1962-03-16 - 1962-06-16

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Chronology March 16, 1962-June 16, 1962

Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Summer, 1962), pp. 337-372
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4323497 .
Accessed: 31/03/2014 06:42

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March 16, 1962-June 16, 1962

General "up-to-date picture of the commercial position" in

all the countries with which the MEA deals.
Apr. 7: The 4th conference of the OPEC adjourned
1962 in "complete agreement" until June 4 after a 3-day
Mar. 17: The Arab League Israeli boycott conference meeting in Geneva. Iraq was not represented.
started its secret meetings in Khartum. Apr. 10: Muhiammad 'Abd al-Khaliq Ilassunah was
Mar. 20: In an "open letter" to the members of the reported to be consulting with League member
Arab League and Iran, Lebanese Deputy Emile states' envoys in Cairo in an attempt to "clear the
Bustani warned of a Soviet threat to Middle East Arab atmosphere," it was disclosed. Morocco and
oil interests. He said that Russia's rising oil output Lebanon were said to have offered their good
and the "commercially ludicrous" prices charged offices to "heal strained relations" among the
for Soviet oil might force down oil prices to the UAR, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The consultations
disadvantage of Middle Eastern oil exports. were made after "a secret resolution" at the League
Mar. 21: It was reported that the Arab states have Council conference urging member states to inter-
decided not to participate in the 6th World vene to improve relations among the above coun-
Petroleum Congress in Frankfurt this year, because tries.
Israel was invited. Delegations from-i 7 5 countries met in
Mar. 22. The Arab League marked its 17th an- Casablanca for the opening of the first World
niversary. The UAR and Syria did not observe Conference of Young Workers. The conference
the public holiday as they had in other years. will last 10 days.
Mar. 31: The Arab League Council conference began Apr. 16: Delegations representing the 8 unaligned
in Riyadh, with delegations from Jordan, Morocco, countries in the disarmament conference in Geneva,
Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Saudi namely, Brazil, Burma, Ethiopia, India, Mexico,
Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, the UAR and the Arab Nigeria, Sweden and the UAR, expressed their
League attending. "distress" that no agreement had been reached
Apr. 2: At the end of a 7-day session in Cairo, the on the nuclear test ban and proposed a system
members of the Casablanca bloc agreed to form an of policing "on a purely scientific and nonpolitical
"African Common Market." Customs duties for basis."
members will be reduced by a quarter upon Apr. 18: The 5th Arab information conference ended
implementation of the accords, and duties will be a 4-day meeting in Kuwayt, it was announced. The
eliminated within 5 years. meeting discussed the stepping up of propaganda
Apr. 4: The Arab League Council ended its meet- for Arab causes in African and Asian countries.
ings. It was learned that they discussed the Pales- Apr. 20: It was reported that Zahir Ahmed of India
tine question, especially relating to Israeli attempts has been appointed UN Regional Director for Eco-
to divert the Jordan River, the recent Israeli attacks nomic and Social Affairs, with headquarters in
on the Syrian frontier and Israel's anxiety to Beirut.
join the European Common Market. They also Apr. 26: Pakistan pressed for changes in the com-
demonstrated their determination to maintain the mand structure of CENTO at a meeting of its
League, in the face of the proposal by Iraq and military committee in London, it was reported.
Syria to hold an all-Arab meeting outside the The US and Britain opposed the changes, which,
framework of the League. they believe, will establish a "little NATO" in the
The Trade Relations Officer of the Middle East Middle East and raise problems of force levels,
Association, M. A. H. Reinhold, began a tour of organization and supply incompatible with the
the Middle East in order to meet businessmen, area's military importance.
government and agency officials to get an May 10: The first edition of La Nation Africaine,


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reportedlythe first daily newspaperwith continent- Aden

wide aspirations,was published in Rabat.
May 11: It was reportedthat early studies of a joint (See also, Yemen)
geophysical survey by Iran and Pakistan in the
Sandak sector of the Chagai mountainsindicated 1962
the presenceof considerablequantitiesof sulphides,
barytes and sub-surfacecopper mineralizationin Mar. 24: The Aden Trades Union Congress, at a
associationwith high grade iron ore. 3-hour meeting in Aden, decided to form a party
May 22: The formationof an Islamic League was with the aim of securingthe colony'sindependence,
announcedat the end of a 4-dayIslamicconference it was reported;it would also press for the unity
in Meccatoday. The Leaguewill explainthe teach- of SouthArabiaand Yemen.
ings and principlesof Islam and protectit against Mar. 29: Harold Watkinson,British Defense Minis-
"the serious attemptsto win Muslims from their ter, inaugurated a $14 million communications
religion and break the unity of Islam." A con- centerin Aden. It representsone of the first steps
stituentbody,composedof 21 members,was formed in the integrationof Britain's3 armedservicesin
to supervisethe work of the Leaguefor a year. the communications field.
May 30: The Arab League EconomicCouncil began Apr. 6: The council of the Federation of Arab
a meeting in Cairo. Dardiri Ismi'il, acting secre- Amiratesof the South decidedto changeits name
tary-generalof the League, urged delegates to to the Federationof South Arabia. The reason
exert effortsto strengthenArabeconomyand foster given was that the Federationcomprisesnot all
economicrelationsbetweenmembers.Iraq was not amirates, but one repubic-the small state of
represented. Dathina,in the WesternProtectorate.The decision
June 4: The 5th Session of the World IslamicCon- awaits formal assent of the Federation'sSupreme
ference,which was opened in Baghdadby General Council.
Qasim, ended its deliberationswith variousresolu- Apr. 7: The sultanateof Wahidi became the 1lth
tions preparedfor approvalby 4 commissionsset memnberof the Federationof Arab Amirates, it
up by the conference:political,socialand economic, was reported.
religious and cultural. It called for officialrecogni- Apr. 8: The ministry of internal security in the
tion of Palestineas an entity and urged Arab gov- Federation said that tribal warfare has broken
ernmentsto make budgetaryallocationsfor it. It out in the remote hills of the EasternAden Pro-
invited Arab states to establish consulates in tectorate on the Yemen border. Two tribesmen
Jerusalemand organize Palestinianson a military have been killed and a numberinjured.
basis. Apr. 11: About 95 per cent of the 6,000-strong
June 6: The heads of the UAR, Syrian,Jordanian, Armed Forces Employees'Union reportedlydefied
Moroccan and Kuwayti delegations to the Arab local regulations and staged a 24-hour stoppage
LeagueEconomicCouncilsigned an economicunity directed against recent dismissals and alleged ill-
agreement for a period of 10 years. It provides treatmentof Arab workers by officers.
for the free transfer of persons and capital between Apr. 12: Al-Tali'ah reportedthat the MahraSultan
signatory states and reciprocal exemption of of Qishn and Socotrahad arrivedin Aden for the
products of these states from taxes or customs purpose of signing an oil concession agreement
duties. The treaty takes effect upon ratification with representativesof Pan Am International.
by 3 signatories. Apr. 15: The Federation's Finance Ministry an-
June 7: The Ethiopian Foreign Ministry announced nounced that Britain will give the Federationof
that all African heads of state will be invited to a Arab Amirates of the South a block grant of ?5
conference in Addis Ababa next fall, to vote on a million sterling over the next 3 years, ratherthan
charter for the organization of African states, it was a grant in aid, to balancethe Federation'sbudget.
reported. Apr. 16: It was announced that 'Abd al-Latif
June 12: US ambassadors in 10 Middle Eastern MuhammadIsma'il,chairmanof the managingcom-
countries started their annual 4-day conference in mittee of the Armed Forces Employees'Union,
Athens. Those attending were ambassadors ac- and 'Ali al-Aswadi, assistantsecretary,have been
credited to Cyprus, UAR, Greece, Israel, Jordan, summonedto appearbefore a magistrateon April
Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey and Iraq. 24 on a chargeof inciting a strike on April 11.
June 15: Leaders of 6 states subscribing to the Casa- Apr. 25: It was disclosed that the headquartersof
blanca Charter began a 4-day conference in Cairo the British Flag Officer Middle East in Bahrayn
to seek ways to strengthen economic ties and will be transferredto Aden effective May 1.
political unity among Africa's emerging countries. Apr. 28: A delegationof 3 from the Aden People's
Prime Minister Nehru of India rejected a de- ConstitutionalCongress-a party recently formed,
mand in Parliament that India establish diplomatic representingAden's intelligentsia,aiming at a gov-
relations with Israel. He also said that his gov- ernment elected only by Aden-born residents-
ernment would soon recognize an independent is scheduledto leave for New York for talks on
Algeria. Aden's future and constitutionaldevelopmentwith

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UN Secretary-General U Thant. The party'sleader, Algeria

'All MuhammadLuqman, a journalist, said the
delegation would also visit Cairo and have talks (See also, General, Jordan, Saudi Arabia,
in London with the British Colonial Secretary, Tunisia, UAR)
May 5: It was learned that the 2 trade union of- 1 962
ficials (reported above) were sentenced to 3
months in prison for inciting the Armed Forces Mar. 16: It was reportedin Evian-les-Bainsthat the
Employees'Union to strike. French and Algerian peace negotiatorswere still
May 14: Police patrolled the streets during demon- short of completeagreement.The FrenchMinister
strationsby studentsand a bus strike,which marked of Informationsaid in Paris, however, that con-
the start of 'Id al-Adha, but no incidents were clusion of the talks was "a question of hours."
reported. The students were protestinga govern- Meanwhile, Algeria's biggest cities "drew closer
ment decision to close the girl's college until to anarchy as terrorism and crippling strikes
October. It was closed last February8 when pupils grippedthem." Close to 30 personswere killed.
walked out protestingracial discriminationon the Mar. 17: Eight pharmaciesin the center of Algiers
part of the Scottish headmistress. The bus crew were raided by Europeansfiring submachineguns
wanted 15 per cent more pay. and revolvers at Muslim clerks. Seven Muslim
May 16: Dr. W. A. Glynn, directorof the colony's druggistswere killed and four wounded.
medical service, has condemned the treating of Mar. 18: A cease-fireending the Algerian war was
mental patients under "most unsatisfactorycondi- signed at Evian-les-Bainsby French and Algerian
tions" in Aden's centralprison. In his 1959 report, rebel delegations. The document,terminatingthe
released today, he said a mental hospital was rebellionafter 7 years,4 monthsand 18 days, will
planned by 1964 under the developmentplan for go into effectthroughoutAlgeriaat noon tomorrow.
the colony. The accordcovers the processby which Algerians
May 17: Aden agreed to join the British-sponsored will vote their own political future in 4 to 6
Federationof South Arabia, comprising11 states, monthsand the cooperationbetweenFranceand the
under an agreementsigned in Aden at the end independentAlgeria that will result from a self-
of 9 months of constitutionaltalks. The agree- determination referendum. Included also are
ment, which was forwardedto ReginaldMaudling guaranteesfor the rights of the 1,000,000 Euro-
for his consideration,was approved by all the peans living among 9,000,000 Muslims;an interim
colony ministers except A. I. Sa'idi, Minister of political regime;provisionsfor a continuedFrench
Educationand Immigration. He has been asked military presencein Algeria; joint exploitationof
to resign. oil and other mineralsin the Sahara,and a broad
June 4: The Recorderreportedthat 6 tribal chiefs amnesty for military and political prisoners on
have been jailed in Aden after an alleged revolt both sides.
in Upper Aulaqi. In a television speech, President de Gaulle
appealedto the Frenchpeople to supportthe peace
accords reached between the French and the Al-
gerians. They will be presentedto the Cabinetat
Afghanistan a meeting tomorrow.
In Tunis, PremierYasif ibn Khidda,in a radio
1962 address in French and Arabic, orderedthe rebels
to stop fighting at noon tomorrow. He said, how-
Apr. 14: PremierSardarMohammedDaud presented ever, that the cease-fire did not mean peace,
the outline of the second 5-yeardevelopmentplan "becausethere is the dangerthe Fascist hordes of
before the joint session of Parliament. The total the Secret Army Organizationwill increase the
expenditurewas estimatedat 44.5 billion Afghanis, bloodshed in their fight for a FrenchAlgeria."
2.7 times more than the amountfor the first 5-year In Algiers, clandestine leaflets were circulated
plan. Stress will be placed on the development announcinga newly formed National Council of
of mines and industry, and the budget for agri- the French Resistancein Algeria, which is repre-
culture is twice that of the sum for the first 5-year sented as a supreme directorate of the OAS,
plan. confering upon General Raoul Salan the post of
May 6: Floodsin northeastAfghanistanhave inflicted commanderin chief of all French land, sea and
heavy damage,it was reported. Seventeenpersons air forces. The announcementof a cease-firewas
were killed, includingwomenand children. greeted with "noisy demonstrationsfrom windows
June 11: The US rejectedAfghanistan'srequestfor and balconies and some violence" reportedly
$350 million aid to the second5-yearplan. Instead, directedagainstde Gaulle and his policy.
the US will give writtenassuranceof intentionsto In Washington, President Kennedy hailed the
continuelong-termeconomicaid without specifying French-Algeriancease-fireagreementas a "historic
the amountsor the dates. accomplishment."

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Mar. 19: Algeria passed its first day of peace in extremists, fell in a Muslim crowd in an Algiers
'relative calm," it was reported. The large cities square this afternoon. Other clashes were reported
were in the grip of a general strike ordered by the from several towns in the Algerian interior.
OAS. Railroads, airlines, city transport and most In Paris, de Gaulle announced his intention to
other public services were tied up by the strike. ask the French people, in a referendum April 8,
In Rolle, Switzerland, Algerian nationalist for a grant of exceptional powers to carry out a
leaders marked the cease-fire in Algeria at noon policy certain to result in independence for Algeria.
today with a minute of silence at their residence at Foreign Minister Sa'd Dahlab of the Algerian
Signal-de-Bougy. The negotiators, headed by Provisional Government said in Cairo that his
Bilqasim Karim, and the 5 nationalist leaders, country would follow a foreign policy of non-
headed by Muhammad ibn Balla, liberated last alignment after independence from France.
night by the French, spent the day resting and All private flights over Moroccan territory were
receiving diplomats who called to congratulate banned until further notice as a security measure
them on the peace agreement. pending the arrival of Algerian nationalist leaders
In Rome, Premier Yusif ibn Khidda said that released by France.
peace in Algeria will require a "fight to the Mar. 21: An inconclusive debate on the government's
finish" against the terrorist OAS and other such settlement in Algeria ended in Paris, it was re-
groups. ported. Parliament was not asked to vote on the
In Rabat, Algerian nationalist Minister of Arma- agreements reached at Evian-les-Bains. Meanwhile,
ments 'Abd al-Hafiz Boussouf declared that Presi- French authorities uncovered a plot by right-wing
dent de Gaulle must take "immediate forceful steps extremists to free former generals Maurice Challe
to crush French terrorists in Algeria to make the and Andre'Zeller.
truce effective." President Kennedy said that the US should act
Christian Fouchet was appointed High Com- "to build" in Algeria "rather than attempting for
missioner for Algeria, it was reported in Paris. political purposes to exploit a situation." His
The French Cabinet approved decrees setting up a comment was given in answer to a question re-
12-man provisional executive body, headed by a garding the Soviet Union's announcement of
president and vice president, to rule in Algeria recognition of Algeria. Communist China,
under M. Fouchet. Rumania, Czechoslovakia and Albania were re-
Moscow formally recognized the Algerian Pro- ported to have followed the Soviet lead in 24
visional Government and proposed the establish- hours of the signing of the cease-fire agreement.
ment of diplomatic relations. French military policemen battled with right-
Syria announced that tomorrow would be a na- wing terrorists in the center of Oran injuring 14
tional holiday in celebration of Algeria's independ- persons.
ence. At least 11 Muslims were killed in individual
In Paris Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de attacks in Algiers. Later at night plastic bomb
Murville of France called in the Soviet Ambassador, and grenade explosions rocked almost every dis-
Sergei Vinogradov, to ask explanation of the Soviet trict of Algiers resulting in the death of 31 persons.
action in offering juridical recognition of the Muhammad ibn Balla arrived in Rabat where
Algerian Provisional Government. It was pointed King Hasan and the Moroccan people gave him
out there that the peace treaty of Evian-les-Bains a "heroes' welcome."
in no way changes the fact of continuing French The World Council of Churches announced in
sovereignty in Algeria for the present. Geneva plans for a $1,400,000 relief program for
In Cairo, President Nasir held out hope that the more than 3 million Algerians in urgent need
Algerian cease-fire might open the way for a re- following the truce.
newal of friendship between Egypt and France. Mar. 22: Rightists, armed with automatic weapons,
In New Delhi, Prime Minister Nehru, in a attacked government security forces in the heart of
statement in Parliament, congratulated both the Algiers. They also attacked in the eastern and
Algerian nationalists and the French on the truce. western sections of the city. Three gendarmes
Fifty-one nations of the African-Asian group at were reported wounded and one Muslim and 2
the UN hailed "with profound joy" the cease-fire. or 3 Europeans were killed. Earlier in the day a
Officials in Washington indicated that the US powerful bomb exploded on the third floor of the
had no immediate plans to recognize the Algerian Prefecture of Police building in Algiers.
Provisional Government. The French Communist party called on its
Mar. 20: At least 50 persons were killed in clashes partisans to vote "yes" in the referendum called
last night near Oran between French Muslim troops for April 8, it was reported in Paris. The party
and other Muslims, it was reported in Algiers. technically is on the same side of a question as
Thirty other persons were reported killed through- the President.
out Algeria as violence was renewed. Ten persons Mar. 23: The French army threw fighter planes and
were believed killed and more than 50 wounded tanks into action late this afternoon to help crush
when mortar shells, presumably fired by European the European insurrection in the Bab-el-Oued quar-

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ter of Algiers. Fifteen army men were killed and It was reported in Washington that the US
more than 50 wounded. has made informalcontactswith the Algerian Pro-
In Paris, de Gaulle ordered the "pitiless" re- visional Governmentwith the full knowledge of
pression of "the armed insurrection"in Algeria, France.
declaring that "everything must be done im- Mar. 27: In Oran a 5-hour general strike was ob-
mediatelyto smashand punish the criminalaction" servedin sympathyfor the Europeanskilled yester-
of the OAS terrorists. day in Algiers.
Mar. 24: The Bab-el-Ouedquarterof Algiers was French riot police and special army units, sup-
sealed off completely as the French army threw ported by tanks and armoredcars, took over the
several thousand conscript soldiers into the fight center of Algiers for 4 hours this afternoon.
against the OAS. A systematicsearch was made The AlgerianguerrillaArmyof Liberationstaged
of each apartmentand severalhundredarrestswere a formal paradein Oujda,Morocco,in celebration
reportedto have been made. of the cease-fireagreement.
ChristianFouchetarrivedin Algiers. Felix Schnyder, UN High Commissionerfor
'Abd al-RahmanFaris, President-designate of the Refugees, announced in Geneva that he would
Algerian transitional executive body, arrived in assistthe returnof Algerianrefugeesto their home-
Rabat to consult with ministers of the Algerian land in accordancewith the agreementbetween
ProvisionalGovernment. Franceand the AlgerianProvisionalGovernment.
YCisif ibn Khidda accepted "with satisfaction" Mar. 28: It was reportedthat 13 bombs were ex-
Mr. Khrushchev'soffer to establish diplomaticre- ploded in Paris. The targetswere homesand offices
lations, it was reported. of individuals and organizationsidentifiedwith a
Mar. 25: Francewas reportedto have recalled her liberal policy for Algeria.
Ambassadorfrom Moscow and sent the SovietAm- The OAS proclaimed"all-outguerrillawarfare"
bassadorhome as a protest against the Kremlin's against the French forces and announcedthat it
recognition of the Algerian Provisional Govern- would not again call out Europeancivilians for
ment. mass political demonstrations,it was reportedin
Frenchgovernmentforcesand Europeanresidents Algiers.
battled for 5 hours in the centerof Oran. Casual- The Algerian ProvisionalGovernmentended a
ties among the securityforces were one dead and week of consultationin Rabatand announced,"We
18 wounded; among the civilians, one dead and are ready for cooperationwith France because it
20 wounded. is in our interests."
In Algiers, 1,000 Europeanswere said to have Mar. 29: 'Abd al-RahmanFaris and 6 membersof
been taken into custody by French forces since the provisionalexecutivecouncil arrivedin Rocher
the armed clash 2 days ago in the Bab-el-Oued Noir. The remaining5 memberswill arrive from
sector. Morocco tomorrow, it was announced.
Fouchet told Europeansettlers they would be The Frencharmyended its siege of Bab-el-Oued.
making a "terriblemistake"if they did not accept The OAS continued its attacks in Algiers, how-
the Algerian cease-fire,it was reportedin Algiers. ever, killing 9 Muslimsand one European.
Speaking for the first time since his liberation In Oran more than 3,000 citizenswere reported
Muhammadibn Balla told 2,000 Algerian soldiers in attendanceat a funeralservicefor the European
at the Oujda camp in Moroccothat the Algerian victims of fighting earlier this week in Oran and
revolution must go on. He explained later, in Algiers.
private, however, that while he and his fellow AMar.30: Faris warned Algeria's Europeansto cease
ministers had approved the cease-fire,the state- their bombingand their "loud and sterile demon-
ment was "by no means an expression of dis- strationsand assassinationsthat will lead you no-
appointment." where." He spoke on radio and television. His
Mar. 26: At least 50 French civilians were killed address was followed "immediately"by heavy
and about 150 woundedin the heart of Algiers as explosions in severalparts of Algiers. The casual-
Frencharmy forces clashedwith Europeandemon- ties were not readily known.
strators. The Frenchgovernmentdeclaredthat arrestsof
EdmondJouhaud,formerFrenchAir Forcegen- undergroundagents in France had thwarted an
eral who was secondin commandof the OAS, was alleged plan by the OAS to "unleashwidespread
captured in Oran yesterday,it was officially an- attacks"in Franceimmediatelyafter the announce-
nounced. He was flown to Paris. ment of the cease-fireagreement,it was reported
De Gaulle, in a television speech, appealed to in Paris.
all Frenchmento support his policy in Algeria; Mar. 31: A 2-week old special militarycourt of the
he warned his critics saying that massive backing Frencharmy in Algiers sentenceda Europeanteen-
of his policy would "make known that the ager to 3 years of hard labor for shooting at a
criminals, who are endeavoring by terrorist at- Muslim, it was reportedin Algiers.
tacksto force the handof the stateand to subjugate At nightfall numerousbombingswere reported
the nation, have no future but punishment." in variousparts of Algiers. One explosion caused

