1960-06-16 - 1960-09-15

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Developments of the Quarter: Comment and Chronology

Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 14, No. 4 (Autumn, 1960), pp. 433-455
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4323289 .
Accessed: 17/03/2014 10:00

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Comment and Chronology

else could do it, on the final page of his auto-

H. St.J.B. Philby biography:
My ideal has been all-embracing, ex-
cluding no people and no part of the
Harry St. John Bridger Philby was born on earth from its birthrightof freedom. But
a tea plantationin Ceylon on April 3, 1885 and my individual effort has evitably been
died in Beirut, Lebanon, on September 30, limited by circumstances,and I shall be
1960. These seventy-five years constituted a content indeed if the light of freedom,
remarkablelife. real freedom,dawnsupon India and these
At Cambridgehe had the good fortune to countriesof the Arab world before I pass
study Persianand to begin Arabic- " . . . per- on from the scene of my endeavoursto
haps the finger of Fate beckoning me on the serve the cause of humanity.*
path I scarcely dreamed to tread"-under the
great E. G. Browne. After his entry into the Under the aegis of 'Abd al-'Aziz, Philby
Indian Civil Service,Philby continuedthe study traveled more widely over the Peninsula than
of languages. But it was late in 1915, aged any Westernerhad done before him. From the
thirty, that he went to Basrahwith the Meso- publication of his first work, The Heart of
potamian expeditionary force of the Indian Arabia,he enteredthe ranksof those who have
Army and started his real career, so richly re- illuminatedthe exotic places of our world. The
corded. full list of his published works would more
In Iraq (to be) he worked under Sir Percy than fill this space, but we have pride in
Cox and with A. T. Wilson and GertrudeBell. mentioning that this Institute was the co-
He also, briefly, had dealings with T. E. publisher of Arabian Highlands, that monu-
Lawrence. Even at this time, he disagreedwith mental study of the 'Asir. These geographical
all of them on matters of fundamentalpolicy. studies, the latter history of the Peninsulaand,
From then on, much of his life was spent in in particular,the works of the Sa'udi dynasty
controversyand he never shied away from the occupiedhis mind and pen for thirty-fiveyears.
battle. Like another "old campaigner," he Ibn Sa'ud was fortunate in his chronicler,just
loved "a good fight." as Philby was in finding his ideal.
When, in 1917, Philby visited Najd and met In a letter written to us shortly before his
'Abd al-'Aziz Al Sa'ud, the confrontationgave death, he said "Arabiahas preventedme from
the rest of his life purpose and direction. He seeing much of the world." The context was a
remained in the service of the British govern- suggestion that he might visit this country,per-
ment until the spring of 1924, after having haps on a lecturetour. He did attend last sum-
protestedwhat he consideredthe imposition of mer's XXVth Congressof Orientalistsin Mos-
a Hashimite dynasty in Iraq, and having at- cow, visited England, and was on his way back
tempted what he also consideredto be the pro- to Arabia when he died suddenly, of a heart
tection of Hashimiterights in Transjordan,and attack,in Beirut. He may have felt the loser--
resigned therefrom, to spend most of the rest though this is doubtful-from an Arabianpre-
of his productivelife in Arabia. occupation, but certainly the world of knowl-
His activities both in Iraq and Transjordan edge was the gainer.
were expressions of his passionate libertarian-
*Arabian Days, London: Robt. Hale, Ltd., 1948,
ism, which he has expressedbetterthan anyone p. 330.


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June 16, 1960-September 15, 1960

General was critical. He submittedestimatesfor 1961 of

$19,384,000, a reductionof $821,000 from 1960.
1960 Estimates provided for the maintenance of the
force at about 5,300 men.
June 17: In an address to the plenary session of the July 14: The Japanese ambassadors of the Middle
conference of African states in Addis Ababa, Easterncountriesbegan their conferencein Istan-
Deputy Foreign Minister Husayn Dhu al-Fiqar of bul, to discuss the situation in the Middle East, a
the UAR asserted that Israel was "hiding behind a spokesman said.
mask as a tool of imperialism" and urged the con- July 17: Nine US corporations were blacklisted in
ferees to be wary of accepting financial assistance all Arab countries along with 12 European and
that "could serve as a stranglehold and deter inde- Asian companies for violating Arab boycott regu-
pendence." lations, it was reported. Actors Danny Kaye and
June 20: All Arab countries were represented at the Jeff Chandler were also subject to the boycott.
Arab Boycott Conference in Tripoli which began July 20: Delegates to the London congress of Inter-
today. national Federation of Industrial and General
June 22: Lieutenant General P. S. Gyani presented Workers unanimously approved an Israeli resolu-
UNEF medals to soldiers of the Canadian recon- tion calling for the free passage of all ships of all
naissance squadron who were patrolling the north- nations through the Suez Canal.
ern sector of the international frontier between the July 22: It was announced in Beirut that all Arab
UAR and Israel. states had decided to boycott the yearly eco-
June 23: The rotation of Brazilian troops serving nomic exhibitionin CyprusbecauseIsrael had been
with the UNEF began. invited to take part.
June 24: At the close of the conference of African TradebetweenEast Germanyand Arab countries
states today, long-term plans for economic unity reacheda level of DM 273 million last year, 'Arif
between independent African countries were ap- Zahir, Director of the Arab League Economic Bu-
proved. Among the other resolutions adopted reau, stated in an interview with the Communist
were: an invitation to France and the Algerian newspaperBerliner Zeitung.
rebels to negotiate for a cease-fire; an invitation to July 24: The Arab League Secretariat announced that
all the Arab states to stop providing South Africa it would hold "urgent consultations" with mem-
with oil; and the creation of "a council for educa- ber states on the de facto recognition by Iran of
tional, cultural and scientific cooperation in Africa." Israel.
July 5: A conference of Japanese diplomatic envoys July 26: An Arab League spokesman said that the
to the Middle East will be held in Istanbul for 3 League's Israel Boycott Bureau had called on Arab
days from July 14, the Foreign Ministry announced. states to ban Iran from attending the Arab oil con-
July 9: A communique issued at the end of the ference in Beirut on October 17 in retaliation for
secret session of the Arab Boycott Conference in her recognition of Israel.
Tripoli disclosed the following decisions: resist- July 27: The Arab League, in a note published in
ance to the development of economic relations be- the Egyptian press, accused Iran of conspiring with
tween Israel and Afro-Asian countries; resistance Israel and other countries against the Arab nations.
to the "Zionist-Israel organization established One of the main findings of the report "Eco-
against the Arab boycott organization;" to black- nomic Developments in the Middle East, 1958-
list 24 foreign companies and to remove 10 from 1959" indicated that agricultural progress in the
the blacklist and to investigate 9 foreign com- Middle East has been lagging behind the progress
panies accused of dealing with Israel; and to black- in industry and other economic activities.
list certain films and film stars "who work for July 29: The Petroleum Information Bureau in Lon-
Israel's interests." don announced that oil production in the Middle
Jily 13: Secretary Gen. Hammarskj6ld said in a bud- East totalled nearly 127,400,000 metric tons dur-
get report on the UNEF that its financial situation ing the first 6 months of the year an increase of


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over 14 million tons compared with the first half validity of laissez-passers issued to Palestinian refu-
of 1959. The biggest percentage increase was regis- gees from one year to 2 years. Anothercalled for
tered by Iraq, with production over 23,000,000 tons intensified efforts by Arab countries to persuade
-a rise of 17 per cent. Iran produced 24,500,000 West Germanynot to grant a loan to Israel.
tons, Saudi Arabia 29,550,000 tons, and Kuwayt, The Arab League Council agreed to support
the largest producer in the Middle East, more than Lebanon's nomination to the UN Committee of
39,650,000 tons. HumanRights in place of Iraq, and Iraq'snomina-
Aug. 9: Esso Export announced that price cuts rang- tion to the UN Atomic Energy Commissionin
ing from 4 cents to 14 cents, that is, from 21?2per place of the UAR. It approveda draft agreement
cent to 6 per cent were immediately effective. This between the Arab League and the Arab Postal
move is the first such since February, 1959. Union, and authorized the Secretary-Generalto
Aug. 21: Arab foreign ministers assembled in Beirut sign it.
on the eve of a general conference and tried in- Sept. 12: The Cairo secretariatof the Afro-Asian
formally to come to grips with the Palestine prob- Solidarity Conference urged member nations to
lem, it was reported. break off diplomatic relations with France and
Aug. 22: The conference of Arab foreign ministers impose an economic boycott on French trading
opened at Shtura, Lebanon, with Tunisia as the concerns if she carried out new atomic tests in
only Arab state not represented. the Sahara.
Aug. 24: The Arab League Council approved a reso- Sept. 14: The formationof a new internationalor-
lution to help Arab volunteers join the Algerian ganization, Organizationof Petroleum Exporting
insurgent forces in the war against France. The Countries,OPEC, was announcedat the end of a
resolution also called for renewed efforts in the 5-day conferencebetween representativesof Iraq,
UN General Assembly session to press for Algerian Kuwayt, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela, with
independence. delegatesfrom Qatar attendingas observers.
Aug. 26: The Arab foreign ministers urged member
states of the Arab League to call off press and
radio campaigns directed against each other, and to
work for greater Arab solidarity and cooperation, Aden
it was reported.
Arab League Secretary-General Hasunah was (See also, Yemen)
delegated spokesman for the ministers in the dis-
cussion on the Palestine issue. Philip Taqla of
Lebanon and Musa Nasir of Jordan had a private Aug. 5: In the face of threats by the Trade Union
meeting during which the latter disclosed that Council to stage daily strikes in protest against
Jordan was in principle opposed to discussion of a the government's proposed new legislation on
Palestine entity. No indication of the progress was trade disputes, the governmentwarned the TUC
reported as the session ended. that legal action would be taken if the strikes
Aug. 29: The 9th Annual Arab Students Conven- were carriedout.
tion opened at Howard University in Washing- Aug. 6: Crowds chanting in Arabic "We fear no
ton, D.C. threat, our TUC is so great-Down with im-
Sept. 1: The 34th ordinary session of the Arab Lea- perialism-Long live 'Abd al-Nasir,"left the TUC
gue Council opened in Shtura with a minute's grounds after a demonstrationrally against the
silence in "mourning for the late Hazza' al-Majali proposedlegislation.
and the other victims of the calamity" in Jordan. Aug. 7: Hasan 'Ali Bayumi, Aden Arab memberin
Chairman Khalil al-Qalal of Libya handed over the charge of Labor and Welfare, was quoted to say
chairmanship to Yemen's Hasan ibn Ibrahim. that "The industrial relations bill does not with-
Sept. 2: The Higher Arab Committee for Palestine draw the right to strike, and the mutual agree-
issued a statement noting that the Arab Foreign ments on which the bill is based exempt workers
Ministers' conference had not adopted any resolu- from restrictionsimposedon this right."
tion concerning the establishment of a Palestinian Aug. 8: Thousandsof Aden workers staged a one-
army, despite its inclusion in the agenda. hour token strike as planned by the TUC.
Sept. 5: The Arab League Economic Committee rec- Aug. 10: Trade union speakers urged workers to
ommended that the Arab League Council should "struggle without hate" but warned against
support the Arab governments in their stand vis-a'- "defeatism."
vis the reduction of Middle East crude prices made Aug. 12: Token strikes of one hour a day ended,
by the oil companies without prior consultations but a general strike was called by the TUC for
with the governments concerned. August 15.
Sept. 7: The League Council approved the substance Aug. 13: The supreme court in Aden rejected a
of the recommendation of September 5 and put it plea by 'Abdallah al-Asnaj, Secretary-General of
into a formal resolution. the Aden TUC.
The 34th ordinary session ended and among the Aug. 14: For the first time in Aden's history, an
resolutions published was one which extended the Arab girl went onto a platform and addresseda

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mass rally in support of a general strike, it was Minister Da'ud, Deputy Premier and Foreign Min-
reported. ister Chen Yi of Communist China urged that a
Aug. 15: The general strike was held. non-aggression pact be negotiated to include all
Aug. 16: It was announced in Cairo that the Inter- Asian countries and the US.
national Confederation of Arab Trade Unions had Aug. 23: Afghanistan celebrated the 42nd anniver-
decided to put the "case of the Aden workers" sary of her independence.
before the International Labor Office in Geneva. A delegation of the Soviet-Afghan Friendship
Aug. 17: The general strike was called off. Association led by the vice president of the asso-
Aug. 18: Alfred Braunthal, head of the economic ciation in Moscow arrived in Kabul.
and social department of the ICFTU in Brussels Aug. 24: The US ambassador at the court of Kabul
and Muhammad al-Nuri Budali, head of the held a reception at the US pavillion of the Kabul
supervisory committee of the Tunis Workers' Fair. The Prime Minister, cabinet members and
Union arrived in Aden to study the labor situa- high ranking officials were among his guests.
tion and discuss the new legislation. Aug. 27: It was reported that a treaty of friendship
Aug. 20: The Governor of Aden was reported to and mutual non-aggression was signed between
have revoked the license for publication of al- Afghanistan and the CPR.
Amnal, organ of the Aden TUC, "on account of Aug. 31: Pushtunistan National Day was celebrated
the defamatory and distorted tone of the paper in Kabul.
over a long period." Sept. 6: A Czechoslovak trade mission arrived in
Sept. 12: A farewell party was given to Sir William Kabul for talks regarding trade relations between
and Lady Luce on the completion of the governor's the 2 countries.
4-year term. Sept. 9: The 30th anniversary of the founding of
Sept. 15: Sir William and Lady Luce left Aden for the Afghan National Assembly was marked by
Britain. Mr. Simmonds, Chief Secretary, will act members of the assembly who laid wreaths on the
as governor pending the arrival of Sir Charles H. tomb of the founder, Muhammad Nuruz.

