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xipueddy Appendix A : Appendix B : Appendix C : Appendix D : Appendix E : Waterproofing Systems Tests for Liquid Applied Waterproofing Membranes Sample Material Safety Data Sheet ‘Sample Inspection & Test Plan Sample Checklist for In-Process Inspection WATERPROOFING SYSTEMS ‘The available waterproofing systems can be generally classified under three main groups as given in Figure A.1 Each group has their advantages and disadvantages when used in different parts of the building, The designer should carefully study the general characteristics of each group and propose the most suitable material for use. Table A.1 provides a general classification of the systems. Figure A.1: Waterproofing System Classification Caen ere! teen etree) eon Poot) Een [ 1 [ 1 [ Non- || Crystalline | Bituminous | waterproofing, 1 Chemical ) { Waterproofing admixture screed (Cementitious Other coatings ‘Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE) Butyl Rubber Ethylene Proplyene Diene (EPDM) Polyisoburylene (PIB) Appendix A 0uno pue Bursar | ses eyes2u09 usm unser 5s Apsverpoun e10j09 Buna eundoy | Bupuod arp 10}99 Buuno eunboy, ‘yop 09 uy u0p 29 ue 201 Buppuog uotseige pus ysedu ‘s6euep yo aswe6e pounders peunbs1 20N paunbos 10N paunboy painboy posndoy paunboy 498 uonosield soniae 93010009 ut ‘Ave 91289 —-si08)@p steiovoo | siosjep siesoues ——_sioejep sieoues | —_s129j0p eiesou09 ‘s130}6p Suippug yoe.0 porwr | syoe10 e8puq iouuey | owrey 0 powury 19n0 oBpuq UeD 19n0 9819 weD 19n0 9819 WeD 49n0 98P19 we 818:0U09 J8N0 Bubp arss0u00 1s04 eye:2u00 S04 pesnbas Bung | oy zejuse Buung | 04 sejtuis Bung poner Buung poner Buung ‘argeatiéde 10N ‘aigeatidde oN ung Bupssoo.e 210}09 198 sodoss ayes9u09 1204 Bupessaid —_Buypooseud s.0j08 Supss.010 pur Buikip ounboy | se awes sun Burkig | siojoq Buxsp sunboy Busup eundey | ssojeq Burup axndey ‘argeatidde 10N ergeatidde 10N aun Bug vo uoneaydde uonoadeu sou peroedsu paroedsu, oye porsods peisedsu; eq rouse | 221 porsedsu 99 wea, antes svaherniniy ‘Ayensia 9g ue Ayensia 0g ue vonsedsuy sseuyeom ay Bune03 ssouyeom waneks ‘v8 so! pe ‘rgeatidde 10N sjaeotride 10N Jono 230u) ssojuieeg _enueiod ave swwor | renueiod a1 sywor Jo Auousbowoy uabe Bupucg eunbos Aes Ade-04 une03 Aq {ane-ns 01 peeu Ae) — ware so paenos-oy ov eaissod ion | oneondde-os aiduns oneoudde-o asus one ace-oy une su Suunp o30:2N00 uoneaydde S04 ou paXIW Buneoo ids | reo2syynw! dung [pro] 15 J0uB IH vuoneaudey 1uoBe Bupuoa 40 1200 @ aunbas ‘ous 030:2009 plo unb01 0N poumnb91 10N ppounbos 10N onnb01 10N poinboy poinboy (212.0400) Buuiug poeios jo uot {s010d s1o:0u09 20 Ao feo Buyoiea Buunp uu! uoneneued es0u fssouyonn (ere:0u09 08 spinous Jou09 o1u1 poxius Yonieq ei0woid © soayje ssouybnos) | ro9}}8 exouyBn durep Aq peiseye 01 yBno: Aigeuoseay | 613188 sigeausde ron | 03) dwep pue UeeID ‘ip pur ure ‘ip pue uvo9 801) up pue veer uonsiedaid eseying speaias ry Eten Corey pote) Pere et ae CO Sri) a Sorry OCR EE ron Puen Ree ae Eee REeere) oreo wasAg Jo uosuedwiog :1'y 21921, Appendix A Table A.2: Characteristics of various waterproofing systems Pen ee ‘Asphalt Raw minerals mined from the ground. Provides excellent waterproofing and adhesive properties, Normally used as a fully adhered system, Appendix A Bitumen Residue (or by-product) derived from the process of refining crude petroleum, ‘Quality of bitumen can be quite different from one location to anothor. Normally used as a fully adhered system, Modified Called “Straight-un” bitumen Bitumen Normally, organic palymers ate added to make the staight-un bitumen soft and flexible. Not resistant against prolonged exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation) and often get oxidised and crack up, Oxidised bitumen {which are more resistant against UV radiation) are produced through an oxidation process by passing forced a through the straightrun bitumen. Normally used ae a fully adhered system, PE See Ethylene: ECB sheets formed by extrusion of a complex chemical combination of bitumen and coal tar (residue of Copolymer coat after distilation), Bitumen (ECB) Capable of considerable resistance to agsing and effects of weather. Normally can be loosely