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a lire and heavy damage at the city terminal of the mained open after robbersheld up as many as 10
French airlines, which has attracted the attention banks a day in the last several days.
of terrorists allegedly trying to keep Europeans Muslims stageda protestmarchon the European
from leaving Algiers. In the last several days the quarter of Sidi-bel Abbbs in western Algeria, it
army has been handling passengers at the Algiers was reported. The demonstrationwas provokedby
airport. an alleged murder of 2 Muslims by the OAS.
For the first time this week Oran's largest bank Police dispersedthe marcherswith tear gas.
and some smaller ones opened. They had been Apr. 6: Forty persons,most of them Muslims, were
closed since the robbery of the big Bank of Algeria killed in Algeria as terrorists,strikingat random,
on March 24, when $4,250,000 was taken. shot and killed Muslims walking in the streetsof
Ibn Balla and 3 other Algerian nationalist lead- the Europeanquarters. Five Europeanswere also
ers flew to Cairo for a public welcome and private killed and many others were wounded.
talks with Nasir. Appealing for the third time since March 18
Soviet Ambassador Vinogradov left Paris for on radio and television, de Gaulle called on the
Moscow at the request of the French government. Frenchpeople to approvethe Algerianpeaceagree-
The French Ambassador to Moscow, Maurice ments on Sunday, April 8, so as to settle the
Dejean, arrived in Paris earlier this week, recalled Algerian question in a "fundamentalway."
by his government for "consultations." The French Cabinet put into effect the transi-
Apr. 1: French army headquarters and the OAS an- tional machineryprovidedfor by the Evian agree-
nounced conflicting reports of an OAS attempt ments, placing the responsibilityfor public order
3 days ago to control the feudal village led by in Algeria exclusively in civilian hands. Fouchet
Sa'id Buwalim, who controls a private army of will exercise this responsibilitywith his depart-
5,000 men. The OAS maintained that they suc- mental prefects and with the local provisional
ceeded in obtaining Buwalim's support, but the executive of 12 persons, 9 Muslims and 3 Euro-
army communique said that the villagers, the Mus- peans.
lim volunteers and all but one of the conscript Apr. 7: Frenchauthoritiesin Algiers announcedthe
soldiers refused to join the insurgents. capture of one of the key commandersof the
Apr. 2: The French army announced that about 40
OAS, former Lt. Leon Degueldre.
The provisional executive for the transition
members of the commando force that raided the
village under Buwalim were captured.
period was formally installed in ceremonies at
The OAS bombarded the Casbah in Algiers with
mortars shortly after nightfall, wounding 4 Mus-
A proclamationfrom Raoul Salan, pinned on
walls and trees in downtownAlgiers, describedthe
provisional executive as "an enemnygovernment
Apr. 3: European terrorists invaded a Muslim clinic,
without roots" forced on Algeria by de Gaulle's
killed 10 patients in their beds and wounded 7
"abject surrender policy." Salan called on all
others. Then they blew up part of the building
Frenchand Muslim soldiersto join the OAS's fight
and fled. In 10 other attacks in Algiers the terror- to restoreAlgiera "to its only legitimatesovereignty
ists killed 5 persons, 4 of them Muslims, and
-that of France."
wounded 16.
Subterraneanphone and telecommunication lines
The police in Rheims, France, announced the
were blown up in various parts of Algiers, thus
capture there of Yann Ziano, alleged to be one isolating Rocher Noir from the capital for most
of the chief OAS killers and member of the "Delta
of the day. Eighteen more persons, most of them
20" terrorist unit blamed for the slaying of Felix
Muslims, were killed and several were wounded
Goldenberg, an Algiers police commissioner. in terroristattacksin Algiers and Oran.
Apr. 4: European extremists reportedly shelled 2 Apr. 8: The Frenchpeople went to the polls to vote
Muslim residential areas in Algiers with mortars on de Gaulle'spolicy in Algeria.
and carried out other acts of terror in widely scat- Twenty-six persons were killed in terroristat-
tered parts of the city. At least 6 Muslims were tacks in Algiers and Oran-21 Muslims and 5
killed and 25 wounded. Two out of 3 Muslims Europeans-and 67 were wounded,it was reported.
working in the European sector stayed home from Apr. 9: The French people approved de Gaulle's
work in view of "indiscriminate attacks" on indi- policy in Algeria. The "yes" vote amountedto
viduals venturing into European districts. 90.7 per cent of the valid votes cast, 85.7 per cent
Apr. 5. In an interview in Paris, Premier Michel of all votes and 64.87 per cent of the total regis-
Debr6 predicted that the OAS in France and tered electorateof almost 28,000,000. Votes from
Algeria would be "liquidated within a few weeks." the overseas departmentsand territorieshave not
A young European said to be a member of a been tallied.
Secret Army Commando unit was sentenced by a Daniel Godot, described as the leader of the
special military court in Algiers to 20 years of OAS commandounits in metropolitanFrance,was
hard labor for the murder of a Muslim civilian. arrested.
Only the main branches of banks in Algiers re- L'Echo d'Oran and the Oran Republicain were

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indefinitely suspended following the appearance this roadblockon a highway in a suburbof Algiers-
morning of a page presenting the cause of the the first instanceof Muslim counter-terrorism since
OAS, it was reported in Oran. the cease-fire. In all of Algeria 30 persons were
Apr. 10: The French government named 'Umar killed and 67 wounded in Europeanterroristat-
Muqdad, the Muslim leader from Saida, to head tacks during the day, accordingto incompletere-
the 60,000-man Muslim force for policing the ports.
Algerian cease-fire agreement. Membersof the OAS held control of the main
It was reported in Algiers that about 30 armed Oran telephone exchange for more than 5 hours
members of a commando unit of the OAS were without firing a shot. Governmentforces did not
killed in a battle with a unit of the Algerian intervene. The OAS men left with no incdent.
National Liberation Army about 50 miles south of Apr. 16: Residents of Oran were ordered
by the
Algiers. Prefect of Police to stay off balconies and roofs
Apr. 11: Jouhaud went on trial for his activities as in an effort to prevent Europeanextremistsfrom
second in command of the OAS. He admitted firing on security patrols or dropping bombs on
'general responsibility for Secret Army actions in militaryvehicles. Twelve personswere killed and
western Algeria but sought to disavow personal 22 wounded in the last 24 hours in that city. In
involvement in certain acts of terrorism." Algiers 13 persons were killed and 17 wounded.
As a result of several French army operations in All but 2 of the dead were Muslims.
3 districts on the outskirts of Algiers, 14 members
At RocherNoir the provisionalexecutivemet all
of the OAS were arrested.
heads of the regional administrations.New ad-
Oran was "completely tied up" by a general
ministratorswill be named by the Frenchgovern-
strike called for retaliation against searches and
ment on the basis of nominationsmade by the
executive,manyof whom are likely to be Muslims,
Apr. 12: A pamphlet being distributed "surrepti-
it was reported.
tiously" in Oran appeared to give support to the
OAS cauise. "Published and distributed as a public
Apr. 17: The tension between the Europeanand
service by the National Committee of American Muslim communitiesin Algeria "appearedto be
Friends of the French Secret Army Organization, mounting dangerously,"it was reported. In Oran,
in cooperation with and under the sponsorship of for instance, the Secret Army commandosseized
the American National party," it said, "Americans abandonedsandbagposts at the edge of the Muslim
Salute the O.A.S .," "De Gaulle and his Communist neighborhoodof Sanchidrianand shot an estimated
crew-No! General Salan and the Frenchmen- numberof 20 Muslims. The Muslims of Sanchid-
Yes!" rian attackedcars of Europeanswho came along
Republican security guards and gunmen of the on near-byhighways,wounding 6 of them.
OAS fought in the center of Oran this evening, Ministers of the Provisional Governmentmet
killing 5 guards and wounding 18. In Algiers the in Tunis to consideramong other things the "con-
terrorists blew up the 2 top floors of the city's tinuing violence in Algeria" and the technical
airport's control tower and killed 9 Muslims in application of the cease-fire,which, though the
individual attacks, it was reported. shooting between the French army and the Alge-
Apr. 13: Jouhaud was condemned to death by a high rians has stopped, is still "informal"becausethe
military tribunal. mixed commissionof nationalistand Frencharmy
At least 7 Muslim civilians were killed by Euro- representativeshas not worked out the technical
pean terrorists in Algiers, it was reported. Twenty- aspects of the grouping of nationalistforces.
one persons, including a Muslim woman, were Apr. 18: Muhammadibn Balla reiteratedhis in-
wounded in the attacks. sistence that "revolutionmust go on" in Algeria,
Secret Army terrorists reportedly killed Rene in a speech to nationalist troops and Algerian
Couet, commercial director of the Air France for refugees at HammamMellegue, in Tunisia, it was
Algeria, on a stairway of his apartment house. reportedthere.
In Oran government forces surrounded and France appointedLt. Gen. Michel Fourquetof
searched a large area in the center of the city. The the air force to succeed Gen. CharlesAilleret as
search did not yield arrests of OAS members, ex- Commanderin Chief of Frenchmilitaryforces in
cept for a few pieces of firearms. Algeria. At the same time the Frenchgovernment
Apr. 14: A general strike was called by the OAS and announcedthat Ministerfor AlgerianAffairsLouis
was heeded throughout the urban centers of Algiera Joxe would leave for Algiers tonight to take "the
as a protest against the death sentence passed on necessarydecisionson the spot to hasten"the im-
Jouhaud. plementationof the peace accords.
Lawyers for Jouhaud began proceedings to obtain 'Abd al-RahmanFarisvisited Algiers for the first
commutation of his sentence. They said they were time since his liberation despite OAS threats of
acting against the former general's will. not permittinghim to set foot on Algerian soil.
Apr. 15: Two young Europeans were killed and one Four hours after Faris left Algiers for RocherNoir
was wounded by Muslim youths who had set up a the OAS blew up part of the Algiers City Hall.

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Eight Muslims and 2 Europeans were killed in Former general Paul Gardy announcedhe was
terrorist attacks in Algiers, it was reported. taking over as Salan'ssuccessor.
Government forces reoccupied the central tele- Apr. 23: MuhammadYazid denied dispatchesby the
phone exchange in Oran, seized 4 days ago by Mideast News Agency from Cairo attributinga
OAS commandos. 100,000-soldierpledge to fight against Israel to
Apr. 19: Louis Joxe met all day at Rocher Noir with ibn Balla more than 2 weeks ago while he was on
commanding French officers, leading French officials a tour of the Middle East. He said the Provisional
and members of the provisional executive in an Governmenthad never promisedthis.
effort to find ways of halting the terrorism by Apr. 24: In an interview publishedby the Algerian
extremists of the OAS in Oran. Press Service,ibn Balla called for French-Algerian
Doctors in Oran protested against the alleged cooperation.
interference by French forces with medical aid to The OAS killed 8 Muslims in the streetsof the
the wounded and the sick being treated by doctors. Europeanquarterof Algiers.
They claimed such actions were in violation of the A "booby-trapped" car exploded at a bus stop
doctors' right to continue to practice even under on the Place du Gouvernement,one of the points
the conditions of subversive guerrilla warfare. of entry into the Casbah,and provokedMuslims
The International Red Cross said that the Al- to beat Europeancivilians in that vicinity. The
gerian Provisional Government, unlike the French interventionof Frenchsoldiers and Muslim "vigi-
government, had failed to abide by its agreement lante committees"succeededin calmingthe crowds
with the French on the release of prisoners, it before much harm could be done.
was reported in Geneva. Algerian nationalist offi- Terroristsin Algiers killed at least 14 persons
cials in Tunis said they were investigating the and wounded 34, it was reported.
Red Cross charge. The AlgerianPressServicesaid in Tunis that the
Apr. 20: Former Gen. Raoul Salan, his wife and Provisional Government solicits the support of
daughter and an aide were arrested in Algiers. AlgerianJews in their campaignagainstthe OAS.
Salan was flown to imprisonment in Paris for It reported that the Committeefor the Struggle
trial. Shortly after his arrival a wild deiiionstration against Fascism had distributedposters and pam-
and fire broke out in Sante Prison. Fifteen prison- phlets to encourageJews of Algeria to rally behind
ers and 5 security troopers were reported injured this effort.
in a clash before the security forces regained con- OAS terroristsblasted a commercialairliner at
trol. the Algiers airport,destroyingit completely.There
Muhammad Yazid, Minister of Information, said were no casualties.
Salan's arrest would have a useful "effect on the Secret Army men attackeda Frenchstrongpoint
criminal action of the fascist commandos." in the heart of Oran and held it under fire for
Muhammad ibn Balla and 4 other ministers re- an hour. No casualtieswere reported.
cently liberated from prison returned to Tunis after 'Abd al-RahmanFaris said in Paris after a meet-
a 2-day visit to the Algerian border of Tunisia. ing with de Gaulle that the meeting left him
It was reported that about 250,000 Algerian "more confident than ever" on the future of
refugees in Tunisia and Morocco will begin their Algeria. Earlierhe conferredwith the new French
return home next month at a rate that will eventu- Premier,GeorgesPompidou.
ally approach 4,000 people a day from both coun- Apr. 27: 'Umar Ousseddik, political head of the
tries. National LiberationFrontfor GreaterAlgiers, said
Apr. 21: Secret Army terrorists opened fire on French in Algiers that if the Frenchwere willing to arrest
security forces in Algiers and Oran. It was officially 5,000 Europeans they could crush the OAS in
announced that the attack took the lives of 3 Algiers and Oran in less than 2 weeks.
soldiers and wounded 2 policemen in Algiers. The commander of the Mobile Security Group
Casualties in Oran were not announced, but 2 mem- at Ani-el-Turk, 8 miles west of Oran, was found
bers of the security forces were reported killed and dead near the center of Oran. He had been
14 wounded. OAS terrorists also killed 18 Muslim kidnapped from his office early this morning and
civilians and wounded 15 during the day in Al- shot through the head 16 times.
giers. In Oran, at least 7 Muslims were slain. Apr. 28: The Algerian Nationalist Army of Libera-
A new Algerian security force of mixed Muslim tion turned 3 French prisoners over to the French
and European units was officially turned over to Consulate General in Tunis. A spokesman for the
the Provisional Government in ceremonies at Algerian Army in Tunis said he knew of no plans
Rocher Noir. Christain Fouchet turned over com- for further liberation, nor, he said, did he know
mand to 'Abd al-Rahman Faris. whether there were any other prisoners to be liber-
Apr. 22: Salan was indicted by the civilian authori- ated. Yesterday, Premier Pompidou told the Na-
ties in Paris for crimes against the security of the tional Assembly in Paris that the French authori-
state. ties had stopped liberating Algerian prisoners
Rightist forces in Algiers destroyed 2 printing because of the failure of the Algerians to free
presses of L'Echo d'Alger. captive Frenchmen.

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Maj. Gen. Joseph Katz, the military commander unless the situation was corrected. The Council
in Oran, ordered closed 4 principal streets in the said it had informedthe AlgerianProvisionalGov-
center of the city to all vehicular traffic beginning ernmentof this.
tomorrow and threatened to shoot at any violators After a meeting of the ProvisionalGovernment
of the ban. At the same time, he announced that in Tunis, under the chairmanshipof Yuasifibn
his troops would immediately enter any building Khidda, MuhammadYazid said that "the liquida-
from which shots were fired and evict the occupants tion of the Secret Army Organizationrequired
of an apartment, a floor or, if necessary, the build- radicalmeasures,"excludingwhat he called "obso-
ing. lete sentimentalitiesand attachmentto legal forms."
In individual terrorist attacks in the last 24 hours Meanwhile, the Algerian Press Service (APS)
in Oran, 8 Muslims and 5 Europeans were killed. repeatedorders to Muslims in Algeria to remain
Twelve thousand French troops massed around quiet and not reply to OAS attacksand provoca-
Oran for a "progressive operation asphyxiation" to tions.
end the rule of the OAS there. May 4: Europeanterroristsexplodeda gasoline truck
Authorities in Algiers reported terrorist attacks on the edge of a canyon above Algiers in an at-
in Algeria killed 164 persons and wounded 269 tempt to engulf several hundredMuslim families
between April 1 and 15. Of the dead, 134 were with fire. One Muslim was burned to death and
Muslims; of the wounded 228. about 32 were reportedwounded.
Apr. 29: French troops infiltrated the heart of the Yazid issued a statementwarningthe Europeans
European section of Oran. The section was cut in of Algeria to halt their aid to "fascists"of the
2 with barbed-wire enclosures and machine-gun OAS before the prospect of cooperation in an
positions were set up. independent Algeria was "hopelessly compro-
Apr. 30: French officials directing the campaign mised,"and he urgedFrenchauthoritiesto organize
against the OAS in Algiers and Oran expressed and send into action the all-Muslim police force
confidence that they have wrested the initiative providedfor in the Evian accords.
from extremist insurgents, it was reported in The French Cabinet was reportedto have ap-
Algiers. The security forces are carrying out 4 or proved measures that will carry out fully the
5 search operations in each of the cities every day peace accords,but the details were not given.
and an average of 25 members of the OAS are May 5: The APS declared in Tunis: "Let every
arrested and about 100 weapons are captured daily, European take stock of the evidence: Algeria
they said. cannot be built without the Algerian people, but
At least 29 persons were killed and 11 wounded she can be built without the Europeans."
in terrorist attacks in Oran during the day. French authorities announced in Algiers that
iMay 1: A general staff officer of the Algerian Army security forces had arrested400 OAS suspects in
of Liberation said in Ghardimaou, Tunis, "We are a massive searchof a single quarterof Algiers, it
respecting the peace accords and we will continue was reported.
to respect them, even if we do not like them. But May 6: Europeanterroristgunmenwere reportedto
there is nothing sacred about the Provisional have opened fire on Muslim women in the streets
Government. It can be changed any time." He of Algiers for the first time. Two women were
was referring to the Provisional Government's killed in Bab-el-Ouedand one was wounded.
policy towards Europeans in Algeria, which was May 7: Muslims, wielding iron bars and sticks, at-
described as "moderate." tackedand killed a Europeanworkmanin Algiers,
OAS terrorists attacked 2 fortified French com- in the mistakenbelief that he was a memberof the
mand posts in Oran with mortar and machine-gun terrorist underground.
fire. The attackers were repelled after a 40-minute FourMuslimdomesticwomenservantswere shot
battle. dead in the Europeansection of Algiers. Four
May 2: The Prefecture of Police in Paris announced otherswere wounded.
that the trial of Salan will start on May 15. May 8: It was reportedthat 2,000 auxiliarypolice-
At least 91 Muslims and 6 Europeans were men recruited among members of the Algerian
killed in Algiers by OAS terrorists. About 130 National LiberationArmy will soon join the fight
Muslims were wounded. Later tonight French against OAS terroristsin Algiers and Oran. A
authorities in Algiers reported that throughout group of 1,000 startedtraininglast week.
Algeria terrorist attacks killed 110 persons and In 37 individualattacks,most of them in down-
wounded 147. town Algiers, 27 Muslims, 2 of them women, and
The Provisional Government in Tunis demanded one Europeanwere killed.
that "necessary means" of enforcing order in Four Muslims and 3 Europeanswere killed in
Algeria be put at the disposal of the transitional Oran, in individual terrorist attacks, it was re-
executive there. portedin Algiers.
May 3: The 5-man Council of Greater Algiers issued Louis Joxe said in Paris that Francecould not
a written declaration that it would take the fight be satisfiedwith "vagueand contradictory" declara-
against European terrorists into their own hands tions by the Algerian rebels on the fate of 197

