Additional and Advanced Exercises: Exit rate y ft 兾min

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144 Chapter 2: Limits and Continuity

Chapter 2 Additional and Advanced Exercises

T 1. Assigning a value to 00 The rules of exponents (see Appendix

9) tell us that a 0 = 1 if a is any number different from zero. They
also tell us that 0 n = 0 if n is any positive number.
If we tried to extend these rules to include the case 0 0 , we
would get conflicting results. The first rule would say 0 0 = 1 ,
whereas the second would say 0 0 = 0 .
Exit rate y ft 3兾min
We are not dealing with a question of right or wrong here.
Neither rule applies as it stands, so there is no contradiction. We
could, in fact, define 0 0 to have any value we wanted as long as
we could persuade others to agree.
What value would you like 0 0 to have? Here is an example Suppose that y = 2x>2 for a certain tank. You are trying to
that might help you to decide. (See Exercise 2 below for another maintain a fairly constant exit rate by adding water to the tank
example.) with a hose from time to time. How deep must you keep the water
if you want to maintain the exit rate
a. Calculate x x for x = 0.1 , 0.01, 0.001, and so on as far as your
calculator can go. Record the values you get. What pattern do a. within 0.2 ft3>min of the rate y0 = 1 ft3>min ?
you see? b. within 0.1 ft3>min of the rate y0 = 1 ft3>min ?
b. Graph the function y = x for 0 6 x … 1 . Even though the 5. Thermal expansion in precise equipment As you may know,
function is not defined for x … 0 , the graph will approach the most metals expand when heated and contract when cooled. The
y-axis from the right. Toward what y-value does it seem to be dimensions of a piece of laboratory equipment are sometimes so
headed? Zoom in to further support your idea. critical that the shop where the equipment is made must be held at
T 2. A reason you might want 00 to be something other than 0 or 1 the same temperature as the laboratory where the equipment is to
As the number x increases through positive values, the numbers be used. A typical aluminum bar that is 10 cm wide at 70°F will be
1>x and 1> (ln x) both approach zero. What happens to the number y = 10 + st - 70d * 10 -4
1>sln xd
ƒsxd = a x b
1 centimeters wide at a nearby temperature t. Suppose that you are
using a bar like this in a gravity wave detector, where its width
must stay within 0.0005 cm of the ideal 10 cm. How close to
as x increases? Here are two ways to find out.
t0 = 70°F must you maintain the temperature to ensure that this
a. Evaluate ƒ for x = 10 , 100, 1000, and so on as far as your tolerance is not exceeded?
calculator can reasonably go. What pattern do you see?
6. Stripes on a measuring cup The interior of a typical 1-L meas-
b. Graph ƒ in a variety of graphing windows, including windows uring cup is a right circular cylinder of radius 6 cm (see accompa-
that contain the origin. What do you see? Trace the y-values nying figure). The volume of water we put in the cup is therefore a
along the graph. What do you find? function of the level h to which the cup is filled, the formula being
3. Lorentz contraction In relativity theory, the length of an object,
say a rocket, appears to an observer to depend on the speed at V = p62h = 36ph .
which the object is traveling with respect to the observer. If the How closely must we measure h to measure out 1 L of water
observer measures the rocket’s length as L0 at rest, then at speed y s1000 cm3 d with an error of no more than 1% s10 cm3 d ?
the length will appear to be

L = L0 1 - .
B c2
This equation is the Lorentz contraction formula. Here, c is the
speed of light in a vacuum, about 3 * 10 8 m>sec . What happens
to L as y increases? Find limy:c- L . Why was the left-hand limit
needed? 1 mm
4. Controlling the flow from a draining tank Torricelli’s law says wide
that if you drain a tank like the one in the figure shown, the rate y
at which water runs out is a constant times the square root of the (a)
water’s depth x. The constant depends on the size and shape of the
exit valve.

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Chapter 2 Additional and Advanced Exercises 145

