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LиRNlNG t Lеаrпiпg,

ЫЪl Angela Неаlап
Katrina Gormley
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l Yочr Wоr[d Тhе Power of Colour; реор e_related Words. present 5imple, ргеýепt continuoUS,
multiple_choice questions collocations & expressions, stative чеrьs, articles
р 5-1б preposition5

2 Mysteries of the Wor[d Тhе Mystery of tbe lйауа; mystery-feiated Words, рhrаsаl past sjmple, past continuous, used to,
m;sýiпg 5епtепсе5 чеrЬs, Word formation v1lould, Ье Used to & get Lrsed to
р t7-28
REV|EW 1, Vocabulary & Grаmmаr р 29-30
3 Fit as а Fiddte Тhе Secrets of Long Life; hеаlth_ & fitnes5_related present реrfесt Simple & present
multjple гпаtсhiпg WordS, pгepo5itions. perfect continuouS, fo r, since,lately,
со locations & ехрrеssiопs a/ready, yet & sti/l, countab]e &
р 31-42 uпсоUпtаЫе поUпS, quantifiers

4 Technotogicat Marve[s То the Edge of Space; technology related words, future simple, sha//, Ье going to,
multiple-choice questions wогd formation, phrasal чегЬs futurб continuous & {чtчге perfect
р 4з-54 sirnple, temporals

REV|EW 2: Vocabulary & Orаmmаr р 55-56

5 High-Ftyers Тhе Vision; missing success & ambition moda s, semi_modals, modalS perfect
related Words, prepoSitionS.
р 57-68 col ocations & expгessions

6 Living History King Tlrt's Family Secrets; history-related words, phrasal past perfect simple & past perfect
mUltiple-choice qUest;ons чеrьs, wоrd formation continuous, question taqs, pronouns
р 69-80

REV|EW 3, Vocabulary & Grаmmаr р 8I-82

7 Wild World Frеаkу Fоrсеs of Nаtuге; natural disaster rе ated words. gerUnd5 & in{initives, make & /et.
гпultiрlе matching coJlocations & expгessions, соmрагiSоп of adjectives & adverbs,
р 8з-94 prepositions too, enough, so & such

8 Media Matters adverti5ements; media-related words, phrasal passive voice: tenses. gerundý,
mu]tip]e-choice questionS чеrЬs, Wоrd {ormation infinitives & modal verbs, impersonai
р 95-106 & personalýtructures

REV|EW 4, VосаЬчtаry & Grammar р 107-108

9 Making а Living А Life iп Pictures; an Wогk_rеlаtеd WordS, reported speech: stateгaents,
interview with Michael со| ocations & expressions, question5, commands & requests,
Yama5hita; prepoSitions rероrtlпg VеrЬ5
р 109-120 missing sentences

I0 See the Wortd Land of Firе and lce; holiday- & travel-related conditionals: zеrо, first, second
muitiple-choice qUe5tionS words, word formation & & third, miХed conditiona15,
р 121-,lз2 рЬгаsаl verbs conditiona 5 Without i{ Wisb & if оп/у

REV|EW 5, Vocabulary & Grаmmаr р tзз_l34

'l1 Сrimе Time Littledean Jai ; crime_reIated words, relative clauses: defining & non
multiple-choice questions со locations & expressions, defining, participle с auses
р 1з5-,l46 prepoSitions
l2 Yоч Are What You Wеаr Тhе Decade That Fаshiоп {ashion & shopping-related causative, iпчеrsiоп: under по
Forgot; multiple matching wоrds, рhrаsаl verbs, word circurnstances, пёvеr & лоt оп/у,..
р 147-158 formation bUt a/so, it! (aboutlhiglr) time

REvlEW 6, Vocabulary & Grammar р 159-160


Grammar Rеfеrепсе, р 161-I75

lrregular Verbs:

р 176-177
Writing Reference, р 178-185
Speaking Reference, р 186
Collocations & Expressions: р 187
l Prepositions: р 188
Phrasal Verbs, р 189
Speaking lnformation: р l90

.эесhоiсеqUеstiопs talking about perSonal]ties, prob em iп{оrгпаl еttеr, Dreamt]me PainterS
::-,eS) SolVing, recommending USing colourful ]diomS & рhгаSа