Afghanistan (See also, General)
(See also, Pakistan)
June 16: At a press conference, it was announced
June 19: The charge d'affaires of the CPR embassy that a French National Front in Algeria was
in Kabul called on Dr. 'Abd al-Rahim, Deputy formed.
Minister of Public Health, and gave him an in- June 18: It was reported in Tunis that Communist
vitation from the Health Minister of the CPR to China had urged the nationalists to reject Presi-
visit medical institutions in the CPR for 3 or 4 dent de Gaulle's invitation for peace talks in
weeks. Paris.
July 19: Prime Minister Sardar Muhammad Da'ud June 20: The Provisional Government agreed to
Khan, speaking to the National Assembly, said send a delegation to Paris led by Farhat 'Abbas.
that it was now possible to forecast, at the end of June 21: The departure of the Algerian nationalist
the first 4 years of the current Five Year Plan, representative for preliminary contact with the
that 90 per cent of the targets would be achieved French Government in Paris was delayed. Mean-
despite the difficulties of finance and shortage of while, ministers of the Provisional Government
technical personnel. conferred in secret in Tunis.
Aug. 8: The Afghani and Swedish governments June 25: Three representatives led by Ahmad
were reported to have decided to raise diplomatic Boumendjel arrived in France for the first time
relations between them from legation to embassy since the beginning of the revolt.
status. June 26: French and Algerian representatives met
Aug. 10: A barter agreement covering the next 2 in secret for 2 hours in the morning at Melun.
years was signed in Kabul, by which Russia will June 27: Talks continued in complete secrecy.
send mechanical equipment, refrigerators, washing Meanwhile, no letup was reported in French
machines, cycles and photographic equipment military operations in Algeria.
valued at ?110,000 in exchange for agricultural June 28: The preliminary discussions of conditions
products, mainly fruits. for a cease fire in Algeria went into recess pend-
Aug. 15: The CPR ambassador met with the Afghan ing a reply by the Provisional Government to
director of publications. French proposals.
Aug. 16: Eight members of a CPR troupe of artists June 29: The talks ended without a formal conclu-
flew into Kabul. sion and with the next move up to the Provisional
Aug. 22: In a speech at a banquet given by Prime Government.

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June 30: Reports from Tunis said that Farhat Aug. 12: Two French soldiers were executed by the
'Abbas will not go to Paris to discuss the Algerian rebels "for crimes and exactions against the Al-
question under the terms outlined by the French. gerian civil population," Algerian rebel head-
July 1: Rebel emissaries returned to Tunis. quarters in Tunis said.
July 4: A communique from the Provisional Gov- Authorities in Algiers blocked the distribution
ernment outlined the reasons for the rejection of of the anti-Gaullist weekly, L'Express, which car-
the French provisions for the peace talks, declar- ried articles strongly critical of government and
ing in effect that the delegation "would be de- army policies in Algeria.
prived of every liberty that goes with the dignity Aug. 20: A report from Oran indicated that 21
and status of negotiators." persons were injured when nationalist terrorists
July 5: Premier 'Abbas declared in Tunis that hurled hand grenades into 4 bars there.
"sooner or later real negotiation will impose itself" Aug. 22: The Algerian rebels called for the inter-
in the Algerian war. nationalization of the Algerian issue through a
July 6: A rebel group abducted 14 Muslim digni- UN referendum. A communique was issued in
taries near Geryville and later killed 12 of them, Tunis putting an end to any hope for the early
a French Army spokesman said. The victims in- resumption of direct negotiations with France.
cluded 7 members of the municipal council elected The French reaction to a referendum among Al-
under French auspices. gerians on independence for the territory was, as
July 7: At Alengon, President de Gaulle stated that expected, negative.
the request for recognition of the rebel representa- Aug. 28: A young French soldier due to be re-
tives as emissaries for all Algeria will not be leased from the army in 6 days was killed when
given because "it would not be justified." a bomb was thrown onto a cafe terrace at Orleans-
July 8: The Algerian nationalists reportedly reacted ville, it was reported.
negatively to President de Gaulle's statements and Aug. 30: Provisional Government has begun a major
asserted that he was "in full accord" with the diplomatic offensive to win the support of Latin-
conditions for full-scale negotiations "laid down American countries at the coming session of the
unilaterally by his government." UN General Assembly, it was reported in Rabat.
July 15: The first steps were taken in Algiers toward A delegation of 7 prominent members of the
the creation of representative commissions to study Algerian National Liberation Front left Morocco
various aspects of Algeria's future evolution. The early this week for an extensive tour of nearly all
general councils of the 13 Algerian departments Latin American countries, it was learned.
were summoned to meet July 20th. Sept. 4: Ten persons died and 16 were injured over
July 18: A military tribunal in Lyons sentenced 32 the week-end in incidents "apparently connected
members of an Algerian insurgent organization to with the Algerian war," French authorities in
prison terms ranging from 6 months to 7 years. Paris said.
All were charged with the transport of arms and Sept. 7: President de Gaulle appealed to the na-
munitions. tionalists in Algeria to put aside "the knife" so
July 23: The French police in Algiers reinforced negotiations could be resumed to end their 6-year
their patrols and security checks in an effort to rebellion, a report from Paris disclosed.
halt violence by European ultra-conservatives, it Sept. 9: 'Abd al-Qadir Chanderli, Algerian rebel
was reported. spokesman, said in New York he has asked Presi-
July 28: A French legionnaire and a Muslim were dent Eisenhower to back the idea of a UN referen-
killed and 4 persons injured when a terrorist dum on Algeria's political future.
bomb exploded in a cafe in Algiers. Sept. 10: A "crisis of conscience" facing the French
The French Army headquarters announced that community was disclosed by one of its members
3 European farmers were killed when insurgents concerning the conflict between France and the
opened fire on their farm about 65 miles south Algerian Muslim nationalists as to the position it
of Algiers. would take in the debate in the UN General
July 30: 'Abd al-Rahman Laklifi, leader of a raid Assembly.
against a Lyons police station in September 1958, Sept. 11: Fifteen persons were wounded by a
was executed in Lyons despite clemency appeals to grenade tossed into a crowded cafe on the Zeralda
President de Gaulle from Premier Khrushchev and Beach near Algiers, it was learned in Algiers.
King Muhammad V of Morocco. French Army headquarters in Algiers announced
July 31: Algerian rebels machine-gunned a speeding that 2 Algerian rebels were killed in a 5-day battle
automobile and a crowded beach 50 miles west of in the Aures Mountains. Five rebels were taken
Algiers, killing 11 persons and wounding 7. prisoner and 20 persons suspected of aiding the
Aug. 2: The death toll of the above raid rose to 13, rebels were arrested.
it was reported. Sept. 13: The 3,112-ton German freighter, Las
Aug. lo: The bodies of 5 Algerians, including a Palmas, was intercepted at sea and escorted to the
woman, who were kidnapped in northern Algeria French naval base of Mars-al-Kabir for inspection
by rebels were reported to have been found by for alleged smuggled military equipment for the
French troops. rebels.

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Cyprus slow in the elections for the house of representa-

(See also, General, Turkey) Aug. 1: The partiessupportingArchbishopMakarios
and Dr. Kuchuk won the elections. None of the
1960 independentopposition candidateswas elected.
Aug. 13: Extraprecautionwas taken to preventvio-
June 23: British-Cypriote talks on the British bases lence during the proclamationof the republic's
in Cyprus were resumed after a 7-week deadlock. independence,it was reported.
June 27: Hopes for an early settlement have Aug. 15: Nicos Kranidiotis,namedForeignMinister,
mounted, it was reported, after the official an- reportedlydeclined the appointment.
nouncement was made at the close of today's meet- Aug. 16: At midnight, Cyprus received her inde-
ing that "good progress" had been made in the pendencefrom Britain.
talks. Aug. 17: ArchbishopMakariossaid that he would
July 1: Agreement was announced on all outstand- not permit Britain to use her bases in Cyprusin
ing differences in the negotiations, a communique any way that would adverselyeffect the rest of the
issued after the meeting disclosed. island.
July 3: Dr. Fazil Kuchuk faced demands from the Aug. 24: The admissionof Cyprusinto the UN was
Turkish Cypriote community that he spurn the unanimouslyrecommendedby the SecurityCouncil
Cyprus agreement until the Turks had been assured upon a resolutionintroducedby the UK and Cey-
of receiving their portion of civil service jobs in lon. It was supportedby Greeceand Turkey.
the new republic. Sept. 8: The Cyprus Cabinet decided to establish
July 4: Archbishop Makarios said that the new re- embassiesin Washington,London,Athens,Ankara,
public of Cyprus would pursue a foreign policy and Bonn, and approved the establishment of
that would be independent of any military block, Soviet and NationalistChineseembassiesin Cyprus.
it was reported in Nicosia. In protest againstthe dismissalof workersfrom
July 5: The Council of Ministers, the transitional the public works and water developmentdepart-
Government of Cyprus, set the dates for Cypriotes ments, nearly 4,500 governmentworkersthrough-
to elect their first parliament. out the island went on a one-day strike. It was
July 7: A bill to grant independence to Cyprus was primarily organized by the Communist-controlled
published in the House of Commons. Pan-CyprioteFederationof Labor, but the Greek
July 10: It was officially announced that the procla- Right-Wingtradeunion federationand the Turkish
mation of Cyprus as an independent republic will trade union federation have supportedit, it was
take place August 16. learned.
July 15: At a conference, former EOKA fighters in Sept. 11: The Timzes of Cyprus announced that it
Nicosia expressed-as it was stated in a relevant was forcedto close becauseof "an economicsiege"
communique-feelings of opposition to the Zurich of rising costs and falling advertisingrevenue.
agreement, and decided to form a Pan-Cypriote
Union of Fighters.
July 18: Archbishop Makarios presided over a meet- Ethiopia
ing of Greek Cypriote ministers during which
views were exchanged on the forthcoming elec- (See also, Somalia)
tions, as well as the issue of civil service. 1960
The Cyprus government gazette carried a notifi-
cation by the acting administrative secretary stating June 18: At the conferenceof independentAfrican
that the submission of candidates for the communal states currently held in Addis Ababa, Menassie
assemblies must take place by 1200 hours on July Lemma, the Ethiopian delegate, declaredthat the
28; voting will be held August 7; and the corre- nations of Africa must form a "commonAfrican
sponding dates for the submission of candidacies foreign policy based on African unity" but not
for the house of representatives are July 21 and 31, precludingthe attractionof foreign capital.
it was reported. July 2: The governmentreactedagainst a recentre-
A 2-hour meeting took place in Nicosia between jection by Somalia of the 1897 treaty that fixed
representatives of the patriotic front and the AKEL the border between Ethiopia and Somalia.
to examine the practical implementation of the July 4: According to the London Daily Telegraph,
agreement by the two parties in the event of the the Russian plan to build an oil refineryat the
inevitable holding of the elections as a result of port of Assab under the terms of Russia's $36,-
the submission of independent candidacies. 000,000 aid and equipmentloan to Ethiopia was
July 19: The Federation of Cyprus Turkish Associa- shelvedby the Emperor.
tions, the Cyprus Turkish Unity Party, and the July 30: The US governmentgave the EthiopianAir
Cyprus Youth organization announced their joint Force 6 F-86 Sabre jet fighters,its first jets, and
list of Turkish candidates for election to the house American technicians were sent to service the
of representatives. planes and train Ethiopianpersonnel.
July 31: It was reported in Nicosia that polling was Sept. 1: The chairmanof the Soviet State Committee