r  6 cm 18. The Dirichlet ruler function If x is a rational number, then x

can be written in a unique way as a quotient of integers m>n
where n 7 0 and m and n have no common factors greater than 1.
(We say that such a fraction is in lowest terms. For example, 6>4
written in lowest terms is 3>2.) Let ƒ(x) be defined for all x in the
interval [0, 1] by
Liquid volume
V  36h
ƒsxd = e
h 1>n, if x = m>n is a rational number in lowest terms
0, if x is irrational.
For instance, ƒs0d = ƒs1d = 1, ƒs1>2d = 1>2, ƒs1>3d =
(b) ƒs2>3d = 1>3, ƒs1>4d = ƒs3>4d = 1>4 , and so on.
a. Show that ƒ is discontinuous at every rational number in [0, 1].
A 1-L measuring cup (a), modeled as a right circular cylinder (b) of
b. Show that ƒ is continuous at every irrational number in [0, 1].
radius r = 6 cm
(Hint: If P is a given positive number, show that there are only
Precise Definition of Limit finitely many rational numbers r in [0, 1] such that ƒsrd Ú P .)
In Exercises 7–10, use the formal definition of limit to prove that the c. Sketch the graph of ƒ. Why do you think ƒ is called the “ruler
function is continuous at x0 . function”?
7. ƒsxd = x 2 - 7, x0 = 1 8. g sxd = 1>s2xd, x0 = 1>4 19. Antipodal points Is there any reason to believe that there is al-
ways a pair of antipodal (diametrically opposite) points on Earth’s
9. hsxd = 22x - 3, x0 = 2 10. Fsxd = 29 - x, x0 = 5
equator where the temperatures are the same? Explain.
11. Uniqueness of limits Show that a function cannot have two dif-
20. If lim sƒsxd + g sxdd = 3 and lim sƒsxd - g sxdd = -1 , find
ferent limits at the same point. That is, if limx:x0 ƒsxd = L1 and x:c x:c
limx:x0 ƒsxd = L2 , then L1 = L2 . lim ƒsxdg sxd .
12. Prove the limit Constant Multiple Rule: 21. Roots of a quadratic equation that is almost linear The equa-
lim kƒsxd = k lim ƒsxd for any constant k . tion ax 2 + 2x - 1 = 0 , where a is a constant, has two roots if
x: c x: c a 7 -1 and a Z 0 , one positive and one negative:
13. One-sided limits If limx:0+ ƒsxd = A and limx:0- ƒsxd = B ,
find -1 + 21 + a -1 - 21 + a
r+sad = a , r-sad = a .
3 3
a. limx:0+ ƒsx - xd b. limx:0- ƒsx - xd
c. limx:0+ ƒsx 2 - x 4 d d. limx:0- ƒsx 2 - x 4 d a. What happens to r+sad as a : 0 ? As a : -1+ ?
14. Limits and continuity Which of the following statements are b. What happens to r-sad as a : 0 ? As a : -1+ ?
true, and which are false? If true, say why; if false, give a coun- c. Support your conclusions by graphing r+sad and r-sad as
terexample (that is, an example confirming the falsehood). functions of a. Describe what you see.
a. If limx:a ƒsxd exists but limx:a g sxd does not exist, then d. For added support, graph ƒsxd = ax 2 + 2x - 1
limx:asƒsxd + g sxdd does not exist. simultaneously for a = 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, and 0.05.
b. If neither limx:a ƒsxd nor limx:a g sxd exists, then 22. Root of an equation Show that the equation x + 2 cos x = 0
limx:a sƒsxd + g sxdd does not exist. has at least one solution.
c. If ƒ is continuous at x, then so is ƒ ƒ ƒ . 23. Bounded functions A real-valued function ƒ is bounded from
d. If ƒ ƒ ƒ is continuous at a, then so is ƒ. above on a set D if there exists a number N such that ƒsxd … N
for all x in D. We call N, when it exists, an upper bound for ƒ on
In Exercises 15 and 16, use the formal definition of limit to prove that D and say that ƒ is bounded from above by N. In a similar manner,
the function has a continuous extension to the given value of x. we say that ƒ is bounded from below on D if there exists a
x2 - 1 x 2 - 2x - 3 number M such that ƒsxd Ú M for all x in D. We call M, when it
15. ƒsxd = , x = -1 16. g sxd = , x = 3
x + 1 2x - 6 exists, a lower bound for ƒ on D and say that ƒ is bounded from
17. A function continuous at only one point Let below by M. We say that ƒ is bounded on D if it is bounded from
both above and below.
ƒsxd = e
x, if x is rational a. Show that ƒ is bounded on D if and only if there exists a num-
0, if x is irrational. ber B such that ƒ ƒsxd ƒ … B for all x in D.
a. Show that ƒ is continuous at x = 0 . b. Suppose that ƒ is bounded from above by N. Show that if
b. Use the fact that every nonempty open interval of real limx:x0 ƒsxd = L , then L … N .
numbers contains both rational and irrational numbers to c. Suppose that ƒ is bounded from below by M. Show that if
show that ƒ is not continuous at any nonzero value of x. limx:x0 ƒsxd = L , then L Ú M .

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146 Chapter 2: Limits and Continuity

24. Max 5a, b6 and min 5a, b6 sin x 2 sin x 2 x2

b. lim x = lim 2
lim x = 1 # 0 = 0 .
x:0 x:0 x x:0
a. Show that the expression
sin sx 2 - x - 2d sin sx 2 - x - 2d
max 5a, b6 =
a + b ƒa - bƒ c. lim = lim #
2 x: -1 x + 1 x: -1 sx 2 - x - 2d

equals a if a Ú b and equals b if b Ú a . In other words, sx 2 - x - 2d sx + 1dsx - 2d

lim = 1 # lim = -3 .
max {a, b} gives the larger of the two numbers a and b. x: -1 x + 1 x: -1 x + 1
b. Find a similar expression for min 5a, b6 , the smaller of a and b. sin A 1 - 2x B sin A 1 - 2x B 1 - 2x
d. lim = lim =
x:1 x - 1 x:1 1 - 2x x - 1
sin U
Generalized Limits Involving
U A 1 - 2x B A 1 + 2x B 1 - x 1
1 # lim
sx - 1d A 1 + 2x B sx - 1d A 1 + 2x B
= lim =- .
The formula limu:0 ssin ud>u = 1 can be generalized. If limx:c x:1 x:1 2
ƒsxd = 0 and ƒ(x) is never zero in an open interval containing the Find the limits in Exercises 25–30.
point x = c, except possibly c itself, then sin s1 - cos xd sin x
25. lim x 26. lim+
sin ƒsxd x:0 x:0 sin 2x
lim = 1.
x: c ƒsxd sin ssin xd sin sx 2 + xd
27. lim x 28. lim x
Here are several examples.
sin A 2x - 3 B
x:0 x:0

sin x 2 sin sx 2 - 4d
a. lim = 1. 29. lim 30. lim
x: 0 x 2 x:2 x - 2 x:9 x - 9

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