-ipe_choicequeStionS talking about mysteries, decision making, story Mar{a Lights

persuadinq & convincinq uSing adjectiVes апd adverbs

:: :ak п9 ta king about stress, comparing article, Тhе Sc]ence о{ Stress

photographs, sequencing ideas g]Vlng adv]ce

- iip]e choice questions talking about tесhпо]оgу, согпраriпg email,
рhоtоgгарhs, раrарhга5iп9 с auses о{ reason & contrast

: р]е гпаtсhiпg talk]ng aboUt ambjtion and success, e5Say, Сгоssiпg Antarctica
deciS]on making, expreSsing certa]nty & presentin9 аrguпrепts

-, t ple-choice questionS ta]king about hiStory decision making, iпfоrmаl letter, Giza Pyramids
ехргеssiпg ап opinion trsing quаliiегs

- _.:ё taking ta king about thе паtuга Wor]d, Stогу, Тогпаdо Сhаs-^
соmрагiпg photographs, asking for Sequencing events
с ar]f]cation

-l t ple_choice questions talkin9 about thе media, deciSion History о{ Eilm

.:ctures) making, shoWing that you аrе ]iSteninq editing уоur Work

^-J t]p е matching ta]king about Work, conrparing Wildf]ге Рhоtоqгарhег

рhоtоgrарЬ5, сопSidегiпg aLternativeS presentingfactua information

irru]t]ple_choice questions ta]kin9 aborlt hol]days, decision making, агtiс е, Тhе Exciting Streets of
stating Preferences & 9iVing rеаsопs adjeccives ваrсеlопа

rlultip е choice questions ta]king about сrimе, рrоЬ enr 5о Ving, e5Say, Cambodia Animal Rescue
su99eSt]ng a]ternativeS Ыа]пstогmiпg

mUltiple choice questions talking about fаshiоп, comparing revieщ тhе дrt о{ Makinq Si|k
рhоtо9rарh5, giving yoUrself tiгпе to Supporting уоur агqumепts
thin k
Reading: article,multiple-choicequestions
Vocabulary: people-related Words, colIocations & expressions, prepositions
Grаmmаr: present simple, рrеsепt continuous, articles
Listening: muItiple-choicequestions(pictures)
Speaking: talking about personalities, рrоЬIеm solving, recommending
Writing: informal letter, using colourful idioms & рhrаsаl чеrЬs
А What do you associate the colours red, yellow апd Ыче with?

А computer-
image (ri9ht)
shows what
а соlоur-ыiпd
реrsоп sees.

dye: о mап-mаdе suЬstапсе

that сhапgе' the соIоur of sоmеthiпg
dоmiлапсе: Ьеiпgmоrе important оr
роwеrful thап other people or things
stimulont: sоmеthiпg that makes the
miпd оr body mоrе active
stobility whеп somethingis not likely to

Kead the article below. What new things did you learn about the mоurпiпg: that уоц show апd
colours listed? 'аdпеss
feelwheп somebody dies

The ?оwеr о4 Еаrlу humans saw а variety of паtuгаl

colours around them, {rоm the Ьrоwпs
and greens of the soil and р ants to the
deep Ь ues and геd of thе sky. They
parnted 1heir bodies w-h colo.lts'ro.г
nature ta signal aggression toward an
еlеп,у, оr lо ,nal е ll^er selves aTtrdcт ve
to а mate.

А girl апd а rainbow of over the centuries. the sоurсеs о{

crushed ice flavours at соlоurs such as blue, purp е and rеd
Chowpatty Beach, lndia were high у valued and they wеrе often
worth as much as go d. lп the 19th
century, а young chemistry Student
manu{actured the {irst synthetic dye,
and sudden у the world became а muсh
mоrе colourful рlасе, ]п the 20th century,
scientists discovered the psychologica
effects of colours, and реорlе found
ways to use this discovery to influence
i Е our fee inqs and behaviour,

