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SERVICE MANUAL Bhol-Waljal-e 10%) 4 514 ee 2/4-Channel Convertible Stereo Receiver WORLD LEADER IN HIGH QUALITY STEREO TEST EQUIPMENT and SERVICE TIPS “The following equipment is required to completely test and align the Receive: Line Voltoge Autotransformer or Voltage Regulator 1DC Vacuvm Tote Valtahmmeter Accuretaly Calibrated AC Vacuum Tube Voltmeter Oseitlozspe (Fist to 100 kH2 Minimum) LLow-Distortion Ausio Sine Wave Generator Harmonie Distortion Analyzer 4 Load Resistors, 4-0hms, 250 Wats Minimum ting) Low Distortion AM-FM Sianal Generator 10.7 MHz Sweep Gonerator (Fisher 3028") Multiplax Generetor (Fisher 1536") 4455 ke Sweep Genaraor (Fisher 3025) Soldering iran with Small Ti, Fully Ineulted from AC Line ‘ution Desaldering Tool Sound Source sd Spackers for Listening Tests “Requires Power Supply (Fishor 1561) CAUTION: trained inthe pair of tra This precision high deity instrument shouldbe serviced only by qualified personne stor equipment and printed cieultry. Many of these items are included only as» rmingar — they ‘are normal procedures fr experianced technicians. Shortcuts may be taken, but these often cause additonal damage 10 SOLDERING: A welltinned, hot, clean soldering iron tip walk make sidering assier, without couring damage to the Bie cnc ‘bord or ihe components mounted on i soldering surface. The hast availabe atthe tp, (not the watt ‘292 of the iron) is important. Some BO-watt ions each tan pratures of 1,000 F, wile others wil hardly melt solder Smaliciemeter tips should be used tor single solder con: ‘eetions, pyramid and cite tps for large area. [Always disconnect the AC power cord from the Tine when soldering, Turning the power dwitch OFF is not sufficient. Powerine leakage paths, through the heating elements of the irom, may destroy wansistors PARTS REMOVAL: If 9 partis not being returned for in ‘warranty fectory replacement, it may be cut im half (with ‘agonal cutting pliers) to make removal easier. Multiple terminal parts, suchas IF transformer, or electrolytic capac tore, should be removed vsing special de soldering tine made ‘specially for this purpose. Removing solder from terminals, Feduces the possiblity of beaking the printed cireut board ‘hen the pat is removed. ACCIDENTAL SHORTS: A clean working ara, free of metal Particles, screws, et. isan important preventive in voiding {vicing problems. Seve, removed from the chasse duting Servicing, should be stored in & box until oeeded. While a set 's operating, it takes only an instent for a bese o-cllecior short to destroy 2 transistor (and others drect-coupled 10 it Inthe time it takes for 9 dropped screw, washer, or sere river, 0 contact a pair of terminals (or terminal nd chasis], 8 tandistor can be ruined, SOLIDSTATE DEVICES: Integrated Circuits contain the ‘equivalent of many citcult parts, including ansisors, diodes, fesistors, and capacitors. The prelerred troubleshooting pro tedure requires nolating the trouble to one stage using AC ‘Sgnal_wocing methods. Once tho suspected stage i located ‘e DC voltages a the input and output leads are measured to (gve an accurate indication of the operating conditions of the TC. DO NOT use an obmmeter to check continuity with the IC mounted on the printed circuit board. Forward biasing the Inuermal junctions within the IC may burn out the transistors, Do mot replace # defective IC until all external resistor capacitors, and transformers are checked fia, to prevent the feplacement IC from faling immediately dus to\9 Select in the connecting components. Solder and unsolder tperately using a pliers or other hest sink on the prevent damage trom excesive heat. Check thatthe lads are onnected to the correct locations on the printed circuit board before turning the sa on. Whenever possible, a tansistor tester should be used 10 de Termine the condition of 8 Wonsistor or ciode, Onmmeter checks donot provide conclusive data, nd many even Xe ‘toy the junetion() within the devi, Never attemot to repair a transistor power amplifier module unt the power supply filter-capactors are fully discharged an output or driver transistor becomes detective (opens oF shorts, siaays check ALL direct oupled transtors and iodes in that channel. In adalition, chock the Bis pot, and ‘other pars in th bit network, Before installing replacement Tansstors. All output and driver transistors one channel may be destroyed it the biee network is defective, After parts replacement, check