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Info Deployment and Flow www.gdt-tolerancestack.


Customer Requirements:
SOR, Vehicle Tech Specs, System
Technical Specs
Product Definition:
Drawing Dimensions /Specs, CTQs and KC
Process Definition:
High Level Process Flow and Risk
Detailed Process Flow Diagram
Failure Mode Analysis:
PFMEA, Problem Solving, 5 Why
Line side Review Process, Human Factors
Line Name/Process Name:
Date: 02FE09

Work Element Name:

EPP / Operation 100 Travel Verification

Work Sequence
Safety for
Insert Site Specific
Signature Block.

Process for
Control Strategy:
Control Plan,
Operator Checks Product

Work Element Time: #

Sym No. Motion Major Step Key Point Reason

Error proofing, Poka-Yoke, Redundancy

Take Verify that part has Flow
1 subassembly Setting mark.
from previous
2 Open guard.
3 Load part to

fixture with
INCOMING port and
KANBAN terminals QCI 1, Travel
FROM Customer Interface
FLOW OUTGOING 4 Close guard
SETTER KANBAN to initiate
5 cycle.
Wait until
cycle is
6 complete.
Open guard.

Work Instructions, Process Monitoring,

7 If part is good, screen is GREEN. Use safety glasses.
If part is bad, screen is RED. Don't play in work area.
8 If part is bad, push RESET button Keep area clean/organized
Take part Don't put your hands in

Standard Cell, Layered Audits, Kaizen

from fixture, the machine while
mark part, cycling.
place to reject
9 If part is OK,
place to

Copyright 1998-2017 ITR

Copyright 1998-2017 ITR
PFD to PFMEA to PCP Linkage
Proc ess Flow D ia gram

(K C C , Q C C )
C hang eo ver Key Ins p ec t io n Key Pa rt #
Custo m e r P a rt #

( K P C , Q C I)
P=P ro duct A=A utomatic
S t o r e /G e t

T=To o li
ng M=M anual Prod uct:
S=So f tware V=Vis ual Re v Da te :
R e w o rk
In s p e c t

D=Dunnage Q=QualityA udit

C o n t a in
Pre p a re d By:
Scrap /
L=Label Sy mbol In s truc tions

C la s s

C la s s
M o ve

Si gni fi ca nt Produ ct Si gn ifica nt Pr oc e ss


Op - Op e ra ti on De scri pti on Cha ra cte risti cs Cha ra cte ri sti cs

Se q (Outputs) (I nputs)

Directly Transfers

Translates Into (not a direct

In dex i nsula tor

A S In spect print wit h vi sio n sys tem

710-5 In dex i nsula tor

Pi ck insul at or from nest and move to

reject p osit ion
Rel ease rej ect ed part int o c hu te and
lo cked sc rap box
710-6 Pl ace insul at or to flash dry co nvey or

710-8 fl ash dry print whi le index ing in

KPC, QCI or other

710-9 cool i nsul at or whi le indexi ng i n
720-1 P& P insu lat or from fro m conveyor
and pla ce i n precsi on lin k nes t
In dex i nsula tor

P Get cent erwires and l oad in bowl
Feed cent erwires to l oad st at i on

720-3 Asse mbl e c enterwi re i nto in sulat or

In dex i nsula tor asm

720-4 A S In spect fo r cent erwire prese nc e wit h
In dex i nsula tor asm
r ejec t s tatus

Get and load powder

Potential Potential Current


Process Function/ Potential

Opr # Failure Effects of Process
Requirements Mode Cause(s)
Failure Controls

817F1 Revised 9-9-02

Prototype Pre-Launch Production CONTROL PLAN Control Plan No:

Part Number/Latest Change Level Key Contact/Phone Date (Orig.) Date (Rev.)

Customer Part Number Core Team Customer Engineering Approval/Date (If Req'd.)

Part Name/Description Supplier/Plant Approval/Date Customer Quality Approval/Date (If Req'd.)

Supplier/Plant Supplier Code Other Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Other Approval/Date (If Req'd.)

Characteristics Methods
Process Name/Machine, Special Product/Process Evaluation Sample
Op-Seq Operation Device, Jig, Char. Specification/ Measurement Control Reaction
No. Description Tool for Mfg. No. Product Process Class Tolerance Technique Size Freq. Method Plan

Copyright 1998-2017 ITR

Contact Information

Dan Bauer ASME Y14.5.2

Senior GD&T
Integrated Training Resources, Inc. Certified
2420 Woodlane Dr.
University of
New Braunfels, TX 78132 Michigan
(915) 867-4500 College of Engineering
Lean Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Technical Training Delivery, Design, and Development.

Project Support, Consulting, Coaching, Facilitation.
Design for Lean Six Sigma and related Design, Manufacturing, Quality,
and Productivity tools and techniques.
On-site or off-site support, by the day or by the hour.

Copyright 1998-2017 ITR

Our Customers

 Durable Goods
 Agriculture and
 Oil, Gas, Energy
 Aerospace
 Food Processing
 Automotive and
 Medical Devices
 Consumer Products
 Defense
 Telecommunications
 Electronics
 Robotics

Copyright 1998-2017 ITR

GD&T Courses and Services

 GD&T Executive Overview

 GD&T Basic/Fundamentals
 GD&T Intermediate
 GD&T Advanced
 GD&T Comparison of ASME and ISO Standards
 GD&T Advanced Applications Workshops
 How to Apply Dimensions, Tolerances, and GD&T to New Designs & Drawings
 GD&T for Six Sigma
 GD&T for Design for Manufacturing & Assembly
 Measurement, Inspection, and Gaging with or without GD&T
 GD&T for Injection Molded Parts
 GD&T for Cast and Machined Parts
 GD&T for Stamped Parts
 Tolerance Stacks with or without GD&T
 Statistical Tolerancing Applications
 Dimensional Management Fundamentals
 Dimensional Management Applications Workshop

Copyright 1998-2017 ITR

Courses and Services
Quality, Design, and Engineering-Related Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving
Topics Process and Machine Capability
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) Process Reengineering
Reading Blueprints, Engineering Drawings Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)
Capability Analysis (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk, Cpm) Project Management
Continuous Improvement Tools & Techniques Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Control Plan Development Simplified
Design for Lean and Productivity Six Sigma Concepts and Applications
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly Statistical Process Control (SPC)
(DFM/DFA) Standardized Work and Visual
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Communication
Design of Experiments (DOE) Theory of Constraints
Error Proofing, Mistake Proofing, and Poka Value Stream Mapping
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Organizational Development Topics
Gage R&R Fundamentals and Applications Career Development and Self-Assessment
Measurement, Inspection, and Gaging (MIG) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISO 9000 & TS16949 Supervisor and Management Skills
Awareness/Implementation Performance Management
Lean Production Concepts and Applications Process Mapping for Admin Processes
Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) (GR&R) Technical Presentations and Meetings
Team Building

Copyright 1998-2017 ITR

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