Calculation Methods For Lightning Impulse Voltage Distribution in Power Transformers

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Calculation methods for lightning impulse voltage

distribution in power transformers

Boruz Mircea Alexandru, Mircea Paul Mihai, Ciontu Marian, Mircea Ion
University of Craiova, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Craiova, Romania,,,

Abstract- This paper aims to develop and update the distribution in transformers coil when testing with lightning
methodology for calculating the stress to which the internal impulse.
insulation of power transformer is subjected during lightning
impulse test. Power transformer internal isolation consists of II. COMPARISON BETWEEN THEORY OF TRAVELING
insolating intervals of oil impregnated paper, transformer board WAVE AND STANDING WAVE
and oil. In whole, the transformer’s insulation must withstand
the voltage testing levels prescribed by the standards. One of the There are two known theories regarding the analysis of the
methods for determining the internal stress of various parts of transient phenomena when testing power transformers with
the power transformer’s insulation is by using mathematical lightning impulse voltage: the theory of traveling wave and
models. the theory of standing wave.
First significant difference between these two theories is
the equivalent circuit diagram of the transformers windings.
Determination of stress produced by lightning impulse According to the theory of traveling wave the equivalent
regarding power transformer’s insulation must be as accurate circuit diagram consists only of inductances L of the studied
as possible and the following two aspects should be taken in elements of the winding and capacitance Cg of these elements
consideration: and ground (see Fig. 1) [3]. It is obvious that this diagram
• The internal insulation must withstand the stress that does not differ much from a power transmission line of
appears during service with a proper safety coefficient; electrical energy.
• Insulation sizing should lead to an economic product. The equivalent circuit diagram of a transformer’s winding
In case the determination of the electrical stress was according to the standing wave theory is presented in Fig. 2
performed incorrectly and the internal insulation was and it contains two more parameters [3]: serial capacity Cs of
undersized the transformer may be damaged while testing it each winding element and the mutual inductances Mi,j,
in the high voltage laboratory or during its service when a between one element of the winding and the each of the other
lightning impulse wave occurs. Less known are the cases elements.
when transformers are oversized with a high safety coefficient The theory of traveling wave assumes that during lightning
which is completely unjustified economically [1]. There are impulse test, the wave travels along the windings conductor
also cases where the insulation is oversized in some parts of from one turn to the other and from one end of the winding to
the transformer and undersized in others. the other.
The main study methods of the transient phenomena that
occur during testing transformers with lightning impulse
voltage are [2]:
• Application of low voltage lightning impulses on the
original transformer by using a repetitive pulse generator
and measuring the response of the transformer at
different points of the winding. In this case if the Fig. 1. Transformer’s winding equivalent circuit diagram according to
measurements results are improper the financial costs of traveling wave
coil recovery lead to major property damage;
• Using the same method but not on the original
transformer but by using an electromagnetic model of
the studied transformer consisting of a small-scale
geometric pattern combined with a network of
• Calculation of the initial distribution of the voltage and
also the distribution of the maximum voltage to
Further on in this paper there will be presented a Fig. 2. Transformer’s winding equivalent circuit diagram according to
mathematical algorithm for calculating the initial voltage standing wave