bisa for speclied idling euttent In some applications, replacment of transistors must be ‘mage from the same beta group at the original type. The beta group is indieated by acolored marking onthe transistor. Include this informetion when ordering replecement, ‘When mounting @ replacement power transistor, be sure the bottom of the flange, mice Insulator, and the surface of the heat sine, are trop of foraign matter. Dust and ait wil pre vent flat contact, reducing heat transfer to the heat snk Metalic particles can puncture the insulate, couse shor. Silicone grease must be used between the transistor and the ‘mica insulator ond between the mies and the heat sink for best heat transfer. Use Dow Corning DCS, oF an equivalent ‘compound made for power trandietorhest conduction, Use care winen making connections to speskers end output Terminals. To reduce the possiblity of shorts, luge should be ‘ted on the exposed ends, or stranded wire should be tinned to prevent fayes wire ands. Curent inthe speakers and out put circuitry is quite high ~ pobr contacts, or smell wire, ‘an cause shnifcant power loses. For wite length greater ‘than 30 feet, 16 AWG, or heavier, shouldbe wed VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS: All voltage ae measured with the line voltage adjurted to 120 volte, All measured Voltages are 2 20%. DC voltges are measuted to chassis ‘ith 8 VTVM, with no signa! input unless otherwise noted, [AC signal voltages are messured under the conditions speck fied on the schematic, ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES: DO NOT attempt realignment Unles the required test equipment is availabe, and the aligh- ‘ment prosadure is thoroughly understood SIGNAL FLOW TUNER 2301-1 TUNER ALIGNMENT TUNER ALIGNMENT o 4 e6 ° “9 & Qe o Maintain generator output as low as possible for suitable indication, erton oa Acemate | sempotimates | Taewpmas | sasmaew | Sen mae : grat | pecente | tactic | Seeace, | Sawkurcnien : 2. PRELIMINARY | 10.7 MHz sweep to pin Position of non- ‘Soope vert input to, ‘Adjust 2503 top slug for max ADJUSTMENT | output of 2 mv. Seeseeemenaa ‘hor input to MPX gen- | in MPX OSC response. 9 cri seroma emer En ee ° . rit be perlrmed eat oe Note: Do not chane ove NOTE! CHASSIS GROUNDS ARE COMPLETED THROUGH MOUNTING SCREWS (@) TIGHTEN BEFORE ATTEMPTING AUGNMENT. ‘snene ‘output, (3B kHz trap adjustment. impedence. Generator output voltage is reduced to one-half at antenna terminals. Signal volts specified In ths table are generator " Modulate generator with | Tune to generator. ‘AC VTVMM and scope | Adjust 2504 and 2505 omer RENE TES | emaime pealy don oe ci ea ees pnt none eee nee ence ee aan PHONES ONLY, MODE/MONITOR to STEREO, SELECTOR to AM, MASTER VOLUME to MIN, A should reappear on Scope (Wo eojustment.) AM DYNAMIC NOISE LIMITER 2310-1 SELECTOR SWITCH PREAMPLIFIER 2303-1 PREAMPLIFIER PB2303-1 SQ DECODER 2302-1 pa ca 7 ! we = 7 i i t es 7 | | co > | \ Lee Tt ath, 1 ss aE | 4 Siem) | [Wat i= - we + = a 1 \ ie _ 1 1 : le ce} gg fART OF | J switc Boao es vr TT Sipeseset ‘aa gam tue re, [ree --———— 83 GemimeNY = 7 x 4 Seave RE] a PART OF leesretear - oe oy Patel 1*@ £2) woot wae eoaro | Ea eee eee A} QBs WF = CT | L|——-teeseet Le 1 ES = Tae #0 _ a8 a? eo = fccelerainree | vos |G |B 2 Hae Se L SBky s poo al eT Ce : rye BER) rise REY ace — cca ms SQ DESCRIPTION “ar ao tv ew ‘80 records are produced by combining four channels of oa ree dase ropan marl mote toupee encode, Tt ry awa | gr a eae 8% JEN eae a neading process sits the phase of te rear channels OO" L_# _] 207 og eal tha conbins hom wth te on chen nape scorn I Thole ds oar RT ‘aio. Mastering on resin proses fr 80 eer ae gel ye SC, _ “22ee,, me Sore er vo L, 1 | Tea A ee ‘| aur rerepnonie pecs a OF ‘The $ matix decoder extrac th four sos cones we donna he Le Front er Right Front ond +3 ‘ Right Rear channels of the original program. Each input Sumatran secoceris at hen oct by ere om wat ra oe Shoseshitung pero, Each eon tte at tn BE a = the sural ra fancon af renoncy thot secu me # rs |B es treumney rapons oto he ga The haces ema a | [ie * aii ‘output ofeach pair are in quodroture. (The signal applied © nc a ‘azo cae year {o the bates of 204 and G209 lag 80" behind the signals a eg Le rege OY) rrtciere SEE) eee Spot 0202 ana O207repeeay. Te oun oF © L_fais 8 g use ss emg oxo ee eanetaceites ast imma oe wie ] rem ws | lee Teae avin uncon ot cpa rns ough in te i: me | le fe Satna ompttn Ee are es exer escees Sease aise ak eee oe s) ST