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TATRA ae WAS aL Swe ia * ea ~e " a TN cr POTS TAT UT ma PEN RET HE 13) Ay C] ULTRAMODERN (OFEN GAME LICENSE Version 0a The folowing ter isthe property of Wizads of the Coast nc and is Copyright 2000 Wizards ofthe Coast, ne (Wears) Al Rights Re served | Defntons()Centrbutors means the copyright and/or trade rratkonners who have contributed Open Gare Content) Derative Nateal” meas copyrighted material cling derative works and trarlatons rung nto oter compute ngage poration. mod: fication correction aeiton, extension upgrade, provement, comp lation abridgment or the ferminwhichanexstngworkmay erect. trarsfomed or adapted () “Distribute” mers to reproduce, ces ret, eae sl boas ply dopa rant eterwse de te (67 Open Game Content” means the game mechanic ad includes the methods, procedures, proceses and reutines to the extent sch content doesnot embody the Product entity ans an enhancement cer the pir ar and any adtonal content clay identified s Open aneContent bythe Consbutor and means any work covered by this cers ncluing translations and derivative works under copyright ew tur specifiy exes Proc entity.) roduct entity means produc and produc ine names, logs and identifying mals including trade des: atic cretres characters stories, stones, pots thematic elements, dialogue, incident, langage, artwork, symbols desis, depictions lienesses, oats, poses, concepts, theres and rahi photographic and ther sal r aco representations: nares _nddescrpesof charts sels enchantment personales. eans personas, tenes and special abilities: paces, locations, environ mets creatures equipment magical or supernatural ablitesor effects, logo symbols or gaphiedesigns andary other ademarkorregstered trademark clear idntfed as Product Metty by the owner ofthe Proc entity, and which pecially excludes rhe Open Game Con ten f"Tademar” means the logs. nanes, mark sin tte, designs that re sed by a Conttor to entity sel ot products the associated products contibuted to the Open Game License by the Contutor (a ‘Use “Used” “Using” means to se, Dstt, copy exit, format modify, asia and otherwise creat Detvatve Matra ‘of Open Gane Content (b) "You ot "Your means the ierseein tems ofthis agreement. 2 Thelicense: Tis License apples to ary Open Game Content that cents otic nating that the Open Game Cater mayen be Used unde and in ters ofthis License. Youmnstaffisuch a natice any Open Game Conte that you Use, No ters may be added toot subtracted romthis License except as described the Licersetsel£ No ‘ter tems or conditions may be appli to any Open Game Content disibuted sig tis Lice 3. Ofer and Acepance: By Using the Open Game Content You indict Your acceparce ofthe ters ofthis Licese 4 Gant and Consideration nconsideration or agen tous tis License the Contr rant You. perpetual woldvie ate, rorverlive lens withthe exact tems of ths Lense to Use the Open ame Carter. S Representation of Authority to Contribute Youarecontibuting cvigal material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions ae Your original ration and/or Yunavesuficnt rights to ran the nights conveyed by tis Licerse LTRAMODE 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion ofthis License to include the exact text ofthe COPY- RIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You ae copying, modifying ‘or distributing, and You must ad the tite the copyright dae, and the copyrighthaldersname tothe COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open ‘Game Content you Distribute 7.Use of Product ident: You agee not to Use any Product deni, including as an indication a to compatibility, excet as expressly censed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each clement ofthat Product entity Youagreenottoindicatecompatiity ‘or co-adaptablty with any Tradematk or Registered Trademark in conjunction with @ work containing Open Game Content except as ‘express lcensedinanother independent Agreement with he owner of such rademarkor Rested Trademark Te use ofany Product entity inOpen Game Content doesnot constitutea challenge tothe ouneship ‘ofthat oduct dentity The owner of any Poduct dent used in Open ‘Game Content shall retain alright, title and interes in and to that Product Ment 8 Idemifiation: If you distribute Open Game Content You must, cleaty indicate which portions ofthe work that youare distributing are ‘Open Game Content Updating the License Wizards rit designated Agentsmay publish updated version ofthis License. Youmay use ay authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute ary Open Game Content ‘originally dlstributed under any version ofthis License. 10, Copy of ths License: You MUSTincludea copy of thisLicense with ‘every copy ofthe Open Game Content You Distribute. TUse of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the ‘Open Gare Content using therame of any Contributor unless Youhave writen permission from the Contributor to do so, 12. Jnably to Comply Fitisimpossbe for Youto comply with any ‘of thetermsofthislicense with espectto seme orallofthe Open Game Content due to statute, judicial oder, or governmental regulation then ‘Yourmay not Use any Open Game Materials affected 'B Termination: This License will terminate automatically i You ail tocemply with ll terms herein and fal to cure such breach within 30 days becoming aware of the breach. Al sublicenses shall survive the termination of ths License 14. Reformation: If any provision ofthis License shed to be unen forceabe, such provision shall be reformed only tothe extent necessary tomaleit enforceable 1S. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 10, Copyright 2000, ‘Wizards ofthe Coast, ne. ‘Syste Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizard ofthe Coast, Inc: Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on ‘tga material by . Gary Gygax and Dave Ameson. Utramodern Firearms d20, Copyright 2002, Charles McManus Ryan. "20 system and the 20 System’ logo ate Trademarks owned by ‘Wizards ofthe Coast and are used according tothe terms of the 420 System License version 10. & copy of this License can be found at \wirwvitardscom ARMS az FOREWORD FoREworD {am not an expert on guns and that’ exact why, back in 1993, wrote the original version ofthis bok Over the years, a number of gun book for gamershave come along, nd mast have founda place on my shelf an a good bit of use in my games. ut in every case there have been number af problems. Mest of these books seem to devat alt of space to intersting bu obscure prototypes atthe expense of much more conmon and useful weapons. fer single one is poorly xganized requiingalot of page tuingtofindagven entry Many are burdened with vere ingolures of numbers, meaningless tal but the mast accomplished gn enthusatAndallare nderilustrated or very pool ilustrated, Even those boks that stick to photographs ram rot jst fering ogame books-thisis tru even of "maintea weeps encyclopedias) are filled with dark, blur images, often photographs of photographs of photographs. | found that a weapon! could vival rarely fever showed up in my games These are aFewof the issues watedto address when started werk Utramodem Firearms Asthebook progressed however Ibegantosee other wayslcouldmakeitmoreuseultothetypical sper (mysef included) For instance, as eserched the various weapens.Irotced a number of features—some common others found ony on araefew weapons=that gamers would probably lke to now about. na convetioaly-crgnized boo, the only way toget an overview ofthese featuesstoreadand emembereveryentry now Idont wanto rade descriptions of seventy ferent weapons just to outfit character withthe ideal sidearm Soca up with the Fetus, Index. aly comprehensive listing ofthe Features found on every weapon coveredin the book hated the way most gun books wer so densely packed with tet and number that eveything, seemed buried gave the book an open easy od gest layout. Mostgunbookslstgunsorganized by country of manufacture asystem carried over from real-world gun efeence) but found that lsting them alphabetically made loo-ups much easier ‘ThecrigalLtramodemFrearmswasa supplement forthe Milenim’sndgamesystem (0 longer in print) Milenium' Endhada pretty limited circulation especially compared tothe 20 system) but Ulramodem Frearmswasabreaiaut pode, selingthousandsmorecopiesthanany ‘other spplement and pertaps even more than the core game book. Over the years many people fave old me how uel thee found the back, and even other game designers~developes for any well-known roleplaying game systems—hae toldme abou the esenal role lttamoder Firearms has filed in the teference library. As designer at Wards ofthe Coast woking onthe ‘2OModem Roleplaying Game quickly covered tat severalof the othermembersofthe design teamhad copies onthe shelves—andthey were wing them Aparenty rat theonlyonetofind this approach toa gaming gun book weil Updating the book ad retooling it forthe d20 Modem Roleplaying Game seemed ikea ro trainer thst beenassimpleasthrowinga few new entries and game tatsinto the ening tet, however. The 20 sjstem has aruch greater range of features than the gare for which this book as oviginaly written, and this new eiton contains a wealth of new tetas special weapon featurestranslatntod20 mechanics Hopefully thiseditionretainsitsappealasa general resource, and wth inteductionnt the 420 realm howsandsfrew games wi inditas usefull have hares Ryan U:tRAMODERN FirEARMS 020 Written by Charles Ryan Edited by Chris Pramas and Charles Ryan Cover design by Hal Mangold Cover image by Sean Glenn llustrated by Charles Ryan, Arthur Crawford, Russ Bogdan, and Andrew Baker. ‘Additional research by Arthur Crawford Editorial assistance by Rich Redman, Rodney Smith, and Tom Wilson Green Ronin staff: Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, and Evan Sass {© 2002 Charles McManus Ryan. Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge tothe respective copyright holders ofthat material .d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast®are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with permission, The following material is Open Game Content: Page 8, following the d20 Modern Rules header, through page 1. Page 24, following the 20 Modern Rules header. Page 57, following the d20 Modern Rules header, through page 58, Page 82 following. thed20 Modern Rulesheader. Page 101, fllowing thed20 Modern Rules header Page 7 following the d20 Modem Rules header, through page 18, Page 127, following the d20 Moder Rules header Page 40, following the d20 Modem Rules header. Page M48 through 158. On all other pages, inthe individual weapon descriptions, the material following the inline €20 Modern Rules header. No other material open game content. Printed in Canada, Green Ronin Publishing PO. Box 1723, Renton, WA 98057-1723,, Few Words from the Publisher lfistranacrossUltaodemirearmsin1996. vas designing forthe Feng huiR Gat thetime and vated good gunresourceformy plates. Although LUNE was tecnica a supplement forthe Milena Endgame, | found ta tremendously useful general reference twas cleanly lid out, nicely illustrated, and gave youall the info younceded to convert the gunsinto nearly any RPG. use extensively uring my playtests and later when running things like Deta Gree, Only ew game books on my shelves have gotten moe of workout than Ulramodem Firearms ‘got toknow Chale Ryan the author. over hefollowing yeas. At fist, [only se Charles at big cons lie Origins and GenCon. He ater moved to Seattle jinng Wizards of the Coast by way of Last Unicom. We finaly got to work together when Carls joined my design team forthe Ghostwind Campaign book (for he Chainmail Miniatures Gare} t's probably no surprise then that Charles approached me about publishing 2 20 update of tarde Firearms Ide it ver for ob, maybe a second, Bringing back the best RPG gun book evr and marrying tothe most popula system ever wassimplyiesisibl.geelighted the projetimmediately and our timing proved fortuitous. Nat only were we able to schedule UMF to coincide wit the release of 420 Modern Charles himself ended up on the design tam forthe game, ensuring fst rate conversion {am proud to add Ultramoder Fess €20 tothe Green Ronn roster. | hope you gt as much use out ofthis book a | dd ofthe orignal Chis Pramas ‘Gren Ronin Publishing (October, 2002 Introduction Features Index hope Pistols Chaper2 Submachineguns Chapter} Assault Rifles Chapter 4 Rifles haps Shotguns Chapter Machineguns Chapter? Ammunition Appendices, Glossary Weapons in Use d20 Game Statistics CONTENTS CONTENTS a 19 99. 11s vs 135 14 M42 46 148 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Firearms play amajor part in moder-setting roleplaying games, just s the doin the books and ‘movies that are often the games basis orinspation. Aad yetin most games, indvival firearms are vena cursory desciption at best. ven in more comprehensive supplements, the larger sues of how weapons are usedinthe real world of what separates the different types of reams, and of ‘why given person or organization should choose one gun over another ae never covered. Lite attention is payed to comecting the many misconceptions that repeatedly crop up in fiction, ‘movies, and of couse games. Utramodern Fiveerms 20's reference book on guns writen for players and referees of roleplaying games It covers over 30 rea werld firearms in use today with detalle information useful for any gime in which these weapons appear. This books something fan encyclopedia of ‘he frearms usedby modern military, counterterois alc, special operations andeven criminal nd terrorist organizations. Bu more than that, it ses out to help players and referees understand theve weaponshow they reused for what applications and why onemaybebettethananather for agven purpose SG THIS BOK Utramodem Freams 20s divided up in to seven chapters. covering six major clases of smallarms plus ammunition. Ther is also an appendix containing a glossary, a table listing the weapons ised by many professions organizations, and complete weapons statistics forthe d20 system, Just afer this inttaduction is a Features Index. a handy overview of the features and capabilities ofthe weapons covered in his book ‘You wil probably find yourself sing Utrarode Frearms 20 in two ways: to learn more about weapons already in sein your campaign and to igure out which ew weapons wth which to equip your characters and NPCS, When looking fo theright weapon two fetursinthisbookar especially useful the Features Index staring on page 4), and the Weapons in Use table (page). The Featuresndex iss by class every weapon covered in Ultramodern Firearms d20.At the top ofeach page is alist of sever of the most important, commen, or useful featues found in that clas, The eres indicate which ‘weapons ave which Features so comparisons between individual weapons are quick andeasy and yuan shop forthe weapon youneed based onthe features most important to you. The Weapons in Use table inthe appendix Ist aroud fifty military, police, and counterterroxsorgariations and the weapons they wse This ables agood starting point for outing characters or NPCs who belong to these or similar organizations or who se ther weapons fr similar purposes. ‘These two features will help you ind the right weapon for your character or NPs, and that bvingsus tothe second function of his book Like other gun books for games that have come out ‘over past years, Utramoder