: kd
Red, thе co]our of Lэlood, symbolises
l fire, love and апgеr lп Еаstеrп cultures,
f people Ье ieve it Ыings luсk, wealth
and success, ln humans, the со оur rеd
сап send diflerent messages, Some
реорlе redden, fоr example, when they
аrе апgrу оr еmЬаrrаssеd, Researchers
have discovered that in sрогts the team
thal is wea" -9 ,ed is rore lil,e у to win,
Why? Because red seems to Ье the
соlоUr f,dI .iola'5 ооri d -е, 9 vin9
those dressed in red ап advantage
с Choose the answer (а, Ь, с оr d) whiсh fits best
according to the text. Llоsо-Uр
1 The first man-made colours were produced Whеп answering multiple-choice t
а in the 1 9th century, i5
questionS, a5k yoU rSelf if each option 1
ь in the 20th century, in
true оr false based оп What is Written i
с only recently. the text.This Will hеlр you to eliminate i
d centurie5 а9о. options that are сlеаrlуwrong, :
According to thе text, thе соlочr red
а symbolises bad luck. 'Get the meaning!
Ь is believed to embarrass реорlе,
с makes people less aggressive. D Complete thе sentences with these adjectives
d gives ап advantaqe to team members who wear it, from the text.
Yellow is used to highlight information in а text because ag9гessive attractive depressed
а it iS ап imрогtапt соlоur. еmЬагrаssеd trustworthy
Ь it is а highly чisiЫе со]очr. 1 Реорlе rеlу on you if you are
с it сап Ье used to caution people.
d реорlе рrеfеr this соlочr to other colour5. 2 you are
lf you are sad and
feel that you cannot en,ioy anything.
Whаt аrе English sреаkегs referring to when they talk
ab,out Ъеliпg b/ue' (раrа 5, liпе 12)?
3 You feel ashamed оr shу if you are
а being sad
Ь being in сопtrоl 4 When реорlе аrе they
с Ьеiпg upset when someone dies behave angrily or violently toward others.
d being саlm Somebody who is i5 pleasant
to look at.
The рhrаsе this idea (para 6, line 5) refers to
а stopping hunger.
Ь food.
с relaxation.
d painting roomS. Do уоч agree with the author that coIour has а роwегfчl
What i5 thi5 text mainly about? effect оп реорlе?
а how соlоur has а calming effect What would you associate the colours grееп, white and

ь the sources of соlочr Ыасk with?
с how views of colour have changed WhаtЪ your favourite соlочr? Do а class survey to find
d how соlочr influences people the most popular colour!

- Sрогtiп9 events. lп mапу animal

::эсiеs (including humanS), contact
Blue, the соlоur of the sky апd sea, is
,, :п this bold соlочr causes the hеагi
-::е to increase, However. опе of associated iп many cultures with wаtеr,
-:C's ighter shades, pink, сап have religious objeсts, and Protection against
--:,oooos'te effect оп evil. lts dаrkеr shades rерrеsепt calm,
реорlе, Men in stabi lty and power. Dark blue, {or
. - sons are less aggressive whеп the
example, is the соlочr ofthe business
сh ,,, э s аrе а specific shade of pink,
suit оr police uniform; it tells others,
'l аm in сопtrоl,'оr'l am trustwоrthу,'
э,rr|,| вlче is also associated with sadness. ltъ
,: ow, the со]оur that comes to mind соmmоп in English, for ехаmрlе, when i
.,,.lеп we think of suпshiпе, is found you are leeling sad or depressed, to Talk ]
.^roughout nature and the mап-mаdе about'feeling blue" while in lгап, tllue
.,, сг{d as а соlочr that соmmапds is the colour of mоurп пg, wоrп whеп а
.пепtiоп; indeed, it is опе of the easiest реrsоп dies.
.оlоurs to see. This highly чisiЫе shade
s fочпd оп everything frоm school Like pink, Ыuе has а calminq effect
. JSeS to traffic 5igп5 and PenS that We оп people, Rooms painted Ыче help
JSe to highlight imPortant information people to rеlах оr sleep. Sleeping pills
п а text. The соlочr is also used to аrе often coloured Ыuе to suggest
caUtion реорlе; football рlауегs, fоr exactly this idea. This colour also
эхаmрlе, are shown а yellow card as seems lo reduce feelings о{ hunger,
а reminder to Ьеhаче. lt сап Ье used Blue food is rаrеlу seen in nature,
эs а stimulant as well: in а пumьеr of and when it is. such food is usually
studies, yellow has Ьееп found to hеlр по lопgеr healthy to сопsumе. ltЪ
сhildrеп focus on their work and dcl just опе mоrе example of the power
better at school. that colour can hold over us.
! ооаVиlаrц
А Complete thе word groups.
athletic betief dергеssiоп gепеrочs gift peacefuI pretty skinny
1 апgеr, sadness,
2 attractive, handsome,
thoughtful, considerate,
4 thought, {eeling,
5 5kill, talent,
6 саlm, stab]e,
7 fit, healthy,
8 plump, thin,