RGONER MB car ue ite aH Rave aad Seam oe Pezso2rt MODE/MONITOR SWITCH CONTROL AMPLIFIER 2304-1 [ CONTROL AMPLIFIER P82304-1 MASTER BALANCE/VOLUME SWITCH BOARDS 2322-1/2323-1 AUDIO DISPLAY 2320-1/PHONES 2315-1 SPEAKERS SWITCH POWER AMPLIFIER 2155-2 2. [EICBE) ENOTES O€ VOLTAGES. MEASURED WITH DE VEVM TO CHASSIE WITH HO INPUT SIGNAL. a SAGBEEGE) oenoves oc vOLTACEE A7 enuTOOWN. | 4 GHC) OeWoTES tr SIONAL LEVEL MEASURED rTM Ae TUM ro CHAE. a CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ‘Tis lscusson sited to one amplifier channel. The other chanel ofthe same module operates identically ‘TURN.ON DELAY Forward blsing of driver output transistors 837 and amnsron {0819 1s momentary delayed to eliminate audible turn-on onvensouTeuT transients generated by the Input differential amir, ‘When the ceiver f turned on, C824 begins to cherge ‘through R17, RB, ond CRBZT. Whon the voltage at the anode of CRAY? rises to +1.8V, CRBYT, OBI, and {819 bocoms forward biased. (Output bias curent flows {ivough R1?, RETO, CRBI7, 0817, B45, RAT, OBT9, (0808, R606, snd B08). CRB21 becomes back-blased 25 0824 charges toa moximum of +25V through RBG ‘Atter CRG beck binwes, the turn-on delay eieult has no effect on amplifier operation. When the rcalve ‘ured of, CREZ3 rapidly cischorges C824, 013 qRoI0es ‘0803 Tao2b63~8 2805 ra6I080 IDLING CURRENT REGULATOR Transetor OB11 i adjusted to fixed OC conduction Ta bby R827, maintaining a constant DC voltage between the bss of GB17 end OB19. This voltage determines the ieling curent through 0817, RBS, R847, ‘The fow internal impedance of OBT nas negli ton the AC drive fod to OB17, Capacitor CB11 is co rected to the output and boatstreps the bias circuit 10 provide extra drive to B17 on posttia swan. sor conven ra02064-8 swoon ce fs isiased below the conduction point. Network R837/ ©: G aa: irene cman a, ee, : “Te primary tunetion of eiger RE31/RBID i to sense re * reoroesee C200 ETTERS r0 ‘oltage across 0817.” Simultaneous voltage and curent we ee Sensing, permits O819 to rstrit the operation of C817 een wren to thesafeopoceting asa. Similarly, GBS resets Te| 7 | "| "yea ‘ a OUTPUT OVERLOAD LIMITER, {sen load dornands aro oxcessve, 819 shunts AC dive {rom the bawe of GB17. During normal opareion, QB} rc Hesezes-1 ‘operation of O19 tothe safe operating area ale : at the limiting threshold. Under output short-circuit | ‘Troe sa [nana ‘conditions, CR803 protects the collector to-base a eo cm wor ore junetion af 813 from negative bias during negative Signa swings. Silay, CRBOS protoets the cll scanner ‘bare junetion of A818 cn positive signal swings. PREORIVER LimiTER Up to moderate overloads, 0807 remains shutoff snd hha no effect on eile operation. Under very high ovr toad condition, the voltae gross RBOS forward biases (0807, and signal shunted from the bate of 909, protecting I from oxeasive currant. 4 | camer SE faa | ae dag UY 3 AUTO sHUTDOUN “Tis creult has no effect on the amplifier during normet a ‘operation. When the amplifier is overionded, 813 ae. onducts on poste swings and currant tows from Bt ig {bin AA) through RBS, ROSS, and CRBTS. The voltge a ae drop across 53 Is applied to C823 trough RBS7. The t duty-eele of B13 determines the charge and lscharge fate of C823, For the auto shutdown ercuit 0 operate, sore. 6823 mt charge to approximotaly BV which forward biases 821 and connects dvder R@B4/RESE between {he B+ and B- supplies. The voltage drop across ABS onammeron forward bisse 0822 which forers 082 snd 0822 to saturate and lateh, This condition eausas CRB and {GAS to forword bis and shutoff 0805, OB17, and (0619, hereby diebiing the amalifer. Whenever either aece | aa0a ‘Ta02068-6| rRozossa rRoIose-5 fee POWER AMPLIFIER Seeger ornare ‘tee PM 2155-2 in lischarge sufficiently for 0821 and Q822 to unlarch. POWER SUPPLY 2305-1 32305-N-2 EXPORT) POWER SUPPLY HBF" || RECEIVER SWITCHES AND CONTROLS SETTING: CD-4 ALIGNMENT MODE/MONITOR to TAPE MONITOR, MASTER VOLUME to MIN, SELECTOR to CD-4, CD-¢ PUSHBUTTON SWITCH DEPRESSED TEM (GENERATOR | INDICATOR PROCEDURE 1. PRELIMIN- be VIVM to Adjust R177, R179, R178 ARY ANRS sources of O41, | and R180, respectively, for ALIGNMENT 945, Q42 and | 2.5ve 0.2v. 046. in turn. 2. PINAL Audio oscillator to base| ac vrvm and Defeat muting circuit by ANRS aLtGN- | of 923 through 1OUP elec-| scope vertical | connecting pin 14 to Menr (Lert | trolytic capacitor (+ | input to ovr 70| chassis ground. short cD-4 CHANNEL). | side facingcircuit). set | RCDR FRONT LaPT | IN LEFT and RIGHT jacks. oscillator output to 220 | jack on receiver | Set LEFT CD-4 SEPARATION nV and frequency to 30 | rear panel. control to maximum counter- He. clockwise position. VTVM should indicate 250nvs S0nV. Record this reading as 0 aa. 3. Decrease audiooscillator | Ac vIVM VIVM should indicate -40 output to 2.2 mv. ape 1 ap. a Increase audio oscillator | ac vrvi VIVM should indicate ~52a8 Frequency to 600 Bz. + 3B, Slowly adjust R177 until VIVM indication increases approximately 0.3 a8. 