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Mariah Leach

Practicum 1 FBA
Student: Ki. Staff: Mariah Leach
Location: Personal Budgeting Classroom
Time: 10:21- 11:05 Wednesdays: 9:59- 10:37
Target Student Ki.

Target Behavior Off-Task Behavior

Off-task behavior can be defined as : The student
completely disengages from the learning environment and
task to engage in an unrelated behavior

Examples Eyes not on teacher/task, playing computer games,

drawing, working on work for other classes, carrying side
conversations with peers

Non- Examples Eyes on the teachers or task, Only working on assigned

task or activity, Talking when appropriate

Direct Observation :”A direct observation occurs when ABC Observation

someone actually sees the student in the classroom
setting and gathers data on the problem behavior.

Indirect Observation Student Interview

Function of Behavior Avoidance

Hypothesis Statement
When Student is asked to do a non-preferred task,
specifically a task that is independent and requires chrome
book typing , Student will get off-task (defined above).
Student will not independently return back to task. As a
result, student gets to avoid/delay doing a non-preferred
task and peer attention.

Desired Behavior On - task behavior

Defined Remediated Behavior Student is engaged and active with task or activity
Examples Eyes on the teachers or task, Only working on assigned
task or activity, Talking when appropriate

Eyes not on teacher/task, playing computer games,

Non-Examples drawing, working on work for other classes,eating during
work time, carrying side conversations with peers

Intervention Data collection by teacher with a goal of 1-3 intervals per

class period. Reinforcement of favorite snack is given after
class if goal is met. Discussion is given of scoring given
and amount of intervals.

Outcome The student improved their on task behavior with a basic

monitoring given with prefered reinforcement for goals set.
ABC DATA Personal Budgeting Time of Start
Prioritized Routine/ Day: time:10:21
Subject/ Activityà End time:11:05

9:59- 10:37

Date/Time When… The Student…. And as a result….

(Antecedents) (Behavior) (Consequence)

1st Incident Assigned the task Coloring with Avoided watching full
Date: 11/14/19 of watching video markers video
Time: 10:50

2ndIncident Assigned the task Coloring sheets Avoided watching full

Date: 11/15/19 of watching video With markers video
Time: 10:35

3rd incident Assigned to Working on work Avoided full participating

Date: 11/18/19 participate in class for another class in discussion
Time: 10:42 discussion

4th incident Assigned to work Talking with Avoided finishing group

Date: 11/19/19 in groups on a another student pack
Time: 10:55 pack involving about off task
discussing topics

5th incident Assigned to follow Coloring sheets Avoiding fully engaging in

Date: 11/20/19 along with class as with markers discussion
Time: worksheet is
discussed and
added to

Indirect Observation: INTERVIEW

Student Name: “K”
Interviewer Name(WSU STUDENT): Mariah Leach

Section 1: Circle One Answer for each of the following:

In general, Is your school work difficult for you? Always Sometimes Never

In general, is your school work too easy for you? Always Sometimes Never

When you ask for help appropriately, do you normally Always Sometimes Never
receive it?

In general, when you need help do you ask? Always Sometimes Never

When working in your seat, do you work better with Always Sometimes Never

Do you think people notice when you do a good job? Always Sometimes Never

In general, do you find your work interesting? Always Sometimes Never

Are there things in the classroom that distract you? Always Sometimes Never

Section 2: Answer the following appropriately and to the best of your ability:
When do you feel most engaged in school? In art class. Working in groups

Why are you engaged during that time? Because I can have fun with learning and not
be bored out of my mind

When do you feel it is hard to stay on task in When people are talking or when i'm bored

Why is it hard to stay on task during that time? I am not interested in the work
What would make it easier for you to stay on Making it more interesting and fun
task during these times?

What types of rewards do you like to receive food

for good behaviors or performances

What are your favorite activities at school? Art

What are your hobbies and interests? Art and baking

Baking in a big kitchen , travel , own a bakery

If you had the chance, what activities would
you like to do that you don’t have the
opportunity to do now?

Sitting by my friend
What do you like about your personal
budgeting class?

The teacher and the content gets boring

What do you dislike about your personal
budgeting class?

