 z∗ 4x5 = 09. Furthermore,
of Theorem 3), it suffices to keep track of its value for
since z∗ 4x5 is increasing in p, we conclude from its definition
x ∈ 601 Mmax 7 only. Thus, we consider the discretized state
that s is decreasing in p. ƒ
space X = 84i/N 5Mmax 2 0 ¶ i ¶ N 9 for N = 200. In addition,
As shown in Proposition 4, there exists a cutoff level s v4x5 satisfying the Bellman equation (2) is approximated
for the on-hand inventory x, above which the firm offers by vn 4x5 defined in (6), where the iteration stops when
discounted sales. Furthermore, as the discounted price p maxx∈X —vn+1 4x5 − vn 4x5— < 00001.
increases, the threshold s decreases, implying that the firm Effects of demand uncertainty Š0 We calculate the cutoff
is more likely to sell in the first phase. level s for all 41000 instances. These instances can be divided
Theorem 3 and Proposition 4 prove the optimal markdown into 400 groups such that in each group Š varies from 0.1
policy for the case when the aggregate demand follows a two- to 1, while the other parameters are fixed. We observe that s
point distribution. There is significant challenge in extending decreases in Š for all groups. The left panel of Figure 3
the results to other aggregate demand distributions. As shows a typical instance. In fact, we can prove this result
discussed before, the profit-to-go of the firm is not concave for the single-period problem when market-size follows a
or convex but quasiconvex in the markdown quantity z. two-point distribution (see Proposition 5 in Appendix B).
In addition, the demand interdependence across two phases in This result suggests that markdown is more likely to be
each period creates very complicated dynamics for inventory optimal as demand uncertainty increases. As discussed earlier,
carried over between two consecutive periods. To the best of one benefit of markdown is that it reduces the overage risk
our knowledge, there does not exist any prior study that encountered by the firm. This benefit is magnified as demand
shows the preservation of quasiconvex functions in dynamic uncertainty increases, making markdown more preferable.
maximization problems. Similar to Harrison et al. (2012), Effects of intertemporal substitution 0 We divide the
our motivation for considering the simple two-point demand 41000 instances into 400 groups such that in each group 
distribution is to gain insights into the basic issues involved varies from 001 to 1, while the other parameters are fixed.
by studying a setting that is analytically tractable. The Interestingly, we find that in all 400 groups, the cutoff
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS 127

levels s are all increasing in . The right panel of Figure 3 x or 0 over the entire planning horizon. Specifically, define
illustrates a typical pattern of the cutoff s in . For the single- the following two static policies:
period problem, we can formally prove this result with any
(H0 ): Fix z∗ 4x5 = 0 for all x. Denote the corresponding
market-size distribution (see Proposition 5 in Appendix B).
profit-to-go as v0 4x5.
The intuition behind this is that, as  increases, the firm (Hx ): Fix z∗ 4x5 = x for all x. Denote the corresponding
is less likely to offer the discounted sales. Recall that  profit-to-go as vx 4x5.
captures magnitude of the intertemporal substitution, or
the cannibalization effect of markdown pricing on future In addition, let v4x5 be the profit-to-go corresponding to the
regular sales. As one may expect, the higher the , the larger optimal dynamic policy. Define the firm’s percentage loss in
the impact of intertemporal substitution, and thus the more expected profit because of the static policy (in comparison
cautious the firm is toward markdown sales. to that under the optimal dynamic policy) by
Coordination of inventory and markdown decisions0 Fig-
1 X v4y5 − v0 4y5
ure 4 illustrates how the markdown quantity z∗ 4x5 and LoE0 = × 100%1
ordering quantity y 0∗ 4x5 changes with the amount of inven- N y∈X v4y5
tory x. When x is small, the firm does not make any units 1 X v4y5 − vx 4y5
available during markdown and hence the firm orders a LoEx = × 100%1
N y∈X v4y5
fixed quantity independent of x. When x is large, the firm
makes all inventory available during markdown. Hence, the where LoE means loss of efficiency. We compute the LoE’s
demand in the regular-sales phase decreases in x and so for all possible values of the initial state.
does the ordering quantity. The most interesting observation Our numerical results indicate that the firm incurs sub-
is that there is a sudden drop in ordering quantity when stantial loss by adopting the static policies. Specifically,
inventory level increases. Such a sudden drop does not exist the average LoE across the 41000 instances is 107% for the
in a dynamic inventory model without a fixed ordering cost. Hx policy and 1204% for the H0 policy. In the worst-case
This sudden drop exists here because the markdown quantity scenario, LoE of the Hx (H0 ) policy can be as high as 2700%
follows a bang-bang structure and hence there is a sudden (7709%).
drop in the demand in the regular-sales phase when inventory Our results also suggest that the cost of ignoring intertem-
reaches the cutoff level s. As shown in the figure, the sudden poral substitution or strategic customer behavior can be very
drop occurs at a smaller x when Š increases, as a higher significant. As we noted earlier in §3.1, Hx would be the
market uncertainty makes markdown sales more profitable. firm’s optimal dynamic policy if there was no intertemporal
Static vs. dynamic policy0 In practice some firms may substitution (i.e.,  = 0). In other words, Hx is also the
stick to a certain markdown policy and do not change it policy that the firm would apply when it completely ignored
over time. Although some stores may never mark down the substitution effect. As reported in the previous paragraph,
leftover products to avoid complexity in management, some the LoE from the Hx policy is quite significant.
stores may mark down all leftover products for marketing Furthermore, as illustrated in the left panel of Figure 5,
purposes. To evaluate the benefit that the firm can enjoy by when the level of uncertainty Š increases, the performance
dynamically adjusting its markdown and inventory policy, of H0 is worsened (i.e., LoE0 increases). This is consistent
we consider two static policies where z∗ 4x5 is fixed at either with the aforementioned intuition that demand uncertainty

