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Need identification of training and development of



Submitted by:
Pallab jyoti Gogoi
MBA 2018-2020

Under the guidance of:

HR Manager
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Digboi ,Assam.


I hereby declare that this project titled “NEED IDENTIFICATION OF


partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of the degree “Master Of Business

Administration”, is a bonafide work undertaken by me and is not submitted to

any other university or institution for the award of any degree / diploma certificate

or published any time before.

Date: 10/07/2019

Place: Digboi


Certified that this report is prepared based on the summer internship project undertaken by

me in INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED from 3rd June 2019 to 9rd July ,under

the guidance of Mr. SANDEEP KERKEETA in partial fulfillment of requirement for

award of degree of Master in Business Administration(MBA) from GD Goenka university

Date: 10/07/2019

Pallab Jyoti Gogoi Mr Sandeep Kerketta

GD Goenka university HR Manager (SERM)

Sohna - Gurgaon Road, Sohna, Digboi IOCL, Assam

Haryana 122103, India




As we know that project one of the important and essential part of the education system. As per rules and
regulation, I did my training in IOCL (AOD),DIGBOI ,ASSAM. Working here for period of time was really
matter of pride. The degree of MBA aims to make the student a successful manager and a potential leader,
in order to do this with theoretical knowledge and experience about the corporate world is the need of hour.
So , when I got the opportunity to do my training at IOCL(AOD) I look for topic for my project which will
help me learn new concepts apart from the text book knowledge I have and if by my project in any means I
can help to this 118 years old prestigious organization I would be more than satisfied with the work done by
me in this entire period I spent at IOCl (AOD).

The modern business organization are dealing with rapidly changing environment , which requires radical
change for the organizations to adopt those change for the purpose of having a survival . For that the
organization should have an ability of achieving the excellence with competitive advantage. In this process
the organization can use resource such as technology, equipment, human resource and capital. Out of all, the
human resource is vital and it is strategic resource, which give a competitive advantage. The performance of
the organization is mostly depends on the performance of the human resource. A persons performance is
basically depends on the skill, attitude, motivation and knowledge and the top most management
commitment etc. Keeping these things in view all organizations are trying to establish the relationship
between the training and development and the employee productivity, employees absenteeism, employee
job satisfaction. Training and development program can upgrade employee’s skills and attitude at all levels
to maximize enterprise effectiveness. The aim behind training employee is “achieving cost effective high

With this I present my project “Need identification of training and development

department” of of IOCL(AOD). Digboi, Assam.


It was a great pleasure and a great experience to work on this project. I would like to take the opportunity
to express my sincere gratitude to all those who guided me in right direction in completing this report.

I express profound sense of reverence and heart full of gratitude to show my deepest appreciation to my
organizational guide Mr. Sandeep Karkeeta (SERM), T&D, IOCL (AOD), who has the attitude and substance
of genius. He continuously and convincingly conveyed a spit of adventure and excitement in regards to his
guidance. I can’t say thank you enough for his tremendous support and help. I feel motivated and encouraged
every time he guided me. Without his encouragement, guidance and persistent help this project would not have

I wish to thank all the employee of Human resource department of IOCL(AOD) for their invaluable inputs.

I am really thankful to god because I am sheltered by the warmest, glorified, golden rays of my beloved mother
who provided me with an environment that let me develop such a potential to work hard and develop an attitude
of never steeping back.

I would like to thank all the respondents for sparing their precious time to answer my questionnaires and
interview giving me the valuable information I needed.

The guidance and support received from my departmental guide Dr.Kishore Morya, GD GOENKA
UNIVERSITY, GURGAON and all the faculty member of my MBA department in GD GOENKA
UNIVERSITY, GURGAON was a vital for the success of the project. I am grateful for their constant support
and help.

During my internship at origin Indian oil corporation limited, starting from 3rd June to 9th July 2019, I was
able to gain ample understanding of the training and development department and oil industries India and
future prospects and opportunities in the field moving ahead . I was able to perform a study on Need analysis
and identification of training and development of employee, in the town Digboi IOCL. I have taken 75
employees of non-technical areas. Training need identification is done taking into consideration the views of
not only the superior, but also the trainees themselves. This was confirmed from the respondents. The
trainees felts good that they were involved in the analysis of their own needs and also said that the
management was very co-operative and tried to incorporate their views and suggestion to the extent possible.
Thus as far this aspect is concerned; the trainees were satisfied with the procedures followed. Employees are
thoroughly acquainted with training and development activities and have a positive perception about training
and development at their place of work. Training and Development program helps employees to learn their
jobs and attain desired levels of performance.



1 Difference between training and


2 Five point scale statements to measure the

Image of the company



1 Vision with values

2 Hierarchy of IOCL Management

3 Purpose of training Evaluation

4 Flowchart of SOP of training of IOCL(AOD)

5 Flowchart of Training
Methodology of IOCL(AOD),Digboi

 Cover page
 Declaration
 Certificate
 Preface
 Acknowledgement
 Executive summary
 List of table
 List of figure table of
Chapter 1 Introduction
Objective of the study
Data collection
Analysis of primary data
Chapter 2 An over view of the organization



1. To find out the existing training and development procedure of IOCL(AOD).
2. To find out the factors that affect training and development at IOCL(AOD).
3. To analyze the post training result at IOCL(AOD).
4. To find out ways by which the training and development procedure can be improve.

Research methodology refers to the procedures used in making systematic observations or otherwise obtaining
data, evidence, or information as part of a research project or study. It define what the activity of research is ,
how to measure progress , and what constitutes success. There are many different methodologies used in
various type of research and the term is usually considered to include research design, data gathering and data
analysis . Research methodologies can be quantitative (for example-measuring the number of times someone
does something under certain conditions) or qualitative( for example, asking people how they feel about a
certain situation). The term research methodology also referred to as research methodology also referred to as
research methods, usually encompasses the procedures followed to analyse and interpret the data gathered.
These often use a range of sophisticated statistical analyses of the data to identify correlation or statistical
significance in the results.