FBA Summary
The setting of events :
Took place in a Personal Budgeting Class. The class contained 15 students. Some students were on IEPS for
OHI, LD. Some were english as a second language. The student sat at a table with one of their close friends and another
table of friends across the walkway. The room has a warm energy and feels like a good learning environment. The
teacher is one that forms relationships with the student and uses classroom management skills. The teacher has high
expectations for all of the students and goes to great lengths to help each of them succeed.

1. Journal Notes/Entry, or Lecture/Discussion
2. Activity or Task

Summary Statement
* Antecedent/Trigger:
When a student is asked to participate in undesired class lecture, or tasks .
The student begins to demonstrate off -task behavior(as defined above).
As a result the student gets to avoid the tasks and activities and attention from peers. If caught in the off
task- behavior student may the teacher may verbally direct or use proximity on the student.

*Therefore, the function of the behavior is to avoid undesirable tasks and seeking attention from peers.

2.Baseline Data ( Frequency, intensity, duration):

Interval recording
Student:” Kylie” Observer: Mariah Leach
Starting Date: 11/21-11/26 Target Behavior: Off-Task X= occurring
Interval : 2 min Day 11/21 Day 2: 11/22 Day 3: 11/25 Day 4: 11/26
1 10:21-10:22

2 10:22-10:24 x

3 10:26-10:28

4 10:28-10:30 x x

5 10:30-10:32 x

6 10:32-10:34 x

7 10:34-10:36

8 10:36-!0:38 x x

9 10:38-10:40 x

10 10:40-10:42 x

11 10:42-10:44 x x

12 10:44-10:46 x

13 10:46-10:48 x x

14 10:48-10:50 x x

15 10:50-10:52 x

16 10:52-10:54 x x

17 10:54-10:56 x x

18 10:56-10:58 x

19 10:58-11:00 X- verbal cue listen x

up from c.t

20 11:00-11:02 x

21 11:02-11:04 x x

22 11:04-11:06 x

Total 3 13 8 4

11/21: class practiced a budget sheet as a whole class discussion. Some independent practice for some steps. Then quiz
with another budget sheet
11/22 The beginning of the class started out with a discussion about the new terms. By the end the teacher was up at the
computer modeling how to select different accounts on a bank website. During this time there was minimal eye contact
made with the screen. The student was coloring in a coloring book, eating her breakfast food and had to talk outs with her
peer table mate.

11/25 : review notes from last friday. Pair together and talk difference among too. Student was talking off task with partner
the whole time. Continue class discussion of new terms.

11/26: watch a video quickly. Free pick of what you do after. Drawing during movie clip and talking with table peer .

Conclusions from observations: student is more on task during group work activities. Student
likes to color and draw during lectures and media displays but misses key information
because eye contact is on drawing instead of examples/media.

1. Target behavior to be reduced ( as identified by the FBA)
Off- task behavior:
Off-task behavior can be defined as : The student completely disengages from the learning
environment and task to engage in an unrelated behavior
*Eyes not on teacher/task
* playing computer games,
*working on work for other classes
*carrying side conversations with peers

2) Intervention Data ( Frequency, intensity, duration):

Interval recording Student: Kylie Observer: Mariah Leach
Starting Date: 12/2- 12/5 Target Behavior: Off-Task
Interval : 2 min Day 12/2 Day 2: 12/3 Day 3: 12/4 Day 4: 12/5 Day: 12/6

1 10:21-10:22

2 10:22-10:24

3 10:26-10:28

4 10:28-10:30 x

5 10:30-10:32 x

6 10:32-10:34

7 10:34-10:36

8 10:36-!0:38 x

9 10:38-10:40

10 10:40-10:42

11 10:42-10:44

12 10:44-10:46

13 10:46-10:48

14 10:48-10:50

15 10:50-10:52

16 10:52-10:54 x

17 10:54-10:56

18 10:56-10:58

19 10:58-11:00

20 11:00-11:02 x

21 11:02-11:04
22 11:04-11:06 x

Total 2 - reinforcement 0- one warning to 2- reinforcement 0 2- reinforcement

received stop sharing out received received
loud so much.
But share outs
were on subject
at hand just
excessive. I

Goal: 1-3 intervals per class

Summary of Classes Observed:
12/2/: Starter: Million Dollars Song. journal entry: what would you buy if you were given a million dollars. Get
up write one thing on board- each student, class discussion labeling each a want or a need , going back to
journal and labeling answers need/want, opportunity cost example discussion and add to journal. Student was
told to close laptop once and put away planner during discussion once.