5. Increase audio oseitiator | Ac VIM vrvM should indicate -54 Frequency to 10 kia. ast 3 dB. Slowly adjust R179 counterclockwise until VM indication increases approximately 0.3 4B. 6. PINAL Audio oscillator to base| AC vivM and Maintain grouné to pin 14 awrs aLtGN- | of Q24. Set output to | scope vertical | and short to cD-4 IN LEPT mew (nrcHY | 220 mV and Frequency to | input to OUT 70] and RIGHT jacks, Set RIGHT cuannen). | 30 He. RCDRFHONT RIGHT | CD-4 SEPARATION control to jackon receiver | maximum counterclockwise rear panel. position, VIVM should indicate 250 mV 50 nv. Record this reading as 0 4B. D Decrease audio oscillator | ac vrvm EVM should indicate ~40 output to 2.2 mV. Bt 1 ap. a. increase audio oseillator| Ac VIvM VIVM should indicate ~52 frequency to 600 Hz. BL 3 dB. Slowly adjust R178 counterclockwise until VIVM indication increases approximately 0.3 4B, 9, Increase audio oscillator | Ac Vv VIVM should indicate -54 Frequency to 10 kz. ast 3 4B, Slowly adjust R180 counterclockwise until VIVM indication increases approximately 0.3 4B. TEM (GENERATOR INDICATOR PROCEDURE 10. murine | setup c-4 generator as | DC vIvM to Connect cD-4 generator to Autowvenr. | follows: junction of R215 |cb-4 IN RIGHT input. Set Sub-channel carrier | ana C119. 30 KHZ LEVEL control to ite level - 180 uv. maximum clockwise Channel Selector ~ position. VIVM should FRONT indicate 1.6: 0.4V. cD Deviation - 1 kHz MATIC lamp should light. I Base Channel ~ OFF correct indications are not Input Preq. = 1 klz obtained, adjust slug at top of £13 until indications are correct. 11, veo pre- |setup cp-4 generator as | DC viva to gate |set R149 to ite extreme quency amp | follows: of 037; ac vm | counterclockwise position. HOLD RANGE Sub-channel carrier | and scope to DC VIVM should indicate ALIGNMENT level = 1 nv our 70 RCDR PRON |~6.5+ Iv. Adjust RA9 to (UErT CHANNEL) 12. LB. 1d. vcO FRE ‘uency AND HOLD RANGE ALIGNMENT: (rrcET (CHANNEE,) « 15. Channel Selector = PRON? Deviation ~ 6 ktz Base Channel - OFF Input Freq. - 1 kiiz Increase CD-4 generator deviation output to W KEE. Decrease CD-4 generator Sub channel carrier level to 500 uv and deviation to 4 ku, ‘Setup CD-4 generator as indicated in step 11. Increase CD-4 generator deviation output to 8 kine. LEFT jack on panel. Scope Scope De VIVE to gate of 038; AC VIVM and scope to our 70 RCDR FRONT RIGHT jack on panel. Scope its mechanical center position. Connect Co-4 generator out~ put to both the Cb-4 IN RIGHD and CD-4 IN LEFT inputs. Adjust R73 until scope dis- play is distorted synme- trically. See VCO WAVEFORM, Reduce deviation on cD-4 generator until scope dis- play is no longer distorted At this point deviation should be 7.5kizt 2 ie. Slowly adjust R149 until scope display is distorted. Slightly readjust R1a9 until scope display is no longer distorted. Reduce cb-4 generator Sub-channel carrier level to 450 uv. Scope display should again be distorted, Set RISO to its extreme counterclockwise position. DC VIVM should indicate =6.5V + IV, Adjust RIO to its mechanical center position. Adjust R74 until scope dis~ play is distorted synme- trically. See VCO WAVEFORM, Reduce deviation on CD~4 generator until scope dis~ play is no longer distorted. At this point deviation should be 7.5kHiz+ 2 kHz. CD-4 ALIGNMENT ITEM (GENERATOR INDICATOR PROCEDURE 1. 17. EN-PMPM EQUALIZER ALIGNMENT (1eFT cHaNwED) 18. Pe-PM-PN, BQUALIZER ALIGNMENT (ricer (CHANNEL) 19. LET CHANNEL ‘SEPARATION ‘vest AND ALIGNMENT. 20. a. 22. 