1.2.1 TYPE OF RESEARCH: Descriptive and analytical.

1.2.2 Method of Sampling:

RANDOM SAMPLING: For the purpose of this project, a probability sampling design is
used i.e , random sampling. Under random sampling design, item is randomly selected and thus
every item of the universe has equal chance of inclusion in the sample.

1.2.1Sampling Frame: All staff of non-technical areas at Digboi refinery of IOCL(AOD)

SIZE OF THE SAMPLE: The sample size of 75 was decided upon, after the consideration
with the organizational guide.
Data collection:

Data has been collected both primary and secondary sources.

a) Primary data source are- Data will be collected from all non-technical employees of
refinery department of IOCL(AOD), by administering questions having face to face interaction
with employees specially designed for the purpose.

b) Secondary data sources are- Textbook, website, administrative manual.

Method of the data collection:

Data is gathered by administering questionnaires, was processed is ample manner to determine the level of
satisfaction of employees.

A set of questionnaires were used to collect the requisite information. A structured questionnaire was designed
for the research and questions were listed in a pre-determined order.


The data collected during the survey has been analyzed using simple analytical tools like table pie diagram to
arrive at the conclusions.


Part-1 Indian oil Corporation Limited:

2.1 Company/Organization Profile:

Indian oil is India’s flagship national oil company with business interest straddling the entire hydrocarbon
value chain-from refining, pipeline transportation and marketing of petroleum products to natural gas and
petrochemicals. It is the leading Indian corporate listed in the top 137th position fortune ‘Global 500’ listing for
year 2017-18. Indian oil and its subsidiaries have a dominant share of petroleum product market, nation
refining capacity and downstream sector pipelines capacity in India . With over a 34000 strong workforce,
Indian oil has been helping meet Indians energy demand for over five decades now.

At Indian oil, operations are strategically structured along business verticals- Refineries , pipelines, marketing,
R&D and business development- E&P, petrochemicals and natural gas. Its meets the vital energy needs of the
consumers in an efficient and environment friendly manner. Indian Oil has a formidable network of customer
touch-points dotting the landscape across urban and rural India. With a country wide network of sales points,
baked for supplies by bulk storage terminal and depots, aviation fuel station and LPG bottling plant, Indian Oil
services every nook and corner of the country, every hour of the day. Indane LPG is present in almost all
market through a vast network of distributors. A large network of consumer pump is also in operation for the
convenience of bulk consumers, ensuring product and inventory at their doorstep. Indian oil has a world class
R&D centre that is finest in Asia. It conducts pioneering work in lubricant formulation, refinery processes ,
pipeline transportation and alternative fuels. The centre holds 212 active patents, with over 100 international

Indian oil has a portfolio of powerful and much loved energy bands that include Indane LPG, SERVO
lubricants, Xtrapremium petrol, Xtramile diesel, propel petrochemical etc. validating the trust of millions of
motorist, Indian oil has been voted the most trusted petrol station brand in the country.
Indian oil’s ISO-9002 certified Aviation service commands the largest market share in the aviation fuel
business , successfully servicing the demands of domestic and international flag carries, private airlines and the
Indian Defense service . Indian oil people have time and again rallied to help victims of natural calamities,
maintain uninterrupted supply of petroleum product and contributing to relief and rehabilitation measures
Indian oil has successfully combined its corporate social responsibility agenda with its business offerings.

2.2 History of IOCL:
The small town of Digboi in the remote north eastern corner of the country is the birthplace of
the oil industry in India, Digboi refinery, commissioned on 11th December, 1901. It is the oldest
operating refinery and one of the oldest refineries in the world. The historic Digboi refinery is
termed as “gangotri of the Indian hydrocarbon sector”. Earlier owned and controlled by the
Assam oil company limited/Burmah Oil company, it came into the fold of Indian Oil
Corporation Limited by an Act of Parliament on 14th October 1981 and became the Assam Oil
Division of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

Indian Refineries Limited was formed in 1958 for refining and manufacturing of petroleum
products, with Shri Feroze Gandhi as its chairman. This was followed by the formation of Indian
Refineries and Indian Oil Co. in 1959,for marketing and distributing petroleum products.

But on 1st September 1964, as a step toward achieving improved efficiency, Indian Refineries
and Indian Oil Co.were merged. And thus Indian Oil Corporation was born.



“A major diversified, transnational, integrated energy company, with national

leadership and a strong environment conscience, playing a national role in Oil
security and public distribution.”


1. To achieve international standards of excellence in all aspects of energy and diversified

business with focus on customer delight through value of products and services and cost
2. To maximize creation of wealth, value and satisfaction of the stakeholders.
3. To provide technology and services through sustained Research and Development.
4. To foster a culture of participation and innovation for employees growth and
5. To cultivate high standards of business ethics and total quality management for a strong
corporate identity and brand equity.
6. To help enrich the quality of life of the community and preserve ecological balance and
heritage through a strong environment conscience.

1. Care stands for concern, empathy, understanding, co-operation and empowerment.
2. Innovation stands for creativity, ability to learn, flexibility and change.
3. Passion stands for commitment, dedication, pride, inspiration, ownership.
4. Trust stands for delivered promises, reliability, dependability, integrity, truthfulness and



1. To serve the national interest in oil and related sectors in accordance and consistent with
Government policies.
2. To ensure maintenance of continuous and smooth supplies of petroleum products by way
of crude oil refining, transportation of marketing activities and to provide an appropriate
assistance to consumers to conserve and use petroleum products efficiently.
3. To enhance the country’s self sufficiency in oil refining and build expertise in lying of
crude oil and petroleum product pipelines.
4. To further enhance marketing infrastructure and reseller network for providing assured
service to customers throughout the country.
5. To create a strong research development base in refining processes, product formulations,
pipeline transportation and alternative fuels with a view to minimizing/ eliminating
imports and to have next generation products.


