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Developments of the Quarter: Comment and Chronology

Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Summer, 1960), pp. 292-321
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 31/03/2014 06:51

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Comment and Chronology
The Turkish and Previous place of a land-owning or commercialaristoc-
racy, whether headed by a monarch or by a
Crises de Regime president selected from this latter number.
The overthrow by the Turkish military of In Jordan, in April 1957, there was an
the Bayar-Menderesregime on May 27, 1960, attempt on the part of sections of the military
was the latest of a striking number of such to do the same thing. The attempt failed and
events in the Middle East in recent years. The the difference between this and the Egyptian
instancesvary greatly in their apparentorigins case lay largely in the characterof the monarch.
but it is an interesting thing to note that the Husayn was no Faruq and reassembledaround
coups (individual assassinations aside) have him enough of the armyto put down rebellion.
occurred,all of them, in countrieswhich have Purges of the armyhave continuedsince.
assayed a parliamentaryand, more or less, Nineteen fifty-eight was the year of three
Western style of democraticgovernment. In such coups and another attempt at a forceful
fact, a -oup or the attemptat a coup, has occur- overthrow. Iraq's nominally constitutionaland
red in all except one of the countries with parliamentaryregime, actually an oligarchy,
which this journal deals, which has also made was also turnedout by the kind of armygroup
some effort at such a form of government. The that had carried out the Egyptian revolution.
exception is Israel, whose population is not A major difference between the two is the
Middle Eastern, but European, by origin of social distance the new Iraqi government has
the political elite and by progressive accultur- traveled since July 1958.
ation of the rest. Other exceptions,more appar- In the Fall of 1958, Pakistan and Sudan
ent than real, are considered below. The sev- had bloodless turnovers to a military regime.
eral countrieswhich have become independent In both cases, it was the army commanditself
in the last year or so and those not yet inde- (ratherthan a "society"of comparativelyjunior
pendent are not consideredat all. officers) which assumed control. In Pakistan
The first of such coups was in Syria, March it was the Presidentwho "invited"the military
1949. The military under Husni Za'im over- to form a new governmentand it is generally
threw Shukrial-Quwwatliand Khalid al-'Azm. believed that the Sudanese Premier did the
In 1954 there was a reversion to civilian and same to his old colleagues in the high com-
parliamentaryrule, which lasted less than four mand.
years. In 1958 Syriansturnedto Jamal'Abd al- Lebanonis always different. There a purely
Nasir and the creation of the United Arab political struggle between opposition and gov-
Republicfor the solution of their problems. ernment led to armed warfare between para-
'Abd al-Nasir had been the moving spirit military factions of each, while the army
of the second of these overthrowsin Egypt in remained almost a passive onlooker. The
the Summer of 1952. What he and the Free country turned to the head of this army for
Officers touched crumbled so rapidly and so its President at the end of the crisis but did
completely that the significanceof the kind of so by the regularconstitutionalmeans. Another
change the coup representedwas largely lost at difference is that General Fu'ad Shihab, far
the time. By hindsight, we may see that a from being one of the "new men", stands
politically-mindedmilitary, largely middle or at the summit of the old Lebanesearistocracy.
lower class by origin, has begun to take the In May of this year, another officer'sgroup


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brought down an elected parliamentarygov- in the degree of autonomyit gives to the three
ernment. The Turkish officers acted when it disparateprovinces. But, again, it is the figure
seemed to them that the ruling partywas about of King Muhammad Idris which is central
to stifle any remainingmanifestationsof oppo- to Libya'spolitical existence.
sition to its policies. The military have under- Iran's constitutionalsystem, more than fifty
taken to retire from governing the country years old, would seem to be the greatestexcep-
as soon as new elections have taken place. tion to what has been outlined above as a trend.
No date has been set for these elections, but But the system has been in desuetudeover the
many observers think that, in the Spring of greater part of the period and the Majilishas
1961, such elections will be held. almost alwaysbeen the instrumentof the Shah.
Three other countriesof the area have con- MIuhammadReza Shah, if not by the same
stitutions and parliaments organized in styles methods, has largely continued the personal
borrowed largely from the West, but in each rule of his father. It is also of interestto note
of them one personality,ratherthan the appar- that Iran has sharedwith Ethiopiaand Morocco
ent system, is the dominent factor in its poli- the mystique of an imperial tradition, which
tical life. In Tunisia the constitution-making has, so far, not permitted another symbol to
processwas tailoredto the pre-existentposition gain overriding acceptance. Also, that, in the
of President Habib Buraqibah (Bourguiba). same three countries,wider public participation
Furthermore,the constitutionis little more than in the affairs of the state has been largely a
a year old. matterof the personalscheduleof the monarch.
Libya has a federal constitution, drafted Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Afghanistan,
with the help of United Nations experts,which under personalrule, range from few to none in
correspondsto the physicalfacts of the country the modalities of Western-stylegovernment.

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March 16, 1960-June 15; 1960

General that the action "goes against" the principles of

the UN.
Apr. 11: The 2nd Arab Dental Conferencein Beirut
was opened by Prime Minister Karami. About
1960 500 Arab, Iranian, Greek, Turkish and US den-
tists attended.
Mar. 22: The Arab League celebrated its 15th anni- Apr. 17: Crude oil output in the free world during
versary by opening a new $3 million Secretariat Januaryreachedover 10 million barrelsa day, with
headquarters in Cairo. a major part of the expansiontaking place in the
Mar. 23: In Beirut, Minister of Economy, Philip Middle East,it was reportedin London.
Taqla, said that Lebanon did not see any need Apr. 13: The Egyptianship Cleopatrawas picketed
for revising the status of the Arab League. by New York dockers.
Mar. 24: Hasunah's call for confederation provoked Apr. 18: It was learned that dock workers' unions
further commentary in the Beirut press. A mem- at the main harborsof the UAR and along the
ber of the Lebanese Chamber of Deputies urged Suez Canal had announced plans to retaliate
the government to demand that Hasunah be re- against the boycott of the Cleopatraby a similar
lieved of his post and proposed that Lebanon boycottof all US ships.
withdraw from the League. Apr. 21: State Departmentofficials in Washington
Mar. 29: The British House of Commons, by 248 to said that the picketing of the Cleopatrawas "em-
171 votes, rejected a member's attempt to intro- barrassing"the conduct of US foreign relations
duce a bill which would set up a commission of and expressedconcernabout the detrimentaleffect
inquiry into the Anglo-French landing in Egypt of counter-boycottmeasureson US shipping.
in 1956. Apr. 22: The InternationalFederationof ArabWork-
Mar. 31: The Council of the League of Arab States ers announcedtheir ultimatumto picket US ships
held its 33rd regular session. in Arab ports if the New York picketingdid not
Apr. 2: The Arab League Council denounced the stop in a week.
French atomic test in the Sahara. Apr. 23: A Federaljudge refused to order a halt in
Apr. 3: The Economic Committee of CENTO met in the picketingof the Cleopatra.
Tehran to study a comprehensive report on its Apr. 25: Sudan and Afghanistanannouncedboycotts
economic program. Observers in Ankara, where on the imports of all South African goods as a
the report was drafted, noted a new tone of protestagainstapartheidpolicies.
urgency in the discussions and in the recommenda- Apr. 26: Trade union leaders in Cairo announced
tions of the report itself. that an Arab boycott of all US shipping would
Apr. 5: Aramco was accused by the American Jewish begin on April 29 if the New York picketingwas
Congress of using questionnaires "that would make not halted. For the third time the Federal courts
the Nuremberg laws look like a Boy Scout Man- refused to halt the picketingat New York.
ual" to weed out Jews from among employment Apr. 28: The US Senate overrodeadministrationop-
applicants. position to write into PresidentEisenhower's$4,-
The Minister of Public Works of Lebanon said 145,600,000 foreign aid bill an amendmentaimed
that his country would not support an Arab at the UAR's blockadeof Israeli shipping.
League recommendation of an economic boycott Apr. 29: Arab port workersbegan boycottingAmeri-
of France. can ships at midnight.
Apr. 7: Arab League sources said that the UAR, By a vote of 45 to 25 the US Senate gave the
Jordan and Saudi Arabia had conveyed their sup- President discretionaryauthority to withhold as-
port of the economic boycott measures to freeze sistance from nations that obstructfree navigation
French assets while Morocco and Lebanon opposed of internationalwaterways.
the step. Apr. 30: In Tehran, the CENTO denouncedSoviet
Apr. 8: Secretary General Dag Hammarskj6ld re- propaganda campaigns in Iran and Pakistan as
proved Cairo for having confiscated an Israeli "inconsistentwith the declaredpurpose"of a re-
cargo at the entrance of the Suez Canal, saying laxationof internationaltensions.


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May 2: Close to 50,000 tons of US agricultural sur-
plus destined for the UAR were rerouted to other
Mediterranean ports, maritime sources in New
York reported.
NATO representatives met in Ankara. Mar. 16: Mr. Harold Watkinson, Britain's Minister
May 3: The White House appealed directly to AFL- of Defense, who is on a visit to British bases in
CIO President George Meany to seek a solution the Middle East, said in Aden that it was the in-
to end the New York picketing of the Cleopatra. tention of the British government "to keep our
The Executive Council of the AFL-CIO pledged positions strong" in Aden.
its full support to its maritime unions despite the Mar. 23: It was reported that representatives of BP
White House appeal for them to halt the picketing. and the employees' union are understood to have
The US Senate confirmed its earlier decision to been in direct contact for nearly 10 days and an
empower President Eisenhower to cut off aid to early settlement of the 7-week-old refinery dispute
the UAR as long as it restricted Israeli commerce. is forecast.
May 5: Under Secretary of State Douglas Dillon con- Mar. 24: The Adenese Trade Union Congress called
ferred with AFL-CIO representative, Arthur J. 14,000 men out on a 24-hour token strike in
Goldberg, on possible ways of ending the picket- sympathy with the BP workers.
ing. Apr. 5: Travelers from Aden reported in Cairo that
May 6: The picketing of the Cleopatra was halted British forces there are concentrating on heading
on the intervention of the State Department. Arabs off large-scale arms smuggling into Aden at the
hailed the measure as a victory, and a defeat for mouth of the Red Sea.
international Zionism. Apr. 13: The negotiations between Petroleum Con-
The 14th annual conference of the Middle East cessions Ltd. and the Sultanates of Qu'ayti and
Institute was held in Washington. The topic of Kathiri were resumed and broken off on the same
discussion centered on "Arab Nationalism-Paths day. A joint communique from the two Sultanates
and Obstacles to Fulfillment." said that they had now come to an end and that ar-
May 9. The Cleopatra was unloaded. rangements would be made by the two govern-
May 12: The 3rd World Congress of the Interna- ments to invite bids from international oil com-
tional Federation of Petroleum Workers (IFPW) panies for concessions in the Thamud area. The
met and was highlighted by a clash between the failure of the talks was attributed by the com-
UAR delegate and the Israeli delegate. munique to the rejection by the company of any
May 13: The IFPW Congress ended after having amendment to its draft agreement.
passed by almost unanimous vote a resolution "in Apr. 18: Muhammad 'Abd al-Ghanim, Deputy Di-
favor of lifting all restrictions on the free trans- rector of Education in Aden, said in Amman that
port of petroleum and other products of world the Prime Minister of Jordan had approved a plan
trade under international law." to recruit Jordanian teachers of both sexes for
May 27: The Atlantic Refining Company favorably
received Shaykh 'Abdallah al-Tariki's international Apr. 19: The Aden Trade Unions Congress was re-
prorationing of oil production plan. ported to have set up a special committee to con-
sider measures to be taken by dock workers against
May 28: Authoritative sources in Washington said
American ships calling there.
that the House Banking Committee will approve
Apr. 20: While the refinery workers' strike continued
the charter of the billion-dollar International De-
the Aden Trade Unions Congress was reported
velopment Association next week without an anti-
to have asked FALU to use its good offices to
Arab amendment.
bring about a settlement of the dispute. FALU,
May 31: UNEF Commander P. S. Gyani presented it was understood, was preparing to send to Aden
medals to members of the Brazilian battalion serv- an expert in oil affairs and collective bargaining
ing with the force. methods.
June 4: The Middle East News Agency quoted the Apr. 26: A contract for the sale of 3 Avro jet prop
Mecca radio to have said that 130 Muslim pilgrims airliners, costing ?800,000, to Aden Airways, an
died of old age or sunstroke since the beginning associate of BOAC, was signed in London. The
of the 5-day Muslim holiday of 'Id al-Adha. planes are scheduled to be delivered in the sum-
June 8: It was learned that the US Senate Foreign mer of 1962.
Relations staff study concluded that the tide of June 8: A report from Cairo stated that ICATU
political influence had turned against the Soviet has decided to "intervene" in the dispute between
bloc and in favor of the West in the Middle East. BP and the Aden refinery workers.
June 12: Vice-president Nixon said in a letter pub-
lished today that the US, while seeking to promote
a "mutually acceptable" Arab-Israeli settlement,
must keep on pressing to open the Suez Canal to
Israeli shipping and to protect American interests
from Arab boycott and blacklisting.

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Afghanistan Algeria
(See also, General, Pakistan) (See also, General, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia)

1960 1960
Mar. 22: An office to recruit Arab volunteers to
Mar. 17: Premier Muhammad Da'ud Khan and party fight in the Algerian rebellion against France is
arrived in Tehran for a 3-day official visit. being opened in Cairo, it was reported.
Apr. 18. Mr. Koca Popovic, secretary of state for The Cabinet set May 29 as the date for elections
foreign affairs of Yugoslavia, arrived in Kabul for of departmental general councils in Algeria.
a 5-day visit. Mar. 26: The Paris evening paper La Croix was
Apr. 21: A ban on the sale and purchase of South seized on its arrival in Algiers for its republica-
African goods in Afghanistan was issued by the tion of an article printed in Le Monde two days
Ministry of Commerce in Afghanistan. ago concerning an Algiers inquiry.
Apr. 22: At the conclusion of Mr. Popovic's visit, a Apr. 3: Karim Bilqasim, al-Hafiz Bussuf, and Dr.
joint communique was issued by Afghanistan and Ahmad Francis left Cairo for Tripoli to join
Mr. Popovic relating to the discussions they had Prime Minister Farhat 'Abbas at a special cabinet
regarding international problems and the relations meeting of the Provisional Government concerning
between the two countries. the current Algerian situation, a spokesman an-
Apr. 25: Former King Amanullah was reported to nounced.
have died in a Zurich clinic at the age of 68. Lieut. Col. Ait Mahdi took command of a
May 4: About 300 (Murman?) tribesmen of Afghan- French infantry regiment operating in the Oran
istan and their families have fled into Pakistan sector against guerrilla fighters.
because of alleged maltreatment by some Afghanis- Apr. 4: The special cabinet meeting opened in
tan government officials, it was reported. Tripoli to discuss President de Gaulle's demand for
May 9: Antropov, the Soviet Minister of Geology, a ceasefire without prior political negotiations.
and a group of Soviet officials arrived in Kabul Apr. 6: French Army headquarters in Algeria an-
to hold talks with the oil and mineral depart- nounced the withdrawal of the Tenth Paratroop
ments. It is also reported that the minister will Division from Kabylia.
call on Prime Minister Muhammad Da'ud. Pierre Messmer, Minister of the Armed Forces,
predicted in Paris that the Algerian rebels would
May 10: The invitation of the Soviet cultural ad-
soon attack the French fortified line along the
ministration for a group of Afghan artists to visit
Tunisian frontier.
the Soviet Union has been accepted and 15 Afghan
Apr. 7: A former First Secretary in the Algerian
artists will leave sometime in June, it was learned.
nationalists' Ministry of External Affairs at Tunis
May 12: Foreign Minister Muhammad Na'im said said in Algiers that he had deserted the Provi-
that Afghanistan would lodge a protest with the sional Government because the rebels refused to
US and Pakistan if an investigation showed that make peace with President de Gaulle.
the US U-2 plane shot down by the Soviets had Apr. 8: France announced an electoral decree under
flown over Afghan territory. which Muslims will gain control of all 13
Soviet technicians have discovered oil in Algerian departmental assemblies in the local
Afghanistan, estimated to have reserves of about elections.
300,000,000 barrels, in the area north of the Hindu Apr. 9: French troops killed 50 Muslim insurgents
Kush mountains. in a 24-hour battle in western Algeria, military
May 16: Newspapers in Kabul carried commentaries sources in Algiers said; 10 more were killed, 4
on the press conference by Mr. Shirzad, the Afghan captured in another clash.
minister of commerce, about the difficulties and Apr. 11: The Provisional Government of Algeria
obstacles created by Pakistan for Afganistan announced in Tunis that it was ready to accept
transit trade. The papers have condemned the volunteers from any country to help wage the war
attitude of Pakistan as an attempt to exert economic against France in Algeria.
pressure on Afghanistan. US specialists on African affairs considered the
Mr. Antropov and his companions left Kabul. announcement that the Algerian nationalists would
May 19. The Kabul press discussed the protest accept volunteers from other countries as designed
lodged by the Afghan government to the ambas- for psychological effect.
sador of Pakistan and the charge d'affaires of Premier Michel Debre came to Algeria for a
the US Embassy at the court of Kabul, calling the 3-day visit amid signs that the nationalist rebels
U-2 flight over Afghan air space an act of aggres- had planned to greet him with terrorist attacks.
sion and not in keeping with international con- Apr. 12: Premier Debre declared in a broadcast that
ventions. Algeria would be partitioned if a majority of
May 21: Prime Minister Muhammad Da'ud arrived Algerians voted for independence.
in Kabul from the Soviet Union. Arab diplomats in Washington were reported

