Relationship of Microbial at Marine Bathing Beaches: Indicators Health Effects

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Relationship of Microbial Indicators to Health Effects

At Marine Bathing Beaches


Abstract: Findings are described from the second addition measurements were made for a number of po-
year of an epidemiological-microbiological study con- tential water quality indicators.
ducted at New York City beaches as part of the U.S. It was observed that the symptom rates, cate-
Environmental Protection Agency program to develop gorized as gastrointestinal (GI), respiratory, "other",
health effects-recreational water quality criteria. and "disabling" (stayed home, stayed in bed, consult-
Symptomatology rates among swimmers (defined as ed a physician), were higher among swimmers than
immersion of the head in the water) relative to non- nonswimmers. As in the pretest conducted the pre-
swimming but beach-going controls at a "barely ac- vious year, the rate of GI symptoms was significantly
ceptable" (BA) beach and a "relatively unpolluted" higher among swimmers relative to nonswimmers at
(RU) beach were examined. Data were collected by the BA but not the RU beach. Children, Hispanic
contacting family groups at the beach on weekends, Americans, and the low-middle socioeconomic groups
obtaining information on bathing activity, and then were identified as the most susceptible portions of the
questioning them by phone some 8-10 days later. In population. (Am J Public Health 69:690-696, 1979.)

Discharge via outfalls into ocean and estuarine waters from epidemiological studies conducted on Lake Michigan
remains the most common means for the disposal of sewage and the Ohio River. As noted by the Senn committee,2 Hen-
effluents by coastal communities. Therefore, there is a con- derson,7 and many other workers since then,8 a major diffi-
tinuing requirement for sewage effluent guidelines, set on a culty with the NTAC guidelines or any microbiological guide-
plant-by-plant basis and derived from criteria and guidelines line or standard for recreational waters is the paucity of rele-
at potentially impacted targets such as bathing beaches and vant epidemiological information and the seemingly contra-
shellfish-growing areas. Existing recreational water quality dictory findings from the two major efforts to obtain the re-
criteria, guidelines, and standards have been reviewed by quired data, those of Moore9 and Stevenson.6 With regard to
McKee and Wolf in 1963,' by Senn, et al,2 in the same year the development of criteria, even the excellent analysis of a
and, more recently, by Mechalas, et al.3 The microbiological recent outbreak of swimming-associated shigellosis'0 is want-
guideline for direct contact recreational waters recommend- ing in that it does not provide data on the quality of the water
ed by the National Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC) at the time of exposure, a frequent problem in the retro-
to the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration in spective analyses of outbreaks. Henderson's and Moore's
1968,4 set forth by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agen- objections notwithstanding, there is a requirement for health
cy in 1976,5 and used in many states, is a geometric mean effects, recreational water quality guidelines and standards.
fecal coliform density of 200 per 100 ml of water.* The guide- If for no other reason, they are needed, as Shuval"I points
line was based on findings reported by Stevenson in 19536 out, in setting design and operating criteria for municipal
sewage treatment plants and in locating their outfalls relative
to potential recreational resources.
Recognizing the need as stated above, the U.S. Envi-
*As determined by multiple-tube fermentation or membrane fil- ronmental Protection Agency has been conducting a pro-
ter procedures based on a minimum of not less than five samples
taken over not more than a 30-day period, the fecal coliform content gram to develop health effects-recreational water quality cri-
of primary contact recreation waters shall not exceed a log mean of teria for marine and fresh waters. The overall program calls
200/100 ml, nor shall more than 10 per cent of total samples during for studies at a number of different geographic locations in
any 30-day period exceed 400/100 ml. order to develop some general relationship between swim-
Address reprint requests to Victor J. Cabelli, PhD, Marine ming-associated illness as measured by symptomatology, to
Field Station, Health Effects Research Laboratory-Cin., U.S. Envi- some potential microbial indicator of water quality. The re-
ronmental Protection Agency, Liberty Lane, West Kingston, RI sults to be presented at this time were obtained during the
02892. Authors Dufour and Levin are also at HERL-Cin.; Mr. second year of the study at New York City beaches; appro-
McCabe is with HERL, Cincinnati, OH; Mr. Haberman is with the priate data from the first year (pretest), are also presented.
Center for Policy Research, New York, NY. This paper, submitted
to the Journal July 3, 1978, was revised and accepted for publication Some of the findings from the pretest were described ear-
December 6, 1978. lier. 12, 13 <