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on Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, A commoditysales agreement,providing funds
Georgi A. Zhukov, conferredwith EmperorHaile for lending in Iran by the Export-ImportBank of
Selassie on increasingcultural exchangesand con- Washington, has been completed by the US and
tacts between Ethiopia and the Soviet Union. Iran.
Aug. 5: An agreement has been signed between
NIOC and Williams Brothers(Overseas) Ltd. for
Iran the constructionon the 2nd stage of the Tehran-
Meshed pipeline, the Shahroud-Meshed8-inch
(See also, Afghanistan,Israel, Pakistan,UAR)
productspipeline,the NIOC Newsletterannoulnced.
1960 Aug. 13: Marredby chargesthat the elections were
rigged, reports continued to indicate that the
June 17: It was reportedthat Iran'sbudget estimates National Partywas winning: 83 seats for the Na-
for the fiscal year 1960-61 indicate that revenues tional Party and 37 seats for the OppositionPeo-
will increaseto Rls 64.8 million in 1959-60, and ple's Party and the independents.
that expenditures will rise to Rls 81.1 billion, Aug. 17: A light turnoutof voters cast their ballots
from Rls 66.3 billion in the earlieryear. in Tehran,it was learned. Unofficialreturnsfrom
June 26: A barteragreementwith Afghanistanwas 151 provincial constituenciesrevealed the 2 to 1
reachedby which Iraniantextiles, includingvelvets, lead of the National Par.y.
will go to Afghanistan and Iran will undertake Aug. 19.' Some 1,000 students and workers sat in
the transport and sale of Afghan dried fruits the middle of the street in Tehran to protest that
overseas. the currentelections were "unfair."
July 18: The ExplorationDepartmentof NIOC an- Aug. 22: Dr. MazafarBaghai launcheda new polit-
nounced that testing of well Alborz No. 8 had ical party to carry out a campaignof passive re-
been completed,having a daily productionin ex- sistance against the government. He accused
cess of 20,000 barrels. PremierEghbal of being "a traitor,"and warned
It was announcedin London that Queen Eliza- the Shah that the monarchywould fall if Dr.
beth II and the Duke of Edinburghwill make a Eghbalcontinuedin office.
state visit to Tehranearly in Marchnext year. Aug. 23: Three parties, the National Front, the
July 19: Prime Minister Eghbal said that voting to Toilers party and the new Liberalparty, caused a
elect 200 deputies to the Lower House will start stir in the political scene as they continuedto op-
in provincialdistrictson August 3 and in Tehran pose the currentcampaignfor seats in the Majlis,
on the 8th. it was repor.ed in Tehran. Official quartersre-
July 23: The Shah told a press conferencethat his ported that the groups were under careful vigilance
countryhad recognizedIsrael. He added that the lest "theygo too far."
recognitionwas not "new" since de facto recogni- Aug. 27: The Shah said that he was not fully satis-
tion had been given yearsago and an envoy,whose fied with the national elections, which he had
subsequentrecall was due to a budget deficiency, promised would be "free and fair." In response
had been appointedto Tel Aviv. to oppositioncharges,he declaredthat the 54-year-
July 25: It was disclosed that the UAR had in- old electoralsystem was faulty and would have to
structed its ambassador in Tehran, Muharram be improvedby legislation.
Hammad,to returnto Cairo "for consulations." Aug. 28: Prime Minister Eghbal offered his resig-
July 27: Iran brokeoff diplomaticrelationswith the nation.
UAR, and ordered the UAR ambassadorto leave Aug. 29: The Shah acceptedEghbal'sresignation.He
the countrywithin 24 hours. chose Jaffar Sharif-Imami,Minister of Mines and
July 30: Hasan Arfa, Iran's Ambassadorto Turkey, Industries,to replacethe Premier.
declaredin Istanbulthat this countrydid not con- Aug. 31: Premier Sharif-Imamitook the post of
template de jure recognitionof Israel at any time Acting ForeignMinisterand presentedthe fcllow-
in the future. ing list of Cabinetmembers:
Aug. 1: A reportfrom Tehransaid that armedtroops GeneralAhmadVosogh: WYar
broke up pre-electiondemonstrationsin provinces Major GeneralVali Ansari: Roads
outside Tehran. General'Ali AkbarZargham: Finance
Aug. 3: In a telegramto ShaykhMahmudShaltut, Dr. Muhammad'Ali Hedayati: Justice
Chancellor of al-Azhar University in Egypt, the Dr. MahmudMehran: Education
Shah said that Iran had no intention of extending KhossrowHedayat: Deputy Premierof Planning
full de jure recognitionto Israel,it was announced TahirZiali: Miaiingand Industry
in Tehran. Ahmad'Ali Bahrami: Labor
Aug. 4: An IranianForeignMinistryspokesmansaid AshrafAhmadi: Ministerof State
that, despite foreign press reports,Iran had no in- Major General Alavi Moghadam: Interior
tention of resumingrelationswith the UAR while Dr. MuhammadSa'id: Acting Commerceand
PresidentNasir was in power, and until a national Deputy Premier
regime had assumedoffice to work in the interest Dr. JahanshahSaleh: Health
of the Egyptians. Dr. 'Abd al-Husayn Etebar: Posts and Tele-

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graphs were 25 former cabinet members of the monarchial

Razi Vishkaii: Customs and Monopolies r6gime, it was learned.
Ibrahim Mahdavi: Agriculture It was reported in Amman that Lt. 'Abbud
The Electoral Council resigned "in the interest Salam Hasan of the Iraqi Air Force said that
of the country," it was reported. President Nasir was organizing a conspiracy with
Sept. 1: The newly elected deputies of the lower Iraqi officers to overthrow General Qasim's
house resigned at the Shah's request to pave the r6gime.
way for new elections, it was learned. July 12: The Council of Ministers approved a bill
Sept. 3: The government appointed Yadullah Azodi, ratifying a trade agreement concluded between
Ambassador to Iraq, as Iran's new Foreign Min- Iraq and Morocco on May 9.
ister. July 14: Iraq celebrated the 2nd anniversary of the
Sept. 9: It was reported that policemen in Tehran revolution.
sealed off several squares in the city to prevent a July 19: An executive plan of scientific and cultural
rally of the independent political party headed by cooperation between Iraq and Czechoslovakia for
Dr. Mazafar Baghai. 1960-61 was signed and a similar agreement was
Sept. 11: An army spokesman announced that 31 signed with the German Democratic Republic.
generals had retired. July 20: The Iraqi Directorate General of Oil Af-
It was reported that Iran will raise taxes on fairs announced that it had succeeded in selling
imported luxury goods. an unspecified amount of crude oil to Communist
Sept. 14: The Soviet ambassador to Iran, Nikolai China and East Germany at 4 per cent above the
Pegov, returned to Tehran after 9 months' absence. world price, al-Hayah reported.
July 21: General Qasim declared that the Basrah
Petroleum Company had reduced its production by
5 million tons a year and in so doing failed to
Iraq live up to the agreement of February 1952, to
produce and market not less than 8 million tons
(See also, General, Israel, Morocco) a year.
1960 July 22: A spokesman for the IPC in London said
that the company had not received any information
Juze 19: Iraq signed 2 agreements with the UN, to confirm the alleged reduction of production at
one with the UN Special Fund for Economic the Rumailah oilfield.
Development and the other a revision of the basic July 26: General al-Shawi, Director-General of
UN agreement first signed in February, 1953. Iraqi seaports, told a Baghdad press conference
June 20: Iraq and Denmark have decided to raise that the Basrah Petroleum Company stopped pro-
their representation to embassy level, it was offi- duction at the Rumailah fields on July 19 but
cially announced. resumed operations on one well after General
A Baghdad military court sentenced a man to Qasim had attacked the company's reduction of
15 months' imprisonment and a 200-dinar fine for the oil production.
writing an article which was considered derogatory July 27: A Foreign Ministry spokesman in Baghdad
to the army in a left-wing newspaper. said that Iraq was asking Iran to reconsider her
June 25: In an interview with al-Thabat, former recognition of Israel.
Iraqi Minister of Finance Muhammad Hadid July 28: The Iraqi Ports Administration disclosed a
denied reports that he was planning to travel to letter from the IPC confirming that instructions
London for negotiations with IPC on the increase had been given for the resumption of small-scale
of the Iraqi government's share of oil revenues. production at the Basrah Petroleum Company's
June 27: Ratification documents for a cultural agree- Rumailah field.
ment between Iraq and Bulgaria, signed in Bagh- General Qasim revealed that the Iraqi Council
dad on April 8, 1959, were exchanged, it was of Ministers had decided to authorize the Ministry
revealed. of Oil to call for tenders from foreign companies
June 29: Muhammad Hadid and 13 of his support- to prospect for off-shore oil in the Gulf of Basrah.
ers applied for a license to establish a political In a news conference, General Qasim appealed
party under the name "The Progressive Democratic for "decisive action" against Israel.
Party." The application bore 257 signatures. July 31: It was reported that an illegal Communist
July 3: General Qasim cancelled a deportation order cell had been discovered in Basrah. Several alleged
against the members of the founding committee of members had been arrested, and documents seized.
the League of the Sons of Palestine, it was Aug. 3: The Ministry of Oil officially opened the
reported. off-shore areas to international bidding, and an-
July 4: The Military Governor-General, Major-Gen- nounced that offers should be submitted within
eral Ahmad Salah al-'Abdi, ordered the cancella- 6 months.
tion of passports held by 74 Iraqis living abroad Aug. 13: Major-General Ahmad Salah al-'Abdi
and ordered all government and public banks to warned publishers and journalists against "con-
stop all transfers of money to them. Among these tinued recriminations and personal attacks." The

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statement did not give any details of the "re- austerity-but we will not relinquish the people's
criminations." rights."
Sefior Antonio Carreras presented his credentials Sept. 15: In a speech at the opening of the Iraqi
to the President of the Sovereignty Council as the Education Conference in Baghdad, General Qasim
first Cuban Minister to Iraq. reiterated Iraq's position with respect to the OPEC
Aug. 15: Talks opened in Baghdad between repre- and the negotiations with IPC. He emphasized
sentatives of the government and of the IPC and that Iraq "will deal justly and peaceably with the
its associated concerns. monopolistic companies of the world," to safe-
Aug. 19: Under an agreement signed in Baghdad, guard her rights.
Iraq obtained a new Soviet loan of 180 million
rubles in addition to the 550 million agreed upon
in March 1959. Israel
Aug. 21: General Qasim rescinded the ban on the (See also, General, Iran, Jordan, Palestine Problem)
Communist newspaper Sawt al-Ahrar ending the
9-month suspension for publishing secret cor- 1960
respondence between the Iraqi Foreign Ministry
and the Iraqi mission in New York. June 16: Israel's Ambassador to Vienna, Yehezkel
Twenty-six persons detained since the Mosul Sahar, has challenged his government to indict
revolt were released. him for perjury in a libel suit against members
Aug. 27: A committee comprising representatives of of a civic vigilante group when he was inspector
the Defense, Finance and Foreign Ministries was general of the police, it was reported in Tel Aviv.
reported to have been set up to study the question June 17: Premier Ben-Gurion restated his determina-
of Iraqi assets in Britain and Jordan, a Foreign tion to keep and try Eichmann, in a luncheon
Ministry spokesman disclosed. speech in Paris.
Aug. 28: General Qasim was quoted by a cor- Premier Ben-Gurion conferred with President
respondent of al-Thawrah as criticising the UAR de Gaulle at the Elysee Palace. It was his second
for allowing a radio station calling itself the meeting with the President.
"voice of free Iraq" to launch daily attacks on his June 18: It was learned that Israel was expecting to
regime. stand alone in the debate in the UN Security
Aug. 31: Iraqi-IPC negotiations were suspended Council in the Eichmann case.
when the IPC negotiators left for London. June 19: The Polish Communist press and officials
Sept. 5: In a statement to the press, the government in Warsaw reportedly indicated that Poland sup-
revealed that it had invited delegates from Saudi ported Israel in the Eichmann affair.
Arabia, Kuwayt, Qatar, Iran and Venezuela to ex- In Milan, President Frondizi said that Argentina
change views on the possibility of adopting a was prepared to have Eichmann extradited if Israel
unified attitude towards the oil companies "in handed him back to Argentina.
order to safeguard the interests of their peoples, Dr. Alfred Bach, an Israeli magistrate, remanded
particularly with regard to price reductions." Eichmann for a further 15 days.
Sept. 6: The Directorate of Supplies announced that June 20: A letter, allegedly from Eichmann's eldest
it would import 22,000 tons of wheat from son, Klaus, in Buenos Aires, was published in the
Australia. Hebrew press.
General Qasim received representatives of the June 27: On his return from France, Belgium and
Shammar tribes in Mosul district and held a meet- the Netherlands, Premier Ben-Gurion told Israelis
ing with them lasting for more than an hour. It that in his meetings with President de Gaulle he
was reported that the delegation re-emphasized the had "definitely found a common language regard-
loyalty of the Shammars to the Prime Minister ing world problems and Israel's special needs."
and the Republican regime. July 2: The American Council for Judaism termed
Sept. 7: It was reported that the Iraqi Embassy in "disappointing" what it called the State Depart-
London stated in its latest monthly bulletin that ment's failure "to repudiate the claim of Israel to
the Iraqi government wants to acquire a holding speak for all the Jews" during the debate in the
in the capital stock of IPC and that this was one Security Council on the Eichmann case.
of the principal differences between the govern- July 4: Israel's first atomic reactor was reported
ment and the company in the current negotiations. operating, the government announced.
Sept. 8: The right-wing independent list won July 5: Israel asked Argentina to consider the Eich-
another victory in the elections for trade union mann case closed on the strength of the fact that
executive posts in the Directorate of Oil Distribu- 3 of the 8 supporters of a UN Security Council
tion, al-Hurriyah reported. They won 712 votes resolution on the subject had made it clear that
against the left-wing workers' unity list's 13. they regarded the expression of views by the
Sept. 11: In an interview with al-Thawrah, General Council and the apology by Israel "adequate
Qasim said that he hoped negotiations with the reparation" for the violation of Argentina's
IPC would secure Iraq her rights, otherwise, "we sovereignty.
will be firm and patient-we might even observe July 6: The Israeli Air Force accepted delivery of