23. Decrease CD-4 generator Sub-channel carrier level to 500 uv and deviation to 4 ki. Setup CD-4 generator out- puts as follows Sub-channel carrier level - 1.5 nv Channel Selector ~ FRONT Deviation - 2.2 kte Base Channel — OPF Input Freq. ~ 1 kita. Maintain same setup of cb-4 generator as indi~ cated in previous step. Setup Cb-4 generator out~ puts as follows: ‘Sub-channel carrier level - 1.5 mv. Channel Selector-REAR Devidtion - 2,2 kHz Base Channel carrier level ~ 2.8 nv Delay - 40 usec Input Freq. ~ 1 kHz Set CD-4 generator Channel Selector to FRONT Set CD-4 generator Channel Selector to REAR. Set cD~4generator Chan~ nel Selector to PRONT Scope ac VIVM and scope to emitter of 023. AC VIVM and scope to emitter of 024. Ac VIVM to our 70 RCDR FRONT LEFT jack on panel. Ac VIM, ac VIVM ac vrvm to our 70 RCDR REAR LEFT jack on receiver rear panel. ac vIVM Slowly adjust R150 until scope display is distorted. Slightly readjust R150 until scope display is no longer distorted. Reduce cD-4 generator Sub-channel carrier level to 450 uv. Scope display should again be distorted. AC VIVM should indicate 200 mV 10 nV. If indica- tion is not correct, adjust RB9 until correct indication is obtained. AC VIVM should indicate 200 mt 10 mV. If indica tion is not correct, adjust RID until correct indica~ tion is obtained. Adjust LEFT CD-4 SEPARATION control for lowest reading on vIVM. VIVM should indicate 500 mvt 120 nv . Record this reading as 0 a5. VIVM should indicate at least 20 dB below 0 a5 reference of preceding step. VIM should indicate 450 nv 4100 nV, Record this Feading as 0 4B. VIVM should indicate at least 20 a8 below 0 4B reference of preceding step. CD-4 ALIGNMENT rren GENERATOR INDICATOR PROCEDURE 24. rtcHr | setupcD-4generator out- | ac vrvM to our | Adjust RIGHT Cb-4 SEPARATION CHANNEL puts as indicated in ro RCDR FROWT | control for lowest reading separation | step 19. RIGHT jack on | on vrvM. ‘TEST AND receiver rear ALIGNMENT. panel. 23. Set CD-4 generator Chan- | AC vrvM, ‘VIVM chould indicate 500 nel Selector to FRONT nV 120 mV, Record this reading as 0 ds. 26. Set cp-4 Channel Selector | Ac vrvM VIVM should indicate at to REAR, least 20 dB below 0 4B. reference of preceding step. 2. Ac vivM to our | VV should indicate 450 70 RCDR REAR | mvs 100 mV. Record this RIGHT jack on | reading as 0 aR. receiver rear panel. 28. TUM should indicate at Set cb-4 generator chan- | AC VIVE nel Selector to PRON? least 20 dB below 0 4B reference of preceding stop. cp=4 ‘TES EQUIPMENT ‘The following equipment is required to completely test and align the cb-é denodulator: Line Voltage autotransformer or Voltage Regulator De Vacuum Tube Voltohmmeter Accurately Calibrated AC Vacuum Tube Voltmeter oscilloscope Lew-pistortion audio oscillator cp-4 Generator (Pisher 3109) Rea Shorting Plugs (2) 4-inch jumper with alligator clips 10 uF Electrolytic Capacitor Soldering Iron with Small Tip, Fully Insulated from AC Line Suction Desoldering Tol UU ab a ° = REPLACING CD-MATIC OR CD-4 LAMP (2) Unplug AC power cord and remove cabinet. (2) Remove lamp PCB by removing two screws securing it to the front panel of the Demodulator. (3). Gently pull back the lamp PCB until the lamps clear the holes in the plastic lamp housings. (4) Unsolder and remove defective lamp and solder replacement lamp on lamp PCB, SYMBOL cR505, CRBE5, 866 1,2,3,4 15,6 17,8,9,10, aieionisy 14,15 ML M2 2 8 S woo Pe 5 8 8 2 sl+ sll sal MAIN CHASSIS DESCRIPTION PANEL Knob, TUNING Knob, MASTER BALANCE Knob, Pushbutton Knob, Slide Knob, Rotary *Dress Panel Assembly (504x) **press Panel assembly (514) ‘Nameplate (504x) *#Nameplate (514) Insert, Upper (Window) Spring, Window Retainer Insert, Lower Bushing, Pushbutton End Strip, Right End Strip, Left LED - STEREO BEACON LED - 2/4 SPEAKERS (with mounting kit and retainer) Lamp, Dial Lamp, Meter Lamp, Indicator Meter, Center of Channel Meter, Signal Indicator Mounting Pad, Meter Tuning Shaft/Bushing Assembly Dial Pointer Dial Glass (acrylic) control, MIDRANGE control, FRONT/REAR BASS FRONT/REAR TREBLE Control, MASTER BALANCE Bezel, MASTER BALANCE Control, MASTER VOLUME Switch, POWER Switch, POWER switch, SELECTOR Switch, MODE/MONITOR PART NUMBER EK20042-1 EK20044 EK20046-3 EK20043-1 EK20041-1 AS4145-124 AS4145-120 NP22653-1 NP22653-8 AD23 096-1 AN51427 AD23097-1 EA51413 AD23065-4 AD23065-3 TR19001 TR19003 1M21434 AS21410-6 1M21421-7 Mc21619 mc21620 EM21126 AS20729-1 AP20509-2A AS4094-162 RP50160-286 RP50160-285 RP50160-307 EA4094-136 RP50160-287 SP50200-65 SP50200-64 SR4094-150 SR4094-154 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER $275, 277, 4 Switch Assembly, SP50200-60 278 REDUCED VOLUME, SQ DECODER, FM MUTING OFF, FM NOISE FILTER 8283, 284, 4 switch Assembly, SP50200-59 285 AM DNL, LOW FILTER, LOUDNESS, HIGH FILTER S865 Switch, AUDIO DISPLAY SP50200-62 $866 Switch, SPEAKERS $R4094-151 -- Jack TO RCDR, PHONES 5K20627-5 **control, cD4 (514) RP5160-317 *xswitch 2 PB, cp4 (514) **connector, 2 Jack (514) CHASSIS REAR