978-1-4799-5183-3/14/$31.00 ' 2014 IEEE 71

The theory of standing wave assumes that the existence of III. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS FOR INITIAL
serial capacities Cs and mutual inductances Mi,j make two VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION WHEN TESTING POWER
kinds of coupling [3]: inductive and capacitive, so the voltage
applied on the first winding’s turn appears at the same time to It is considered that on the column of a transformer there
all turns through electromagnetic inductance. are placed “s” concentric coils as shown in Fig 3, were “s”
Another difference is that the traveling wave theory divides represent the real number of coils.
the lightning impulse wave in an infinite series of Fourier In order to determine the initial voltage distribution every
harmonics. winding of the transformer is expressed as a finite number of
From all these infinite series of harmonics only those which elements [4]. Every element has a serial capacity and more
reach critical frequency propagates with different speed along capacities to ground or to the nearby winding.
the winding and those which overcome this critical value The equivalent capacitive diagram which is presented in
propagates through the capacitive coupling of the coil [4]. All Fig. 4 is based on the assumption presented in Fig. 3.
these harmonics are assumed to be dependent only on the Where:
applied wave and independent of the winding characteristics. • 1, 2 … s … n represent the network nodes;
The theory of standing waves divides the impulse wave in a • Ci,j (i ≠ j; i = 1, 2 …, n-1; j = 2, 3, …, n) represent the
finite number of harmonics which appear because of some capacitance between nodes;
damped oscillations when passing from initial distribution • C0,i, … C0,n represent the capacitance to ground [4].
(capacitive one) to the final distribution (inductive one).
When a step voltage is applied on the inductive and
capacitive network, Fig. 2, for a short period of time the
inductive network reacts like an opened circuit because the
current can not be established instantaneously.
Meanwhile the capacitive network reacts like being in
short-circuit and it loads fast but without the appearance of
the inductive current.
So an initial distribution or a capacitive distribution of the
lighting impulse voltage is established.
As the capacities to ground are higher (Cg) the initial
voltage distribution is more non-uniform. This non-
uniformity voltage distribution has the effect of obtaining an
increased voltage gradient on the coil entrance and a smaller
one in the rest of it.
The nodes voltage is at maximum when the capacitive Fig. 3. “s” concentric coils placed on a transformer’s core
network is completely loaded and the initial charging current
dropped to zero.
At this stage the capacitive network discharge and the
inductive one is charged and finally it will be established a
sufficient current for a uniform voltage distribution.
Some adepts of the traveling wave propose methods to
determine the place of the insulation where failure occurred
during lightning impulse voltage test [3].
These methods use the time (chopping time from the test
oscillogram) when the failure occurred and through a serial of
mathematical formulas using time and space it can be
possible to determine the place of failure.
During many attempts performed it has been observed that
the failure place it can not be predetermined with these
calculation methods or through established rules.
At least in the actual phase this fact indirect invalidates the
methods of determination of the exact failure place through
the theory of traveling wave.

Fig. 4. Equivalent capacitive diagram of a transformer having “s” concentric

coils placed on a column

This method of splitting the entire transformer in a series of
capacities offers the possibility to calculate the initial voltage ⎡U 1 ⎤
repartition for any kind of connection between transformer’s ⎢U ⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥
coils and it also takes in consideration the different types of ⎢U 3 ⎥
tap changer (it may be with coarse adjustment or fine ⎢ ⎥
⎢ . ⎥
adjustment) [6]. ⎢ . ⎥ (4)
This calculation method can also be applied for any kind of [U ] = ⎢ ⎥
windings: continuous, interlaced buckets, buckets with or ⎢ . ⎥
⎢U ⎥
without reinforced insulation etc. ⎢ s ⎥
⎢ . ⎥
⎢ . ⎥
⎢⎣ U n ⎦⎥

According to the equivalent circuit diagram from Fig. 4 by ⎡C 1'1 ⎤

⎢ 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
taking into consideration the simplifying assumption that the ⎢ 0 ⎥
voltage applied in node 1 is step unit (U0=1) and the fact that ⎢ ⎥
⎢ . ⎥
all nodes connected to ground have zero potential the ⎢ . ⎥
[C ] = ⎢ ⎥ (5)
following equation system can be set up, where: ⎢ . ⎥
⎢ 0 ⎥
• ai,i represents sum of all capacitance connected to i node ⎢ ⎥
and “a” is expressed in pF; ⎢ . ⎥
⎢ . ⎥
• ai,j (i ≠ j) for i = 1, 2 …, n-1 and j = 2, 3, …, n represents ⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ 0 ⎦⎥
capacity value with minus sign.
Matrix [A] is a band matrix which allows to consider that
the initial data volume to be significantly reduced.
⎧a1,1⋅U1+a1,2⋅U2+a1,s+1⋅Us+1=C1',1⋅U0=C1',1 [U] is a column matrix which contains the unknown values