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the first twin-engine, jet trainer aircraft built in Foreign Minister Golda Meir disclosed that
Israel. 9,236 members of Jewish families in the Soviet
July 9: Dr. Isador Lubin was appointedconsultant Union had asked relatives in Israel to send them
of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., to direct thedocuments asking them to come to Tel Aviv.
agency'snew systemof allocatingAmericanphilan- Aug. 10: Final adoption of a measure to enable a
thropic funds. West German lawyer to defend Eichmann was
July 14: Eichmannchose Dr. Robert Servatius of blocked by a filibuster on another issue, it was
Cologne,West Germany,to defend him. reported, as the Knesset adjourned for 2 months.
Mrs. Eichmann demanded legal action against Soviet-Israeli negotiations on the ownership of
the "abductors"of her husband, it was learned millions of dollars' worth of disputed real estate
in Buenos Aires. in Jerusalem were suspended, a joint communique
July 15: Colonel Shlomo Goren, chief chaplain of said. The property in question concerns the land
the Israeli defense forces and PremierBen-Gurion's and buildings that belonged to a Russian philan-
candidate for the Chief Rabbinate,was reported thropic society during the Czarist regime.
to be favored to win the election to that post on Aug. 12: A US attorney who served on the prosecut-
August 26th. ing staff at the Nuremberg trials has been invited
July 17: A Haifa magistrateextended the warrant to assist the Israeli Attorney General in the
of arrestfor Eichmannfor 2 more weeks. Eichmann case, the Ministry of Justice an.nounced
July 20. Argentinatold Israel in a diplomaticnote in Tel Aviv. His identity was not disclosed pend-
that she was not satisfied with the regrets ex- ing his acceptance.
pressedin the Israeli note of July 4 on Eichmann, Aug. 14: The warrant for Eichmann's detention was
or any of Israel'sproposedsolutions. again extended for another 2 weeks, it was learned
July 21: Flight crews of El Al Israel Airlines went in Tel Aviv.
back to work after a 6-day strike for better work-Aug. 15: Premier Ben-Gurion said that wide dif-
ing conditions. ferences of standards between the West and under-
July 23: Israel expressed official "regret" over developed African and Asian countries "may cause
Argentina'sexpulsion of AmbassadorArieh Levavi an explosion that would endanger not only the
in connection with Eichmann's removal from poor and the backward but also-and not less-
Argentina. the rich and the progressive."
It was announcedin Buenos Aires by an em- Aug. 21: A joint communique, issued in Jerusalem
bassy spokesman that Ambassador Levavi will by Premier Ben-Gurion and Premier B. P. Koirala
leave on July 25th. of Nepal, revealed that Israel and Nepal have
July 28: Engineers announced the completion of agreed on a program of mutual cooperation and
plans for the port of Ashod, it was reported, assistance.
while Israeli officials in Washington were com- Aug. 23: In view of favorable reports, Premier
pleting negotiations for a $25 million loan with Ben-Gurion said that Israel's deficiency in certain
the IBRD in Washington. military weapons "was about to be repaired."
Ambassador Yehezkel Sahar was accused of Sept. 5: Farmers from 10 former French and Belgian
perjuryfor his testimonyin the libel suit brought colonies in Africa began a study of new patterns
by his then deputy inspector general Amos Ben- of cooperative life that have been developed in
Gurion. Israel.
July 31: Abba Eban was appointed Minister of Sept. 11: Premier Ben-Gurion announced that he
Education. had no intentions to attend the UN General
Aug. 3: Israel and Argentina announcedthat the Assembly session.
"incident"between them was closed. Sept. 12: Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin, former leader
Argentina ordered an investigation into the of Hadassah, took issue with Premier Ben-Gurion,
kidnapping of Eichmann. Judge Isurralde ruled when he told the delegates of the organization's
that Frau Eichmann had no legal right to sue 46th convention at the Waldorf-Astoria that the
since her husbandwas the person directlyaffected. Zionist movement was a "scaffolding" for Israel
The Hadassah-HebrewUniversity hospital cen- and was no longer needed.
ter's partly finished buildings were dedicated, it
was learned.
Aug. 5: It was announced that nylon yarn and Jordan
polypropylenefibers are to be added to Israel's
manufacturingindustries. (See also, General, Palestine Problem, UAR)
Aug. 7: It was announced in Tel Aviv that the 1960
Eichmanntrial will take place in Jerusalemnext
spring. June 19: Registration of voters began in all parts of
Aug. 8: Minister of Justice Pinhas Rosen asked the Jordan, in preparation for parliamentary elections
Knesset to pass a measure that would enable a in September.
West German lawyer to defend Eichmannin an June 26: King Husayn warned President Nasir in a
Israeli court. broadcast of the "dark fate" awaiting every dicta-

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tor, it was reported. He was replying to Nasir's July 27: The Damascus radio denied the Jordanian
speech at Alexandriaon June 24. allegations.
June 27: Caironewspapers"violentlyattacked"King July 28: An agreement was signed in Amman under
Husayn's denunciationof Nasir, repor)s revealed. which the USOM in Jordan would undertake to
Recent developmentsin relations between Jor- spend $125,000 on detailed technical studies for
dan and the UAR were discussedat an emergency the establishment of a chemical fertilizers plant, a
meeting of the JordanianCouncil of Ministers,it paper mill, a sanitation equipment industry and
was learned. pipes and building materials industry.
June 30: Amman radio, in a special broadcastto July 31: The state security court in Nablus sen-
Syria, called on the people to revolt against the tenced 24 Jordanians to 1 to 20 years in prison on
UAR authoritiesin Cairo. charges of being active members of the outlawed
The Minister of the Interior,Wasfi Mirza, said Communist party. Twenty others were acquitted.
that he had recommendedthe Councilof Ministers Aug. 1: Premier Hazza' al-Majali criticized President
to issue Jordanianpassportsto Palestiniansfrom Nasir and the policies of the UAR, at a news con-
Gaza living in the PersianGulf area. ference, saying that the Arab League was influ-
July 2: King Husayn called for Arab unity and an enced by Cairo and was a failure.
end to the rift "causedby Nasir's policies" in a Aug. 7: Bahjat Abu-Gharbiyah, a leading member of
speech in the celebrationof InternationalCoopera- the Ba'th party, was arrested.
tion Day. Aug. 13: The Council of Ministers decided to ban
July 3: The Cabinetdecidedto complainto the Arab all dealings with the Anglo-Israel Bank of London,
League that the UAR was guilty of acts of instiga- and to deny its chairman and directors entry to
tion againstJordanand interferencein her internal Jordan effective September 15, it was announced.
affairs,it was learned. Aug. 14: King Husayn set out on a 4-day inspection
July 4: An agreementunder which the US will pro- tour of South Jordan.
vide 25,000 tons of wheat for the needy was Aug. 20: US embassy sources in Amman said that
signed by Premier Hazza' al-Majali and Sheldon Jordan will receive aid amounting to $56,500,000
Mills, the US Ambassador. this year. About $16,000,000 was understood to be
July 13: The Ministry of National Economy an- for economic and technical aid, with $40,500,000 to
nounced that the US Phillips PetroleumCompany help to cover Jordan's budgetary expenses.
had abandonedits test well at al-Lisan on the Aug. 23: A halt to anti-UAR broadcasts was or-
Dead Sea at the depth of a little more than 14,000 dered by King Husayn in view of the foreign
feet. ministers' conference. They were resumed at night.
July 17: The Director of Antiquitiesannouncedthat Aug. 24: King Husayn called an urgent meeting of
the Americanarchaeologicalexpedition had ended the Council of Ministers to consider the short-
excavations on the site of the Biblical city of lived halt of the anti-UAR broadcasts.
Bethel aftermakingimportantCanaanitediscoveries Aug. 28: Ambassador Sheldon Mills left for Wash-
datingto about 1,700 B.C. ington to discuss aid to Jordan.
July 20: The Ministerof Finance,Hashim al-Jayusi, Aug. 29: Premier Hazza' al-Majali and 10 other per-
returnedto Amman after a 4-day visit to Kuwayt sons were killed when time bombs exploded in
which resulted in a Kuwayt loan to Jordan of a government offices. Forty-nine other persons were
million pounds sterling, at 4 per cent interest, to wounded.
be credited to Jordan's account in London by King Husayn, in a broadcast to the nation, said
August 1. those killed had been victims of "treachery, wicked-
July 24: The Councilof Ministersdecidedto exempt ness and aggression."
all agricultural land in Jordan, including land A royal decree was issued naming the new Cabi-
which has not yet been affected by the drought, net under the leadership of Bahjat Talhuni. The
from land tax during the currentfinancialyear, it officials were listed as:
was announced. Shaykh Amin Shanqiti: Education
July 25: Premier Hazza' al-Majali confirmedsen- Falah Madadha: Interior
tences pronouncedby the state security court in Musa Nasir: Foreign Affairs
the case of discharged Major-GeneralSadiq al- Hashim Jayusi: Finaice
Shara'a,18 other officersand a civilian convicted Jamil Tutunji: Health
of plotting against the securityof the state, it was Wasfi Mirza: Agriculture and Social Affairs
announcedin Amman. Anwar Nashashibi: Communications, Construc-
July 26: It was officiallyannouncedin Ammanthat tion and Development
a dischargedarmy officer,Colonel Qasim Muham- Shaykh Muhammad 'Ali Jabari: Justice
mad al-Nasir, had been arrestedat Irbid on the Aqif al-Fayiz: Defense
night of July 24, after crossingfrom Syria,and he Ya'qub Nawamir: Public Works
was charged with "plotting to overthrow the Rafiq Husayni: Economy
regime at the instigationof the UAR." A number The State Department's experts in the Middle
of other Jordaniansat Irbid were arrestedfor com- East expressed the view that a wide-ranging plot
plicity in the alleged plot. against King Husayn might lie behind the bomb-

