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Stanley 1. Greenspan, MD. and Georgia A DeGangi, PhD, OTR Interiscipinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders, Bethesda, MD The Functional Emotional Assessment Scale Administration and Scoring Form Age: 13-18 Months Behaviors: Caregiver Name of Chis Date of Terthe Ae of Chil Person Paying wan Chi Mother, Father; Coregver, amine: General Scoring Scoring it ona ewer poin scale for most tem, excep where inated nd al or very brie! resent some of tne, observed several tes onsen presen, observed many umes Indicate NO for Behaviors that are not obrerved "Where indicate to convert core, transform the scoring fallow: 0 becomes a2 ret 2 becomes 40 ‘Scores for symbole pay shoud be entered inthe SYH column and sore for santory pay ener in he [ENS cokmn, When the examine flats ply with the chi, eter scores the EXAM cok. The st column maybe wed for enerng scores for adtonl caregivers (og, mother, athe, foster parent, tryin) observed plying wit the child ‘Scores are interpreted forthe prinary caregiver playing with the child forthe symbolic nd sensory play | seatons scores do noe difer for symbose and sentry ly then only ane sare i itrpreted. However, behaviors fer forthe aiferen ply stuations, then ea scores are calated, on for eyo play. one foe snzor py. These are inerpreted using the ute scores presented inthe prole form Age: 13-18 Months (Child's Name: Behaviors: Caregiver Key: SYM = Symbolic; SENS = Seneory: EXAM = Gainer [SELF-REGULATION AND INTEREST IN THE WORLD 1. Shows sustained interest in child, focuses on childs signals (gestures vocalizations), keeping child involved in play 2 Shows pleasant or animated, happy affect throughout pay. Seong (0= fa, somber, or depressed affect, 1 = content, but neutral 2. happy and animated with warm and engaging smiles 3. Is sensitive and responsive to chil’ need for touch by stroking or touching child in pleasurable ways and/or encourages child to explore textured toys “Provides pleasurable movement experiences to the child or encourages movement exploration, “Total For Self Regulation and taterest in the World FORMING RELATIONSHIPS, ATTACHMENT, AND ENGAGEMENT _ 5. Is relaxed during interchange with child, not overly attentive to child's every action “G_Lwhs til wit alfa saowing a wasn onan "Enjoys being with and playing with the child through smiles or a joyful ook and emits a sense of warmth by providing inviting gestures. Keep {in mind cultural diferences in how this may be expressed, ‘8. Isovely anxious in attachment to child, overwhelming child with affectionate touching OR is not comfortable showing felings and relating warmly and intimately with child, appearing overly vigilant toward child. (Circle which one.) ‘Scoring: (0= many times. 1 sometimes. 2= briefly or no atl a Tor Relationships, Atachment, and Engagement "TWO-WAY, PURPOSEFUL COMMUNICATION 9. Allows chil to decide on the play topic, to initiate play and explore toys in ways that the chil seks or needs Age 13-18 Months (Child's Name: Behaviors: Caregiver ——___________—=i ATS eNSTTEXAR] Ti, Responds to child's wishes, intentions, and ations ina contingent way, building on how the child wishes to play. For example, child may hand toy to parent, and parent responds by taking it and saying something bout the ty, then gives the child an opportunity to respond to what parent just did. Scoring ‘0 consistently does opposite to what baby secs, misteads child’ ‘ues, changing activity fom what child wants to do. isread childs signals 25 to 50% of time, changing activity or toy while at other times reads chil’ signals accurately responds to chil’ signals in appropriate way mos of time (up 075% time responsive to child), staying onthe activity thatthe shld as chosen. 1, Predominately handles toys, engaging in parallel play and removing attention fom playing with hil Converted Score” Score of O converts to 2 2 12, Plays with child at developmentally appropriate level. Caregiver may play slightly above child's level of kil, modeling new ways to do things Or labeling what child docs or describing the functions of objects 1B, Stimulates child at pace that allows child to respond, waiting fr child's responses. Avoids overstimulating child with language or ations. Total for Two-Way, Purposeful Communication BEHAVIORAL ORGANIZATION, PROBLEM-SOLVING, AND INTERNALIZATION (A Complex Sense of Self) 1H. Responds and initiates reciprocal back and forth chains of interactions With chi, stringing together connected circles of communication or unit of interaction. For example, caregiver introduces baby doll, baby touches dll’ face, mother touches dol's har, baby pats the dol, ‘mother says “baby,” and baby lances between mother and dol). The caregiver may imitate child (Le, pushing car alongside child), then interject her tur by an action or verbalization related tothe chil’ actions (ie, "Oh, a bump! then bumps her car into childs ca) Scoring 0=0t02 circles, 13105 circles 2= 6 or more circles. 1S, Uses gestures and facil expressions ara modality to promote ces of communication 16, Uses touch or roughhouse play asa modality to promote circles of communication Age: 13-18 Months (Chile's Name: Behaviors: Caregiver 7 Shows pleasure and excitement in playing with child in whatever way the child wishes to play. Scoring (= lite pleasure and excitement shown by categive. 1s pleasure and excitement sustained by parent over the course of several (3 t0 5) cites of communication. 2 pleasure and excitement sustained for many (6-or more) circles ‘of communication, [Note here fc is unable to sustain circles of communication fit fet caregivers score: Child can sustain ctcles: __ Child cannot 18. Expresses appropriate limits on baby. The caregiver may redirect child ‘otto leave room, not ohit her, oF not to throw toy. Ino need for limits arises during play, mark N/O and give 2 points “Total for Behavioral Organization, Problem-Solving, and Internalization Total Caregiver Score The Functional Emotional Assessment Scale Administration and Scoring Form Age: 13-18 Months Behaviors: Child Name of Chile Date of Testing: ‘Age of Child — Person Playing With Chil Mother: Father: Caregiver: Examiner General Scoring nota all or very brit present some a ting observed zveral mee onsstanty present, observed many umes Indeate NI Tor betas that are not obrerved "Where indicated to convert a sore, anform the scoring a follows: 0 becomes a2 2 becomes 20 ‘Scores for symboli phy should be entered in the SYM colin and sore for sanory py entered inthe SENS column, Whan the examiner citar ply withthe chil, ener scares nthe EXAM column. The st

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