1. Towards customer: To provide prompt, courteous and efficient service and quality

products at competitive prices.

2. Towards suppliers: To ensure prompt dealing with integrity, impartiality and courtesy

and help prompt ancillary industries.

3. Towards employees: To develop their capabilities and facilitate their advancement

through appropriate training and career planning. To have fair dealings with recognized

representatives of employees in pursuance of healthy industrial relations practices and

sound personnel policies.

4. Towards community: To develop techno-economically viable and environment friendly

products. To maintain the highest standards in respect of safety, environment protection

and occupational health at all production unit.

5. Towards defense service: To maintain adequate supplies to defense and other Para-

military services during normal as well as emergency situations.












Refining: since the Digboi refinery was commissioned in 1901/ the Indian oil has gathered a
luminous legacy of more than 100 years of accumulated experiences in all areas of petroleum
refining by taking into its fold.

1. Pipelines: India is a vast nation and pipelines to transport petroleum products from
refineries to demand areas and crude oil from import terminals as well as domestic
sources to the inland refineries is a hectic task. Indian Oil has mastered the art and
technology of pipeline engineering. Over the last four decades the pipeline network of
Indian Oil has grown much.
2. Marketing: Indian Oil provides a wide range of marketing services and consultancy in
fuel handling, distribution and storage and fuel/lube technical services. It has marketing
offices in Indian cities such as Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chennai,
Delhi, Digboi, etc.
3. Training: Indian Oil has been imparting training to develop oneself and to develop future
generation to take up responsibilities and leadership for a better tomorrow. The Indian Oil
Institute of Petroleum Management situated in New Delhi is an example.
4. Research and Development: Indian Oil’s world-class R&D Centre, established in
1972,has state of the art facilities and has delivered pioneering results in lubricants
technology, refining process, pipeline transportation, bio-fuels and fuel- efficient
appliances. Over the past three decades, Indian Oil R&D Centre has developed over
thousand of formulations of lubricating oil and greases responding to the needs of Indian
industry and consuming sectors like Defense, Railways, Public Utilities and


In Assam:

1. Digboi Refinery, upper Assam, is India’s oldest refinery and was commissioned in 1901.
It has a capacity of 0.65 MMTPA (Million Metric Ton per Annum).
2. Guwahati Refinery, the first public sector refinery of the country, was built with
Romanian collaboration and was inaugurated on January 1962. Its capacity is 1.0
3. Bongaigaon Refinery was the eighth refinery of Indian Oil after merger of Bongaigaon
Refinery & Petrochemicals ltd. From 25th March 2009 onwards it has a capacity of 2.35

In West Bengal:
1. Haldia Refinery was commissioned in 1975. Its present capacity is 7.5 MMTPA.

In Bihar

1. Barauni Refinery, in Bihar, was built in collaboration with Russia and Romania. It was
commissioned in 1964.

In Uttar Pradesh:

1. Mathura refinery: commissioned in 1982 was the sixth refinery. It’s present capacity is
8.0 MMTPA.

In Haryana

1. Panipat refinery is the 7th refinery of Indian Oil Corporation commissioned in 1908.
Panipat refinery has refining capacity of 15.0 MMTPA.

In Gujarat
1. Koyal Refinery, In Gujarat is Indian Oil’s second largest refinery. The refinery was
commissioned in 1965. Its present capacity is 13.70 MMTPA.

Paradip refinery is another refinery being set up by Indian Oil Corporation in

Jagatsinghpur town in the state of Odisha.


Beyond the above core business the IOCL has taken steps towards Green Energy. Some
examples are-
1. Biofuel initiatives at Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
2. Solar Power Plant at Phalodi, Rajasthan.
3. Wind Power Project at Gujrat (21MW) and Andhra Pradesh(48 MW)


About AOD:
Digboi, Assam, India, PIN-786171, Digboi is situated at the northeast corner of India and can be
accesed by road and air (nearest airport is in Dibrugarh).
Digboi refinery is now operating as a public sector organization under Assam Oil Division of
Indian Oil Corporation Limited, with refineries Division Head Quarter at scope complex, Core
2,7 Institutional area, Lodhi road, New Delhi-110003. Its registered office is at Indian Oil
Bhawan, G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East), Mumbai- 400051.

Digboi refinery of Indian Oil Corporation Limited ( Assam Oil division) is the oldest operating
refinery in the country, and possibly in the world. The original refinery at Digboi came up in
1901 and was rebuilt in 1923. It had an installed capacity of 0.5 MMTPA, which was increased
to 0.65 MMTPA. After nationalization and merger with Indian Oil Corporation Limited in 1981,
the refinery had undergone modernization through the Digboi Refinery Modernization Project
(DRMP). In the first phase, crude distillation capacity had been augmented to 0.65 MMTPA with
the commissioning of new crude distillation unit (CDU/VDU) in 1996.


More than a century ago, a group of engineers were trying to build a railway line in upper
Assam for the convenience of the Assam Railway & Trading company (AR &TC). Legend says
these Engineers were travelling in a elephant in the dense malaria-infested forest of Upper
Assam. One of the engineers incidentally found Oil stains on the foot of the elephants, seeing
this that engineer hollered at native boys “ dig-boy-dig”. Oil was stuck and the name ‘Digboi’
stuck. The place where the officer has ordered “Dig boy dig” became famous as Digboi.