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ing of the Jordanian Foreign Ministry, it was re- June 22: A 5-member Austrian expedition was
vealed. credited with the conquest of the 25,868-foot Dis-
Premier Ben-Gurion conferred with his advisers taghil peak in the Karakorum mountain range at
on the bombing incident and the possible threat it North Kashmir, without the use of oxygen.
posed to Israel, it was reported. June 29: The draft of the Third Five-Year Plan for
Aug. 30: King Husayn said that "responsible author- Jammu and Kashmir places special emphasis on the
ities in the UAR, mainly in Syria," had advance development of small and medium-scale industries,
knowledge of the plot to assassinate Premier power generation, and increased production of
Hazza' al-Majali. fruits and food, it was revealed.
In a message to Secretary General Hammar- July 5: Prime Minister Nehru flew over the Ladakh
skj6ld, King Husayn appealed to the UN to focus region of Kashmir by helicopter and saw Indian
its attention on the dangers to Jordan's freedom. and Chinese troops less than 400 yards apart, it
Officials of the UAR and the Cairo radio and was reported.
press avoided comment on the assassination, it was Aug. 1: Ladakh was linked by road with the rest of
learned. India.
Aug. 31: King Husayn declared in Amman that Jor- Aug. 14: In his independence day broadcast, Presi-
dan would fight "if we have to" in her dispute dent Ayub Khan said that the Kashmir dispute
with the UAR. must be settled if there is to be peace between
Cairo officials and the press denied that the India and Pakistan.
UAR had a connection with the assassination. Aug. 25: It was reported that the arrangements have
Sept. 3. A bomb exploded in an open field in been completed to start implementation of 35 de-
Amman. Immediately, a Jordanian official blamed velopment schemes which form part of the first
President Nasir for the explosion, it was reported. year of the second Five-Year Plan in Azad Kash-
Fourteen persons were reported to have been mir.
arrested for questioning in the assassination of Aug. 31: Azad Kashmir President K. H. Khurshid
Premier al-Majali, a government spokesman dis- returned to Muzaffarabad after a day's visit to
closed. Rawalpindi where he attended a high-level meeting
Sept. 4: Premier Bahjat Talhuni said that Jordan presided over by the minister of Kashmir affairs,
would present a demand to the UAR tomorrow for Mr. 'Ali Bhutto.
the extradition of 2 messengers blamed for the
bomb explosion that killed the Premier.
An explosion destroyed a gunpowder factory at Lebanon
Shafat village. No casualties were reported. (See also, General)
Sept. 5: In a radio address, King Husayn declared
that the assassination of Premier al-Majali was "in- 1960
tended to destroy the Jordanian nation," and added
that he "would enter the battle" to liberate Jordan June 18: The Cabinet decided to intimate to gov-
and the Arab nation from what he called crime and ernment departments and large companies that
conspiracy. they should confine their purchases of oil and its
Sept. 6: The King accused the UAR and President by-products to oil refineries in Lebanon and not
Nasir of direct responsibility for the assassination. import them from abroad.
Sept. 7: The charge d'affaires of the US embassy in- June 19: Voters in Beirut and South Lebanon went
formed Premier Bahjat Talhuni that the US would to the polls to elect for 4 years 34 more members
contribute $3,300,000 this month, in addition to to the 99-seat Chamber of Deputies.
$1,400,000 to enable Jordan to purchase seed for A team of IBRD experts arrived in Beirut to
the next agricultural season. advise the Litani National Board on the problems
The Cabinet was reported to have dismissed the which have halted all work on the Litani scheme
director of Jordan's Government Information Of- for irrigation and hydro-electric power in southern
fice, clearing the way for possible trial for com- Lebanon.
plicity in the assassination of Premier Hazza' al- June 20: According to reports Pierre Jumayyil and
Majali. all of the candidates in his party won.
June 26: Voters in North Lebanon went to the
polls to elect 20 members of the Chamber of
Kashmir Deputies.
June 27: The election of Rashid Karami and all
1960 members of his list in Tripoli was officially an-
June 19: Field Marshal Montgomery was reported to June 28: Prime Minister Ahmad al-Da'uq denied
have emphasized the importance of settling the that there had been any interference in the elec-
Kashmir dispute and urged Prime Minister Nehru tions on the part of the UAR.
not to lose time about it in view of Communist July 3: The 4th stage of the general elections was
China's growing threat in Asia. completed with the polling in the Ba'albak-Hirmil

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and the Zahlah and Rashayaconstituenciesof the which contained a statement that "the US is
Bekaagovernorate. using the favorable situation in Lebanon
July 6: The Council of Ministersnamedthe Leban- strategicallyfor aggressivepurposes." The govern-
ese ambassadorin Baghdad, As'ad al-As'ad, and ment told the Soviet ambassadorthat the article
2 armyofficersto representLebanonat the celebra- and the manner of its distribution represented
tion of the Iraqi revolution's2nd anniversary. "improperaction."
July 8: It was announcedthat the new Chamberof Aug. 6: Premier Sa'ib Salam opened a conference
Deputies will meet on July 18. of Lebanon's envoys to the UAR, Jordan, Iraq
July 9: Supportersof the right-wing Tashnaq and and Saudi Arabia.
the left-wing Hinshaq Armenianpartiesclashedin Aug. 7: The ambassadorsto the UAR and Jordan
Nahr district, Beirut, and a military cordon was returnedto their posts.
imposed. Aug. 13: AmbassadorJoseph 'Abu Khatarreturned
July 12: Raymond Edde, leader of the National to Beirut from Cairo and refused to commenton
Bloc party, denied responsibilityin the kidnapping his talks with PresidentNasir and UAR Foreign
of a security service officer on June 19, during Minister Fawzi.
the inquest before a military investigator. Aug. 16: Foreign Minister Taqla discussedthe ap-
The military cordon was lifted in the Nahr proaching meeting of foreign ministers with
district. Sayyid Khatar and Lebanon's ambassadors to
July 13: The Council of Ministers, at a meeting, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, all of whom had
decided to allocate ?L600,000 for building a been recalled to be briefed on the results of
house for the Lebaneseembassyin Brazil. Lebanon'sattemptto mediate between Jordanand
July 20: PresidentFu'ad Shihab first resigned from the UAR, it was disclosed.
office and later withdrew his resignation after Aug. 18: The new governmentwas given a vote of
ministers, collectively and individually, persuaded confidenceby the substantialmargin of 78 votes
him to changehis mind. to 9, with one abstention.
July 23: The Council of Ministers approved the Aug. 27: A civil aviation agreement between
constructionof officesfor the Ministryof Defense, Lebanonand Ghanawas signed in Beirut.
a military hospital and other buildings in the Aug. 31: The Council of Ministersdecided to send
projected governmenttown, which will be built Foreign Minister Taqla to lead Lebanon'sdelega-
on state-ownedland in Beirut and its outskirts. tion to the UN GeneralAssembly.
July 28: President Shihab asked former Premier Sept. 8: It was reportedthat most post office tele-
Sa'ib Salam to form a new government. phone employeesthroughoutthe countrywent on
July 29: Pierre Jumayyil received bruises and rib strike.
fractureswhen he was run over by a small truck France and Lebanon were reported to have
in a Beirutsuburb. settled their dispute concerningthe tax position
Aug 1: Sa'ib Salam formed an 18-manCabinet,the of Compagniedu Port, des Quaies et des Entrepots
largestin Lebanesehistory. de Beyrouth and Societe-Radio-Orient,and the
Aug. 2: The list of the new Cabinetministerswas case was removedfrom the list of the International
announced: Court of Justice.
Sa'ib Salam: Premier and Interior Minister Sept. 10: Four persons were injured when a bomb
Nasim Majdalani: Vice Premier and Justice exploded in the consulate of the UAR in Beirut.
RafiqShahini: General Planning Three Lebanese and 2 Palestinians close to the
Kamal Junbalat: Education and Fine Arts scene were arrested.
Majid Arslan: Defense Sept. 12: The Lebanese ParliamentaryCommittee
Philip Taqla: Foreign Affairs for Foreign Affairs discussed the resolutions
Elias Khuri: Health passedby the conferenceof ArabForeignMinisters
MuhammadSafial-din: Agriculture and informedsourcesrevealedthat the resolutions
SulaymanFranjiyyah:Postal and results of the conferencewere "entirelysatis-
Sulaymanal-'Ali: Economic factory,"in the judgmentof Minister Taqla.
Fu'ad Ghusn: Information and Guidance Sept. 15: The first government-sponsoredconfer-
Pierre Jumayyil: Finance ence of Lebanese emigrants was opened in the
MauriceJumayyil: Minister of State for UNESCO building in Beirut by PresidentShihab.
Finance Sayyid Taqla announced that Premier Sa'ib
Joseph Skaf: Labor and Social Affairs Salam would lead the Lebanesedelegation to the
'Uthman al-Dana: Public Works UN during the first stage of the session.
Khatchik Papikian: Minister of State for
Administrative Ref orm
'Abdallah Mashnuq: Minister of State f or
Municipal Affairs
Husayn Mansur: Minister of State
The Soviet embassy distributed an article in
Pravda to ministers, deputies and newspapers

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Libya Morocco
(See also, General) 1960
June 23: In a memorandumsubmittedto the Na- June 30: King MuhammadV laid the first stones of
tional Assembly, the Federationof Labor Unions a housing project,a hospital,a mosqueand a radio
in Cyrenaica urged the government to seek its station to markthe first steps in the reconstruction
views on petroleumagreements.A furtherdemand of Agadir.
was made for giving priority to Libyan workers July 1: The MoroccanSupremeCourt rejected the
over those of other nationalities and to other appealsof 5 grocerssentencedto death, and 2 sen-
Arabs over foreigners, as well as a demand for tenced to life imprisonment,for causing 10,000
higher wages and another for more medical care Moroccansto become ill and partly paralyzedby
and housing schemesfor workers. selling them adulteratedcooking oil.
June 29: The Libyan Petroleum Commission an- July 5: The General Union of MoroccanLabor, a
nounced the completion of 3 new oil wells in right-wing trade union federation founded by
Block 32 in Tripolitania. The rate of flow was MuhammadDouiri, Ministerof the National Econ-
11,500 b/d from a depth of around3,100 feet. omy, received tacit official recognition,it was re-
July 2: It was reportedthat the Ministerof National ported in Rabat.
Economyhas recently approvedthe granting of 4 July 18: The annualcongressof the National Union
off-shore oil exploration permits in the Gulf of of MoroccanStudentsopened in Casablanca.
Sirte to the LibyanAtlantic Company. July 24: The governmenthas embarkedon a pro-
July 6: The president of the Ohio Oil Company gram to re-groupthe country'ssmall land holdings
announcedthat the companywould refine Libyan to form more productiveagriculturalunits, it was
oil in Spain if the Spanish Governmentapproves reportedin Rabat.
of a projectto build a refinerythere. Aug. 13: Under the 5-yearplan scheduledto go into
July 20: The Legislative Assembly of Tripolitania effect next month, the governmentannouncedthe
discussed the subject of oil companies operating plan for increasedstate participationin education
in Libya which insure their operationsand equip- and agricultureto solve the unemploymentprob-
ment abroad. It was told by the Secretaryof lem, it was learnedin Rabat.
Finance that "there is nothing to prohibit" such Aug. 18: King MuhammadV expressed "complete
a measure,and in order to save on the taxes and agreement"with the UAR and Guinea in their
fees due to it, he added that the governmenthad position on the Congo question.
instructedthe LibyanNational Bank not to trans- Aug. 20: King MuhammadV protestedthe maneu-
fer any insurance premiums, unless documents vers aimedat separatingMauritaniafrom Morocco,
were submittedto prove that taxes and fees had and he announcedthat he had demandedthat the
been paid. It was agreed to ask the Federal question be included in the next session of the
Governmentto amend the present laws so as to UN General Assembly.
require the oil companies to insure their assets Moroccois reportedto be looking to the Philip-
locally. pines, the FrenchAntilles and Brazilto providethe
July 21: The Libyan Petroleum Commission an- sugar she can no longer obtain from Cuba.
nounced that the Oasis Group had filed an ap- Aug. 26: The King began consultationsfor the for-
plication with the Commissionfor the construction mation of a council to draft Morocco'sfirst consti-
of a pipeline from the al-Dhahraharea, in the tution.
southernpart of Block 32, to a point on the Gulf In Rabat,the MoroccanMinistryof Information
of Sirte near Ras al-Sidr. said that 3 foreign newspapers,The Tangier Gaz-
July 28: A royal decree, appointing the new mem- ette, Stockset Marches,and La DepecheMarocaine
bers of the Libyan Petroleum Commission,was will be closed down on Sundayfor allegedly "tak-
issued in Tripoli. The new appointees are: ing a position on internal Moroccanaffairs and
Muhammadal-Sayfat (chairman), 'Abu Bakr al- criticizing national policy."
Izmirli, Salim Sayf al-Nasr and Husayn Bal-'Aun. Aug. 27: Agadir victims were offered 50 per cent
The appointmentof the chairmanhas brought to indemnitiesto return to the rebuilt city after the
an end the previous practice whereby the chair- reconstructionis completed,it was announcedby
manshipwas held in rotation. the governmentin Rabat.
Aug. 14: The Libyan Petroleum Commission an- Sept. 1: France has agreed to evacuate her military
nounced the completion of Oasis Oil Company's bases in Moroccoby March 2, 1961, and her air
12th producingwell in Block 32 in Tripolitania. force facilities there by the end of 1963, it was
The well flowed at a rate of 720 b/d. learnedin Paris.
Aug. 22: Libya and Yemen have agreed to estab- It was reported in Rabat that the government
lish diplomatic relations at ambassadoriallevel has begun a nation-wide campaign to wipe out
"to strengthenthe brotherlyand friendly relations the "tin-cancities" in which 400,000 persons live
between the Libyan and Yemeni peoples," it was in wretchedconditionsoutside seven main cities.
officiallyannounced. Sept. 4: A Moroccanplan providingfor the training