690 AJPH July, 1979, Vol. 69, No. 7


Materials and Methods period was too short to identify illnesses with long in-
cubation periods. Demographic information included age,
The overall study at the New York City beaches, the sex, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status as reflected by a
experimental design, and the rationale for the design relative persons to rooms ratio.
to those used in previous studies were described in an earlier Water samples were collected periodically during the
publication. I2 The study was conducted in three phases. The time of maximum swimming activity at the beaches. Two
first phase, a pretest of the epidemiological and micro- samples were collected from each beach at approximately
biological methodology, was performed during the summer 1 1:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm. The samples were
of 1973; the second phase was conducted during the summer collected at chest depth approximately four inches below the
of 1974. The major objective of the study was the examina- surface of the water. Upon collection, the samples were iced
tion of symptom rates for swimmers relative to non- and delivered to the laboratory where they were assayed
swimming controls at a "barely acceptable" (BA) as com- within eight hours of collection. Total and fecal coliform
pared to a "relatively unpolluted" (RU) beach. A barely ac- densities were obtained using the most probable number pro-
ceptable beach was defined as the most "polluted" beach cedure as described in Standard Methods for the Examina-
available which was not posted as being unsafe for recrea- tion of Water and Wastewater.'4 The densities of total coli-
tional use according to local criteria. A relatively unpolluted forms and the component genera thereof (Escherichia, Kleb-
beach was defined as a beach which was subject to the least siella, Citrobacter-Enterobacter) were also measured using
amount of pollution and at which the populations were de- the mC procedure of Dufour and Cabelli.15 Enterococci,16
mographically comparable to those at the BA beach. Pseudomonas aeruginosa,17 and Clostridium perfringens'8
The "important" illnesses and the "correct" indicators densities were determined using membrane filter procedures
of the quality of the water were treated as unknowns. There- developed in this laboratory. Enterovirus densities were not
fore, illness information was sought in the context of symp- examined for a number of reasons including problems in
tomatology; and measurements were made for a number of methodology and logistics. Shigellae were not quantified be-
potential water quality indicators. Briefly, the design con- cause of methodology problems. Salmonella densities were
sisted of a series of discrete study periods during which: 1) not obtained during the second year of the study because of
the potential participants, primarily as family groups, were the very low densities observed during the pretest.12
contacted at the beach on weekends; 2) individuals who The symptom rates, categorized as respiratory, gastro-
swam in the midweeks immediately before and after the intestinal (GI), "other", and disabling, for swimmers and
week-end were eliminated from the study; 3) measurements nonswimmers at the BA and RU beaches were analyzed sta-
for a number of potential water quality indicators were made tistically by Cochran's two-way, chi-square analysis of asso-
during the course of the study periods at the test beaches; ciation.'9 During the 1974 trials, in contrast to the pretest
and 4) follow-up information concerning symptomatology conducted the previous year, gastrointestinal symptom-
and demographic characteristics was solicited by phone atology was analyzed by demographic group in order to iden-
some 8-10 days after the beach interview. The design dif- tify the sensitive portions of the populations. In addition,
fered from that used in Stevenson's prospective studies6 in during the 1974 trials, the credibility of the information ob-
that swimming was defined more stringently as exposure of tained on GI symptomatology was examined by comparing
the head to the water and discrete trials were conducted over the rates and trends for total GI symptoms to those for the
relatively short periods of times (1-2 days). Thereby, the ef- "highly credible" portion thereof. "Highly credible" symp-
fects of day-to-day variability in pollution level reaching the toms included all cases of vomiting, instances of diarrhea
test beaches were minimized. In addition, a beach-going but which were accompanied by a fever or which were disabling,
nonswimming control population was obtained. During 1973 and cases of nausea and stomachache which were accom-
and 1974, an area in the vicinity of 20th Street at Coney Is- panied by a fever.
land was used as the BA beach, chosen because it is a heavi-
ly used beach area immediately adjacent to one that was
posted as unsafe for swimming according to local standards. Results
During 1974, Riis Park in the Rockaways was used as the RU
beach, a change from Rockaways 67th Street used in 1973. The data presented herein were obtained from follow-up
The change was necessary in order to increase the size of the telephone questionnaires during the 1974 trials. As can be
study population. The densities of the various microbial in- seen from Table 1, the response rate to follow-up phone
dicators were comparable at both Rockaways beaches. questionnaires among individuals who gave a phone number
Beach activity information was used to categorize the during the course of the beach interview was about 80 per
participants as either swimmers (in the water for 10 minutes cent at both beaches. This response rate was considered sat-
or more, head and face actually immersed therein) or non- isfactory with the understanding that the findings have rele-
swimmers. The symptoms for which queries were made and vance only to that portion of the overall New York City pop-
the categories into which they were grouped will be de- ulation which have telephones. Only 2.6 per cent of the
scribed under "Results". An estimate of disability was ob- beach interviewees did not have phones. An additional 19
tained by asking whether the respondents remained home, per cent of those approached were either uncooperative dur-
remained in bed, or sought medical advice; hospitalization ing the beach interview, were midweek swimmers, or were
was not reported by any of the subjects, and the observation not from New York City.