It was here in digboi that the first commercial viable well in India, known as well no.1 pr
discovery well was successfully drilled in September 1899 and first modern refinery in India was
built and Digboi Refinery of Assam Oil Company (AOC) commissioned at its present location in
1901. Its initial capacity was 20,000 gallons a day. Digboi refinery is one of the oldest in the
world and that is still working. That is how remote place in extreme northeast corner of India
catched out a place for itself in the industrial history of the world and became the birthplace of
petroleum industries in India.


Digboi refinery came into the fold of Indian Oil limited, by an act of Parliament on 14th October
1981, and the Assam Oil division of Indian Oil Corporation Limited. The refinery is small, with
a capacity of 0.65 MMTPA. But its efforts and achievements are, by no means is small. Besides
the efforts within the refinery, Assam Oil actively promotes environmental protection and
conservation of natural resource for the sustainable development and for making the mother
earth suitable for living for our future generation and living kingdom.


Modernization of Digboi Refinery has infused new life to the aging refinery heralding the era of
modernity. Apart from removing technology obsolescence, the phase wise modernization has
brought in total transformation with improved operation and energy efficiencies and higher
standards of safety and Environment Management Digboi Refinery is one of the most complex
refineries in the country.


These are the total 27 departments in IOCL (AOD) broadly classified into the two divisions. One
is for Refinery and other is for common services. They are:-


5. W&MG


Common services include administration, personnel, E&L, vigilance, security, transport,
planning, training, corporate communication, Internal Audit, Finance, info System, Employee
relation and Service.


Some of the valued customers of Digboi Refinery are:

The Government of Assam, Oil India Limited, ONGC, BRTF, USHA MARTIN, NF
RAILWAY, Soma Enterprise, Patel Engineering, Wax industries, paramilitary forces and carbon
industries among others.


Today Indian Oil’s Digboi Refinery, with capacity to process 0.65 million tons of crude oil, is an
ISO:9002: ISO: 14001, OHSMS and ISO 14064 accredited unit. The refinery has been totally
revitalized and modernized, enabling it to dedicate itself to continuing its service to the nation in
the millennium. The Quality Control system of this refinery is accredited to IS0-17025.



3.1 Introduction to Training and Development:

Training is a process of assisting a person in enhancing his efficiency and effectiveness in a

particular work area by acquiring more knowledge and practices. Training is important to
establish specific skills, abilities and knowledge for an employee. For an organization, training
and development is important for organizational growth. Organizational growth and profits are
also dependent on the training. Training is a function of the organization development. Training
is different from education, particularly formal education. Education is concerned mainly with
enhancement of knowledge, but the aim of training is increasing knowledge while changing
attitudes and competences. Basically education is formulated within a framework and according
to a syllabus, but training is not formed as per a syllabus. It may differ from one employee to
another, one group to another, even for groups in the same class. The reason for this is the
difference of attitudes and skills of one person from another. That is an advantage of training.
Every organization needs to have well-trained and experienced personnel to perform the
necessary tasks. Today’s organizations invest a lot of time, effort and resources to enhance the
skills and knowledge of their employees.

Differences Between Training and Development

Training Development

1. It describes the acquisition of 1. Activities that are designed to

technical knowledge and skills. improve the skills of managers.

2. Training helps employees to 2. Grooms them to handle future

improve their performance. responsibilities.

3. It generally concentrates on a 3. Focus on a broad range of skills.

limited number of technical skills.

4. Mainly focuses on managerial and 4. Wide variety of interpersonal

technical skills such as planning, skills.
organizing, leading, communicating,
motivating and decision making.

Table 1- Difference between Training and Development

3.2 Objectives of Training and Development:

The main objectives of training are-

 Improving employee performance.

 Updating employee skills.
 Avoiding managerial obsolescence.
 Preparing for promotion and managerial succession.
 Retaining and motivating employees
 Creating an efficient and effective organization.

The main objectives of management development programmers are:

 Improving the performance of the managers.

 Enabling the senior managers to have an overall perspective about the organization and
also equipping them with the necessary skills to handle various situations.

3.3 Area of Training:

Some major areas where employees are normally trained in an organization are:

Company policies and procedures: Understanding company policies and procedures is important
for any employee of the organization. An employee should acquaint himself with the
organization’s rules, practices, processes and procedure.

 Skill–based training: Employees should be provided training to match the skill

requirements of the job they perform.
 Human relations training: It is important for employees to know how to manage their
professional relationships. Human resource training is essential to improve the
employees’ skills in the area of self-learning, interpersonal skills, group dynamics,
perception, leadership styles, motivation, disciplinary procedures, grievance redressal etc.
 Problem solving training: Training in problem-solving skills equips an employee to deal
successfully with the problems he is facing.

Management and supervisory training: This type of training is essential for the employee who
performs managerial and supervisory functions as they move ahead in their career paths to
assume positions of increasing responsibility

Factors affecting success of training

 Motivation: Employees usually resist participating in training sessions as they either do

not understand the benefits of training or are not convinced about its effectiveness.
Organizations should motivate people to understand the benefits of training and the
reason they need to improve their performance.
 Participation: Active participation of the employees in a training programme ensures its
success. Employees learn better through direct experience. Training methods like on-the-
job training is more effective then class room teaching.
 Feedback: Feedback on employee performance after the training also enables the
employee to adopt and employ the newly acquired knowledge and skills.
 Repetition: Continuous practice during training and development helps in better learning.
 Application: Training loses its meaning if the learning is not applicable at work.