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to expect a new wave of violence in Algeria in May 3: An Algerian Nationalist spokesmandenied

view of recentevents. a report in Newsweek that former US servicemen
Apr. 13: The Algerian Provisional Governmentan- were being recruitedto fight the Frenchin Algeria.
nounced in Cairo that 761 French soldiers had The report said Negroes were being approached.
been killed and 405 wounded in Algeria in May 6: Algerian rebels laid before the Afro-Asian
clashes with the rebels between April 4 and 12. nations in the UN a complaint that France had
PremierDebre cancelledhis visit in Orleansville failed to observe the Geneva conventionwith re-
due to heavy rain, and returnedto Paris. spectto the fightingin North Africa.
Apr. 14: Al Wabdah of Damascus reported that May 7: A showdown was seen on the Algerian
4,000 Syrians "all of long military experience and departmental elections as the nationalists and
skill" had expressed their desire to volunteer for Europeanextremistsintensifiedtheir campaignto
service in the "Algerianliberationarmy." make the Muslim voters boycott the elections.
Apr. 15: It was announced that the "people's May 9: The Frencharmy announcedthat 15 French
resistance"organization,which played a big part soldiers had been killed and 30 wounded in a
in the 1958 Lebaneseinsurrection,had decided to week-end battle near the Moroccanborder.
register volunteers in Lebanonfor the "liberation May 10: The delegation headed by Karim Bilqasim
of Algeria." arrived in North Korea after touring Communist
Apr. 16: It was reported in Algeria that French China.
commanders in Algeria are giving serious con- May 12: Extremists urged European settlers of
sideration to the possibility that large-scale fight- Algiers to turn the anniversaryof their uprising
ing, involving perhaps thousands of nationalist May 13, 1958, into a city-wide demonstrationof
rebel soldiers, may break out along the Tunisian oppositionto Presidentde Gaulle.
border. In a radio broadcast, Prime Minister Farhat
Apr. 17" A delegation from the Algerian Provisional 'Abbascalled on Algerians to "say no to electoral
Government arrived in Baghdad. prefabrication" and added: "No reasonis valid for
Apr. 18: General 'Abd al-Karim Qasim had a us to associateourselveswith the perfidiousgame
4-hour meeting with the Algerian Provisional of the enemy."
Government delegation to discuss, among other May 14: The campaign for the Algeria-wide de-
things, money. The Baghdad radio reported that partmentalelection was declared open.
General Qasim told the delegation Iraq would Farhat'Abbasarrivedin Moroccowith Muham-
maintain financial and moral support for Algeria mad Yazid, his InformationMinister.
until the country was liberated and attained com- May 15: An appealsigned by leadersof the "Mouve-
plete independence. ment Populaire"has called for Moroccanvolun-
Apr. 19: The Foreign Ministry of the Provisional teers "to fight by the side of their brethrenof the
Government announced in Cairo that the govern- Algerian national liberationarmy." It opened its
ment had decided to send a ministerial delegation officesto enroll volunteers.
to China for talks with the Communist leaders May 17: Algerian nationalist messages to President
there. Eisenhower and Prime Minister Macmillan pub-
Apr. 20: Algerian nationalist rebels stationed in lished in Rabat accused the US and Britain of
Tunisia and Morocco have repeatedly shelled aiding France in the 5-year-oldAlgerian war. A
French positions on both borders during the last message to PremierKhrushchevtold him that any
2 days, a French army spokesman said in Algiers. move he deemedproper to shortenthe war would
Reports from Algiers said that a new political be appreciated.
movement advocating the permanent integration Algerian gun emplacementson Tunisian terri-
of Algeria as part of France. tory were submitted to "vigorous shelling by
Apr. 22: A French military spokesman reported that Frenchplanes and artillery."
unusually heavy fighting had been taking place May 19: Ben Mahmud, a Muslim supporter of
during the last 48 hours in most parts of Algeria. President de Gaulle who had announcedhis can-
Apr. 23: Lieut. Gen. Jean Crepin took over as the didacy for the coming departmentalelection, was
new French Commander in Chief in Algeria. killed by nationalist terroristsat Mostaganemin
Massali Hajj, leader of the Algerian National Western Algeria.
Movement, told Le Figaro in an interview that May 20: The Frenchadministrationlifted censorship
he was ready to have talks with the rival insurgent of newspapersin Algeria for the durationof the
National Liberation Front on a cease-fire and self- campaignfor the departmentalelections.
determination for Algeria. Sayyid Bilqasim thanked CommunistChina for
May 1: Deputy Premier Karim Bilqasim had talks giving his people unspecified"tangible aid," on
with Marshal Ho Lung, Deputy Prime Minister the departureof his delegation from Peking.
of Communist China, in Peking. May 21: French officialsin Algiers assertedthat the
May 2: Marshal Ho Lung was quoted to say that numberof candidateswho had decided to present
"650 million Chinese people will resolutely sup- themselves in the coming departmentalelections
port the Algerian people's national liberation was "far higher" than they had dared to expect.
struggle to the very end." The registration of candidates showed 242 lists

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composed of 1,028 Muslim and Europeancandi- when a report from Julian Amery had been con-
dates,officialfiguresdisclosed. sideredby the Britishgovernment.
Alay 23: The French army helped distributeposters Mar. 29: Archbishop Makarios received an AKEL
in a drive to get out the vote for the elections. delegation which he briefed on the course of the
May 25: It was reported in Algiers that French British-Cyprustalks on the question of bases.
planes and artillery have intervened on an "im- Mar. 30: The political office of AKEL has issued a
portant" scale during the last two days near the statementon the British bases question, stressing
Tunisian border. that it gives unlimited support to every effort by
May 27: The 3-day voting period began in Algeria; the president and vice-presidenttoward a reduc-
a good turnoutwas reportedin Kabyliacantons. tion of the extent of the area of the bases, it was
May 28: Algerian rebels mounted a campaign of learned.
terror markedby 19 political murderssince April Apr. 2: Archbishop Makarios walked out of talks
1, it was reported. Voting began in Birtoutaunder with the British after only 45 minutes. His action
the protection of French soldiers while in Oran is reported to have come as resentmentmounted
nationalists staged 3 attacks, killing a Muslim among the Greek Cypriotesover their postponed
candidate. Similar attacks occurred in Sidi-bel- independence.
Abbes and Mostaganem. Apr. 3: Disagreement continued to jeopardize set-
May 30: Candidatespledged to supportPresidentde tlement of the bases issue. ArchbishopMakarios
Gaulle's policy won 298 of the 452 seats in the reportedlyplans to rejectDr. Kuchuk'scompromise
departmentalelections. Nearly 60 per cent of the proposal that Britain have a sovereign area of
voterswent to the polls. 100 sq. miles.
June 1. A move to free PierreLagaillarde,who won Apr. 6: The draft Constitutionfor the Republic-to-be
a seat in the last elections, was rejected by the of Cypruswas signed in Nicosia by representatives
National Assembly. of the Turkishand Greekgovernments,Greekand
June 7: French intelligence services were reliably Turkish Cypriots,and the neutral legal advisor,
reportedto have forged and distributed3 editions ProfessorMarcelBridel of Switzerland.
of the Algerian nationalists'principalpublication,Apr. 8: A crucial meeting averted a breakdownin
Al-Muiahid, to make known a damaging but the bases negotiations, it was reported. "Some
genuine documentadopted by the nationalistlead- progress"had been made and the atmospherehad
ers. been cordial,it was learned.
June 11: Alain de Serigny, editor and owner of Apr. 21: Hopes for an early settlementof the bases
the right-wing newspaper l'Echo d'Alger, was issue rose as negotiatorsmet twice to speed dis-
released from jail on provisional liberty by a cussion. Dr. Kuchuk expressed the belief that
decisionof the Parisappealcourt. agreementcould be reachedbefore the end of the
The French government forbade a meeting in month.
support of seeking Algerian peace by negotiation Apr. 23: A maskedgang raided the Greek Cypriote
with the rebels and announced the arrest of a newspaperEthniki and smashedthe type on pages
network of French students working for the rebel about to go to press. The newspaperhas criticized
organization. ArchbishopMakarios.
June 13: Eight members of the Algerian Com- Apr. 25: Antonios Pharmakides,editor of 2 Greek
munist party went on trial in Algiers on charges Cypriotenewspapers,was attackedand kidnapped.
of having given aid to the nationalistrebellion. Greek and English-language newspapers have
June 14: In Paris, Presidentde Gaulle renewed and decided to stage a 24-hour strike in protest as
clarified his offer to seek an "honorable"peace police made an island-widesearch,it was learned.
with the leaders of the rebellion in Algeria and Apr. 26: In an interview in his office in Nicosia,
guaranteethem full participationin a future poli- Dr. Kuchuk asserted that Cypriotes of Greek
tical settlement. origin were in closer harmonythan they had been
June 15: Three leadersof the bannedAlgerianCom- for 5 years.
munist party were sentenced by a military court Apr. 29: Archbishop Makarios asserted that the 2
to 20 years'hard labor. bases Britain would retain must revert to the in-
dependent republic of Cyprus when the British
feel they no longer needed them. Britain has
Cyprus insisted that she must retain the power to do with
the baseswhat she will.
1960 May 1: Governor Foot declared that further delay
"in the talks on Cyprus'independencewould be
Mar. 17: Negotiators on the British bases adjourned useless and damaging." He urged that the talks
their talks. should be broughtto an end.
Mar. 23: The negotiatorsmet at GovernmentHouse May 12: An officialbooklet on the new Cyprusgov-
and renewed talks on the British bases. A spokes- ernment service, which underscoresstrict regard
man disclosedthat no new issues were coveredand to the Zurich proportion of 70 to 30 between
he explainedthat "biggerissues"would be covered Greeksand Turks,was issued.

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Archbishop Makarios questioned the Turkish President Nasir received the Somali nationalist
proposal with respect to the ratio of 70 to 30 in leader, Ahmad ShaykhMusa, a chief advocateof
the civil service, which Turkey insists should be Pan-Somaliunity.
implementedimmediatelyin all salary scales and It was announcedin London that the British
departments. Colonial Office and the delegation of ministers
May 17: ArchbishopMakariosstated that the bases from Somalilandhave set June 26 for the pro-
talks have been suspendedand that they will not tectorate'sindependence.
be resumedunless the British governmentchanges May 24: British Somalilandwill be governed by an
its views. Dr. Kuchuk was reported to have executive council of 4 ministersand 34 legislators
refuted this assertionand pointed out that imple- when it becomesindependent,it was disclosed.The
mentation of the Zurich and London agreements White Paper revealed further details on the form
without delay was a necessity. of government,and the executive council will be
May 18: The mixed council held a special meeting headed by Prime Minister MuhammadHaji Ibra-
for the purpose of examining the unemployment him Egal, it was announced.
problem. ArchbishopMakariosdid not attend. May 26: A Soviet trade fair was officiallyopened by
May 26: Cyprus' trade unions staged a one-day EmperorHaile Selassie in Addis Ababa.
strike in protest against what is regarded as June 8: The governmentof French Somalilandre-
British indifferenceto the island's crisis and grave signed after a special session of the Territorial
unemploymentproblem. Assembly expressed lack of confidence in the
June 8: It was announced that Dr. Willard L. regime by 21 votes to 8. There was one absten-
Thorp, Director of the Merrill Center for Econo- tion.
mics and Professor of Economics at Amherst June 11: It was announcedthat delegates from 11
College, will head an economicsurvey mission to independentstates will hold their second confer-
Cyprus under the UN program of technical as- ence on June 14. Although the agenda has not
sistance. been announced,it was reportedthat the discus-
sions will include the Algerian question, close
economicand culturalties amongAfricancountries,
and Frenchatomic explosions in the Sahara.
Ethiopiaand the Somalilands June 14: Addressing a conferenceof 100 delegates
from 11 independentAfrican countries, Emperor
Haile Selassiepleadedfor greaterAfricanunity, de-
1960 nouncedthe shootingsof Africansin South Africa,
and deplored the breakdownof the summit talks.
Mar. 26: Ethiopia and the Soviet Union signed an
agreementin Addis Ababa under the terms of an
economic aid loan recently granted to Ethiopia.
The first project will be the building of an oil Iran
refineryin the Red Sea port of Assab.
Mar. 29: EmperorHaile Selassie contributed$11,200 (See also, Jordan)
for the relief of the survivorsof the Africansslain
in recentriots in SouthAfrica. 1960
Apr. 2: The Ethiopian Herald criticized France's sec-
ond atomicexplosionin the Sahara. Mar. 16: Addressingan ECAFEmeetingin Bangkok,
Apr. 6: The biggest drop in the world record of the Ministerof CommerceHasan 'Ali Mansurtold
louse-borne typhus cases in 1959 was noted in the delegatesthat Iran would invite private capital
Ethiopia-4,479 in 1958 and 3,964 in 1959, the to develop new discoveries like the Sarajah oil
WHO reported. and gas field.
Apr. 15: In an AfricanDay radio broadcast,Emperor Mar. 17: Prime MinisterMuhammadDa'ud Khan of
Haile Selassie denounced racialism and called for Afganistan arrived in Tehran for a 3-day visit
the freeing of Africa from imperialism. where he will hold talks on relationsbetween his
May 2: A 6-man Somaliland delegation led by Sir countryand Iran with the Shah and PrimeMinister
Douglas Hall, the governor, and Muhammad Iqbal.
Ibrahim Egal, Minister of Local Government, be- Mar. 20: Royal court sources confirmedthat Queen
gan constitutional talks with Mr. Iain Macleod, the Farahwas expectinga child.
British Colonial Secretary, in London. Mar. 21: Iran's import regulationsstarted,and while
May 3: Ethiopia's first big source of hydro-electric the quota lists are largely unchanged,the list of
power, the Kaka dam on the Awash river, which prohibited imports is increased (both to restrict
has been completed, was officially inaugurated by imports and to protect local industries) and there
the Emperor. is also an increasein the numberof commodities
May 12: King Husayn of Jordan, accompanied by 12 subjectto CommercialBenefitTax.
senior military and civil officials, arrived in Addis Apr. 4: King Husayn of Jordan arrived in Tehran
Ababa for a 4-day state visit. for a 10-daystatevisit.