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of 3 battalionsof paratroopersfor the Congo army nounceda Pakistanbudget calling for expenditures
was reportedly accepted by Patrice Lumumbaof of Rs 3,490,500,000 for the fiscal year. He said
the Congo. that receipts totaling Rs 3,351,100,000 were ex-
Sept. 12: Crown Prince Mawlay Hasan announced pected, leaving a deficit of Rs 139,400,000.
in Rabat that the governmentwill grant investors July 7: On his first visit to Chalna,GovernorAzam
a cash gift of up to 20 per cent of the capital Khan promised to give the people Rs 10,000 to
invested in new enterprisesestablishedin the Tan- erect a drinkingwater tank "throughself-help,"it
gier area. was reported.
Sept. 15: Forty Moroccanpilgrims, en route to a July 13: Defense MinisterMuhammadAyub Khuhro
Muslim festival at Mawlay-Idris,were killed when was barredfrom public life for 6 years for mis-
their bus plunged off a road near Meknes, over- conductin public office.
turnedand caughtfire. Floods swept away a house in Sukkur, West
Pakistan,killing 14 personsand injuring 15 others,
it was reported.
July 15: FormerPrime MinisterHusaynSuhrawardy
was barred from political life for 6 years after
being found guilty of misconduct,favoritism,abuse
Pakistan of power and misappropriationof public funds.
July 21: FinanceMinister Shuaibpaid a 2-day visit
(See also, Afghanistan) to Londonfor furthertalks with PresidentEugene
Black of the IBRD and Vice PresidentW. B. Illif
1960 on the aspects of the Second Five-YearPlan and
the financingthereof.
July 25: PresidentAyub Khan warnedthe people of
June 16: Cecil E. Gibbon, former Speakerof Par- East Pakistanof the dangers emanatingfrom the
liament and a leader of the Christiancommunity Communistpolitical strongholdin Calcutta,India,
in Pakistan,was found guilty on charges of cor- it was reportedin Dacca.
ruption and misuse of official power, and was Aug. 1: Ministerof Health and LaborW. A. Burki
barredfrom political life for 6 years. asked the armyto assist in fighting cholera,which
June 19: Two high Pakistaniofficialswarned of a has caused 200 deathsin 8 West Pakistandistricts
growing Chinese Communistthreat to South Asia, in 2 months, it was reported.
it was reportedin Rawalpindi. In New Delhi, a report was made that Prime
June 21: It was announcedthat the SecondFive-Year Minister Nehru might visit Pakistan to discuss
Plan, as approvedin its final form by the govern- with PresidentAyub Khan problemsbetween the
ment, supersedesthe outline for the plan issued neighboringcountriesand to sign the Indus River
at the beginning of this year. The total cost re- treaty.
mains at Rs 19,000 million, and added to the sec- PresidentAyub Khan orderedthe terminationof
tors of public and private industry is a third the status of Karachias the capital of Pakistan.
sector comprisedof public corporations. Aug. 5: Interior Minister Zakir Husayn expressed
June 23: It was reportedthat "an uneasypeace pre- fear that unemployed graduates formed the
vails" along Pakistan'snorthwesternfrontier as a nucleus of communism'ssupport in Pakistanand
result of the borderdisputewith Afghanistan. other under-developed and newly independent
June 24: A new import policy for the shipping countries.
period July-December1960 was announcedby the Aug. 6: The governorof East Pakistansaid that he
government. Items of industrialraw material,es- considered communism'smost vulnerable attack
sential consumergoods, and agriculturaland fish- on an economic front. He was referringparticu-
ing goods were placed under automaticlicensing; larly to the shortageof food in East Pakistan.
luxury items were eliminated from the list of Aug. 17: It was announcedthat Pakistanwill send
licensable goods; and goods such as glass and a companyof about 200 men to the Congo to set
glassware, china, mechanicaland educationaltoys, up an ordnancedepot for the UN forces there.
were declarednon-importableunderbonus licenses. Aug. 21: The Pakistan-Iranagreementon the ad-
June 25: PresidentAyub Khan declaredthat Paki- ministrationof their border areas was signed, it
stanis were "beginningto doubt"that the govern- was reported.
mental machineryof the US was attuned to the Aug. 22: It was officially announced that Prime
requirementsof the nuclearage. Minister Nehru would arrive in Karachi on
June 28: Pakistanand Japan signed a tax protocol September19, to sign the treaty on the division
designed to contributeto the promotion of trade of the Indus BasinWaters.
and economic cooperationbetween the two coun- Sept. 10: Soon after a Soviet mission began dis-
tries. cussions on a Moscow proposal to prospect for
Work in the proposednew capital of Islamabad oil and mineral resourcesin Pakistan,it was an-
was reportedto be progressing"rapidly." nounced that Pakistanwill ask the Soviet Union
lune 30: Finance Minister MuhammadShuaib an- for technicalassistancein setting up a steel plant.

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PalestineProblem Foreign Ministry in Beirut in the presence of

Minister Taqla and discussedthe affairs of Pales-
(See also, General, Israel, UAR) tine immigrantsin general, it was reported.
Aug. 26: Delegates to the Arab foreign ministers'
1960 conferencein Beirut devoted the 5th day of the
meeting to a discussion of "remainingaspects of
June 30: Nasim Husayn, Pakistani Ambassador to the Palestineproblem"which included the subject
Lebanon, presented a check for 100,000 rupees as of a Palestinestate.
Pakistan's 1960 contribution to the UNRWA for Sept. 12: A restless dog touchedoff an Israeli-Arab
Palestine refugees in the Near East. border skirmish. One Lebanesepatrol officerwas
July 1: Israel accused the UAR of a series of aggres- takenprisoner.
sive military actions along the Syrian border, a
letter to the Security Council disclosed.
July 2: The Jordanian Council of Ministers approved
a proposal to grant Jordanian passports to all Persian Gulf
Palestinians abroad. It was pointed out that this
was in accordance with a law of several years' 1960
standing making not only all Palestinians of Arab
origin but all other Arabs entitled to Jordanian June 16: Al-Bilad reportedthat the Japanese-owned
nationality. ArabianOil Companyhad completeda third well
July 3: The Israel Boycott Office in Amman received in its Neutral Zone offshoreconcession. The well
a note from the Central Office in Damascus enclos- flowed at a rate of about 6,000 b/d.
ing a copy of a recent note from the Iraqi govern- June 22: It was reportedthat preliminarywork had
ment to the Polish government protesting against begun at Fasht al-Jarim,a shoal about 15 miles
Jewish immigration from Poland to Israel. northof Manama,Bahrain,where Bapcowill begin
Albert Grand, press officer at the truce supervi- drilling an offshore exploratoryoil well later this
sion organization, said the organization received a year.
statement from the Israeli authorities alleging that June 28: ShaykhSalmanibn Hamad al-Khalifa,the
Syrian troops opened fire on Israeli border guards Ruler of Bahrain, ordered a further reduction in
while they were on duty east of Beit Katzir in the the cost of electricitysupplied to the public, over
demilitarized zone. the 20 per cent reductionin June 1959. The new
July 6: It was announced that the UAR had in- flat rate price is 10 Naya Paisa per unit for both
structed its permanent delegate to the UN to refute small and large consumers.
Israel's complaint on the Israel-Syrian border inci- July 1: The Post Office Departmentof Bahrainan-
dent of June 28. nounced that effective today a series of Bahrain
July 7: The UAR charged Israel with "using the UN postal stamps, replacing the British stamps over
Security Council as a forum for baseless allegations printed with the name Bahrain,will be used for
and tendentious propaganda." foreign mail. Eleven denominationswere chosen,
July 10: The Jordanian Foreign Minister, Musa 7 Naya Paisa and 4 rupee.
Nasir, received Major-General Karl Von Horn, UN July 7: British Colonial SecretaryIain Macleod un-
Chief Truce supervisor, and complained about dertook to look into the detention on St. Helena
"Israel's contraventions" in the Mount of Olives of 3 prisonersfrom Bahrain,it was reported.
and Mount Moukabber zones, Jerusalem, including July 9: Inhabitantsof 18 villages in Bahrainwere
the blocking of the road to Eissawiyeh village the recipientsof 90 title deeds donatedby Shaykh
every evening. Salmanibn Hamadal-Khalifa.
July 12: Albert Grand said that the UN Supervision July 18: Crude oil productionby the Kuwayt Oil
Organization had received an Israeli complaint al- CompanyduringJune amountedto 6,489,794 tons,
leging that a Syrian outpost at Upper Tawafiq had bringingthe total for the first 6 monthsto 39,033,-
fired a number of shots yesterday at an Israeli 118 tons, as compared with 34,347,392 tons during
tractor near Tel-Katzir, wounding the driver. the first half of 1959-an increaseof 15 per cent.
July 22: Israeli and UAR border patrols were re- Aug. 10: A British Foreign Office spokesmancon-
ported to have exchanged 6 hours of intermittent firmed a report that a "fact-finding"mission in
shooting. Reports from Tel Aviv said that 1 or 2 the disputed Buraimi Oasis was being appointed
Arab soldiers had allegedly crossed the interna- by Dag Hammarskjold,to examine in particular
tional frontier by the Syrian border, were shot and the problemof refugee shaykhsfrom the Buraimi
fell in Israeli territory. area, of whom 12 are in Saudi Arabia.
July 23: In Cairo, a battalion of Palestine refugees Aug. 13: ShaykhSalmanibn Hamadal-Khalifawas
being trained at Gaza to fight Israel made its first reportedto have donated ?10,000 to aid Algerian
public appearance in a big military parade celebrat- refugees in Tunisia and Morocco.
ing the 8th anniversary of the Egyptian revolution. Aug. 26: The presidentof the JapaneseArabianOil
July 27: The Higher Commission for Palestinian Companysaid in Tokyo that his companyis seek-
Affairs in Lebanon met for the first time at the ing preferentialtreatmenton the Japanesemarket

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for its Arabian Gulf crude production, it was re- the Mediterranean until such time as there is an
ported. increase of tankers either belonging to the com-
Aug. 27: The US was reported to have protested to pany or chartered by it.
the government of Kuwayt for alleged "unwar- July 19: The Saudi Embassy in Cairo disclosed that
ranted intereference in the commercial relationships the government had taken over harbor management
of business firms." This was brought about by in Jiddah.
letters sent to a large number of US concerns by It was reported that the West German airline
the Israel Boycott Office in the Kuwayt Directorate Lufthansa will start weekly flights from Hamburg
of Customs requesting them to "clarify" the nature to Dhahran next month.
of their relations with Israel and Israeli companies July 21: The Saudi Arabian Foreign Ministry issued
lest they be blacklisted. a statement denying reports that the Saudi govern-
Sept. 12: A British Foreign Office spokesman de- ment had expelled all Yemeni cititzens from the
scribed as "complete nonsense" a London news- country, Mecca radio reported. It added that abro-
paper report that Herbert de Ribbing, invited by gration of the Ta'if treaty with Yemen would
Mr. Hammarskjold to carry out a fact finding soon be followed by the conclusion of a new treaty.
mission in Buraimi, was to meet "Omani elements" July 22: An official Saudi Arabian statement pub-
in Cairo. lished in Amman denied reports that Dhahran air-
Moscow radio reported that the Deputy Imam of port was a foreign military base. It referred to
Oman, Amir Salah ibn 'Isa al-Harithi, was in "erroneous terms" used since the renewal of the
Russia at the invitation of the Soviet Committee agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia on
for Solidarity with Afro-Asia countries. April 2, 1957.
July 27: The Middle East News Agency reported one
of King Sa'ud's daughters as among the dead in an
auto accident in Riyadh. Two other daughters of
SaudiArabia the King were reported injured.
(See also, General) Aug. 19: In an interview with the editor of Middle
East Economic Survey, Shaykh 'Abdallah al-Tariki
1960 described the price cuts announced by the Esso Ex-
port Corporation and other major companies as
June 24' The Board of Directors of SARCO was re- "an unfair and arbitrary action" taken unilaterally
ported to have announced that the remaining 49 without consulting the producers concerned.
per cent of the company stock would be offered In Baghdad, Shaykh 'Abdallah al-Tariki held
for public subscription. The offer is open only to consultations with Iraqi officials concerning the
Saudi nationals and a maximum holding of 5,000 price cuts.
shares per person was offered as the limit. Sept. 7: Aramco announced that its crude oil produc-
June 27: It was reported that an increase of ?3,600,- tion in Saudi Arabia totaled 35,950,976 barrels for
000 in the value of oil exports from Saudi Arabia the month of August. This figure represents an
to Britain during the first 5 months of 1960 average of 1,159,709 b/d as compared with a total
boosted trade between the 2 countries to a total of of 33,994,066 barrels, or an average of 1,096,583
?9,421,425, as compared with ?6,284,419 in the b/d during August 1959.
corresponding period last year. Crude oil processed at Ras Tanura Refinery dur-
July 3: Mecca radio announced a reshuffle in the ing the first 8 months of 1960 totaled 53,806,645
Saudi Arabian cabinet as proposed by Prince Fay- barrels as compared with a total of 42,230,082
sal. It said the King had appointed Prince Musa'id barrels correspondingly in 1959.
ibn 'Abd al-Rahman as Minister of the Interior,
Ahmad Salih Jamjum as Minister of Trade and
Ahmad Zaki Yamani as Minister of State and
member of the cabinet.
July 5: The Beirut daily al-Anwar accused Prince Somalia
Faysal of trying to "maintain stagnation, tyranny (See also, Ethiopia)
and humiliation of the people" in the country
while his brother King Sa'ud and "the liberal 1960
princes" wanted to set out on the way of "libera-
tion, advancement and social justice." The accusa- June 26: At Hargeisa, a blue and white starred flag
iton was reported to have been the result of the was hoisted after an all-night celebration ending
disagreement on the part of King Sa'ud and Prince 73 years of British rule. Muhammad Hajji Ibrahim
Faysal on the latter's replacement while on a Igal took an oath as premier of the new nation.
medical trip to Europe. He welcomed a delegation from Italian Somalia
July 16: In an interview with Le Commerce du scheduled to unite with Somaliland to form a
Levant Shaykh 'Abdallah al-Tariki said that it republic.
would be impractical to implement the project for June 29: Somaliland decided to exclude South Africa
an Arab-owned pipeline from the Arabian Gulf to from the Commonwealth countries that will enjoy