3.4 Methods of Training and development:

Following are the methods of training and development

 On-the-job training and development: It’s a real job environment where the trainee is
exposed to actual work situations. The major advantage of this method is that the trainee
gets hands-on experience of the job that has to be performed.
 Off the job training and development: It refers to training imparted away from the
employee’s immediate work area. When training is performed on the job, any mistake by
the trainee might result in damage to the organization. Hence, off the job training can be
conducted to minimize this damage.

Training Methods:

On the job training methods:

 Job instruction training

 Apprenticeship and coaching
 Job rotation
 Committee assignments
Off the job training methods:
 Classroom lectures
 Simulation exercises: It can be in the form of case exercises, experiential exercises,
complex computer modeling, Vestibule training and role play.

Development Methods:

On the Job development methods:

 Coaching
 Job rotation
 Understudy assignments
 Multiple management

Off the job development methods:

 Simulation exercises
 Sensitivity training
 Transactional analysis

3.5 Evaluation of Training and Management Development:

The process of examining a training programme is called training evaluation. Training evaluation
checks whether the training has had the preferred outcome. Training evaluation makes sure
whether candidates are able to implement their learning in their respective workplaces, or to the
regular work schedules.

Purpose of training evaluation: The five main purposes of training evaluation are as given in


Control Research
Purpose of training evaluation

Power Intervention

Fig 3- Purpose of Training Evaluation

 Feedback: It helps in giving feedback to the candidates by defining the objectives and
linking it to learning outcomes.
 Research: It helps in determining the relationship between acquired knowledge, transfer
of knowledge at the work place, and training.
 Control: It helps in managing the training programme because if the training is not
effective, then it can be dealt with accordingly.
 Power games: At times, the top management (higher authoritative employee) uses the
evaluative data to manipulate it for their own benefits.
 Intervention: It helps in determining whether the actual outcomes are aligned with the
expected outcomes.

Process of training evaluation:

The process of training evaluation entails the following:

 Before training: The trainee's skills and knowledge are assessed before the training
programmed. During the start of training, candidates generally perceive it as a waste of
time and resources because at most of the times candidates are unaware of the objectives
and learning outcomes of the programmed. Once aware, they are asked to give their
opinions on the methods used and whether those methods confirm to the candidates
preferences and learning style.

 During training: It is the phase at which instruction is started. This phase usually consists
of short tests at regular intervals.
 After training: In this phase trainee’s skills and knowledge are assessed again to measure
the effectiveness of the training. This phase is designed to determine whether the training
has had the desired effect at individual, department and organizational levels. There are
various evaluation techniques for this phase.

Techniques of evaluation:

The various methods of training evaluation are:

 Observation
 Questionnaire
 Interview
 Self diaries
 Self recording of specific incidents
 Change in behavior

3.6 The Need for Training and Development:

 Organization viability and the transformation process: The primary concern of an

organization is its viability and hence its efficiency. There is continuous environmental
pressure for efficiency, and if an organization does not respond to this pressure, it may
find itself rapidly losing whatever share of the market it has. Employee training,
therefore, imparts specific skills and knowledge to employees in order that they
contribute to the organizations efficiency, and be able to cope with the pressure of the
changing environment.
 Technological Advances: There has been tremendous development in industrial
technology. Mechanization and automation of the plant is necessary for the organization’
survival; hence, it has to train its employees for more skilled positions. New skills are
required to operate new machinery or familiarity with new processes and production
techniques has to be introduced.
 Organization Complexity: With increasing mechanization, automation and development
in technology, many organizations have emerged as complex organizations that produce

a wide range of products or offer a wide range of services. This had led to complex
problems of coordination and integration of activities. Even today the need for training
and retraining is felt at the all levels in such organizations from shop floor to top
 Human relations: The growing complexity of organizations has led to various human
problems, like alienation, inter-personal and inter-group problems. Hence, training in
human relations I becoming externally important for tackling these problems.

3.7 Benefits of Training and Development:

 Training helps employees to learn their jobs and attain desired levels of performance
speedly thus cutting costs and contributing to better utilization of machines and materials,
for example in workers categories.
 Training helps to reduce the cost of raw materials and products reducing loses due to
waste, poor quality products and damage to machinery which would result if an untrained
employee were to learn on his own.
 Employee motivation is enhanced when employees known that the firm would provide
them training opportunities to increase their skills and knowledge, thus enabling them to
develop and quality for higher posts. Such practices create favorable attitudes towards the
organization, which could result in better adjustment and commitment to ones work and
the organization. Thus cooperation could help reduce employee turnover, absenteeism,
accidents, dissatisfactions and grievances.
 Finally, training aids in the development of individual skill, better methods, new
equipment and sometimes new work place relationships, such as process would also
facilitate technological change by updating the versatility of employees.




4.1 Introduction:

The training and development department of IOCL,(AOD), Digboi was first established in 1953
with the aim of providing training to lower level workers and till 1962 it was followed. In earlier
time, Assam Oil Division was known as Assam Oil Company and was headed by foreign
government. After Independence, AOC tied up with IOCL as Assam Oil Division. It was in the
year 1981. In 1963, the training department tied up with National Council for Vocational Trade
(NCVT). The Regional directorate of NCVT is in Kolkata. After tiding up with NCVT, training
department follows the Apprenticeship Act which is come under NCVT. New concepts of
training were added in Apprenticeship Act. Earlier only lower level workers are trained . Now a
day’s both executives and non- executives were trained for their better performances in work
place. By following the Apprenticeship Act Training Department now provide training to ITI
students, fresher students, clerical trainings, Operators training, Account Book Keeping training

4.2 Aim of training and development:

To develop skill of all employees to do their jobs more skillfully and effectively based on
individual and organizational requirement.

4.3 Functions of Training Department (In-house/Outside):

In house training program:

 The training and development department offers in house training programs towards its
existing employees to improve their skill and for new recruiters to know about the rules
and regulations, role of responsibilities, policies of the organization.