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Apr. 24: An earthquakestruck the city of Lar in Iraq

southernIran causingheavy casualtiesand damage,
(See also, Morocco, UAR)
Apr. 25: It was reportedthat more than 200 dead,
mostly women and children, were recoveredfrom
the wreckageof Lar. 1960
Apr. 26: A USN plane deliveredmedicalsupplies to
Lar. Original Iranian Red Cross estimatesplaced Mar. 16: Iraq is planning a $56 million reservoir on
the Euphrates, the irrigation director announced.
at 1,500 deaths were downgradedto about 400
dead and 100 more bodies possibly in the rubble. Mar. 17: Shaykh 'Abdallah al-Mubarak al-Sabah,
Deputy Ruler of Kuwayt, has been invited by
Apr. 27: It was reportedthat the threat of an epi-
Prime Minister 'Abd al-Karim Qasim to visit Iraq
demichangsover the survivorsof the earthquake.
to renew negotiations on supplying Kuwayt with
Apr. 29: Heavy rain brought a threat of floods to water through pipelines from the Shatt al-Arab.
Lar after tremors shook the town for the third General Quasim ordered the reinstatement of
consecutiveday. About 12,000 personsmadehome- 'Ali Shukur, one of the nation's top Communists,
less by the earthquakeare still in the area, many to his job as a locomotive engineer.
without tents, it was reported. Mar. 19: Salim Shahin, secretary general of the
May 4: The Iranianarmyprosecutorannouncedthat Iraqi Communist party, has quit the party and
5 membersof the outlawed Tudeh (Communist) his post as editor of al-Mabda, it was learned. He
party were executedby a firing squad for plotting is the third official to quit in the struggle against
to overthrowthe regime of Shah MuhammadRiza Da'ud Sayigh's leadership.
Pahlevi. Mar. 20: The trial, in absentia, of 20 soldiers and
May 11: Shah MuhammadRiza Pahlevi arrived in civilians accused of complicity in the Mosul up-
Brusselsfor a 3-dayvisit. rising continued in Baghdad.
May 15: On his returnto Londonfollowing a 16-day Mar. 22: In a broadcast speech, General Qasim ap-
official visit to Iran and Iraq, Mr. F. J. Erroll, pealed for greater vigilance and unity among the
Minister of State, British Board of Trade, spoke Iraqi people.
of trade opportunitiesin Iran. He had long talksMar. 23: Al-Thawrah continued its attack against
with Minister of CommerceHasan 'Ali Mansur, 'Abd al-Fattah Ibrahim, among other things for
who welcomed the currenttrend of British invest- his heading a purge committee at the Daurah Re-
mentsin Iran. finery which dismissed 44 employees for purely
May 20: The National IranianOil Company(NIOC) personal reasons; selling furniture belonging to the
has signed a contract with SNAM Progetti, a state; and using vehicles of the refinery for politi-
member of the Italian state-owned ENI group, cal purposes.
for making a preliminarysurvey and laying down Mar. 26: Three Iraqi publishers, arrested after the
specificationsfor a 140-km. natural gas pipeline assassination attempt on General Qasim last Oc-
from Sarajahto Tehran,it was reported. tober, have been released, al-Akhbar announced.
May 25: The Shah arrived in Geneva for a 5-day Mar. 27: General Qasim commuted to 10 years' im-
private stay after state visits to Belgium, Sweden prisonment the death sentences passed by the Peo-
and Austria. ple's Court on: Fadhil al-Jamali, a former Premier;
Ahmad Mukhtar Baban, Prime Minister from May
May 26: New earthquakesrocked the half-ruined
to July, 1958; Burhan al-din Basha'yan, a former
city of Lar.
Foreign Minister; Lieut-General Rafiq 'Arif, one-
May 27: April figures were released regarding the time Chief of the General Staff; and Munir al-
production of crude oil in South Iran totaling Gaylani.
3,853,000 long tons, compared with the record Mar. 28: Cairo newspapers attacked General Qasim's
figure of 4,382,000 long tons during March this decision to commute the sentences: al-Akhbar said
year and 3,444,000 long tons in April last year. he had submitted to British pressure to save "the
May 29: The Shahreturnedto Tehran. partisans of imperialism." while al-Ahram de-
June 1: The NIOC once more threw open to com- clared that "his system is one of solidarity with
petitive tender for a period of two monthsstartingthe enemies of Arab nationalism."
September1, 1960, parts of Districts 8, 14, and An application for recognition of the Republi-
18. can Party had been rejected by the Ministry of
June 11: Iran'shigh criminalcourt freed MajorDon- the Interior because the party's objectives allegedly
ald Bourke, USAF, for a charge of manslaughter do not conform with article 4 of the association
when his car hit a pedestrianJanuary30, 1959. laws governing the licensing of political parties.
Mar. 31: General Qasim announced in a television
Erratum speech that he was staying the executions of 5
men convicted of attempting to assassinate him,
No elections were held on March 11 as reported and commuting the death sentence of a sixth. The
on page 182 of the Spring issue. executions will be delayed "until further notice."

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Apr. 1: It was announced that Anastas I. Mikoyan sarily be obliged to give their unconditionalsup-
will pay an official visit to Baghdad on April 8. port to the government.
Apr. 2: President Sukarno of Indonesia arrived in Apr. 30: In reply to Chadirchi,MuhammadHadid
Iraq for a 3-day state visit. wrote in al-Bayanthat he regrettedthe fact that
Apr. 3: It was announced in Baghdad that the Iraqi differences of opinion have arisen between him-
Minister of Planning, Dr. Tal'at al-Shaybani, in self and Chadirchi, and that he advocated that
his capacity as Acting Minister of Oil, had signed NDP take a positive line and participatein build-
an agreement with the Soviet Technoexport Or- ing up the republic, rather than adopt a passive
ganization under which the Soviet firm will carry attitude.
out oil exploration operations in the Khanaqin May 1: In a clash betweenCommunistsand national-
area. ists in Baghdad,at least 12 personswere reported
Apr. 8: Anastas I. Mikoyan arrived in Baghdad at killed. The outbreakis reportedto be a culmina-
the head of an official delegation to open the first tion of a series of clashes between the two groups.
Soviet industrial fair in Iraq. Reportsfrom provincialcities speak of a complete
Apr. 7: The Iraqi Council of Ministers has approved breakdownof law and order.
the establishment of diplomatic relations with May 5: Elections within the NDP were boycotted
Venezuela, it was disclosed. by about 250 membersled by MuhammadHadid.
Apr. 10: The Economic Planning Board has au- May 6: The NDP elections were declarednullified
thorized the Ministry of Industry to ratify a con- by the supervisingmagistratebecause of a "lack
tract concluded with the Soviet Technoexport of quorum."
Organization to carry out surveys and draw up May 10: Several Lebanesenewspapersreportedthat
plans for improving navigation on the Tigris and General Qasim had decided that the execution of
Euphrates rivers and Shatt al-Arab, it was learned. the leaders of the Mosul uprising should be car-
Dr. Ibrahim sent an appeal to General Qasim ried out secretlywithin a few days.
with reference to the refusal of the Ministry of May 12: Eighteen persons were sentencedto death
the Interior to license his party. It is not known and 3 to life imprisonmentby the People's Court
on what grounds he contested the refusal. for "contractingwith a foreign state, intriguing
General Qasim reaffirmed Iraq's neutral and with it and urging it to launch aggressionagainst
independent policy while sharing a platform with the Iraqi Republic in order to annex Iraq to a
Anastas I. Mikoyan. foreign country,the UAR." All of them were tried
Apr. 12: Anastas I. Mikoyan toured Baghdad amid in their absence.
applauding crowds. He visited the Iraqi museum May 13: In Cairo, former Iraqi ambassadorto the
and the Daurah refinery. UAR, Sayyid Faiq al-Samarra'isaid he was not
Apr. 13: An anti-Communist newspaper in Baghdad surprised by the verdict and further said that
charged that Communists tried to terrorize the General Qasim and Colonel Mahdawi "attempted
southern Iraqi town of Hai several days ago. to eliminateall national elements standingagainst
Apr. 14: A Yugoslav cultural delegation arrived in their betrayalof Iraq and the Arab nation."
Baghdad for a 2-week visit. May 15: The building of a broad-gaugerailway be-
Apr. 16: The Soviet Union is expected to speed its tween Basrahand Baghdadwill be completedabout
economic aid to Iraq, it was reported in Baghdad the end of this month, the Director-Generalof
on the departure of Mikoyan. He was reported Railwayssaid.
to have denied that there would be any change May 17: It was announcedthat Dr. MustafaKamal
in the terms of the Soviet Union's loan agreement Yasin has been elected a memberof the UN In-
with Iraq for 550,000,000 rubles, contrary to what ternationalLaw Committee.
informed sources in the government say that he The Minister of Interior upheld a magistrate's
devoted much of his visit in exploring ways of decision to invalidate elections of officers of the
expediting work on 43 industrial and development NDP.
projects specified in the agreement of March 16, May 19: A new trade agreementbetween Iraq and
1959. China was signed in Peking, which provides for
Apr. 23: Muhammad Hadid, Minister of Finance, exchanges during 1960-61 of dates, cotton, hides,
tendered his resignation, and at the same time crude oil and oil from Iraq, and cotton fabrics,
withdrew from the National Democratic Party. silk piece goods, steel, machinery and other
Apr. 27: Five members of the 14-man founding com- productsfrom China.
mittee of the NDP resigned together with Hadid May 22: 'Abd al-RazzaqShabib, President of the
and 2 more are expected to resign shortly. Four Iraqi Lawyers'Association, has opened libel pro-
other members resigned from the founding com- ceedings against the proprietorsand editors of the
mittee, but not the party. weeklies al-Thabat and al-Hadara and the left-
Apr. 28: An Islamic party has been licensed to op- wing daily al-Bilad.
erate, it was learned in Baghdad. An Iraqi press delegationleft for West Germany
Kamil Chadirchi, who resigned from the NDP on a 2-week visit at the Bonn government'sinvita-
last Fall, wrote in al-Ahali that NDP representa- tion.
tives in the Council of Ministers should not neces- About 300 plots of land were distributed to

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farmers in two villages in the Husayniyah area, nounced he did not intend to proselytize in the
Kut district. Jewish state.
May 23: A law effecting the independence of the Mar. 18: Premier Ben-Gurion said in London that
general oil affairs department from the general Israel intends to use the waters of the Jordan
oil authority was enforced. regardless of what the Arabs may do about it.
Some 761 landless peasant families in the Mar. 20: The Israeli government radio charged that
Khaniqin region received permanent titles to plots the Soviet Union was "creating a war-like atmos-
of land ranging from 10 to 12 acres. phere" in the Middle East by giving President
May 24: General Qasim ordered the reinstatement Nasir the feeling that Moscow was solidly behind
of a number of oil workers dismissed by the Mosul him.
and the Basrah Petroleum Companies. A new trade agreement between Israel and
May 25: It was announced in Baghdad that the Turkey, providing for the exchange of $16,000,000
Soviet Union had agreed to increase last year's worth of goods was signed in Ankara. In 1959
550,000,000 rubles loan to Iraq by a further Israel's trade with Turkey totalled $8.6 million.
180,000,000 rubles. Mar. 23: The state radio announced that Israel will get
Qasim Ahmad al-Abbas has been appointed $5 million from West Germany in loans or invest-
Acting Director General of Oil Affairs in place ments over the next 10 years.
of 'Abd al-Aziz al-Wattari, it was learned. Premier Ben-Gurion left London for Israel con-
May 28: It was announced in Baghdad that the vinced that Britain and the US regard his country
Council of Ministers had decided to release the as a stabilizing force in the Middle East that must
seized assets of Dr. Nadhim al-Pachachi and 2 be kept strong.
other persons who had held government office Mar. 25: Late and unexpected rain lasting for 3
under the former regime. days broke the worst dry spell in 111 years.
May 31: The Islamic Party submitted a memorandum Mar. 26: According to diplomatic informants, the
to General Qasim asking him to authorize a review main purpose in Premier Ben-Gurion's visit to
of Iraq's laws to bring them closer to the "spirit Washington was to propose that the Big Four at
of Islam." their summit meeting launch a new effort to bring
The delegation concerned with forthcoming about some kind of Arab-Israeli settlement, and the
negotiations with the Russians to revise the Iraqi- secondary reason was to see Chancellor Adenauer.
Soviet agreement on technical and economic co- Mar. 27: Zalman Aranne, Minister of Education,
operation met for the first time. resigned over a Cabinet dispute about the right
June 1: Iraq's new ambassador to Iran, General of high school teachers to form a trade union.
'Abd al-Muttalib al-Amin left Baghdad for Mar. 29: A foreign currency budget for the fiscal
Tehran. year 1960-61, amounting to $685 million-$50
June 2: A 2-man American trade mission arrived in million more than in 1959-60-was approved by
Baghdad for a week's visit. The mission offered, the Ministerial Economic Committee.
supply locomotives and other equipment needed Apr. 2: Eight and three-tenths million cases of citrus
for the expansion of Iraq's railways. were sold this year compared to 7 million on the
June 12: Seventeen persons have been charged with same date last year, but owing to lower prices
distributing secret leaflets attacking the govern- this year, the proceeds from these exports are not
ment and acting against Iraq's security, newspapers expected to exceed those of last year.
in Baghdad reported. Apr. 8: The Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., named a
board of directors and chairman to handle the
distribution of funds raised by the UJA for human-
Israel itarian work in Israel.
Apr. 9: A Foreign Ministry spokesman said that
(See also, General, Jordan, Palestine Problem, UAR) Israel will continue to send cargoes into the Suez
Canal in spite of the blockade. The statement
followed a report that the Greek freighter
1960 Astypalea, carrying a load of cement from Israel,
Mar. 16: The Knesset debated an attempt to unseat was unloading at Port Sa'id.
Premier David Ben-Gurion because of his meet- Apr. 10: A 6-man mission from the IBRD has com-
ing in New York with Chancellor Adenauer, and pleted its studies of the technical aspects of
upheld the meeting by a vote of 55 to 3. Israel's proposed projects for which loans are being
Premier Ben-Gurion left New York for London. sought, Mr. S. Mason, who led the mission, dis-
Growing apprehension is reported in Israel over closed at a press conference. The development
the arrival of Billy Graham, the American plans are connected with the enlargement of
evangelist. harbors and of the Dead Sea potash works which
Mar. 17: Premier Ben-Gurion held unofficial talks call for some $45 million.
with Prime Minister Macmillan and Foreign Apr. 15: At the request of the IBRD, Austin J.
Secretary Selwyn Lloyd. Tobin, executive director of the Port of New
On his arrival in Jerusalm, Billy Graham an- York Authority, will go to Israel next month to

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explore the possibility of setting up a port author- of State, denied any knowledge of it. Meanwhile,
ity for that country. Adolf Heinz Beckerle, Nazi Police Chief of Frank-
Apr. 27: At the meeting of the council of the furt from 1933 to 1941, was rearrested on murder
Socialist International in Haifa, 2 Americans, A. charges.
Philip Randolph and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther May 28: Israelis with varied personal experience
King, Jr., moved to extend the boycott of F. W. with Nazis during World War II are worried that
Woolworth stores to other parts of the world. a long acrimonious public trial of Eichmann will
Apr. 30: Ambassador Avraham Harmon declared in do more harm than good, it was learned in
New York that Israel "is ready for peace at any Jerusalem. Premier Ben-Gurion had declared that
time and is willing to pay the price for it." "The a public trial would be held.
price for peace is negotiation," one based on the May 29: A proposal was approved by the inter-
mutual recognition of the needs and aspirations Ministerial Economic Committee whereby the gap
of the Arab countries and Israel. in the revenue of the proposed budget would be
May 2: It was reported from Haifa that French- partly met by a speedier collection of taxes and
made anti-tank missiles were among weapons of debts owed to the treasury by private citizens,
struck off the secret list of Israel's defense equip- but that I?30 million would be raised through the
ment when they were shown off for the first time sale of a new short-term issue of treasury bills.
in a "show of force" parade marking Israel's 12th May 30: The Israeli Government Press Office
anniversary. charged that the Jerusalem correspondent of T'he
May 7: Eugene Black of the IBRD indicated that New York Times had made "shocking suggestions"
Israel might have to set up an independent port in reporting the Eichmann case. The charge re-
authority before she can qualify for a loan for her ferred to a dispatch purporting to the fate of
port expansion program. Eichmann's family.
May 9: An agreement on a new $5 million loan from May 31: Dr. Nadhum Goldmann of the World Jew-
the US Development Loan Fund to the Industrial ish Congress said in Jerusalem that he had sug-
Development Bank of Israel was signed, which is gested to the government to permit an international
intended to finance new industries and the expan- tribunal to try Eichmann, but Minister of Justice
sion of existing plants. Pinehas Rosen rejected the suggestion.
May 16: Senator Fulbright paid a 36-hour visit to June 3: Eichmann was reported to be dictating and
Israel during which he had talks with Premier writing a voluntary statement about his pre-war
Ben-Gurion and Foreign Minister Golda Meir and and wartime activities as an official of the S.S.,
visited various parts of the country. it was learned in Tel Aviv.
May 17: An action to oust Premier Ben-Gurion for June 5: An Israeli police officer read to Eichmann
"heresy" has been initiated by religious leaders in the charge against him of "crimes against the
the Knesset, it was reported in Tel Aviv. Jewish people" and "crimes against humanity" in
In Jerusalem, Senator Fulbright proposed that a request made for a 15-day extension of Eich-
Israel permit some of the hundreds of thousands mann's remand.
of Arab refugees to return to Israel. June 6: Foreign Minister Diogenes Taboada of
May 18: The Knesset refused to unseat Premier Argentina disclosed the contents of an Israeli note
Ben-Gurion. in reply to an Argentine request for information
May 23: Premier Ben-Gurion announced that Adolf on Eichmann's capture which stated in effect that
Eichmann, the S.S. colonel who headed the Eichmann left Argentina voluntarily.
Gestapo's Jewish Section, was under arrest in June 7: Diplomats in Israel reportedly expressed
Israel and would stand trial for his life. private astonishment and dissatisfaction over
May 24: Adolf Eichmann was spirited from his Israel's explanation of the circumstances leading
home in an undisclosed country by Israeli security to Eichmann's capture.
agents, it was announced. June 8: Argentina demanded the return by Israel
May 25: Western diplomats friendly to Israel have this week of Eichmann. Meanwhile, UPI reported
questioned her jurisdiction over Eichmann, but that the Argentine Ambassador to Israel has been
Israeli officials rejected their objections. Israeli recalled.
legal authorities said the law for the punishment June 9: It was reported that Israel will reject Argen-
of Nazis and their accomplices, adopted by the tina's ultimatum. Premier Ben-Gurion wrote a
Knesset in 1950, empowers Israeli judges to con- personal letter to President Frondizi explaining
demn war criminals to death. the Israeli position. The Security Council of the
May 26: Army headquarters in Tel Aviv reported UN was reported ready to take up the case if
that a UAR MIG fighter plane was probably brought before it.
downed in an aerial dogfight over the Negev. June 10: Argentina notified the UN that she would
May 27: Jewish sources in Buenos Aires said that bring the case of Eichmann before the UN unless
Eichmann was secretly removed from Argentina he was quickly returned by Israel.
last Saturday (May 21) aboard a special plane that June 12: Israel decided not to reply, for the time
brought Israel's delegation to the Argentine In- being, to the Argentine demand to return Eich-
dependence Day ceremonies. Abba Eban, Minister mann.

