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NSTRUCTION:Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.

Mark onlyoneanswer for

each item by shading the space corresponding to the letter ofyour choice on the answer sheet provided.

1. Preliminary Conduct

A. Attitude &Demeanor of Interrogator b. The Interrogation Room c. Techniques of Interrogation

d.Physiological Symptoms of Guilty Knowledge B

2. Privacy

A. Attitude &Demeanor of Interrogator b. The Interrogation Room c. Techniques of Interrogation

d.Physiological Symptoms of Guilty Knowledge B

3. Emotional State.

A. Usual Stages of Interview B. Setting of interview C. Requisites of Interview

D. Attitude and Demeanor of Interrogator A

4. Language

A. Usual Stages of Interview B. Setting of interview C. Requisites of Interview

D. Attitude and Demeanor of Interrogator C

5. Forcefulness of Personality

A. Usual Stages of Interview B. Setting of interview C. Requisites of Interview

D. Attitude and Demeanor ofInterrogator D

6. Warm-Up

A. Usual Stages of Interview B. Techniques in ControllingDigression C. Typical Classes ofInterviewees

D. Personalities of Interviewees A

7. Precise Questioning

A. Usual Stages of Interview B. Techniques in Controlling Digression C. Typical Classes of Interviewees

D. Personalities of IntervieweesB

8. Middle age Person

A. Usual Stages of Interview B.Techniques in Controlling Digression C. Typical Classes ofInterviewees

D. Personalities of Interviewees C

9. Sound & motion Picture

A. Method of Recording Interview B. Goals of Criminal Investigation C. Successful Investigator

D. Responsibility of CriminalInvestigator

10. Addressing Problem A

A. Method of Recording Interview B. Goals ofCriminal Investigation C.Successful Investigator

D. Responsibility of CriminalInvestigator B

11. The identificationmay be established indirectly by providing other facts or circumstances.

a. Eye witness b. Motive c. opportunity d. Circumstantial evidence. A

12. It must have been physically possible for the suspectsto commit the crime.

a. Opportunity b. form c. intent d. corpus delicti. C

13. Motivated by a desire for revenge or personal gain.

a. opportunity b. eyewitness c. motive d.associative evidence C

14. The suspect could have been in the vicinity of the crimescene in the sense that it was not improbable
for him to have been there.

A. opportunity b. motive c. associativeevidence c. none of the aboveC

15. The perpetrator may leave some clue at the scene.

a. opportunity b. associative evidence c. motive d. confession B

16. Facts that the crime has been committed.

a. Corpus Delicti b. form c. intent d. role of reason B

17. It must be shown that the accused knew what he was doing

a. Possibility of chance b. intuition c. intent d. noneof the above C

18. To acquire knowledge of the elements of criminal ofoffenses, the investigator must study the penal

a. Form b. corpus delicti c.opportunity d. motive A

19. Both inductive and deductive reasoning are applicable toinvestigation.

a. representative approach b. role of reason c. possibility of chance d. none of the above A

20. Consideration must also be given to the fact that chanceoften plays an important part in the solution
of crimes.

a. possibility of chance b. exploiting intuition c. representative approach d. art of interview D

2 1. A self – incriminatory statement by the subject fallingshort of an acknowledgement of guilt.

a. Confession b. coercion c. witnesses d. admission D

22. Is the testimony of a witness reduced to writing underoath or affirmation.

a. Statement b. deposition c. recalcitrant d. affirmative A

23. The foremost requirement upon which later admissibilityof an admission or confession depends.

a. Voluntariness b. fourfold warning c. record d. waiver D

24. To forego these rights, an affirmative statement ofrejection is required.

a. Fourfold warning b. proof of waiver c.proof of voluntariness d. record ofconduct B

25. Encompasses all interrogation practices which are likelyto exert such pressure on an individual as to
disable him from making a freeand rational choice.

a. Coercion b. proof of voluntariness c. record conduct d. awareness ofthe accusation B

26. It should reflect the continuous availability ofprotective devices for the suspects rights.

a. Intent b. record conduct c. duress d.psychological constraint C

27. It connotes theidea of physical force, it is the directapplication of illegal physical methods.

a. Employment of trickery b. coercion c. duress d.psychological constraint B

28. It is taken in the legal sense to mean the imposition ofrestriction on physical behavior.

a. Confession against another b. duress c. awareness of the accusation d. employment of promises D