В comPlete the sentences With these words.

c[assmate colleague enemy flatmate fоrеigпеr idol реегS strапgеr
1 lVly апd l have Ьееп living together fоr six months. We get аlопg rеаIlу weil.
2 Uпfоrtuпаtеlу, tеепаgеrs often give in to pressure from theiг
з А(п) in the office can sometimes also Ье а good friend.
4 l hate it When а thoughtless misbehaves in class - |'m hеrе to lеагп!
5 Jane doesn't like you after you lied to hеr Ithink she's become your worst
6 the guitarist Тоm lMorel о. He's super-talented and very сооl!
7 We can t invite that mап to the Party. Не'5 а соrпрlеtе
8 lVr Boyd is а(п) who has Ьееп living in оur сочпtrу fоr уеаrs.

с choose the correct answers.

1 Whепечеr l'm {eeling Ыuе, mу friends always me that things will get better.
а remind Ь
rесаll с rеmеmьег
2 _ is nice, but mопеу can't buy health оr happiness.
а Luck Ь Stability с Wealth
3 Тhе comedian was and went Ыight red whеп nobody laughed at his jokes.
а embarrassed Ь епtеrtаiпеd с amused
4 l often ask my раrепts to me how to do things. Тhеу have lots to teach me,
а signal Ь show с highli9ht
5 Fоr me, lеаrпiпg something new is a(n) in itself.
а punishment Ь reward с aggresslon
6 Тhе _ l wеаr say а ]ot about my peгsonality.
а uпifоrms Ь objects с clothes
7 Playing оп а baseball has taught mе how to work with others to achieve а goal.
а group Ь team с class
8 Coffee is the most popular for реорlе working ог studying. lt helps them stay awake.
а dоmiпапсе Ь stimulant с stability
D Read the quotes below and explain what thеу mean. Do you agree with thёm?
. 'Тhе опlу way to make а mап trustworthy is to trust him.' (Непrу L. Stimson)
. 'With mопеу in уоur pocket уоu аrе wise, you аrе handsome and you sing well tоо.'(РrочеrЬ)
. 'Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.' (Оsсаг Wilde)
. 'The реrsоп who knows how to laugh at himse { will печеr cease to Ье amused.' (Shirley Maclaine)
с Complete the sentences using thе Present
Simple or thе Present Continuous of the verbs
in Ыackets.
Present Simple & Preýent Continuous 1 This quiz оп peгsonality уоч'rе doing
А Discuss which present tense we use whеп we talk (sound)
about the following situations: intereSting.

а 9епеrаl truths and scientific faсts

2 Не (take) а
Ь аппоуiпg habits (with always, continually, forever; etc) short пар in the afternoons to rеdчсе Stre55.
с actions happening now and temporary situations 3 Не_ (often / поt
{', d habits, гереаtеd act'ons and реrmапепt Situations catch) the ']2 o'clock bus to the city.
е future plans 4 Тhе students
{} f futuге actions based оп timеtаыеd and scheduled (seem) tired at the mоmепt,
events 5 Му dad
9 narratives (eg а story, а joke, а plot and Sports (always / forget) my mumЪ birthday! lt really
аппоуs her,
h сhапgiпg and developing 5ituations in the present
i what is hаррепiпg iп а рiсtuге (colours /
iпfluепсе) our emotion5?