Figure 3. Cutoff level s as a function of demand uncertainty Š (left) for 4p1 c1 1 5 = 40041 0041 0091 0075, and intertemporal
substitution level  (right) for 4p1 c1 1 Š5 = 40021 0041 0011 0095.
1.0 0.2

Cutoff level
Cutoff level




0 0
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
128 Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS

Figure 4. The optimal policy z∗ 4x5 and y 0∗ 4x5 for 4p1 c1 1 5 = 40021 0021 0011 1005, where Š = 002 and s = 00091 for the
left figures, and Š = 008 and s = 00022 for the right figures.
z*(x) z*(x)
0.20 0.20

0.15 0.15

0.10 0.10

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
leftover inventory level x leftover inventory level x

y0*(x) y0*(x)

0.11640 0.17460




0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

leftover inventory level x leftover inventory level x

Figure 5. Average LoE0 and LoEx as functions of market-size uncertainty Š (left) and intertemporal substitution
level  (right).

H0 20
Loss of efficiency (%)

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9

enhances the benefit of markdown. However, the performance of Hx . The reason behind this is that while a larger uncer-
of Hx is not always improved when Š increases. In particular, tainty improves the profit advantage of markdown, all static
LoEx first increases and then decreases in Š, meaning that policies suffer a deterioration of performance because of
uncertainty first worsens and then enhances the performance their nonresponsiveness to revealed market-size information.
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS 129