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French prisoners, and added that the liberation In a move to prevent 19-year-old Europeans in
of the 1,800 Algerian prisoners still in French Algeria from being recruited by the OAS, the
hands would be delayed until France had received French government ordered their drafting into
satisfaction from the Algerian rebel command on military service.
the fate of the French soldiers. Four French soldiers were set free by the
May 9: In a report to the Cabinet, Joxe said that Algerian National Liberation Army, it was repoted
the situation in Algiers and Oran was "serious in Rabat.
and preoccupying," it was reported in Paris. May 17: Muhammad Yazid, at a news conference in
In Tunis, Ibn Khidda called on the people of Tunis, said that Muslims in Algeria should use
his country to observe "scrupulously" the peace "more effective measures" against European ter-
accords, despite provocation. rorist attacks.
At least 24 Muslims were killed in Algiers and Major Si 'Izz al-din, chief of the nationalist
6 wounded in terrorist attacks. In Oran the toll
political-military apparatus in Algiers, took re-
was 7 dead, 5 of them Muslims.
sponsibility for the machine-gun attacks by Muslim
May 10: Eighteen Muslim women and young girls gunmen that killed 17 Europeans last May 14, it
were killed in Algiers and Oran. The day's toll was reported in Algiers.
for all Algeria was 55, all but 9 of them Muslims.
May 18: It was reported that 1,558 Europeans fleeing
May 11: Fourteen prominent community leaders, in-
Algeria left on a boat for Marseilles. Authorities
cluding 82-year-old Roman Catholic Bishop, Msgr.
have put 2 packet boats on the Algiers-Marseilles
Carmouze, of Oran were arrested in that city. Mean-
run beginning next week. Meanwhile terrorists
while, the French government, through its High
stepped up their campaign against fleeing Euro-
Commissioner for Algeria, warned that Europeans
who "condone terrorist crimes would be punished
Authorities in Paris report that more than
as severely as those who perpetrated them."
14,800 "heads of family" registered as repatriates
May 12: The transitional executive announced that from Algeria in metropolitan France in the last 4
30,000 Muslims soldiers would join the fight months. In March and April alone at least 10,000
against the terrorists of the OAS in Algiers and registered, they declared.
Oran "in the near future," it was reported in
May 19: It was reported in Paris that 9 judges of
Algiers. It also said that the popular referendum
the high military tribunal and the government
in Algeria, which is expected to approve independ-
prosecutor in the trial of Salan have received death
ence, will be held on July 1.
threats from the OAS.
May 13: Two Muslims were killed and about 15 Former Premier Michel Debr6, called by the
persons, including several Europeans, were defense in the Salan trial, denied that he had once
wounded in Algiers in a terrorist bombing of a plotted against Salan's life.
parked car in a mixed Muslim-European neighbor- The Bachagha Sa'id Buwalim, with about 60
hood in Algiers, it was reported. Msgr. Jules members of his family and aides, arrived in France,
Carmouze of Oran was released after questioning. it was reported in Mas Thibert.
May 14: Firing from cars as they drove through the May 20: Some 1,400 "refugees," who have been
suburbs of Algiers, gunmen identified as Muslims camping for days at the Maison Blanche airport
killed 17 Europeans and 2 Muslims in less than
awaiting passage, were airlifted to France. It was
2 hours tonight, it was reported.
believed the airlift was ordered by Louis Joxe.
Christian Fouchet expressed "confidence" that
May 21: Today, 1,157 persons left on the Ville de
the self-determination referendum, scheduled for
Marseilles for Marseilles and 900 left by air for
July 1, would be held despite the terrorism of the
OAS, it was reported in Rocher Noir. Terrorism in Algiers took a toll of 12 lives, 6
May 15: Salan went on trial for his life in Paris, Muslims and 6 Europeans. Meanwhile, it was re-
in a courtroom encircled by security forces. ported that 3 European executives of the Monoprix
European gunmen reportedly struck back at the were kidnapped. Two of them were found dead
Muslims, killing 54 persons in Algiers and wound- later and one was freed by French troops.
ing 34.
May 22: European authorities in Algiers disclosed
May 16: "I am the chief of the Secret Army Organi- that the French army had found the bodies of 15
zation. My responsibility thus is complete," said Europeans buried in lime on a farm near Maison
Salan at the witness stand. He reportedly "attacked Carree, 7 miles from Algiers.
President de Gaulle as having betrayed the con- Thirteen Muslims and 3 Europeans were killed
cept of an Algeria forever French that was the key- and 6 wounded in terrorist activities in Algiers, it
stone of the 1958 uprising that returned him to was disclosed.
power." A total of 1,660 person left Algeria by sea and
European terrorists shelled the Algiers Casbah air for France.
with mortars and killed 40 Muslims. Two Euro- May 23: Salan was sentenced to life imprisonment
peans were also killed. by the high military tribunal, which found him

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guilty on 5 counts, but ruled there were extenuating through "any sort of accord with the National
circumstances in his case. Liberation Front."
Twenty-three persons were killed in 33 separate The Secret Army burned 2 more schools in
incidents in Algiers, and 23 were wounded. Of the Algiers and announced in a "private broadcast" it
dead 19 were Muslims, of the wounded one was a would attempt to reduce Algeria to her condition
European. at the time of the French conquest in 1830.
May 24: Louis Joxe told the French Cabinet that the May 30: De Gaulle declared he was determined
tribunal's judgment of Salan "which has stunned to maintain his Algerian policy and the stability
the nation," could constitute a "blow to the of the French state, it was learned in Paris. On
morale" of the security forces. the same day, a new Military Court of Justice was
The official news agency of the Algerian Pro- formed to mete out "exemplary" punishment to the
visional Government characterized the jail sentence killers of the OAS and those who block the
given to Salan as "scandalous," a surprise to the Algerian policy and bring down the Fifth Republic.
whole world and one that caused general indigna- Armand Belvisi, the principal suspect in the at-
tion, it was reported in Tunis. tempted assassination of de Gaulle last September,
Lawyers of Jouhaud were reported to have was arrested, in the meantime, after a gun fight
asked the Ministry of Justice in Paris for a revision in one of the biggest residential districts of Paris.
of his death sentence. France's 6 Roman Catholic Cardinals issued a
May 25: About 8,400 Algerian refugees were re- statement condemning the violence in Algeria.
ported to have crossed the Moroccan-Algerian June 1: The Secret Army in Algiers called a halt to
frontier in the last 12 days. the terrorist killing it has carried on for the last
Jouhaud's execution was stayed, it was reported 10 weeks. It was not determined who ordered it
in Paris. or what was going on behind the scenes.
May 26: Official sources in Paris disclosed that In Paris, several elected representatives of the
Jouhaud would be spared from execution only if Europeans of Algeria reportedly asked for further
European-inspired terror stopped in Algeria. guarantees for the period following Algerian inde-
The high military tribunal that sentenced Salan pendence.
was dissolved, by order of the Ministry of Justice, June 2: A "cease-fire" of the OAS was reported to
it was reported in Paris. have been extended to Tuesday, June 5. It was
European extremists burned out 18 elementary believed the unofficial "negotiations" were being
school buildings in Algiers, it was reported. carried out, although no one could determine who
May 27: The French Government established a new were involved in them. In Oran, however, gen-
fund of 200,000,000 francs to aid refugees fron darmes fought for 15 minutes with OAS men. No
Algeria. casualties were reported.
The French government confirmed a report that June 3: A "private broadcast" on the television sound
Salan continued to operate from prison as a leader channel at Oran declared that the command of the
of the OAS. The capture of Andre Canal on May OAS was in the Oran region, not at Algiers. The
6 and the investigation that followed it revealed a broadcast denounced as without authority the
letter from Salan dated April 24, which contained alleged "negotiations" that were reported earlier.
instructions written while Salan was in Sante A similar broadcast in Algiers, however, said the
prison. "contacts" that were in progress had thus far been
The French government published a decree for the "maneuvers of politicians."
the re-establishment of political liberties in Algeria The Pope called for an end to the bloodshed in
before the self-determination vote on July 1. Algeria and appealed for racial peace in North
May 28: The American Federation of Labor and Africa.
Congress of Industrial Organizations announced a Security forces captured an OAS band at Arewv,
fund-raising campaign to help the Algerian labor 25 miles from Oran, it was reported there.
movement, at a luncheon in Washington for 'Abd Haj j Masali announced that the Algerian Na-
al-Nur 'Ali Yahya, general secretary of the Algerian tional Movement, of which he is the leader, had
General Workers Union. transformed itself into a legal political party-the
Gen. Francois Partiot disclosed in Paris that he Algerian Popular Party.
had successfully sought early retirement because he June 4: France's highest appeals court refused a re-
was ordered to detail the firing squad for Jouhaud. trial for Jouhaud.
Seven more schools and a social security payment No violence was reported in Algiers after the
office were burned by terrorists in Algiers. midnight deadline set by the alleged truce. The
May 29: Shawqi Mustafa'i, a member of the pro- OAS broadcast continued its warning, however, of
visional executive, denied reports that there have the end of the truce.
been "negotiations" with European rightists and the The US government denounced the OAS threat
Algerian nationalists, and charged that the to "scorch the Algerian earth" and force the exodus
OAS was seeking a way out of "its impasse" of Europeans unless the Algerian nationalists

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agreed to revise the Evian accords,in a statement Algeriansto vote "yes"in the forthcomingreferen-
issued in Washington. dum, July 1. Meanwhile,European"piratebroad-
June 6: Jouhaudurged the OAS to halt its campaign casts" indicated that talks between nationalists
of terror. and Europeanswere going on "at the highest
June 7: The OAS ordereda resumptionof its ter- level."
rorism in Algiers. Using incendiarybombs,plastic June 14: The French army commanderfor western
explosives and grenades, terrorists set off blasts Algeria,Maj. Gen. PhilippeGinestet,was seriously
that causedfires in a large numberof public build- wounded when he was shot as he left the chapel
ings in Algiers, Bone, Constantine,Oran and Sidi- in a militaryhospital in Oran.
bel-Abbes. At least 6 Muslimswere reportedkilled June 15: A spoksemanfor the OAS announcedthat
in Algiers. the terroristswould step up its campaignof arson
June 8: In a television broadcast,de Gaulle forecast and bombings.
a need for constitutionalchanges to insure the Terroristsdestroyedthe major part of Algeria's
continuityof a strong Frenchstate beyondhis own largest and best-equipped hospital. They also
term of office. He credited the "imminentsolu- damageda smallerhospital. They blew up Algiers'
tion" of the Algerianproblemto the strongexecu- City Hall, killing at least 3 French soldiers
tive powers he obtained in 1958. In Algiers, stationed as guards. It was reported that Euro-
meanwhile, the Europeanterroristspursued their pean women joined in the bombing operations.
campaign of burning public buildings. It was It was reported in Tunis that the nationalists
learned that talks between representativesof the called on the Frenchgovernment"to show the same
Europeancommunityand the Algerian nationalists fidelity" to the truce accords that "the Algerian
were continuing. ProvisionalGovernmenthas shown," and thus "to
June 9: The US cultural center in Algiers was in- contribute decisively to the re-establishmentof
vaded and partly destroyedby Europeanterrorists, peace" in Algeria. The nationalistshave charged
it was reported. Most of the 6,000 volumesin the Frencharmyand some Frenchofficialquarterswith
librarywere destroyedby fire. "complaisancetoward if not complicitywith" the
Reutersreportedthat the OAS called off its at- SecretArmy.
tacks against Muslims tonight. In Paris, the Frenchgovernmentmoved to retry
June 10: It was announcedin Algiers that European Salan. It was also learned that 20 alleged killers
terrorists sabotaged a gas well yesterdayin the were capturedin the last 48 hours along the route
Sahara, in southern Algeria. of de Gaulle'scurrenttour in the Jura region.
The ProvisionalGovernmentannouncedit would
address a "solemn declaration"to the Europeans
of Algeria within the next 2 days. The subject
matterof the "declaration"was not disclosed. Cyprus
An OAS spokesman,in "piratebroadcasts,"was
reportedto have announcedthat by last night or (See also, General,Lebanon,PalestineProblem)
today he would advise the Europeancommunityin
Algeria either that it was safe to remainin Algeria 1962
or that all was lost and that they should flee,
leaving behindonly the SecretArmymembers. Mar. 25: Bomb explosions reportedly damaged 2
June 11: The OAS postponeda decisionon whether mosques-used by Cypriotsof Turkishdescent-in
they would orderEuropeansto leave the country. the Greek quarterof Nicosia.
It was learned that Bilqasim arrivedin Rocher Mar. 29: Several thousand Greek Cypriote school
Noir yesterday. It was believed he joined other children paradedin Nicosia, chanting slogans of
nationalistleadersin "talks"with Europeanrepre- "enosis"after word of damageby fire in a Greek
sentatives. school in the Turkishquarterof the city last night.
The OAS attackedin vain police headquarters Policemenpreventedany outbreakof violence.
in Oran with bazookas and machine guns twice Apr. 2: ArchbishopMakarioswas reportedto have
today. No casualtieswere reported. expressed his concern to British officials about a
June 12: In Algiers, the OAS killed 3 Muslims, threat to the island's economy. The proposed
bombed 2 downtown insurance company offices gradual withdrawal of British forces from bases
and the state-runrailway administrationbuilding, in Cyprus,in addition to Britain'sexpected entry
and robbed 2 business offices and a post office of in the EuropeanCommonMarket,were regarded
$36,600. as "economicallyharmful" by Cypriote officials.
It was reported in Marseilles that more than Apr. 7: At a press conferenceMakariosdeclaredthat
10,000 Europeansfrom Algeria arrived there by Cypruswould maintainher alliancewith the West.
sea and air in the last 24 hours. He expressedhope for harmonybetweenthe Greek
June 13: The ProvisionalGovernmentissued a state- and Turkishcommunitiesin Cyprus;indicatedthat
ment denying to the Europeansfurtherguarantees if Britain were admittedto the CommonMarket
to those alreadyagreedupon at Evian. It urgedthe Cyprus would seek associate membershipin the

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market;and emphasizedCyprus'neutrality"in so May 25: It was reported that a concession agree-

far as military alignmentsare concerned." ment with Ralph Parsons& Co., of California,for
Apr. 23: Two persons reportedly killed Ayhan the exploitationof potash deposits in the Danakil
Mustafa Hikmet, publisher of Cumhuriyet. Later depressionhas been signed.
police found AhmetMuzaferGurkan,a lawyerand May 28: The head of a 7-member International
editor of the same paper, shot and killed. The Atomic Energy Commission delegation disclosed
killers were not known. that his organization'sbudget for next year will
May 1: Home SecretaryR. A. Butler said that An- make provision for the training of Ethiopianstu-
tonis Zacharia and Euripides Arestidou-fugitive dents in nuclear sciences. The delegationleft for
informersagainst EOKA-will not be returnedto Beirut after a visit to Ethiopia.
Cyprusto face criminalcharges.It was the firsttime June 8: It was learnedthat the World Bankhas made
in the historyof the FugitiveOffendersAct of 1881, a loan equivalentto $2.9 million to the Board of
under which Cyprus sought their return, that a Communicationsto help finance the purchase of
Home Secretaryhad exercisedhis authorityto over- equipmentfor the improvementand extension of
rule a British court and deny the return of a the telephoneand telegraphnetworkbegun by the
fugitive. Board with the help of a World Bank loan a
May 20: Makariosleft Nicosia by air for state visits decade ago. The loan is for 20 years at 53/4per
to West Germanyand the US. cent interest.
June 5: Makariosarrivedin Washingtonon a 5-day June 13: Addis Ababa radio's external service
visit. inaugurated its Swahili program for east and
June 7: In an addressto the UN GeneralAssembly, centralAfrica. Last May 5 it began foreign broad-
Makariosappealedto the nuclearpowers to avert casts in English, Frenchand Arabic.
an "impendingcatastrophe"by taking action in ac-
cordancewith their responsibilityfor "enlightened
world leadership."
June 11: Addressingthe OverseasPressClub in New Iran
York, Makariossaid he was "strongly"opposedto
(See also, General)
suggestionsthat voting in the UN be proportionate
to the size of power of the members. 1962
Mar. 17: The semi-annualdiscussionsbetween the
Iranian Oil Consortiumand the National Iranian
Oil Companyended. A communiquewas issued
Ethiopia which indicatedthat "full agreement"was reached
(See also, Somalia)
on "a large numberof mattersof commonagree-
ment." No other details were disclosed.
1962 Mar. 20: It was reported in Washington that the
detention in Tehran of Abol Hassan Ebtehaj,
Apr. 6: It was reportedthat 2 Britishfirms-Mitchell formerhead of the planning organizationin Iran,
Cotts & Co. Ltd. and Mediterranean Meat Canners was injectedinto a Senateinquiryinto Iran'suse of
Ltd.-have signed an agreementwith the govern- Americanaid funds.
ment. They propose to set up a national corpo- Mar. 25: Former Foreign Minister Hossein Qods-
ration with an initial capital of about ?700,000, Nakhai was reported to have been appointed to
60 per cent of which will be made available for succeedArdeshirZahedi as Iranianambassadorto
public subscriptionlocally. the US.
Apr. 13: The Ministerof Educationwarnedthat the Mar. 30: It was reportedthat the general assembly
appropriationof $8,656,000 in the currentbudget of the NIOC has agreed on outstandingfinancial
will not be sufficientto meet Ethiopia's "serious matterswith the Consortium. These included the
shortage"of schools and teachers. financing by the Consortiumof projects such as
Apr. 24: A funeral service was held for Prince housing for oil workers and the calculation of
Sahle Silasse,who died last night at the age of 31. depreciationand operatingcosts at Kharg Island.
May 4: An agreementwas reported to have been Apr. 4: TehranUniversityreopenedafterbeing closed
made betweenEthiopiaand the Ivory Coast,allow- since February25.
ing their airlinesentry into each other'sairports. Apr. 9: The Shah distributedlands to 522 peasants
May 23: The Chamberof Deputies approved an in northernIran, along the border of the Soviet
agreement negotiated with the USSR last year, Union.
providing a long-termcredit of 90 million rubles Apr. 10: The Shah and EmpressFarah arrived in
to finance industrial, agricultural and mineral New York for an 8-day officialvisit to the US.
projects. It was also learned that an application Apr. 11: Presidentand Mrs. Kennedy received the
for a World Bank loan of $14 million has been Shah and the Empressat the White House.
approvedin principle. Apr. 12: The Shah told Congress to continue US

