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Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST

GST Configuration & Payables

Test Cases
Doc ID: 2410153.1
Author: Srinivas Nimmalapudi
(Principal Software Engineer)

1 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Goods and Service Tax (GST) is an indirect tax levied on the supply of goods and services. This law has replaced many
indirect tax laws that previously existed in India.
What are the components of GST?
There are 3 taxes applicable under this system: CGST, SGST & IGST.
1. CGST: Collected by the Central Government on an intra-state sale
2. SGST: Collected by the State Government on an intra-state sale
3. IGST: Collected by the Central Government for inter-state sale
In most cases, the tax structure under the new regime will be as follows:

Transaction New Regime

Sale within the CGST + SGST Revenue will be shared equally between the Centre and the State

Sale to another IGST There will only be one type of tax (central) in case of inter-state
State sales. The Center will then share the IGST revenue based on the
destination of goods.


• Let us assume that a dealer in Telangana had sold the goods to a dealer in Karnataka worth Rs. 1,000.
The tax rate is 5% comprising of only IGST.

In such case, the dealer has to charge Rs. 50 as IGST. This revenue will go to the Central Government.

• The same dealer sells goods to a consumer in Telangana worth Rs. 50,000. The GST rate on the good is 12%.
This rate comprises of CGST at 6% and SGST at 6%.

The dealer has to collect Rs. 6,000 as Goods and Service Tax. Rs. 3,000 will go to the Central Government and Rs. 3,000
will go to the Telangana government as the sale is within the state.


2 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Step: 1
Enable India Localizations
Go to setup & maintenance
Select Financials in product drop down
Click on link 'Change Feature Opt In'

Click on Features

3 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Select India as Regional Localization

Enterprise Structure:
Legal Entity : GST_SOUTH
Business Unit: GST_HYD_BU
BU Address: City: Hyderabad,
State: Telangana
Task->Manage Locations

4 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST

Business Unit (Bill to Location):

Manage Geography Setup

Manage Geographies

Country Name: India
Click on Validation Defined

5 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST

Ensure Correct Map to Attribute for each Geography Type

For State Geography Type: Enable as per below screenshot
Save and Close

Run Schedule Process (ESS Job): Validate Addresses against Master Reference Geography Data
Location Table Name: HZ_LOCATIONS

6 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Step: 2
Test Cases
• Sale of Non-Inventory Item within the State
• Sale of Non-Inventory Item to another State
Tax Configurations:-
Configure Legal Authorities
Task-> Manage Legal Authorities

7 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Configure Tax Regime:
Task -> Manage Tax Regimes
Tax Regime Name: IND_GST_REGIME

8 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Configure Taxes: CGST, SGST and IGST
Task -> Manage Taxes
Tax Name: IND_CGST

Note: Enable tax for transactions, enabled after the Tax Rate Tax Rules are defined
Tax Rule Defaults->
Tax Applicability->Not Applicable

9 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Task -> Manage Taxes
Tax Name: IND_SGST

Note: Enable tax for transactions, enabled after the Tax Rate Tax Rules are defined
Tax Rule Defaults->
Tax Applicability->Not Applicable

10 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Task -> Manage Taxes
Tax Name: IND_IGST

Note: Enable tax for transactions, enabled after the Tax Rate Tax Rules are defined
Tax Rule Defaults->
Tax Applicability->Not Applicable

11 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Configure Manage Tax Jurisdictions
Task -> Manage Tax Jurisdictions
Tax Jurisdiction Name: IND_GST_JUD

Task -> Manage Tax Jurisdictions

Tax Jurisdiction Name: IND_SGST_JUD

Task -> Manage Tax Jurisdictions

Tax Jurisdiction Name: IND_IGST_JUD

12 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Configure: Tax Statuses
Task -> Manage Tax Statuses
Tax Status Name: IND_CGST_STAT

Task -> Manage Tax Statuses

Tax Status Name: IND_SGST_STAT

13 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Task -> Manage Tax Statuses
Tax Status Name: IND_IGST_STAT

Configure: Tax Rates and Tax Recovery Rates

Task -> Manage Tax Rates and Tax Recovery Rates
Select Rate Type: Tax Recovery Rate and Create Tax Recovery Rates

14 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Recovery Rate:
Tax Recovery Rate Code: IND_CGST_TAX_REC_2.5

Define Tax Recovery Rate:

Tax Recovery Rate Code: IND_SGST_TAX_REC_2.5

15 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Recovery Rate:
Tax Recovery Rate Code: IND_IGST_REC_5