While the former impact dominates when Š is large, the all consumers who want to buy the product can obtain it.
latter effect dominates when Š is small. Under the random allocation rule, denoted by ‹1 4zn 1 p5 the
Meanwhile, as shown in the right panel of Figure 5, probability of a consumer obtaining the product in the first
when the substitution level  increases, the performance of phase. Consumers who are rationed out in the first phase
H0 is improved (i.e., LoE0 decreases), whereas that of Hx will join those who decide to purchase in the second phase.
deteriorates (i.e., LoEx increases). This is consistent with Demand in the second phase may also be higher or lower
the aforementioned result that the firm is more inclined to than the supply in that phase (i.e., the amount of new product
refrain from markdown sales with a higher . ordered yn0 ). In the following two subsections, we present
Multipoint market-size distribution0 Because of the analyti- two scenarios on what happens with consumers who are
cal challenge arising from the quasiconvex function, it is very rationed out in the second phase, and in both scenarios we
difficult to extend the multiperiod proof to incorporate more show that the firm’s problem reduces to our original model
general market-size distributions. For multipoint distributions, with the aggregate market demand.
we numerically test the 41000 parameter combinations stated 5.1.1. The Case with Outside Purchasing Option in the
above when the aggregate demand M in each period follows Second Phase. We first consider the case that consumers
the 4m + 15-point distributions for m = 41 61 81 10 with have outside sources of supply (e.g., a competing firm) from
Pr8M = 1 − Š + 2Ši/m9 = Cmi q i 41 − q5m−i 1 i = 01 0 0 0 1 m. We which they can buy the fresh product at price r if the firm
find that the optimal markdown strategy in each of the 41000 stocks out in the second phase. Such outside purchasing
instances, for each point distribution m, is of the bang-bang options are not uncommon in the industries which motivate
structure. This observation increases our confidence that our study. For example, the bakery and grocery industries
the main results and insights shall remain valid for general are highly competitive such that alternative sources of supply
market distributions. are readily available for consumers if their preferred seller
runs out of stock at time of consumption. Consumers decide
5. Extensions whether and when to purchase by evaluating the expected
As alluded to in §3.1, so far we have focused on the utilities from buying in either phase. For a consumer with
aggregate effects of consumers’ purchasing behavior on the valuation v, the expected utility from buying in the first
intertemporal demand substitution. This allows us to focus phase is ‹1 4zn 1 p54„v − p5 + 61 − ‹1 4zn 1 p574v − r5+ , whereas
on the firm’s main trade-off between product spoilage and that from buying in the second phase is 4v − r5+ . Hence, the
intertemporal demand substitution. In this section we extend consumer attempts to buy in the first phase if and only if
the base model by incorporating a micro model for consumer ‹1 4zn 1 p54„v − p5 + 61 − ‹1 4zn 1 p574v − r5+ ¾ 4v − r5+ , or
choices and by incorporating endogenous markdown pricing equivalently, „v − p ¾ 4v − r5+ , i.e.,
and consumers’ shopping costs. We show that our main p r −p
result of the bang-bang solution is substantiated in all these ¶v¶ 0 (8)
„ 1−„
On the other hand, the consumers with valuation v > 4r − p5/
41 − „5 skip the first phase and directly go to the second
5.1. Consumer Choice Model
phase, whereas the consumers with valuation v < p/„ do
We start from describing the market and the consumers’ not buy in either phase.9 Note that by (8), it suffices to
preferences. Denote the size of the market (i.e., the total only consider the case where p < „r, since otherwise p/„ ¾
number of buyers if the product is priced at zero) in period n 4r − p5/41 − „5, implying that the discount price is too high
by Mn0 , and assume that Mn0 in each period is random, and no one will buy in the first phase.
stationary, bounded, and independent of each other. To The consumers’ purchasing choices naturally lead to
describe the customer model, we differentiate aggregate market segmentation in each period, which depends on
demand Mn from market size Mn0 , where the market size Mn0 the markdown price p. Specifically, for p < „r, define
represents all customers in the market and the aggregate d1 4p5 = 44r − p5/41 − „55 ∧ 1 − p/„ as the portion of
demand Mn corresponds to customers who will buy in either consumers who attempt to make purchases in the first phase,
phase. Thus, the aggregate demand Mn is a function of d2 4p5 = 1 − 44r − p5/41 − „55 ∧ 1 as the portion of consumers
the firm’s pricing decision, whereas the market size Mn0 who have high valuation that they disdain to buy in the first
is not. Consumers have heterogeneous valuations v uniformly phase and only buy the fresh product in the second phase, and
distributed between zero and one for the fresh product. They d3 4p5 = 44r − p5/41 − „55 ∧ 1 − r as the portion of consumers
decide whether to purchase in the first phase or second phase, who have a valuation higher than r but they are attracted by
even though they only consume in the second phase. If the promotion and try to make purchases in the first phase.
they buy in the first phase, the valuation of the product will If rationed in the first phase, this group of consumers will
be discounted at a discount factor „, since the product will be attempt to make purchase in the second phase. Observe
less fresh when they consume it. Nevertheless, the price that d1 4p5 + d2 4p5 = 1 − p/„, d2 4p5 + d3 4p5 = 1 − r, and
in the first phase, p, is lower than the regular price r. di 4p5 ¾ 0, i = 11 21 3. The market segments are illustrated
Since there is only limited supply zn in the first phase, not in Figure 6.
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
130 Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS