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foreign aid and pledged that his nation would for sale to their former users or sold at public
not surrender to communism regardless of any auction.
American action. It was learned that the Minister of Justice has
Apr. 13: It was reported that a new decree has been confiscated the property of 8 persons accused in a
passed making it compulsory for foreigners who case against officials of the Tobacco Monopoly
have been working in Iran to produce a tax settle- department, said to have misappropriated about
ment certificate to customs officials at border check- $5 million. No names were disclosed.
points. Failing such a certificate, they must deposit May 27: Premier Amini named former Trade
a sum of 5,000 rials with the Ministry of Finance Minister Jehangir Amuzegar as Finance Minister
for every month of work in Iran, this sum being and the former mayor of Tehran, Dr. Mohessen
held as a deposit against setting outstanding tax Nasr, as Minister of State.
due within 2 months-otherwise the deposit will June 3: A special meeting was held at the Plan
be forfeited. Organization headquarters to discuss the budget for
Apr. 14: A communique was issued by the Shah and the current year, which is now 2 months overdue.
President Kennedy stating, inter alia, that they June 4: Ebtehaj was reported to have demanded that
"agreed on the necessity for further acceleration he be tried or released unconditionally.
of economic development in Iran and the need June 11: Iran and the Soviet Union signed an agree-
for continued external assistance to Iran to enable ment to exchange goods valued at more than
that country to pursue the goals of its economic $5,500,000, renewing a 20-year-old trade pact.
development plans." June 14: Ebtehaj was released from a prison hospital
Apr. 18: The Shah was conferred an honorary on his personal pledge of $134,000,000 not to leave
Doctor of Laws degree by the University of Iran until the case against him had been completed.
Pennsylvania. His friends put up $6,000,000 more as bail.
Apr. 21: It was reported that heavy rains flooded June 15: Tass said that the Soviet Union had ex-
parts of Tehran, inundating some 400 houses and pelled the Iranian embassy's press attach6 on the
making thousands homeless. Unofficial reports said ground that he and some other Iranian officials
the death toll was 15, including 8 children. had operated a currency black market.
May 2: A new trade agreement was signed with
Poland in Tehran, under which Poland will take
other goods to a value of at least one third of Iraq
its purchases of Iranian cotton. Poland will export
machinery and manufactured goods to Iran, and (See also, General, Kuwayt, Syria)
some goods such as lorries, trucks and radio sets
have been exempted from the prohibited list for 1962
import from Poland.
Mar. 17: Iraq announced the recall of its envoy to
May 5: The NIOC announced that the special sub-
Japan, which has recognized Kuwayt.
committee of the Supreme Oil Council had now Mar. 18: Iraq recalled its ambassador to Iran in pro-
endorsed 3 of its projects for immediate action: test against the presentation of credentials by the
a refinery at Tehran, using oil from the Alborz
Kuwayti Ambassador.
field; a topping plant at Alborz, also using Alborz
Mar. 19: Al-Ahd al-Jadid reported that Brig. Shaqir
crude; and a gas separating plant at Sarajeh. The
Mahmuid Shuqri has been nominated Iraqi Ambas-
projects will provide petroleum products for use
sador to Syria.
in northern Iran, saving up to $60 million in
Mar. 26: The Albanian deputy Minister of Trade,
foreign exchange, and thus releasing crude from
Kico Kaspio, signed in Baghdad a protocol regu-
the southern fields for export.
lating exchanges this year within the framework
May 19: The Shah and his wife dedicated the Sefid of the 1959 trade agreement between Iraq and
Rud Dam, which was built by the French at a cost Albania.
of $60 million. It will irrigate about 375,000 acres The Iranian Ambassador to Iraq, Abbas Aram,
and produce 132,000 kilowatts of power for Gilan left for Tehran to assume the post of Foreign
Province. Minister in the Cabinet of Premier Ali Amini. He
May 23: The annual general meeting of the Iranian said his departure "was not connected with the
Oil Exploration and Producing Company and the recall of the Iraqi ambassador from Iran."
Iranian Oil Refinery Company were held in The Al-Wahdah, organ of the Arab Nationalist
Hague, under the chairmanship of E. W. Berlin. Party in Iraq, published a statement by the party
The Board of Directors, with Berlin as chairman, urging the government to issue legislation provid-
were unanimously reappointed. ing for: Iraqi participation in the capital of the
May 25: It was reported that all motor cars that IPC group of oil companies to the extent of 20
have been used by government officials, except per cent; and imposition of an income tax law
those used by Cabinet members and other senior which would raise Iraq's share of profits to 70 per
officials, have been called in. They will be offered cent.

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Mar. 31: It was reported that the Cabinet will law with a view to an increase in the state's present
promulgate a special law governing the oil industry 50 per cent share of oil revenue.
during the next few weeks. The Oil Ministry Apr. 30: Army detachments were sent to northern
disclosed that the law will include provisions for Iraq. Qasim said that the people there needed
granting and renewing concessions, the division protection. He told al-Ahd al-Jadidthat the recent
of concessionary areas, royalties, export duties and unrest of Kurdish tribesmen in the area "had been
other technical questions concerning the develop- instigated by oil companies and imperialists to
ment of oil production and exploitation by the plunder a peaceful people." The situation has
government. been brought under control, he added, and the army
Apr. 1: Premier Qasim was quoted in an interview units will undergo training "and finish their duties
with al-Thawrah as having reported that govern- according to plan."
ment forces had crushed the Kurdish tribal revolt May 6: Japan was reported to have recalled her
in northern Iraq after a campaign lasting only a envoy in Baghdad. The Iraqi ambassador to Japan
week. returned to Baghdad last month.
The government announced a budget for the May 12: Pakistan signed her first trade agreement
financial year 1962-63 which starts today. Expendi- with the post-revolutionary government of Iraq,
ture was estimated at ID 127,003,945 and revenue under which she will export to Iraq rice, jute and
at ID 118,456,284. electrical goods and import dates worth more than
Apr. 6: Iraq and Bulgaria were reported to have ?250,000, as well as cement and petroleum
agreed on "specific items" of scientific and technical products. Both countries will grant each other
cooperation in the fields of industry, agriculture and "most favored nation" treatment and payment will
construction. No details were disclosed. be in sterling.
Apr. 8: The Ministry of Education spokesman an- May 13: An ID 1,500,000 contract with the West
nounced 15 scholarships granted to Nigerian stu- German firm of Polinski and Zollner to build a
dents for the next academic year, "to strengthen diversion weir in the Kirkuk province was signed
Iraq's friendship with Nigeria." by the Minister of Agriculture, 'Abd al-Jalal. This
Apr. 9: The Tunisian Foreign Minister, $adduik is the first stage of a 3-year ID 50 million project
Muqaddam, had a 2-hour meeting with Qasim and for irrigating more than 170,000 acres.
gave him a letter from President Bourguiba. The May 17: The Iraqi Ambassador to Lebanon, Nasir
Defense Ministry said the meeting covered "good al-Hani, recalled because Lebanon has decided to
relations between the 2 republics, remedies to Arab establish diplomatic relations with Kuwayt, re-
issues and unification of efforts to combat im- turned to Baghdad.
perialism." May 24: According to a joint communique issued in
Apr. 13: Security forces reportedly seized a complete Baghdad, Iraq and East Germany will establish
printing press, pamphlets, banned books and a consulates-general in their respective capitals.
party membership list when they discovered a
May 25. Al-Thawrah reported that Iraq had decided
"clandestine political party cell in a Baghdad dis-
to turn down a Lebanese request for the supply of
trict." Party members were arrested and inter-
40,000 tons of petroleum products, made 3 months
Apr. 14. The government was reported to have
formally rejected BP's posting of $1.72 a barrel for May 26: A representative of Mustafa Barazani, a
Basrah crude at the new deepwater loading terminal Kurdish leader, said in a telephone interview from
of Khaur al-'Umayyah. Compagnie Francaise des Damascus that Kurdish rebels had resisted a 10-day
Petroles's price for the same crude at the terminal offensive by Iraqi troops, it was reported in Beirut.
is $1.78. He added that while the main ground offensive
Apr. 17: The Ministry of National Guidance ended May 9, the Iraqi air force was continuing
cancelled the licenses of 5 newspapers for not large-scale air attacks against the Kurdish centers.
appearing for 6 consecutive months. They are May 27: Al-Ayam reported that the government has
Sawt al-Furat, al-Ikhlas, al-'lraq, al-Watain and rescinded orders which impounded the property of
Insaniya. several leaders of the former regime after the July
Apr. 23: It was learned in Beirut that the Kurds have 1958 revolution. They are 'Abd al-Hadi al-Shalabi,
gained control "across the north from Mosul to the former President of the Senate; Tariq al-Askari,
territory facing the Turkish-Iranian borders and former charge d'affaires in London; 'Ali Jawdat
along the northeastern region south of Sulay- al-Ayfibi, former Prime Minister and 'Abd al-Karim
maniya." al-UzrI and 'Abd al-Mahdi al-Muntifqi, former
Apr. 25: A ?5 million contract for the first stage of ministers.
the proposed ?15 million international airport in May 29: Three Kurdish organizations-the Demo-
Baghdad has been awarded to the Bulgarian cratic Kurdish party of Iran, the Democratic
Techno-Export organization, it was reported. Kurdish party of Syria and the Association for the
Apr. 27: Al-Ayim reported that the government has Defense of Rights of the Kurdish People--appealed
appointed a committee to study the income tax to "Kurds everywhere and to the Kurdish people in

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Iraq in particular" to back the Kurdish rebellion Israel

and its leader, Barazani, "with blood and money."
Oil Minister Muhammad Salman announced that (See also, General, Palestine Problem, UAR)
work on 4 new oil projects, costing a total of
ID 3 million, would be inaugurated on July 14. 1962
These are: a plant at Dawrah, for the manufacture
of spare parts for oil equipment; a pumping station Mar. 16: FinanceMinister Levi Eshkol won a fight
at al-Tharthar, to increase the capacity of the 12-in. in his party when, by 14 votes to 10, the secretariat
crude pipeline from Kirkuk to the Dawrah refinery; of the Mapai turneddown a demandthat an emer-
an oil product storage depot at al-Za'faraniyah, gency cost-of-living allowance be paid to Israeli
with a storage capacity over 12 million gallons of wage earners in April as part of their March
oil products; and a 100-bed hospital for govern- earnings.
ment oil workers, also at Dawrah. Mar. 20: A phosphorusbomb reportedlyexploded
May 31: The Iraqi Oil Workers Union held its and a 300-foot tower of scaffolding collapsed in
third annual congress in Baghdad. Its resolutions Tel Aviv during the night in 2 separate incidents,
included expressions of support for the govern- while the feast of Purim was celebrated. About
ment's oil policy and Iraq's claim to Kuwayt. 100 persons were injured, 14 of them seriously.
IbrIhim Jawad was reelected president of the Mar. 22. The attorney for Adolf Eichmann served
union. notice before the Supreme Court that his client
June 2: Iraq was reported to have ordered the US would appeal to the Council of Europe if he was
ambassador, John D. Jernegan, to leave the coun- not extradited to West Germany. The Council can
try and has recalled its own ambassador from only consider claims, however, of individuals to
Washington in protest against US accreditation of whom the state against which the complaint has
an ambassador from Kuwayt. The US said it been entered has given its consent.
would comply with the request and expressed Mar. 23: Eichmann appealed to the Supreme Court
formal regret at the break. to save him from the gallows, and said that by
June 3: Al-Muwatin re-appeared today, allegedly doing so it might permit him to serve as "an
marking the resumption of political activity by instrument against any recurrence of a Nazi holo-
Kamal al-Chaderchi, leader of the NDP. caust."
June 4: Muhammad Alwan, charge d'affaires in Bel- Mar. 25: A new freighter, the 3,500-ton Varde,
grade, disclosed that Yugoslavia had agreed to joined Israel's merchantfleet at Elath. She will
provide Iraq with 64 experts to serve with the ply between Israel's Red Sea outlet and Far Eastern
government's maritime transport company. and Southeast Asian ports.
The West German government was reported to The Cabinetdecidedto look into the possibility
have decided to send a special envoy to Baghdad to of altering the libel bill the governmentis spon-
seek "clarification" on an agreement between the soring in the Knesset. Under the bill, a newspaper
East German and Iraqi governments calling for the could be closed indefinitelyif it was found guilty
opening of consulates-general in their respective of publishing 2 libelous statements in 2 years. Any
countries. citizen or resident of Israel who published libelous
June 5. East Germany and Iraq began talks to expand information about the state abroad would also be
trade under the agreement of 1958. East German criminally liable in Israel.
delegates arrived in Baghdad 2 days ago.
Mar. 28: Attorney General Gideon Hausner asked
June 8: Foreign Minister Hashim Jawad called for
the Supreme Court to send Eichmann to his death,
collaboration among Iraq, Syria and the UAR in
saying, "There is no punishment in the world
"a new departure in inter-Arab relations."
commensurate with the enormity of his deeds. . .
June 11: Kurdish guerrillas were reported to have
Let this court sentence him for one of them and
defeated 3 Iraqi battalions in a battle between
history will condemn him to eternal abhorrence
Sulaymaniya and the Iranian border, it was learned
and disgrace for the murder of all the others."
in Baghdad and Beirut.
Mar. 29: Former Israeli Ambassador to the US,
June 15: A military court sentenced 6 civilians to
Eliahu Elath, was elected president of the Hebrew
death for taking part in a disturbance in the Kirkuk
University in Jerusalem.
The Supreme Court rejected a request by Dr.
Speaking at graduation ceremonies at Baghdad
Servatius for permission to present new evidence
University, Qasim predicted that the frontiers
and witnesses. After the court adjourned, the de-
between Iraq and Syria "will disappear."
fense counsel said he would leave for West Ger-
many to take the case to an administrative court
in Cologne in an effort to force West German
authorities to ask extradition of Eichmann.
Mar. 30: Eichmannwas transferredfrom his court-
house cell to Ramlehprison.

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Apr. 2: The government decided to compensate about assistance between Gabon and Israel was signed
200,000 low-paid workers in grants of 3 per cent in Israel at the end of a state visit by Mr. Leon
of their wages between April and June. The rate M'ba, President of Gabon. The agreementcalls
is commensurate with the rise of the cost of living for cooperationin a number of fields, including
index since last July, when cost-of-living allowances agriculture,fishing, public health, youth training
were last increased. and communications,and providesfor scholarships
Apr. 3: The Knesset called for Yosef Schuhmacher for Gabon trainees and the dispatch of Israel
to be returned to his parents. The boy had been experts.
entrusted to religious zealots by his mother's May 16: Finance Minister Levi Eshkol told the
parents after they heard that she was going to the Knesset that the governmentintended to impose
Soviet Union. a plan of forced saving on the populationto soak
Apr. 8: The Jerusalem Rabbinate was reported to up some of the excesspurchasingpowerthreatening
have declared the Hadassah-Hebrew University the economy.
Medical Center "out of bounds" to descendants of May 24: Nahum Goldmann,presidentof the World
Aaron, brother of Moses, because the mortuary is Zionist Organization,was reportedto have agreed
part of the hospital. The Kohanim, a priestly class to declare publicly that he would not deal wvith
allegedly scions of Aaron, posted proclamations concretequestionsof Israel'sforeignaffairswithout
on billboards saying they might enter the hospital first consulting the Israeli government.
only if life was at stake. The hospital said the Senator Kenneth B. Keating accused the US
Rabbinate's criticism was being met. State Departmentof failing to assist Israel suf-
Eleven persons were killed when an express train ficiently in her relations with the EuropeanEco-
crashed into a truck near Tel Aviv. Six were nomic Community,it was reportedin Washington.
injured. May 25: Goldmannsaid in Jerusalemthat he be-
Apr. 10: The protocol admitting Israel to full mem- lieved PremierBen-Gurion"deliberatelywanted to
bership of the General Agreement on Tariffs and damagehis position by criticizinghim" for repre-
Trade (GATT) was signed in Geneva. sentationshe had made on Israel'sbehalf. It was
Apr. 14: The first Reform Jewish synagogue in learned that Ben-Gurion, at a Cabinet meeting
Israel was dedicated in ceremonies in a walled on May 20, chargedthat Goldmannwas "in effect
garden in Jerusalem, it was reported. interfering with Israel's conduct of her foreign
Apr. 16: The agents who found Eichmann in affairs." With the Cabinet'sapprovalthe Premier
Argentina were reported to have joined the hunt sent a letter to Moshe Sharett, chairmanof the
for Yosef Schuhmacher. Jewish Agency executive, asking an explanation
Apr. 29: Eichmann was permitted a brief visit by his of Goldmann'salleged actions.
wife, Vera, at Ramleh prison. May 29: The Knesset met in a special session to
May 1: Parades and rallies of May Day were set discussthe SupremeCourt'srejectionof Eichmann's
aside in Israel this year. Instead, the nation ob- appealagainsthis deathsentence.
served the Day of Remembrance in quiet tribute May 30: Eichmannasked PresidentItzhak Ben-Zvi
to the memory of the millions of Jews who died to sparehimnfrom the gallows.
at the hands of the Nazis during World War II. Junze1: Eichmannwas hanged just before last mid-
May 7: An official army publication, Bamahane, night. The Presidentrejectedhis appeal for mercv
was reported to have said that a European power shortlybeforethe execution.
had been pressing Israelis into its espionage net- June 3: It was disclosedthat most of the lettersfrom
work by threatening to punish their relatives living Israelis to PresidentBen-Zvi favoredsparingEich-
in Europe. Information collected by the European mann'slife.
power, the paper asserted, has been transmitted to A prosecutorin the Eichmanncase was arrested
Egyptian intelligence. on charges of "impersonatinga lawyer." Yaakov
May 8. Israel marked her 14th anniversary of in- Baror, a district attorneyfor the last 6 years in
dependence with a parade, which included a show Tel Aviv, obtaineda permit to the bar in March
of her military strength. from Chief Justice Itzhak Olshan on the recom-
May 11: Mayor Wagner of New York promised a mendationof the Minister of Justice, it was re-
group of Brooklyn Jewish leaders that he would ported. He was released on a $666 bail, and
lead a delegation to Washington to meet with throughhis counsel entereda formal denial of the
President Kennedy in an effort to win a change charges.
in the US policy toward Israel. June 4: Dr. MartinBuber said in Jerusalemthat he
May 15: In an address to the B'nai B'rith triennial was inclined to view the executionof Eichmannas
convention at the Statler-Hilton Hotel in Wash- a "mistakeof historicaldimension."
ington, Attorney General Hausner appealed to the June 5: Eight hundredexhibitorsfrom 34 countries
civilized world to guard against a recurrence of opened displaysat the Near East InternationalFair
genocide, it was reported in Washington. in Tel Aviv.
A treaty of friendship and mutual technical President Ben Zv-i accepted an invitation by

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President William Tubman to visit Liberia from capital is JD 4,501,000, of which JD 1,001,000
August 9 to 16, it was officially announced in has already been subscribed by the governments of
Monrovia. Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and the UAR
June 6: Leonard R. Sussman, executive director of and by the Arab Bank.
the ACJ, asserted in New York that the differences Jordanian and World Bank officials began
between Ben-Gurion and Goldmann resulted from formal talks in Amman on the financing of eco-
an internal struggle to control the single Zionist- nomic projects.
Israel power structure," it was reported. Apr. 1: The Finance Ministry received a check for
June 13: Ben-Gurion took issue with Dr. Joachim $3,500,000 from the USOM as the first instalment
Prinz, president of the ACJ, who said "American of American aid to Jordan for the financial year
Jews believe they will survive as a group in a 1962-63.
country which is traditionally a nation of groups." King Ilusayn, in a radio broadcast, said the
people of Jordan have a national duty to give
more support to Algeria.
Apr. 3: An agreement authorizing a KD 7,500,000-
Jordan loan to Jordan was signed by representatives of the
Kuwayti Arab Economic Development Fund and a
(See also, General, Kuwayt, Lebanon, Palestine
Jordanian delegation, it was announced.
Problem, UAR) Apr. 4: Kamal al-Dajini, Minister of Interior, an-
nounced that the government will exempt from
1962 visa fees all pilgrims travelling to Hidjaz, or re-
Afar. 20: "Immediate measures" to carry out joint turning from pilgrimages through Jordanian ter-
projects in the Yarmuk valley were recommended ritory.
in a communique issued by the Jordanian-Syrian Apr. 7: It was officially announced that King Sa'ud
Yarmuk joint committee at the end of meetings and Crown Prince Faysal have accepted King
today begun on March 17. Husayn's invitation to visit Jordan.
MAar.21: It was officially announced that the US Apr. 8: The Foreign Minister received the Iranian
Mission agreed to provide $2.5 million for the Ambassador, Ismail Majdi, and discussed the pros-
third and last section of the Eastern Ghor Canal. pects of strengthening trade between the 2 coun-
An agreement will be signed on April 1. tries.
An economic delegation, led by 'Abd al-Wahhab Apr. 9: The transit royalty agreement signed by
al-MajMli, Minister of National Economy, left for Tapline and the Jordanian government on March
Kuwayt for talks with Kuwayti government leaders 13 was ratified by both houses of Parliament: on
on financing a number of Jordanian development the 5th of April by the House of Representatives
projects included in the 5-year program. and by the Senate today. The agreement will now
A $1,227,000 survey to determine the volume of go to the King for signature.
underground water in al-Azrak district, east of An agreement providing for mutual aviation
Amman, and the means of exploiting it was re- services was signed in Amman by Jordanian and
ported to have started. The UN Special Fund will Luxembourg officials, it was reported.
contribute $750,000 to the cost of the survey, which Apr. 12: A decree was issued announcing King
is expected to last from 2 to 3 years. The Central Husayn's approval of the Tapline transit royalty
Water Authority will contribute $470,000. agreement.
Mar. 24: The Cabinet met and decided that the Apr. 16: Dr. Shawkat al-Mufti, under-secretary at
Council for Reconstruction ask an international the Ministry of Health, was appointed ambassador
concern to study the possibilities of developing the at the Foreign Ministry.
south of Jordan. Apr. 17: The Communications Minister announced
Mar. 26: A Royal Education Commission left for the completion of negotiations for expanding the
Beirut for consultations with education experts on Port of Aqaba with its British designers and West
the development of teaching in Jordan and the German builders.
establishment of university faculties there. The Apr. 18: 'Abdallah Salah, ambassador-designate to
body was formed in February. It has made a tour Kuwayt, left for Kuwayt.
of Jordan and made observations on the educational Apr. 23: The government signed a JD 1,260,000
system. It will submit recommendations and re- contract with the West German Zeplin firm to
ports within 6 months, after touring West Ger- carry out expansion projects in the port of Aqaba.
many, Denmark, Britain and the US. British financial aid to Jordan during the
Mar. 28: A delegation representing the Arab Potash financial year which began on April 1 will total
Company left for Kuwayt on the first stage of a ?1,500,000, the under-secretary of the Ministry of
tour that will take them also to Qatar, Bah.rayn Finance announced. In addition Britain will give
and Saudi Arabia seeking subscriptions to the Jordan a loan of ?750,000 to enable her to carry
capital of the company. The company's nominal out development projects.