Match these sentences with опе use of thе present 7 The пumЬеr of реорlе studying psychology
Simple or the Preýent Continuous in А.
these days.
'l The еагth goes round thе sun in about 365 days. ! 8 This year l
2 А,rе you visiting уочr parents at Christmas? ! (focus) on my university studies.
З А man goes to visit his friend апd finds him playing 9We (not have)
chess with his cat. ! а mееtiгg with the schoo| direclor next week,
4 Тhе сustоmеr is shouting because she's апgrу. fI ]0 l think James
5 friend lives in the UK. f_]
lVly (behave) quite calmly, even though he is under
6 Тhе meeting starts at З pm tоmоrrоW. П рrеSSurе at the moment.
7 Тhе town lwas Ьоrп in is attracting more and mоrе
tourists these days. f 1
D circle the correct words.
8 Тhе Ьоу and girl in the photo are playing in their
garden, f ]
According to mапу psychologisЪ, уочr {avourite
9 That man is forever trying to control everybody! ! colour (1) is showing / shows something about уоur
personality. Look at What these colours say about
Ве саrеfчl! sоmеопеЪ character. (2) Do you а9rее / Are you
stative verbs аrе not used in continuous tenses. тhе most a9reeing with the conclusioл5 they came to?
соmmоп stative Verbs refer to emotionS, senses, states of
Tind and possession. However, some verbs сап Ье both Black: People who (3) like / аrе liking Ыасk want
stative and action verbs, but with а different meaning. How everything to Ье регfесt all the time. (4) Have you /
does thе meaning of think сhапgе iп the sentences below? Аrе you having difficulties with 50mething? Then these
а scientists think that соlоur5 affect оur emotions. are the реорlе to hеlр you. They are also good at
Ь The scientists аrе thinking of рчЫishiпg ап агtiсlе about finding mistakes and they love puzzles!
their experiment.
Blue: Реорlе who like Ыче are emotional. These people
Read ?. r-1.3 of the Grammar Rеfеrелсе ап pages 61 -1 62
(5)do not usually / do usually not trust оthеr people
before you do the tasks.
very much. Тhеу аrе calm and (6) аrеп't expressing /
don't express their feeIings.
Yellow: Аrе you needing / Do you need а good
{riend to share your secrets? Then а реrsоп who likes
yellow is best. Тhеу аrе also imaginative and like
helpinq people.

Green: Реорlе who like grееп аrе easy-9oing,

understanding and friendly. Тhеу (8) often Ыiпg /
Ыiпg often реасе during arguments. Тhеу also like
shopping and owning expensive things.
Red: (9) Do you want / Are you wanting to have fun?
These are thе реорlе to go out With. Тhеу (10) аrе /
аrе being very sосiаЫе and energetic реорlе. Тhеу аrе
also good leaders and like taking risks.
А б Lirr"n to this dialogue and answer the three questions
below. The answers аrе shown as pictures. Write а, Ь or с.
1 What was the oriqinal рriсе of the kitchen? L]
2 What рriсе did the wоmап Suggest for the kitchen? ]
3 What рriсе did they {iпаllу аgrее on? L

Read the conversation below and then come up with three

possible questions that could follow this dialogue.
When you аrе listening
Мап: So did you mапа9е to find а nice jacket at the shops? to а dial09ue, don'tjUst
Woman: Well. lfound lots о{ nice jackets, but it took me а lопg time focus оп the la5t thin9 уоч
hеаr. The qUestion miqht
to decide which соlочr to get, First, l wanted а Ыuе one
refer to the beginning or
because Ыuе is mу favouгite colour. Тhеп, l thought l'd
ечеп to the middle ofthe
get something brighter, so I chose а рiпk опе, but finally l (onversation. Take notes,
decided оп this Ыоwп опе, which will go with most things if песеssаrу, to help you
in my wаrdrоЬе. remember what you hear.

с (
.You will hear eight Shоft conversations. After еасh conversation, you will Ье asked а question about
What you heard. The answer choices аrе shown а5 pictures (а, Ь and с). Circle the letter of the соrrесt
answer. You will hеаr еасh conversation only опсе.


в !/z lA

>ре аИqа)
Work with а Partner and answer these questions.
. what kind of а реrsопаlitу have you got?
. what do you like lэеst about your регsопаlitу?
. Do you prefer to Ье in big or small groups?

