Normal Distribution SMDM and Practice

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mean 38
SD 3

using z table
a P(x>=46) P(Z>) 2.666667 0.00383038056759
b not between 36,44
z_l -0.666667
z_u 2

C symmtric interval around mean

LOWER 5% Z_L -1.644854 33.0654391191456

UPPER5 Z_H 1.644854 42.9345608808544

d Assume that the highest tempreature for any two days are independent of each other. What is the
propbability that one day the highest temperature exceeds42 and the next day it is between 30-32 degrees celsius?
exceed 42 upto30 upto32 between 30-32
0.091211219725868 0.00383 0.02275 0.01892
0.001725716277213 final ans (b27*e27)

e what is the shortest range of temperature with 80% chance

upper 41.84465
lower 34.15535
range 7.689309 final ans


her. What is the

between 30-32 degrees celsius?
interruptions prob var Binomial prob poisson
0 0.35 0.686 sample size 4 lambda 3
1 0.25 0.04 pi 0.1 x=2 0.224042
2 0.2 0.072 o x=3 0.224042
3 0.1 0.256 1 0.2916
4 0.05 0.338 2 0.0486
5 0.05 0.648 3 0.0036 0.168031
4 0.0001
Expected value 1.4
VARIANCE 2.04 0.20043113404 ex 2
sd 1.428286 0.8 ex1
normal distribution
mean 7
sigma SD 2
x 9
ND 0.841345

x 46
mean 38
sd 3
normal 0.99617
0.00383 ans

of 44 0.97725
of 36 0.252493
in btw 36-44 0.724757
ans 0.275243

interval for 90% chance

z for 0.05 ie ZL -1.644854 33.06544

XL 33.06544

Z FOR 0.95 1.644854

XU 42.93456
n x p 1-p Bin(excel) binom(excemean var=n*p*(1sd theta
25 0 0.5 0.5 2.98E-08 2.98E-08 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 1 0.5 0.5 7.451E-07 7.749E-07 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 2 0.5 0.5 8.941E-06 9.716E-06 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 3 0.5 0.5 6.855E-05 7.826E-05 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 4 0.5 0.5 0.000377 0.000455 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 5 0.5 0.5 0.001583 0.002039 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 6 0.5 0.5 0.005278 0.007317 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 7 0.5 0.5 0.014326 0.021643 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 8 0.5 0.5 0.032233 0.053876 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 9 0.5 0.5 0.060885 0.114761 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 10 0.5 0.5 0.097417 0.212178 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 11 0.5 0.5 0.132841 0.345019 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 12 0.5 0.5 0.154981 0.5 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 13 0.5 0.5 0.154981 0.654981 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 14 0.5 0.5 0.132841 0.787822 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 15 0.5 0.5 0.097417 0.885239 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 16 0.5 0.5 0.060885 0.946124 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 17 0.5 0.5 0.032233 0.978357 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 18 0.5 0.5 0.014326 0.992683 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 19 0.5 0.5 0.005278 0.997961 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 20 0.5 0.5 0.001583 0.999545 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 21 0.5 0.5 0.000377 0.999922 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 22 0.5 0.5 6.855E-05 0.99999 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 23 0.5 0.5 8.941E-06 0.999999 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 24 0.5 0.5 7.451E-07 1 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
25 25 0.5 0.5 2.98E-08 1 12.5 6.25 2.5 3
poisson(exccum poisson
0.168031 0.815263
0.762183 0.237817
0.647232 0.3527681112 0.182
0.040428 0.959572318
0.199148 0.8008517265

6.195916E-07 0.999192
binomial poisson
11 0.03125 21 0.018316
12 0.215309 22 0.285057
0.012231 23 0.151204 0.848796 this means 84%chances are there cooki
0.692961 0.307039 more choco chips i.e. out of 100, 84 coo
2.88 choco chips, so cookies to be discarded
0.52 1.4976 1.223765 24 0.212248
13 0.000977 27 0.280832
0.984375 0.015625 28 0.896356
0.237305 31 0.79992 d
0.896484 confirm the ans
14 0.598737
15 1.6 mean
1.472 variance
1.21326 sd
7 0.507978 0.492022 a
0.014629 0.119 0.1043714 b
s 84%chances are there cookies will have 4 or 2.326348 23.26348 55.063479 d
co chips i.e. out of 100, 84 cookies will have 4 or more 8 0.5 0.091211 0.4087888 a
ps, so cookies to be discarded are 100-84 =16 39.90055 c
9 0.501995 0.498005 a
11.07007 18.90993 c
10 86.15883 c
calculating for 81 nd 62 and then finding the highest one
11 take 0.01 as x d
12 take 0.99 as x d
13 take 0.98 as x d
n finding the highest one d
CHAPTER REVIEW PROBLEM OF BINOMIAL AND POISSON chapter review problem of normal distributio
6.29 0.226627 0.5
0.322571 5.36c e 0.758903
0.66 a 30 0.02275 0.5
0.66 b d 1.883683
0.004544 d e 1.871209 2.128791
32 c 2179.776
0.145998 5.37a d
0.775875 b 0.2241249084
c 0.99997044
5.38a 0.95385742 0.0461425781
b 0.41574728 0.5842527151
5.39a 1.024E-07
b 0.02642412
c 0.0327935 0.9672065024
d 8