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Apr. 24: An agreement was concluded between cation from Jordan for a loan of JD 3 million for
the government and the German-Americanfirm the Agricultural Loan Organization.
InternationalDevelopment Investment (IDI) for May 9: Transit fees on goods imported by Arab states
the constructionof a chemical fertilizer plant at through the port of Aqaba will be abolished, the
Aqaba. The agreementgrants IDI a concession Minister of Communications announced.
period of 20 years for the productionand export May 10: Ex-Colonel Mahmud Rusan, who was
of fertilizers. The plant will be financedby in- sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment in January
vested capital of $10 million, half public and half 1960, for plotting against the regime and attempt-
governmental. ing with other officers to overthrow the govern-
Apr. 25: Presentingthe budgetto the Cabinet,Adib ment, was released. His sentence was reduced on
of Finance,said expendi- various occasions and has now been freed under
ture for the 1962-63 financialyear was estimated a general amnesty to mark the birth of Crown
at JD 39,241,000. Incoming revenue, including aid Prince 'Abdallah.
and loans, was estimated at JD 38,680,000. May 12: The Cabinet approved a higher education
Agreements with the US Aid Mission covering program in principle. The program provides,
the implementation of the third stage of the among other things, for the establishment of an
Eastern Ghor Canal project, action against malaria educational and an agricultural college as the
and waterprojectswere concludedin Amman. The nucleus of a Jordanian university.
Mission will spend $2,851,000 on these projects. The House of Notables unanimously approved
Apr. 26: The governmentreceivedfrom the Tapline the government's budget for the financial year
$10 million as back paymentin accordancewith 1962-63, which began on April 1.
the recent amendment of the agreement between the May 19: The Cabinet approved a plan to organize
government and the company. summer camps for secondary school seniors, where
Apr. 27: A goodwill delegation left Amman for a they will work on building terraces and roads and
10-day visit to Nationalist China, including the cleaning wells, as well as get lectures and military
Quemoy islands, at the invitation of the Formosa and physical training.
government. May 20: King Hlusayn opened a 120-bed private hos-
Apr. 28: In a speech introducing the budget in the pital in Amman, which includes a school of nurs-
House of Representatives, Finance Minister 'Izz ing.
al-din al-Mufti said the government considered it May 21: A decree was issued approving Jordan's
a practical interpretation of its programs for public higher education program, providing for the estab-
services, development and construction. He added lishment of a Jordanian university.
the expected increase in national income would be Diplomatic relations with South Korea were
about JD 6 million and opportunities for employ- established at ambassadorial level.
ment would be available for about 10 thousand May 24: Three agreements with the USOM were
people. signed at the Development Board, under which
May 1: The Iraq Petroleum Comany (IPC) was re- $849,500 will be spent on training, agricultural
ported to have set up a clinic for the government research and general administration in accordance
at the H.4 pumping station on the Iraqi-Jordanian with provisions of the 5-year program for economic
border. IPC has also given the Ministry of Edu- development.
cation 2 school buildings at the area. It was reported that the US firm Meurogas
May 2: King IHusayn's 9th anniversary of his ac- Holdings has applied to the government for
cession to the throne was celebrated today, a public permission to lay a natural gas pipeline passing
holiday. through Jordan, in connection with a project to
A delegation left for India to discuss an agree- pipe natural gas from the Arabian Gulf to the
ment on the trade balance and payments between Mediterranean.
the 2 countries. June 2: The US was reported to have paid Jordan
May 5: The civil airport at Amman will be expanded the $3,500,000 second instalment of an annual loan,
to make it an international airport, the Minister of which has been reduced from $40 million to $37
Communications, Da'ud Abui Ghazal!, disclosed. million.
Tenders would be opened on May 25, he said. It was announced that next school year teaching
King IHusayn inaugurated a pioneer scheme for will begin in 4 faculties-science, arts, agriculture
desert reclamation on the Mafrak road, 21 km. east and economics-in the proposed Jordanian uni-
of Zerqa. It consists of a model farm irrigated versity.
from an artesian well. June 7: Prime Minister Wasfi al-Tall signed an
The last contingent of the Jordanian relief force agreement with Meurogas Holdings which allows
for the Arab security forces in Kuwayt left Amman. the company's natural gas pipeline to pass through
May 6: The Development Board was reported to have Jordan. The agreement is for 50 years and Jordan
set up a committee to study proposals made in a will get as part of profits at least $1 million in
note from the World Bank in reply to an appli- the first 7 years and $2 million thereafter. The

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company will provide Jordanian towns with natural Kuwayt

June 10: The Minister of Finance, Sa'id al-Mufti,
(See also, General, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine
left for London on a short official visit, during
which, he said, he will explore prospects of a pro- Problem, Saudi Arabia)
posed Jordanian Central Bank, to be established in
Amman with a capital of JD 1 million. Yesterday,
the Cabinet appointed former Finance Minister Mar. 19: The UAR ambassador to Kuwayt presented
Sulayman Suqqar as governor of the proposed bank. his credentials.
June 11: The Cabinet decided to reduce the interest Mar. 20: Iraq's resident UN representative, in a letter
it received on state deposits in banks from 4 to 3.5 to the Security Council, said Iraq would employ
per cent, as from June 1. peaceful means "to restore its legitimate rights in
Kuwayt" and rebutted Kuwayti allegations of
Kashmir "provocative actions," it was reported.
Mar. 25: An agreement for a Kuwayti loan to Sudan
1962 of about KD 7 million to improve her railway
Apr. 19: President Ayub Khan has turned down network was signed between the Kuwayti Fund for
Prime Minister Nehru's invitation to visit India Arab Economic Development and a Sudanese dele-
to discuss the Kashmir question, the Indian Foreign gation.
Ministry announced. Mar. 26: It was reported that Ashraf Lutfi has been
Apr. 27: The Security Council met to discuss the named chairman of the board of the Kuwayt Na-
Kashmir question at the request of Pakistan. tional Petroleum Company, replacing Ahmad al-
Muhammad Zafrulla Khan indicated Pakistan's Sayyid 'Umar, who has resigned.
willingness to negotiate but accused Nehru of Apr. 1: The Ruler of Kuwayt was reported to have
refusing to negotiate except on the prior agreement approved a law imposing a 100 per cent customs
that the present division of Kashmir should stand. duty on imported LPG.
India's delegate, Defense Minister V. K. Menon, Apr. 3: The Kuwayti Fund for Arab Economic De-
was not present. He will arrive tomorrow. velopment has granted a KD 7,500,000 loan to
May 2: Pakistan suggested to the Security Council Jordan for various projects, among them the Yar-
that India allow a plebiscite to find out whether muk river scheme and the expansion of the
the people of Kashmir wished to join India or Jordanian phosphate company, it was reported.
Pakistan. Zafrulla Khan promised that his country Apr. 9: Talks between the government and the
would be willing to accept any procedure to de- Kuwayt Oil Company (KOC) on the possible
termine what is holding up progress toward agree- relinquishment of portions of the company's con-
ment. Menon said he would study the suggestions cession area will start next week, a KOC spokes-
and reply to them later. man said.
May 3: Menon told the Security Council that the Apr. 18: Shaykh 'Abdallih al-Salim Al Sabah re-
accession of Kashmir to India was "full, complete ceived the deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Arab
and final." He rejected the idea of a plebiscite League security forces in Kuwayt, Brig. Khalid
and closed the door to any intervention, "any good Sahin. No details of the meeting were given.
offices, or any thing of the sort." Apr. 26: A 5-man delegation representing the West
Nehru charged that Pakistan was recruiting tribes- German firm Demag arrived in Kuwayt to study
men for "a possible invasion of Kashmir," it was a project for the construction of an iron and steel
reported in New Delhi. He was addressing the plant powered by natural gas, it was reported.
Upper House of Parliament. May 6: Kuwayt radio announced that a mission has
May 7: Nehru told the Lower House that China was left Kuwayt for Washington for talks regarding
"interfering" in India's "legal sovereignty" over Kuwayt's intention to join the IBRD.
Kashmir by agreeing to negotiate with Pakistan May 9: Shaykh Jabir al-Ahmad Al Sabah, the Minis-
about the region's border. Four days ago Pakistan ter of Finance, announced that the KOC had agreed
and China announced that they would undertake to relinquish 9,262 sq. kms. of its concession area
to negotiate the boundary between China and to the government.
Pakistani-controlled "free" Kashmir, "with a view May 19: The Minister of Finance approved payment
to insuring tranquility on the border and develop- of KD 2 million to Lebanon as the first instalment
ing good neighborly relations." of a KD 5-million loan made to the Beirut
May 16: The Security Council postponed the debate Municipality under an agreement signed last
on Kashmir to May 28. February 16.
June 15: The IJS, Britain, France and Nationalist May 20: It was reported that the Cabinet will dis-
China urged Pakistan and India to come to an cuss shortly a bill providing for the creation of a
agreement about Kashmir. The Soviet Union did national company to undertake all government
not speak. construction projects in Kuwayt. The bill has

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been drafted by a governmentcommitteeand re- Apr. 18: A number of Lebanese nationals, deported
ferred to the Cabinetfor study. from Accra on charges of smuggling, declared in
May 30: Shaykh 'Abd al-Salim Al Sabah officially Beirut that they were innocent of the charges. They
inauguratedAminoil's new 100,000 b/d refineryat said they asked for a trial and announced that they
Mina 'Abdallah. The new plant brings Aminoil's would accept confiscation of their property if the
total refinerycapacityup to 150,000 b/d. charges were proven.
June 9: Muhammad al-Madf, Kuwayti charge Apr. 26: The Foreign Minister, Philip Taqla, told
d'affairesin Lebanon,presentedhis credentialsto the Foreign Affairs Committee that the question of
Prime Minister Rashid Karami in Beirut, it was diplomatic relations with Kuwayt had reached "a
reported. starting point for implementation."
June 12: The KOC embarkedon a projectto increase Mlay 1: Flights between Lebanon and Cyprus on
the crude oil processingcapacityof its Mina al- Lebanese or Cypriote airliners stopped after
Ahmadi refinery by 60,000 b/d, thereby raising officials had failed to reach an agreement regulat-
refinerythroughputfrom 190,000 b/d to 250,000 ing aviation between the 2 countries.
b/d, it was reported. May 3: Lebanon and Kuwayt were reported to have
agreed to confine diplomatic relations between the
2 countries to charges d'affaires, for the time being.
May 7: A Syrian goodwill mission arrived in Beirut,
Lebanon with Foreign Minister Adnan al-Azhari as its head.
(See also, General, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwayt, Morocco, May 9: The indictment for 197 persons accused of
PalestineProblem) taking part in the abortive coup of December 31,
1961 was issued today. It asks for the death
1962 sentence for the defendants.
Afay 12: The death of Yusif al-Zayn, deputy for
Mar. 19: The National News Agency, controlledby Nabatiya, was announced. He was 83.
the Ministry of Guidance, Information and May 15: Security authorities abolished a regulation
Tourism, issued its first bulletin. The agency has requiring Jordanians to obtain permits before being
correspondentsin all Lebanesedistricts,operatesa allowed into Lebanon. Exit permits for both
24-hour monitoringservice of internationalbroad- Lebanese and Jordanians leaving Lebanon, how-
casts and commentaries,and includes translation ever, were still necessary, it was disclosed.
and archivessections. An Argentine trade mission arrived in Beirut
Mar. 27: Kazim al-Sulhwas elected chairmanof the from Cairo on a 5-day exploratory visit.
ParliamentaryForeign Affairs Committee. May 19: It was reported that the government and
Apr. 2: The Press Syndicateannouncedthat it had IPC have signed a new agreement covering a 2-year
ended the self-imposedcensorshipit had introduced project to enlarge the company's refinery at Tripoli,
after the abortivecoup of December31, 1961. North Lebanon, so that it can supply all the local
Apr. 4: It was reported in Beirut that diplomatic needs of fluid fuel and butane gas.
representationbetween Lebanonand Cuba will be May 20: Lebanon signed an agreement with the
raisedto embassylevel. UAR in Cairo under which the Lebanese pound
Apr. 10: The Lebanese Ambassador to Ghana, has been stabilized at 8 to the Egyptian pound for
Karim Azkul, left Beirut to returnto Accra after tourists. Egyptian visitors to Lebanon will be able
talks with governmentleaders on the recent arrest to bring in up to LElO0. Another agreement
of several Lebanesebusinessmenin Ghana, who provided for the purchase by the UAR of Lebanese
have been detained on alleged charges of being apples and other fruit valued at ?E300,000.
involved in smuggling gold, diamonds and cur- May 22: The Lebanese Ambassador to Iraq, Sa'id
rencyout of Ghana. al-Asa'd, returned to Beirut.
A telex system lipking Beirut with Berne and The Lebanese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia,
Paris was officiallyopened. Mahmuid Hafiz, arrived in Beirut. No official
Apr. 15: Troops and firemenput out a fire on board reason was given for his return.
the Liberianship, Theopan, docked in the harbor May 23: The government announced it was sub-
of Beirut. Damage was reportedheavy. mitting an urgent bill to Parliament empowering
Apr. 17: Rafiq Najja, Ministerof Economy,told the the Minister of Information and Guidance to
Chamberof Deputies that the governmentwas try- suspend a newspaper for 10 days pending trial if it
ing to work out some sort of economic inter- offended the head of a foreign state, its emblems
dependencewith the Arabcountries"for the preser- or its army, even though the state did not make
vation of our existence." a complaint.
Kamal al-Asa'd, Minister of Education,opened May 28: The military prosecutor asked for prison
a regional training center in Beirut for senior terms ranging from 3 months to 2 years for 11
education administration officials in the Arab persons, including a woman, alleged to have hidden
world. members of the Nationalist Socialist Party charged

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with staging the aborative coup on December 31, rential floods. The government has voted an ad-
1961. ditional ?60,000 for control work for Wadi
May 29: The Chamber of Deputies passed an emer- Megenin, which has twice this year broken its
gency law empowering the government to prosecute banks.
any newspaper or news agency considered to have Apr. 1: Labor Minister 'Abd al-Mawla Lanqi
defamed the head of a foreign state. The govern- said that a formal protest had been lodged with the
ment can suspend the paper for 5 days pending International Labor Organization (ILO) against
trial, instead of 10 as previously proposed. Papers the ICFTU for "their hostile attitude against the
like al-Hayat, al-Jarida and al-Nahar issued protests sovereignty of the Libyan state." He added ICFTU
against the law. members were refused entry into Libya because
May 31: The Jordanian Foreign Ministry said Jordan the government was not informed in advance
has protested to the Lebanese government against of their arrival and the purpose of their mission.
alleged attacks by certain Lebanese papers against Apr. 14: It was reported that new price control
Jordanian leaders. regulations have been issued in Libya limiting
June 2: 'Afif Tibi, President of the Lebanese Press wholesale and retail profit margins on several
Syndicate, submitted his resignation in protest consumer goods. Retail profit on the sale of
against the new press law. The Syndicate's council textiles, ready-made clothing and shoes is 25 per
rejected the resignation. cent; wholesaler's profit 15 per cent.
June 3: Dr. Fu'ad 'Ammun, director-general of the Apr. 15: Libya had 185 producing wells as of April
Foreign Ministry, met his Syrian counterpart, 1-13 more than on March 1-with an average
IbrThlm al-'Ustuwani, in Shtawra, to discuss a production capacity of 278,101 b/d, the Libyan
Syrian protest on alleged recent attacks in the Petroleum Commission announced. Libyan crude
Lebanese press against the Syrian regime. oil exports up to April 1 totaled 1,274,876 tons
Maran 'Abbuid, the Lebanese author, died in (9,901,239 barrels). Exports were started last Sep-
Beirut at the age of 77. tember from Esso's Zelten field, the only producing
June 12: The Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon returned area at present.
to Beirut after a month's absence. It was reported Apr. 19: The Senate ratified the 2 royal decrees,
he was recalled because of Lebanese press attacks issued in July and November 1961, amending the
against King Safid and members of his royal 1955 Petroleum Law. It will be recalled that last
family. February the Petroleum Commission announced
June 13: The National News Agency announced that that there would be no further announcements
tobacco plantations covering 130 dunums in the regarding available concession areas until Parlia-
Bint Jebeil district affected by disease have been ment had ratified the 2 decrees; also that BP, Esso
destroyed. and Gulf agreed to convert their concessions to the
June 15: In Beirut, the military court resumed hear- stiffer terms of the new law, but on condition
ings on the accused participants of the December that it should first be ratified by Parliament.
coUp. Apr. 21: It was reported that King Idris and Crown
Prince Hasan have accepted an invitation for a
state visit to India.
Tripoli Provincial Council decided to rename the
Libya city's cathedral square as "Algeria Square," it was
(See also, General) Tripoli port workers ended their 2-year boycott
1962 on handling French goods, it was announced in
Tripoli by the president of the Port Workers'
Mar. 17: Mustafa ibn Halim, chairman of the Na- Trade Union, who said France would now have a
tional Oil Company of Libya, was reported to have better opportunity "to indicate her good intentions
stated that his company will apply for a "reasona- towards the Algerians."
ble" number of concessions in Libya's 4 oil zones. Apr. 29: It was learned that the amendments to the
Mar. 29: The International Confederation of Free 1955 Petroleum Law, reported earlier as having
Trade Unions (ICFTU) issued a statement in been ratified by Parliament, were not in fact so.
Brussels protesting Libya's alleged refusal to permit According to the Petroleum Intelligence WVeekly,
a "top-level international trade union delegation" the new law was ratified by the Lower House, but
to enter the country. The ICFTU threatened the Senate introduced additional amendments and
"direct action" against Libyan oil. passed the law back to the ILower House for
Mar. 31: The Libyan Federal Council of Ministers, reconsideration.
meeting at Beida, Cyreniaica, under Premier At a meeting held today, the Libyan Council
Mukhammad'Uthman al-Sa'id, was reported to have of Ministers decided that Libya should apply for
voted ?40,000 for immediate relief work among membership of the OPEC.
inhabitants of Tripoli suburbs hard hit by tor- May 8: It was announced in Tripoli that Libya will