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June 14: Israel rejected a compromise proposal Mar. 30: The Prime Minister said his government
under which Eichmannwould be kept in custody would ask the UAR to extradite Sayyid Rimawi
in the Argentine Embassyin Tel Aviv pending a and General Nuwar, who allegedly were implicated
decision on the court that should try him. In in a plot to assassinate him.
the Knesset,the Herut partyattemptedto introduce Apr. 2: Al-Ahram reported that the UAR would not
a motion to prevent Israel's submission to the hand over the two political refugees implicated in
Argentine demand. the assassination plot and declared that Jordan
Premier Ben-Gurion and President de Gaulle was "once more" trying to create a crisis with the
met in Paris. UAR on such a request.
June 15.' It was announced that the UN Security Apr. 3: The Parliament approved a $98,627,000
Council will take up the Eichmanncase on June budget for 1960-61 amid preparations for a 10-year
22. economic plan with US assistance. The budget
forecast revenues of $95,000,000, leaving a $3,427,-
200 deficit.
Jordan Further arrests were made in connection with
the alleged plot to assassinate the Prime Minister.
(See also, Israel, Palestine Problem,UAR) Apr. 4: King Husayn left Amman for a 5-week
visit to 4 countries at the invitation of their heads.
His first stop is Iran, then Turkey, Morocco,
1960 Ethiopia and later Spain.
Mar. 17: Ten out of 16 Jordanianoil engineersre- Apr. 7: Eight other people besides Sayyid Rimawi
turned to Ammanfrom Italy where they had been and General Nuwar would be tried for conspiring
training in operating and administeringrefineries. to assassinate the Prime Minister, it was an-
Mar. 21: William Campbell, vice-president of nounced.
Tapline, arrivedin Ammanand called on Minister Apr. 10: John Noble and William Campbell, both
of Economy, Khulusi al-Khayri. The Minister of Tapline, arrived in Amman to inform the
said that Mr. Campbell informed him about the Jordanian government of the results of the former's
latest developmentson the question of increased consultations with the company's head office in the
royalties to Arab countries for allowing Tapline US regarding increased oil transit royalties.
pipelinesacrosstheir territories. Apr. 11: The House of Notables approved the gen-
Mar. 22: Jordan charged Israeli fighter planes with eral budget for the financial year 1960-61.
attacking a Jordanian airliner making a routine King Husayn was reported to have stated in an
flight from Ammanto Cairo. interview with US News and World Report that,
Mar. 23: An Americanteam of divers searchingfor at some point, President Nasir would turn to
the lost Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah closer ties with communism.
discovered 9 hills beneath the Dead Sea and an Apr. 13: A British expedition set out in quest of a
ancient track from the shore to a buried island. hoard of gold and silver buried more than 2,000
Phillips Petroleum Company completed work years ago between Hebron and Nablus.
on its 14th test well north of the Dead Sea. Apr. 18: Proceedings in the assassination plot opened
Mar. 24: Phillips Petroleum Company informed at Zerka camp.
Khulusi al-Khayrithat it had chosen a site north Apr. 23: The State Security Court began hearing
of the Dead Sea to sink its major test well. witnesses for the prosecution against 10 men
Mar. 25: Jordan's budget for the year beginning charged with plotting to kill the Prime Minister.
April 1, 1960, which has been approved by the Apr. 25: General Bahjat Tabbarah said that author-
Cabinet, estimates expenditures, including JD23 ities were studying the possibility of requesting
million financedby foreign aid, at JD35.2 million Lebanon to extradite Dr. Jamil Baddur, a
and revenues at JD34 million. The largest ex- Jordanian, who was arrested on his arrival at
penditure is for defense accounting for JD18.5 Beirut from Zurich yesterday, sentenced in 1957 to
million, the Middle East Economic Digest reported. 15 years' imprisonment on a charge of com-
Mar. 26: Two agreementswere signed in Amman munism.
by Jordanianand US mission officialsunderwhich Apr. 26: It has been agreed with the US operations
a grant of $621,000 was made available to help mission to appropriate $1,800,000 from American
Jordan develop agriculturalprojects: the first of economic aid to Jordan to finance an irrigation
$50,000 will be contributed to support the agricul- network as an off-shoot of the Eastern Ghor Canal
tural research department; the second of $571,000 project, Suwaylim Haddad, engineer of the project
for loans to individual farmers and to the Ministry said.
of Social Welfare for agricultural cooperatives. Apr. 30: The Jordanian Labor Union Federation
Mar. 27: A plot to assassinate Prime Minister sent a telegram to ICATU expressing their com-
Hazza' al-Majali and other officials during prayers plete support for the boycott of US ships in Arab
ending the Ramadan fast was foiled by the arrest ports, and another to the US Embassy in Amman,
of two "dangerous terrorists" who had confessed, requesting the US government to take appropriate
security authorities disclosed. action to end the New York picketing.

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May 2: The US Operations Mission paid Jordan and consulting works for the port and its opera-
$3,300,000, the second installment of US assistance tion.
in the fiscal year. May 22: The Council of Ministers approved the
May 3: It was announced that King Husayn will revised electoral law, which will be enforcedas a
visit Ethiopia on May 12. temporarylaw after ratificationby King Husayn.
May 4: Prime Minister Hazza' al-Majali told French May 27: Phillips Petroleum Company started drill-
journalists that the two obstacles in the way of ing a new test well in the Dead Sea area.
establishing good relations with France and the May 28: An agreement was signed with USOM
Arab world are "France's attitude towards the which providesfor JD544,643 for the construction
freedom of the Algerians," and "France's support- of an irrigation network to distribute water to
ing Israel and providing her with military and 10,000 acres of land on both sides of the Eastern
other material assistance." Ghor Canal. The agreementbringsthe total alloca-
May 7: Hazza' al-Majali said that the government tions of the US governmenttowards this scheme
was reconsidering the election law with a view to to 1,436,643 dinars.
introducing amendments to ensure fairness and May 29: The Council of Ministers met to discuss
freedom of elections. the situation arising from the water shortage in
May 8: Five members of the staff of the AUB ar- variouspartsof the country.
rived in Amman at the invitation of the Education June 1: A royal decree was issued approving the
Ministry for consultations about establishing two amendedelectorallaw.
colleges for arts and sciences in Jordan as an June 2: A committee has been formed to review
extension of teachers' training centers for men Jordan's financial policy and to make recom-
and women. mendations for improving the national economy
The government received a note from the Arab and encouragingforeign and local investmentin
League announcing the postponement of the developmentprojects, it was announced.
meeting of the Economic Council which was due The new ministers of Switzerland,Sweden and
to be held in Cairo on May 11, until further Finland to Jordan presented their credentialsto
notice. King Husayn.
May 12: It was officially announced in Amman that June 13: Bethlehem, afflicted by drought, got a
the Jordanian government agrees to the establish- badly needed water tank from Mrs. Ruth Baney
ment of an Arab shipping company in accord- of Kansas.
ance with Arab League recommendations.
An agreement between West Germany and
Jordan on technical and possibly financial assistance Kashmir
for Jordan's plans to develop her railway system,
her mineral resources and her tourist industry took (See also, Iraq)
May 14: The British government paid a million 1960
dinars to Jordan, it was officially stated. Under-
secretary of Finance Adib al-Saghir said Jordan Mar. 24: Pakistan sent a letter (Doc. S/4278) to
had also received 250,000 dinars out of a British the Presidentof the SecurityCouncil, referringto
loan of 500,000 dinars to complete a road between an Indian letter of 28 December 1959 (Doc.
Amman and Aqaba. S/4249) in reply to an earlierPakistancommunica-
May 15: Sir Eric Franklin, an administrative services tion regarding recent developments in Ladakh,
expert commissioned by the UN Technical Co- which said that until such time as the future of
operation Organization to work in Jordan for 6 Kashmir is determined "no positions taken or
months, arrived in Amman. adjustmentsmade in the territoriesof the disputed
May 16: King Husayn returned to Amman. state by either India or China shall be valid or
affect the status of the territory of Jammu and
May 17: The Foreign Minister, Musa Nasir, resumed
Kashmir or the imperatives of the demilitariza-
his duties after a month's sick leave.
tion and self-determinationof the state laid down
A representative of the West German Deutz
in the resolutionsof the SecurityCouncil."
Company arrived in Amman for detailed discus-
Apr. 14: Prime Minister Baqshi Ghulam Muham-
sions on a project for the electrification of Jordan.
mad, in a village meeting, said that Kashmir's
May 18: It was disclosed that the government was decision to be a part of India is irrevocableand
hoping to reduce the budget deficit through in- there is no questionof reopeningit.
creased oil transit royalty payments from Tapline. May 3: The Azad Kashmir president has asked the
May 19: The agricultural loans organization began Commonwealthprime ministers to use their in-
functioning by issuing long-term loans to farmers fluence to solve the Kashmir issue, it was re-
to improve their land. ported.
The Aqaba port department signed an agree- May 22: Reports from across the cease-fireline in
ment with the British Rendel, Palmer and Tritton occupied Kashmir said that there was a serious
Company, which will undertake all engineering rift among the membersof the Baqshi cabinet.

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The deposed former prime minister of Indian- The Muslim Waqf society handed 5,000 lire
occupied Kashmir, ShaykhMuhammad'Abdallah, to the ambassadorof Morocco, collected from
was reported to have strongly protested against Mosque congregationsin Beirut, for relief of the
the prosecution tactics to harass witnesses and Agadirearthquakevictims.
persecute the accused in the so-called Kashmir Apr. 5: The third in a series of shipmentsof rolling
conspiracycase. stock to Lebanonunder a ?1,255,000 Point Four
June 2: The Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hashim Jawad, grant, designed to help modernize the Lebanese
told the Pakistan Press Association correspondent railroad system, arrived at the port of Tripoli.
that he had always consideredPakistan'sstand on Apr. 8: A military court acquitted6 men, including
Kashmiras just and still held the same view. 2 Jews, of spying charges, but convicted 2 of
June 6: The foundation stone of radio Kashmir's them on charges of contraveningthe Israel boy-
new building was laid at a special cerememonyin cott law.
Srinagarby Prime MinisterGhulamMuhammad. It was reportedthat the governmenthas intro-
duced a bill for extra-budgetaryexpenditure of
?L51.4 million on developmentworks in 1960,
which is roughly equivalent to the payment that
Lebanon Lebanon is receiving from the Iraq Petroleum
Company in settlement of past claims for oil
(See also, General) transit dues.
A ministerial source said that the Chamber
1960 of Deputies will be dissolvedwithin 3 or 4 weeks.
He further said that the elections would be con-
Mar. 23: It was announcedin Beirut that the US ducted by a government other than the present
had agreed to give Lebanon20,000 tons of wheat Rashid KaramiCabinet. The Council of Ministers
to alleviate the current shortage produced by had not formally discussed the dissolution of
drought. the Chamber and the holding of elections,
Another announcement disclosed that the although those subjects had been informally dis-
Lebanese Ministry of Economy had banned 5 cussed by membersof the governmentand Presi-
foreign firms for violating the regulationsof the dent Fu'adShihab.
Arabboycottof Israel. Apr. 13: PrimeMinisterKaramisaid that all he was
Mar. 24: The Chamber of Deputies held its first concernedabout, if general elections were to be
meeting in the current session and elected mem- held, was that "suchelectionsshould be supervised
bers of the Financial Affairs, Foreign Affairs, by a suitable government." A ministerial source
Judicial and AdministrativeAffairs, and Economic said later that the Chamberof Deputies will be
Affairs Committees. given an opportunity to debate the revised
Mar. 26: A military court in Beirut began the trial electoral law despite the fact that the government
of 6 men accusedof spying. becameentitled to ask the Presidentto issue it by
Mar. 28: An official spokesman disclosed that decree.
Lebanese authorities are preparing draft trade Apr. 19: The Chamberof Deputies approveda gov-
agreementswith a number of African and South ernment grant of 200,000 lire for the victims of
Americancountries. the Agadir earthquake.
Nine US Sixth Fleet ships, with about 6,500 Apr. 20: The Chamber of Deputies approved the
men on board, arrived in Beirut on a 6-day visit. electoralbill as amendedby various parliamentary
Mar. 31: The Ministry of Health launched a com- committees. It provides for a 99-seat Chamber
pulsory vaccinationdrive against smallpox, cases instead of the present 66, and calls for a secret
of which have been reported in certain parts of ballot but cancels the electoralcard proposal con-
Lebanon. tained in the originalbill.
Apr. 1: The Lebanese delegation to the Arab Oil Apr. 26: The Speaker of the Chamberannounced
Workers Conference scheduled to be held in that the Chamberof Deputies will be dissolved
Tunis from 5-8 April, left Beirut. The delega- early in May. Commentingon this statement,a
tion includes representativesof the workers and ministerial source said that, although he would
employees of Mobiloil, Lepco, and Shell. welcome the appointmentof a caretakergovern-
Apr. 2: An official Lebanese mission has left for ment, he could not see any constitutionalobjection
Poland and Czechoslovakiato seek a revision of to the present government supervising the elec-
trade agreementsand expand exchangeswith these tions.
countries,it was announced. Apr. 27: The State SecurityCouncil adopted several
Apr. 4: Husayn al-Jisr, newly appointed Lebanese measures to ensure law and order during the
ambassadorto Britain, presentedhis credentialsto elections.
Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace. Apr. 28: The Ministry of the Interior has banned
George 'Aql, a member of the Chamber of the display of photographsof election candidates
Deputies, died at the AmericanUniversityHospital in streets and public places, a statementdisclosed.
at the age of 57. The Chamberof Deputies approve-dan agree-