lai, mechanically fastened or fully adhered, Polyvinyl ‘As a basic raw material, PVG is hard and brittle. Chioride (Pvc) Through proper formulation with plasticisers and stabilisers, PVC membranes are made resistant to weather exnosure and ageing Synthetic or fabric reinforcement mesh may be added to improve its tear resistance. Normally ean be loose lia, mechanically fastened or fully adhered Polyethylene ‘When protected from UV radiation, itis very stable and last many years. (Pe) AA non-breathing membrane and normally used as a ow cost vapour barier. By itso, itis not used as a waterproofing membrane Chlorinated ‘A non-breathing membrane and may be loosely lid or fully adhered with @ water-based synthetic resin Polyethylene (CPE) adhesive. Butyl Rubber ‘Annon-breathing membrane and a solvent based adhesive is used to seal the lap joints ‘As a shoot membrane, itis difficult to adhere to concrete surfaces. Normally laid loosely to surface. Ethylene Propiyene - Similar to Butyl rubber, but with better weather resistance. Diene Monomer Fas good resistance to corrosive chemicals, ozone, weathering and hes extemely low water permeabily (ePOM) Normally loosely la Neoprene Produced from acetylene and hydrochloric aca ‘A synthetic rubber and is quite resistant to chemical attacks Bends & molds to surfaces better than other synthetic rubbers and easier spice sheets. Seldom used underground ee waterprooting membrane, but superior to any of the ether synthetic rubbers when used a flashing materials, Polyisobutylene Usually reinforced with @ non-woven synthetic felt and has good ozone, UV resistance and extremely low (PB) ‘vapour permeabilty. Good resistance against dilute mineral acids and solutions of alls, but low resistence against oils and solvents Can be loosely Ini, par ly adhered or mechanically fastenos. Bentonite clays Bentonite clays used in waterproofing are primarly made up of slca, alumina, feric oxide, magnesia, lime and soda, Expand anywhere from 10 to 20 times its orginal volume when allowed to free swell in standing wat If exposed to external pressure, its swell will be less. Bentonite clays (in board form) are placed against the coated with liquid bentonite to assure a tight seal Due to the pressure of the backfiled soll and water, it wil swell and the restriction of swelling prevents © uetures. Joints between boards are normally further water penetration, Table A.2 continues on next page y xipueddy oe Appendix A Table A.2 (continued) Eee ed Bitumen = Bitumen compounds are basicaly asphalt or bitumens in liquid form. Compounds: = Similar propartes to their shoct membrane counterparts (Bituminous) = Usually applied in one or more coats to provide watetightness to the structure Pesan ec Acrylic ~ Acrylic latex emulsions have been successfully used for above-erade waterproofing. = Not recommended for use in below-grade applications, = Most formulations consist of a combination of emulsified acrylic resin, fil carbonate}, wetting agents (surfactants, bacteria kilts and plasticiere. 5 (calcium Epoxy = Excellent adhesion to materials such as concrete, steel, wood and glass. = Should be applied on the interior (or negatve-side) of the etructure, When applying the epoxy fm to a conerete surface, ensure a uniform bond to te surface. In most epoxy systems, the cured film usually has @ higher tensile strength and greater bond strength than the tensile strength of concrete. = When applying, clesnliness and dryness of the substrate temperatures and relative humidity are important factors to ensure proper adhesion and curing of an epoxy film. ~ Major disadvantage of epoxies is that they have no re-sealing qualities or elasticity Wf the concrete surface racks, the epoxy film will crack too. Polyurethane = Generally denotes a common range of iqud-applied membranes using polyurethane as its base. (PU) = Also includes the coabtar or pitch modified polyurethane systems. = Goneraly eot-leveling and used more often as root coatings as they have good resistance against UV and colour selection. = Coal-tar behaves wel as waterproofing component. Unlike bitumen, it s compatible and accepts ‘modification with a higher polymer such as epoxy and urethane to