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a 15 per cent preferentialtradetariff with Somali- communique that "non-aligned countries should
land. exert their utmost efforts" to oppose policies of
July 1: The new republic of Somalia was pro- force, interferenceand propagandistrivalry. They
claimed. British Somalilandand the Italiantrustee- reiteratedthe importanceof the UN Charterand
ship territoryof Somaliawere united to form the stressed their support for the principles of the
new nation. The provisionalhead of state, Adan Bandungand Accraconferences.
'Abdallah asserted that the republic would main- President'Abbudleft Pula airportin Yugoslavia
tain good relations with all nations and would for Cairo,where he was welcomedon a state visit
defend "the sacred values of democracy." by PresidentNasir.
Demonstratorsof three opposition parties were July 24: It was announcedthat the mass vaccination
forced back by the police as they attempted to campaignagainst TB carriedout in Sudan'ssouth-
march on the parliamentbuilding where the Na- ern provincesby the Ministryof Health, with the
tional Assembly of the Republic of Somalia was assistanceof the WHO, has been completed.
sitting for the first time. One person was killed July 25: President 'Abbud accompaniedPresident
by police fire and 32 persons,including 11 police- Nasir to Bilbeis airbase to inauguratewhat was
men, were wounded. describedin Cairo as the biggest air academyin
July 4: The new republic completedits 4 days of the Middle East.
festivities. In interviewsover the last week, it was July 28: Presidents'Abbudand Nasir issued a joint
learnedthat the leaderswould start seeking all the communiquein support of "the struggles of the
help they could get from foreign countries. They Congolesenation againstimperialism."In the after-
countedon the continuedhelp of Italy, Britainand noon President 'Abbud left Alexandriafor Khar-
the US to build up the nationaleconomy. Already, tum.
opposition forces favoringthe policies of President Aug. 7: Foreign Minister Ahmad Khayr told the
Nasir were reportedto make a strong bid for their heads of African diplomaticmissions in Khartum
policies which are critical of the government's that a message had been received from President
"go-slow approachto a Greater Somalia,"it was Kwame Nkrumahof Ghana asking the Sudan for
learned. militaryinterventionin the Congo. The Sudan,he
July 5: Italy, Tunisia and the UK jointly sponsored said, favors a meeting of Africanforeign ministers
the admissionof Somaliainto the UN. in Leopoldvilleto decide on any united action.
July 12: The Italian Somalia Cabinet headed by
'Abdallahi'Isa resigned.
July 13: 'Abdi Rashid Shermarkewas appointed
Premierof the new republic. Tunisia
Aug. 6: About 350 prisoners, 3/5 of the prison
population, were pardonedin the SomaliaNorth-
ern Region by PresidentAdan 'Abdallah'Uthman, 1960
it was reported.
June 30: Tunisia recognizedthe independenceof the
new Republicof the Congo.
July 6: The Tunisian National Assemblywound up
Sudan its session which had opened on April 7.
July 7: It was reportedthat Tunisia sponsoredthe
1960 applicationof the Republicof the Congo for mem-
bershipin the UN.
July 2: It was officially announcedthat President July 8: Washingtonannouncedthat a loan of $18,-
Ibrahim 'Abbud, together with Foreign Minister 000,000 would be grantedto Tunisia for the Oued
Ahmad Khayr,Minister of Finance'Abd al-Majid Nebhana dam, to be repaid over 30 years in
Ahmad, Brig. Maqbul al-Amin al-Hajj and eco- Tunisian dinars at an interest of 31/2per cent.
nomic experts, will visit Yugoslavia on July 9. July 15: Tunisian troops left for the Congo to join
July 9: The Presidentand his party arrivedin Bel- UN forces.
grade for a 12-daystatevisit. July 25: Tunisia celebratedthe 3rd anniversaryof its
July 10: President'Abbudand PresidentTito opened independence.
formalpolitical talks. July 28: PresidentBourguiba (Buraqibah) declared
July 15' The Minister of the Interiorwas reported that the UN SecurityCouncil "had avoided catas-
to have warned 2 former Premiers,foreign news tropheby decidingto send a force to the Congo."
agencies,the press and radio of drasticpunishment Aug. 3: Mr. Patrice Lumumba arrived in Tunis
if they interferedin Sudanesepolitics. aboarda Soviet Ilyushin airliner.
July 18: As of todaythe Sudanhad exported314,538 Aug. 4: After the Lumumbavisit, a joint communi-
bales of cotton since January1, as comparedwith que was issued saying that he and President
527,482 for the same period last year. The most Bourguibahad agreed"to studythe practicalmeans
importantbuyerwas the UK. of a meetingbetweenthe leadersof Africanstates."
July 20: PresidentsTito and 'Abbud declaredin a Aug. 15: The 10th session of the RegionalCommit-

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tee for the Eastern Mediterraneanof the WHO July 2: General Gursel arrived in Istanbul on his
opened at the Bourse du Travail in Tunis. first visit to that city since he assumedleadership.
Sept. 12: PresidentBourguibacalled upon Franceto July 4: An agreementwherebythe US released for
begin negotiations on evacuation of her base at use by the Turkish governmentthe Turkish lira
Bizerte before the end of October. equivalent of some $110 million in counterpart
funds previously deposited by Turkey against US
economic aid, was signed in Ankara by Foreign
MinisterSelim Sarperand US AmbassadorFletcher
Turkey Warren.
July 7: The decision to indict the ex-Presidenton a
(See also, Cyprus)
chargeof treasonwas adoptedunanimouslyby the
Committeeof National Unity.
July 13: ReportsreachingIstanbulsaid that 29 per-
1960 sons have been arrested at Tire and accused of
undergroundactivities against the "nationalrevo-
June 16: In a personal message to Cemal Gursel, lution."
President Eisenhower praised the "constructive" July 17: The head and 3 membersof the High Coun-
policies of the Turkish provisionalgovernment. cil of Inquirywere reportedto have resigned.
Twelve officers who helped to lead the coup July 19: A British Britanniaairliner carrying 130
refused to take the constitutionaloath and were passengerswas forced by 4 TurkishAir Force jets
dropped from the ruling Nationalist Union Com- to land in Ankarafor allegedly penetratinga pro-
mittee, a source close to the union said in Ankara. hibited military zone.
June 17: EkremAlican, FinanceMinister, disclosed July 21: The resignationof the 4 membersof the
that the country will be faced with a period of High Council of Inquiry was accepted. The new
austerityto strengthenthe economy. president is Hayrettin Sakir Berk, hitherto the
June 18: The governmentpublisheda law providing vice-president.
for a 36-memberinvestigationcommitteeto inquire July 24: A group of leading Turkish journalists
into the activities of the country'sformer leaders. signed a so-calledcode of self-control,designedto
The Trade Ministry announcedthat imports are bind the country'snewspapersto a strict system
to be reducedby $35,000,000 in the fourthquarter of professionalethics.
of 1960, from the usual total of $250,000,000. July 27: GeneralGursel receivedthe diplomaticrep-
June 20: The effigyof AdnanMendereswas paraded resentatives of Iraq, the UAR, Libya, Lebanon,
through Ankara and later burned at a mass rally Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Tunisia, all of whom
of about 15,000 studentson the Ankararace-course. paid him a collectivevisit.
The governmentannouncedthat all future state July 29: At Iskenderun,General Gursel told his
investmentswould be channeledthrough a Plan- countrymenthat Hatay provincewill remain Tur-
ning Office to be createdwith the help of foreign kish despite a resolution adopted by the National
experts "of internationalreputation." It was also Union Party of the UAR calling for the "return"
announcedthat the governmentwould abolish the of Hatay.
national protection law which compelled traders July 30: FormerPrime MinisterHasan Saka (1947-
to fix artificiallylow prices, and led to many eva- 49), died in Istanbulat the age of 74.
sions. Aug. 3: Defense Minister Fahri Ozdilek announced
June 21: General Gursel denied rumors of a split in Ankarathat 235 generals,admiralsand officers
within the militaryjunta. of lesser rank had been retired as "a measureto
June 24: The membersof the Committeeof National rejuvenatethe Turkish Armed Forces."
Unity took an oath in supportof the new Turkish A sum of $34.4 million which coversimportsof
government. petroleumand its derivatives,machinery,motorized
June 27: In a radio broadcast,General Gursel ap- vehicles and spare parts, iron and steel products,
pealed for a halt in the reportedphysical assaults chemicaland medicinalsupplies,unprocessedwool,
of some membersof the Democraticpartyby their jute and rubberand other imports, was given by
political foes. the US to aid the Turkish economy, it was an-
June 29: General Gursel assured President Eisen- nouncedin Ankara.
hower that Turkey will be a more useful and Aug. 9: General Gursel told reportersin Istanbul
efficient partner in her pro-Western alliances, a that too many political partieswould not be good
letter publishedin Ankaradisclosed. for the country.
June 30: Mr. Allan Hernelius, an advisor from the Aug. 16: A Turkish army unit of 607 men and 45
InternationalPress Institute, flew to Istanbul to officersto be stationedin Cypruslanded at Fama-
help in setting up a Turkish Press Council. gusta.
A 31-memberHigh Council of Inquirywas ap- Aug. 18: AmbassadorEmin Dirvana, envoy to Cy-
pointed to investigatechargesagainst officialsand prus, presentedhis credentialsto ArchbishopMa-
members of parliamentof the old regime. The karios.
chairmanis CelalettinKurelman. Aug. 20: The Ministry of Finance announced in

