Lesson nr.39

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Di mana letak pom bensin

Where is the next gas station?

I have a flat tyre / tire (am.). Ban mobil saya bocor.
Can you change the tyre / tire Apakah Anda dapat
(am.)? mengganti ban?

I need a few litres / liters (am.) Saya butuh beberapa liter

of diesel. minyak diesel.
I have no more petrol / gas
Saya tidak punya bensin lagi.
Do you have a petrol can / jerry
Apakah Anda punya jerigen?
can / gas can (am.)?

Di manakah saya dapat

Where can I make a call?
Saya butuh jasa penarik
I need a towing service.
I’m looking for a garage. Saya mencari bengkel.

An accident has occurred. Ada kecelakaan yang terjadi.

Di manakah telepon umum
Where is the nearest telephone?
Do you have a mobile / cell
Apakah Anda punya ponsel?
phone (am.) with you?

We need help. Kami butuh bantuan.

Call a doctor! Tolong telepon dokter!
Call the police! Tolong telepon polisi!

Your papers, please. Tolong surat-surat Anda.

Your licence / license (am.),
Tolong SIM Anda.
Your registration, please. Tolong BPKB Anda.


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