29. The free action of the will may be unlawfully restrainedby threats or another other method of
instilling fear.

a. Existence of forces b. psychologicalconstraints c. lighter sentence d. pardon A

30. The person under investigation must be mentally orvisually aware of an accusation.
a. Confession against another b. awareness of the accusation c. confession of several crimes B

d. identity of the offender

31. It is the place where the essential ingredients of thecriminal act took place.

a. Investigation scene b. victims scene c. crime scene d.interrogation scene C

32. The first step in the crime scene search.

a. Collecting evidence b. photograph the crime scene c. preservation of its original condition

d. markings of evidence B

33. It means protecting all the physical evidence and cluematerials.

a. Complete crime scene b. avoid contamination of crime scene c. protecting the crime scene

d. controlling the crime scene C

34. Upon arrival at the crime scene the ------------should immediately ascertain the identity of
personswho may be valuable to the investigation.

a. Investigator b. witness c. first responder d. suspect

35. The ----------- should collects, preserves, and tagsarticles of evidence and maintains custody of

a. Team leader b. photographer c. evidence man d. master note taker C

36. Implements the directions of the officer – in – charge .

a. Master note taker b. evidence man c. assistant officer –in- charge d. photographer e. sketcher C

37. At this stage of the investigation, prohibition andnegative advice are most useful.

a. Preliminary survey b. preliminary action c.preliminary crime scene survey

d. preliminary investigation survey D

38. it can be prepared in a variety of ways a hand writtennotes, audio tape recording and videotaping.

a. narrative search b. narrative interview c. narrative description d.narrative investigation D

39. The Presence of__________ may deter a hesitant subject.

a. stenographer b. witness c. victim d. investigatorD

40. The crime scene provides a major opportunityto locate ------------------.

a. perpetrator b. evidence c. physicalevidence d. none of the above C

41. qualification and traits of the interrogator

a. written notes b. general knowledge and interest c. privacy d. subject B

42. Attitude anddemeanor of interrogator.

a. perseverance b. distracting mannerism c.privacy d. know nothing type A

43. Responsibilities of Criminal investigators.

a. Eyewitness b.Motive c. Locate & apprehend the perpetrator d.Intent C

44. Phases of Criminal Investigation.

a. opportunity.b. eyewitness testimony c.confession d. traced and located A

45. Clue materials, personal property or the characteristicspattern of procedure.

a. providing evidence of guilt b. locating the criminal offenders c. intent d. associativeevidence C

46. The available information is arrange and correlated.

a. role of reason b. elements of the offense c. possibility of chance d.representative approach e. form B

47. The elements of the offense

a. corpus delicti b. art of interview c. type of interview d. elements of the offense A

48. Both inductive and deductive reasoning .

a. intent b.form c. corroborating d.exploiting intuition C

49. Asking question to a person who is believed to possessknowledge & cooperative in the conduct of

a. witness b. information c. personality d. interview D

50. Qualities of a salesman, an actor, and psychologist.

a. requisites of interview b. background interview c. setting interview d. qualifications of interviewerD

51. The relationship between the interviewer and the subjectdetermines the success of the

a. setting of interview b. formal interview c. on the scene interview d. establish rapport D

52. Normal, group and pretext interview.

a. on the scene interview b. formal interview c. background d.approach B

53. It may be conducted by any law enforcement officer whofirst appears on the scene.

a. formal interview b. back ground interview c. routine d. on the sceneinterview D

54. Usual stage of interview

a. preparation b. appropriate time c. inaccuracies d. positive attitude A

55. A multiplicity of the questions tends to confuse theperson being interviewed.

a. One question at a time b. inaccuracies c.guiding conversation d. saving face A

56. Long, complicated, and legalistic questions only serveto confuse and irritate.

a. simplicity of question b. saving face c. yes or no question d. precise questioning D

57. This technique consist in asking a question whichrelates to the digression from original line of

a. shunting b. precise questioning c. guessing d. C

58. Personalities of interviewees.

a. know nothing type b.breadth of interest c. art of interview d. intent A

59. Every interrogation requires a great deal of patience ifcomplete and accurate information is to be

a. alertness b. integrity c. perseverance d. logic mind C

60. The ________ of the interrogator should adapt to thesubjects cultural level.

a. dress b. attitude c, language d, privacy C

61. ______ should be designed for simplicity with the viewof enhancing the concentration of both the
interrogator and the subject.