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ment signed between the government and the May 20: About 150 workers of Mideast Aircraft
Beirut Port Company for the purchase of the Servicing Co., a subsidiary of BOAC, began to
remaining period of the company's concession. strike because they had been forbidden to join
Apr. 30: Authorities confiscated copies of Al- the Airline Employees and Workers' Union.
Jumhuriyah for an article it published on the May 24: President Nehru arrived in Beirut for a
forthcoming elections alleging that votes would be 2-day visit in Lebanon.
bought at LE 30 each. It was announced that the Aviation Workers'
May 1: A grenade exploded among crowds gathered Union threatened to strike in sympathy with the
outside of a convent in the Ashrafiyah area in MASCO employees, but suspended it "indefinitely"
Beirut killing a 13-year-old girl and 2 men. upon the government's intervention with the United
May 2: An explosive was hurled near the house of Trade Unions Organization, an affiliate.
Major Ahdab and there were further incidents on May 28: The Council of Ministers terminated the
this day. administrative leave granted to Lieut-Colonel 'Aziz
May 3: Sayyid Sa'ib Salam, former Prime Minister, al-Ahdab, Beirut police commander, despite the
appealed to citizens of all communities to show latter's request for a leave of absence until such
self-restraint in an effort to minimize pre-election time as the investigation into the bombing incident
trouble. in Ashrafiyah was completed.
May 4: The Chamber of Deputies was dissolved. It June 3: Foreigners will not be allowed to move about
was announced that elections would be held in in election areas when voting at the general elec-
stages beginning Sunday June 12 and continuing tion is in progress, the Minister of Interior said.
in different parts of the country for 4 Sundays. June 4: IPC has announced that pumping of crude
A loan agreement between the US Development oil through its newly completed 30-in. pipeline has
Loan Fund and the Banque de Credit Agricole, begun.
Industriel et Foncier was signed in Washington. June 7: The trustees of International College, Beirut,
The bank will receive $5 million to be made announced the receipt of a gift of $30,000 from
available for long-term loans to finance new in- the Charles E. Merril Trust, which is geared to
dustrial projects and the expansion of existing help the relocation of the college from its present
factories. location on the campus of AUB to a new campus
May 5. It was reported that the construction of the south of Beirut.
new IPC 30-in. pipeline from the Lebanese-Syrian June 12: General parliamentary elections began.
border to the Tripoli terminal, a distance of 30 June 13: Former President Camille Sham'un was re-
kms., had been completed. turned to parliament in yesterday's elections. Thirty
May 9: Former Premier Sami al-Sulh submitted his seats were filled by voters in the villages of
nomination as a candidate for Beirut in the forth- Mount Lebanon.
coming parliamentary elections. This was the sec-
ond nomination received by the Ministry of In-
terior, the first being that of Emile Bustani.
May 10: The Directorate of Public Security an- Libya
nounced the arrest of a spy ring allegedly plotting
the assassination of political personalities, forge (See also, Jordan)
identity cards, and distribute leaflets detrimental
to public security. 1960
May 14: A new government was formed in Beirut Mar. 21: A mock battle called Exercise Starlight de-
to supervise the parliamentary elections. It is com- signed to test the effectiveness of Britain's mobile
posed as follows: Strategic Reserve was tried in the Tmimi area.
Ahmad Da'uq ...... Prime Minister and Defense Mar. 22: The Tripolitania daily Tarablus al-Gharb
Philip Taqla ...... Foreign Affairs and Economy reported that the Libyan Prime Minister had in-
Jubran Nahhas .......... Justice and Education structed the Federal Police chief and the Director
George Naqqash ......I nformation and National of Immigration to exercise rigid control on the
Guidance, and Public Works employment of foreign technicians in Libya to
Amin Bayhum ........ Finance and Social Affairs ensure that they are at present doing the work
Edmond Qasbar .... rInterior and General Planning for which they were specifically hired.
Fu'ad Najjar Agriculture and Posts and Telegraphs Mar. 25: It was reported that a new firm known as
Hasan Miqdad .... ....... Health Eastern Investments Consultants Inc. has been
May 16: A ban on carrying firearms became effective recently established which aims to offer consulting
throughout Lebanon. services to oil companies concerning concessions
May 17: Several senior government officials and and investments in Libya and other African areas.
judges submitted their resignations in order to Mar. 26: The US Wheelus Air Force Base sent pho-
qualify as candidates in the elections. tographic reconnaissance flights over the Libyan
May 18: Three thousand tons of wheat arrived in desert to map a new search for the remains of 4
Beirut as part of the 18,000 tons given in American crew members of a B-24 Liberator that crashed
Point IV aid to farmers. in April, 1943.

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Mar. 28: A son was born to the wife of Crown May 27: It was reported that the Oasis Oil Com-
Prince Hasan al-Rida, nephew of King Idris al- pany of Libya,operatorfor the Ohio Oil Company,
Sanusi. The infant is second in line to succeed Amerada Petroleum Corporationand Continental
the king. Oil Company,has been formally incorporatedas
Mar. 31: The Libyan government requested the a wholly-owned affiliate of the three companies
Jordanian government to support its nomination under the name of Oasis Oil Companyof Libya,
for the position of Deputy President of the UN Inc. The new companywill conduct exploration,
General Assembly during its next session. developmentand transportation,but not engage in
Apr. 1: The Prime Minister of Libya has announced refiningand marketingof oil.
that for 1960-61 the Libyan budget is to depend June 3: A reorganizationof the Petroleum Com-
exclusively on internal revenue, a report from mission involving, among other things, the aboli-
Tripoli disclosed. tion of the present practice whereby the chair-
Apr. 10: The Italian Petroleum News reported that manship of the commission is held in rotation,
Ausonia Mineraria, an exploration subsidiary of is anticipated,al-Masareported.
Italy's Edison industrial group, has been awarded
concession 85 in the northeast section of the
Fezzan Province of Libya.
Apr. 17: Tarablus al-Gharb reported that 3 new sec-
tions will be added to the Petroleum Commission Morocco
during the coming year.
Apr. 18: The Minister of National Economy told a (See also, Algeria, Iraq)
questioner in the Libyan Chamber of Deputies that
the 1959-60 budget of the Petroleum Commission 1960
included provisions for the establishment of an Mar. 16: The US Embassyin Rabat announcedthat
oil accounting section, and that efforts to recruit US aid to Moroccofor the fiscal year 1960, ending
an expert to head this section had so far been un- June 30, will total $73 million.
successful. Mar. 23: Firm action taken against activists of the
Apr. 21: Prime Minister 'Abd al-Majid Kubar at a National Union of People's Forces has provoked
press conference said that prospects for Libya's the flight of several prominentMoroccanofficials
oil industry were extremely bright and added that and caused a threat of insurrectionin the Atlas
Esso had decided on Marsa al-Buraiqah, on the Mountains,it was learnedin Rabat.
Gulf of Sirte, as the site for its crude loading Mar. 25: French architectCharles le Corbusierar-
terminal and refinery. rived in Rabat on the invitation of the Moroccan
Apr. 22: It was announced that the Libyan govern- governmentto study town planning problems in
ment had decided to establish diplomatic relations rebuildingAgadir.
with Austria, China, Holland, and Yugoslavia. Mar. 29: Leftist Premier 'Abdallah Ibrahim and
Apr. 27: It was reported from Tripoli that Mobiloil Deputy Premier'Abd al-RahimAbu-'Abidrefused
of Canada has struck oil in its Tripolitanian con- to resign as their backers were arrestedby the
cession with an output of 1,500 b/d. police.
May 6: According to an article in al-Masa, the ENI Apr. 1: Premier'AbdallahIbrahimsaid that France's
subsidiary CORI, which was granted a 30,000 second atomic bomb test had "worsenedthe al-
sq. km. concession near Jaghbub in Cyrenaica last ready grave situation" in French-Moroccanrela-
year, is now seeking to obtain a 72,000 sq. km. tions.
concession in Southern Cyrenaica on the Egyptian- Apr. 2: The MoroccanFederationof Labor called a
Sudanese border. strike in all Moroccanmines for next Friday in
May 14: Marsa al-Brega, the site chosen for the protest against the shooting of a strikeryesterday
terminal of the projected 200-km. pipeline from at Kachkate, 100 miles south of Casablanca.
Esso Standard's Zelten oil field, was declared an A Jewish leader said in Casablancathat 500
official seaport for the import and export of all Jewish survivorsof the Agadir tragedy had been
goods relating to the oil industry and the export turned out of the Moroccan army barracksand
of crude oil and petroleum products. left to fend for themselves. Moroccanauthorities
May 15: Two British oil prospectors found a sixth said the barrackswere needed for their troops, he
body of the B-24 war fliers in the sand sea of added.
Calanshio. Deputy Premier 'Abd al-Rahim Abu-'Abid has
May 22: The Libyan Senate urged the government to accused the Moroccanpolice of torturingpersons
exercise stricter control over oil exploration; arrested for an alleged plot against the govern-
supervision of production and marketing; and ex- ment and the life of Crown PrinceMawlayHasan.
pert evaluation of the country's oil reserves. Apr. 8: It was reportedin Tangier that the integra-
Libyan and Venezuelan Ambassadors in Cairo tion of that port, formerlyan internationalzone,
met to exchange views on oil matters and discuss with Morocco, will be completed in 10 days at
plans for coordinating the petroleum policies of a loss estimatedat 40 per cent of the city's com-
their two countries. mercialactivity.

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Apr. 1Z: The "MeknesSickness"trial, in which 24 May 5: Indonesia and Morocco announcedgeneral
men are accusedof "crimesagainst the Moroccan agreement on major foreign policy issues and
nation'shealth"openedin Rabat. reaffirmedtheir faith in the principle of "non-
Apr. 13: The Moroccangovernmentofficial gazette alignment"as the "best guaranteeof political in-
announcedthat local elections will take place on dependenceand nationaldignity."
May 29. Some 3,921,592 people have registered May 7: Francehas put pressureon the US to curb
to vote-the first in the country'shistory. the "violence"of the Moroccanshort-waveradio
Apr. 16: A rebellious local administrator,Tihami program"Voice of Algeria," broadcastover VOA
al-Bashir, who took to the mountains a month transmittersand beamed to eastern Algeria and
ago, has surrenderedto the Moroccan army, au- the Middle East, French sources in Rabat dis-
thorities in Rabat announced. He is accused of closed.
having killed the Beni-Mellal police chief. May 9: A trade agreement between Morocco and
The Moroccan state radio announcedthat the Iraqwas signedin Rabat.
Foreign Ministry had protested "energetically"to May 13: A deadlock was reached in Morocco's
the Frenchgovernmentagainstwhat was described negotiations with Spain to withdraw her forces
as a 3-hour bombing of MoroccanterritoryThurs- from Morocco in toto when the Spanish position
day by French planes from Algeria. An official "suddenly hardened" and Madrid insisted on a
spokesman in Paris said the French government progressive withdrawal without a declarationof
had no knowledgeof such an incident and French principle on total evacuation,the state radio in
military quartersin Algiers termed reports of the Rabat announced.
incident too "fantastic"to be worth a denial. May 14: The Chinese Communist Ambassador in
Apr. 18: The ProgressiveNational Union of Popular Casablancavoiced anti-Americanpropaganda at
Forces urged that a blockadebe set up aroundthe the annual fair last week, it was reported,when
nine Frenchmilitarybases in Moroccoas left and four USAF Skyblazerscrossed the fair grounds.
right-wing political parties put increasedpressure The Chinese pavillion was closed to all Americans
on the government to force the evacuation of shortly after the incidentbut was opened 24 hours
French bases, it was reported in Rabat. later.
Apr. 19: Tangier ceased to be a free zone and be- Crown Prince Mawlay Hasan announced the
came integratedwith the rest of Morocco. establishmentof a militarybase at Hassi Tan Tan,
Apr. 20: Fifteen thousand hashish farmers are out 60 miles north of the Spanish Saharaborder in
of jobs in northern Morocco because a national Tarfaia. He also announced the creation of a
fight against mental diseases has outlawed their Royal MoroccanNavy.
traditionalmeans of earning a living. May 20: King MuhammadV called for the resigna-
Apr. 21: Morocco's new national currency,whose tion of Premier'AbdallahIbrahim.
basic unit is the dirham, will be issued soon by May 21: King Muhammad V sought to form a
the state bank, it was learned in Rabat. "Government of National Union around the
Apr. 23: The Moroccangovernmentopposed French Throne"in a move to consolidateLeft-wingforces
"interposition"in the applicationof the bilateral with the throneand askedthe leaderof each group
agreement with the US on the evacuation of called for consultationto put himself and his fol-
Americanmilitarybasesin Morocco. lowers "unconditionally"at the sovereign'sservice.
Apr. 26: The Moroccanarmy officiallytook posses- May 22: The third day of the Moroccangovernment
sion of 2 radar sites that had become the subject crisis ended with no new Cabinet in view and
of diplomaticdispute following evacuationby the with a promise that King MuhammadV would
USAF. addresshis people tomorrow.
Apr. 27: Five people were sentencedto death and 3 May 23: King Muhammad V announced that he
to life imprisonmentwhen the trial of 24 accused would take over administrativepower and exercise
of selling adulteratedcooking oil ended in Rabat. it through his son as "intermediary."He also de-
Apr. 28: The 5 persons condemnedto death and the clared that he would promulgatea Constitution
3 sentencedto life imprisonmentappealed against for Moroccobeforethe end of 1962.
their sentences. May 24: King MuhammadV and his son named 6
Apr. 30: King MuhammadV inauguratedthe re- personsto the new Cabinet.
cently constructed 50-kilowatt transmitterin the May 25: The new Cabinet was virtually completed
village of Sebaa Aioun and in a personalmessage with the portfolios of Defense and Justice still
beamed to Eastern Algeria, the Middle East and vacant.
West Africa, offered them radio time to "defend May 26: The new Cabinetwas sworn in with King
their rights." At the same time, Morocco radio MuhammadV as PrimeMinisterand PrinceMaw-
also began shortwave broadcastsover two VOA lay Hasan as his Deputy Minister. Ministers
transmittersin Tangier. namedat this juncturewere:
King Husayn of Jordan left Fez for Madrid Foreign Affairs: Idris Muhammadi.
after a 9-dayofficialvisit. Interior: MubarakBekkai.
May 2: President Sukarno of Indonesia arrived in Finance and National Economy: Muhammad
Rabatfor a 4-dayofficialvisit. Douiri.

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Labor and Social Questions: 'Abd al-Karim Mar. 21: Pakistan and India signed a new 2-year
Khatib. trade agreement providing for "most favoured
Agriculture: Hasan Zemmouri. nation treatment to the commerce of either
Commerce and Industry: Idris Slaoui. country."
Civil Service and Moroccanization of Adminis- The government has approved, for the earliest
tration: Muhammad Boucetta. possible implementation, a report by the Marriage
Post, Telephone and Telegraph: Muhammad and Family Laws Commission calling for a new
Sharqawi. marriage code which gives women the legal right
Information and Tourism: Mawlay Ahmad al- to choose their husbands and to divorce them.
'Alawi. Mar. 24: The State Bank of Pakistan decided to
Health: Dr. Yusuf ibn 'Abbas. take a number of selective measures for credit
Education: 'Adb al-Karim Benjelloun. control with the aim to check inflationary tenden-
Public IWorks: 'Abd al-Rahman 'Abd al-'Ali. cies in the economy and curbing excessive credit
May 27: Left-wing leaders denounced the new expansion in certain sectors.
regime at a rally in the outskirts of Rabat when Talks between the finance ministers of India and
ousted Premier 'Abdallah Ibrahim said the "battle Pakistan aimed at resolving outstanding financial
is even harder now than the battle was for in- issues between the 2 countries began in Raw-
dependence." alpindi.
May 28: The first nation-wide election campaign Mar. 27: At the close of the talks between the
ended and in the meantime the Paris newspaper finance ministers of India and Pakistan a joint
Le Monde was banned for publishing an interview communique was issued which stated in part that
quoting Mahdi ibn Barqa, union leader who is in some of the outstanding issues had been resolved,
Paris, as having said Morocco was moving toward "but a few points still remain before an over-all
a "theocratic and feudal" regime that "will tend settlement can be reached."
to revive or maintain medieval social structures." Apr. 1: The WAPDA signed an agreement with
The issue of the evacuation of French and Messrs. Tippetts-Abbott-McCarthy-Stratton, Con-
Spanish troops from independent Morocco appears sulting Engineers and Architects, for the design
to be moving to a solution, it was reported in and consultant services for the construction of the
Rabat, but the timing of the moves has brought Terbela Dam.
accusations from Leftists of European support for
Apr. 4: It was reported that diplomatic informants
the new conservative royal government.
in Washington have expressed concern that the
May 30: Both major parties, the Istiqlal and the
agreement on the $1 billion Indus River develop-
Left-wing National Union of Popular Forces, con-
ment program by India and Pakistan might be
tinued to report victory in the local elections.
delayed or frustrated by 2 Pakistani claims-the
Istiqlal is reported to have won in the inland
division of waters during the 10 to 15 years of
regions and the NUPF, in the coastal industrial
transition until completion of the canals and
centers. Officials declined to go beyond saying
dams, and the dispute on "insignificant" amounts
that the poll was between 71 and 72 per cent.
agreed upon in principle, to be used by Kashmir
June 1: It was reported that first results of the elec-
and Jammu.
tions showed a victory for the Istiqlal Party. The
party reported that 80 per cent of its candidates Apr. 6: India proposed to continue for the time
won. being supplies of water to Pakistan despite the
June 4: The Moroccan government reported the ex- expiry of the Ad Hoc Transitional Arrangement on
pansion of its program to train its Muslim women March 31, 1960, the Union Minister for Irriga-
in the various fields other than "childbearing and tion and Power said, in India's Lok Sabha.
household drudgery." Apr. 10: President Nasir arrived in Karachi on a
6-day official visit to Pakistan.
Apr. 11: The appointment of Lieut-Gen. Muham-
Pakistan mad Azzam Khan as Governor of East Pakistan
and that of Malik Amir Muhammad Khan of
(See also, Afghanistan, UAR) Klabagh as Governor of West Pakistan were
announced in Karachi.
1960 The US Department of Agriculture announced
Mar. 16: The East Pakistan Water and Power De- the sale to Pakistan of $88,100,000 worth of farm
velopment Authority (WAPDA) signed a con- products under its surplus disposal program.
tract with Associated Consulting Engineers, a Apr. 15: Lieut-Gen. Muhammad Azzam Khan was
Pakistan concern, for a survey of the ?75 million sworn in as Governor of East Pakistan.
multipurpose Brahmaputra Project which may be Pakistan and the UAR signed a one-year trade
undertaken during the Second Five-Year Plan agreement giving each other most-favored-nation
period. treatment.
The Cabinet approved the final protocol regard- Apr. 16: The Constitution Commission released a
ing the demarcation of Pakistani-Iran boundary. 30-page questionnaire for eliciting public opinion

