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Nama : Muhammad Ilyas Abdullah

NIM : 185110500111013


Family and love is the most important think in the world. Most people agree on
that. Some people think that family is the only true love that we get in this world. In line
with that, then we decided to make a poem “The family love” that portrayed the process
how love could be formed. We used tree and soil as a representation of love. We
represented tree as a man that love a woman. The woman is represented as a soil that
always helping tree in many tree activities no matter the condition. As time move forward,
tree started to fall in love with soil. It makes tree has a big hope in soil that they will
together one day as a family. It makes soil started to fall in love with tree. Move forward,
they started their relationship as a family. In no time, soil became pregnant and make tree
happy to hear about it. From soil’s womb, born a child that represented as sprout. When
sprout grew older, tree taught him some of live values, and they happy forever after as a

When we made this project, there were a lot of fun inside it. We shared our thought
and ideas about what kind of poem that we wanted to make. The process of the project was
actually very quick because we worked in group. About the idea of this poem actually come
when we watched a film “Mr. Holland Opus (1995)”. It’s a film about a musical teacher and
his life. There were only a few conflicts on it, and we think “what if we make a love poem”.
And we started our project. My role in this project is the one that voice the project, I also
has a role as a cameramen, editor, and the one that write the foundation of the poem itself.

Some of our struggle to make this poem actually came from how we make the
concept of the video. At first we thought that, we wanted to make an ordinary poem video,
but our friend, Dhimas said “it’s too mainstream, let’s just make it slightly different”. And
our second problem came the music composition, but later on, we found the perfect
combination of the music.

We think that our final result is not coming like “what we expected” but I think it is
still a good poem, a good poem video, we satisfied with the result. That’s all matter for us.
We think that improvement at some of the technical issues like, camera angle, some error
on editing and music. Some references may help us to make a better poem in the future.

About the benefit of this poem itself, we think that it doesn’t have many direct
benefit, but we think that our project has some sort of love education. We think it is
important to teach people that love is a strong thing that can change someone life. We think
that our poem not free from critic and we are happy to listen some of it.

In conclusion, we think that people should concern more about their love life. And
we want to sound it from this poem. The point that we want to represent is love is life,
without love there will be no happiness, there will be tomorrow, there will be no life.
That’s all from us thank you.

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