Task -> Manage Tax Rates and Tax Recovery Rates

Select Rate Type: Tax Rates and Create Tax Rates

16 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Rates
Tax Rate Code: IND_CGST_2.5
Select Default Recovery Rate: IND_CGST_TAX_REC_2.5 as shown in below screenshot

Define Tax Accounts Details for Tax Rate: IND_CGST_2.5

17 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Tax Classification Code Set Assignments for Tax Rates IND_CGST_2.5
Enable the Order to Cash, Procure to Pay and Expenses
Enable as per Business Requirement

Define Tax Rates

Tax Rate Code: IND_SGST_2.5
Select Default Recovery Rate: IND_SGST_TAX_REC_2.5 as shown in below screenshot

18 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Accounts Details for Tax Rate: IND_SGST_2.5

Tax Classification Code Set Assignments for Tax Rates IND_SGST_2.5

Enable the Order to Cash, Procure to Pay and Expenses
Enable as per Business Requirement

19 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Rates
Tax Rate Code: IND_IGST_5
Select Default Recovery Rate: IND_IGST_REC_5 as shown in below screenshot

Define Tax Accounts Details for Tax Rate: IND_IGST_5

20 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST

Tax Classification Code Set Assignments for Tax Rates IND_IGST_5

Enable the Order to Cash, Procure to Pay and Expenses
Enable as per Business Requirement

Configure: Product-Based Fiscal Classifications

Task -> Manage Product-Based Fiscal Classifications
Create Fiscal Classification code for “Product Category Fiscal Classification Codes”
This definition used to write Tax rules for Non-Inventory Products
Defined Fiscal Classification Code = Electronic

21 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Configure: Tax Determining Factor Sets
Task-> Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets
Define Tax Determining Factor Set Name for CGST: IND_CGST_2.5_DET

Task-> Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets

Define Tax Determining Factor Set Name for SGST: IND_SGST_2.5_DET

22 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Task-> Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets
Define Tax Determining Factor Set Name for IGST: IND_IGST_5P_DET

Configure: Tax Condition Sets

Task-> Manage Tax Condition Sets
Define Tax Condition Set Name for CGST: IND_CGST_2.5_CON
Select Tax Determining Factor Set Name: IND_CGST_2.5_DET

23 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Task-> Manage Tax Condition Sets
Define Tax Condition Set Name for SGST: IND_SGST_2.5_CON
Select Tax Determining Factor Set Name: IND_SGST_2.5_DET

Task-> Manage Tax Condition Sets

Define Tax Condition Set Name for IGST: IND_IGST_5P_CON
Select Tax Determining Factor Set Name: IND_IGST_5P_DET

24 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Configure: Tax Rules-Tax Applicability Rules
Task-> Manage Tax Rules
Select Tax Rate Type Tax Applicability Rules and Define Rules

25 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Applicability Rule IND_CGST_2.5_RULE to Determine CGST Tax
Bill From State Equal to determining factor to Ship To State
Product noninventory linked Product Category is Equal to EQUIPMENT
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

26 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Applicability Rule IND_SGST_2.5_RULE to Determine SGST Tax
Bill From State Equal to determining factor of Ship To State
Product noninventory linked Product Category is Equal to EQUIPMENT
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

27 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Applicability Rule IND_IGST_5_RULE to Determine IGST Tax
Ship From State Not Equal to determining factor of Ship To State
Product noninventory linked Product Category is Equal to Equipment
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

28 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Task-> Manage Tax Rules
Select Tax Rate Type Tax Rules and Define Rules

Define Tax Rate Rule IND_CGST_2.5_TAX_RULE to Determine CGST Tax Rate IND_CGST_2.5 based on below
detremining factors
Bill From State Equal to determining factor of Ship To State
Product noninventory linked Product Category is Equal to EQUIPMENT
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

29 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Rate Rule IND_SGST_2.5_TAX_RULE_2.5 to Determine SGST Tax Rate IND_SGST_2.5 based on below
detremining factors
Bill From State Equal to determining factor of Ship To State
Product noninventory linked Product Category is Equal to EQUIPMENT
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

30 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Rate Rule IND_IGST__5_RATE_RULE to Determine IGST Tax Rate IND_IGST_5 based on below detremining
Ship From State Not Equal to determining factor of Ship To State
Product noninventory linked Product Category is Equal to Equipment
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

31 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Update GST Information in Supplier