AJPH July, 1979, Vol. 69, No. 7 691


TABLE 1-Follow-up Rates for Telephone Questionnaires at swimmers than for nonswimmers at both beaches, but the dif-
the Barely Acceptable (BA) and Relatively Unpol- ferentials in rates (swimmers minus nonswimmers) were
luted (RU) Beaches, 1974. higher at the BA than at the RU beach. The only statistically
Category BA Beach RU Beach significant difference was the GI symptoms between swim-
mers and non-swimmers at the BA beach. The attack rates
Total for whom a phone 4020 5936 for the four subpopulations (swimmers and nonswimmers at
number was given at beach both beaches) were adjusted for each demographic category
No follow-up phone 874 1013 relative to that for the total samples (Table 5). The dif-
interview ferential in rates for gastrointestinal and disabling symptoms
No answer wrong phone 728 890
number, disconnected at both beaches were not changed appreciably by the adjust-
phone ments.*
Uncooperative, unspecified 146 123 The results from the analysis of GI symptom rates by
% Success 78.3 82.9 demographic groups for swimmers and nonswimmers at both
beaches are presented in Table 6. The rates among children,
Hispanic-Americans, and low-middle socioeconomic indi-
viduals who swam at Coney Island were significantly and
The study population, individuals for whom follow-up appreciably higher than among those who did not. This was
questionnaires were obtained and who did not swim in the not so for the residual from each demographic category
midweeks before and after a weekend trial, consisted of ap- (adults, blacks plus whites, and the highest SES group). The
proximately 8,000 individuals in four subpopulations, swim- GI symptom rates for nonswimmers among the children at
mers and nonswimmers at the BA and RU beaches. They the RU beach were appreciably higher than those for the cor-
were distributed demographically as shown in Table 2. The responding groups at the BA beach. The rate for non-
demographic characteristics of the beach interviewees and swimming children at the RU beach was significantly higher
those successfully followed-up were comparable. The char- than that for children who swam.
acteristics of the four subpopulations was not as comparable Secondary transmission of illnesses within a family
in 1974 as in the 1973 pretest, particularly as regards ethnici- could provide an erroneous picture of the symptom rates as-
ty and persons/room ratio. sociated with swimming. Therefore, those instances in
As in 1973, about two-thirds of the beachgoers were which more than one individual in a family group reported
classified as "swimmers"; and there were no striking dif- gastrointestinal symptoms were identified in the telephone
ferences between the Coney Island and the Rockaways pop- interview. There were 24 such instances, 13 at the BA beach
ulations with regard to the percentage so classified. Swim- and 11 at the RU beach. In all but three, two at the BA beach
ming was more frequent among males, Hispanic Americans, and one at the RU beach, the onset of symptoms for any two
and the 0-19 years of age groups. Of the nonswimmers at the members of the same household was within a two-day peri-
Coney Island and the Rockaways beaches, only 8.5 per cent od.
and 5.4 per cent respectively did not go swimming because The credibility of the information on gastrointestinal
of existing symptoms or illness. None of the individuals at symptomatology was assessed by comparing the trends of all
the BA beach and only 0.1 per cent of those at the RU beach responses to those considered "highly credible".** The
did not go swimming because of GI symptomatology. rates for the "highly credible" symptoms among the four
The attack rates for the various symptoms as reported study groups were examined for the total population and
by telephone interview 8-10 days after the beach interview by separately for children, Hispanic-Americans, and the low to
swimmers and nonswimmers at the two beaches are given in middle socioeconomic groups. The trends for the highly cred-
Table 3. The most striking findings were the increases in the ible portion (Table 7) were similar to those for all GI symp-
rates of vomiting, diarrhea, and stomachache among swim- toms (Table 6). Rates of "highly credible" GI symptoms for
mers relative to nonswimmers at the BA but not at the RU the three most sensitive groups of swimmers also were sig-
beach. To a somewhat lesser extent, the same results were nificantly higher than those for their nonswimming controls.
obtained with the questions characterizing disability. Ear, Microbiological findings are presented in Table 8. Ap-
eye, nose, and skin symptomatology as well as fever were preciable and statistically significant differences in the den-
higher among swimmers than non-swimmers at both sities of a number of potential water quality indicators were
beaches. obtained at the BA as compared to the RU beach. These
The rates for the broad categories, themselves (gastro- findings were similar to those obtained the previous year.12
intestinal, respiratory, other, and disabling) for swimmers
and nonswimmers at both beaches, with the levels of signifi- *
The 1974 data for disabling GI symptoms by type were not an-
cance as determined from Cochran's two-way chi-square alyzed statistically because of the small size of the resultant cells.
analysis of association for the 1974 data are shown in Table The disabling GI symptom rate for swimmers was 10/1000 higher
4. Except for the "'other" category, the rates were higher for than that for non swimmers at the BA beach. At the RU beach, the
rate for nonswimmers was higher than that for swimmers by 2/1000.
** 1) all cases of vomiting, 2) cases of diarrhea accompanied by
*33 percent at the Coney Island (BA) beach and 7.5 per cent at a fever or a disability response, and 3) cases of nausea and stom-
the Rockaways (RU) beach. achache accompanied by a fever.