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Ankarathat effective August 22, the uniform par Center for Arab countries,subject to the holding
value of the Turkish lira will stand at 9.00 liras beforehandof a series of trainingcoursesin Cairo.
per US dollar (11.11 cents per Turkish lira) and June 28: The UAR trade mission visiting Britain
its equivalentin other world currencies. concludedits fortnight's "study tour" with a dis-
Aug.-25: Ten of 19 Turkish Cabinetmembershave cussion with Mr. ReginaldMaudling,Presidentof
been removed from office on orders of the Com- the Boardof Trade,and later left by air for Stock-
mitte of National Unity, an official statementre- holm.
vealed. No reason was given for the move. June 30: The ForeignMinistryannouncedthe official
Aug. 26: ProfessorOsman Tosum replacedFeridun state visit of PresidentAyub Khan on November5.
Ustun as AgricultureMinisteron ordersof General July 6: It was announcedthat the UAR had in-
Gursel. structedits permanentdelegateat the UN to refute
Aug. 31: The Cabinet as it stood today after the Israel's complaint against the UAR and to dis-
changeswas as follows: tributea note to all membersof the UN.
General Gursel: Head of State and Government July 9: Speakingat the opening of the general con-
Amil Artus: Justice, and Acting Minister of gress of the UAR National Union in Cairo Uni-
State versity, PresidentNasir said that the US did not
Fahri Ozdilek: Defense show the expectedresponsewhen the UAR asked
Major General MuharremIhsan Kiziloglu: In- for cooperation because American policy was
terior, and Acting Minister of State "bound to the imperialist powers and interna-
Selim Sarper: Foreign Affairs, and Acting Min- tional Zionism."
ister of Information-Radio-Tourism July 13: ForeignMinisterMahmudFawzi left Cairo
Ekrem Alican: Finance, and Acting Minister of for Dublin for a 3-day officialvisit to Ireland.
Labor July 15: The UAR announcedthat is was ready to
Dr. Nusret Fisek: Acting Minister of Health grant any requestfor aid from the Congolesegov-
Fethi Askin: Customs, and Acting Minister of ernmentin its "struggle against imperialism."
Commerce July 19: PresidentNasir namedDr. Nur al-din Kah-
Resat Aktan: Acting Minister of Agriculture halah as Syrian Vice Presidentin a decree which
Major General Sitki Ulay: Communications, and also listed 600 deputiesto take seats in the UAR's
Acting Minister of Public Works firstNational Assembly.
Emin Iplikci: Acting Minister of Industry July 21: President Nasir was sworn in before the
Professor Fehmi Yavuz: Reconstruction, and UAR's first National Assembly. The proceedings
Acting Mizister of Education were the subject of the first television program
Turkey won 3 gold medals in Greco-Roman transmittedin the UAR.
wrestling at the Olympicgames in Rome. PremierIbrahim'Abbudof the Sudanbegan an
Sept. 3: Appointmentsto 6 of the 9 vacanciesin 8-dayvisit to the UAR.
the Cabinetwere announced: July 25: PresidentNasir called home for consultation
Hayri Mumcuoglu: Minister of State the UAR's Ambassadorin Tehran,MahmudMuha-
Nasir Zeytinoglu: Minister of State kam Hammud.
MehmetBaydur: Commerce Raul Castro,Cuba'sArmed Forces Minister, ar-
Professor Ragip Uner: Health and Social Wel- rived in Cairo for a 9-day visit to the UAR.
fare July 26: The UAR embassyin Iran would be closed
MehmetRasit Beserler: Labor in retaliationfor Iran'srecognitionof Israel,Presi-
SahapKocatopcuoglu:Industry dent Nasir said in Alexandria.
Muhammadal-Zayyat,Director of the Technical
Office at the General Secretariatof the National
Assembly, said that the provisional by-laws and
UnitedArabRepublic regulationsof that body had been drafted.
July 28: The UAR National Assembly denounced
Iran's recognition of Israel and declared it to
(See also, General,Israel, Iran, Jordan)
represent"a challenge to the feelings of all peo-
ple who understoodIsraeli intentions."
1960 July 29: Muslims in Cairo demonstratedagainstthe
Shah'srecognitionof Israel.
June 20: In a communiqueissued at the conclusion July 30: The Foreign MinistrysummonedArab en-
of PresidentNasir's visit to PresidentTito, the 2 voys to discuss the UAR's dispute with Iran.
leaders declaredthat world peace was the concern Aug. 1: The UAR called for an urgent meeting of
of all nations,and not exclusivelythe responsibility the Arab League Council to considerthe repercus-
of the great powers. sions of Iran's de facto recognitionof Israel.
June 24: The Board of Governorsof the Interna- Aug. 3: PresidentNasir issued a decreelimiting the
tional Atomic EnergyAgency, in Vienna, endorsed land holdings of the Coptic Churchorganizations
a request from the UAR for the establishmentin to 200 feddansof desertland.
Cairo of a Middle EasternRegional Radioisotope Aug. 7: At a meeting in al-AzharUniversity, 150

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'ulama issued a proclamationcalling on Muslims June 26: A spokesman for the Ministry of Industry
throughout the world to "adopt an attitude of announced that more bids had been received for oil
jihad against the Shah of Iran's recognition of exploration concessions in the Western Desert.
Israel." These included a bid from Pan-American Interna-
Aug. 9: EzraTaft Benson, the US Secretaryof Agri- tional, whose representative met with Dr. 'Aziz
culture, arrivedin Cairo for a 2-day visit. Sidqi today.
Aug. 14: It was announcedthat 500 paratroopers July 5: Under an agreement signed in Cairo, Egypt
will be sent by the UAR to the Congo at the re- will receive a loan of ?E8 million in local cur-
quest of Mr. Hammarskjold. rency to be used as part finance for a number of
Aug. 20: The airlift of 540 UAR paratroopersto industrial projects. The sum will be made avail-
the Congo began. able out of proceeds of American sales of surplus
Aug. 23: Russia will help the UAR to build a ship- farm products to Egypt.
yard in Alexandriaunderthe UAR-Sovieteconomic July 6: Export control regulations became effective
and technical agreementof 1958, it was reported prohibiting the export of Egyptian banknotes or
in Cairo. currency notes from Egypt.
Aug. 27: The UAR and the Soviet Union signed an July 13: It was learned that Egyptian authorities had
agreementin Moscow covering Russian assistance identified the body of Donald Shannon of Mil-
for the second stage of the constructionof the waukee as one of the 4 victims of the motor trip
Aswan Dam. across the Nubian Desert a year ago.
Aug. 30: Dr. Murad Ghalib was appointed as the July 30: In Alexandria, the state supreme security
UAR Ambassadorto the Congo. court prosecutor demanded that the death sentence
Sept. 1: The Cairo radio said the assassinationof be imposed on Rashad Rizq, a former Ford Com-
PremierHazza'al-Majaliwas only the beginningof pany Personnel Officer, for complicity in the
the elimination of "traitors"to the Arab cause. alleged spy-ring on behalf of Israel.
It accusedKing Husayn of trying to blame Presi- Aug. 3: The UAR announced the formation of a
dent Nasir for the incident "to whip up foreign Central Bank for Egypt to take over the functions
resentment." of the National Bank of Egypt from August 18.
Sept. 7: Cairo newspapersreportedthat all imports Aug. 15: At a UAR embassy reception in Moscow
from West Germanyhad been halted temporarily honoring 'Abd al-Khaliq Hasunah, reports were
becausethe trade balancehas been unfavorableto given expressing the satisfaction of the UAR dele-
the UAR for the last 4 years. gation with the discussions concerning the second
Sept. 8: Well-informed sources in Cairo reported stage of the construction of the Aswan High Dam.
that PresidentNasir would head the UAR's dele- Aug. 18: Fifty Egyptian engineers arrived in Frank-
gation to the UN GeneralAssembly. furt for a study visit. They are among the 330
Sept. 10: It was officiallyannouncedthat President lecturers who will eventually teach at the new
Nasir will attend the forthcomingsession of the Egyptian techinical college being built with West
UN GeneralAssembly. German assistance at Helwan, near Cairo.
Sept. 12: The UAR decided to withdrawher forces Aug. 22: Two airliners, one a BOAC Comet and the
from the Congo in protest against the alleged other a French aircraft, were involved in separate
"deviation"of UN force from its task which the accidents.
UAR considereda "flagrantviolation of Congolese Aug. 27: Egypt and the USSR signed the final agree-
sovereignty." ment on the financing and construction of the
Aswan Dam providing another credit of 900 mil-
lion rubles.
Al-Ahram reported that the state council had re-
jected a Suez war damages claim by the Shell Com-
Egypt pany for ?345,909 on the grounds that the Anglo-
Egyptian financial agreement did not provide for
1960 such compensation to British companies.
Aug. 30: Two new 20,000-ton tankers designed to
June 16: It was reportedfrom Prague that Czecho- transport Saudi crude to the UAR left Suez for
slovakia and Egypt had signed a trade agreement Ras Tanura.
under which the former will deliver to Egypt Sept. 7: Under-Secretary for Social and Labor Af-
engineering products and equipment for public fairs Ibrahim al-Ghatrifi revealed that 30 trade
services. unions had already been formed in Egypt and an-
June 20: The Suez Canal Authoritymade it obliga- other 35 would be established before the end of
tory for vessels to be piloted in Suez harborroads, the month.
where several collisions have occurredin the past Sept. 11: President Nasir initiated a measure for
between pilotless ships. decentralized local government in Egypt under
June 23: Soviet sources reportedthat work has be- which 21 provincial governors with the rank of
gun on designingthe 2nd stage of the Aswan High Under-Secretary in the new Local Government
Dam. Ministry will apply government policies in internal

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affairs, independentof other ministries. The Min- Crowe. Attention was given to the details of
ister of Education,Kamal al-din Husayn, was ap- various projects embracedin Syria's 2nd indus-
pointed Minister of Local Government,holding trializationprogram,it was reported.
both positions simultaneously. July 31: Minister of Justice Nihad al-Qasim an-
nounced that it had been decided to commission
36 Egyptianjudges for work at Syriancourts and
10 Syrianjudges to work in Egypt duringthe cur-
Syria rent fiscal year.
Aug. 3: A presidentialdecree was publishedimpos-
ing a yearly tax of 50 lire on each television set,
1960 payableeveryJanuary.
Aug. 9: The Ministry of Economy announcedthe
June 27: The Ministryof Economydecidedthat fruit cancellationof deposits which formerlyhad to be
and vegetable importersshould be exemptedfrom paid on importedgoods, but ruled that payment
having to pay into banksa cash deposit of 15 per of a deposit was still necessarywhen goods were
cent of the total value of their purchases. importedon a letter of credit basis.
June 28: Accordingto a news agencydispatchfrom Syria and the US signed an agreementunder
Damascus, the Syrian Ministry of Industry has which Syriapurchased17 million dollars'worth of
granted the ENI subsidiaryAgip Mineraria a per- Americanwheat and flour, paymentfor which was
mit for conductinga preliminarysearchfor oil in to be made in local currencywith the proceeds
the areas between Damascus,Homs, and Dayr al- loaned back for developmentprojects.
Zawr. Aug. 10: The Minister of the Interior appointed
June 29: The SyrianMinister of the Treasury,'Abd Ihsanal-MarrashActing Director-General of Propa-
al-WahhabHawmad,received Tapline Vice Presi- ganda and Informationin place of Dr. Sami al-
dent W. A. Campbell and Regional Director Jundi who had been appointeda memberof the
Muhammadal-Yusuf to resumediscussionson the National Assembly.
increase of Tapline's transit royalty payments. Aug. 14: The Ministry of Economyruled that the
July 1: Electionsfor the executivecommitteesof the maximumjoint profit an importerand a pharma-
Palestinian National Union began throughout cist could make should not exceed 31 per cent.
Syria. Aug. 19: Fire destroyedabout 50 to 80 per cent of
July 4: The SyrianMinister of Industry,Wajih al- the gold and precious stones in the Damascus
Salman,led the Syriandelegationin the first meet- jewelrymarket.
ing held with representativesof Concordia,to reach Aug. 27: Negotiations on the purchase of French
an agreementon the developmentof oil discovered propertiesin Syriaopened in Damascus.
by the companyin the Suwaidiyahfield in north- Sept. 1: Minister of EconomyHusni al-Sawwafre-
east Syria. ceived 'Abid Hasan Safrani, the Indian Consul
July 5: A new price list of medicinesscheduledto General in Damascus,to discuss the possibilityof
be enforced on July 21 allows a total margin of exporting Syrian cotton to India in return for
40 per cent for the chemist and 17 per cent for Indian commodities.
the importer,an officialsourcesaid. Sept. 7: Wajih al-Samanconferredwith representa-
July 12: The Ministry of Industry authorized the tives of the General PetroleumAuthority on the
establishmentof 10 new factoriesduring the finan- issue of test productionat the 8th well sunk in
cial year,it was learned. the Karatchukoilfield, Geziragovernorate.
July 18: Dr. 'Izzat al-Tarabulsi,Governor of the Sept. 10: The AgriculturalBank decided to grant
SyrianCentralBank, in a press statementdeclared loans to farmersduring the fiscal year totalling 50
that the currencyposition in Syria was "sound" million lire as comparedwith 30 million lire last
despite the rise in the ratesof foreign currenciesin year.
terms of the Syrian lire during the last fortnight.
July 19: The Ministryof Agricultureannouncedthat
France,India, the Soviet Union, Japan and Com-
munist China had offered to buy considerable
quantities of the new cotton crop due to be har- Yemen
vested in September.
July 24: The Syrian Social Affairs and LaborMin- (See also, Aden, Libya)
ister, Akram Dayri, opened a social centerat Har-
ran al-Awamid,composedof an agriculturalunit, 1960
a social unit and a healthunit.
The UAR Social InsuranceOrganizationhad a June 23: ShaykhAhmadMuhammadNa'man,former
membershipof 85,000 workers in Syria by mid- leader of the Free Yemen Movement, denied in
July, it was revealedby the director,FaysalAqbiq. Aden that there was any truth in Yemeni govern-
July 30: British and Syrianrelationswere discussed ment chargesassociatinghim with recent troubles
by the visiting diplomaticmission headedby Colin in that country.

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June 27: Three thousandYemenisgatheredin Aden July 30: A numberof young Yemenis left for the
to see off ShaykhNa'man, who had been asked to Soviet Union to be trained in shipping and port
leave Aden by the British authorities. He was work, radio Sanaaannounced.
enrouteto Cairo by way of Addis Ababa. Aug. 6: An 8-man delegationarrivedin Aden from
Reportsthat the Yemeni governmentrecentlyre- Ta'izz to negotiate the returnof Yemeni refugees
called its representativein Cairo were denied in a in Aden Colony and Protectorateand offer Imam
statementby the Yemeni legation in London. Ahmad'spardonto them.
July 17: Imam Ahmad of Yemen was reportedby Aug. 7: The negotiationsbegan but it was reported
Yemeni sources in Aden as "seriouslyconsidering that the meeting producedno results as the chiefs
the possibility of announcingHodeida as Yemen's appearedto be suspiciousof the Imam'sintentions.
third capital," where he would be safe with his
loyal Zariniqsoldiers.

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