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The  Chris  
Thor  Workout  
Bonus  PDF  Workout  Guide  
By:  Keith  Lai  



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The  information  provided  in  this  book  is  for  educational  

purposes  only.  I  am  not  a  doctor  and  this  is  not  meant  to  be  
taken  as  medical  advice.    

The  information  provided  in  this  book  is  based  upon  my  
experiences  as  well  as  my  interpretations  of  the  current  
research  available.  

The  advice  and  tips  given  in  this  course  are  meant  for  healthy  
adults  only.  You  should  consult  your  physician  to  insure  the  
tips  given  in  this  course  are  appropriate  for  your  individual  

If  you  have  any  health  issues  or  pre-­‐existing  conditions,  please  

consult  with  your  physician  before  implementing  any  of  the  
information  provided  in  this  course.  

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Chris Hemsworth Thor Workout

Day 1 – Upper body (push focus)

• Incline dumbbell press – 4 sets/6-8 reps

• Flat bench press – 3 sets/8-10 reps
• Cable crossover – 2 sets/13-15 reps
• Arnold presses – 3 sets/8-10 reps
• t-bar row – 3 sets/8-10 reps
• 1-arm dumbbell row – 2 sets/8-10 reps
• Superset bicep curl and tricep extension – 2 cycles (4
sets total) 10 reps each

Day 2 – Lower body (quad focus)

• Squat (can be front or back squat) – 3-4 sets 5 reps.

Don’t worry if you rest more in between sets here.
• Lunges – 3 sets/ do 8 reps per leg.
• Leg extension – 3 sets/10-12 reps
• Standing calf raise – 5 sets/15 reps

Day 3 – Upper body (pull focus)

• Chin ups – 3 sets/6-8 reps. Once you can do 8 reps

with your bodyweight only, start adding weight.
• Barbell row – 3 sets/8-10 reps
• 1 arm dumbbell row – 2 sets/ 10-12 reps
• Shrugs – 3 sets/12 reps
• Arnold presses – 2 sets/10 reps
• Lateral raises – 3 sets/15 reps
• Superset bicep curl and tricep extension – 2 cycles (4
sets total) 10 reps each



Day 4 – Lower body (ham/glute focus)

• Rack pulls (pins below knees) – 4 sets/5 reps

• Lunges – 3 sets/do 8 reps per leg
• Dumbbell swings – 3 sets/15 reps
• Leg curl machine – 3 sets/15 reps
• Standing calf raise – 5 sets/15 reps

In terms of scheduling the workout, make sure you’re resting

every other day or do it on a “2-on 1-off” schedule.

So it can look like this:

Workout schedule option 1:

Monday: Day 1, Tues: Rest, Wed: Day 2, Thrus: Rest,

Friday: Day 3, Sat: Rest, Sunday: Day 4. Repeat on Tuesday
and so on.

Workout schedule option 2:

Monday: Day 1, Tues: Day 2, Wed: Rest, Thrus: Day 3,

Friday: Day 4, Sat: Rest, Sunday: Rest. Repeat on Monday

Chris Hemsworth diet: How to

eat like a Norse God
You need to track your food intake with this diet plan.

If you want any chance of gaining a substantial amount of

muscle without too much fat, you need to how much you’re



Your food options should follow the 80/20 rule. So you

should be eating whole nutritionally dense foods 80% of the
time and whatever else you want 20% of the time.

And for quick reference, here are the calorie/macro

guidelines you should aim for if you’re trying to gain weight:

• Daily calorie intake: Your bodyweight in pounds * 16-18

• Protein per day: At least 0.8 grams per pound of
• Fats per day: 20% of your calories
• Carbs: Fill in the remaining calories with carbs



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