Go To Home Page
Click on Procurement
Click on Suppliers

Task->Manage Supplier
Search Supplier
Go to Addresses Tab

32 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Click on Edit and Go to Transaction Tax Tab
Click on Tax Registration Tab

Enter Tax Registration details

33 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Step: 3
1. Tax Calculations on Invoice of Non-Inventory Item within the State
Information required while entering Invoice
Ship To
Bill From
Tax Product Category

Invoice: Inv-0024
Entered for BU: GST_HYD_BU
Bill From State is Telangana
Supplier Number 10003
Supplier Site: Hyderabad State: Telangana
Tax Product Category: Equipment

Bill From State is Equal to Ship To State

Bill From Part Status is Registered
Product Category is Equipment

34 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST

Hence, IND_CGST_2.5 (2.5%)and IND_SGST_2.5 (2.5%) Tax rates are applicable

Tax Results

In this case, the Supplier has charged Rs. 25 as CGST and Rs 25 as SGST on Invoice amount Rs 1000

35 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
2. Tax Calculations on Invoice of Non-Inventory Item to another State
Information required while entering Invoice
Ship To
Ship From
Tax Product Category

Invoice: Inv-0025
Entered for BU: GST_HYD_BU
Bill to State is Telangana
Supplier Number 10003
Supplier Site: Bengaluru State: Karnataka
Tax Product Category: Equipment

Ship From State is Not Equal to Ship To State

Bill From Part Status is Registered
Product Category is Equipment
Hence, IND_IGST_5 (5%) Tax rate is applicable

36 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Tax Results

In this case, the Supplier has charged Rs. 50 as IGST on Invoice amount Rs 1000

37 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Step 4
Test Cases
• Sale of Inventory Item within the State
• Sale of Inventory Item to another State
CGST 6%, SGST 6% and IGST 12%

Tax Configurations:-
The configurations done in Step: 2 can be used for the below setups
1. Legal Authorities
2. Tax Regime
3. Taxes
4. Tax Jurisdictions
5. Tax Statuses

Configure: Tax Rates and Tax Recovery Rates

Task -> Manage Tax Rates and Tax Recovery Rates
Select Rate Type: Tax Recovery Rate and Create Tax Recovery Rates

38 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Recovery Rate:
Tax Recovery Rate Code: IND_CGST_TAX_REC_6

Define Tax Recovery Rate:

Tax Recovery Rate Code: IND_SGST_TAX_REC_6

39 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Recovery Rate:
Tax Recovery Rate Code: IND_IGST_REC_12

Task -> Manage Tax Rates and Tax Recovery Rates

Select Rate Type: Tax Rates and Create Tax Rates

40 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Rates
Tax Rate Code: IND_CGST_TAX_6
Select Default Recovery Rate: IND_CGST_TAX_REC_6 as shown in below screenshot

Define Tax Accounts Details for Tax Rate: IND_CGST_TAX_6

41 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Tax Classification Code Set Assignments for Tax Rates IND_CGST_6
Enable the Order to Cash, Procure to Pay and Expenses
Enable as per Business Requirement

Define Tax Rates

Tax Rate Code: IND_SGST_TAX_6
Select Default Recovery Rate: IND_SGST_TAX_REC_6 as shown in below screenshot

42 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Accounts Details for Tax Rate: IND_SGST_TAX_6

Tax Classification Code Set Assignments for Tax Rates IND_SGST_TAX_6

Enable the Order to Cash, Procure to Pay and Expenses
Enable as per Business Requirement

43 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Rates
Tax Rate Code: IND_IGST_12
Select Default Recovery Rate: IND_IGST_REC_12 as shown in below screenshot

Define Tax Accounts Details for Tax Rate: IND_IGST_12

44 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Tax Classification Code Set Assignments for Tax Rates IND_IGST_12
Enable the Order to Cash, Procure to Pay and Expenses
Enable as per Business Requirement

Configure: Define Functional Area For Catalog

Task -> Manage Functional Area Catalog

45 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Edit Inventory Functional Area and Add Categories

Task -> Manage Product-Based Fiscal Classifications

Create Fiscal Classification code for “Product Fiscal Classification Types”
This definition used to write Tax rules for Inventory Category
Defined Type Code = GST_RATE for the Inventory Catalog (Inventory Category Set)
GST_CATALOG defined in Inventory under which Inventory Category defined

46 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Configure: Tax Determining Factor Sets
Task-> Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets
Define Tax Determining Factor Set Name for CGST: IND_CGST_DET_6P