5.40a 0.00604662
5.44 0.99999961 3.920786E-07
lem of normal distribution
0.997029 0.002971

0.157627 0.498663
n x p 1-p Bin(formulCum ProbaBINOM(EXCbinom(excemean var
25 0 0.5 0.5 2.98E-08 2.98E-08 2.98E-08 2.98E-08 12.5 6.25
25 1 0.5 0.5 7.45E-07 7.75E-07 7.45E-07 7.75E-07 12.5 6.25
25 2 0.5 0.5 8.94E-06 9.72E-06 8.94E-06 9.72E-06 12.5 6.25
25 3 0.5 0.5 6.85E-05 7.83E-05 6.85E-05 7.83E-05 12.5 6.25
25 4 0.5 0.5 0.000377 0.000455 0.000377 0.000455 12.5 6.25
25 5 0.5 0.5 0.001583 0.002039 0.001583 0.002039 12.5 6.25
25 6 0.5 0.5 0.005278 0.007317 0.005278 0.007317 12.5 6.25
25 7 0.5 0.5 0.014326 0.021643 0.014326 0.021643 12.5 6.25
25 8 0.5 0.5 0.032233 0.053876 0.032233 0.053876 12.5 6.25
25 9 0.5 0.5 0.060885 0.114761 0.060885 0.114761 12.5 6.25
25 10 0.5 0.5 0.097417 0.212178 0.097417 0.212178 12.5 6.25
25 11 0.5 0.5 0.132841 0.345019 0.132841 0.345019 12.5 6.25
25 12 0.5 0.5 0.154981 0.5 0.154981 0.5 12.5 6.25
25 13 0.5 0.5 0.154981 0.654981 0.154981 0.654981 12.5 6.25
25 14 0.5 0.5 0.132841 0.787822 0.132841 0.787822 12.5 6.25
25 15 0.5 0.5 0.097417 0.885239 0.097417 0.885239 12.5 6.25
25 16 0.5 0.5 0.060885 0.946124 0.060885 0.946124 12.5 6.25
25 17 0.5 0.5 0.032233 0.978357 0.032233 0.978357 12.5 6.25
25 18 0.5 0.5 0.014326 0.992683 0.014326 0.992683 12.5 6.25
25 19 0.5 0.5 0.005278 0.997961 0.005278 0.997961 12.5 6.25
25 20 0.5 0.5 0.001583 0.999545 0.001583 0.999545 12.5 6.25
25 21 0.5 0.5 0.000377 0.999922 0.000377 0.999922 12.5 6.25
25 22 0.5 0.5 6.85E-05 0.99999 6.85E-05 0.99999 12.5 6.25
25 23 0.5 0.5 8.94E-06 0.999999 8.94E-06 0.999999 12.5 6.25
25 24 0.5 0.5 7.45E-07 1 7.45E-07 1 12.5 6.25
25 25 0.5 0.5 2.98E-08 1 2.98E-08 1 12.5 6.25
sdev theta poisson poisson cupoisson excpoisson cum excel
2.5 6 0.002479 0.002479
2.5 6 0.014873 0.017351
2.5 6 0.044618 0.061969
2.5 6 0.089235 0.151204
2.5 6 0.133853 0.285057
2.5 6 0.160623 0.44568
2.5 6 0.160623 0.606303
2.5 6 0.137677 0.74398
2.5 6 0.103258 0.847237
2.5 6 0.068838 0.916076
2.5 6 0.041303 0.957379
2.5 6 0.022529 0.979908
2.5 6 0.011264 0.991173
2.5 6 0.005199 0.996372
2.5 6 0.002228 0.9986
2.5 6 0.000891 0.999491
2.5 6 0.000334 0.999825
2.5 6 0.000118 0.999943
2.5 6 3.93E-05 0.999982
2.5 6 1.24E-05 0.999995
2.5 6 3.73E-06 0.999999
2.5 6 1.06E-06 1
2.5 6 2.90E-07 1
2.5 6 7.57E-08 1
2.5 6 1.89E-08 1
2.5 6 4.54E-09 1

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