impraveit physical properties. = Coal tar urethanes are used mare commonly in Singapore for wet areas as they are avallable as a single pot, air-curing material, applied by brush or squeegee and is normally black in colour + Itis solvent based, requires ventilation and generally takes a longer time to dry and set Palyisopren = Also known as rubberised bitumen or asphalt, they ate available rubber system for application by brush or rollers onto the concrete substrate, = Generally water-based and usually available as black colour = Rlubber-based coatings are recognised by ther inherently high recevery rate upon elongation, ving it a spring-back effect similar to those of a rubber band Gin ingle-component liquid emulsion High strength, - Can be applied as negative or posiive-side barriers. dense surface - Bond strength between coating and concrete surface should exceed the tensile strangth of concrate to coating insure against internal water pressure rupture. = Common applications for these surface coatings to provide waterproofing are parking decks where wh traffic ie not excessive (where waar resistant surfaces are necessary, natural aggregates are added), swimming pools, water tanks, elevator pits and tunnels Crystaline = Similar to the high strength, dense surface coatings, except that a chemical reaction takes place at the Waterproating coating! concrete interaction surface. Admintures = Chemicals that can be added to concrete to improve its waterproofing abilities. © Waterprocfed Portland cement is achiavable By in other stearate with the cement clinker = Cement additives are generally blended at the manufacturing plant, Admixtures are usually added to onerete as it being mixed, = Admixtures generally are used to grinding a small amount of calcium, aluminium or fect workabilty, strength and setting time more than watertightness. Waterprocting = Similar to high strength, dense surface coatings except that they usually combine with a latex such as screeds acrylics, polyviny| alcohol and/or styrane-butadiane to make the systems flexible. Appendix B Tests for liquid applied waterproofing membranes ne ee ne aU (ASTM D412: 98A OR ITS LATEST YEAR OF EDITION) Condition as Cast Test specimens in the shape of dumbbells and straight pieces of uniform cross-sectional ar ASTM D 412: 1998a is recommended for elastomeric and flexible cementitious membranes, [After Heat Agsing Ageing of the waterproofing eystem can be accelerated by heating in a eitcuating-ar oven as outlined in ASTM C836 at 50°C of 70°C for 14 days Attor Chemical ‘The proposed waterproofing system must be able to withstand attack by chemicals commonly found in Immersion twilets and bathrooms. These shal include at leas: {a}, Sodium Hypochloride (NaOCl - with a concentration of 0.5% (vi) to simulate household detergents. ') Ammonium Hydroxide (NH,OH) - with @ concentration of 1.25% (viv to simulate utne. €} Hydrochloric acid (HCI - with @ concentration of 3.70% (viv) to stimulate bleaching agents. ‘The test specimens will be immersed in the above chemicals for 72 hours at room temperature prior to determining the effect (if any} on thelr tensile properties. PGES Gu ee RE es) Based on the pnetration of a specific type of indentor when forced into the material under specified condition. The indentation hardness is inversely related tothe penetration and is dependent on the elastic modulus and viscoelastic behaviour of the material The method permits hardness measurements based on either initial indentation or indentation after a specified period of time, ‘ADHESION STRENGTH TO SUBSTRATE (ADOPTED FROM ASTM D 4541: 1993 ORITS LATEST YEAR OF EDITION) The adhesion bond strength of the membrane to GEO conerete will be determined in accordance with the above adopted test procedure. The liquid applied membrane is eppliod on a clean, flat and pre-damped with water (.e. only for water-based system) east surface. The liquid membrane will be left to cure for normally 7 and 28 days for elastomeric and flexible cementitious mambranes, or as recommended by manufacturer) supplier. Condition as Cast___‘The adhesion strength will be determined after the membrane has been fully cured. Early age strength 22n