692 AJPH July, 1979, Vol. 69, No. 7


TABLE 2-Demographic Characteristics of the Four Subpopulations, 1974

Per Cent of Respondents by Category

BA Beach RU Beach

Demographic Swim Nonswim Swim Nonswim

Group (N = 1961) (N = 1185) (N = 2767) (N = 4156)

Male 47.3 35.6 52.1 37.5
Female 52.7 64.4 47.9 62.5
Age Group (years)
0-9 26.4 19.5 16.2 12.5
10-19 31.1 16.4 23.4 11.9
20-39 32.4 45.0 45.6 57.0
5;40 10.1 19.1 14.8 18.6
Ethnic Group
Hispanic-American 54.3 46.3 20.1 16.0
White 28.5 33.3 68.7 70.9
Black 17.2 20.4 11.2 13.1
Persons/room ratioa
Z0.9 26.9 32.1 46.1 51.0
1.0-1.3 48.4 44.2 43.1 40.2
,1.4 24.7 23.7 10.8 8.8
aNumber of persons in household divided by number of rooms in household, as an indicator of socioeconomic
status (SES); 0.9 or less persons/room indicates higher SES; 1.0-1.3, middle SES; and 1.4 or more, lower SES.

TABLE 3-Reported Symptom Rates* among Swimmers and Nonswimmers at the BA and RU
Rate/1000 at BA Rate/1000 at RU

Symptom Swim Nonswim Swim Nonswim

Vomiting 10 6 9 9
Diarrhea 17 9 16 16
Stomachache 23 14 21 21
Nausea 11 12 12 14
Sore throat 22 24 28 31
Bad cough 15 10 14 13
Chest cold 13 15 12 13
Runny or stuffed nose 21 18 29 24
Earache or runny ears 17 11 19 13
Red, itchy or watery eyes 16 13 14 11
(>1 day), styes
Fever(>1000 F) 16 12 14 8
Headache (>few hrs) 23 21 21 27
Backache 10 11 8 14
Skin rash, itchy skin, welts 30 21 32 25
Sneezing, wheezing, tight chest, 18 16 19 13
breathlessness (>5 min)
Bothersome sunburn 13 8 18 25
Home because of symptoms 35 26 23 19
In bed because of symptoms 23 19 15 14
Medical help because of symptoms 14 11 15 13
*An individual with multiple symptoms may be counted in more than one category and in more than one group
within a category.

