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Euthanasia, as defined by BBC, is the termination of a very sick person's life in order to
relieve them of their suffering. A person who undergoes euthanasia usually has an incurable
condition. But there are other instances where some people want their life to be ended.
Euthanasia actually has four types: Active and passive, Voluntary and involuntary,
Indirect and Assisted.
1.) Active euthanasia is when death is brought about by an act - for example when a
person is killed by being given an overdose of pain-killers.
2.) Passive euthanasia is when someone lets the person die by withdrawing: not
carrying out surgery that will extend life for a short time & withholding: not carrying
out surgery that will extend life for a short time.
3.) Non-voluntary euthanasia occurs when the person is unconscious or otherwise
unable to make a meaningful choice between living and dying, and an appropriate
person takes the decision on their behalf.
4.) Involuntary euthanasia occurs when the person who dies chooses life and is killed
5.) Indirect euthanasia means providing treatment (usually to reduce pain) that has the
side effect of speeding the patient's death.
6.) Assisted suicide usually refers to cases where the person who is going to die
needs help to kill themselves and asks for it.
Active human euthanasia is legal in the (5) Netherlands, Belgium, Colombia,
Luxembourg, and Canada. Assisted suicide is legal in (4) Switzerland, Germany,
the Netherlands, the Australian state of Victoria and in the U.S. states (10)
of Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Hawaii, Vermont, Montana, Maine, New
Jersey, California, and in the District of Columbia. The rest is still unknown.
Different countries have different euthanasia laws and in the Philippines, Euthanasia is
illegal. In 1997, the Philippines could have been the first ever country to legalize Euthanasia if
not, the bill – legalizing passive euthanasia – met strong opposition from the country's Catholic
We believe that Euthanasia should be legalized and so, we are here to present to you
the reasons
1.) For individual freedom and rights
2.) Shortening of the period of suffering
3.) Financial and emotional burdens
I. The first reason why Euthanasia should be legalized in the Philippines is for the patient’s
freedom and rights. In countries where euthanasia is legalized, doctors won’t advise for the
patients to do it but rather, ask for options and signed consent if the patient is willing.
Besides, humans are given the right to choose, if the patient wants to die to end his/her
pain, then they can have Euthanasia as an option.
II. Second, is to shorten the period of the patient’s sufferings. Based on the research made by
Doctor Robert Pearlman, a Professor in Medicine at the Departments of Medicine, 69% of

the patients are feeling weak, tired, and uncomfortable because of many medications and
40% feels unbearable pain.
According to Annette Childs, a psychotherapist, that anticipatory suffering is the worst kind
of anxiety and it includes the depression and anxiety that accompanies fear of death and
fear of what is believed to be the inevitable suffering that comes with end of life. This implies
that patients who are suffering from irredeemable sickness experience this kind of suffering
which leads to more emotional instability. And last but not the least is the financial and
emotional burdens of the patients.
III. Based from Dr. Pearlman’s research there are 9% of 35 patients are afraid of being a
burden to their families because of hospital bills, medicines, and other expenses. Still
according to his research, 75% percent of the nurses in a certain hospital reported that
patients who signed euthanasia are more afraid of financial expenses than the death itself.
Considering the fact that Philippines is included in the list of the highest poverty incident in
the world, many hospital bills and expensive medications are not affordable for the Filipinos
with average income. Having it legalized would not help only the patient but also the
patient’s families from any expenses.

The Philippines should legalized euthanasia because this would help patients who are suffering
from untreatable diseases. An individual should have the liberty to choose his/her time of death
especially a patient has an incurable disease where even the best treatment doesn't improve his
quality of life. It would be unfair to make them suffer.

Aside from that, we are living in a secular country where no any religion should dictate the laws
implemented in our country. We are now living to the present, where change is constantly
happening; we must be open to more liberated and open ideas and not be closed too much by
traditions. As the future leaders, we must always think what is good for the people around us.

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