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Enrolment No:

End-Term Examination – December 2017

Course: OPM8003 – Supply Chain Management

Programme: MBA/PGDSCM Semester: III

Time: 02 hrs. Max. Marks:45

Attempt any Three Questions from Section A (each carrying 6 marks); any Two Questions from Section B
(each carrying 7.5 marks). Section C is Compulsory (carrying 12 marks).

SECTION A (Attempt any Three Questions)

1. What are upstream and downstream movements in a supply chain? Briefly, describe each [6]
2. “Walmart has achieved good strategic fit between its competitive and supply chain strategies.” [6]
Give your arguments to support the statement.

3. What do you mean by responsive supply chain? Explain its importance in context to delivery [6]
of products and services to customers.

4. Would you expect a brick-and-mortar retailer or an online retailer to have a higher asset [2+4]
turnover? Briefly explain two supply chain drivers that impact asset turnover.

SECTION B (Attempt any Two Questions)

5. The number of orders for PaoBhaji on Saturday evening between 7:30pm to 8:30pm at [5+2.5]
Haldiram Restaurant for last 10 weeks is shown below. Use exponential smoothing method to
forecast the orders for 11th week. Use exponential smoothing constant of 0.2. Calculate MSE
to find out the accuracy of the forecast.
58 46 55 39 42 63 54 55 61 52
6. “It is impossible to achieve external integration in a supply chain as each firm is interested in [5+2.5]
maximizing its own interests.” Considering the statement, explain what is supply chain
integration and why is it considered as impossible to achieve it. Give one example of
successful supply chain integration.

7. What is RFID? How use of RFID technology can bring unmatched competencies in [2.5+5]
supply chain management.

SECTION C is Compulsory

8 Revenue management is one of the most important aspects of airline/hotel industry. Revenue [4+4+4]
management depends of many parameters, such as demand uncertainty and price elasticity of
business travelers and capacity of planes/hotels. Consider the following situations and
explain how these situations are going to affect revenue management:
i) Reduction in demand uncertainty of business travelers
ii) Increase in price elasticity of business travelers
iii) Increase in capacity of planes/hotels

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