⎪a2,1⋅U1+a2,2⋅U2+a1,3⋅U3+a2,s+2⋅Us+2=0 (values of lightning impulse voltage in each node), expressed
⎪ in kV.
⎪a3,2⋅U2+a3,3⋅U3+a3,4⋅U4+a3,s+3⋅Us+3=0 [C] is also a column matrix which represent the free terms
⎪............................................................................. (1) of the matrix system, it is obtained by taking the terms from

⎪a ⋅U +a ⋅U +a ⋅U +a ⋅U =0 the right side of the equal sign in equation 1. This matrix has
⎪ s+1,1 1 s+1,s+1 s+1 s+1,s+2 s+1 s+1,2s+1 2s+1 all the terms equal to zero except one which represents the
⎪............................................................................. point nearby were the voltage is applied. Matrix [C] is

⎪an,n−s⋅Un−s +an,n−1⋅Un−1+an,n⋅Un=0 considered to be the charge because is being obtained by
⎩ multiplying a capacitance with a voltage, so it is expressed in
pC (see first line of equation (1)).
The above equation system can be written in matrix form as For calculating the terms of [A] matrix there can be used a
presented below. helpful diagram (see Fig. 5) by considering a single node (i,j).
In the below figure “i” represents the number of the line
[A] ·[U]=[C] (2) and “j” represents the number of column were node “i,j” is
Where: placed.
In Fig. 6 there is presented the wave shape of the voltage
⎡ a1,1 a1,2 0 0... a1,s+1 0 0... 0... 0 0 ⎤ applied in the further example.
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2,1 a2,2 a2,3 0... 0 a2,s+2 0 0 ... 0 0 ⎥ The real lightning impulse wave form can be expressed as a
⎢ 0 a3,2 a3,3 a3,4 0 0 a3,s+3 0... 0 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ double exponential equation and it has 1.2 μs for front time
⎢ . . . . . . . . . . ⎥
and 50 μs for tail time (see Fig. 7) [5].
⎢ . . . . . . . . . . ⎥ (3)
[A] = ⎢ . . . . . . . . . . ⎥

⎢a 0... 0... ⎥
⎢ s+1,1
0 0 0 as+1,s+1 as+1,s+2 0... 0...
⎥ u 0 (t ) = U 0 (e −αt − e − βt ) (6)
⎢ . . . . . . . . . . ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ . . . . . . . . . . ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 an,n−s an,n−1 an,n ⎥⎦


consists of three transformer board cylinders with thickness
between 2 and 4 mm while the thickness of the oil channels
varies from 6 to 9 mm.
The initial voltage distribution was determined only for
one phase of the high voltage winding with the tap changer
position set on the maximum number of turns in circuit.
In the figure below there is represented the equivalent
capacitive diagram of the phase were the initial voltage
distribution was determined.
In the Fig. 8, Ce1 ÷ Ce14 represent the equivalent serial
capacities along the coil. These capacities were determined as
a function of winding type, size of the conductor, type of
Fig. 5. Figure for obtaining the terms of [A] matrix
insulation, distances between buckets and type of insulation
between buckets (dimension of oil channel).
It can be seen from Fig. 8 that at the top and at the bottom
of the coil there are used the same notations for the equivalent
capacities (Ce1 and Ce2) which means that the transformer had
the same type of buckets and insulation at the beginning and
at the end of the coil. The value of these equivalent serial
capacitances is between 226 pF and 448 pF. These values
were calculated by applying the earlier presented
mathematical algorithm on a given transformer geometry.