 The department also conduct in house training programs for contractual employees also.

 Some in house training programs are also conducted in remote areas of near by the
organization. That type of programs are known as CSR(corporate social responsibilities)

External Training Program:

 Training employees are nominated to attend training program outside the organization
where individual will develop their skill and knowledge that help individual become
proficient and self-confident in their chosen program.

4.4 Training Process:

Following steps are involved in the training process in the organization:

 Training Need Identification (TNI)

 Preparation of training calendar

 Organizing training program (In-house/Outside)

 Selection of faculties (Internal/External)

 Evaluation of training programs

 The program

 The faculty

 The participants : a. Learning – Immediate : Pre & Post and 3 month feedback



1. All individual employees will submit their training needs through e-TNI.

2. HODs/FHs to ensure approval of e-TNI, submitted by their subordinates.

3. Training head of the organization prepare consolidated report based on e-TNI.

The controlling officer identifies the number of training programme that will be
beneficial for the employees. The employee selects some of the topics in which the
training is to be undertaken. Later approved by the controlling officer.


There are numerous advantages of using e-TNI :-

 The usage of e-TNI has increased the user experience in a easiest way.
 Gives a real time access to all the information stored.
 The manual updating of the information is tedious, whereas the e-TNI gives a easy way.


1. Training calendar is prepared for the year based on the following inputs-
 Audit observations, recommendations etc.
2. Preparation of a approval as per the standards up to unit head.
3. Circulation of training calendar to the departments and uploading in the internet.


1. In-house Programs:

Based on Training calendar the training department organizes in-house training

programs, taking faculty support either from various departments of IOCL or from
external organizations/individuals. In case of non IOCL faculty a separate approval is
taken prior to the program.

Nominations are requested to the departments based on e-TNI or as per departmental

requirements and in specific programs based on not attending programs last 1/2/3 years,
as per guidelines and recommendations.

2. Outside Programs:

Based on e-TNI and recommendations from departments training department nominates

employee (executive and non-executive) to outside organization including IMA and

Nominations for IMA, IIPM and for other units of IOCL programs prior departmental
approval is taken. In case of nominating other than IOCL programs, management
approval as per DOA clause 2.9 (a/b) is essential for all programs
(Training/Conference/Seminars etc)


1. In-house employee (Executive/Non Executive).

2. Retired Indian Oil Executives.

3. Based on rating of earlier programs conducted.

4. Based on inputs from other units/organizations.


1. Each in-house program to be maintained with attendance sheet in standard format

(enclosed a Form-A) and subsequently in SAP.

2. Outside training attendance to be maintained in SAP system.


Evaluations done on the following-

1. The program

2. The faculty

3. The participants: Learning- Immediate: Pre, Post and 3 month feedback

 Program evaluation consist of Pre-evaluation, Post evaluation and 3 months
feedback evaluation


 There should be pre-evaluation processes for all classroom training.

 Faculty to be notified about the pre-evaluation questionnaires based on the topic.
Questionnaire is generally objective in nature, mostly Multiple Choice question.
 There should be minimum of 10 questions and maximum of 15 questions in the
 In every classroom teaching, there should be 20 minutes of briefing about the
programme including the pre-evaluation.
 Pre-evaluation summary should be noted by the faculty for the rest of training.
 The faculty of the training should keep those questionnaires with/her for the
preparation of feedback after the programme.


 Post evaluation of the programme is mandatory for all.

 Post-evaluation should be either immediately or after 3 months after the
completion of the programme.
 Post-evaluation is for both the faculty and the participants of the program in
 Evaluation takes place using the Form-B.
 The questionnaire should be having minimum of 10 questions.
 All post-evaluated questionnaire is to be evaluated in the end of the session by the
 There should be atleast 15 minutes for the time schedule in all in-house training
programs for using as feedback summary session.
 The faculty needs to submit a detailed summary report on the pre and post
evaluation feedback form according to the Form-C.

 Training and development department keeps the record of all the training program
that takes place in IOCL (AOD).

4. 3 Months feedback evaluation

In this technique evaluation should be done after 3 months of the program.

Types of training offered by IOCL:

1. Employee training
2. ITI training
3. Diploma training
4. Internship
5. B.Sc training
6. Secretary training

Employee training is sub categorized into:

A. Developmental
B. Functional
C. Strategic


Training are provided as per the training calendar prepared based on the need of the organization.
All department are included for the training research, whom to be given training on which skill.
The minimum number of people eligible for the training programmed is 25 and can be increased
as per requirement. The budget is prepared accordingly for carrying out the entire training
procedure, consisting of accommodation, faculty fee, and other expenditure incurred during the
training. The faculties are mostly in-house, specialized in the required training. Sometimes the
faculties are from a different organization other than IOCL.

The feedback of the faculties are taken up in the end of the training programmed.

Duration of training: a minimum of one day and a maximum a week.

The IOCL training calendar is prepared for the entire financial year i.e from 1st April to 31st
March. The calendar is strictly followed and some alterations are made every year that deals with
inclusion of some new training to be given as per the requirement.


The first work is to select the students who are eligible for taking up a training in IOCL. The
students already completed their 2 years in college are eligible for the programmed. They are
shortlisted and later an interview takes place which secures their place in IOCL for 1 year. The
admission takes place in two phases. Phase 1 is carried out on the month of April and Phase 2 is
carried out on the month of October. They are evaluated later on by looking at the scorecard of
their exam conducted by AITT. The students are being paid a stipend on a monthly basis.