Task-> Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets

Define Tax Determining Factor Set Name for SGST: IND_SGST_DET_6P

47 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Task-> Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets
Define Tax Determining Factor Set Name for IGST: IND_SGST_DET_12P

Configure: Tax Condition Sets

Task-> Manage Tax Condition Sets
Define Tax Condition Set Name for CGST: IND_CGST_CON_6P
Select Tax Determining Factor Set Name: IND_CGST_DET_6P

48 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Task-> Manage Tax Condition Sets
Define Tax Condition Set Name for SGST: IND_SGST_CON_6P
Select Tax Determining Factor Set Name: IND_SGST_DET_6P

Task-> Manage Tax Condition Sets

Define Tax Condition Set Name for SGST: IND_IGST_CON_12P
Select Tax Determining Factor Set Name: IND_IGST_DET_12P

49 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Configure: Tax Rules-Tax Applicability Rules
Task-> Manage Tax Rules
Select Tax Rate Type Tax Applicability Rules and Define Rules

Define Tax Applicability Rule IND_CGST_RULE_6 to Determine CGST Tax

Bill From State Equal to determining factor to Bill To State
Product inventory linked Inventory Category is Equal to Electronic
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

50 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Applicability Rule IND_SGST_RULE_6 to Determine SGST Tax
Bill From State Equal to determining factor to Bill To State
Product inventory linked Inventory Category is Equal to Electronic
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

51 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Applicability Rule IND_IGST_RULE_12 to Determine IGST Tax
Ship From State Equal to determining factor to Ship To State
Product inventory linked Inventory Category is Equal to Electronic
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

Task-> Manage Tax Rules

Select Tax Rate Type Tax Rules and Define Rules

52 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Rate Rule IND_CGST_RATE_RULE_6 to Determine CGST Tax Rate IND_CGST_TAX_6 based on below
detremining factors
Bill From State Equal to determining factor of Bill To State
Product inventory linked Product Category is Equal to Electronic
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

53 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Rate Rule IND_SGST_RATE_RULE_6 to Determine SGST Tax Rate IND_SGST_TAX_6 based on below
detremining factors
Bill From State Equal to determining factor of Bill To State
Product inventory linked Product Category is Equal to Electronic
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

54 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Define Tax Rate Rule IND_IGST_RATE_RULE_12 to Determine IGST Tax Rate IND_IGST_TAX_12 based on below
detremining factors
Ship From State Not Equal to determining factor of Ship To State
Product inventory linked Product Category is Equal to Electronic
Bill from Party Registration Status is Equal to Registered

55 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Create Item with Category: Electronic

Step: 5
1. Tax Calculations on Invoice of Inventory Item within the State (CGST & SGST)
Information required while entering Invoice
Bill To
Bill From
Inventory Category
Enter PO and Approve

56 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Purchase Order: 5
Entered for BU: GST_HYD_BU
Bill to State is Telangana
Supplier Number 10003
Supplier Site: Hyderabad State: Telangana
Item Category: Electronic

Invoice: Inv-0015 matched with PO Number 5

Entered for BU: GST_HYD_BU
Bill to State is Telangana
Supplier Number 10003
Supplier Site: Hyderabad State: Telangana
Category: Electronic

Bill From State is Equal to Bill To State

Bill From Part Status is Registered
Inventory Category is Electronic
Hence, IND_CGST_6 (6%) and IND_SGST_6 (6%) are applicable

57 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST

Tax Results

In this case, the Supplier has charged Rs. 3000 as CGST and Rs 3000 as SGST on Invoice amount Rs 1000

2. Tax Calculations on Invoice of Inventory Item Ship from other State (IGST)
Information required while entering Invoice
Bill To
Bill From
Inventory Category
Enter PO and Approve

58 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Purchase Order: 6
Entered for BU: GST_HYD_BU
Bill to State is Telangana
Supplier Number 10003
Supplier Site: Bengaluru State: Karnataka
Item Category: Electronic

Invoice: Inv-0016 matched with PO Number 5

Entered for BU: GST_HYD_BU
Bill to State is Telangana
Supplier Number 10003
Supplier Site: Bengaluru State: Karnataka
Category: Electronic

Ship From State is Not Equal to Ship To State

Bill From Part Status is Registered
Product Category is Electronic

59 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

Oracle Fusion APPS – India GST
Hence, IND_IGST_12 (12%) Tax rate is applicable

Tax Results

In this case, the Supplier has charged Rs. 6000 as IGST on Invoice amount Rs 50000

60 Doc ID: 2410153.1 Oracle

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