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Kelas : B
Nim : PO714211171038
Assignment Unit 5

Have a look page 14

1. What is the difference between present tense and present continues. Give 2
examples each.
 He wears a tie to work
 It nows in Canada
 We are separating organic and inorganic
 They are still slepping when I take a bath.

2. Write down 2 examples of present tense with general fact dan 2 examples with
action that happen regularly.
 Mia wants me to teach him cook.
 The manchaster united team plays soccer in the London stadion

Assignment Unit 6
Have a look page 16-17
1. What is the difference between past tense and past continues. Give 2 examples
 Simple past tense is a sentence tenses used to express events that occurred
in the past and have ended in the past.
 Present perfect tense is a form of verb that is used to express an action or
situation that has started in the past and still continues until now or has been
completed at a certain point in the past but the effect is still continuing.

 Give 2 example each

- difference between past tense
 I watched TV last night 
 Budi bought a new book yesterday
- past continues
 She’s worked here for 5 years.
 We’ve lived in Jakarta since 2005.
2. Write down 5 examples of past continues tense (see page 17 No 2). Example: I was
eating when she came to my house.
 My parents had already eaten before I got home.
 Until yesterday, I had never heard about him.
 he thief simply walked in. Someone had forgotten to lock the door.
 He didn’t know anything about an accident from two years ago.
 I bought that shoes last year, just to attract someone attention.

Assignment Unit 7
Have a look page 18
1. Write down 5 examples of future continues tense (see page 18 No 2). Example: I will
be cooking tomorrow morning.
 I will not keep your novel forever.
 This woman won’t wash your clothes.
 I think she won’t call you at 6 o’clock.
 Don’t worry. You won’t wait too long.
 It won’t probably rain in July.

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