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Questionaire on e Payment systems

Please Indicate your gender .

1.Are you male or female?


Question Title
2. What is your age?

Under 18

18 - 29

30 - 44

45 - 59

Question Title
3. Do you use Internet Banking?


Question Title
4. If you have never used internet banking, what are the main reasons? (Check all that apply)

Never heard of Internet banking

 Concerned about security (don’t trust online banking)

 Don’t get on with the technology

Don't see any real value in having this type of account

Too new. I would like to see how it works, then I may open an account

Not available through my bank


Other (please specify)

Question Title
5. How do you bank and how often?

  Never Yearly Monthly Weekly

Banking in Banking in Banking in Banking in Banking in

Person Person Never Person Yearly Person Monthly Person Weekly

Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone

Banking Banking Never Banking Yearly Banking Monthly Banking Weekly

Online Banking Online Online Online Online

Banking Never Banking Yearly Banking Monthly Banking Weekly

Mobile Banking
(via an app on Mobile Banking Mobile Banking Mobile Banking (via Mobile Bankin
your mobile (via an app on your (via an app on your an app on your mobile (via an app on you
phone) mobile phone) Never mobile phone) Yearly phone) Monthly mobile phone) We

Question Title
6. How often do you use the following payment methods?

  Never Yearly Monthly Weekly

Cash Cash Never Cash Yearly Cash Monthly Cash Weekly

Credit/Debit card Credit/Debit card Credit/Debit card Credit/Debit card in Credit/Debit c

in store in store Never in store Yearly store Monthly in store Weekly

Credit/Debit card Credit/Debit card Credit/Debit card Credit/Debit card Credit/Debit c

online online Never online Yearly online Monthly online Weekly

Electronic bank Electronic bank Electronic bank Electronic bank Electronic ban
  Never Yearly Monthly Weekly

transfer transfer Never transfer Yearly transfer Monthly transfer Weekly

Direct debit( e.g. Direct debit( e.g. Direct debit( e.g. Direct debit( e.g. Direct debit( e
Standing order.) Standing Standing Standing Standing
order.) Never order.) Yearly order.) Monthly order.) Weekly

Mobile payment ( Mobile payment ( Mobile payment Mobile payment Mobile payme
Android pay, Android pay, Apple ( Android pay, Apple ( Android pay, Apple ( Android pay, Ap
Apple pay, pay, Google pay, Google pay, Google pay, Google
Google wallet) wallet) Never wallet) Yearly wallet) Monthly wallet) Weekly

Paypal Paypal Never Paypal Yearly Paypal Monthly Paypal Weekl

Cheques Cheques Never Cheques Yearly Cheques Monthly Cheques Wee

Prepaid Card Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid

Card Never Card Yearly Card Monthly Card Weekly

Crypto Crypto Crypto

currency(eg Crypto currency(eg Crypto curren
currency(eg currency(eg
Bitcoin) Bitcoin) Monthly Bitcoin) Weekly
Bitcoin) Never Bitcoin) Yearly

Question Title
7. For your on-line banking, which of the following categories best explains your usual

You use banking software/app on your PC or mobile phone

You use a web browser (with a banking login, username and password etc.)

You use a web browser together with an authentication device (such as a 'secure ID

You don't use on-line banking.

Question Title
8. What are your reasons for choosing online banking services? 
(Please prioritize the following list in the order of importance. 1: the most important   6: the
least important). Please skip if you do not use online banking

Convenience (24 hours service, anywhere connectivity)


 Safe and secure


Easy to maintain my banking transaction activity (see statements etc.)


Better rates

Low service charge


Question Title
9. What for you are the main disadvantages of visiting a bank branch? (Tick one or two
that apply)

No disadvantages (I prefer banking in person)

Distance (proximity problem)

Opening times

Quality of services

Dealing with people


Other (please specify)

Question Title
10. What for you are the major barriers of online banking? (Tick one or two that apply most)

No barriers
Don't trust the bank security

Don't have a secure computer (e.g. shared computer)

Don't like entering data digitally (or leaving a data trail - big brother watching!)

Finding the technology difficult

Inconvenient (takes too long/too many questions)

Doesn't provide all services (eg Cheque Deposit)


Other (please specify)

Question Title
11. Which of the following apply to you?

  Yes No

Do you think that using Internet banking Do you think that using Internet banking Do you think
makes your life easier? makes your life easier? Yes makes your life e

Have you read the banks online security Have you read the banks online security Have you rea
procedures? (This would have been sent to procedures? (This would have been sent to procedures? (Thi
you in the post or shown to you you in the post or shown to you you in the post or
electronically when you signed up for your electronically when you signed up for your electronically wh
account or it’s available online.) account or it’s available online.) Yes account or it’s av

Have you ever lost money due to digital Have you ever lost money due to digital Have you eve
fraud (e.g. Credit card stolen, online bank fraud (e.g. Credit card stolen, online bank fraud (e.g. Credit
account hacked)? account hacked)? Yes account hacked)?