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on the general pattern of the future constitution
of Pakistan.
Palestine Problem
Apr. 18: A trade agreement was signed between (See also, Israel, Jordan, UAR)
Pakistan and Yugoslavia.
Apr. 19: Three leading international bankers cau- 1960
tioned India and Pakistan that there was no as- Mar. 16: King Husayn of Jordan announced that he
surance they would be able to raise the $8,500,- would agree to a plebiscite among former Pales-
000,000 in foreign aid required by their next tinians living in Jordan to decide the future of
5-year plans. Jordan's West Bank.
The Pakistani Supreme Court threw out the con- Mar. 21: Jordan accused Israel of attacking a
viction of Muhammad Ayub Khuhro, former Jordanian airliner with 19 passengers while it was
Defense Minister, on a black-market charge. on a flight from Amman to Cairo.
Apr. 21: The Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia, Koca Mar. 22: An Israeli version of the incident given
Popovic, arrived in Rawalpindi for a 5-day official by a military spokesman in Tel Aviv indicated
visit in Pakistan. that Israeli jet fighters had intercepted a Jordanian
Apr. 25: The French Ambassador-designate to airliner which violated Israel's air space in the
Pakistan, Count Ghislain Caluzel, presented his Aqaba region.
credentials to President Ayub Khan. Mar. 23: In a speech in the House of Representa-
May 1: Food rationing ended in West Pakistan 18 tives, Prime Minister Hazza' al-Majali of Jordan
years after it was introduced in World War II. said that the creation of a special status for Pales-
May 8: It was reported that Pakistan plans to lodge tine was meant to "liquidate the Palestinian ques-
a strong protest with the US if it is confirmed tion and evade responsibilities." He added, "We
tnat the U-2 spy plane stopped over in Peshawar will never accept the suggestion that the recovery
before making its last flight. of rights and the repulsion of danger are the re-
May 11: Pakistanis were reassured by the US pledge sponsibility of the Palestinians themselves, and
it would defend allies subjected to Soviet intimida- that they will only be supported by the Arab
tion and by President Ayub Khan's statement states."
that "we will not be brow beaten." In Cairo, the Afro-Asian people's permanent
May 12. 'Ali Khan was killed in an automobile secretariat said in a statement that if the West con-
accident in Suresnes, France. He was 48 years old. tinued to encourage the state of Israel the Arab
Mfay 17: President Ayub Khan said Pakistan was and Afro-Asian peoples would launch a camn-
taking measures to insure that repeated flights of paign to "eliminate Israel."
reconnaissance planes from Pakistan would not be Mar. 31: The Jordanian-Israeli Mixed Armistice
repeated. Commission met twice to discuss an urgent com-
May 21: The Economic Committee of the cabinet plaint by Jordan on the Israeli attackwof one of i
decided to reduce the prices of cotton yarn and airliners.
coarse and medium cotton cloth, basing their re- Apr. 5: It was announced in London that, of the
port on the recommendations of the Textile Inquiry ?300,000 so far collected in Britain during world
Commission. refugee year, the sum of ?140,000 had been al-
May 24: Foreign Minister Manzur Qadir reported located to building a vocational training center
that Pakistan had rejected a Soviet protest over for Pales.ine refugees in Jordan.
the U-2 incident. Apr. 6: A mass meeting held in Hebron, on the
May 28: It was reported that the Soviet Union is West Bank of the Jordan, denounced what it called
sounding out Pakistan on whether she would accept "the novelty of the Palestinian status," and
sizable ruble aid for development plans. adopted several resolutions opposing the idea and
May 30: A wide range of new projects agreements announcing loyalty to King Husayn who was "the
were signed between Pakistan and the ICA Mis- only one to have the right to speak on the fate
sion to Pakistan, $3.2 million being provided for of the Palestinians."
14 projects covering fisheries developments, civil Apr. 9: The Jordanian Foreign Minister, Musa
air transportation, public safety, public administra- Nasir, was quoted by Falestin as saying that the
tion, agriculture, atomic energy research and Palestine question and "Palestine entity" were not
several others. on the agenda of the current ambassadors' meeting
June 11. The Minister of Commerce, Hafizur Rah- in Cairo. Referring to the visit of Sayyid Hasuna
man said that jute stocks would be adequate to to Jordan, he said that the Arab League's Secretary
meet domestic and foreign demand. General would come to Jordan "for consultations
June 12: Former Prime Minister Muhammad 'Ali with us and with other Arab states on the forma-
criticized the regime in Lahore's Civil and Military tion of a 5-power committee which will draft a
Gazette, saying that the Constitution provided for plan for Palestine.
free elections but that because it was abrogated May 5: In Gaza a UAR spokesman said that the
before the elections the new regime was leading UAR had protested to the Mixed Armistice Com-
"in the direction of a personal dictatorship, how- mission following a flight over Khan Yunis of 4
ever alluringly paternalistic it might appear." Israeli Mystere jets.

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May 9: A campaignof violence, including a bottle tinuing their detentionof free Omanisand that 40
thrown at actressEva Marie Saint and the stoning people were arrestedduring the past 2 weeks.
of cars of membersof the cast, was reportedto be Apr. 3: Shaykh 'Abdallah al-Salim al-Sabah left
threatening the shooting of the American film Beirut at the end of a visit to Lebanon. A request
"Exodus"in Nazareth. for a long-term loan for ?L50 million to the
May 10: A Church of Scotlandreport published in Beirut municipality to be used for food storage
London said that the real problemof resettlement facilitieswas discussed.
of refugeesin the Middle East "cannotbe touched" Apr. 18: Japan'sArabianOil Companyin Tokyo an-
unless there are changes in the present attitudes nouncedthat the secondwell in its concessionarea
of the Arab states concerned,of the refugeesthem- offshore from the Saudi Arabia-KuwaytNeutral
selves, and of the stateof Israel. Zone had struckoil at a depth of about 5,200 ft.
May 15: Mass rallies were held in many centers of and flowedat a rateof over 6,000 b/d.
the Arab world to mark the 12th anniversaryof Apr. 25: Authoritative sources stated in Baghdad
the end of the British mandatein Palestine. that the governmentof Kuwayt was seeking the
Palestine refugee representativesmet at the help of an Iraqi oil expert to study a project for
office of the Arab Higher Committeefor Palestine the setting up of petrochemical industries in
in Beirut, and urged all Arab governmentsto end Kuwayt.
their disputes. May 1: Kuwayti dockers dispatched a message of
May 16: The Palestine issue was discussed by supportto ICATU, statingthat they would boycott
SenatorFulbrightand JordanianForeign Minister all US ships, and would not load US tankersat the
Musa Nasir with a view to find out "how the US ports of al-Ahmadi and 'Abdullah, in protest
could find a remedyfor it." against the picketing in New York of the
May 19: Canadian ambassador to Lebanon, Paul Cleopatra.
Beaulieu, told UNRWA director in Beirut, John May 2: The exiled Imam of Oman, Ghalib ibn 'Ali,
H. Davis, that the Canadiangovernmentwill make and his entourageof 6, left Baghdadafter a state
a grant of flour valued at 1.5 million dollars for visit to Iraqwhich beganon April 21.
rations to one million Palestine Arab refugees May 8: It is reported that oil has now started to
dependenton UNRWA. flow from the Raudhatainfield in North Kuwayt
May 30: The Palestinequestionand its ramifications to the port of al-Ahmadithrough a recentlycom-
were the subjectsof discussionbetweenMusa Nasir pleted 30-in., 63-mile long pipeline.
and Paul Beaulieu, who was visiting Amman. During the firstquarterof 1960 Britainimported
May 31: Wasfi Mirza, Jordan'sMinister of the In- ?37,300,000 worth of oil from Kuwayt, an in-
terior and Defence, said that the Jordanian-Israeli creaseof ?4,800,000 over the correspondingperiod
Mixed ArmisticeCommissionhad agreed with the of 1959.
Israeli side that Jordanian farmers should be June 1: The Judicial Committeeof the Privy Coun-
permitted to harvest their crops at Zabbourain cil in London dismissed an appeal by 'Abd al-
"no-man'sland" near Tulkarm. Rahman al-Baqir, the Bahrayninationalist leader
June 12: Israel charged Syria with firing across the serving a 13-yearprison sentenceon the island of
border twice at a tractoron the fields of the Beit St. Helena.
Katzir settlement.

Persian Gulf
Mar. 17: The Mexican Foreign Ministry announced
Mar. 17: Crude oil productionby the Kuwayt Oil that Mexico and Saudi Arabia will raise their re-
Company in Februarytotaled 5,697,381 tons, as spective legations in Jiddah and Mexico City to
comparedwith 5,078,913 tons in February1959. the rankof embassies.
Total productionfor the first 2 months of 1960 Mar. 21: The Council of Ministers issued decision
was 12,339,142 tons, as comparedwith 10,961,260 No. 174 establishingelectric power rates through-
tons for the first2 monthsof 1959. out the kingdom on the basis of 3 schedules of
Mar. 19: Qatar Petroleumproduced679,750 tons of descending magnitude for regular governmental
crude oil in Februarycomparedto 628,063 tons in usage, for industrialconsumption,and for the use
February1959. Total output for the first 2 months of mosquesand municipalities.
of 1960 was 1,399,191 tons, as comparedwith ShaykhAhmad al-Shuqayri,Saudi Arabia'sdel-
1,286,373 tons for the first 2 months of 1959. egate to the Second InternationalConferenceon
Mar. 21: The ruler of Kuwaythas invited bids from the Law of the Sea, addressedthe conferencein
companiesfor an oil concessionover the Kuwayt support of the proposed 12-mile limit.
offshore area. King Sa'ud visited Mecca where he performed
Mar. 26: The Omani Imamate office in Damascus the Lesser Pilgrimage, toured the city and re-
has announced that the British authorities are con- ceived both dignitariesand commoners.

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Mar. 26: King Sa'ud ordered the release of all ParsonsCompany,it was announced.The estimated
prisoners except those convicted of crimes of cost of the plant, which will be constructedon a
murder, smuggling and possession of drugs, in 700-acreplot on the coast southwestof Jiddah, is
honor of the advent of 'Id al-Fitr. $20 million.
A proposal was made in the Mecca daily al- June 11: A Council of Ministersmeeting at Riyadh,
Nadwah in which the government was urged to reported to take place soon, is scheduled to con-
issue a law allowing national companies to partici- sider the disputes between King Sa'ud and Crown
pate in the export of Saudi oil to foreign markets. Prince Faysal. Among other things it will dis-
Saudi Arabians fired on an American private cuss who should be acting Premierin the absence
plane in the belief that it was an Israeli aircraft of Crown Prince Faysal, and it will consider
and wounded 2 persons aboard, it was reported. King Sa'ud's decree-issued in the defianceof a
Mar. 31: The governments of Saudi Arabia and Cabinetdecision-giving one of his sons the right
Ghana agreed to exchange diplomatic representa- to build a refineryon the west coast and supply
tion of ambassadorial rank. the whole country with petroleum products.
Apr. 6: Aramco announced that crude oil production June 13: The Aramco produced its four billionth
in Saudi Arabia during March totaled 36,435,281 barrelof oil, the companyannounced.
barrels, as compared to 35,945,948 barrels during June 14: King Sa'ud appointed his brother, Prince
the same month last year. For the first quarter of Khalid, as permanentVice-Presidentof the Saudi
1960, the yield was 19,192,872 barrels compared to Cabinet,al-Ahramdisclosed.
16,754,262 during the same period last year.
Crude oil processed at the Ras Tanura Refinery
during March totaled 6,193,232 barrels, as com-
pared to 6,258,952 barrels during March last year.
Apr. 9: It was announced that Shaykh 'Abdallah al-
Tariki will be a featured speaker at the 14th an-
nual meeting of Texas Independent Producers and (See also, General)
Royalty Owners Association at Tyler, Texas, 1-3
Apr. 24: In the course of a press interview, Crown Mar. 25: The contractawardedjointly to two Ger-
Prince Amir Faysal stated that the Saudi govern- man firms for the constructionof Sudan's first
ment was striving to develop new sources of sugarrefinerywas signed in Khartum.
revenue for the Saudi treasury other than oil. Apr. 6: A Soviet economicdelegationof technicians
May 6: Shaykh 'Abdallah al-Tariki gave a detailed and advisorsarrivedin Khartumat the invitation
explanation of his plan for the internationl pro- of the government to confer on a possible ex-
rationing of oil production at the TIPRO 14th pansionof Soviet-Sudanese trade.
annual meeting at Texas. He explained that the Apr. 16: A 12-monthbarter agreementbetween the
proration proposal would apply only to net ex- Soviet Union and the Sudan was signed, under
porting countries-such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, which the Soviet Union will send the Sudan
Iraq, Kuwayt, and Venezuela. After his talk he timber, cement and light machineryin return for
left for Venezuela on a 3 to 5-day visit. cotton and other crops. About $8,000,000 worth
May 9: According to the Aramco annual report of of goods is reported involved. During the last
operations, the company produced nearly 400 mil- 12 months the two countries exchanged about
lion barrels of crude oil in 1959, more than in $7,000,000 worth of goods under a similar agree-
any other year in its history. ment.
May 11: T. C. Barger, President of Aramco, has an- Apr. 25: A bronze equestrianstatue of Lord Kitch-
nounced that the Board of Directors has approved ener, which was removed from Khartum after
an annuity plan for Saudi Arab employees in which the Sudan becamea republic, was unveiled at its
employees who retire under the plan will receive new site in Chatham,Kent.
regular periodic payments. The plan becomes ef- Apr. 30: Laborunions in the Sudan announcedthat
fective July 1, 1960, it was disclosed. they would take strong action in retaliationagainst
Aramco's crude oil production for April reached the attitude of the New York dockerswith regard
the record total of 36,316,934 barrels, as com- to the Cleopatra.
pared to 31,292,991 barrels in April 1959. Crude May 10: BrigadierMuhammadAhmad Irwa, Sudan-
oil processed at the Ras Tanura Refinery during ese Minister of Commerce,Industry and Supply,
the same periods averaged 225,451 b/d, as com- arrived in London for a week's private visit as
pared with 148,793 b/d, respectively. a guest of the Britishgovernment.
May 31: The Royal Decree constituting the Saudi May 13: Mr. E. Black, President of the World
Arabian Refinery Company (SARCO) has been Bank, who spent 3 days in the Sudan last week,
published, it was reported. told a press conferencein Khartumthat he had
June 2: Contracts for the design, construction, and discussed the completion of the Managil irriga-
operation of a 20,000 b/d petroleum refinery have tion scheme and the proposed Roseires dam. He
been signed between SARCO and the Ralph M. invited a governmentdelegationto go to Washing-