Figure 6. Market segmentation when 1−„
¶ 1. fill rate ‹2 does. Denote the fractions,  and , characterized
p r–p
in Lemma 1 by ∗ 4‹2 5 and ∗ 4‹2 5, respectively. Note that the
– –
0  r 1– 1 v second-phase fill rate ‹2 is determined by the second-phase
d3 ( p) d2 (p)
demand 41 − 5M + 4M − z5+ and the inventory y 0 , both
of which depend on the initial inventory x. Nevertheless, in
practice consumers can hardly observe or access information
d1 ( p)
about markdown ration z, inventory y 0 , or initial inventory x,
as these are the firm’s internal operating data. Similar to
Mapping the micro model to the framework in our base Su and Zhang (2008) and Su (2010), we adopt a rational
model, we have Mn 4p5 = Mn0 41 − p/„5, 4p5 = d1 4p5/ expectation framework in the consumer model. The details
41 − p/„5 and 4p5 = d3 4p5/d1 4p5, where the aggregate of the framework are described in Appendix C1. Using this
demand Mn 4p5 equals to the total market size Mn0 multiplied framework, we decouple this setting into a dynamic program
by the proportion of consumers who can afford at least for the firm and a purchasing problem for each consumer. In
the discount price (i.e., v ¾ p/„); the aggregate demand this case, the firm’s problem also reduces to our original
Mn 4p5 consists of two groups of consumers, 4p5 portion model with the aggregate market demand.
for those who attempt to buy in the first phase, and 1 − 4p5
portion for those only making purchases in the second 5.2. Endogenous Pricing Decision
phase. The fraction, 4p5, equals to the first-phase demand
d1 4p5Mn0 divided by the aggregate demand. Furthermore, So far we have assumed that the markdown price is exoge-
among the first-phase buyers, the proportion of those who nously given. This assumption is valid for chain bakery
can afford the full price, 4p5, is given by the corresponding stores and grocery stores (including the one that motivates
segment size d3 4p5Mn0 divided by the first-phase demand. our study) because changing prices every day can lead to
After substituting the demand functions Mn 4p5, 4p5, and consumer confusion and management complexity. Since
4p5 into the dynamic program (1), the firm’s problem under we show that the bang-bang strategy is optimal for any
the micro model reduces to our original model with the given discount price, this strategy remains optimal even if
aggregate market demand. prices are determined at the beginning and remain unchanged
for the whole planning horizon. On the other hand, there
5.1.2. The Case Without Outside Purchasing Option. may be cases where the firm can change the markdown
Thus far we have assumed in the micro model that outside price every period when each period lasts for a longer
options exist to ensure consumers of product availability duration (as opposed to only one day for bakery stores and
in the second phase. If such outside options are absent, grocery stores). We now consider the case when the firm’s
consumers’ purchasing decisions need to factor in not only markdown pricing decision is endogenous. In particular, the
the fill rate in the first phase ‹1 , but also the fill rate in discount price for the first phase is decided by the firm at
the second phase ‹2 . The lemma below characterizes the the beginning of in a typical period and it is denoted as p.
consumers’ purchasing behavior for given fill rates and prices. We focus on the case in which consumers have an outside
Lemma 1. For given ‹1 , ‹2 , p, and r, the consumers’ pur- option if the firm is out of stock in the second phase. With
chasing behavior is as follows. the micro model and the additional pricing decision, the
(a) Suppose ‹2 ¶ „. If p ¶ „r, consumers with v ¾ p/„ Bellman equation (2) becomes
buy in the first phase and those with v < p/„ do not buy in 
either phase, i.e.,  = 1,  = 41 − r5/41 − p/„5. If p > „r, v4x5 = max 4y1 z1 p5 + ƒ Ɛ v4x̃52
y1 z1 p
consumers with v ¾ 4p − ‹2 r5/4„ − ‹2 5 buy in the first phase,
y ¾ 01 z ∈ 601 x71 p ∈ P 1 (9)
those with v ∈ 6r1 4p − ‹2 r5/4„ − ‹2 55 buy in the second
phase, and those with v < r do not buy in either phase, i.e., where x̃ = 6D4y1 z1 p5 − D4M 0 1 z1 p57+ with D4y1 z1 p5 =
 = 41/41 − r5541 − 4p − ‹2 r5/4„ − ‹2 55+ ,  = 1. d2 4p5y + 8d3 4p5y − 6d3 4p5/d1 4p57z9+ , 4y1 z1 p5 = p Ɛ8z ∧
(b) Suppose ‹2 > „. If p ¶ „r, consumers with v ∈ 6d1 4p5M 0 79 − cD4y1 z1 p5 + r Ɛ D4y ∧ M 0 1 z1 p5, and P is the
6p/„1 4‹2 r − p5/4‹2 − „57 buy in the first phase, those feasible set for markdown price. Let 6y ∗ 4x51 z∗ 4x51 p∗ 4x57 be
with v > 4‹2 r − p5/4‹2 − „5 buy in the second phase and the optimal solution to problem (9).
those with v < p/„ do not buy in either phase, i.e.,  = Our intuition is that, since pricing and rationing are strate-
41/41 − p/„5541 ∧ 44‹2 r − p5/4‹2 − „55 − p/„5,  = 41/41 ∧ gic substitutes (see, e.g., Maglaras and Meissner 2006),
44‹2 r − p5/4‹2 − „55 − p/„5541 ∧ 44‹2 r − p5/4‹2 − „55 − r5. rationing is even less likely to happen. To confirm our
If p > „r, consumers with v ¾ r buy in the second phase and
intuition, we numerically verify that bang-bang solution for
those with v < r do not buy in either phase, i.e.,  = 01  is
the markdown rationing is sustained in this extended model.
Specifically, we fix the discount factor ƒ = 009 and focus
In both cases above, if  = 0, then  is arbitrary.
on a two-point distribution of the market size M 0 , given
Lemma 1 implies that the first-phase fill rate ‹1 does not by Pr8M 0 = 1 − Š9 = Pr8M 0 = 1 + Š9 = 005. We examine a
play a role in consumer choices, whereas the second-phase total of 21250 problem instances by varying the following
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS 131