Firearms d20 contains scores oflistings describing specific weapons and ther variants Uitremodem Firearms d20 optimizes these listings for the neds ofthe gamer. Theinformationcoveredhere is short onhistory, design andtechnical details and long on features Useful to the character, aspects of the weepons that might be important during ply, and reputation for accuracy and ela Dentliit yourself just the individual istings Eachchaptrhas ts ownintraductory passage, vnhich talks litle bt about the clas of weapon in general, how itis sed, andthe advantages and dsadvantags youcan expect fromthe weapons discussed A dcusionofhow the d20rulesappy te this casi also included in ach chapter introduction. INTRODUCTION oterc terminology and needless technical information have itl bearing on gameplay and have generally been lft out of Ultramodern Fears 20. But with the great variety of weapons ‘naable and the vast scope of thee potential applications, ts impossble to make an informed Selection without alte bit of functional, if nt technical, understanding of guns. Acar buyer doesnt need to know the spectic engineering iferences between standard and antilock brakes bostought oat leatinow that they aredfferent,andhow they perform differently before deciding ‘Whether or nat to shell outanextrafew hundred dlls. Thisanalogy holes truforrearms—ahen ecidng between two othe pistols for example ita good idea to understand the functional ference between sngle-and double action, S the chaperintrodcticns do cover some aspects (ofthe mechanical operation of weapons, where such informations useful for payers wanting to ‘make informed decisions. Hopefully, you wil find them clea, useful and interesting, ____ SOME BASIC CONCEPTS AND MISCONCEPTIONS Despitethe importance of frearms inmodemroleplayng, mary gamesareplagued by misconcep tions concerning how guns work and what they do. This is especialy true in regard to exotic ‘weapons, which probably find as much ot mare use in games than they doin rea life. The Importance of clea, accurate understanding of firearms varies from game to game. nary moder ‘game that has ay claims torealsm, however its critical that playershave some understanding of these their most comman tools Pistols and submachinegunscfferfrom longarms nt justin sie and shape, but loin power, range, and accuracy Popular mela do not genelly appreciate ths difference, nor do many games Wile even the lightest pistol rounds are lethal, pistols ad submachineguns (wich fre pistol rounds) n general do not compare othe power of ongarms Rifles and machineguns are not jst lethal at longer ranges, but also have the ability to shoot though cover that would stop pistol rounds There are several reasons fr ths difference in power. Pistols te designed for portabiity andeeven concealbility and they need smal ammunition thats this bil. With ther shor bares, pistolsare eltivelyinaccurte, soit pointless giethem ammo with enormous ange. Powerful tounds havea lot of energy and create deafening muzze blasts and enormaus recoils when red ‘ut of light, short-barreled weapons. n fact, all ofthese factors hold true within the realm of pistols, as wel. Very few packet pistols fie powerful pstor rounds, because they would be too Inaccurate and uncomfortable to use ‘One misconception that appears over and ove again in popular meda conces the use ofthe ‘word “automatic” An automatic weapon of any class, sa weapon that fires multiple round from single pllofthe rigger (this tefered toa the automatic rate of rein the 20 Madernrules} When the term “ato” i used to describe apistol—as in “4-clberauto’—it snot short for automatic excep inthe ae case of machine pistol), but for autoloace. ‘Autoloaders ae semiautomatic weapons, meaning they fie one stot fr evry pul of the tigger mechanically discarding the spent shel casingand chamberingarew ound, Whilethe erm “assault fle’ implies an automatic weapon, mst of those found in retail gun stores are semiautomatic only, with no automatic fie capability. Only those sold to the military, law cenforceentagencies. or specialy-lcensedindiidualshave automatic afat generally glassed ‘over in fiction andthe media. The assault weapons appearing in Utramoder Firearms a20arethe riltary versions, with autofre capably. ‘More misconceptions suround the use of silenced weapons than ay other type of firearm. Gans make noise in three ways. Fst and foremost isthe muzzle bls, the noise made by the Inyersonic gasses leaving the muzale ofthe weapon ais Fred. Secondly, any bullet traveling faster than the speed of sound-as most do~creates an audible noise sel, a smal sonic boom. Lastly there isthe mechanical noise of the weapon action In order to operate “sent a ream must deal with all three ofthese sources of nose. All silenced weapons include some sort of suppressar—a device that taps the propellant gases as ‘they leave the weapons muzzle and slows them to below te speedo sound. Suppressors may be built ino silenced weapons, or be designed to fit onto the end of nonsilenced guns. Because ‘suppressor must be desgned to handle the power and volume ofthe gases rom a specifi round, INTRODUCTION | suppressor desgnedfor onecaiberwillnot work wel fatal for another The sizeof asuppresior is proportional tothe power of the round it suppresses—a typical fe suppressor is much ager ‘than atypical pistol suppressor fr example ‘Suppressors have no eect on the nose made bya supersonic bullet: The supersonic cack of 2 full- powered round fired from a suppressed weapon snot sient, although the overall nos is substantial ess than thatof an unsuppeessed weapon Some stl rounds havenatual velocities below the speedo und, and thus make n supersonic crack Highe- velocity rounds canbe col loaded given a reduced propellant charge) to lower ther speeds to below the speed of sound ‘Nteratvely, many purpose-built silenced weapons let some of the propellant gases leak out before the bullet leaves the batel, so even fhe anmurition fred would normally be supersonic, the bullet never gts past the speed of sound ‘Thelast nase soutce isthe mechanical operation ofthe weapon self Whilenotasloudasthe ‘muzaeblat, bolt movement of asemiautomatic weapon makes asignficantamountofnoise Most purpose-built slenced weapons have some srt of catch that locks the bolt closed This gives the ‘weapon alittle more recoil and requires the wero cycle the bolt byhand Butitelminatesall but ‘the sound of the hammer striking the fn pn, Weapons that do not havea bolt-catch cannot eliminate mechanical noise. —___f)a0) MODERN RULES ‘The rules in ths section supplement those inthe d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, Reliability Some ess sees reliable thancthers andsllfrearms become seal the are not well maintained Ofcourse that’ te for alfonso equipment, and for non fream weaponss wel The dl0 game stem asumes that chatacters cany out reasonable mainterance on thee equipment inthe est time andbetween adventures. Frthisreson reductions inet rent rormally par ofthe game nes Unde same ccurstaces, however, ream elit canbe a sigan sue and fr that reason these res re preerted. mos ames, these rules wl eer be needed, and should probably be igpred. some types of camps, howeve, they may be worthwhie—particaly ifcharactersspend rat dea often arshenvonments they ten to use cheap andshoday weapons if they fequetly se ertic ammunition types, or the sting (post-apocalyptic campigy for example precludes quay maintenance All frearms are noel corsdeed lable (nes ote otherwise inthe weapon descrip ‘ton) No special ues apply orale weapons ‘Anumelable weapon as 5% chance of weapon flue every times sed, ach tional separate cause of unelabilty increases the chance of fale by 5% (For example, a weapon that 's ingest armunton and as ben ered as 10% chance of weapon ale) \Wespn fale led in exactly the sae mane as spel fale. ltematiely withthe amet’ ermson.youcan cabin the lure chance withthe attack rl Fo aS Fare chance, any natural ralledin an atck ol rests nal or each atonal 5% nee the ‘ange by pon (oa 10% flare occurs on rata 2} if weapon faire occurs, the weapon has become armed Clearing jam sfullound action. ‘A fea can become unreliable though a numberof circumstances. ‘Age: Age nd beavy we can render a weapon uelabe, While his should never be factor through the dese of time and use typical to anormal camaig, the GM can determine that an ‘der weapon obtained by thecaractrssaleadyunveliabe due tage. Aweaponthathas ben siting ina museum might nt become uvelable fo fit yeas bu one tat hassat inthe leaky ‘runkof abandoned afr a couple months igh be uelbl. Ths cause unlabilty only 0s ava ifthe weapon overhauled Overauing eam sa conplx Rep task Damage: firearm that as taen Tit point crore of damages unvelabl. This case of eet oly goes vay the weapons epaed Evironment A samy jangle dsty desert, © smal rough eiconment can make 2 weapon necble Whenever the characters spend an extended period of tine nan extreme ULTRAMODI INTRODUCTION ‘emitonment the GM can determine that firearms requir extra care to avoid becoming unreliable ‘When that’ the case, characters must spend one haf hour per day (per weapon) on eta ‘maintenance. Any weapon not so maintained becomes uelable This case of uneliabiity goes ‘nay when the weapon receives one haf hour of special maintenance. Armmesion:nrersion in wate uc or other quan affect rei Ary tea weapon isimmersed it becomes unelable (Slight wetness, suchas that caused an, isnot sufciet to affect reliability) This case of unreliability goes aay when the weapons red out, which takes ‘oneminutef the weaponscisassembledand died hand, orsinhoursfitsleftto dry onitsown Unreliable Ammunition: Arunition can become urliable due to age, damage. or environ ment just as rearms can A weapon fring unelble armunition is uelabe, This case of ‘ueliabilty only occurs when the wespon used wth unlble armuntion ‘Unusual Ammunition: Conventional anmuniton does ot affect reliability, bur soe exotic fox, such as AET ammo and some types of shotgun shel are an exception Chapter 7 covers ammunition inclding some types that can make a weapon ull. Tis cause of unreliability ‘only occurs when the weapon s used with exotic ammunition. Silenced Weapons ‘crunber of reams covered in hs book have but in o attachable silences