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Date: the 8th of October 2019

Time: 50’
Class: 11th D
Teacher: Ileana- Cornelia Oancea
Textbook: FCE Gold Plus, Longman
Unit: 3. Food for thought?
Lesson: “”
Lesson type: acquisition of knowledge and skills practice
Structures: countable and uncountable nouns
Reading: Tickle your taste buds
Reading: I can’t go out
Vocabulary: democracy and human rights
Functions: expressing compassion
Competences: 1.2, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Skills: reading, listening,
Lesson aims:
Lesson objectives:
a) Methods and techniques
Explanation, elicitation, dialogue, exercise, inductive teaching, debate.
b) Types of interaction: individual work, pair work, group work
c) Teaching aids/ resources: coursebook, whiteboard, notebooks, video projector, computer, audio CD
d) Forms of evaluation: students’ answers
Classroom management:
a) Level: upper intermediate
b) Expectations
c) Anticipated problems
d) Solutions
Stage Type of activity Aim Objective Type of Materials Timing Evaluation Observ
interacti ations
Warm up T enters the classroom, to create a pleasant - T-S - 1’ Verbal
greets the students, checks atmosphere for the appreciations
attendance and makes sure English class
that the students have the to help students feel
necessary materials on relaxed
their desks.
Announcing T gives Ss the test papers. to make Ss aware of T-S test papers 1’ -
the content of T tells Ss that they have the test content and
the test 45 minutes to solve the what they are
exercises. supposed to do with
T gives the Ss the it
necessary instructions in
order to complete the
given tasks.
Testing T supervises the Ss and to check the T-S test papers 45’ -
the Ss complete the tasks. previously taught
Closing T discusses the way in to help students self- to self- evaluate T-S answer 3’ Students’
remarks which the tasks should evaluate their work their work S-T sheet answers
have been completed and marking
asks students to think of scheme
the mark they would give

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