Vision Crafting

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Community Vision Project  

Dr. William Chavis
Sarita Shaw
November 6, 2019 7pm
Introduction   25 min. 

1. PTA Announcements (5 min)    

2. Welcome (5 minutes)  
a. Why: Background Knowledge and Desired Outcomes  
b. Shared commitment shared understanding coherence  
3. Grounding Activity​ (10 minutes)  
a. Match the vision statement to the company 
b. Current Enloe vision - some values are captured but not the collective values of our 

Activity   40 min. 

4. What are 3 characteristics that you believe would be found in the best high school in the   
world? For example… “I believe the best school will have____.” (3-5 min)  
Discussion (5 min)  
a. Name 3 of the best characteristics of Enloe “I believe Enloe is a good school 
because.” (3-5 min)  
Discuss (5 min)  
b. Value Mining - From your statements, capture the values on separate sticky notes. 
(3 min.)  
c. Affinity Mapping​ Protocol (15 min) 
As a table group determine which 2-3 values are imperative to be in the 
vision statement of Enloe (give rationale)  
1. As a table group determine which 2-3 values are imperative to be in 
the vision statement of Enloe (give rationale)  
d. Designate one person to provide the three leading values on the google form (2 min) 

Conclusion   5 min.  

1. Teaser for the coming sessions:   

a. What are we committing to?  
✔Numbered Table Tents  
✔Sticky Notes 
✔Index Cards 
✔Writing Utensils  
✔Affinity Mapping Protocol for each group 
✔Grounding Matching Activity for Each group  

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