o suppressors, Allowing ther to operate mach more quietly tan most guns (which are, of couse, ratory oy) The fect ofa silencer or suppressor depends on the type of device, ammunition, and weapon ued Sapprensed Weapons: suppressor sadevice tat captures the siperoric ass tht propel the bullet am the gu slowing ther as hey excpe fo the bal to below supersonic peed (end hence slencing the). Asupprestor does nothing ow the acta bullet, which akomakes Aud noise ravels at supersonic speeds When fig standard ammunition, suppesied weapon that normally deals 248 or ave ‘damage s nt silent. (A firearm that normally deals 244 damage or less operates silently when used with sporesor se enced Weapos below) The sound reduced, however, and Because cxigratesrot from the frewmbut rm hebulet st pases theatre isd ttl where the sound i coming from Aten check (OC) requed to loathe source ofthe gue Suppresied weapons can operat silertiy fused with spcal armuition. See Silenced Weapons, just below Silenced Weapons: Some weapons muffle not us the muzle ls, but alo the supesorie toom ofthe bullet itself by reducing the velcty ofthe bullet to below supersonic speed General aseresoftinyholein the bare leedosome ofthe propelent gist preventing the tulle om accelerating to supersonic ped. The bled-off ass ae tapped and slowed along wth the muzoe gases in abt suppesoe. ‘Alematively ary weaponfted wthasuppressr can opeaeinaslenced mode by wingcolt leaded armuition anmunition prepared with reduced propllent charge). ther method reduces the damage deat by the weapon Feams that dal 28 éamage are affected suchbullets rave ator below the sped of ound anya or fears that ally eal 246 damage. sencng poses penalty on diage. Fr fears that del normally 28 210 damage, silencing imposes -2peraltyon damage. Weapons that nol del 242or mere cannot be enced When silenced weapon's ied. the ol sound isthe mechancalacionfthe weapon (which isactually moderately oud) Noticing the sound ofa seriatematico atomic slenced weapon tequresaListencheck (OCI) Fr singlesot weapons general bolt action ies) sees below Silenced and Locked Weapon: Same semistesticerautomatie weapons desired forse with slences include abot catch This device preverts the action rom cycling reducing the ‘mechanical noise of the weapon firing However when the al catch used the weap’ ate of fires reduced to snl shot Weapons tat esd have single shot ate fre ikebotacton sniper ifs) are aways considered locked Engaging o engaging bolt catch free action Noticing the ound of slenced and laced weapon eqs 8 sten check (OC 20} ee | INTRODUCTION _ Bipods and Other Mounts any weapons—genely sniping fle and machineguns~come ecuped with ipods Using a bipod avs the weapon ait addtional stably and, under the right cicumstnce,imprones Tose abipod acharactermustbeabetoplaceitonasolisufaceat roughly shoulder hgh The most common method of wing abipod isto fie fom the prone potions tha theirs shoulder ike the weapon and closet the ground. But a weapon with abipod can be used from a couched or even stag postin the bipd set on wale windovi Abipd gat the user a+lequpmentborusonatackrols Thsbonus apples only tothe fst attack made each und (Only Large o ager weapons can beef froma bpod. Most bipods fold. Deploying folded bipod is a move action, Any weapon size Huge or ager must be sed wth abipod or other mount. Because he bipod cor mount sa necessary and standad part ofthe weapon support, it does nt grant the +1 exuipment bonus on attacks. Vitality Point/Wound Point Damage Toe the weapos inthis bok wth the tality pohnt/wound point system of damage. add one die taal damage values. Forex, the HK. G36 noma deals 28 damage. or se withthe vitality point/wund point system, increas tat to 348. Cold-loaded amor piercing Sm amnion normally dels 246-2 fr use wth hewitt poinwound pint stem, increase that to 46-2 Weapons Tables. firearmsare described though a number of tats given the ini weapon entries andonthe weapons tables atthe end ofthe book Caliber: The cater of anmuntion the weapon fires Se Chapter 7fr more infomation on armuntion Damage: The damage te weapon dels on asucesfu hit when fig standard armition Gitial: The tes rage ora cial Damage Type: Al eas del alist damage Some creatures maybe partly or whol immune bali damage Range Increment: Ay tack at estan this distances ot penal for ange Home each ful ange increment causes a curative -2 penalty on the attack rl or example, a Clt fython asa rang increment of 50 feet. Anattack made om aditance of feet wouldnot be penalaed An attack fom 60 feet would be made at -2 since its more than one whole ange increment aay. An attack a 250 fet woud incur 10 penalty, because i ve fll ge increments any. eas have amaxivum ane of 10 range increments. Rat of Fr: rus, which operate though may diferent forms of eral mechanisms have varying ratsoffre. Tere are three diferet ates: sngeshot, semiautomatic and automatic. Snge Shot Aweapen withthe single shot ate of fre equesthewsertomanualyopeatethe action the mechan that feds and cok the weapor betwee each sho. ump shots nd bolt action ile ae examples of ftenms with single shot ates fre A weapon