Terminal Strip, Antenna Terminal Strip, Speaker connector,Single Jack, Female Connector, 22 Jack, Female AC Outlet Line cord Strain Relief Fuse Holder +Line Cord (3 Conductor) +Strain Relief Switch, Fused Voltage Selector cover, Output Transistor BOARDS PCB, AM,FM Tuner +PCB, AM,FM Tuner PCB, SQ Decoder PCB, Preamplifier PCB, Control Amplifier PCB, AM Dynamic Noise Limiter PCB, Power Supply 4PCB, Power Supply +PCB, Power Supply SP50200-73-1 750608 BT51329 ET51340-1Dx 750465 IK20696 5K20665 w50023-1 EM2116-7 EA51408 WR20678 #51110 SR51304-1 aM2155-113 PB2301-1 PB2301-2 PB2302-1 PB23 03-1 PB2304-1 PB2310-1 PB2305-11 PB2305-12 PB2305~17 SYMBOL T T+ 1300 DESCRIPTION PM, Power Amplifier Module PCB, Predriver (P/O PA) PCB, Phones PCB, Dial Lamp PCB, Audio Display PCB, Switch Board PCB, Switch Board PCB, Mode Lamp PCB, Display Lamp PCB, Selector Lamp **PCB, Lamps (514) PCB, Tuner Load **RCB, CD4 Decoder (514) MISCELLANEOUS cabinet Assembly Cabinet (only) Grille, Cabinet Foot, Plastic Cover, Bottom Mounting Pad, Cover Transformer, Power Transformer, Power antenna, AM Ferrite Bracket, AM Antenna Support Dial Drum Assembly Connector, 12 Pin Male - Male coupling, Extension Shaft + Used in Export Units * Used in Model 504x ** Used in Model 514 PART NUMBER PM2155-2 PB2306-2 pB2315-1 PB2316-1 PB2320-1 PB2322-1 PB2323-1 PB2326-1 PB2327-1 PB2328-1 PB2404-1 PB2410-1 PB2393-1 AS4145-131 KK4145-130 FA51406 £51172 AR4094-119 EM51293 mp4094-115 'TE4094-215 AS4094-160 FA24006 AS4094~166 HH20686-12 #50799 CD-4 DEMODULATOR 2393-1 PREAMPLIFIER 2303-1 CONTROL AMPLIFIER 2304-1 19 adh : ; BS Sus, Symbol art Number ‘Ret Gia, cermin ——exaaases 30 oe 1a ia Symbol Port Number Rat 17,18, Coamis, 100096, 10%, 80v ckaza8e12 30 tar, 102, esaaaoa 8 2 cK2ass2 30 Sezaae 38 Gkazsot 30 ciza03 60 Stamos 3s certs as ck2ao3 30 Ersoraray 180 trooc2 ss qrowis2 115 rrasocse2i 20 canna Brasoess2! 20 nrasocaza) 20 Regsocesa) 30 frso1e0298 2.00 frases) 20 Rezepciess 20 Reaspeas! 30 Rraspcaaai 20 Rrsspewai 30 Rraspestti 30 rraspei1 30 Rraspeas) 30 sracee-iso 750 nraspea721 20 TUNER 2301-1 os con xa ed ® waggle ee symbol _Dwsiton Port Number Bek a OG G01, 601, ew Fo, N760, BOVoKzzaaaas 80 TE Sele Fuels titan a - 203,807 ore, es ed Beta int 2 on se soor.nsv0.s0vexzzs4e22 30 Taga pa i ares St ale | 2 esto “4 7 a the ore ey ¥ Ea ° Smet 8 alt Clif ate, eteevolwie.47UF. ev cezzse2s 40 Set €342.319, covamic, 002UF, 180-208, SOV. cK229562 30 ut Fz cs Smear 2 cvewois a0 exzass01 30 ctaaseio ao seapeut Ss oo geazmrs2 so | yma) Oucinion Part Number Symbol _Oesctpion Partnumiar fet ——Symbah__Desrinton patNumber Rak fees 33) | ms WEDTSTDER iro ent 27K wiser 30 | «hem oar erasocsaz 30 eet, | Ream mun, i traces 33 |e fesccas, eo eee) | Se 7 0 nrasocarss 30 | Bie feoces 38 Geen B | ciorae wen aasararioa meso, 9 feeoce: 38 cise ons en ne MeN Geeoe” TReters E bas 38 fesocna 38 cet Trove sro 47% ezsocaras 30 | esd fect 28 cose SEB 3 | soe so, Tabane fate t08, foo freee 38] me fees 28 C2 so camer ae we rae nvioiseess ee caso. eo a nooo tas ett san, 22 neasocam 30 | ite nioeen 38 cs cesses Sp | Geo Trams Se rs a0 oss Resoerests 38 ss. cee’ aan | Saas Tree 88 | tae san nezsocisas 30 | Sef 276 Ssamwss, a8 erin free, “38 | SESE rnows tap | fat dak Arias: 38 | Sor crew) ae ‘2507 Fo20202 os 528, £93, 2303 “apne IF 2250210166 1.75 es 238 ed eis Ba Sie Haaoaistes 18 cis Lint emiting Dade raison tao | aor as nrssocess) 39 | nbon 08, 2206 arzsocans oo | Bet oe ae Eon Trove 1438 Rae a Rrzspcaya) 30, 18505,511, 220 nraspee1s 90 ia Ie te Bsono1wo 138 BSteorto "ngs | Ruve.eso, Sax Recess) e op | soiree ae ieee ee | cee Zions ‘a tzigert 75 R308, 319, 100K Re2soct0w 30 520 30 teoeeasts ee a raza. az, 22K Resepez1) 30 SQ DECODER 2302-1 POWER AMPLIFIER 2155-2 = fet aia ke EN (ale “A 328 eo 00 eee ey SS Ea eer ad PQ @ Que = es a Ree Ge conte eee comarman aaees | Maree jrene, 25000F,5%,33VC518256-37 4s | 209, 250, Te ayy eet, | all ow van arses a oe nato zay ook Arzspeess) 30, fae zis, 268 200K nezs0c200 90 To Lemp, SubsMiniawure tuziazra 70 | waes.zot 5k Rr2sp0s12) 30 307, 209 faze 208 300K Rezoosss 30, aaa aoe fe Rae 230, 2a neaspestal 80. Riza, 231, 22K Rezsoczs) 30, aos, 210, 1008 Rrzsocio4) 30 | 229.250, a2k Rrzspes22) 20 we ‘Symbol Deseriaton PartNambor at, ‘ ¥ OO OG 8) gis Oum ee a0 | Oe 2@, Ow FISHER 2306 POWER AMPLIFIER ‘shooting. Frontchannl aml ‘rounded through common lo turns, ot OUp te one te switched for 2channel operation, inspect Toads must be losting” (ungrounded). equpmentproun ma) aes £ t eee Be A FNS @r a0) gg. poe . 