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appoint an ambassadorto the Soviet Union and America and South America. Royal Air Maroc
set up an embassyin Moscow. plans 3 regular flights to Moscow, Kiev and War-
May lO: A spokesmanat the OPEC headquartersin saw.
Geneva confirmed that Libya had applied for Mar. 31: The Minister of Education, Yiusif ibn
membershipof the organization,it was reported. 'Abbas, left Paris for Rabat after talks with French
May 12: In a new customstariff issued in Tripoli, Ministers of Education and Health.
all import duties on agriculturalmachinery,ferti- Apr. 3: The Minister of Information said in Dakar
lizers and chemicalsfor farm use were lifted. The that Morocco did not intend to encourage any kind
duty on industrialmachinerywas reducedand, al- of action against the stability of the Senegalese
though no imports were banned,a greaterprotec- government, it was reported.
tive tariff was imposed on importedgoods which Apr. 7: Al-Alam said that an alleged recent attack
competewith local products. It was reportedthat on a French military post at Nema, in Mauritania,
Libya expects to gain ?10 million in revenuefrom in which 6 men in the post were killed and 24
duties in the coming financialyear. wounded, had been carried out by "dissidents seek-
May 13: Esso Standard'scrudeoil exportsfromLibya ing to reunite Mauritania with Morocco."
totaled 3,778,000 barrels in April, an average of Reports reaching Paris said that President Moktar
over 125,000 b/d (Esso's target for 1962), it was Ould Daddah of Mauritania has asked Mali to
reported. This brings Esso's total exports for the close "subversive Moroccan" training canmps on
first 4 months of 1962 to 8,434,000 barrels. Mali territory.
May 20: It was reportedthat the National Oil Com- A government mining agency signed an agree-
pany's public's share of the stock was oversub- ment with 2 Czech companies that will install a
scribedby some 10 per cent. copper ore enriching plant in South Morocco in
May 24: It was reportedthat in a recentpress inter- return for payment in copper ore concentrates over
view the Prime Minister revealed that Libya will a period of 5 years.
spend ?130 million on its 5-yeardevelopmentplan.
Apr. 9: Three earth tremors hit various parts of
So far, he said, only a small part of this sum had
Casablanca, but caused no damage.
been allocated,but addedthat the LibyanDevelop-
ment Board, which will supervise the execution Apr. 10: It was reported in Rabat that 2 Soviet ships
of the plan, is to receive 70 per cent of the arrived 3 days ago and unloaded artillery weapons,
country'soil revenues. tanks and vehicles. The dockworkers were kept off
June 2: The alleged dismissalfrom the Libyanarmy as Moroccan army troops unloaded the weapons.
of 7 officerswas confirmedin a royal decreeissued Apr. 13: A ban on Tunisian newspapers was reported
in Tripoli in the name of Prince IHasanal-Rida' to have been lifted. The measure had been in
regent during the absence of King Idris on effect since January.
pilgrimage. No reason was stated for the dis- Police detained and later released several mem-
missals but the convening of the court followed bers of the Iranian Bahai sect who confessed to
changes in the post of chief-of-staff early this trying to convert Moroccans to their beliefs, it was
year after reported"tensionwithin the army." reported in Rabat.
June 15: It was reportedthat King Idris has ap- Apr. 20: Under a trade agreement signed in Rabat,
pointed IHamid'Ubaydi as Minister for Develop- Moroccan minerals and cement will be exported to
ment, a new post createdin a minor Cabinetre- Pakistan in exchange for jute and other products.
shuffle. Muhammad'AbiuNuwayrahwas appointed Apr. 21: It was announced that the Lebanese gov-
Minister of Agriculture, the former post of ernment has approved the appointment of Dr.
'Ubaydi. Meanwhile,it was learnedthat the pro- 'Umar Boucetta as Moroccan Ambassador in place
posed 5-year development plan was rejected by of Fatmi ibn Sliman.
the Cabinet. The first task facing the Ministry Apr. 26: King 1Hasan opened the 18th Casablanca
for Development,it was said, will be to reconsider international fair.
the proposedplan before it is again submittedto Apr. 30: 'Abd al-Qadir Benjelliun, the Minister of
the Cabinet. Labor and Social Questions, accused trade unions
of "abusing" the right to strike and causing "con-
siderable prejudice" to the country's economy. He
Morocco announced there was a loss of 617,503 work days
in Morocco through strikes in 1961. The govert-
(See also, General,Algeria)
ment, he said, was drafting a decree to set up a
1962 conciliation procedure to avoid strikes.
'AlaI al-Fasi, Minister of State in charge of
Mar. 27: Moroccan and Soviet governmentrepre- Islamic affairs, sent a protest telegram to Mauri-
sentatives signed an agreement in Rabat, under tania's President Daddah, against the death
which the Soviet airline Aeroflot will run 3 sentences passed on 5 Mauritanians by a Nouakchot
services through Morocco to Africa, Central special criminal court. The 5 were found guilty

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of a grenade attack against a military base at reservoirhad been discoveredin the upper Indus
Nema. plains in West Pakistan.
May 10: King Hasanarrivedin Francefor talks with Mar. 31: The Presidentinauguratedthe Karnaphuli
President de Gaulle, whom he met at a chateau HydroelectricDam in East Pakistan,a dam which
outsideParis,it was reported. has been built at a cost of $100 million with the
May 15: Mahdi ibn Barqa,a leader of the left-wing technical and financial help of the US. Meantime,
opposition to the monarchy,returnedto Morocco President Nehru was reported to have lodged a
after 2 years of voluntaryexile. protestwith the government,threateningto revoke
May 19: Following King Uasan's privatetalks with an earlier agreementto the building of the dam.
de Gaulle, the governmentannouncedthat it has It was said that the compensationdetailsfor Indians
received assurancesthat the French are ready to living in the 12 sq. miles of Indian territorythat
start a "vigorous new aid programin Morocco" may be inundated when the dam is fully working
as part of a "wider effort to promotestabilityand have never been settled.
securityin strategicNorth Africa." Joint technical
Apr. 2: Ayub Khan said he would leave his office
committeeswill meet in Paris next week to work at the expiration of his 5-year term.
out in detail a programof French financial,eco-Apr. 13: It was reported that plans have been drawn
nomic and technical assistanceto Morocco. up for the spending of a recent French loan of
May 25: The NationalUnion of PopularForcesopened $25 million, which will be used for the establish-
its first national congressin Casablanca,at which ment of small industries.
former Premier 'Abdallah Ibrahim presented an The economic committee of the Cabinet was
analysisof the "failureof the Moroccanrevolution reported to have approved a scheme sponsored by
since independence." The party asserted it was the Railway Board for the rehabilitation of track
moving in the same path of Arab socialism as on the Pakistan Western Railway at an estimated
that advocatedby PresidentNasir. cost of Rs 141,000, including foreign exchange
May 28: It was announcedthat US Ambassadorto component of Rs 16,050,000.
Morocco,Philip W. Bonsal, had resignedhis post.Apr. 17: It was announced that Dacca University
May 31: The US and Moroccosigned a new agree- will be closed until May 31, the end of the
ment, under which the US will provide $30,000,- semester, following student demonstrations there
000 in cash credits and commodityloans for the against the detention of a number of alleged politi-
1962 fiscal year, as comparedwith $40,000,000 cal prisoners.
in the previousyear. Apr. 20: The second petition for the release of
June 12: Al-Alam said that "The time has come to Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, former Prime
clarify problems and to raise officially questions
Minister of Pakistan, now under detention in a
pendingwith Spain on her sovereigntyin the south Karachi jail on charges of having been a threat to
and north" [of Morocco]. the national security, was dismissed by the West
June 14: The FrenchForeignMinistersaid agreement Pakistan High Court on the ground that it had
had been reachedon technicalaid to Morocco,it "no jurisdiction" to hear the case.
was reported. Apr. 27: A. K. Fazlul Haq, a leader of the All-India
Minister of InformationMawlay Abmad 'Alawi Muslim League, died in Dacca at the age of 89.
said that forthcomingmilitarytalks betweenFrance
Apr. 28: Elections for the National Assembly were
and Moroccowill not lead to any militaryalliance held. Some 80,000 electors called "Basic Demo-
nor a joint defense agreement.He said the missioncrats," participated. Theoretically, each elector
would discuss the equipmentof the army, within represented approximately 1,000 persons who had
the frameworkof Morocco'snonalignmentpolicy. chosen him by secret ballot in December 1959
and January 1960. The results indicated "a heavy
endorsement" of Ayub Khan's government.
May 1: Ayub Khan declared that new countries should
Pakistan be assisted by the UN to devise forms of demo-
(See also, General,Iraq,Morocco) cratic government "more suitable to their character
than the standard Western forms."
1962 May 3: Muslim refugees from West Bengal told
reporters in Rajshahi of alleged killings of at least
Mar. 16: King PhumipholAduldet and Queen Sirikit 1,000 Muslims in recent communal clashes in
of Thailandarrivedon a 4-dayvisit to Pakistan. Malda, West Bengal.
Mar. 20: The new US Ambassadorto Pakistan, The Indian mission to the UN charged that
Walter P. McConaughty,presentedhis credentials "highly exaggerated and baseless reports" of anti-
to PresidentAyubKhan. Muslim disturbances in West Bengal had led to
Mar. 21: Mrs. John F. Kennedyarrivedin Pakistan "far more widespread attacks on the Hindu
on a 5-dayvisit. minority in East Pakistan." It said that only 3
Mar. 22: It was reportedthat an undergroundwater persons were killed in religious disturbances in

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Malda late last month and that there had not been Habibullah: Home and KashmirAffairs
any mass flight of refugees. Wahiduzzaman: Commerce
May 4: The government confirmed reports that more ZulfikarAli Bhutto: Industriesand Natural Re-
than 100 Naga refugees had arrived in East Pakis- sources
tan from India, it was reported in Rawalpindi. Abdus SaburKhan: Communications
May 6: The leader of the banned Khaksar party, A.K.M. Faziul QuaderChowdhury:Agriculture
Allama Mashriqi, 72 years old, was put under and Works
house arrest and 12 of his followers were jailed, on PresidentAyub will hold chargeof the Ministryof
a charge of conspiracy against the state. Defense, in addition to Economic Affairs, Plan-
May 10: Ayub Khan warned that the present trend ning and States and Frontier Regions Divisions.
of US relations with India might force some of The Educationand InformationMinistry has not
India's neighbors to "look for protection else- yet been filled.
May 11: Muhammad Zafrulla Khan was formally
entered as a candidate for President of the 17th Palestine Problem
UN General Assembly. (See also, General)
Prime Minister Nehru told the upper house of
Parliament that many more Hindus died in Pakis-
tan than Muslims in India during recent com-
Mar. 17: An armyspokesmanin Jerusalemestimated
munal disturbances, it was reported in New Delhi.
that 30 Syrianswere killed in an Israeli raid this
An East Pakistan government spokesman said
morningthat destroyedfortificationsin Syrianter-
that 7 Hindus were killed and 13 injured during
ritory near the Sea of Galilee. Syria filed a com-
recent communal clashes in the Rajshahi district.
plaint with the Mixed Armistice Commission
May 20: Angami Zapu Phizo, president of the Naga
againstthe alleged shelling of 4 villages by Israeli
National Council, arrived in Karachi from London.
artillery and the bombingsof 3 others by Israeli
He had been denied entry into India. Phizo con-
tends that on ethnic, historical and geographical
In a letter from MichaelS. Comay,Israel'schief
grounds, Nagaland should be independent of
representativeto the UN, Israel replied to the
Syrian note of March 2 and accused Syria of
Police in Lahore dispersed 200 Muslim students
interveningin her internalaffairsby opposingplans
of the American-sponsored Forman Christian Col-
to divert the watersof the JordanRiver.
lege who were demonstrating against alleged inter-
Mar. 18: Syria lodged a complaint with the UN
ference by college authorities in their religious
Mixed Armistice Commission that accused the
activities. The students accused the college authori-
Israeli forces of having directed small-armsfire
ties of having an anti-Islam bias.
today into an area around the bridge of the
May 28: Ayub Khan denied reports that Phizo was
Daughtersof Jacob, in a demilitarizedzone north
planning to establish a Naga government in exile
of the Sea of Galilee.
in Pakistan.
Mar. 19: Letters of protest from Syria and Israel
June 2: Pakistan and India signed a trade agreement, were received by the Security Council today.
under which Pakistan will sell to India 100,000 Neither nation called for a meetingof the Council,
bales of cotton and the latter will deliver 130,000 but each charged in its letter that the other had
tons of coal a month to Pakistan during the third violated the UN Charterand armisticeagreements.
year of the treaty. Mar. 20: Two Israeli border policemen aboard an
June 6: The Cabinet met for the last time after 44 armored launch were wounded in another clash
months in office. It will resign tomorrow to make with Syrianforces on the easternshore of the Sea
way for a new one to be formed by the President of Galilee. It was the secondclash since March17.
under the new Constitution. PremierBen-Gurioncalled an emergencysession
June 8: Martial law ended in Pakistan, the new of his Cabinetto discuss the situation.
Constitution went into effect and the new Parlia- Israel complainedto the Mixed ArmisticeCom-
ment was sworn in. mission about the above shooting and chargedthat
June 11: Former Premier and Ambassador to the US, 2 Syrian jets had been crossing over the area in
Muhammad Ali, was elected Speaker of Parliament. the last 24 hours.
June 13: The new Cabinet was sworn in. The mem- Lebanoncomplainedto the Commissionthat 6
bers are: Israeli jets flew over Lebanesevillages near the
Mohammad Munir: Law and Parliamentary Af- borderyesterday.
fairs Jordan also complainedto the Commissionthat
Mohammad Ali: External Affairs 2 Israeli planes had bombed her territory. The
Abdul Qadir: Finance Commissioncalled a meetingon the complaintsbut
Abdul Monem Khan: Health, Labor and Social at the request of the Israeli delegate the meeting
Welfare was put off until toinorrow.

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Syria formally requested a meeting of the "showing the victim as the aggressor." The pro-
Security Council to consider Syrian complaints of posed resolution also "reaffirmsthe security council
Israeli aggression near the Sea of Galilee. resolution of 19 January 1956, which condemned
The US called in the envoys of Israel and Syria Israeli military action in breach of the General
to express its concern over the outbreak of hos- Armistice Agreement, whether or not undertaken
tilities along the border of the 2 countries. by way of retaliation."
Mar. 22: The Jerusalem radio announced that Syrian Apr. 9: The Security Council reaffirmed by a vote
border troops opened fire last night and today with of 10 to 0 a 1956 resolution that condemned re-
machine guns on 2 Israeli settlements near the Sea prisal raids by Israel on Syria. Only France ab-
of Galilee. stained.
Premier Ma'ruf Dawalibi accused Israel of Apr. 10: Ben-Gurion assailed the US government for
"flouting UN resolutions," and urged that she "be conduct in the UN Security Council that he said
expelled from the UN." was designed "to meet the taste of the Egyptian
Mar. 25: The Jordanian-Israeli Mixed Armistice government." The Knesset, after a 3-hour debate,
Commission in effect closed the case raised by Jor- voted 76 to 3 to approve a resolution backing the
dan against Israel. The chairman, Lt. Col. Owen Premier's stand.
H. Burn of New Zealand, abstained in the vote.
Apr. 13: Syria asked UN observers to visit a de-
Brig. Meir Amid, chief of the intelligence branch
militarized area where Israel has charged that Syria
of the Israeli army, left for the US to join the
built fortifications. Syria requested a similar in-
Israeli delegation for the Security Council debate
spection of 4 specified points in Israeli territory,
on the clashes with Syria.
but it did not make this a condition of the in-
Mar. 28: The Security Council met to hear the
spection on the Syrian side.
charges by Israel and Syria against each other. The
It was reported that the Israeli army set up road-
Council agreed to call for a personal report next
blocks in the Negev region this morning following
week from Maj. Gen. Carl von Horn, chief of
an ambush last night in which a truck driver was
staff of the UN Truce Supervision Organization.
shot dead. Israel complained to the Israeli-Jor-
Apr. 2: Syria and Israel, in separate meetings, con- danian Mixed Armistice Commission about it and
ferred with von Horn in New York. It was learned UN observers spent the day searching the area for
that von Horn was called to New York on a signs of the attackers.
proposal by Adlai Stevenson of the US, who, in
Apr. 15: Dr. Joseph E. Johnson, special envoy of
his comments at that time, criticized Israel for the
the Palestine Conciliation Commission, began his
raid of March 17.
second tour of the Middle East by conferring in
Apr. 3: Syria and Israel each suggested today that
the Security Council condemn the other for Jerusalem with Foreign Minister Golda Meir, in
an effort to find a solution of the displaced Pales-
"'aggression" in the recent clashes along the Sea of
tinian Arabs. He made his first tour in September
and is expected to visit Lebanon, Syria, Jordan
Apr. 4: Von Horn, in a written report to the Security
and Egypt.
Council, urged Syria and Israel to cooperate with
Jordan was reported to have undertaken "in-
the Mixed Armistice Commission in the settlement
of their differences. He said there was no evidence formally" steps to prevent Bedouin tribesmen from
to support Israel's charge that her attack on Syria crossing into Israel to set up ambushes like one
in which an Israeli truck driver was killed. That
was necessary to destroy a fortified post in self-
ambush and a similar one which allegedly took
defense-there was no post "either existing or
place the night before were discussed at a meeting
destroyed" in the area concerned.
this morning of the Israeli-Jordanian Mixed Armis-
Apr. 5: Israel challenged von Horn's report. Michael tice Commission.
S. Comay suggested the observers "had been de-
ceived by the Syrians," and questioned the right Apr. 20: Johnson met with Lebanese Foreign Mlinis-
of the Mixed Syrian-Israel Armistice Commission ter Philip Taqla in Beirut. He declined to comment
to deal with matters in the demilitarized zones. afterward. Palestine refugees in Lebanon issued
He also rejected 2 points in a joint US-British statements denouncing any plans to resettle them
resolution calling for an unarmed patrol boat for outside their original homes.
UN observation in the Sea of Galilee and the Apr. 22: The Jordanian government began a series of
recognition of the Commission's authority in the talks with the purpose of deciding on a plan for
area. the future of Palestine. Ahmad al-Shuqayri, Saudi
Apr. 6: The US and Britain asked the Security Arabian Minister for UN Affairs, arrived in Am-
Council to "censure Israel severely for her raid man for the talks. Other representatives were
on Syria March 17." They asked both countries expected.
to cooperate with the UN truce supervisors. The Apr. 25: A delegation of the Palestine Arab Higher
Soviet delegate, Platon D. Morozov, protested that Committee arrived in Amman to participate in the
the proposed resolution would be equivalent to talks on the future of Palestine. The delegation

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consisted of Emil al-Ghuri, Munif al-Husayni and tine of 7 Arab armies in 1948, LebanesePrime
'Isa Nakhla. Minister Rashid Kar5mi warned that there would
Apr. 26: It was reported from Tel Aviv that Israel's be a "continuedthreat in the Middle East unless
National Water Council approved a plan for laying the UN carried out its commitments towards
a giant conduit to carry water from the Sea of Palestine."
Galilee to southern Israel. Nay 21: The JordanianForeignMinister,in a state-
May 1: The first stage of talks on Palestine in ment to the press, said Jordanhad sent notes on
Amman was reported to have ended. No details Palestineto heads of Arab diplomaticmissions in
were disclosed. Jordan and asked for early replies from their
May 5: Premier 'Abd al-Karim Qasim discussed governments. He said the notes also concerned
"basic preliminaries" for forming a Palestine re- the "requiredjoint Arab effort to face the huge
public with al-Hajj Amin al-Husayni, president Zionist activity, whose signs appearedsome time
of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine. A ago, and which is aimedat influencingthe UN and
communique issued after the meeting indicated the world powers in liquidating the Arab right
that they discussed the coordination of efforts to in Palestine." The notes included a report on
"redeem the Palestine homeland for its people." the talks held with Johnson.
It stressed that Palestinians must bear the greater May 29: According to the Daily Star of Beirut, John-
responsibility for liberating their homeland, with son has proposed a referendumamong Palestine
the support of all other Arab countries. refugees on repatriation or compensation, and
Ahmad al-Shuqayri left Beirut for Cairo, to Jordan has rejectedthe proposal.
continue discussions on a Jordanian plan for the Jordan requested an emergency "high-level"
Palestine question. meetingof the Arab LeagueCouncilto discussthe
May 7: Johnson said in Jerusalem that after visiting recenttour of Johnson.
the Arab states and Israel he was "cautiously UNRWA will issue 2,000 ration cardsto needy
optimistic" that the Palestine problem could be childrenof Palestinianrefugees,Qasim al-Rimawi,
solved. JordanianMinisterof Reconstructionand Develop-
The Jordanian Foreign Ministry disclosed ment, announcedafter signing an agreementwith
that the Arab states would make a joint approach Dr. John Davis, UNRWA's director. The agree-
to the Cypriote Government against the trade agree- ment providesfor the transferenceof cardsof dead
ment signed between Cyprus and Israel today. refugees.
May 9: It was learned that the Jordanian govern- June 3: Senator Jacob K. Javits, Republican of
ment was circulating a note to Arab governments New York, said that Americanforeign aid should
informing them of the outcome of the talks with be withheld from the UAR until PresidentNasir
Johnson and drawing the attention of the govern- ended political and economicboycottsof Israel.
ments to the steps which the Jordanian govern- June 5: Dr. SayyidNufal, assistantsecretary-general
ment thinks should be taken. of the Arab League, met with Hafiz Isma'il,
The Jordanian Foreign Ministry warned against UAR foreign undersecretaryand Farid 'Abd al-
"active efforts by Israel and international Zionist Qadir, UAR director of Arab affairs, to consult
forces" to cause the UN to adopt a resolution them on the Jordanianproposalfor an emergency
calling for direct negotiations between the Arab meeting of the Arab LeagueCouncil.
states and Israel, it was reported in Amman. June 12: The UAR protestedto the Mixed Armistice
May 11: King Sa'Cid,in an address at the traditional Commissionthat Israeli aircrafthad violated Gaza
annual reception in honor of prominent pilgrims air space.
to Mecca, called on Palestinian leaders to meet June 13. The UN Truce Supervision Organization in
in Saudi Arabia or any other place to settle their Palestinereceiveda complaintfrom Israel claiming
differences and unify their policies. that Syrianforces had opened machinegun fire on
It was announced that the Amir of Kuwayt has drilling equipmentbeing operatedat the frontiers
donated a gift of $100,000 to provide 200 scholar- yesterday.
ships for refugees to attend one of the 9 UNRWA June 14: Syrianand Israeli troops exchangedfire for
vocational training centers. 21/2hoursin the Huleh Valley, a Syrianspokesman
It was learned that Britain completed her regular said. He said Syrian troops fired on Israeli bull-
assessment of $728,717 toward the UNEF for the dozers which entered the demilitarizedzone and
first half of 1962 by a donation of $67,500. began digging.
May 12: Johnson ended 4 weeks of talks in the An Israeli border policemanwas killed and 3
Middle East with what was reported to be "a otherpeople injuredin Jerusalemin incidentsabout
feeling of confidence" that Israel and the Arab which both Jordan and Israel complainedto the
states were ready for a positive move to solve the Mixed ArmisticeCommission.
Palestine refugee problem.
May 15: In a speech at ceremonies held to com-
memorate the anniversary of the entry into Pales-