also be determined, eay at 3 days for elastomeric and 7 days for flexible cementitious membranes. ‘Aftor Hot Water It may be necessary to immerse the test specimen in hot water (Le. 50°C or 70°C) for 72 hours prior to Immersion the testing for adhesion strength for both elastomeric and flexible cementitious waterprooting membranes [After Chemical [No need to conduct the adhesion bond strength after the chemical immersion, a¢ diacussed in the Immersion ‘tensile strength and elongation break test En ke Oe cD Condition as Cast The crack bridging ablliy of the membrane should be assessed based on the test procedures outlined in [ASTM C 836: 1996. Basically wil involv ‘rior application of the membrane over 2 pieces of con blocks held together tightly with @ masking tape. The blocks will then be subjected to puling (stretching) and closing at specified spoed over a certain distance (say 2mm) to simulate crack movement. Aftr the required number of cycles, the membrane should be inspected for crack ‘The test procedures in accordance with ASTM C 836: 1995 shall be followad except the folowing: I) The testis cariad at room temperature, i. 23 + 2°C and 60 = 5% RH. i) The test specimen is subjected to ten cycles of mavement, each cycle consisting of puling the blocks apart, atthe rate of 3.2 mmihy, unt the space between is 2mm, then closing the space at the same rate Alter Heat Agsing It may not be necessary to repeat the crack bridging test after the ageing and chemical immersion and Chemical "weatment. The effects after heat ageing and chemical immersion ean be more directly assessed through Immersion propertios like tensile strength a well as the elongation at break. Tews for liquid applied waterproofing membrane continues on next, rQ Appendix B q Xipueddy Appendix B Tests for applied waterproofing membranes (continued) Roce ese cs ee) “The amount of chloride in @ cementitious product should be kept as low as possible to prevent corrosion of steel bars which may ‘cause expansion and subsequent spalling of oulding structure. It may also react adversely with the cement binder thus weakens ‘the strength of the system. “The chloride content ean easly and accurately measured by using a chloride ISE. Chloride ls extracted dct from the cementitious slurry or ready mixed esment powder. The chloride standard solutions are prepared and measured to construct a calibration graph. ‘Attar the calibration, the concentration of chloride in the extracted solution of test sample is then measured, RESISTANCE TO WATER PENETRATION (ADOPTED FROM DIN 1048: PART 5: 1991 OR ITS LATEST YEAR OF EDITION) “This method describes a laboratory procedure for determining the abilty of a waterproofing membrane to resist penetration of ‘water when the membrane is under a constant water pressure. The test is conducted by applying water pressure of (0.2 bar {kgtiem') on concrete discs coated with the test membrane far 6 hours, After the test ie completed, the concrete disc is split into halves, and observation is made for any sign of water penetration into the discs. WATER VAPOUR PERMEABILITY) TRANSMISSION (ASTM E 96: 1995 OR ITS LATEST YEAR OF EDITION) “The aim of water vapour transmission test (WT) as describes in ASTM E 96 is to obtain reliable values of water vapour transfer ‘through permeable and semi-permeabla materials in specitic test dish. Thera are two (2} basic methods in tis ASTM test procedure, ise, Desiecant or the dry method and the water method. In the dry method, one side of the membrane will be subjected to ow humidity (eg, expose to desiccant) and the other high humidity: Water method will involve the use of distiled water in the test hand the low humidity on the outside. Both methods provide a measurement of WVT expressed in terms of gihoutm’ under specific conditions of temperature and humidity at each surface, ESRC GR Pn REE CL SSR RAC OO ‘This test method is used to determine the various stages and rates of drying of organic coating normally used under conditions ‘of ambient room temperature. For waterprocfing membranes, its important to know the intial drying time of the quid membrane before second coating can be applied [.s. for 2 or more coats system) or other activities can be proceeded. The coating is sat tostouch when it sil shows a tacky condition, but none of it should adhere to the finger when the tost coating is ighty touched with the tip ef @ clean finger. CHARACTERISATION OF POLYMER (BY FTIR, OTA & TGA) Fouriar Tanstorm Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic technique is capable of scanning vibration modes of a polymer in a certain frequency range. The vibration modes (.e, absorption peaks) ofa specific functional group ata fixed frequency will provide qualitative analysis ‘of @ palymer used for both elastomeric and flexible cementitious membrane. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) provides transition temperature of polymer, such as melting and glass transition temperstures, and it is a complementary technique to TGA. “Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) technique produces @ quantitative break down of individual component in the wateroroofing membrane system if the difference in the thermal degradation temperature is at least 10°C between each component. “These analytical techniques («. FTIR, DTA/ DSC and TGA) will provide fingerprint information’ data on the polymer and content ‘of individual component in the waterproofing system, as well ag its thermal property. These combined fingerprint gata will serve {a references for future comparison for checking any changes of the polymer or alteration of the polymer! solid content ( dilution o* adulteration “To prevent adulteration or unauthorised modification to product formulation and composition after approval is given, it may be necessary to conduct spot checks (say every 6 months) By taking random samples directly from job-sites for checking on some specific qualities such as i) Characterisation of polymer by FTIR, TGA and DTA/ DSC; & 1) Tensile strength and elongation at break (condition as cast only) Re AO OED Volatile content of elastomeric membrane can be accurately determined by a thermal analyser (TGA). The liquid membrane is weighed and placed in an alumina crucible, and heated ina furnace ata rate of 5°Cimin from ambient to 105°C under nitrogen ‘condition. After reaching 105°C, the sample is held isothermally for 3 hours. Finally, the sample is cooled down to ambient ‘temperature under nitrogen flow. The valatile content can then be computed accurately GEST in Ce Ui eR ERM Aun SOO “The aim of determining flash point property isto cheek the flammability of the product. Flash point refers to the lowest temperature {at which application ofthe test flame causes the vapour at the surface of the liquid to flash or ignite. One of the test methods is described in SS 5: Part 18: 1987, using a closed-cup flash point te Appendix C Sample Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Paar nue enc Chemical deserption Supplior : Emergency Telephone 2. COMPOSITION/ INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Cty Be General Inhalation Eye Contact| Ingestion EM ene ae a ELS ext Mi Personal Protective Equipment Gees EUs Handling Storage EES ee ee Exposure controls Personal) Respiratory Protection Eye Protection Hand Protection (Other Protective Equipment Sample Material Safety Data Sheet continues on mext page Pe @ Appendix C 2 xipueddy Appendix C Sample Material Safety Data Sheet (continued) Perens ‘Appearance Odour pH @25'c Specific Gravity Volatile Content (9), Solubty in water Flagh Point Flammability Erase nua Stability Hazardous polymerization ere eee Inhalation and Overexposure ‘Skin Contact, Eye Contact Eee ee Eo eee CO eed Peace ene qd xipueddy 42d 220 wo somussues ung 12, pur woreda adurg Qo Jeumo jieubiseq posuuaiy - OAV soreoiiddy /sifeoeds Buyooidierey /1019eNUOD /4019eNU09 LIEW - SIN ‘QN3531 aeq aeq aieq Aq panoudy oo fg potion Aq poredoig TOU ap sieyoop Avene Avonyop yse3——_ss0umoesnuew 0 wuo}u09 rensin versa avon wus vz sieyoop Anieg ‘onion yoea—_saldules penoidde sod sy main resin oaviow woneoysde ioey ee sioyoop Ante ‘Aronyop Woe saydues panaidde sod sy nsin [sin oaviow dans vamcenuen ee sieyoop Avene Arango p03 sodas panosdde sed sy versa oaviow adh weiss 1z (eee ene ona ponosaay movrou oaviow, Aweuemy Lb ona panoidsy more oaviow ouuesBorg BurHOM OL ona panciddy