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ton to continue the negotiations for a loan to cover May 2: The Tunisian government published a
the foreign exchange needed to complete the communiquelisting a series of alleged violations
Managil scheme. of the Algerian-Tunisianborder by the French
May 23: Four senior officials from Sudan arrived in armyduringthe past 3 days.
Washington to discuss with officials of the World The presidents of Tunisia and Indonesia in a
Bank a loan to cover foreign exchange to complete joint communiqueexpressed "deep regret" over
the Managil scheme. the French atomic experimentsin North Africa
June 7: Mr. Elliot of Wisconsin returned home after and demandeda halt "to those experimentswhich
4?/2 years in the Sudan where he helped in the expose a large part of the population of the
expansion of the hafir program, a project developed Africancontinentin danger."
to solve the water problem. May 3: France complained to the UN Security
Council that Tunisia had permitted bases in her
territoryfromwhich Algerianrebeltroopshad com-
mitted "more and more attacks" against French
Tunisia troops in Algeria.
The Tunisiangovernmentannouncedthat the ex-
(See also, Algeria) change of diplomatic missions with the Soviet
Union would take place soon.
1960 May 25: President Bourguiba said that failing an
Mar. 16: Eric de Carbonnel, Secretary General of agreementwith France, Tunisia would be forced
the French Foreign Ministry, received the to pass a law to expropriateland belonging to
Tunisian Ambassador, Habib Bourguiba Jr., in Europeans.
Paris. He was reported to have made representa- June 5: An agreementwas concluded between the
tions on the work on the French Embassy wall in Tunisian Governmentand the Italian-ownedoil
Tunis. corporationENI which reportedlyprovidesfor the
Mar. 17: The Tunisian government razed the French constructionof refineryat La Skhiraon the Gulf of
Embassy wall for street improvement, it was re- Gaves and the granting of an oil concession in
ported. The Ambassador's wife joined her hus- South Tunisia.
band in Paris. June 14: Presidentde Gaulle's new invitationto the
Apr. 7: Speaking at the opening of the Parlia- Algerian nationalists was greeted in Tunis with
mentary session, President Bourguiba expressed cautious optimism in extremely well informed
his conviction that France would leave Bizerte Tunisian circles, it was reported.
and Algeria.
Apr. 15: President Bourguiba said he had turned
down another French request that he order Alger-
ian rebel troops out of his country. Turkey
Apr. 24: Tunisia charged that French troops and
(See also, Cyprus,Israel)
bombers had violated Tunisian territory.
President Bourguiba warned France that his
country was "capable of successfully conducting a
war if she is obliged to do so by aggression." Mar. 16: Col. Allen I. Morrisonwas sentencedby a
Apr. 25: France called upon President Bourguiba to US court-martialto suspensionfrom rank for 12
maintain order in his country and protect French months and $200 forfeitureof monthly salary for
nationals living there. 6 months for negligence in driving his car into a
French army units in eastern Algeria have strict column of Turkish soldiers last November 5,
orders to respect the integrity of Tunisian territory killing one man and injuring10.
despite hit-and-run attacks by rebel forces stationed Mar. 19: A trade and paymentsagreementfor 1960
in Tunisian soil, French officers in Algiers said. was signed in Ankarabetween Israel and Turkey.
Apr. 26: The Secretary-General of the French Foreign It providesfor a flow of goods worth $16 million.
Ministry received the Tunisian ambassador and The agreementto set up a refrigeratorplant in
expressed "his astonishment" at the statements Istanbul with technical assistanceand parts sup-
made by President Bourguiba threatening war plied by the Israeli Amcor concernwas approved
with France. by both governments.
Apr. 27: The Tunisian Information M i n i s t r y Mar. 25: Turkey'snew Ambassadorto the US, Melih
charged that French armoured units in Algeria Esenbel, arrived in Washington with his family.
opened fire with machine-guns on the Tunisian He succeedsAmbassadorSuat Hayri trgiiplii, who
frontier post of Bou Jaber in the Kef district. now is Ambassadorto Spain.
Apr. 28: Tunisia opened a Trade and Tourist Office Mar. 28: Nuri Eren assumed his new functions as
in New York City to encourage increased trade Minister Plenipotentiaryand Deputy Permanent
and tourism between the US and Tunisia. Representativeof Turkey to the UN. Nezih
Apr. 29: President Sukarno of Indonesia arrived in Manyas was named director of the Turkish In-
Tunis. formationOffice in New York in his place.

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Apr. 2: Minister of Justice Esat Budakoglu resigned. ground forces, resigned.
Apr. 3: Celal Yardimci was appointed Minister of May 6: Former President Ismet Inoniu predicted
Justice in the place of Esat Budakoglu. that Turks would reject "the oppressiveregime'
Apr. 6: Turgut Menemencioglu presented to the of Premier Menderes. Mr. Zorlu repeated the
Governor General his letters of credence as Am- government'schargesthat the Republicanpartyhad
bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of participatedin the demonstrations.
Turkey to Canada. May 8: The Militarygovernorof Istanbulshut down
Apr. 11: An earthquake rocked Izmir and several the newspaperMilliyet, bringing to 8 the total of
cities in the Aegean region of Turkey. No im- Turkish publicationsclosed since martial law was
mediate reports of casualties were received. imposedon April 28.
Premier Menderes' forthcoming visit to the The government disclaimed any responsibility
Soviet Union was announced and was received by for the invasion of Soviet air space by the U-2
the press, radio and the public with great surprise. spy plane.
Apr. 15: Ahmet Emin Yalman was released under May 9. The defense agreement signed between
a proviso that he undergo another medical ex- Turkey and the US was ratified by the Grand
amination. National Assembly.
Apr. 18: After a debate in the National Assembly, May 10: The foreign
exchangeprivileges of 8 Turk-
all party political activity in Turkey was ordered ish students have been rescindedby the Turkish
suspended for the next 3 months. A 15-man educational attache, it was disclosed. While he
inquiry commission, composed of Democratic did not give a reason for it, a spokesmanfor the
party members, was established and it issued a studentssaid the order, sent in letter form to each
prohibition of the publication of all news about of the group, grew out of the participationof
the inquiry into "the destructive and illegal activi- the students in the demonstrationsin front of the
ties" of the opposition Republican People's party UN last week.
or the Assembly's debate.
May 12: Premier Menderes made an unannounced
Apr. 22: An uneasy lull was reported to have
inspection of a street-wideningproject in Istanbul
descended on Turkey following the establish-
and was reportedly applauded by about 2,000
ment of the inquiry commission.
Apr. 23: The foundation stone of a new oil refinery
at Izmir, near Istanbul, was laid by Premier May 13: Turkish and Czech representativessigned
Menderes. The nominal capital of ?T231 million a protocol to the tradeagreementof July 9, 1949,
is held by American and Turkish firms in the fixing the value of trade exchangesin the current
proportion by 51 per cent and 49 per cent yearat $16 million both ways.
A new trade agreement with Finland which
Apr. 28: University students demonstrated against stipulates that 50 per cent of reciprocalpayments
the government and were fired on by police. Five will henceforthbe made in free currenciesto allow
of them were killed and about 40 injured, it was for larger trade exchanges between the two
reported. countrieswas also signed.
Apr. .30: Another riot broke out in Istanbul. In- May 14: On the 10th anniversaryof free elections
fantrymen removed 2,000 student sitdown strikers in Turkey some 5,000 students demonstratedin
fromnthe Istanbul University campus to temporary Ankara against the present regime and the police
detention camps on charges of violating martial dispersedthe mob with tear gas.
law regulations. Martial law imposed 2 days ago May 15: In a speech at Izmir, Premier Menderes
was extended to 3 months and a curfew and a vowed he would not resign. He said elections
ban on public gatherings were enforced. will proceedas normallyplanned.
May 1: Premier Menderes ordered that force would May 18: Publication of the Turkish political daily
be used to stop outbreaks in Istanbul and Ankara Aksam was suspendedby martial law commander
should that be deemed necessary. Gen. FahriOzdilekin Istanbul.
The foreign ministers of the Western Big Three May 19: Two demonstrations in Ankarawere broken
met in Istanbul and agreed on how to present by police using teargas.
their basic summit policies to the NATO meeting. May 20: Another demonstration took place in
May 2: Troops pushed back 2,000 demonstrators Ankara as crowds gathered to welcome visiting
bent on shouting anti-Menderes slogans at min- Prime Minister Nehru. The police again used
isters arriving for the opening session of the teargas to breakup the crowd.
NATO meeting in Istanbul. May 21: Young cadets from the TurkishArmy War
In New York, 100 Turks, mostly students, College marchedthrough the streets of Ankarain
picketed the UN, calling for the resignation of support of the youth demonstrationsagainst the
Premier Menderes. government.
May 5: Premier Menderes was booed, heckled and May 23: Robert College was closed by Istanbul's
jostled by the student demonstrators demanding military commanderafter about 150 students had
his resignation. demonstratedwithout violence against the gov-
Lieut. Gen. Cemal Gursel, commander of the ernment.

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May 25: Fighting broke out in the Grand National June 3: The junta charged that officials of the
Assembly. Fifteen memberswere wounded by fly- deposed government committed atrocities in an
ing desk tops and brokenchairsbefore the fighting effort to conceal the bodies of students killed in
betweenthe deputiesof the two partieswas halted. the demonstrationslast month.
May 27: The armedforces, led by Lieut-Gen.Cemal June 4: A spokesmanfor the National Unity Com-
Gursel, seized power in Turkeyand promisedfree mittee denied that the junta now had definite
elections. Ousted Premier Menderes was arrested knowledgeof the mutilationof the bodies of dead
along with other political leaders. President students.
Bayartried to kill himself but armyofficersfoiled June 9: The new governmentdecided to withdraw
the attemptand broughthim away from his home. most of the Turkish brigademaintainedin Korea.
Lieut-Gen. Cemal Gursel, head of the 6-man June 10: Ankara accorded hero funerals to 5
military junta ruling Turkey, formally took pro- "martyrsof freedom."
visional commandof the countryin his own name. Former Premier Adnan Menderes and former
Editors and students imprisonedby the former PresidentCelal Bayar have been moved from the
regime were freed. A new cabinetwas appointed. ArmyWar College to an undisclosedplace, sources
May 28: The new cabinet memberswere named. reported.
Prime Minister and Minister of National De- June 12: A provisional Constitutionfor the period
fense: General Cemal Gursel leading to the election of a new Turkish Parlia-
Minister of State: Amil Artus ment was announcedby Dr. Amil Artus, Minister
Minister of State: $efik Inan of State.
Justice: Abdallah Gozubuyuk The names of the 38 membersof the Commit-
Interior: Maj. Gen. Muharrem Ihsan Kiziloglu tee of National Union were announced. All are
Foreign Affairs: Selim Sarper armyofficers.
Finance: Ekrem Alican Thousands of Turks reportedlydonated rings,
Education:Prof. Fehmi Yavuz money and other valuables to the state as part
Public Works: Danis Koper of a campaign to strengthen the treasury and
Commerce: Cihat Iren increasethe value of the Turkishlira.
Prof. Nusret Karasu,
Health and Social W,Yelfare: June 15: The company of Turkish infantry to be
M.D. stationed as a token force in Korea sailed from
Customs and Monopolies: Fethi Askin Izmir.
Agriculture: Feridun Ustun
Communications: Brig. Gen Sitki Ulay
Labor:Prof. CahitTalas United Arab Republic
Industry: Muhtar Uluer
Information, Radio and Tourism: Zuhtu Arsan (See also, General, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan,
Reconstruction and Re-settlement: Orhan Kubat.
Palestine Problem)
Gen. Gursel held his first press conferenceat
which he answeredquestionsregardingthe moves 1960
he took and will take with regardto the adminis-
tration. Mar. 16: The UAR goodwill mission arrived in
A board of university professors and jurists Caracasafter a weeklong visit in Cuba.
entrustedby Gen. Gursel to draft a new Constitu- Mar. 17: The embassyof the UAR in Washington
tion issued its firstreport. charged Premier Ben-Gurion with "unbecoming
May 30: The imprisoned Minister of Interior, Dr. behavior"while a guest of the US in view of his
Namik Gedik, killed himself by leaping througha appeal to an audience at the Jewish Theological
window. Seminary in New York" to come to Israel to
The new Cabinetheld its first meeting. live . . . and if, God forbid, should it be neces-
The US recognizedthe new Turkishgovernment. sary,to fightwith us."
Britain and Germanyalso recognized the new Mar. 19: President Jamal 'Abd al-Nasir arrived in
government. Egypt by sea from Latakiafollowing his month's
May 31: Gen. Gursel said that a special committee visit to Syria.
was investigating the question of guilt of the Mar. 20: President Nasir said that if Israel suc-
membersof the deposedgovernment. ceeded in what he said was a presenteffort to get
June 1: The provisionalgovernmentannouncedthat more arms and tanks, the UAR would "get more
all but 3 of the majorityDemocraticparty of de- too."
posed Premier Menderes were under arrest and The Egyptian Gazette reported that the waters
would be investigatedfor crimes against the state. of the river Nile may be used to irrigate the
FormerPresidentIsmet In6niudeclaredhe would Sinai desert, a report which foreign observers
lead the Republicanpartyin the election campaign. judged to representthe UAR's counter-measure to
Foreign Minister Sarper said all international Israeli plans to divert the Jordanwaters.
pacts made by the Menderesgovernmentwill be Mar. 21: President Nasir told a group of visiting
abided by. Armericanjournalists and publishers that if the

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US supported Israel there would be no room Apr. 15: The UAR has announced a unified
for better relations between the US and UAR. mobilization law permitting the call-up of all
Mar. 22: It was announced that offices for the male citizens 17 to 50 years old in case of a na-
registration of volunteers to fight alongside the tional emergency. It replacesthe separatelaws of
insurgents in Algeria are to be opened im- Egypt and Syria.
mediatelyin Cairo. The UAR's first trade agreementwith Pakistan
British, West German,French and Italian firms was signed in Karachi.
have been selected by UAR to tender for the Apr. 18: Stevedores and dockworkersin the UAR
building of a ?3 million car factory in Egypt, ports said that they would boycott visiting US
the Ministerof Industryannounced. ships unless the freighter Cleopatrawas unloaded
Mar. 23: It was announcedin Washington that the and servicedin New York.
US is completing arrangementswith the UAR to MuhammadAhmad Salim, Managing Director
show a nuclear energy exhibition in Cairo from of the General Petroleum Company, had left
May 8-30 this year. Venezuela for a month's visit to the US, it was
A trade and payment agreement between the reported.
UAR and Cambodiawas signed. It is based on Apr. 20: Al-Ahram editor, Muhammad Hasanayn
most-favorednation treatment and on the clear- Haykal, reportedthat an attemptby Israel through
ing accountsystem. one of her agents in Cairo to drop poison in
Mar. 26: The UAR and the US signed 3 agreements PresidentNasir's food had failed.
providing for economic development loans to Apr. 22: PresidentSukarnoarrivedin Cairo.
Egypt: the first, a loan of ?E7 million for use in Apr. 23: President Sukarno and President Nasir
financing specific projects in the national produc- conferred on topics ranging from French atomic
tion budget; the second, a pledge of $15 million explosions in the Saharato the racial explosion in
worth of tobacco,cotton or soya bean oil and corn South Africa.
fronmthe US; and the third, a loan of $12,500,000 Apr. 24: PresidentNasir made clear that Communist
realized from the sale of US agriculturalcom- Chinese volunteers would not worry him if they
moditiesin Egypt to be lent to the UAR. showed up in Algeria to help out in the nation-
Mar. 29: PresidentNasir arrived in New Delhi for alists' fight for independence.
a 13-dayvisit in India. Apr. 25: President Sukarnoleft Cairo for Conakry
The GovernmentInformationDepartmentquoted after a 4-dayofficialvisit.
an "authoritativesource"of the UAR as denying
published reports that President Nasir had re- May 1: The Yugoslav Foreign Minister, Mr. Koca
ceived and rejected a Soviet offer to guarantee Popovic,arrivedin Cairo.
the republic'sfrontiers. May 2: PresidentNasir acceptedthe resignationsof
Mar. 31: In an addressto the Indian Parliamentin Amin Nafuri, UAR Minister of Communications,
New Delhi, President Nasir warned that Asia and Ahmad 'Abd al-Karim,Minister of Municipal
and Africa faced a continuing struggle against Affairs. No reasonswere given.
forces that still wanted "to monopolize and May 7: President Nasir awarded the highest UAR
dominate." medal to the Arab workers, representedby the
The UAR mission to Latin America, presently internationalfederationof Arab workers,for their
in Costa Rica, met with PresidentMario Echandi supportof the Arab boycottof Americanships.
Jiminez; al-Ahram reported that it was expected May 8: PresidentNasir praised the Soviet Union in
to conclude cultural agreementswith Columbia, a speech at Damietta inauguratinga cotton yarn
Mexico, and Chile. factory built with Soviet technical and financial
Apr. 1: A dispatchfrom Mexico City confirmedthe assistance.
possibility of a UAR-Mexicancultural pact. A communiquedeclaringthat the UAR Foreign
Apr. 7: The UAR mission to Latin America Minister, Dr. Mahmud Fawzi, and Mr. Koca
arrived in Mexico City from El Salvador for a Popovic had "achieved an identity of views on
10-day visit. most importantinternationalquestions"was issued
Apr. 9: The mission visited Pascual Gutierrez in Cairo.
Roldan, Director of PEMEX, to discuss oil prob- May 9: It was announcedthat PresidentNasir will
lems commonto both countries. visit Yugoslavia next month at the invitation of
Apr. 10: The UAR Ministry of Foreign Affairs an- PresidentTito.
nounced that diplomatic representationbetween May 12: SenatorFulbrightconferredwith President
the UAR and Panamahad been raised to ambas- Nasir in Cairo.
sadoriallevel. May 14: Ahmad Husni, Minister of Justice and
President Nasir and Prime Minister Nehru is- Hasan Mam'un,Mufti of the Egyptiansector, mnet
sued a joint communiquesupportingthe principle and decided to concedeto the demandsof women
of non-alignment and maintenance of friendly that husbands should not be allowed to divorce
relations with all countries. President Nasir left their wives at will or to force them to observe
New Delhi and arrived in Pakistan for a 6-day "house obedience." The new regulationsgo into
visit. force on June 1.