with the single shot ate ofirecan fe only one shot per tac even f the user has eat or ther ability that rormllallows more than one shot per attack Semiautomatic} Mos fens hae the eiatomatc ato fire. These Fens eed nd cock themselves wth each shot Aseiautomatic weapon ees one sha er tack fete 2ctng as ingle shot weapon). bt some feats allow characters armed with semiautomatic weapons to fire sots in apd successions geting in more than one per attack ‘Actoratic( Automatic weapons feabustorstieamo shots witha snglepullof the rigger. Ingenta ony weapos withthe automaticatecf ere canbeset on auto orbeused with feats that take advantage of automatic fire. RN INTRODUCTION Magazine: The weapons magazine capacity and type. The amour of ammunition a weapon Caries, and hence how many shots it can ire before needing tobe reloaded. is determined by its ‘magazine capacity How thefreamiseloaded depends upontsmagazine ype Thenumber inthis entry sthe magazine capacity in shots the word that follows the number indicates the magazine type: box. cylinder. or intemal. fourth type, inked, hasan unlimited capacity for this reason the entry doesnot also havea number Bor Aboxmagazne san type of magazine that canbe removed and reloaded separately from the weapon. This is advantageous because a character can carry ertra magazines already loaded, ad simply swap an empty one for one ofthe estas. lo, box magazines tend to have relatively large capacities. ‘Glider revolver keps its ammunition ina cylinder, which spat of the weapon and serves as thefiing chamber for each round as wll Unlike box magazines, cinders canot be removed, aun must be reloaded by hand, However, most revolvers can be used wit aspeed loader asa device that holds fll oad of ammunition ready tobe inserted al at once nto a cylinder. Using a speed loader is much ike inserting 2 box magatine. Without a speed loader, firearm with a colinder magazine must be loaded by hand Internal Some weapons simply keep their armuition in an internal space, which must be loaded by hand. Thisis tru of mos shotguns, aswel as some ifs Linked Some machinegurs use inked ammunition. The bullets are chained together wih small metal clips, fring abet. Size: Size categories for weapons and other objects are defined differently than the size ‘categories for creatures a Medissie weapon for erample.snot the same sizeasaMediumsize ‘eature) The relationship between aweapori size and that ofits wilder defines whether ican be used one-handed iit requires two hands, and if’ a light weapon. ‘AMediursite or smaller weapon canbe wed one-handed or two-handed. A Large weapon Fequites two hands Huge weapon requires two hands and a ipod or ater mount 'Siall or smaller weapon is considered ight weapon Itcan be wed one handed, and asa light weapon is ease to use in you offhand. ‘Weight: The weapois weight when fully loaded, Purchase DC Thisisthe purchase DC fora Wealth check to acquire the weapon. Tis number reflects the base pric and doesnt include any modifier for purchasing the weapon on the black mmaket, Restriction: Therestrictionratingfor the weapon andthe appropriate modifier toputchasethe weapon onthe black market. Other Rules Fach chapter of thisbook features additional ules for use with d20 Mader Ingenea.thserules apply primary to that lass of weapon. For instance, Chapter Rifles contains ues for charging, scopes, because othe classes of weapons generally dont use scopes. However, all ofthe rules presented in this book apply toll classes of weapon, Should you choose to mount scope ona Pistol. for ample the rules fr changing scopes Chapter 4 would apply flew Feats The following feats supplement those inthe 420 Mode Roleplaying Gume ‘Armed to the Teeth Youcan fight two-handed with ranged and melee weapons Prerequisite: Two:Weapon Fighting Benefit: Wren you ight with two weapons, you can use aanged weapon in one hand and a melee weapon inthe other hand. ‘Normal: To gan the benefit of the Two Weapon fighting feat, our weapons must both be fanged or melee weapons 7 INTRODUCTION Bulls Eye ‘Your attacks with ranged weapons are especialy deadly Prerequisites: oit Blank Shot, Precise Shot. Benefit When youthratena critical hit witha ranged weapon, youmay spendan Action Point to automatiallyconfim the ctl Hard-tyed ‘With gunin your had, youhvean especialy dangerous aspect. Prerequisites: Carisma timid aks ‘Benefit You gna creumstance bors neta checks when aiming fear atthe tape of our check. The target must be within 30 fet and must be able ose you (and your fire). The target doesnt have to be ft footed, “Thsbonus oes ot stack withthe s2ckcumstance bonus your GM might gato treating the target wth a gun, bit can tack wth othe cicumstance bonuses. Normal cicunstance such holing a gun on aflt-ooted opponent normally gata +2 ‘rcumstance bon High Ready Lites SWATofceryouareacstomedtomoving with yourgnattheeady shifting ori with yous. Prerequisite: Deter 13, Resctive shocter Aen Yu can the Rete Spoter fet with Large weapon To dos, you must ist hhave stated that you are at the high ready position (on your feet, with your weapon shouldered, reds toe} Youcan nly mova al