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Persian Gulf SaudiArabia

1962 (See also, General, Jordan, Palestine Problem,
Sudan, UAR)
Mar. 18: Shaykh Talib ibn 'All, a brother of the
exiled Imam of Oman, and members of an Omani
delegation visiting Baghdad, opened an Omani 1962
office there. A spokesman for the delegation said
that Yahya ibn 'Abdallah would arrive in Baghdad Mar. 16: Shaykh Ibrahim Suwayyil, Foreign Minister,
shortly to take charge of the office. Prince Nawaf ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz, the Finance Minis-
Mar 19: An inquiry in London was told that the ter, and Shaykh 'Abdallah al-Tariki, head of the
British liner Dara, which sank in the Persian Gulf Petroleum Ministry, were removed from the Cabi-
last April with a loss of 236 lives, was "sabotaged net. Crown Prince Faysal was appointed Deputy
by a time bomb," by the solicitor general, Sir John Premier and Foreign Minister.
Hobson. He added, "little doubt" it was the work Mar. 17: King Sa'ud received the former ruler of
of "Omani rebels." Qatar, Shaykh'All al-Thani.
Mar. 20: The Omani office in Cario denied the alle- 'Abd al-Rahman Aba Khayr was appointed Minis-
gation that Omani rebels planted the time bomb ter of Labor and Social Affairs, it was announced.
on the Dara, it was reported in Cairo.
Mar. 18: King Sa'ud issued an official statement
Mar. 26: An Omani delegation, led by Shaykh
pledging "full support for Syria against Israeli
Sulayman ibn Himyar, Amir of Jabal al-Akhdar, and
Shaykh Talib ibn 'Ali, arrived in Damascus from
Baghdad to acquaint government leaders with the Mar. 20: The Cabinet met under King Sa'ud, and
latest developments of the Omani case. drew up the country's domestic and foreign policies.
Apr. 17: An official military spokesman for Bahrayn Of the latter the King declared the following ob-
denied a British report that the Ruler of Bahrayn jectives: cooperation with all Muslim countries;
had refused permission for the training of British support of the Arab League and for unification of
troops in his territory. the Arab world; settlement of the Buraymi problem
Shell has spudded its first wildcat in the Sultanate before r-esumption of relations with Britain; and
of Muscat and Oman as the principal shareholder reestablishment of relations with France.
in Petroleum Development (Oman). The well is Apr. 1: King Sa'ud ordered that ?1 million be given
located 32 miles southwest of Fahud. to the Algerian government, in accordance with the
Apr. 26: The British government endorsed the find- Arab League Council's decision to provide im-
ings of 2 British experts that the island of Halul in mediate and effective financial aid.
the Persian Gulf belonged to Qatar and several Apr. 2: The government took over complete opera-
smaller ones to Abu Dhabi. However, 2 of the tion of the Dhahran Airfield.
islands, over which the rival claims are judged to Apr. 10: Amir MZisa'ad ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz, the
be equal, have not been alloted to either party. Minister of Finance and National Economy, was
May 26: It was reported that hundreds of British appointed vice-chairman of the Supreme Planning
soldiers of the First Parachute Battalion have Board. The Ministers of Petroleum and Mineral
arrived by air in Bahrayn to take over from the Affairs, of Communications and of Agriculture were
Third Parachute Battalion. appointed as members of the Board.
Le Commerce du Levant reported that John W. Apr. 11: Saudi Arabia and Spain signed a friendship
Mecom, the Texas independent, has been awarded treaty, it was reported.
an oil concession covering 5 Trucial Coast shayk-
Apr. 14: The Minister of Agriculture opened an agri-
doms, rights to which were recently surrendered cultural conference in Riyadh to define the major
by IPC's Trucial Coast affiliate. The agreement agricultural problems in the kingdom.
reportedly provides for a 50/50 profit split and
covers both the onshore and offshore areas. Apr. 19: Shaykh Yusuf Yasin, advisor to King Sa'ad,
May 31: Shaykh 'Isa ibn Sulman al-Khalifah, Ruler of died of a heart attack in the Eastern Province. He
Bahrayn, officially opened Port Sulman-named was about 70 years old, it was reported.
after his predecessor. The port was designed to Apr. 23: King Sa'uid, in an address at a reception
replace the old one at the capital, Manama. It has given in his honor at al-Khubar, called on Pales-
a 500-foot jetty with 6 fully-serviced berths. tinians to follow the example of the Algerians in
the struggle to regain Palestine.
Apr. 27: The ARAMCO announced the election of
Ahmad Zaki Yamani, Minister of Petroleum and
Mineral Affairs, as a director. He succeeds 'Ab-
dallah al-Tariki, the former minister, on the
ARAMCO board.
Apr. 29: Shaykh IbrThim al-Suwayyil was appointed

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special advisor to the King with the rank of minis-

ter. He was also appointed Chief of the Political
Branch in the Cabinet. (See also, General, Kuwayt)
May 6: King Sa'iid left Riyadh for Jiddah to lead the
pilgrimage. 1962
May 9: The entry to Saudi Arabia of the traditionally
Egyptian-made Kiswah for the Ka'bah was pre- Mar. 17: The first railway link between the northern
vented by the government. and southern Sudan was officially inaugurated. The
May 18: King Sa'ud opened a Muslim Conference of 280 mile line runs from Babanusa in Kordofan to
world leaders of Islam in Mecca. Wau in the Bahr al-Ghazal province.
May 27: Regulations for the protection and encour- Mar. 29: A delegation led by the manager of the
agement of national industries were promulgated. Japanese Wireless and Telecommunications Depart-
The main points were: all machinery, equipment ment arrived in Khartum to work out a plan to set
and spare parts imported for use in new industry up a factory for the production of telephone equip-
will be exempted from customs duties; the state will ment and an assembly shop for wireless sets in the
provide land for the construction of new factories Sudan.
and for employees' housing; products of local in- Mar. 31: Emergency powers have been declared in
dustries will be exempted from export and all Blue Nile province, it was reported, to give the
other duties; the government is authorized to take provincial government authority to recruit labor for
measures, such as import restrictions, tariffs, and picking this year's cotton crop, estimated at
grants of financial assistance to local industries for 3,918,000 kantars.
their protection. The provisions do not apply to Apr. 5: Leonard Carl Cartwright of New York, a
industrial firms already enjoying special privileges. consulting engineer with the Foster D. Snell firm,
June 3: The Director General of the Saudi Income will spend the next 6 months at Suakin as a UN
Tax Department, Shaykh 'Abd al-Jalil 'Abd al- technical assistance expert at a salt plant there, it
Jawad, was reported to have said that his office was announced. He will help train a group of
will ask the appropriate UN committee to loan the technicians and advise the Commissioner of Prisons,
services of a chartered accountant to assist in the who directs the plant, in the search for better and
auditing of the accounts of oil companies and other cheaper methods of producing salt.
large commercial firms operating in Saudi Arabia. Apr. 6: It was reported that a joint West German-
June 7: It was reported that the government has Sudanese company has been formed to build and
concluded a contract with the UN Special Fund to run an international hotel in Khartum at a cost of
establish a pilot experimental farm and agricultural ?S 1.8 million. The government will contribute 92
research center in the eastern region, in the Qatif per cent of the capital; the German group has sub-
oasis. The Fund will furnish $680,600 of the scribed the balance and will provide a 12-year credit
estimated cost of $1,371,600, the remainder to be to cover the foreign currency costs of equipment and
provided by the government. The FAO will or- fittings.
ganize, staff and administer the 5-year program. Under a technical aid agreement signed with the
June 15: A Kuwayti delegation left for Saudi Arabia USOM in Sudan, a grant of $1 million was made
to hold discussions with Saudi authorities on the towards the cost of a Higher Technical Institute
demarcation of frontiers between the 2 countries at Khartum, which will accommodate 630 students
and on the administration of the Saudi Arabia- for a 2-years training course.
Kuwayt Neutral Zone. Apr. 11: President 'Abbud, accompanied by the Min-
isters of Foreign Affairs, Finance and Economy, and
Agriculture, arrived in Bonn, after an overnight
stop at Zurich, for an official visit.
Somalia Apr. 12: President 'Abbuidmet with Chancellor Ade-
nauer and discussed with him matters concerning
1962 the strengthening of ties between the 2 countries.
He will stay in Germany for one more week or
May 4: President Adam 'Abdallah 'Uthman arrived in holiday.
Jiddah on a visit to Saudi Arabia, it was reported. Apr. 14: From March 1 to date, 45,443 bales of
May 12: Somalia's first resident ambassador in Gezira cotton were sold at the local auctions out
Ethiopia, 'Abd al-Rahim 'Add! Farah, was reported of 64,596 offered for sale. About 145,000 bales
to have arrived in Addis Ababa. from the "private estates" new crop were sold
June 14: The Premier's office issued a statement an- during March. The Railways Administration re-
nouncing the government's decision to establish ported that the gathering of this year's "exception-
political unity with other East African countries, ally large crop" was proceeding well.
it was reported. Members of the National Assembly Apr. 20: The Cabinet was reported to have ratified
will be sent to the forthcoming session of the East the agreement concluded with the Kuwayt Fund for
African legislative assembly. Arab Development which provides a loan of ? 7

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million to the Sudan RailwaysAdministration. proposalswhich they believe can help to remove
Apr. 21: It was reported that the Foreign Affairs obstacles in the way of promotingtrade between
Ministry, acting on a complaintby the UAR em- the 2 countries,it was reportedin Damascus.
bassy, has warned the Saudi Arabian charge MAar.21: Premier Ma'ruifal-Dawalibi told Parlia-
d'affaires that Saudi bulletins must not contain ment that the UAR refused to deliver to Syriaair-
attackson the UAR. craft, arms and naval units for which Syria had
Apr. 23: President 'Abbiid returned to the Sudan paid more than ?S200 million. The UAR denied
from Germany. the charges.
May 13: A new trade and paymentsagreementwith Mar. 28: The Syrianarmytook over control of the
Czechoslovakiawas signed in Khartum.It calls for country, turning out the governmentof Premier
increasedexchangesof Sudanesecotton, cottonseed al-Dawalibiand also deposedPresidental-Qudsi.
and other produce in return for Czech machinery Mar. 29: It was reportedthat the armyarrestedmore
and consumergoods. than 100 persons, including the former President,
May 22: The German airline, Lufthansa, inaugu- the Premierand all but one of the Cabinet. Others
rated Boeing 720 services through Khartum to arrestedinclude all membersof the Economicand
Johannesburg. Financial Committeeof the dissolved Parliament
May 26: A UAR trademission, led by Dr. Qaysfini, and the heads of the industrial trust called the
arrived in Khartum to review and readjust the Khumaslya.
trade and paymentsagreementof November 1959 Mar. 30: Maj. Gen. 'Abd al-KarimZahr al-din indi-
between the 2 countries. cated at a press conferencethat the officerswho
June 8: The Sudan/UAR trade and paymentsagree- staged a militarycoup were "in no hurryto restore
ment of November1959 were renewedwith a num- civilianrule." "This questionrequiresdeep study,"
ber of amendments,it was reported. The chief he said.
amendmentsto the tradeagreementdeal with a list Mar. 31: Diplomatic informantsin Damascus dis-
of goods offered by the UAR, such as cars, re- closed that Syriasent a "secretmilitarydelegation"
frigerators, air conditioning units and other in- to Cairo last Wednesday,March 29.
dustrialproducts. Sudanwill supply cattle, camels,
Apr. 2: It was reportedthat officersdemandingre-
cottonseedand ground nuts. The revision of the
paymentsagreementdeals with measuresto avoid union with the UAR took control of large parts
the accumulationof commercialdebts and to settle of Syria. Damascuswas surroundedby troops and
the UAR's presentdebt to the Sudan. the army high commandoffered to negotiatewith
The Minister of Communications,Maj. Gen. rebelliousNisirites on the possibilityof a referen-
al-Bahari,left for Belgradeto discuss new Yugo- dum on union with Egypt. Demonstrationsfor
slav offers of economicaid to the Sudan. The chief reunion were also reported in Aleppo, Homs,
object of his visit was to negotiatethe purchaseof Hama and Baniyas.
2 more ships for the SudanShippingLine. The military regime sealed Syria'sbordersand
closed the country'sseaports.
The Syrian high command in Damascus said
order had been restored, it was reported. Other
Syria reports indicated,however, that there was trouble
in Homs, where a meeting of militaryofficerswas
(See also, General,Algeria, Iraq, Jordan,Lebanon, taking place. Three factionsappearedto emerge-
PalestineProblem,Saudi Arabia,UAR) one advocatingreunionwith Egypt,one supporting
the deposedPresidentand the third supportingthe
1962 high commandin Damascus.
Mar. 16: President Nazim al-Qudsi and Premier Apr. 4: Telephonecommunicationswere interrupted
'Abd al-KarimQasim of Iraq, in a joint communi- and Syrian borders remained closed. Informants
que, condemnedthe Fertile Crescentand Greater described as "reliable" reported, however, that
Syriaplans and announcedplans for "closemilitary al-Qudsi would be restoredto the Presidencyof
and political cooperation"and invited other Arab Syria. The same source also reported that Maj.
countriesto join them, it was reported. Gen. Zahr al-din would remain as commanderin
Mar. 19: The Higher Supply Committeedecided to chief of the army,with Maj. Gen. Namil Kamal
grant consumercooperativesa reductionof 5 per as his chief of staff.
cent on all commoditiessold by governmentadmin- Apr. 5: A Damascusradio announcementsaid that
istrations,providedthese commoditiesare sold ex- Zahr al-din had signed an order reshufflingthe
clusively to membersof cooperatives. The Com- army commandto include officerswho "enjoyed
mittee removedthe ban on the export of cotton- the confidenceof all army units."
seed, barleyand cattle fodder. Apr. 7: The army was reportedto be arrestingsup-
Mar. 20: Exportersof Syrian productsto Iraq and portersof PresidentNasir.
importersof Iraqi commoditieswere invited by the Zahr al-din said soldiers would not take any
Ministry of Economy to submit any remarksor part in the next Syriangovernment,it was reported.

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Apr. 8: Newspapers in Damascus reported that a land in the Gezira, Euphrates and Rashid provinces
civilian provisional government would be set up has been raised from 300 to 450 hectares and the
soon to succeed the military junta. share of each beneficiary has been increased from
Apr. 10: Zahr al-din said in Damascus that a "gov- 30 to 45 hectares in these provinces because of
ernment of technicians" would be formed in 2 or "heavy expenses" born by farmers there, it was
3 days. He said it would receive reports of 6 disclosed.
committees appointed yesterday to study the na- May 2: The director of the Central Bank of Syria,
tional economy, finance, agrarian reform, public Dr. Karam Tiima, disclosed that the Central Bank
information, questions affecting other Arab coun- and the National Bank of Egypt have begun the
tries and international relations. transfer of frozen assets, proceeds of sales by
Apr. 11: The army released 6 of the men it arrested Egyptians and Syrians of goods in the other
after the March 28 coup. Twelve or 14 leaders country during the union, the first of which was
were believed to be still in custody, including received by the Central Bank yesterday. The
al-Qudsi, al-Dawalibi and Mam'uin al-Kuzbari. Central Bank would pay Syrian merchants in
Apr. 13: Zahr al-din announced over the Damascus Syrian currency the value of their goods sold in
radio that al-Qudsi has been returned to office. Egypt, at a rate of exchange yet to be agreed upon.
He said that the army was committed to protect Prime Minister Azmah announced that the ban
the higher national objectives "represented in the on the entry to Syria of Khalid Baqdash, leader
establishment of a sound Arab unity with the of the outlawed Syrian Communist Party, was still
liberated Arab states, headed by Egypt, provided in force.
committees are formed to lay down the principles May 3: At a press conference, Information Minister
of this cherished union so that they may be sub- 'Abdallah 'Abd al-Dayam disclosed that Syria was
mitted to a free, popular plebiscite." negotiating loans totalling $40 million with the
Apr. 16: A new Syrian government was formed, with US, West Germany, Italy and the International
Dr. Bashir Azimah as Prime Minister. The other Monetary Fund.
Cabinet officers named were: MAay6: Col. 'Abd al-Hamid Sarraj escaped from a
Rashad Barmada: Deputy Prime Minister; Agri- military hospital in Mezze last night, it was re-
culture and Education ported.
'Abd al-Halim Khadduir: Interior 'Abd al-Dayam said that the committee for Arab
Dr. 'Adnan al-Azhari: Foreign Affairs affairs, set up today, will discuss "the form and
Robert Ilyas: Public Works method of implementing a policy for Arab union."
Riyad al-Midani: Municipal and Rural Affairs The Minister of Industry disclosed that the
and Supply Ministry was studying plans and tenders submitted
Subhi Kahhalah: Planning by international concerns for the exploitation of
'Abd al-Salam al-Ujayli Culture and National oil in al-Gezira governorate.
Guidance May 9: It was reported that Col. Sarraj arrived at
Rashid Humayda: Justice and Waqfs the Cairo airport shortly after dawn today.
'Abdallih 'Abd al-Dayam: Information May 10: The entire Damascus press was reported to
Nuhad al-Siba'i: Economy have published statements by Akram Hur5ni,
George Khuri: Finance former Vice-President of the UAR, urging Presi-
Ihsan Rifa'i: Health dent Nasir "to cease immediately his activities in
AIhmad'Abd al-Karim: Social Affairs, Labor and the Arab countries surrounding Palestine, and par-
Agrarian Reform ticularly in Syria." He threatened that otherwise
Apr. 21: Prime Minister Bashir Azmah broadcast a he would be compelled to disclose "secrets and
statement of policy in which he said his government facts" about Nasir which had come to his knowl-
would re-nationalize the Khumasiya Company and edge when he was a member of the UAR govern-
cancel all recent amendments to the Agrarian Re- ment.
form Law. 'Abd al-Dayam told a press conference that the
Apr. 24: The Prime Minister said his government government had permitted Akram Hurani to reply
would not adopt nationalization as a policy. Any to alleged personal attacks from Cairo "out of
plan for Arab union would be put to a referendum. belief in freedom of thought and self-defense,
He also said at his first press conference that his provided it were not a vicious attack." He appealed
government's first task was to rebuild national to information media in Arab countries not to
prestige, unite the nation and restore its confidence exchange insults.
before dealing with foreign policy. May 13: It was reported in Beirut that the Syrian
Apr. 30: The Cabinet at an all-night meeting ap- government has released several more of the
proved a bill which re-established the Agrarian politicians arrested by the army in March. The
Reform Law as it stood in 1958, with amendments. leaders, unidentified, have been put under house
Only 11 of the 31 articles of the law were detention and deprived of political rights pending
amended. The maximum ownership of non-irrigated final consideration of any allegations against them.