Have you ever had cash lost or stolen? Have you ever had cash lost or Have you eve
stolen? Yes stolen? No

Question Title
12. In general, how concerned are you about the following?

  Not at all A little Somewhat

Security on the Internet? Security on the Security on the Security on the Internet?
(e.g people reading your Internet? (e.g people Internet? (e.g people (e.g people reading your
email, finding out what reading your email, reading your email, email, finding out what
websites you visit, etc.) finding out what websites finding out what websites websites you visit, etc.) Keep
  Not at all A little Somewhat

you visit, etc.) Keep in you visit, etc.) Keep in

Keep in mind that
mind that "security" can mind that "security" can in mind that "security" can
"security" can mean
mean privacy, mean privacy, mean privacy, confidentiality
privacy, confidentiality,
confidentiality, and/or confidentiality, and/or and/or proof of identity for
and/or proof of identity
proof of identity for you proof of identity for you you or for someone
for you or for someone
or for someone else. Not or for someone else. A else. Somewhat
at all little

Conducting personal Conducting personal

Conducting personal Conducting personal
financial transactions financial transactions
financial transactions financial transactions online
online such as household online such as household
online such as household such as household bills,
bills, purchases or bills, purchases or
bills, purchases or purchases or services
services online? services online? Not at
services online? A little online? Somewhat

Do you trust the security Do you trust the

Do you trust the Do you trust the security
of online banking security of online
security of online of online banking
services? banking services? Not at
banking services? A little services? Somewhat

Question Title
13. Which of these security threats have you been a victim of? (i.e. you have lost money or
could have done) - Tick all that apply

Phishing scam - Fraudulent e-mail pretending to be from a bank (or other legitimate
business) and asking for you to log in or give your bank account details or security questions

Bankaccount/Credit-card fraud - Your credit card number has been stolen or money has
been transferred or used without your permission

Ransomware - malware which typically locks you out of your computer until you give
financial payment (or credit card details) to regain control of your computer

Fake website - Fraudulent website that may look like the legitimate bank, asking to click
the link and provide information

Financial con/scam (usually by email) - e.g. winning a lottery or being told you have
inherited money and asked to provide financial information

I have never been a victim of electronic/digital fraud. 

Other (please specify)

Question Title
14. Do you have security protection installed on your computer and what type of security
protection do you have? (Tick all that apply)

Anti-virus software

Firewall application

Adware/popup window blocking tool.

Yes, I have installed security protection, but I am not sure what type of security
protection I have in my computer.

None -  I do not use computer security software.

Question Title
15. What are the security measures that could secure you against various kinds of online
banking attacks?

Self-awareness in security

 Installing anti-malicious software

 Limiting online activities

 User education

Increasing/ updating level of online banking security

 I do not know
Question Title
16. Overall analysis of e-Payment (digital and online payment) systems.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree

e-Payment systems e-Payment systems save e-Payment systems save e-Payment systems
save you time and you time and you time and save you time and
money. money. Strongly Disagree money. Disagree money. Agree

e-Payment systems e-Payment systems are

e-Payment systems are e-Payment systems
are better than cash better than cash Strongly
better than cash Disagree are better than cash Agree

A digital customer has A digital customer has A digital customer has A digital customer
to be alert to security to be alert to security to be alert to security has to be alert to security
issues when using e- issues when using e- issues when using e- issues when using e-
Payment Payment Payment Payment
systems. Strongly Disagree systems. Disagree systems. Agree
  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree


e-Payment offers a e-Payment offers a e-Payment offers a e-Payment offers a

greater choice for greater choice for consumer greater choice for consumer greater choice for
consumer and and and consumer and
merchant in the way merchant in the way they merchant in the way they merchant in the way they
they send and receive send and receive send and receive send and receive
payment. payment. payment. payment.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree

e-Payment transaction e-Payment transaction e-Payment transaction e-Payment transaction

costs are hidden from costs are hidden from costs are hidden from costs are hidden from
users. users. Strongly Disagree users. Disagree users. Agree

Problems will not Problems will not arise

arise if your debit card if your debit card is Problems will not arise Problems will not
is if your debit card is arise if your debit card is
lost or stolen Strongly
lost or stolen lost or stolen Disagree lost or stolen Agree

e-Payment systems e-Payment systems can e-Payment systems can e-Payment systems
can be easily be easily be easily can be easily
understood and understood and readily understood and readily understood and readily
readily adopted. adopted. Strongly Disagree adopted. Disagree adopted. Agree


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