2 cone a Ee oe ey a oe 2 ce Ot mm) eei@® Ow connection caretlly before testing oF trouble ny ofthe frontchannel sposkers COM terminals ae onnected to the led, the output of each srs Connected ear amplifier wil be short-ctculted. Ths may tigger the auto shutdown circu The cult ean be rest by momen: {arly jumping pin AA (84) to pin 98. SERVICE NOT! ‘otermining th (G+) and pin 98 CENTER VOLTAGE TEST Set SPEAKERS switch to MAIN-4, slide MASTER VOLUME control to MIN. Warmup unit about 10 minutes. S2t line ‘oltge to 120 VAC. (1) Connect a 4-ohm load restor between MAIN SPEAKERS. FRONT LEFT and COM terminals. {2) Connect a DC VTVM between the MAIN SPEAKERS. FRONT LEFT terminal and chasis, Check for indication of ‘VDC (s100mVDC). (3) Repeat for FRONT RIGHT, REAR LEFT, nd REAR, FIGHT speaker terminals IDLING CURRENT ADJUSTMENT Set SPEAKERS switch to MAINA, slide MASTER VOLUME A defective amplifier may shut down prematurely and prevent normal troubleshooting methods from smplifier faut. The euto shutdown circut may be temporarily defeated by connecting Jumper between pin AA, ‘contol to MIN. Warmup unit about 10 minutes. Set tine ‘eltape to 120 VAC, LEFT AMPLIFIERS ohm lood resistor between MAIN SPEAKERS ‘90d COM terminals, Connect DC VTVIM ‘between pins 86 and 87. See board layout lusiation. Set IDLING ADJUST R25 for indication of 12mV (e3mV1. (2) Connect a4-ohm lod resistor brtween MAIN SPEAKERS REAR LEFT end COM terminals. Connect DC VTVM between pins 88 and 89. Set IDLING ADJUST B26 for indication of 12m (230) RIGHT AMPLIFIERS FRepsatstps (1) and (2) for FRONT RIGHT and REAR. RIGHT channels AUDIO DISPLAY 2320-1/PHONES 2315-1 SWITCH BOARDS 2322-1/2323-1 POWER SUPPLY 230 1 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION PART NUMRER e901 Ceramic, 300pF, +80-20% (¢K223 52-3 c901* Ceramic 300pF, 400vac c51164-1 902, 903, Ceramic 0.02UF, 20% 500V €K223 59-3 904, 905, 908, 909 906, 907 Blectrolytic, g000ur, 50v (CE22357-2 910 Electrolytic, 470ur, 1OOv E22343-44 coll Electrolytic, 1000UF, 50Vv B22343-36 912 Ceramic, 0.01UF, +80-20%, LOOV C50B570-1 913 Electrolytic, 470UF, 50V E22343-33 914 Electrolytic, LOOUF, 100v E22343-43 cols Electrolytic, 10OUF, 25V E223 43-26 916 Mylar,0.1UF, 20% 250Vv ¢50B575-1 917 Mylar, 0.22UF, 10% 250Vv C50B575-2 cRo0lA, B, Bridge Rectifier, 25,, 200V BR51401-2 ©,D cR902a, B, Bridge Rectifier, 1.54, 200V —_BR51400-1 cD cRI03A Zener, 20V 3%, Iw ‘TR14001~4 CR903B Zener, 15v, 3% 1w ‘TR14001-2 R904 Zener, 24V, 5%,3W 7R14001-1 F901 Fuse, 6A, 125v, Slo-Blo FL5S1313-25 F901* Fuse, 6.3A, 250A, Slo-Blo F51B247-24 F901* Fuse, 3.15a, 250V, Slo-Blo F51B247-20 F902, 903 Fuse, 10A 250V, Slo-Blo FLS51313-22 F904 Fuse, 3/44, 250V, Slo-Blo FL513.13-7 tm, 2, 3, Dial Lamp 1M21434 15, 6 Lamp, Meter-Signal,Center-of-Ch. AS21410-6 a1 AC Outlet JK20665 L901 Choke, 0.55UH 121818, 9901 Transistor, PNP 7RO2062-6 9902, 903 Transistor NPN 7TROI045, R901 Composition, 820K, 10% RC20BF824K R902, 903 Deposited Film, 220 RS50DC2215 R904 Wirewound, 0.51, 2W RW200WR515 R905 Wirewound, 150, 1OW RP1OWL51I ROO5#* wirewound, 120, LOW RP1OW1215 R906 wirewound, 100, 2W RW200W101T R907 Deposited Film, 22K R50DC223T R908 Wirewound, 150, SW RPSW151I R90B** Wirewound, 100, Sw RPSWLOLT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER R909 Deposited Film, 680 RSODC681T R908" Deposited Film, 1K R50DC1025 R910 Deposited Film, 47K R50DC4733 ROLL Deposited Film, 10K R50DC1035 R912 Composition, 510 RC20BF5115 R913 Composition, 47 RC20BF4705 RO14 Wirewound, 100, 3W RW3W1O1T sl Switch, POWER SP50200-65 si* Switch, POWER SP50200-64 s2* Switch,Fused Voltage Selector $R51304-1 71 Transformer , Power ™D4094-115 Ts Transformer, Power 7B4094-215 -- Line cord W50023:-1 -- *Line Cord (3 Conductor) WR20678 -- Mounting Pad, 9901 50618 -- Heat Sink, 9901 A50B842-5 -- Insulator, 9902, 9903 £20413-3 - Fuse Holder EAS1408 Except as noted, resistors are 5%, 1/2W. Used in Export Units Used in 504X, 514 Models only Kilohm 655606 B 6 OO 6 cD-h DEMODULATOR PB 2393-1 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION CD-4 DEMODULATOR 2393-1 PART NUMBER cil, 12 21, 22, 57, 58 asi, 132 cis, 14 17, 18, 23, 24, 69, 70 cis, 16 51, 52, 75, 76, 93, 94 c19, 20, 43, 44, 45, 46, aaa, 112 25, 26 c27, 28 29, 30 cai, 32, 59, 60, 61, 62 €33, 34, 35, 36, 55, 56, 3, 74, lol, 102 107, 108, 17 e113, 115 cis e120 ciz2, 123, 124, 126 125, 129 eri, 12 a, Tantalum, 1 UF, 350 Ceramic, 21 pF, 10%, 50v 0.1 uF Blectrolytic, 4.7 UP, Sov Tantalum, 10 UP, 25v 6800 