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May 22: Nazim al-Qudsi accepted the resignations Franco-Algerian peace negotiations, pledged
of the Foreign Minister, Dr. 'Adnan al-Azhari, Tunisian supportto the Algerian people and said
and the Minister of the Interior, 'Abd al-Halim that "once foreign domination has been elimi-
Khaddur. nated there was no reasonto avoid cooperation."
May 23: The Minister of Information disclosed that Apr. 3: Muhammad'Ali Anabi, Commissionerof
Dr. Nuhad al-Siba'l, the Minister of Economy, had Atomic Energyand Tunisian representativeto the
also tendered his resignation, but that the President InternationalAtomic Energy Commission,died of
had not yet accepted it. a heart ailment. He was 56 years old.
May 26: The domestic situation was reviewed in Apr. 4: Tunisia and Niger signed commercialand
detail at a meeting at the Republican Palace, techincal cooperationagreementsin Tunis, under
attended by the President, the Prime Minister, which Tunisia will export citrus products, dates,
ministers and deputies, and it was reported that a wines and manufacturedproductsand importtropi-
decision was taken to carry out the government's cal products and Nigerian fruits. No amounts
stated policy. were mentioned.
May 27: The President accepted the resignation of Apr. 7: It was reportedthat decrees nationalizing
Dr. al-Siba'i. several public service organizations,in particular
June 5: A decree was issued abolishing censorship gas and electriccompanies,have been publishedin
of the press which had been effective since 1960. the OfficialGazette.
Apr. 12: PresidentBourguibawas marriedto Wasila
June 6: Premier Azmah announced that his govern-
ibn Ammar, both for the second time. On this
ment would take steps "toward a partial restora-
tion of Syria's union with the UAR," a union
occasion,the Presidentfreed429 prisonersandgave
the schoolsa holiday.
under which Syria would retain her sovereignty,
and added that "this government . . . will start Apr. 27: The governmentissued a communiquein
contacts with Egypt on this basis." Tunis calling the US resumptionof nucleartesting
JI1ne 7: The Governor of the Central Bank of Syria
left for West Germany to sign a $16 million loan May 2: The Minister of Information,Chedli Klibi,
agreement. left Tunis by air for a visit to Moscowand Prague.
He said he was going to Russiaand Czechoslovakia
June 8: It was learned that Syrian politicans who
at the invitation of those governmentsand would
have been working for the reconvening of the
National Assembly said they would not publish
study questions related to radio, television and
their reply to Dr. Azmah's address to the nation
(on federal union with Egypt). They said the May 12: Jeune Afrique reported that President
starting point of national unity was the calling of LeopoldSenghorof Senegalhad offeredto mediate
a national congress. in the Franco-Tunisiandispute over the French
It was announced that the US will lend Syria naval and air base at Bizerta. It said President
$6 million. Senghor had sent a personal message to Prime
Minister Pompidou, emphasizing that it was in
June 9: Ma'miunKuzbari was released from prison.
France'sinterestto solve the problem.
June 11: A joint Syrian-Iraqi economic committee
May 25: Tunisia pledged the purchaseof $475,000
began consultations on the trade agreement signed
last November.
worth of UN bonds, it was reportedin the UN.
June 12: Syrian newspapers proposed that general May 26: Greece and Tunisia signed a financial,
elections be held in both the UAR and Syria as a scientific and technical agreementin Athens. No
prelude for reuniting the 2 countries, it was re- details were disclosed.
ported. June 1: President Bourguibapardoned49 convicts
to mark Tunisia'sNational Day, a public holiday.
June 14: The Deputy Prime Minister denied reports
circulated earlier that the government was about June 5: Tunis Afrique Presse became the first re-
to resign. cipient of a new daily news servicesin Frenchto
North Africa by Reuters, transmitted by cable and
June 7: The Italian Prime Minister, AmintoreFan-
Tunisia fani, arrivedin Tunis on a 3-dayvisit. Bourguiba
accepted an invitation from Dr. Fanfani to visit
(See also, Morocco) Italy.
1962 June 9: II Tempo of Rome reportedthat Italy will
grant Tunisia a $10 million loan for development.
Mar. 20: Addressing the opening session of a na- June 15: An Italian delegation began talks on eco-
tional meeting of the Neo Destour Party, Presi- nomic and technical cooperation with Tunisian
dent Bourguiba hailed the methods adopted in the officials in Tunis, it was reported.

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Turkey May 9: It was reported that a delegation from the

OECD have begun talks with the State Planning
(See also, Cyprus) Organization on the proposed 5-year development
1962 May 16: It was announced that Morrison-Knudsen
Company, Inc. has been awarded a $16.8 million
Mar. 20: It was announced that a long-term plan for contract for a new steel mill at Eregli. The project
the construction of 150,000 kms. of all-weather is scheduled for completion next May.
village roads will be started this year. The Minister May 27: Turkey's first atomic reactor was put into
of Public Works said a sum of ?T 85 million will operation in Istanbul.
be spent to start the program this year. May 28: Turkey's exports of unmanufactured tobacco
Mar. 23: The US Atomic Energy Commission was during 1961 totaled 194,900,000 pounds, the US
reported to have contributed $350,000 towards the Department of Agriculture announced. Shipments
cost of the Turkish nuclear research and training to the US of 105,100,000 pounds in 1961 set a
center. record and represented 54.2 per cent of Turkey's
Mar. 27: The IMF announced a supplementary loan total exports.
of $31 million to a credit of $45 million recently May 30: Indni resigned following a decision of the
disclosed by the Organization for Economic Co- Parliamentary group of the Justice party to demand
operation and Development (OECD), both to that the amnesty terms be broadened.
help bridge the gap in Turkey's deficient inter- May 31: In6nii's resignation was accepted by Presi-
national payments. dent Giursel.
Apr. 2: Gen. Norstad, Supreme Commander of June 2: Gursel was reported to have asked In6nu
NATO, held discussions with high officials in to form a new Cabinet.
Ankara on Turkey's continuing role in Western June 10: Justice party leaders met in Ankara and en-
defenses, it was reported. dorsed the idea of an early amnesty, accusing Indnii.
Apr. 4: It was reported that Premier Ininii conferred and his party of being the main obstacles to the
with the chiefs of the armed forces, reportedly to release of the prisoners. tn6nii, who, it was learned,
discuss a draft of a law to grant amnesty to those has accepted Giirsel's suggestion to form a new
in the army who took part in a revolt February 22. government, allegedly received a "serious set back"
Apr. 7: A US army sergeant was sentenced to 15 as a result of the above meeting.
months' imprisonment and fined $18,000 for having June 11: The Justice party meeting was continued
violated Turkish currency regulations. and Inonu declared that if a coalition is not formed
Apr. 13: tn6ni gave an outline of Turkey's first 5- by tomorrow he will give up the task.
year plan in a speech over Ankara radio. He said June 13: In6nii presented a plan to Giirsel for a new
that in all 1,300 projects requiring an investment coalition by the Republican People's party, the
of some ?T100,000 million had been suggested: New Turkey party and the Republican Peasant
526 were agricultural, 374 were for reconstruction Nation party. The grouping isolates the Justice
and 399-including 125 submitted by the private party which is said to be beset by "internal
sector-were industrial projects. The State Plan- bickering." The Premier said the new combination
ning Organization will select those to be incorpo- was strong enough to insure a government majority
rated in the 5-year plan within the framework of in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, and
the overall plan which will call for a total invest- that he has been assured the support of 18 in-
ment of about ?T 56,000 million. dependent Deputies.
Apr. 14: In a press interview, tn8nil said that he
hoped for the eventual release of more than 400
imprisoned supporters of the late Adnan Menderes. United Arab Republic
Apr. 20: A draft bill pardoning 69 dissident officers
who staged an abortive coup last February was (See also, General, Algeria, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
formally submitted to Parliament. Kuwayt, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine Problem,
Apr. 21: The New Turkey and Peasants parties op- Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria)
posed the amnesty bill.
Apr. 30: The Lower House approved the amnesty
bill, 297 to 13. Mar. 17: China and the UAR signed a trade agree-
May 5: The Turkish Confederation of Workers ment. No details were announced.
Syndicates called on Parliament and the government Mar. 19: The first trade and payments agreement
to do something about the nation's unemployment between the UAR and Niger was signed in Cairo,
problem. The statement followed a demonstration under which the UAR will import leather, meat
by jobless workers on May 3 before the Parlia- and peanuts and export industrial products, textile
ment building. Forty-six demonstrators were and cement. The agreement also provides for
arrested. exchange of technical aid, under which the UAR

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will send agricultural,buildingand some industrial adopted in December 1960 by the 11th general
experts to Niger. conferenceof UNESCO.
Mar. 23: Al-Ahraimreportedthat the governmentis The ban on French subjectsentering the UAR
considering how compensationwill be paid for imposed last Decemberafter the arrest of French
the ?50 million sterling worth of foreign property diplomatsin Cairo for alleged espionageactivities
nationalizedlast year. was reportedto have been lifted.
It was reported that Muslim authorities have Apr. 16: 'Abd al-Mun'im al-Qaysuini,Minister of
handedover to the governmentsome 250,000 acres Economy,left Cairo by air for the US, where he
of farm land. The Ministry of AgrarianReform will have separatetalks with World Bank and US
was charged with the redistributionof land to officials.
landless peasants. Apr. 20: The UNESCO committee of the inter-
iMar.24: A new 4-man Suez Canal Board was ap- national campaignto save the Nubian Monuments
pointed: MahmudYiinis, who retains his post as from being covered by water as a result of the
chairmanof the board; 'Abd al-HamidAbi Baqir, constructionof the Aswan High Dam ended its
general secretary;MuhammadTawfiq al-Dib, chief 3-daymeetings. No details were disclosed.
engineer; and Dr. Mustafi al-Hafniwi, legal ad- Apr. 22: A 5-yeartelevision cooperationagreement
visor. Therewere 8 membersin the previousboard, was signed in Cairo betweenthe UAR and Leban-
appointedin 1957. ese television interests,calling for an exchangeof
Mar. 27: PresidentJamal 'Abd al-Nisir summoned experts, newsreelsand educatiohalprograms. The
the National Congressof Popular Forces to meet UAR will supply Lebanesetelevisionwith musical
on May 5 when he will present a new national and entertainment programsand the LebaneseTele-
charter. vision Companywill strengthenits receiving sta-
Mar. 29: Mustafa Amin was reinstated,by presi- tions to pick up UAR transmissions.
dental decree, as chairman of the board of al- Apr. 24: The chairman of the General Oil Au-
Akhbair. The same decree appointed Kamal al- thority, Ahmad Kamil al-Badri, announcedthat
Hannawi, former general managerof the Middle work has startedon a crude oil carbonizingplant
East News Agency, as chairmanof al-Jumhiriyah, in Suez for the extractionof oil by-products.The
in successionto Major Silah Salim, who died last plant aims to produce 1,700,000 tons of fuel oil
month. annuallyand is expectedto be finishedby the end
Apr. 1: The prosecutiondemandedlife sentencesat of 1963.
hard laborfor 4 Frenchofficialson trial on charges Apr. 26: It was officially announcedthat 'Abd al-
of conspiringagainst the securityof the state and Qadir Hatim, Minister of State, issued a decree
trying to overthrowthe regime of PresidentNasir. allowing Frenchtourists to enter the UAR.
Apr. 7: The Cairo "spy trial" ended when the court Apr. 28: Nasir orderedthe distributionof dividends
agreed to a prosecutionrequest for an indefinite of companyprofitsto workers. Accordingto their
postponement.The defendantswere released- 11 of wage level, work-erswill get 10 per cent of com-
them, includingthe 4 Frenchofficials. pany profits up to a maximumof LE 50.
Hafiz 'Abd al-Hamid al-Kashif, under secretary Apr. 29: A decree was issued postponingthe inau-
in the Ministry of Economy,succeeded 'Abd al- gural meeting of the National Congressfrom May
Latif 'Izzat as sequestrator-generalfor Jewish, 5 to May 21. No official reason was given, but
French,British, Australianand Belgian properties. al-Ahnimsaid more time was needed for the com-
Apr. 10: The first television station at Suez opened, pletion of the new national charter.
bringingthe whole Delta region of the UAR except May 1: PrimeMinisterLee Kuan Yew of Singapore
Port Sa'id within the range of television trans- left by air for Belgradeafter a 5-day visit to the
mission. Work is in progressto include the Port UAR.
Sa'idregionin the network. Thousandsof workersreportedlygatheredin Re-
Apr. 11: Two agreements-one on trade and pay- public Square for a May Day rally-the first of
ments and the other for technical, economic and its kind ever held in the UAR.
cultural cooperation-were signed between the May3: Nasir has decidedto awardthe GrandCordon
UAR and Dahomey. of the Nile posthumouslyto Dag Hammarskj6ld
Apr. 13: The Italian Embassyin Cairo announced and Count Folke Bernadotte,it was officiallyan-
that agreementhas beenreachedwith UAR authori- nounced.
ties on settlement of questions relating to the May 4: The Daily Telegraphreportedthat, according
nationalizationof Italian banks, insurance com- to reportscirculatingin the Middle East,Nasir had
panies and other properties,as well as the transfer been shot by an assassin and seriously wounded.
of capital belonging to Italians now held in the The reported assailant, the Telegraph said, was
UAR. 'Ali 'Amir, a brotherof Marshal 'Abd al-Hakim
Apr. 14: It was announcedthat the UAR ratifiedthe 'Amir. The State Departmentin Washingtonsaid
convention against discrimination in education, it had no word that Nasir had been wounded;also,

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the UAR delegation of the UN said it had no inaugural session of the National Congress of
word. Popular Forces. He said the charter must insure
May 5: Two Lebanese magazine editors saw Nasir that the country's farmers and working men get
for an hour and a half and said later that he half of the seats in political and popular organiza-
had joked about reports of an attempt on his life. tions "at all levels" because "they are the majority
May 7: The International Monetary Fund announced of the people and the longest deprived of rights."
that it had entered into a stand-by arrangement He said that the authority of elected popular
authorizing the UAR to draw the equivalent of councils must in the future be raised "above the
$42.5 million over the next 12 months in currencies authority of the executive machinery."
held by the fund. The announcement said the UAR May 22: Nasir's plan for a "Socialist" UAR struck
would adopt a single rate for the UAR pound at diplomatic observers in Cairo as a "far more
$2.50. Imports would be placed on a non-dis- moderate revolutionary program" than had been
criminatory basis and credit expansion would be expected, it was reported in Cairo.
slowed down. Akram Hurani, a leading Syrian socialist, de-
May 8: Nasir presided over a full meeting of the nounced Nasir's plans for the UAR as "just
Cabinet to discuss the national charter. words."
The British ambassador, Sir Harold Beely, met The UAR will import 400,000 tons of wheat and
with Minister of Economy Qaysiini, at the am- flour, valued at about $28 million, from the US
bassador's request. It was reported they discussed under an agreement signed in Cairo. Eighty per
questions arising from British property still under cent of the price will be lent to UAR development
sequestration and matters of general economic projects, and the loan is repayable over 40 years
interest. at 4 per cent interest.
May 9: Saudi Arabia rejected the annual Egyptian May 26: Nasir told the National Congress that there
offering of a holy carpet for the Mecca shrine. would be a congress of the Arab Socialist Union
Egyptian Muslims charged King Sa'ud with "in- next October, followed by National Assembly elec-
sulting the rich Islamic tradition in continuing tions, after which the Assembly would draft new
his political quarrel with President Jamal 'Abd laws. He rejected a suggestion that he stay in office
al-Nasir." Egyptian pilgrims refused to debark and for life.
returned to Egypt on the steamer Mecca. May 27: Nasir told a session of the National Congress
May 11: Col. 'Abd al-Hamid Sarraj, who escaped that in the future the UAR must have a President
from a Damascus prison hospital, has arrived in who can be removed if he deviates from the
Cairo, the government announced. He spent more national interest or seeks personal gain.
than an hour with Nasir this afternoon. May 31: Nasir dropped the ban on birth control.
Afay 13: Nasir revealed in an interview with al- He told the National Congress, in one of the
Jumhzuriyah that the UAR would provide the nightly televised discussions of the new charter,
Algerian Nationalist Army with a large number that if the present pattern of increase continued,
of armored vehicles and all types of armus. all efforts to double the national income every 10
May 14: Coast guards seized half a ton of narcotics years "will have been in vain." Coincidentally,
worth ?500,000 sterling after a battle with smug- the first public discussions in Cairo of family plan-
glers in the Gulf of Suez, it was reported. One ning had just ended. The symposium recommended
smuggler was reported killed and 3 were arrested. further studies into the deve!opment of cheap,
The arrested persons confessed they received the effective contraceptives for the country's poor and
narcotics from gangs of Israeli and Jordanian illiterate peasants; urged the establishment of health
smugglers. education clinics in the villages; and asked to
May 15: Nasir, in a decree issued today, appointed campaign for the promotion and acceptance of
Anwar al-Sadat and Kamal al-Din HIusaynas secre- family planning among the Muslim populace.
taries-general of the National Congress. June 1: An agreement was signed in Cairo under
A United Arab Airlines plane carrying news- which the US will lend $20 million for Egypt's
papers to Beirut exploded as it left Cairo and the economic development program. The loan is re-
crew of 3 persons were killed. payable over 7 years at 21/2 per cent interest.
May 17: During the 3-day feast of Sacrifice Bayram, June 2: The UAR ended its 5-day naval maneuvers
it was disclosed that Nisir has distributed about in the eastern Mediterranean.
$43 million worth of "dividends" to shareholders June 4: According to reports reaching Cairo today,
and factory and government workers, the first profit 4 people died and 15 were injured in a fire which
shares in "socialist Egypt." raged for 3 days in the village of Mandra, Lower
May 19: The UAR ambassador to Venezuela, Ismail1 Egypt.
Wafiq, announced that Nasir will visit Venezuela June 6: Talks began in Cairo between Lebanon and
next February. the UAR on the question of Lebanese property
MJ)y 21: Nasir presented a new constitution at the nationalized or sequestrated by the UAR.

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June 7: The National Congress recessed until June Yemen

23 so that its 1,750 delegates can spread word of
(See also, Aden)
Nasir's plans for Arab socialism to the people. On
its return the Congress will give final approval 1962
for the Constitution and elections. Mar. 31: Two men were beheaded in the main square
June 9: The Middle East News Agency reported that of Ta'iz for their part in an attempt to assassinate
the UAR and Lebanon have reached a "preliminary Imam Ahmad last year, it was reported.
solution" to the problem of compensating Lebanese Apr. 21: Ahmad Muhammad Basha, who is in charge
nationals whose property in the UAR was na- of Yemeni interests in Cairo, said that his country
tionalized or sequestrated. has decided to establish diplomatic relations with
June 11: Al-Ahram's diplomatic correspondent indi- Indonesia and Japan.
cated that the UAR was ready to open negotiations The Aden Chronicle reported a "critical" water
for a union with any Syrian government on con- shortage in Yemen.
dition that the Syrian government expressed the Apr. 26: It was announced that Yemen had joined
will of the people and was not engaged in party UNESCO.
maneuvers "playing with unity for individual May 10: The Aden Chronicle reported that at least
interests" and that "the government should prove 21 persons have been killed in recent fighting be-
its good intentions by carrying out investigations tween Yemeni tribesmen.
into the unjust accusations levelled against Cairo June 5: The Red Sea port of Ahmadiyah was
on the heels of the separatist reactionary coup." officially opened.
June 7: A decree was issued providing for the
June 12: Cobina Kessie, Ghana's new ambassador, establishment of a Development Council headed by
presented his credentials. Another new ambassador, Crown Prince Muhammad al-Badr. The Council
Victorio Carpio of the Philippines, who is also has been asked to study various agricultural
chairman of the UN Special Committee on South- projects, water and soil conservation and a program
west Africa, also presented his credentials. of imports of agricultural implements, seeds and
June 15: Qaysini left Cairo at the head of an 11- fertilizers.
member delegation to Moscow for talks on UAR- June 15: Three frigates are due in Yemen for its
Soviet long-term trade and payments agreements. coast guard service, al-Qalam al-'Adani reported.

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