parameters: „ ∈ 80011 0021 0 0 0 1 0099, Š ∈ 80011 0021 0 0 0 1 0091 19, consumers make decisions based on conjectures about the
r ∈ 80031 0041 0 0 0 1 0079, and c ∈ 800051 00101 00151 00201 00259. other party’s decisions and reach an equilibrium when the
In searching for the optimal discount price p, we consider a conjectures coincide with the actual actions. This framework
discrete feasible region P = 84i/105„r2 1 ¶ i ¶ 99. Also, sim- allows us to decouple firm’s dynamic program from the
ilar to the setup in §4.3, the state space X is discretized into consumers’ purchasing problem, and essentially reduces the
200 levels, and value iterations for the dynamic programming firm’s problem to our original model with aggregate market
stop once maxx —vn+1 4x5 − vn 4x5— < 00005. demand. This substantiates our main result of the bang-bang
We confirm that the optimal markdown strategy in all structure for markdowns.
of the 21250 instances is of the bang-bang structure. Par- We find that the fixed shopping cost plays an important
ticularly, in each instance, the quasiconvexity of the profit role in determining consumers’ strategic purchasing choices
function in z is preserved under the endogenous pricing, i.e., and hence the firm’s optimal markdown strategy. Specifically,
maxy1 p 84y1 z1 p5 + ƒ Ɛ v4x̃52 y ¾ 01 p ∈ P9 is quasiconvex the shopping cost does not only increase consumers’ cost of
in z. This observation suggests that the additional pricing visiting the store during markdown, but also lowers their
decision does not alter the underlying trade-off in markdown. willingness to travel back to the regular sales if they are
Furthermore, same as in the base model, the cutoff inventory rationed out during markdown. Hence, it dis-incentivizes
level s decreases in the market-size uncertainty Š, implying customers’ strategic purchasing behavior and mitigates
that demand uncertainty amplifies the benefit of markdown intertemporal demand substitution, which makes it more
sales. This pattern is observed in all the instances. We likely for the firm to sell under markdown. We formally
formally prove this result for the single-period problem with prove that the cutoff level decreases in the shopping cost
endogenous markdown pricing. Specifically, Proposition 8 in for the single-period problem under some conditions (see
Appendix C2 confirms both the optimality of bang-bang Proposition 11 in Appendix C3).
policy and the monotonicity of the cutoff level in Š under
some condition.
We do not consider endogenous pricing decision for 6. Conclusions
the case when consumers do not have outside options in In this paper, we examine a firm’s dynamic inventory and
the second phase for two reasons. First, computing the markdown policy for perishable products when consumers are
equilibrium dynamically, whether analytically or numerically, strategic. Thus, sales at the discount price may cannibalize
is a technically challenging problem. Second, computing the future demand at the full price. To the best of our knowledge,
dynamic equilibrium with endogenous pricing decision may this is the first stochastic and dynamic inventory model
not be very meaningful, since the pricing decision may have facing strategic customer behavior with joint ordering and
a signaling effect which will change the belief of customers discounting decisions. The technical challenge is that the
regarding the fill rate and hence their purchasing behavior. single-period profit is neither concave nor convex, but
This is different from the case in our original model with quasiconvex in the amount of leftover inventory to mark
stationary prices where signaling is not an issue. down. Despite the lack of existing results on the preservation
of this kind of property in dynamic programming, we are
5.3. Effects of Consumers’ Shopping Costs able to characterize the firm’s optimal policy with the use
In the consumer choice model presented in §5.1, we have of a transformation technique. Our results suggest that, the
assumed that consumers’ purchases are effortless, i.e., they firm should either put all leftover inventory on discount
do not incur any cost for store visits in either phase. This or dispose all leftover inventory without introducing any
corresponds to cases where the store is located at a very discount. In particular, the firm should introduce markdown
convenient location. In the local bakery chain example, the if and only if the amount of leftover inventory is high. The
stores are usually located in or near metro stations where firm is less likely to offer a discount if cannibalization is
consumers pass by on the way to or after work. In such stronger. Furthermore, anticipating the cannibalization, the
cases, consumers do not need to pay extra efforts visiting the firm should reduce the quantity ordered for sales at the
stores. On the other hand, in the cases that the store is not full price, whenever it offers a discount. This results in an
in the vicinity of consumers, consumers may incur a fixed interesting sudden drop in the optimal ordering quantity as
shopping cost (i.e., travel cost) for each visit to the store. the leftover inventory level increases. In addition, the loss
We now incorporate such a shopping cost (denoted by ”) of efficiency from adopting static policies in comparison
into the consumer choice model and evaluate its impact on to a dynamic policy can be very significant. Likewise, the
consumers’ strategic purchases and on the firm’s markdown loss in profit by ignoring intertemporal substitution can also
decision. We focus on the case when consumers do not have be substantial. We show, in some cases through numerical
outside purchasing option and prices are exogenously given, studies, that our results and insights are robust in model
as in §5.1.2. extensions incorporating consumers’ individual purchasing
Details of this extended consumer choice model are choices and endogenous markdown pricing.
presented in Appendix C3. Similar to §5.1.2, we adopt a A limitation in our model is that we assume that the
rational expectation framework where both the firm and the lifetime of the product is only one period. Although this is
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
132 Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS

true for bakery products and certain products in the grocery Proof of Theorem 1. It is straightforward to see from Propo-
stores, there are other products that are perishable but yet sition 2 that y ∗ 4x5 = ’ and z∗ 4x5 ∈ 801 x9. In particular, if p0 ¾
have longer lifetimes. To extend our model to the products r − c, then 4’1 z5 is increasing in z by Proposition 2(b), imply-
with lifetimes of more than one period, the dimension of ing 4’1 x5 ¾ 4’1 z5 for all 0 ¶ z ¶ x, i.e., z∗ 4x5 = x. Oth-
state space has to be increased to specify the amounts of erwise, 4’1 z5 is quasiconvex in z. Observe from (10) that
inventory that are going to expire at different points of time limx→ˆ −1 64’1 x5 − 4’1 057 = p0 Ɛ4M5 − ˆ4’5. It implies that
4’1 x5 ¶ 4’1 05 for all x if p0 ¶ 6r Ɛ4’ ∧ M5 − c’7/ Ɛ4M5.
in the future. This definitely creates a technical challenge for
Otherwise, there exists a cutoff level s such that 4’1 x5 ¶ 4’1 05
the extension. Another issue is that, when product lifetime
if and only if x < s, i.e., z∗ 4x5 = 0 if x < s and z∗ 4x5 = x if x ¾ s.
is longer than one period, the optimal policy depends on
whether fresher products are sold first on a last-in-first-out Proof of Proposition 3. In preparation, we first derive an
basis or older products are sold first on a first-in-first-out alternative expression for x̃. Observe from their definitions that
basis (see Li et al. 2013 for a more detailed discussion). x̃ = D4y ∨ 4M51 z5 − D4M1 z5 and D4y1 z5 = ‚y + 4y ∨ z5 − z.
This in turn depends on the type of retail store and the Thus,
format of inventory display (see, e.g., Yin et al. 2008 for a 
discussion of display format). Another possible extension is 64y − M5+ − 4z − M5+ 71