speed whl prepared in ths mane ‘Guns Akimbo You ate skled at delivering masse firearms attacks while on the move Prerequisites: ht onthe Run, Two- Weapon Fighting. Benefit f you have two ranged weapons, s an attack action you may make one attack with each weapon. inadition tothe penalties you normally suffer for attacking with two weapons, yOU, suffer an ational -2 penalty on each attack "Normal: Attacking with two weapons isa ful attack and requis afl action Improved Butofire You iy doun withering arages of aoe wth deadly precsion Prerequisites Peroal reams Rofclency. drancedFeams Proficeney Benefit Ven you seat the DC forthe Reflex save is nceased y+. Normal: Wen you we atfe, every creature wth the rareed 100 by 0 foot rea ‘must make a Reflex save (DC 1) to avoid being hit Improved Dead fim Your sl with anged weapons is unmatched, Prerequisites: Wisdo 5, ar Sho. Dead Aim. Benefit: The circumstance bonus on attack ols ranted by th Dead A fat increases from Hail of Bullets Your quick trigger finger can unleash ain of fe Prerequisites: Poin lank Shot Double Tap. Benefit: You cn we semiautomatic reams as if they ae automatic rears, You can make autofre attacks and use feats that equ firearms with automatic settings such s Burst Fie. You ‘must meet ll other requirements for these attacks such as having 10 bullets inthe weapon to se autofre INTRODUCTION Reactive Shooter You react instantly with firearm Prerequisite: Desteity 1. Benefit: If you have a Medium-sze or smaller ranged weapon in hand, you may actin the surprise round even f you ar surprised. Yourolintativeas though you werent surprised. The ‘only action you ray ak inthe surprise ound, however. sa single ranged attack withthe weapon Inyourhand Yournae thisatackat yout highest atack boas but yousufferan-S penalty onthe attack You esti considered flat footed during the suprise round ‘Normal youare suprisedat the beginningo combat, youcannot take any actions durngthe suapise ound FarShot - att eer ro Wis Far Shot Dead Aim “3 on ranged attack ffl rou spent aiming Extra move or attack action Personal rearm Proficiency — Proficient in use of persona firearms Burst Fire Wis B, Personal Fears Proficiency, A onattack, +2 dice damage a Advanced firearms a Personal Fieam Proficiency Reflex save DC for avtofre attack increases by «5 Advanced Frearm Proficiency Wis B, Personal Firearms Proficiency Threaten an attack of opportunity a range Der B, Point Blank Shot ‘on attack «I de Point Blank Shot ty for sae Point Bank Shot Precise Shot ae on attack aor ase attack bonus +! Minka Dex 3 Make ranged attack during suprise round Sel en ovens ne sion ‘med tothe Teeth “wo-Weapon Fight with melee and Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting ‘er I, Two: Weapon Fighting, Improved ‘Third attack wth of hand weapon mi fe base atack bonus 1 FEATURES INDEX Suppressive Fire Yeucan ay dovnabarage off gig othe chance tot your opponent even when net yout Prerequisite: Wado Personal FreumsPofciency. Benefit When you tack ate that iat least 30 feet aay wth a seriastoratc or automat rer you these he ae’ que ui our net action (using autre, you thete the teed 10 fot foot) You may make ranged attacks of oporuiy ito the sure Soppresie firesoots ve bullets {mation tothe bullets firedin ou atackandany attack of opportunity), and can only be used if the weapon has five bullets in it. —__THE FEATIIRES Ine The features index beginnngon the next page lists every weaponinthisbook, noting the weapons ‘most important features for easy reference. Ueto pck)us height fitearms for your character ‘or NCS without having to read through each weapon description. Cce you finda few weapons that seem appropriate, you can then read the detalled weapon descriptions to make your Final selection In general a weapon isnoted with a check-mark() iit asa given feature. the weapon is especially god for that featur itis ioted with heavy plus sign (+) The atures glven vary according to weapon lashes section ofthe inde, for example, notes diferent features than thepistol section because the featuresimportanttochoosingarifle are fferent than those important in pistols, Mos ofthe features are se explanatory and most have impact onthe mechanic ofthe d20 Mader game system. A few, however. need some explanation inal cases, the weapon description provides complete information CConcealabe: The weapon gantsabonuson checkstoconcealit, dueto exceptionally compact design Silenced: A weapon witha check-markhas an integral suppressor, comes wit an attachable suppressor. or canbe easy convertedtosuppressedorslenced use(althoughit may requiespecial _unmunition to operate truly sent. A weapon with aplus sign operates silently, even with standard aramunition, Very Accurate: A weapon marke as very accurate is either amastecraft weapon or has as exceptional ange increment frit as, Selective Fie: Unike other classes of automatic weapons, machneguns commonly feature autornticfite only This fetur indicates an ability to freon the semiautomaticrate of fies well as the automatic ae offre x QO Nase PEELED ei. z SOS * s s *s +s LU ave Ss S45 Ss) +tS 5858555 Ese “SS ht s SD SASS SSASAS s se