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5 Myths about Antibiotics

Myth antibiotics make you get better faster from viral infections such as cold and flu
FACT Antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria.
They have no effect on viruses which cause colds and flu.

MYTH Antibiotics will reduce a temperature.

FACT Antibiotics have no effect on your reduce pain, consider a painkiller,
such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

MYTH Only people who use antibiotics regularly are at risk of antibiotics resistant infections.

FACT Unfortunately, anyone can develop antibiotics resistant infections, not just those who
use antibiotics regularly.

MYTH You don't have to take all the antibiotics prescribed it's ok to stop when you feel better

FACT You must complete your course of antibiotic, even if you are feeling better. Stopping
the course before its completion will actually increase your chances of bacteria developing

MYTH There is nothing you can do to reduce your risk of getting an antibiotic resistant

FACT There is a lot you can do to reduce your risk: only use antibiotics when needed, always
take antibiotics exactly as prescribed, get immunized and practice good and hygiene

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