Fig. 6. Impulse applied is step voltage

Fig.7. Standard lightning impulse voltage

The mathematical algorithm detailed above was applied on
a 5 MVA (66/13,8 kV) power transformer.
The transformer has a continuous winding with 74 normal
buckets (plus 10 buckets for voltage adjustment).
The entire winding has 1920 + 96 turns for +2x2.5 % and
1920 – 144 turns for -3x2.5 % of primary voltage regulation.
Turns are made of CuPH 1.8 x 6.3 mm with three different
types of paper thickness: 1.44, 1.28 and 0.96 mm.
The interior winding diameter is 530 mm and the exterior
diameter is 674 mm.
The thickness of the oil channel between buckets varies from
20 mm to 4 mm depending on their position along the coil.
The distance between high voltage winding and low
voltage winding is equal to 34 mm while the distance between
high voltage winding and tank is 135 mm. Between the low
voltage winding and high voltage winding the insulation Fig.8. Equivalent capacitive diagram of the tested phase

100 4,0
90 3,5
80 3,0
70 2,5 Minim position
Voltage [%]

60 2,0 Nominal position

50 1,5 Maxim position
40 1,0
30 0,5
10 12 14 16 18 20
0 Fig.13. Comparison between voltage distribution for different position of the
0 2 4 6 8 10 tap changer
Position on transformer's winding
C1 ÷ C8 represent the equivalent capacities determined
Fig.9. Initial voltage distribution for the first 10 computing elements – tab between the high voltage and low voltage winding. These
position set on nominal
capacities were determined by taking into consideration: the
serial capacities (previous determined), distances between
4,0 low voltage winding and high voltage winding and the type of
3,5 insulation between windings. The value of these equivalent
3,0 capacitances is between 30 pF and 35 pF.
2,5 C1c ÷ C8c are the equivalent capacities determined to the
Voltage [%]

2,0 tank of transformer. These capacities were determined by

1,5 similar ways as the capacities to the low voltage winding (C1
1,0 ÷ C8). The value of these equivalent capacitances lies
0,5 between 6.5 pF and 8 pF and they were determined by using
0,0 similar methods as for Ce1 ÷ Ce14 capacities.
10 12 14 16 18 20
Position on transform er's w inding
After obtaining the equivalent capacitive circuit diagram
there was calculated matrix [A] and matrix [C] by using an
Fig. 10. Initial voltage distribution for 10 to 20 computing elements – tap iterative Gauss method.
position set on nominal
The initial voltage distribution was determined for 41
computing elements.
Because there is no big difference between the first 10
computing elements for all of the three position of the tap
3,0 changer there was drawn a curve only for situation when the
2,5 tap changer is set on nominal position (Fig. 9).
Voltage [%]

2,0 The values of the computing elements start to differ from

1,5 the place were the tap changer is placed on the coil. So in Fig.
1,0 10, 11 and 12 there are drawn the curves of the initial voltage
distribution by taking in consideration the computing
10 12 14 16 18 20
elements from 10 to 20 (were the tap changer is placed). For
Pos ition on trans form e r's w inding each of the voltage distribution curve there was presented the
way that the computing elements are connected for modeling
Fig. 11. Initial voltage distribution for 10 to 20 computing elements – tap
position set on maxim
the three positions of the tap changer.
In Fig. 13 there is presented a comparison between the
voltage distribution when the tap changer was set on
minimum, nominal and maximum.
In table I there are presented the values voltage for each of

the chosen points for determining the voltage repartition.
Voltage [%]

Voltage repetition Voltage repetition Voltage repetition
1,0 Point
66 + 5% kV 66 kV 66 – 7.5% kV
0,5 no.
[%] [%] [%]
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 100 100 100
Position on transformer's winding
1 66.3405 66.3411 66.3412
Fig.12. Initial voltage distribution for 10 to 20 computing elements – tap 2 46.2664 46.2676 46.2678
position set on minimum 3 32.2733 32.2752 32.2756
4 19.3405 19.3436 19.3443

