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Grammar: Past simple and Present

о 3a Complete. Use the Past simple or
the Present perfect.

1 Harriet (meet) met

Vocabulary Scott last summer.
2 They (be) friends
since they made a commercial together.
1 stupid 3 (you / see) that
2 fair П n e w p r o g r a m m e on TV last night?
З familiar П 4 (you / invite)
4 jealous П

• 5
your friends to your party yet?
I (just / read) a
really good book.
а) equally good to everyone
b) not clever 6 We (visit) London
с) unhappy because you want two years ago.
something that s o m e o n e else has
d) wanting to know about things 3b Complete the dialogues. Use the
є) well known to you Past simple or the Present perfect.
f) without any faults or bad points
2 Complete. A x
have you ever broken your
1 What a lovely dog, may I 2
в Yes, I have
pat his head? 3
A When you it?
2 A lot of с s are shown on 4
в I _ it in 1998.
TV between the programmes.
3 You mustn't s at people finish
for a long time. It's rude. she her
4 Let's stay under the tree to homework yet?
a the sun. в Yes, she it ages ago!
5 Please make s you have
your key before you go out.
A Danny 7_ me a letter last
6 Which cake would you like? Please
p one. 8
в you back to
7 My house is a long way away, but
him yet?
you can just see it in the 9
A No, I
d .
8 John had an a for the
play and they chose him to act the 10
part of the king. anything since they arrived?
в Yes, they "
some sandwiches.
A When they
в About an hour ago.

Use of English: error correction
4 Read the text. If a line is correct, put a tick • by the number.
If a line has a word that should not be there, write the word.

we My friend Julie and I we are planning our holiday. We haven't been on

holiday together before. I would like to go to the seaside, but she prefers
mountains. She wants an active holiday, but I think so a relaxing time on the
beach would be being much better. Julie has been collecting information
about walking holidays in Scotland and I have been finding out about cheap
flights to Spain! I have been bought new swimming things and a sunhat,
and Julie has bought strong boots and a rain hat! Perhaps we will to
have t w o holidays this year! What do you think?


5 James is staying with his French penfriend, Daniel. Read his notes.
Complete the postcard.

Monday \r \da\f
MeA Daniel's farwily. dinner in \\\
really nice resAauranA. 1 have
Ao брелк French a\\ Abe Air>\e\
I> ve been \n "PaH-S ъ \ п е е \abA VAondiay and 1
\oA-S of Ah'\na-S\ On V\oncta.y
Eiffel Tower - briUianA view
frorw Abe Aop^. and Ahe ne/4 day

T h e n on Wedine-Sdiay we
"ЬібпеуІапсИ. ГапАа-ьАІс.^

On ThOruckiy
і гір do^m Abe River 9eine lV<s \-r\day no\^y and i V e уз-sA
- \oA-5 of phoAoS

Friday T h e Ье-ЬА Ah ma \&^ I

Shopp \па \ f r e n c - h Ahe w h o l e w e e k \
See yovj boon

Language diary
Past simple or Present perfect?

• ago, yesterday, last week, in 1965 • indefinite time, just, yet, already, ever, never,
How long? for, since
They met on the beach last year. They have known each other for a year.

Right or wrong?
Right Wrong
• They arrived here an hour ago. X They have arrived here an hour ago.

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