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Name: Luis Ángel Rosa Gómez, Grp: 34

The COVID-19 is the _______ coronavirus discovered.


The organs that are most affected by the coronaviruses are...

the ribs
the teeth
the kidneys
the lungs

It seems that the virus was transmitted firstly by...

a person who coughed another
persons that did eat different kinds of domestic and wild animals
from people to animals
persons that did hunt some animals in China

The virus symptoms are stronger in....

young people
healthy people
sad people
sick people

The underlined word in the text can be changed for...


Giving my opinion.
According with the text, give your opinion answering the following question.
Argue your answer, you have to use the word "because".

Which is the most effective recommendation to protect yourself against the

Among all the measures declared by the Ministry of Health in Colombia and the
World Health Organization, I consider in my opinion that the most effective
measure is rigorous social isolation, because in this way the chain of
transmission of this virus stops, decreasing the possibility of contagion in the
population. Since the virus is transmitted by contact with the infected person,
either by coughing, sneezing or contact with the virus, it is best to obey the
quarantine measure, which accompanied by other recommendations such as
constant hand washing and the use of Security implements when it is strictly
necessary to leave the house, will help us avoid being infected by this virus.

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