AJPH July, 1979, Vol. 69, No. 7 693


TABLE 4-Symptom Rates per 1000 by Category* for 1974 at vice. These effects occur at pollution levels below most
the BA and RU Beaches existing guidelines and standards as seen from microbial in-
dicator densities. They are consistent with those reported
Symptom Rates* per 1000 persons at during the pretest year12 and those reported by Stevenson
BA Beach RU Beach
from the Ohio River study.6 They are not inconsistent with
those reported by Moore9 since neither poliomyelitis nor sal-
Type Swim Nonswim A Swim Nonswim A monellosis were reported in the present study.
There are a number of questions concerning the design
N 1961 1185 2767 2156 and results of the study which might affect the conclusions
Respiratory 72 64 8 83 78 5 drawn. The credibility of symptoms as reported by the par-
GI 42a 26 16 39 35 4 ticipants or their parents could be questioned in the absence
Other 73 67 6 86 77 9
Disabling 38 29 9 30 26 4 of follow-up clinical and laboratory findings. An attempt was
made to obtain such follow-up information during the pre-
*An individual with multiple symptoms can be counted in several cate- test. However, the relatively benign nature of the symptoms,
gores but only once within a category. the lack of response of the study population to our request
aSignificantly (P = 0.005) higher than nonswimmers. for a phone call at their onset, and logistic considerations
made this impossible. The alternative was the analysis of
"highly credible" symptoms (as described); we interpret the
Discussion findings obtained as indicative of credible reporting on the
part of the respondents.
The data presented herein suggest that there are mea- Demographic differences among the four study popu-
surable health effects associated with swimming in sewage lations, particularly those relating to age, ethnicity, and per-
polluted waters. These effects are manifest primarily as rela- sons/room ratio, could have confounded analysis of the data
tively high rates of gastrointestinal symptoms among chil- and the conclusions drawn. However, the generally obtained
dren. Although no hospitalization was reported, the symp- demographic comparability of the swimmers to their non-
toms were severe enough in about one-half the cases for the swimming controls, the absence of appreciable differences in
individual to remain home, stay in bed, or seek medical ad- the residual rates for GI and disabling illnesses when the

TABLE 5-Adjustment of Symptom Rates in the Four Subpopulations for Demographic Dif-
ferences, 1974
Symptom Rates per 1000 persons at

Symptom Type/ BA Beach RU Beach

Adjustment fora Swim Nonswim A Swim Nonswim A

Unadjusted 72 64 8 83 78 5
Sex 72 65 7 84 79 5
Age group 74 70 4 84 79 5
Ethnic group 74 64 10 79 75 4
Persons/room ratio 80 73 7 91 81 10
Unadjusted 42 26 16 39 35 4
Sex 43 24 19 39 35 4
Age group 38 25 13 39 38 1
Ethnic group 44 30 14 37 31 6
Persons/room ratio 48 31 17 43 38 5
Unadjusted 73 67 6 86 77 9
Sex 74 66 8 87 78 9
Age group 81 66 15 89 77 12
Ethnic group 74 72 2 85 72 13
Persons/room ratio 84 74 10 96 81 15
Unadjusted 38 29 9 30 26 4
Sex 39 29 10 31 26 5
Age group 36 28 8 33 28 5
Ethnic group 37 30 7 30 25 5
Persons/room ratio 43 33 10 34 29 5

aRate adjustments based on demographic characteristics of total sample. Sex: male, 44.4; female, 55.6. Age
group: 0-9 years, 18.2; 10-19 years, 21.2; 20 or more, 60.6. Ethnic group: Hispanic-American, 31.1; White, 54.4;
Black, 14.5. Persons/room ratio: 0.9 or less, 40.6; 1.0-1.3; 43.8; 1.4 or more, 15.6.