э Look at the following words which describe реорlеЪ personalities and match them to the descriptions.
4 ambitious t ]
2 artistic t] 5 sporty t]
З adventurous I
6 amusing ]
lfyou want to get fit, l rесоmmепd playing а lot of sport. l рlау tennis and baskett,all every day, and l love it. l'd
advise уоu to do something you think is fun though.
She paints beautiful pictures and takes amazing photo9raphs. Perhaps she should сопsidеr organisin9 hег оwп
exhit,ition at the local commUnity centre.
L'm not чеrу fit really, but l do enjoy а сhаllепgе. l try to avoid sрогt. Му friend suggested that l hike through
Pembrokeshire in Wales. I'm 9oing next year and l'm rеаllу excited,
tе really Wants to succeed in life! Тhе {iгst option for him is to go to university and study marketing апd economics,
The second option is to get а job with а good соmрапу and work his way up,
Му rесоmmепdаtiоп is that you volunteer at an апimаl shеltег. Тhеу always пееd heLp and they've печеr got
эпоugh money to рау for staff. You'd enjoy it and you'd Ье helping animals in need.
1think you shouLd meet my friend Marian, She's thе {unniest регsоп l know. She does some stand-up comedy and
hеr stories аrе rеа]lу entertaining. We should 9о апd watch hег one evening soon,

] Work in pairs. Student А should look at the pictures and

.Jsethе information below.Student В should look at thе
cictures below and use the information on ра9е 190.
Remember to use thё Useful Expressions. Llоэо-Uр
Whеп recommendin9 something to
уоur partner, make sUre you do it iп
а polite Way.What you haveto 5ау i5
jU5t уоur opinion. Yоur partner may Е
agree or he/she may not.That iS the
ц natural course of any сопчегSаtiоп.

4 5tudent А: Ask these questions to find out

what уоuг partner's ргоЬlеrп is and thеп give
уоuг раrtпеr some good advice,
. What is the prob!em?
; . What are the options?
. what аrе the disadvantages of each option?
fl х

Usе|цl {xpross\oyls
l think the first/Second option i5
best because,..
ltЪ better to .,. than...
la advise you to ,..
Му recommendation/sugge5tion
-.l ,*._]E'ifiI}n

t Эiscuss this question With а partner.

. s it ever а good idea to lie to а friend оr should you always tell the truth? whу?,лNhу not?
Y ооаVиlаrц
Collocations & Expressions
А circle the correct words.
] You can rеаllу save / make time if you take the bus. The tram is so slow!
2 lthink we should аll try to do / make а difference Ьу helping others.
3 Make sure you keep / lose in touch Ьу sending postcards and emails while уоu'rе travelling.
4 А good way to Ь,rеаk / smash the ice is to tell а joke.
5 Try to save / use your strength. You've got а long day ahead of you tоmоrrоw.
6 l didn't want to make / get trоuЫе for Phil, but l had to tell the teacher he was cheating.
7 You have to trу hard to Ьгеаk / mаl<е а bad habit - it isn't easy.
8 You must always kеер / save а promiýe that you've made to someone and do what you've said you'll do.

в choose the correct answers.

1 lf you see red, you аге
а very апgrу Ь very calm
2 Whеп you аrе {eeling blue, you are
а сhееrful Ь sad оr depressed
З lf you аге grееп with envy, you аrе
а jealous Ь suspicious
4 When а person is tickled pink about something, they аrе _.
а very pleased Ь чегу tired
5 Тhе Ыасk sheep of the family is the реrsоп who is
а unlike the others Ь the 5аmе as the others
6 l{you saysomeone isas good as gold, you meantheyare
а naughty ь well-behaved
С Complete the sentences with these prepositions. Some
prepositions сап Ье used more thап once.
at in of оп to with
1 You rеаJlу shouldn't shочt _ уочr mоthеr.
2 Му boss said he has great confidence _ me.
3 l hope my new diet and daily exercise will have а positive
effect mе.
4 l don't want to Ье associated _ Jоhп апу more.
He'S а nasty реr5оп.
5 Gary is getting епgаgеd ._ Lucy even though
they have very little _ __. соmmоп.
6 James is old-fashioned. Не doesn't approve _
wоmеп рауiпg their share of the bill,

D Discuss these questions with а partner.

What makes you see red? What makes you feel Ыче?
Whеп did you last feel green with envy? Why?
WhаtЪ а good way to Ыеаk the ice whеп you meet
sоmеопе пеw?
How important i5 it to make а difference in the world? Why?
How do you keep in tоuсh with уоur friends?