Stipend structure:

Diploma- Rs. 10560

Attendant Operator- Rs. 9470

Boiler attendant:- 1st year- 8990

2nd year- 9664

Diploma degree holding students are eligible for this training. The students selected are given a
one year training at refinery to increase their field knowledge. There is no specific date of start
unlike ITI training


Boiler and chemical plant training is offered to the students undergone Bachelors of science for
three years. The shortlisted candidates have to give a evaluation exam. The accounts training is
offered to the candidates working under finance department.

IOCL offers students to undergo summer and winter internship coming from different
institutions all over the country. Under the aegis of National Council for Vocational Training,
Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India. Offering technical and non-technical
training to the students for their self development and skill development. The minimum period of
training/internship is one month and can be extended depending upon the requirement. In this
period of internship, the students are assigned a particular project and a certificate of completion
is issued thereof.


In addition to offering high quality, nationally recognized education, IOCL (AOD) ITC takes
care to cater to the educational needs of young girls and boys living in remote areas of the
eastern most part of Assam and other north eastern states under Corporate Social Responsibilities
(under Companies Act 2013). It also aims to improve student access to trade education facilities
that meet industry standards and assists young people to make a successful transition from school
and college academics to further education or employment and development. This capability
building educational program goes a long way in making a difference to the lives of the under-
privileged rural youth who can be able to create a successful professional improving their socio-
economic condition.


The objective of this ITC of IOCL (AOD) training department is to provide technical manpower
to industries. Young boys and girls are trained in basic skills required to do jobs of an operator or
a craftsman since the course is designed in a way to impart basic skill in the specific trade.


The institute offers a three years fresher and one year Ex-ITI trade courses towards the
achievement of National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) certification. Functioning to
facilitate vocational education under the Regional Directorate of Apprenticeship Training
(RDAT), Ministry of labour and Employment, IOCL(AOD). This curriculum is conducted as a

three year course for students having passed class 10 (HSLC) and a one year program for ITI
passed trade apprentices from the state council for vocational training.


The type of training provided here is unique as compared to the other organization providing
training. The training program is designed as such that the participants are benefited the most.
The executive and non-executive officers in this organization are able to correct the weakness
and quality of work in the workplace. The believe of organization in ‘kaizen’ makes it interesting
to learn new techniques to improve themselves on a continuous process, which helps in
organization benefit.


The selected employees get training in IOCL at the following locations:-

1. IMA (Indian Oil Management Academy), Haldia.
2. IIPM (Indian Oil Institute of Petroleum Management), Gurgaon.
3. Research and Development Center, Faridabad.
4. Refinery Headquarter, New Delhi.


The payment of the fees/honorarium for the training program, releases after the
completion of the program.

for In-house faculty:

for working employees and ex-employee, the honorarium is based on the guidelines given from
CO/RHQ ( A copy of recent circular enclosed)

for External faculty: Working fee is fixed before hand and is cleared through e-transaction
after the completion of program.

4.4.3 Flow Chart of Training Methodology of IOCL(AOD),Digboi

Flowchart of Training Methodology of IOCL(AOD),Digboi

4.5 Documentation and Filing:

Filing and Record of training document:

 The training and development department maintains filing system to keep documents in a
safe place, and easy retrieval.

Tracking and Movement of files:

 File Tracking System (FTS): FTS is a type of software to use to monitor the receipts
and files and assist in their easy tracking. In this process when officers initiate a note that
is to be sent for approval, it is to be created as a receipt, once the note is approvel, it is
then sent to the concerned section and it is here that the file is created.



The following questionnaire consists of 30 questions. Please read them carefully before selecting
your answer. It’s assured that the information provided by you shall be used only for management
practices assessment project. The information furnished and the identity of the respondent will be
kept confidential. We can help you with any question you may have.

Please tick one box only.

Name (optional):- Department:-

Employee No. (Optional):-

1. Training and development department gives training on leadership?

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

2. Quality of government guidelines training is good.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

3. T&D gives training on job knowledge

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

4. Employees are not interested in leadership training?

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

5. T&D gives training on knowledge of new concept imparted in the organization.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

6. Management games are conducted by T&D for team work?

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

7. Good Quality of training given by T&D.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

8. Motivation training increase productivity of employee.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

9. Team work training helps to achieve the set goals of the organization.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

10. Quality of training is not up to the mark.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

11. Employee participates in training.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

12. Employee takes part in knowledge management training

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

13. Leadership training helps to motivate the employees?

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

14. Training on new skill will improve employee productivity.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

15. T & D shows good interest on new skill training.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

16. Quality of training in job knowledge is up to the mark

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

17. Training helps the employee to learn new skills.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

18. Quality on job knowledge training will improve the knowledge of employee.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

19. Training on communication skill will help the employee for better communication.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

20. Training for knowledge management is important for the organization.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

21. T&D gives training on government guidelines

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

22. T&D give motivation training to all employees

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

23. Quality of training on rules and policies of the organization is good.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

24. T&D gives good motivation training

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

25. Quality of motivation training given should be well planed.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

26. Communication skill training is good for the employee

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

27. T&D gives training on communication skill

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

28. T&D give training on decision making

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

29. T & D show good interest in knowledge management training.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree

30. T&D gives training on rules and policies of the organization.

Strongly agree Agree Not sure disagree Strongly disagree


It is the evident from the pie chart distribution that 16% of respondent have a strongly agreed
and 70% just agreed, which shows that T&D gives training on leadership for better
performance of the organization.
Many of the sample employee 29% strongly agree and 59% have just agreed, which shows
that employee think leadership training helps them to motivate for better productivity.


Study from above pie chart shows that 20% are strongly agree, 54% are just agree with the
quality of training conducted by T&D. which means that training given by the T&D is very
well conducted with better quality.
Even we can see that from the pie chart 70% agree and 22% strongly agree, which we can
conclude that employees are very interest in learning by participates in training.