ine oaviow Sumerp deus St ona ponoiddy maou oaviow quowmes PHEW FL ona penoiddy maine oaviow yoda EL ona ponoiaay mano oaviow evep eae ek suojssuiqne ponoiddy ponoiaay mai.ou oaviow, odk woes LL Beret Fore Ey Eee Pree eee ECnETEFET) Pee ed oHLaW NoLLoaasNI fern (GaNDISSV 39 OL) | oe perce md qd xipueddy Sealy 19M 0} BuyoosduayeM : 10M Jo edoog, 90l01d uejd 18a puy uonsedsuy aduies 45d 120 wo someon ung 3935 pre uowrediuy duns. J0UMQ /10UBIsog Aoouyo1y - OGY Joreoiiddy /rsijeroadg Buyooidiareyy /10xDe11UOD /40}9eNUOD IEW ~ OI aN3031 aed eg TTS Aq ponoiddy TT TO hg pation, OO oo fg pated a xipuoddy Loneaidde o10}08 solduses ponosdde 10d sy rensin, oaviow uowdinbs pue soo ZY 3 mpueddy oneaiéde o10}0q ‘solduses ponosdde 10d sy versa’ avon feinpasoid uoneansdy LF POA 3 xipueddy oneoydée 109g ponoiady Lvonses rensin, oavion e218 19m o}uono=IOW) ge 3 mipuaddy oneoyéée 10109 SBuyeyp doys 02 wH9}405 5 vonses rensin| oavion ues pony aibuy se 210 somoys peg “winds 3 mipueddy oneoydée s1010q sBuyeyp doys 02 wio}u09 rensin, oavion sueiquou 0} SuvopuN Pe seus BP 3 mpuoddy Loneoicde o10j0g sasmzeynuew 0) wo}u0>, aunseousjensin, oaviow soeuns Bunsss pur Buuedaig ee fase) ssounybnsoiem yeade,) a mipueddy on esedeid evens s10}0q ponosedy persia, oavion panos! suedos oasouoy Ze ‘0018 10m OO! 30) ssounysausieM 3 mipusddy sedas soeyins 20;98 2669251 oN, Lvonses rnein, oavion faimanns ino Aueg Le erence ere} Pelee) aoHaW —_|iaanorssv 3a 01) ere a Ce EC See ee ae Mee ees Me ee ee ALIALLOW (pnw) uri 101, pue uondsdsul ajdwes xipueddy qd xipueddy Jeumo /Jeu6)seq Nosyosy - OAV soreoiiddy isiieissds Guyoosdieren /1019eN1UOD /s019eNUOD UIEW - OW :0N3937 area area ag Aq penoiddy To fg pa ti2n, Aq pasedaid 3 mpusddy woo ay sBuyneip doys 0: wi0}409 pnp BUNA resi oaviow seus og eS 3 apueddy Buypesies Buung sbuyerp doys o: wuejuey——y vanes ‘ainseou jensin oaviow i) 0 pie pue mw pees Lg PEPE 1% = ep 3 spusady onsondde soy susimgejnuew 03 uuojuag odes rensin, oaviow 809 Aun /pa0i9e annooield 6° 3 spusady S000 19m %001, sbeye0) 0 vores rensin oaviow 195) ssounyBmueieM ino UeD By 1e0us BP Buyna @ sie08 jo sequinu 3 xpueddy uoneaydée Bung s.ueimgejnuew 03 uuojuag «9: Wonses sunseousjensin oaviow ‘esouyonn euerquew ¥20uD Ly 104s BP ampusddy ——_uoneaydde Suunp /aoyog maejnueus & uojuoD | UOUINS PoIReN oaviow Loneondde suequew oy. paweasuss| Suyeooues a10}09) ‘upt ou ‘sy20) edie on owounbes FR ——eINeOUL/TERSIA oaviow counes 32 oe 3 pusddy oneondde e:0}eq sbuyneip doys 0% wiojuoy 9 uoRDeg Tenia, avi “iF aden 100H, ‘eedid oLaueURER yy yous ep 3 mpusday Loneondde o20}0q sueinise;nuew 61 uiojueg WOME PoIREN, rensin, oaviow (pounbos yy uoneoidde wows ey Beer) Eexray q xipueddy Renee eee Peete) Pore ace) qoHiaW Tororo PeNerter) read | ons | (pemezwos) wei 1891 pue UoNsedsul eidwies q xipueddy Sample Checklist For In-Process Inspection Appendix E Project, Location: Crd Pena Se eeu Per octy til leakage 1. Carry out watertightness test No leakage is arrested 2. Rectity surface defects Surface defects ropaired; other foreign materiale removed 13. Rendering for membrane upturn Rafer ta extent of membrane specified shower/ bath ete in drawings, oF as described in Section 6.2 4. Angle fillet Al internal comers 5. Surface cleanliness & dryness In accordance to product requirements ‘6. Primer application Tn accordance to product requirements "7. Preparation & clearance for As epacifid in drawings MRE services DE 18, Tools and eauioment Use clean tools as specified in product specifications 2. Mixing Homogeneous, lump free & workable liquid achieved 10. Treatment to pipes, floor vaps, Apply membrane to correct upturn & comers, groove lines, etc lapping 11, Membrane application Correct membrane type Membrane thickness Coverage Uniform & even application Sulficient membrane overlap 12. Check membrane thickness As por manufacturer's requirement 13. Number af coats and curing As por manufacturer's requirement period Poe eee) 14, Carry out watertightness test No leakage 18. Cordon area Proper baricade set up 16. Level page Gradient as per drawings 17 Sereeding| ofall towards drainage outlet 18. Final finishes: As por drawings Inspected by Date @

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