Voltage repetition Voltage repetition Voltage repetition From the demonstration above and from the fig. 8 it can be
66 + 5% kV 66 kV 66 – 7.5% kV
[%] [%] [%]
concluded that the transformer withstands the lightning
5 14.4392 14.4433 14.4442 impulse test.
6 10.7123 10.7132 10.7194 VI. CONCLUSIONS
7 8.1087 8.1157 8.1173
8 6.1465 6.1556 6.1577
Increasing the conductor insulation leads to decreasing the
9 4.6565 4.6685 4.6712 value of serial capacitance which means that the voltage
10 3.5244 3.5401 3.5437 repartition will be more linear;
11 2.6632 2.6838 2.6885 Decreasing the distance between the windings will increase
12 2.0066 2.0333 2.0399 the value of capacitance to ground which means that the
13 1.5041 1.5400 1.5481 voltage distribution will not be so linear;
14 1.1173 1.1645 1.1753 The mathematical algorithm presented can be used by the
15 0.8163 0.8785 0.8927 transformer designer to determine the stress to which the
16 0.5781 0.6601 0.6788 internal insulation of power transformer is subjected during
17 0.4843 0.4924 0.5170 lightning impulse test. The designer can also check if the
18 0.3300 0.3625 0.3949 internal transformers distances were chosen correctly.
19 0.2118 0.2563 0.2995 Determination of stress produced by lightning impulse
20 0.1602 0.1707 0.2281 regarding internal insulation must be as accurate as possible
21 0.1592 0.1618 0.1625 and it should be taken into account the fact that the internal
22 0.1511 0.1618 0.1148 insulation must withstand the stress that appears during
23 0.1147 0.1282 0.0863 service with a proper safety coefficient and the insulation
24 0.0952 0.0973 0.0655 sizing should lead to an economic product.
25 0,0642 0.0738 0.0497 So, it can avoid the situations when the transformer
26 0.0423 0.0560 0.0377 isolation is oversized with a high and unjustified safety
27 0.0391 0.0425 0.0286 coefficient or the situations when safety factor is too small or
28 0.0298 0.0323 0.0217 sometimes missing.
29 0.0195 0.0246 0.0165
30 0.0172 0.0187 0.0126 REFERENCES
31 0.0134 0.0143 0.0096 1] IEC International Standard, IEC 60076-11, Power Transformers – Part
32 0.0970 0.0109 0.0074 11: Dry-type Transformers, International Electrotechnical Commission,
Geneve, Switzerland, 2004.
33 0.0071 0.0083 0.0056 [2] J. H. McWhirter, C. D. Fahrnkopf, J. H. Steele, Determination of
34 0.0054 0.0063 0.0042 Impulse Stresses within Transformer Windigs by Computers, Power
35 0.0032 0.0044 0.0030 Apparatus and Systems, Part III. Transactions of the AIEE, 1956, pp.
36 0.0028 0.0031 0.0021
[3] I. Răducanu, Contribution at the transient phenomena study which take
37 0.0017 0.0022 0.0015 place in power transformers when testing them with lightning impulse
38 0.0011 0.0015 0.0010 voltage - PhD theses, Bucharest 1977, pp 14-17.
39 0.0007 0.0010 0.0007 [4] C. Ambrozie, Measurement and calculation of the capacities inside
40 0.0004 0.0006 0.0004 continuous windings in power transformers - PhD theses, Iasi 1972.
41 0.0001 0.0003 0.0002 [5] IEC 60060-1 High Voltage Test Technique – Part 1: General
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Knowing that the basic impulse level (BIL) for the studied [6] Mladen Banoviü, Antun Mikulecky, Concept for research of combined
transformer is 325 kV it can be said that the maximum electric field at lightning impulse test for HV windings, International
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Croatia, November 12 – 14, 2009
66%) and this voltage value is decreasing while going down
on the coil.


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