12/3: Journal entry. Wishful wants or necessary needs. Partner worksheet. Class discussion over answers.
Repeat for all 4 scenarios.

12/4: quiz on wants vs needs from yesterday. Introduction to next unit. Partner look up of new terms. Bring
back as a whole class to share out each definition and discuss meanings

Review of yesterday's discussion. Add vocab to journal. Pair and research activity. Add 1 finding on board.
Discuss findings as a class. Add additional vocabulary to journal.

3. The behavior to be taught to replace the target behavior is : on task behavior will be defined and demonstrated to
students, self- monitoring techniques will be practiced and taught, reinforcement would be slowly removed to practice
replacement behavior of on-task.
4. Method for recording : AB Graph. Interval Recording for Baseline and Intervention Data.
Self- monitoring : interval recording. Teacher sets phone alarm for every 2 mins. The phone vibrates. Student checks
yes on task or no. The student will self monitor for 5 days during the personal budgeting class period schedule. We will
not do wednesdays as they are shorter schedules for enrichment period.
5. The plan to encourage( reinforcement):
Student will benefit from:
- Ideas if it was my classroom: seating chart away from friends, breaks last 5 min of class to participate in desired
activity, options on how student records notes (type in journal , write in notebook), relocate seat away from friend,
teaching strategies to engage and strike interest.
- Reminders of expectations
If i had full range for this intervention I would have changed the antecedent enivorment by applying a new seating
chart to change the availability of the attention from peers. I would also change the antecedent of the undesired
behavior of typing in journal daily.
- For Practicum BIP : Favorite Snack Items : Popcorn, Hot Cheetos,
6. Goal :If student keeps it to 1 to 3 interval per day
Reinforcement if met : the last 5 min of class student receives choice of snack. The goal will change to 1 then eventually 0
as the intervention goes on.

7. Consequences for continued display of the target behavior/Reaction Strategies:

- Teacher will offer verbal redirection.
- Grade consequences
- Reinforce other students who are following the rules.
- Speak quietly with the student to explain what he/she is doing wrong
- Minimize distractions for the student
- Teacher will offer student a 5 minute brain break then request return to the task(depending)

8. How will it be maintained?

Keeping that reinforcement present after each goal met. ( 1 week intervention) If i would have kept the intervention going
longer in my future classroom and not a practicum setting , As the intervention goes on representing the reinforcer less
and less . 4 times a week on week 2. Down to 3 times a week 3 and by week 4 we would be at 1 time a week. The goal
would match the decreasing reinforcer. The goal would start at 1-3 times, move to 1 for the next 2 weeks and last week it
would be 0.

Intervention Strategy: Self monitoring techq. Set goal of intervals Lowering intervals. Days of monitoring. And Goal. .
Reinforcement of break time if earned. Slowly remove reinforcement over time and allow the goal to become lower as well
as frequency of monitoring. Because student was trying to avoid task offers in the last 5 minutes, letting them avoid tasks
and also letting them monitor themselves and check in with me gives them praise and attention seeking needs met.

The intervention shows it had some effect on the first day the reinforcement was given because they kept to the goal of
only1- 3 intervals of off task behavior. I think that the pre teaching of what off task behavior is and the expectations helped
start the intervention. I also think that once the student was aware of the goal and the reinforcement and thinking about at
each interval marking the students on task behavior was increased. The knowledge of being watched for being on task
will increase on task behavior as well. The intervention went very well as the student only had 0 days of the 5 that they
didn't meet her goal.. The student had an average of intervals before the intervention and after the intervention the
average was The behavior of task behavior in terms of playing computer games, side conversations, and coloring
almost diminished by the end of the intervention.
If i could have changed anything: I would have made the intervention longer. But because this was a practicum , I have
other practicum assignments and observations and homework it was held for 5 days.Ideally it could be longer so that i
could have stuck with the intervention and got to experience fading it out and changing the goal as the fading of the
reinforcement occurred . I would have held maintenance meetings with the student to go over the goals and the
reinforcement options they have and how they are progressing. I would have also changed the seating chart in the
classroom if it would have been my classroom to help the antecedents.

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