One of the challenging issues many organization are facing is to find the best ways to encourage
employees share what they have learned on their job . In the research we have found that Training
and development department give a good quality of training on job knowledge. In the pie chart we
can see that 53% have agreed and 37% have strongly agreed the question “T&D gives training on job

But we can see that the quality of training on job knowledge we not up to the mark where the pie
chart describes “59% agree and 8% strongly agree” on the question “quality of training in job
knowledge is up to the mark”. Here T&D can focus on the quality of training for better out come of
the organization.


Study from the above data we found that, 60% are agree and 20% are strongly agree. So by
the analysis we found that 80% are aware of training . Training on new concept makes the
employee to work more efficiently, so it is very important to give training on new concept
when it is implement in the organization .


Effective teamwork typically occurs when team members know their roles, understand the project
objectives, communicate effectively and solve problems efficiently. Developing effective teams
usually starts by conducting team-building exercises.

From the above pie chart we analyze that T&D give a good quality training to the employee where it
shows “67% has agreed, and 16% has strongly agreed”

But when it comes to management games conducted for team works pie chart shows “ 39% said its
conducted, 38% not sure” here we can conclude that there may lack of management game training for
team work. So T&D can focus management games by conducting more training on team work for
better performances of the organization.


One of the great advantages of training as a tool for motivating employees is that it creates
multiple benefits for both employee and employer. In addition to the employee feeling more
engaged and thus more motivated, that employee also gains new skills. At the same time, the
employer benefits not just from a more motivated employee but also from one who is now better
equipped to perform their duties.

As we see in pie chart T&D gives a good quality of motivational training to the employee. On
the quality perspective 73% agreed and 16% strongly agreed on good quality of training is
given by T&D.


Knowledge management is the systematic management of an organization's knowledge assets for
the purpose of creating value and meeting tactical & strategic requirements; it consists of the
initiatives, processes, strategies, and systems that sustain and enhance the storage, assessment,
sharing, refinement, and creation of knowledge.

From the above pie chart we can see T&D show good in management training. Where it shows
that 67% have agreed, 11% have strongly agreed.


 Most organizations are involved in skills development and training programmes for their staff.
This course enables organizations and individuals to develop a professional approach to skills
development and career development in organizations.

From above pie chart we can see that T&D gives a good quality of training to the employee.
Even employee agree with the fact that “Training helps the employee to learn new skills” where
percentage shows that 67% agree, 29% are strongly agree.


Communication plays a fundamental role in all facets of business. It is therefore very important that both
internal communication within your organization as well as the communication skills of your employees
are effective. Effective Communication is important for the development of an organization. It is
something which helps the managers to perform the basic functions of management- Planning,
Organizing, Motivating and Controlling. Communication skills whether written or oral form the basis of
any business activity. Thus, it can be said that effective communication is the building block of an

From above pie chat we can see that T&D gives good training on communication skill which is helping
the employee for better communication. According to pie chat we see on the question “ T&D gives
training on communication skill” where 73% have agreed and 12% have strongly agreed. As a whole we
can see that T&D is doing a good on communication skill training.


Policies and procedures are an essential component of any organization. Policies are important
because they address pertinent issues, such as what constitutes acceptable behavior by

By analyzing the pie chat of question “quality of training on rules and policies of the
organization is good” we see that 60% has agree, 19% strongly agree. A we conclude that
employee are aware of Rules & polices of the organization which is a good thing for a


Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering

information, and assessing alternative resolutions.
Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful
decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives. This approach increases
the chances that you will choose the most satisfying alternative possible.
From the pie chat we can see that T&D are aware of decision making training. From the question
“T&D give training on decision making” we found 60% agreed, 8% strongly agree. It shows a
good sign for the T&D department.

Findings Recommendation and Conclusion

Finding of study:

 Training need identification is done taking into consideration the views of not only the
superior , but also the trainees themselves . This was confirmed from the respondents . The
trainees felts good that they were involved in the analysis of their own needs and also said that
the management was very co-operative and tried to incorporate their views and ssuggestion to
the extent possible. Thus as far this aspect is concerned , the trainees were satisfied with the
procedures followed.
 Employees are thoroughly acquainted with training and development activities and have a
positive perception about training and development at their place of work.
 Training and development program has motivated the office employees to put their best effort
and has made the offices afar better place to work in.
 Training and Development program helps employees to learn their jobs and attain desired
levels of performance.

Suggestion and Recommendations:

 Training should be imparted on current issues , because although the employees are quite
satisfied with the training program as a whole , they steel feel that training should be
imparted on issues that are relevant in the current business scenario.
 Employees need more development programs.
 Training session should be simpler and better way to make the employee understand easily.
 The employees will only put their 100% and will work their best of their ability only if they
have a sense of belongingness towards their organization. This can be possible only if the
seniors and the executive officers encourage and provide these workers with a platform in
which they feel free to put forward their views , ideas and suggestions.
 Meetings and informal gathering can be held where the employees can discuss about their

The Indian Oil Corporation Limited, the first company to be listed in fortune 500 from India, IOCL is
always known for its innovation and research. AOD – Digboi Refinery is an important part of it also
strives for innovation and new ideas for increasing its products quality and quality, with keeping in
mind the satisfaction of the employees, customer and society.

The study undertaken at IOCL (AOD), Digboi on “ A study on Need identification of training and
development given by T&D” of IOCL (AOD), Digboi gave me lot of knowledge. Throughout the
study, I analyzed whether the employees are satisfied with the training and development process of the

All the executives and non-executives were very integrative while conducting my project. I have given
my best effort for the project and with the helpful input of all the employee of the corporation a brief
conclusions can be drawn that IOCL(AOD), Digboi effort towards Training and Development process
have been quite successful.


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