x̃ = ‚4y − M5+ + if z ¶ y1 (11)
to incorporate a fixed operating cost for markdown sales. 
01 if z ¾ y0
It! is straightforward to see that the bang-bang policy remains
optimal with such a fixed cost in the single-period setting.
(a) The monotonicity of v4x5 is straightforward because in
Incorporating the fixed cost in the dynamic model, however,
problem (2), the objective function g4y1 z5 is independent of x, and
will introduce additional technical complexity to the dynamic the feasible set expands as x increases.
program, and we leave it to future work. (b) When z ¾ y, by (10) and (11), g4y1 z5 = ‚ˆ4y5 +
This paper should only be taken as an initial attempt at p0 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57 + ƒ Ɛ v4‚4y − M5+ 5, which increases in z. Fur-
studying dynamic inventory and markdown decisions with thermore, when y ¶ ’, since ˆ4y5 is increasing in y, g4y1 z5 is also
intertemporal substitution. As markdown becomes a popular increasing in y by monotonicity of v4x5 as proved in part (a).
strategy in the food retail industry to clear expiring products, (c) Reformulate g4y1 z5 + ‹4z ∨ ‘5 as 64y1 z5 + ‹4z ∨ ‘57 +
and yet consumer purchasing behavior is increasingly sophis- ƒ Ɛ v4x̃5, where Ɛ v4x̃5 is decreasing in z since x̃ is decreasing
ticated, the interaction between markdown and intertemporal in z by (11) and v4x5 is increasing in x. We now show that the
demand presents fruitful directions for future research. bracketed term is also decreasing in z.
(i) When z ¶ ‘, z ¶ y because y ¾ ’ ¾ ‘, implying 4y1 z5 +
Supplemental Material ‹4‘5 = 4‚ + 5ˆ4y5 − ‹4z5 + ‹4‘5 by (10). It is decreasing in z
since ‹4z5 is increasing when z ¶ ‘.
Supplemental material to this paper is available at http://dx.doi (ii) when z ¾ ‘, by (10) again, 4y1 z5 + ‹4z5 = ‚ˆ4y5 +
.org/10.1287/opre.2015.1439. ˆ4y ∨ z5. Because 4y ∨ z5 ¾ y ¾ ’ ¾ ‘ with ’ maximizing the
concave function ˆ4x5, we know that ˆ4y ∨ z5 is decreasing in z,
Acknowledgments implying that 4y1 z5 + ‹4z5 is also decreasing in z.
The authors thank Chung-Piaw Teo, one anonymous associate The above discussion ensures that g4y1 z5 + ‹4z ∨ ‘5 is decreas-
editor, and two anonymous referees for their valuable comments. ing in z. This implies that u4z5 + ‹4z ∨ ‘5 also decreases in z,
This research is partly supported by Hong Kong General Research where u4z5 2= maxy¾’ g4y1 z5. Since v4x5 = max0¶z¶x u4z5, the
Fund [Grants 11505114, 647312, and 16504014], and National monotonicity of v4x5 + ‹4z ∨ ‘5 immediately follows from
Science Foundation of China [Grants 71201066 and 71131004]. Lemma 2 provided below. ƒ
Lemma 2. Given a real function G4x5 defined on <+ , suppose
Appendix A. Proofs the function F 4x5 = max0¶y¶x G4y5 is well-defined for any x ∈ <+ .
Proof of Proposition 2. With the two auxiliary functions ˆ4x5 If there exists an increasing and convex function H 4x5 such that
and ‹4x5, the single-period expected profit given in (4) becomes G4x5 − H4x5 is decreasing on <+ , then F 4x5 − H4x5 is also
( decreasing on <+ .
4‚ + 5ˆ4y5 − ‹4z51 if z ¶ y1
4y1 z5 = (10) Proof. We shall prove F 4x + „5 ¶ F 4x5 + H4x + „5 − H4x5 for
‚ˆ4y5 + p0 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M571 if z ¾ y0
any x, „ ¾ 0.
(a) Observe from (10) that 4y1 z5 depends on y via either 1. When x = 0, since G4y5 − H4y5 ¶ G405 − H405 for any
4‚ + 5ˆ4y5 or ‚ˆ4y5 depending on whether z ¶ y or not. Since ’ y ¾ 0 as assumed, F 4„5 = max0¶y¶„ G4y5 ¶ max0¶y¶„ 6G405 +
maximizes the concave function ˆ4y5, it implies that 4y1 z5 is H4y5 − H4057. Because G405 = F 405 by the definition of F 4x5,
increasing in y when y ¶ ’ and decreasing in y when y ¾ ’. and H4y5 is increasing, F 4„5 ¶ F 405 + max0¶y¶„ 6H 4y5 − H4057 =
(b) If z ¾ y, then 4y1 z5 depends on z via the term F 405−H 405+H 4„5. Therefore F 4x +„5 ¶ F 4x5+H 4x +„5−H 4x5
p0 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57, which increases in z. If z ¶ y, then 4y1 z5 at x = 0.
depends on z via the term −‹4z5 = 6p0 − 4r − c57 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57 + 2. When x ¾ „, by the definition of F 4x5, F 4x + „5 = F 4x5 ∨
c Ɛ4z − M5+ . Since −‹4z5 is increasing if p0 ¾ r − c and it is maxx¶y¶x+„ G4y5 = F 4x5∨maxx−„¶y¶x G4y +„5. Because x −„ ¾ 0
convex otherwise, we conclude that 4y1 z5 is increasing in z if and G4y + „5 ¶ G4y5 − H 4y5 + H 4y + „5, by the above inequality,
p0 ¾ r − c, and otherwise it is decreasing when z ¶ ‘ ∧ y, and F 4x + „5 ¶ F 4x5 ∨ max0¶y¶x 6G4y5 + H4y + „5 − H4y57. By the
increasing when z ¾ ‘ ∧ y. convexity of H4x5, H4y + „5 − H4y5 ¶ H4x + „5 − H4x5 for any
Hu, Shum, and Yu: Inventory and Markdown Management with Strategic Consumer Behavior
Operations Research 64(1), pp. 118–134, © 2016 INFORMS 133