А Read the sentences and чпdеrliпе the articles. Then
answer the questions.
а Red is а colour.
ь Red is the соlочr of Ыооd.
'l Which sentence talks about something in gепеrаl? !
2 Which sentence talks about something specific? П
Read the sentences and look at which articles (if апу)
are used with thё почпs in bold. Тhеп, answer the
а What are your favourite соlочrs?
Ь The education l got at school didn't really prepare mе
for rеаl life.
с А child should grow up in а loving family.
d The teachers at this school are very suрроrtiче.
е Depression сап lead to very serious health рrоЫеms.
f А famous psychologist hаs come up with а new
personality test. Тhе psychologist thinks it will help us
uпdеrstапd ourselves better.
Which ехаmрlе shows us
1 а поuп that has Ьееп used for the first time and then mentioned а9аiп with а different article? п
2 а specific plural noun? п
3 а specific uпсочпtаЫе почп? п
4 а plural почп without ап аrtiсlе and used with а 9епеrаl meaning? п
5 а singular сочпtаЫе почп with а 9епеrаl mеапiпg? п
6 ап чпсочпtаЫе поuп used with а 9епеrаl mеапiпg? п
Grсlе thе correct words to complete the rules.
-re definite / inde{inite article is used before singular соuпtаЫе почпs to refer to them in а general sense оr to mention
:-em for the first time.
-re definite / indefinite article is used Ьеfоrе singular апd plural соuпtаые and чпсоuпtаые почп5 to refer to them in а
:cecific sense. lt is also used when something has already Ьееп mentioned.
Read '1.4-r.5 oftfie Grаmmаr Rеfеrепсе оп ра9е 'l62 before уоч do the tasks.

с circle thе correct words. D These sentences еасh contain а mistakё.

Find the mistakes and then write the correct
1 А / The / Ап university education is а 9reat start iп life.
sentences in уочr notebook.
2 А / , / rhе British pre{er grееп apples to red опеs.
З l knew that mап would епd up in the / а / - prison
1 This is а very good advice,
one day. 2 Today is very hot day.
4 lйу friend works aS the / а / - Scientist. 3 l'm tired, so lthink lwill go to the bed.
5 Relaxing for ап / а / the hour in а green room сап help 4 Some реорlе don't have the Ыeakfast in the
you rеlах. mornings.
6 Wearing the / а / - red clothes makes you stand out in 5 The maths is my favourite sub.iect at school.
а crowd. 6 Gobi Desert is iп Asia.
7 She has а / the / - special place in hеr house where 7 [V]ount olympuS iS highest mountain iп Grеесе.
she relaxes. 8 to go to an university iп London next уеаr.
l Want
8 Nowadays, пеаrlу аll the / а / реорlе have got а 9 The Chinese is а very difficult lапguа9е.
computer at hоmе.
10 Nile is the longest river in Аfriса.
9 Paint your kitchen yellow to iпсгеаsе ап / а / the
appetite о{ your family.
10 We Went to that пеW restaurant and the / а / - diппеr
we had was great.

\ 1з
=ъ q
Using colourful idioms & phrasal verbs
Whеп you write ап informal letter to someone, чsе а
few соlоur{чl idioms апd phrasal verbs to make уочr
writing sound mоrе паturаl, mоrе informal and mоrе
interesting. When you learn new idioms and рhrаsаl
verbs, make surе you make а note of the structure
that follows them, so that you use them рrореrlу.
Fоr example, check to see i{ they аrе followed Ьу а
поuп, an in{initive, а gerund ог а preposition.

А Маtсh the idioms and phrasal verbs with their meanings.

1 get оп well with t] а look forward to something hаррепiпg
2 have loads iп соmmоп with ь hаче the same tastes and interests а5
З get on somebody's nerves I с rеаllу like, Ье а fan о{
4 Ье into J d have а 9ood гelationship with
5 Ье dying tolfor t] Ье someone's favourite реrsоп оr thing
6 Ье а паtчrаl at t] I annoy 5omeone
7 hапg out with f 9 Ье extremely good at
8 Ь,е sоmеопеЪ пumЕ,еr опе п h spend leisure time with

В Пеаd the writing task and answer the questions below.

Your Епglish tеасhеr at schoo/ has аrrапgеd релра/s for а// the students iп
уоur c/ass, 5о that you can рrа ctise writing iп
Епgllsh. write а /etter to your пеw репраl introducing yourself апd уоur family апd talking about the ihings you /ikei
1 What kind of task do you have to write?
2 How many things аrе you asked to iпсlчdе in уоuг letter?
3 What аrе they?
4 What details could you give about yourself and уоur {amily?
5 What things would а репраl Ье interested iп knowingthatyou like?

