Definition and Function of Exposition Text

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Hi guys, in this article we will discuss one of the most difficult types of text that often appears in

National Examination questions, namely Exposition Text . What is the definition and function

of exposition text ? Like what is the example of exposition text ? We will answer all these questions
in this article.

Take your notebooks and let's start the discussion about the text exposition!

Definition and Function of Exposition Text

Exposition Text or exposition text is divided into two namely  hortatory exposition and analytical

Hortatory Exposition
Hortatory exposition is a type of exposition text that begins with a statement containing the problem /
issue used as the theme of the writing, then supported by various arguments / statements and
supporting evidence that can lead the reader to the author's point of view and closed with suggestions
or recommendations from the author what should be done or happened related to the problem or issue
presented at the beginning.
Analytical Exposition
Slightly different from hortatory exposition , analytical exposition is a type of exposition text that
begins with a statement that shows the attitude, opinion, statement or position of the author of the
theme discussed then supported by various arguments and closed with affirmation or restatement of
the opinion stated at the beginning.

The function of exposition text is to convince the reader or listener that the theme raised is interesting
to discuss through the opinions or arguments presented.

Text Structure / Generic Structure

Thesis : in the hortatory exposition this section will contain the issue or problem to be raised while
in analytical exposition this section will contain the position, opinion or attitude of the author.

Argument : contains opinions / arguments that began to be presented by the author.  Both
the hortatory exposition and the analytical exposition have the same explanation in this section.

Reiteration : reiteration is a conclusion. In the hortatory exposition will contain recommendations or

suggestions from the author of the problem that is the theme of the writing while in  analytical
exposition , this section will contain a re-statement of the author

Linguistic Elements
 Using simple present tense
 Many use conjunction ( conjunctions ) such as because of, so, therefore, the reason , and
 Contains arguments.
 Many use words that contain cause and effect
 Using vocabulary that can arouse the emotions of readers such as:  amused, concern,
innocent, monsters, unreasonable etc

Example Exposition Text:

Cars and Accidents
Car is the most popular transportation. However, there are many different causes of car accidents in
the streets.
Sometimes accidents are caused by bad weather. Ice or snow can make the toads very
dangerous. Accidents also can result from problems with the car.

Even a small problem like a flat tire can be serious. Bad roads are another cause of accidents.
Some accidents are caused by drinking too much alcohol.

Knowing some factors causing accidents is extremely important to prevent accidents while driving.

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