694 AJPH July, 1979, Vol. 69, No. 7


TABLE 6-Analysis of Gastrointestinal Symptom Rates by De- TABLE 8-Geometric Mean Densities of Potential Microbial In-
mographic Grouping, 1974 dicators at the BA and RU Beaches, 1974
GI Symptom Rates per 1000 persons Log Mean
Recovery/100 ml at
BA Beach RU Beach
Demographic Indicator Methoda BA Beach RU Beach
Group Swim Nonswim Swim Nonswim
Total coliforms MPN 1213.* 43.2
Total sample 42' 26 39 35 Fecal coliforms MPN 565.* 28.4
Childrena 57fg 14 23f 55 Escherichia coli mC 15.3* 2.4
Hispanic-American 45fg 17 24 12 Klebsiella mC 59.2* 3.5
Low-Middle Persons/roomb 42t 16 41 34 Enterobacter-Citrobacter mC 434.* 6.6
Ratio Fecal streptococci mSD 16.4* 3.5
Adultsc 37 29 42 32 Pseudomonas aeruginosa mPA 45.8* 3.1
Non-Hispanic-Americansd 38 35 43 39
Highest persons/room 42 45 37 35 aSee "Materals and Methods"
ratioe *Significantly different at the 0.05 level

yrs. old.
51.0 persons/rooms ratio.
C>10 yrs. old. GI symptoms for nonswimmers relative to swimmers at the
dwhite and black. RU beach probably was not due to overreporting, since this
e<1 .0 persons/rooms ratio.
fsignificantly different (P-0.05) than nonswimming control. was also true of the "highly credible" portion. The non-
gsignificantly higher (P-.05) than RU swimmers. swimming children may have been more prone to illness, al-
GI-gastrointestinal; BA-barely acceptable; RU-relatively unpolluted.
though only 0.1 per cent of these children or their respond-
ents reported that they did not swim because of existent GI
symptoms. We favor the explanation that predominantly
rates were adjusted, and the results of the analysis of GI white or black, higher SES children did not or were not al-
symptomatology by demographic grouping tend to minimize lowed to swim because they were in the early stages of the
this possibility. illnesses for which they later reported symptoms.
There is the concern with the higher rates for GI symp- The finding of a statistically significant, swimming-asso-
toms among the nonswimmers at the Rockaways relative to ciated rate of GI symptomatology at a "barely acceptable"
those at Coney Island, especially since the swimmer rates but not at a "relatively unpolluted" beach shows that beach
for the two beaches generally were not significantly different effects can be measured and suggests that measurable health
from each other. There are a number of beach, home, and effects do occur even within existing guidelines and stan-
population factors which could produce this situation. For dards. However, these results do not speak to the overall
this reason, the study was designed so that the control popu- objective of this program, the development of criteria ame-
lation for the swimmers was nonswimmers at the same nable to risk analysis. This is perceived as a dose-response
beach. type relationship of swimming-associated GI symptom-
The anomolous finding of a significantly higher rate of atology to the quality of the water as determined from the
most appropriate water quality indicator. Additional data
TABLE 7-Attack Rates for "Highly Credible"a Gastrointestinal from other locations will be needed and are being obtained to
Symptoms achieve this objective.
Symptom Rate per 1000 persons

BA Beach RU Beach
1. McKee JE and Wolf HW Water Quality Criteria 2nd Ed. Pub-
Demographic lication No. 3A, State Water Quality Control Board, Sacra-
Group Swim Nonswim Swim Nonswim mento, Ca, pp. 28-63, 118-122, 1963.
2. Senn CL, Berger BB, Jensen EC et al: Coliform standards for
Total 16 9.3 12 12 recreational water. Progress report, Public Health Activities
Children 24h <4.5 9.2h 28 Committee, Sanitary Engineering Division, J San Eng Div
Hispanic-Americans 21 h 7.6 5.6 3.0 89:57-94, 1963.
Low-middle persons/ 141 5.2 15 10 3. Mechalas BJ, Hekimian KK, Schinazi LA and Dudley RH: An
room ratio Investigation into Recreational Water Quality. Water Quality
Adults 13 11 12 9.5 Criteria Data Book, Vol 4, U.S. Environmental Protection
Non-Hispanic- 10 11 13 13 Agency, Washington, DC, 1972.
Americans 4. National Technical Advisory Committee. Water Quality Cri-
Highest persons/ 21 17 9.1 13 teria. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Dept. of
room ratio Interior, Washington, DC, p. 7-14, 1968.
5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Quality Criteria for
aAll instances of vomiting, diarrhea with fever or a disability response, and Water. USEPA, Washington, DC, p. 42-50, July 1976.
nausea and stomachache with fever. 6. Stevenson AJ: Studies of bathing water quality and health. Am J
hSignificantly different (P-0.1) than nonswimming control. Public Health. 43:529-538, 1953.