a. extenuation b. mutt and jeff c. the interrogation room d. line up C

62. It is desirable to have facilities for others to observeand hear the suspect during the interrogation.

a. interrogation log b. seating arrangement c. technical Aids d.extenuation C

63. In addition to his regular facilities for taking notesit is well for the investigator to have an available
a. technical aid b, seating arrangement c. interrogation Log d.control the interview C

64. The investigator must create a mood that is conducive toa confession..

a. kindness b. sympathetic approach c. friendliness d. emotional appeal D

65. the investigator does not take too serious a view of thesubject’s indiscretion,

a. mutt and jeff b. shifting the balance c. knowledge bluff d. extenuation D

66. The device is especially useful when dealing with aperson usually calm or nervous.

a. indifference b. stern approach c.indifference d. jolting A

67. The subject conviction is treated as a fait accomplice.

a. jolting b. stern approach c. bluff d.indifference C

68. In the beginning of the typical interrogation, theinvestigator has little need for control, the subject
should be permitted totell his story in his own way without interruption.

a. questioning b. emotional control c. strategic interruption d. initial phase D

69. Branch of forensic science concerned with the recording,scientific examination, and interpretation of
the minute details.

a. fingerprint b. ballistic c. questioneddocument d. polygraphy C

70. _______ is more likely to inspire confidence andfriendship in a criminal than a uniform.

a. barong c. gown c. formal dress d. civilian dress A

71. Must be able to convince the subject that it is futileto resist since the interrogator obviously has
sources of knowledge.

a. Knowledge bluff b.line up c. reverse line up d.initial phase A

72. The procedure is business like, but the interrogatorpauses meaningfully as if to give the suspect one
more chance to tell thetruth.

a. questioning as a formality b.indifference c. stern approach d.helpful adviser A

73. ________ uses instrumentation and sophisticatedlaboratory techniques to detect the presence of
substances in the victim.

a. forensic science b. role of crime lab c. facts of the case d. forensic medicine A

74. A criminalist ultimate task is the presentation oflaboratory findings to the court.
a. expert testimony b. clue material c. witness d. facts of the case A

75. Reconstruct how the crime was committed.

a. Role of the crime laboratory b.time element c. element of crime d.facts of the case A

76. The subject and the investigator should be seated withno large furniture between them.

a. seating arrangement b.technical aids c. interrogation log d.simplicity A

77. It is desirable for several reasons, to restrict thenumber of persons present at an interrogation.

a. presence of other people b. attitude of other people c. presenceof investigator d. control

theinterview A

78. Every interrogation requires a great deal of patience ifcomplete and accurate information is to be

a. perseverance b. integrity c. alertness d. logical mind A

79. Patience andflattery are necessary in dealing with the vain or self centered person.

a. boasting witness b. timid witness c. deceitful witness d. honest A

80. the suspect is instate of emotional confusion, he is unable to think logically and clearly.

a. anxiety b. helpful adviser c.extenuation d. helpful adviser A

Kindly choose and shade letter A if the answer is TRUE, B if FALSE, C if Partly True, D ifPartly False

81. Color change is the frequent swallowing and wetting oflips B

82. Blood is a common clue material in many of the moreserious crimes against properties.A

83. Information, Interrogation, and Investigation are the 3basic mechanism for controlling the behavior
of those engaged in crime. A

84. 5H and 1W are the six cardinal points of criminalinvestigation. A

85. Grid method is a modification of the strip method. A

86. Information is used here to describe the knowledge whichthe investigator gathers from other
person. A

87. Forgetting all the details of information is one goodtraits of an investigator.B

88. Interview means skillful questioning of witnesses andsuspects. B

89. The presence of stenographer may deter a hesitant subject . A

90. An interview may not be consider a success unless it isfaithfully recorded. A

91. The disc, tape or wire recording are parts of writtennotes. A

92. The investigator should appear anger and egoistic duringthe conduct of interview. B

93. A Direct approach is most effective with willingwitnesses. A

94. Before questioning a suspect the investigator shouldrefresh his knowledge of the law. A

95. During the interview the investigator is not advisableto form a judgment regarding the credibility of
his witness. A

96. Do not explain to the suspect the general terms of thenature of offense under investigation. B

97. The investigator should carefully observe any unusualreaction to questions. A

98. The investigative process begins at the end ofinvestigation. B

99. Locality is used to show the general area of the crimescene. A

100. All camera position should not be recorded except forspecial attention. B

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