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May 17: The IMF announced that it had authorized A total of 370 passenger ships and 425 oil
the UAR to draw up to the equivalent of $7,500,- tankerspassed through the Suez Canal during the
000 to ease foreign exchange difficulties resulting first 2 weeks of March, the Egyptian Mail re-
from a prolonged drought in Syria. ported.
Prime Minister Nehru and President Nasir dis- Mar. 21: The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug re-
cussed the latest dramatic developments at the ported that an economic cooperation agreement
Paris Summit conference when they met in Cairo, concluded in Cairo with the UAR provides for
an informed source said. the participationof Yugoslavexpertsin oil produc-
May 19: Prime Minister Nehru visited Gaza, and tion operationsnear Ras Gharib,on the Red Sea.
on his departure for Ankara, he and President Mar. 28: Al-Ahramreportedthat Poland has offered
Nasir appealed to world leaders to stand firm to participatein the Egyptian Second Five-Year
against any deterioration of the international situa- IndustrializationPlan by providing credit facilities
tion and to spare no effort in the service of peace. to Egypt in the neighborhoodof ?E20,000,000to
May 24: A government decree removed 4 major enable it to import machinery, including oil
Cairo newspapers and magazine publishing houses refiningequipment,from Poland.
from private direction and "reorganized" them Apr. 3: Ahmad Kamil al-Badri, Managing Director
under control of the National Union. of the UAR General Petroleum Authority,
May 25: A Hungarian trade delegation which ar- stated that it was estimated that crude oil pro-
rived in Cairo last week flew back to Budapest duction in the Egyptian Region would reach
to report on talks for a renewal of the two 4,500,000 tons in 1960, an increaseof 1,300,000
countries' trade agreement discussions which were tons over the 1959 output.
suspended when the Hungarians requested a dis- Egypt granted 13 exploration licenses, each
count for their cotton purchases, it was learned. covering 100 sq. kms., to the Eastern Petroleum
May 28.' President Nasir met the directors of the Company,for oil prospectingin the Sinai Penin-
now government controlled newspapers and criti- sula, it was disclosed.
cized "caricatures of naked women" and gossip Apr. 5: Egypt has contributed ?E10,000 to the
stories about "which woman runs after which MalariaEradicationSpecialAccountof the WHO,
man" and urged them to consider the press as a the largest contributionreceived so far from a
"mission and not as a merchandise." He urged countryof the East MediterraneanRegion, it was
them to write about real problems such as those announced.
faced by outlying villagers. Apr. 9: The unloading of the Astypalea, detained
June 1: UAR officials boycotted a South African at Port Sa'id since last December,started.
diplomatic reception in Cairo in protest against the
Apr. 10: The Astypalea sailed for home.
Unions' racial policies.
June 2: Al-Ahram denied charges by US Senator Apr. 12: Major Salah Salim, formerEgyptianMinis-
Thomas Kuchel that the Soviet embassy in Cairo ter of National Guidance, left the London Clinic
was a center for espionage and subversion directed Hospital after 10 days' treatment for kidney
against the whole of Africa. troubleand gout.
June 7: The UAR signed the plan of operation for a Apr. 16: Al-Ahram reported that according to the
UN Special Fund project for control of desert Central Minister of Industry of the UAR, credit
locusts. facilities made available by foreign countries for
June 8: President Nasir held a 2-hour talk with the industrialization program of Egypt total
Premier Konstantin Karamalis in Athens. ?E164.8 million.
June 11: President Nasir arrived in Corfu for a Apr. 21: A preliminaryreport on the U.K. trade
short visit and sailed immediately for Yugoslavia. mission to the UAR in February-March revealed
June 13: President Nasir arrived in Yugoslavia for a that there was a big potential demandfor British
week of top-level talks with President Tito. goods in Egypt,but the need for financedominated
the situation.
Apr. 28: Details of Egypt's Second Five-Year In-
dustrializationProgram revealed that of a total
budget of ?E457,416,000, a sum of ?E76,260,000
Egypt will be allocated for 11 petroleum projects, of
which the equivalentof ?E48,130,000will be in
1960 hard currency.
Egyptiancotton exportsfrom September1, 1959,
Mar. 19: A long-term agreement for cooperation in to date, amountedto 6,016,457 kantars,about 1.4
petroleum production was concluded between the million more than in the same period of the
Egyptian Societe Cooperative des Petroles and the 1958-59 season.
Yugoslav Nasta Company. May 4: All public transportwas halted for 10 min-
The UAR General Petroleum Authority had utes throughout Egypt as a demonstrationby
begun constructionon the first part of a pipeline transportworkersof their solidaritywith the anti-
network in the Egyptian Region. Americanboycott.

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May 7: West Germnanexperts and representatives of Syria

the UAR General Petroleum Authority signed an
agreement regarding the establishment of a 1960
Petroleum Research Institute in Egypt, under
which the West German government will make Mar. 17: Damascus papers report that negotiations
available the services of a number of experts and between the UAR and the West German oil firm
provide the necessary equipment for the institute. Concordia (DEA affiliate) for the establishment of
The Western Desert of Egypt covering an area a jointly-owned Arab-German operating company
of 300,000 sq. kms. was thrown open for com- to develop the Suwaidiyah oil field are continuing
petitive bids by international oil companies. on the highest level and agreement is expected
May 10: Al-Ahram reported that the General Mari- soon.
time Transport Autlhority has approved the pur- Mar. 18: A presidential decree was issued appointing
chase of 2 new oil tankers by the Egyptian United the following 7 new ministers to the Syrian
Maritime Navigation Company. regional executive council:
May 16: Meewis Goudsward, one of the 6 men ac- Labor and Social Affairs: Col. Akram Dayri
cused of spying for Israel in Egypt, was tried and Agrarian Reform: Col. Ahmad Hunaydi
he admitted having photographed fortifications in Economy: Dr. Husni al-Sawaf
the UAR and having reported about them to Supply: Col. Jamal al-Sawfi
Israeli agents. Culture and National Guidance: Sayyid Thabit
May 18: Fernando Pacciolla, another of the accused al-Aris
spies, admitted his alleged participation in the Minister of State for Presidential A?fairs: Col.
Israeli spy ring and confessed having agreed to Jadaw 'Izz al-Din
provide secret information about military installa- Waqfs: Sayyid Yusuf Muzahim
tions in Egypt for $1,000 a month. Mar. 22: Sayyid al-Munajid, chairman of a commit-
Wildcat drilling has begun in the Rahmi area, tee to study the financial conditions of students,
the Cairo weekly Akhir Sa'ah reported. said that the committee had decided to exempt
May 22: Enrico Mattei, head of ENI, called on Presi- 580 students from tuition fees and to grant 535
dent Nasir. ENI is reportedly interested in obtain- of them financial aid of between 25 and 100 lire
ing a concession in the Western Desert areas. a month.
The Chairman of Anglo-Egyptian Oilfields, Mr. Mar. 23: The Minister of Agriculture, Ahmad al-
F. H. Frangenheim, has announced that a Board Hajj Yunis, discussed with Luigi Pola, the
of Directors has now been formed in accordance Italian Consul-General in Damascus, and a repre-
with Egyptian company law, al-Ahram disclosed. sentative of Fiat Company, the possibility of Fiat's
May 26: Egypt's oil production for April totaled establishing a center in Syria to provide training in
275,855 cu. ms., of which 81,670 cu. ms. were the use and maintenance of agricultural machinery.
produced at Ras Gharib, 15,417 cu. ms., at 'Asal Mar. 25: The Syrian press reported that DEA af-
and 128,187 cu. ms. at Bala'im, al-Masa disclosed. filiate Concordia has struck oil at Well Suwaidiyah
May 27: Southbound shipments of oil through the No. 2. The rate of flow was not given.
Suez Canal in 1959 amounted to 2,494,000 tons, of Mar. 27: The Financial Times reported from Ham-
which slightly more than one-half was from burg that DEA has entered into an agreement with
petroleum products. the UAR for the possible joint development of
June 1: The Supreme State Security Court in Cairo the Suwaidiyah field.
accepted a defense plea for the medical examina- Mar. 30: The Ministry of Industry said that arrange-
tion of Fu'ad Muharram, a former Egyptian pilot ments were being made to launch a cement
accused of spying for Israel. factory in Homs by the middle of April.
June 2: French trade with Egypt resumed normal Apr. 2: The state security court sentenced 'Ali
status for the first time since the 1956 Suez conflict Khashman of Aleppo to 3 years' hard labor on
The French government gave instructions to im- charges of intriguing with Jordan and attempting
porters and exporters following the recent Egyptian an armed mutiny against the UAR.
decision to join the convertible Franc zone. US Ambassador to the UAR, G. Frederick
June 3: According to a Ministry of Industry state- Reinhardt, and Under-Secretary for Foreign Af-
ment, the Eastern Petroleum Company plans to fairs, Murad Ghalib, signed an agreement extend-
drill 3 new wells in the Bala'im field. It also ing US technical and economic development to
noted that the company's well Abu Rudais No. 60 Syria for the first time.
reached the pay zone depth of about 10,000 ft., and Apr. 4: Fu'ad al-Kala'aji, Director General of the
that drilling operations on well Sidri No. 5 were Weather Bureau in Damascus, said that a 5-year
presently under way. plan to strengthen the Bureau had been drawn up.
The plan called for the construction of 5 weather
stations with electronic equipment in different
parts of Syria.
Apr. 5: Dr. Nur al-din Kahhalah received courtesy
visits from Ambassador Frederick Reinhardt and

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Canadianambassador,Mr. P. Smith, during which wage rates were fixed at: ?S197.20; 290.00;
they discussed relations between Syria and their 353.80; 464.00; 562.60 for monthly-paid em-
respectivecountries. ployees; and at ?S5.80; 6.73; 8.99; 12.18; 15.08
Apr. 6: Syrian and Lebaneseofficials met at Homs for daily-paidemployees.
to discuss border questions such as smuggling, Apr. 27: Dr. Nur al-din Kahhalah said that the
illegal travel and the Homs-Tel Kalakh road. ExecutiveCouncil had put one million lire at the
Apr. 11: Minister of Agriculture Ahmad al-Hajj disposal of the Ministryof Communications to find
Yunis, said that his Ministryhad submittedurgent work for the unemployedin drought-stricken areas.
proposalsto the Presidencyof the ExecutiveCoun- Apr. 28: An official UAR government source in-
cil, aimed at countering the scarcity of water dicated that work on the new port at Tartus had
which threatenedthe Damascusarea. been startedby the Yugoslav firm Pomorsko.
A group of West Germanairportengineersar- May 4: The Ministry of Economy blacklisted the
rived in Damascus to make surveys for a new Italian firm Cotonoficio which trades in cotton,
internationalairportin Marj al-Sultan,suitablefor and all its branchesfor violating the Arab boycott
jet airliners. of Israel.
Apr. 13: The Directorof the Peoples'Universitiesin May 7: Dr. Nur al-din Kahhalah returned from
Syria, MuhammadMuhyi al-din, announcedthat Cairo after a 5-day visit during which he reported
the Ministry of Culture and National Guidance to PresidentNasir and Vice-President'Amir, the
has decided to open a Peoples' Universityin each results of discussionsbetween Syrian officials and
of the Syrian provinces during the coming the Soviet economic mission on amending the
academicyear in view of the flood of applications economic and technical cooperationagreementof
for placesat Damascusand Aleppo. 1957.
Apr. 14: Talks betweenSyrianofficialsand a Russian May 9: Dr. Kahhalah and Mr. Ivan Archibov ex-
economicmission led by Mr. Ivan Archibovended, changed documents setting out the proposed
Dr. Nur al-din Kahhalahannounced.They covered amendmentof the economicand technicalcoopera-
developmentand industrial projects to be carried tion agreementof 1957.
out underthe 1957 technicaland economiccoopera- May 11: The CommunicationsMinistry signed a
tion agreementwith Russia. contract with Techno-Exportfor a survey for a
AZ-Wahdahreportedthat negotiations on Tap- steel bridge on the Euphratesriver at Deir ez-Zor.
line oil transit royalty payments to Syria were
May 14: Newly appointedUAR commercialattaches
resumed in Damascus.
left Damascusfor Cairo after a 7-day visit during
Apr. 17: A naval transport workers' union in
Latakia announced a boycott of all American which they conferredwith chambersof commerce,
industry, and agriculture and examined the
ships "in retaliation against the New York dock
workers' picket line set up against the Egyptian economicsituation in various Syrianprovinces.
vessel Cleopatra." May 15: The census directorate opened a 2-week
Apr. 18: The total exports from Syria to Egypt trainingcoursefor personsto undertakea proposed
during 1959 were valued at 68,381,000 lire and a generalcensusof Syriaand Egypt.
tonnage of 28,918, while imports from Egypt May 17: The Ministry of Communicationsinvited
reached a value of 41,796,000 lire and a tonnage tenders for building 3 bridges on the Khabur
of 16,195, the Ministry of Economyannounced. river in Jazirah.
The Ministry of Economy announced that li- May 18: Contracts were signed between the Min-
censes will no longer be issued for the import istry of Municipaland Rural Affairs and 3 Syrian
of motor vehicles, (excluding busses), washing contractorsfor the drilling of 200 artesianwells
machines,heaters, refrigerators,and other durable in various parts of the country during the next
luxury goods too large in size to be smuggled, in 1 1 months.
order to conserveSyria'sforeign exchangereserves. May 19: The governor of Aleppo informed Syrian
Apr. 19: An agreementwas signed in Damascusbe- authoritiesof the violation of Syrianair space by
tween Syrian broadcastingservice and the Czech a Turkishaircraft.
firm of Covo to supply 2 150-watt medium wave May 22: The AgrarianReformMinister said that he
transmittersto be set up at Homs at an estimated proposedto distribute4,705 hectaresof state land
cost of 4,500,000 lire. to 198 peasantfamilies in 5 villages in Hassatche
Apr. 23: The State SecurityCourt sentencedKhalid governorate. He also said he would draw up a
Faqiri al-Nabuk, formerlyof the Syrianair force, final plan to expropriate49,489 hectares of land
to death on a charge of spying for Israel, but in 116 villages in Hassatche and Deir ez-Zor
commutedthe sentenceto hard laborand loss of all governoratesduring his 6-day tour of those areas.
civil rights. May 23: Vice-President'Amir arrived in Damascus
Apr. 25: The Dimashq al-Masa reported that the from Cairoafter a 3-monthabsence.
Syrian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs had May 24: Vice-Presideit 'Amir announced that he
recently issued Order No. 194, which classified had decided to organize a National Union for
IPC workers at Homs into 5 monthly-paidand 5 Palestinianrefugees in Syria on the patternof the
daily-paid categories. The minimum salary and UAR union.

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May 25: An official source at the Organizationfor Yemen

Major Projects said that it had been decided in
principle to appropriate85 million lire for the
building of a new international airport near 1960
May 28: Ahmad al-Hajj Yunis opened a 2-day con- Mar. 19: Imam Ahmad inspected the new port of
ference of heads of departmentsand directorsof Hodeida and stated that Yemeni ships will anchor
agricultural schools from the Syrian provinces in the port after one and a half months.
which will reportedlydiscuss projects carriedout Mar. 21: Fifty Yemenites, unable to swim, drowned
or in progress,credits requiredfor projectsduring when their vessel sank in the Red Sea. They were
the new fiscalyear. on their way home after having been expelled
May 29: Vice-President'Amir ordered the creation from Ethiopia. Only the captain and crew were
of a Dairy Board under the Chairmanshipof the saved.
Minister of Agricultureand including representa- Apr. 14: A Soviet ship bringing additional equip-
tives from the Ministriesof Agriculture,Economy, ment for further work on the port of Hodeida
Health, Municipal and Rural Affairs, Agrarian arrived. It was the first ship to enter the new
Reform, Laborand Social Affairs and Supply. port.
May 31: Vice-President'Amir approvedthe composi- Chinese sources announced that a temporary
tion of a preparatorycommittee to organize the highway between Hodeida and Sana'a has been
first congressof the National Union in Syria. openedto motortraffic.
June 1: As a result of talks with the SyrianMinister Apr. 30: The Imam of Yeman was reportedto have
of Labor and Social Affairs, Concordiahas agreed asked the US ambassadorin Cairo to inform
to pay the salaries and indemnities up to June PresidentEisenhowerthat the Yemeni government
15, 1960 of the workers discharged by the regrettedthe New York picketing.
geophysical firm Prakla, which has been making
seismic surveys on behalf of Concordiain its con-
cession area.
June 3: Dr. Nur al-din Kahhalahleft for Cairo to
join President Nasir on the latter's forthcoming
state visit to Greeceand Yugoslavia.

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