AJPH July, 1979, Vol. 69, No. 7 695


7. Henderson MJ: Enteric disease criteria for recreational waters. -15. Dufour AP and Cabelli VJ: Membrane filter procedure for
J San Eng Div 94:1253-1276, 1968 enumerating the component genera of the coliform group in sea-
8. National Academy of Science-National Academy of Engineer- water. J Appl Microbiol 29:826-833, 1975.
ing. Water Quality Criteria 1972. US Govt. Printing Office, 16. Levin MA, Fischer JR and Cabelli VJ: Membrane filter tech-
5501-00520, p. 398-401, 1972. nique for enumeration of enterococci in marine waters. J Appl
9. Moore B: Sewage contamination of coastal bathing waters in Microbiol 36:66-71, 1975.
England and Wales. A bacteriological and epidemiological 17. Levin MA and Cabeili VJ: Membrane filter technique for enu-
study. J Hyg 57:435-472, 1959. meration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Appl Microbiol
10. Rosenberg ML, Hazlet KK, Schaefer J, et al: Shigellosis from 24:864-870, 1972.
swimming. JAMA 236:1849-1852, 1976. 18. Bisson JS and Cabelli VJ: A membrane enumeration method for
11. Shuval HE: The case for microbial standards for bathing Clostridium perfringens. Abst Ann Meet Amer Soc Microbiol,
beaches. In: Discharge of Sewage from Sea Outfalls. H. Game- p. 206, 1978.
son, Ed. Pergamon, London, p. 95-101, 1975. 19. Fleiss JF: Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. John
12. Cabelli VJ, Levin MA, Dufour AP and McCabe LJ: The devel- Wiley and Sons, New York City, pp. 109-144, 1973.
opment of criteria for recreational waters. In: Discharge of Sew-
age from Sea Outfalls. Pergamon, London, p. 63-73, 1975.
13. Cabelli VJ, Dufour AP, Levin MA and Haberman PW: The im-
pact of pollution on marine bathing beaches: An epidemiological
study. In: Middle Atlantic Continental Shelf and the New York
Bight. Limnol and Oceano Sp Symp, 2:424-432, 1976. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
14. American Public Health Association: Standard Methods for the Portions of this paper were presented at the Annual Meeting of
Examination of Water and Wastewater. 13th ed. American Pub- the American Public Health Association held in Chicago, November
lic Health Association Inc., New York, 1971. 16-20, 1975.

I Nathalie Masse Memorial Committee*

In 1976, many friends of Dr. Nathalie Masse* established a Memorial to perpetuate her memory: to
fulfill this purpose a fellowship and an international prize were created.
1) The Nathalie Massee Research Fellowship
This fellowship (granted in even-numbered years) was awarded last year for the first time for a
research on nutrition education in a socially deprived region of South America.
The next fellowship, to be awarded in 1980, is likewise intended for young research workers. It is
intended to help them in their projects directed to problems in social and preventive pediatrics.
2) The International Nathalie Masse Prize
This prize, amounting to 10,000 French francs, will be awarded for the first time in 1979, and every
2 years thereafter.
It is intended as compensation for an original work concerning childhood, prepared by an institu-
tion or an individual under 40 years of age, with a view to encouraging studies by young professionals or
research workers.
In both cases, the winners will be chosen without regard to nationality by an international jury.
The detailed rules concerning the Fellowship and the Prize, as well as application forms, may be
obtained by writing to Memorial Committee, International Children's Centre, Chaiteau de Longchamp,
Bois de Boulogne, 75016 Paris.

*Dr. Nathalie Masse, who died in 1975, was director of teaching at the International Children's Centre for 18
years. She made major contributions to the improvement of child health internationally.

696 AJPH July, 1979, Vol. 69, No. 7

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