pF 0.015 uF Tantalum, 2.7 UF, 35v 4700 pF 2700 pF 1000 pF Tantalum, 4.7 UP, 250 Electrolytic, 100 UF, 35v Electrolytic, 100 uF, 16v Diode, Germanium cn22305-3 ck22345-15 cv22335-18 ¢n22342-3 6122305-17 cv22335-8 2335-2 cx22305-4 cv22335-8 v22335~6 v22335~3 ¢122305-6 on22342-10 cn22342-12 ‘PRL2001~6 SYMBOL DESCRIPTOR PART NUMBER cris, 16 a, 18, 1s, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 cna? reli, 12 EL, 12 3 ort, 12 a, 2, 22 23, 24, 25, 26 a5, 16 a7, 18, 27, 28, 49 2:3, 20, 3, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 43, 44, 47, 48 029, 30, Bi, 32 037, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46 950 HL, 12, 1, 4, ns, 116, 7, 118, 139, 140, Diode, Silicon Stabister Module, Silicon PM Demodulator, Phase-Lock-Loop Inductor, Audio, 100 mit coil, adjustable ‘Transistor, NPN (BC414¢) ‘transistor, PNP ‘transistor, NPN Transistor, NPN (BC239C) ‘Transistor, P-channel FBT ‘Transistor, N-Channel FED Transistor, NPN 1.5m 7R13006-2 SIT51096-6 1709026 121834-1 2250210-185 ‘rROLOLS '1R02020-2 ‘rRO1026 ‘7RO1OL4 PROGOIG ‘PROGOLS ‘7R01053-5 RB25DC155I CD-4 DEMODULATOR 2393-1 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 235, 36, | 12K RB25DC1233 41, 42, 101, 102 R37, 38 1.2K RB25DC1223 R39, 40, 80x RB25DC184T R43, 44 5.1K RB25De5125 ras, 50, | iM RB25DCLOST 51, 52, R53, 54 20 Re25pc8217 R55, 56, | 2.2K RB25DC222 a3, 144 R57, 58, | 33K RB25DC333T 195, 196, aaa Ro3, 64 220 RB29DC221T R69, 70, | 3.3K RB25DC332T n, 72 105, 106 R73, 74 Potentiometer, 2.5K, 20% RV50150-23-2 R75, 76 Composition, 2.7K, 5%, 1/4W RCOTBP272I R77, 7a* | 1.5K (Insulated Leads) Re 25pc1525 R79, 80 820K Rp2spca24a R85, 86, | 270 RB2SDC271I 147, 148, Re9, 90 Potentioneter, 10K, 20% RV50150-23~-7 ro, 92, | 270K RB25DC274I 165, 166, 169, 170, R93, 94 82K RB25D0823 R95A, 96A, | 8.2K RB25DC8225 103, 104, 161, 162, 185, 186, SYMBOL DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER asi, 152 199, 200, 201, 202, aun Ris, 16, | 47K Rp25p04733 95, 96, 135, 136, 159, 160 Ri7, 18, | 2.7K RB25DC2729 59, 60, 213, 226 R19, 20, | 4.7K RB25DC472I 25, 26, 61, 62, 83, 84, 183, 184, isi, 192, 209 Ral, 22 430K RB25DC4347 23, 24, 56K RB25D05637 ai, 82 R29, 30 10K RB25DC1033 45, 46, 47, 48, 65, 66, 67, 68, 87, 88, 129, 130, 133, 134, 207 Rai, 32, | aK RB25DC1023 a, 122, a3, 14 R33, 34, | 120K re2spel2aa 167, 168 CD-4 DEMODULATOR 2393-1 CD-4 DEMODULATOR 2393-1 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER SYMBOL DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER R97, 98 22K RB25D0223 Rie, 190 | 39K RB25DC393 173, 174, R193, 194 | 120 Re2spcl21s 175, 176, R203, 204 | 150 RB25DC1513 205, 206 R208 47K (insulated Leads) RP25DC473 R99, 100 | 5.6K RB25DC5625 R215, 216, | 100K (Insulated Leads) RP25DC104I R107, 108, | 470K RB25DC474T 227, 228 157, 158, Rais Wirewound, 470, 20 Rw200W4 71 210, 217, Rai9 Wirewound, 820, 20 RH200NB21T R109, 110 | 220K RB25DC224I R220 Composition, 3.3K, 5%, 1/2W RC20BF332I R119, 120, | 150K (Insulated Leads) RP25DC1543 R222 15K RB25DC153I qal, 122, R223 Composition, 120, 5%, 1/2¥ Re20Br 1217 R123, 124, | 150K RB25DC154I R224, 225 | Composition, 220, 5%, 1/20 RC20BF 2215 125, 126, R229 8.2K (Insulated Leads) RF 25D¢822I 2ar ziia, 118 | Filter, Dual, tow Pass 2250210-193 R127, 128 | 9.1K RB25DC912I 213A, 138 R131A, 1318 | potentiometer, Dual 10K RP50160-318 ziaa, 128 | Filter, Dual, High Pass 2250210-194 R137, 138 | 470 RB25DCA71I R141, 142, | 68K RB25DC683I 197, 198, Unless otherwise specified: R145, 146 | 560 RB25DC561I Resistors are Deposited Carbon, 5%, 1/4W. KeKilohm, MeMegohm R149, 150 | Potentiometer, 5K, 20% RV50150-23-8 Capacitors are Mylar, 10%, 100v R153, 154 | 6.8K RB25DC6827 * Denotes components mounted on underside of Board R155, 156 | 18K RB2SDC1830 b-4 DISC _DEMODULATOR CHASSIS R163, 164 | 100 RB2SDCLO1T eae cess Ri7i, 172, | 470 RB2SDC471T SYMBOL DESCRIPLTON PART NUMBER R177, 178, | Potentiometer, SK, 20% RV50150-23-3 pTouiea PCB, CD=4 Disc Demodulator 523931 Cable Assembly, REAR OUT 825011-1 Ris1, 182 | 680 Rp2spc681y Cable Assembly, PRONT OUT AS25011-2 Brees |ecce RB25DC3347 Connector, Double Jack, Female 320808 R27, 28 Control, CD-4 SEPARATION LEPT, CD-4 SEPARATION RIGHT RPSO160=317 Knob, Pushbutton K20046-3 PcB, Lamp PB2404-1 aitya Lamp, CD=4, CD-NATIC un2id2i-7 Lamp Housing EASI461 Strain Relief EN21116~2 sil 2-Switch Assembly, 2 CH PHONO, 5P50200-73-1 cp-4 Fisher 7 risnen navio «11-40 «stn nox - LONG ISLAND CITY « NEW YORK 11101

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