y ¶ x. It leads to F 4x + „5 ¶ F 4x5 ∨ max0¶y¶x 6G4y5 + H4x + „5 − Endnotes

H 4x57 = F 4x5 ∨ 6F 4x5 + H 4x + „5 − H 4x57. Since H 4x5 ¶ H 4x + „5, 1. See, e.g., “Coles Bakery Tip” discussion on https://www
we have F 4x + „5 ¶ F 4x5 + H4x + „5 − H4x5 in this case, too., and http://forums.moneysavingexpert
3. When 0 < x < „, there exists some integer n such that .com/showthread.php?t=419108.
nx ¾ „. If we let „m = 4m/n5„ for any m ¾ 0, then clearly 2. See, e.g., “End of the day markdowns on grocery items”
x + „m ¾ „1 . Therefore by what we proved in the previous step, on
F 4x + „m+1 5 = F 4x + „m + „1 5 ¶ F 4x + „m 5 + H4x + „m + „1 5 − on-grocery-items.
H4x + „m 5. By the definition of „m , the above inequality implies that 3. See, e.g.,, http://
Pn−1 Pn−1
m=0 6F 4x +„m+1 5−F 4x +„m 57 ¶ m=0 6H 4x +„m+1 5−H4x +„m 57., http://www.yelp
It together with „0 = 0 and „n = „ ensures that F 4x + „5 − F 4x5 ¶ .com/biz/suruki-supermarket-san-mateo,
H4x + „5 − H 4x5. ƒ galleria-supermarket-vaughan.
4. See, e.g.,
Proof of Theorem 2. Part (a) immediately follows from Proposi- -market-this-weekends-seafood-haul-and-resulting-feast/, http://
tion 3(b). We only need to focus on part (b).
When p0 ¾ r − c, ‹4x5 is decreasing and hence its maxi- 5. Every day 12,800 kilograms of bread and other bakery products
mizer ‘ = 0. If z ¾ y, then g4y1 z5 depends on z via the term are discarded by Viennese bakeries because they remain unsold at
p0 Ɛ6z ∧ 4M57 by (10) and (11). Thus, g4y1 z5 is increasing in z. the end of the day. Ref: Sustainable Food Production and Ethics,
If z ¶ y, then it depends on z via the term −6‹4z5 + ƒ‹4x̃57 + 2007, European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics.
ƒ Ɛ6v4x̃5 + ‹4x̃57, where the leftover x̃ is decreasing in z with 6.
a rate no more than  ¶ 1 by its expression given in (11). Since dates-matter,
‹4x5 is decreasing in x, we know that ‹4z5 + ƒ‹4x̃5 is decreasing 7.
in z. In addition, by ‘ = 0 and Proposition 3(c), v4x̃5 + ‹4x̃5 is -food.
increasing in z. In summary, g4y1 z5 is increasing in z, implying 8. We label the time periods such that every period starts with the
z∗ 4x5 = x in this case. clearance phase. An equivalent alternative is to model the problem
with the regular sales preceding the clearance. Our approach
When p0 Ɛ M ¶ ˆ4’5, then by proof of Theorem 1, 4x1 ’5 ¶
simplifies the formulation and is commonly used in literature, see
401 ’5 for all x. That is, vn 4x5 given by (6) is constant at n = 1.
e.g., Huggins and Olsen (2010), Li and Yu (2014).
It then can be inductively proved that vn 4x5 is constant at each
9. It is worth noting that the consumers’ purchasing choices do
n = 21 31 0 0 0 1 implying that the limit v4x5 is also constant. Hence,
not depend on the first-phase fill rate ‹1 , similar to the result in
z∗ 4x5 = 0 for all x. advance-selling literature (Xie and Shugan 2001, Yu et al. 2014).
This is because consumers who fail to obtain a unit in the first
Proof of Lemma 1. A consumer with valuation v buys in the first
phase have an option of buying in the second phase.
phase if and only if ‹1 4„v − p5 + 41 − ‹1 5‹2 4v − r5+ ¾ ‹2 4v − r5+ ,
or equivalently, „v − p ¾ ‹2 4v − r5+ . On the other hand, a consumer
buys in the second phase if and only if ‹2 4v − r5 ¾ 4„v − p5+ , and
buys in neither phase if 4„v − p5 ∨ 6‹2 4v − r57 < 0. To find the References
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