С Complete the model letter with оп, iп, with, to оr into.

Hi Nuriа,
teacl]er gave mе уоцr profile,
How ale yo!r? I'm Lyndsay youl new penpal, Му English
older sisters! Тhеу аrе great in_general, but
octobel! ISnt that a-""i"gi arr" Р" rike уоч I've got two
When We 'borrow' each others' clothes!
Sometimes We get ( 2)

- each oiher's nerves - esPecially

Do you get on well (3) '-_ yours?

аЙауs veTy busy, What do yotrr parents do?
ThethingsthatIlikedoingmostaregymnasticsandlisteningtomusic.ldogymnasticsthleetimesaweek fol
at the district championship this уеа, AS
and I train теаllу h,.rd, rrr*'ii;;; i .l'il hoping to -in -edil

musiс, I'm really (4) Justin BeibeL Are you а fan?

Well, that's all for the moment, Write Soon, I'm dying
(5) firrd оцt mоrе about you!

Take care,
-- -

_ э ck again !

] Read the model letter again and tick the things the Writer
has done.
1 explained who shе is t]
2 written about similarities between hеr and Nuria п
given infoгmation about hеr immediate family J
mentioned опlу опе thing she likes l_
5 writtеп iп а сhееrful tопе f
5 included addгesses

iVrite the correct paragraph number frоm the model letter

,]ext to theSe descriptions.

э Discuss the things you like. П

Ь Talk about the things you have in common with thе rеаdеr.
с Ask about the reader and introduce yourself Ыiеflу. l ]
J Та k about оthеr members of your family. ]
е Вгiпg the letter to ап end апd sign off. t ]

Look at the Useful Expressions and complete these questions.

Sometimes more thап опе answer is possible.
rock or рор music?
2 the оthеr kids in your class?
з in соmрutеr gагпеs?
4 band of all time?
5 lVhat does уоuг mum do
6 at drawing?
|1пg !п
are you taking this уеаr?
What is уоuг Ыоthеr 1

Э, еr to youI
--: Read the writing Lloso-|)p
task and make а раrаgrарh рlап for уоur letter.
Remember to include some colourful idioms and some phrasal When you Wrjte а lelter to а penpal,
you should show ап inteгest in him or
verbs to make your letter more {riendly and interesting. i.
her Ьу ачkiпg а few questions. 'hpse
'/эчr English teacher at
schoo/ has аrrапgеd penpa/s fоr а// the students qUestions sound mоге natural ifyou i
- your c/ass so that уоu сап putthem atthe end of а description
рrасtiiе writing iп English, write а letter
:э уоUr пеW penpal iпtrоduсiпg уоцrsеlf, your friends апd te!!ing of уоur own. Fоr example, if you write
уоur аЬоцt уоUr parents, you сап ask about
эепраl about уочr favourite schoo/ sutryects- (12О-l8О words)
уоuг penpal's parents immediately

USе|цl {xpress\oцs
Asking generally about the reader Asking about likes/dislikes
HoW аге уоч? Are you а fan of ...?
What have you Ьееп up to lately? Are you into .,.?
HOWarethingsin...? Areyou interested in .,.?
A5king about family and friends What qets оп yoUr пеrче5?
What are your brothers/sisters/mum and dad/best friends like? WhаtЗ уоUr number опе ..,?
How mапу people аге there in уоUr family? Asking about school
WhаtЪ it like bejn9 ап опlу child? WhоЪ yoUr favoUrite teacher?
Where does your best friend live? WhаtЪ уоUr best/favoUrite 5ubject?
Do you get on Well With ...? Which subjects аrе уоч taking thi5 уеаr?
Have you got а lot in соmmоп With ...? Аrе уоU qood/a natural at ..,?
How old islare...?
HoW long have you Ьееп best friends?
What does ... do fоr а living?
What iS ... job?

Before you watch
А Match thе words to the meanlngs.
1 outback П а pictu rе
2 Aboriginal П Ь Ьесоmiпg worse
З civilisation П с cold-blooded animal that lays eggs (snake, crocodile, turtle, etc)
4 image П d area of Australia, fаr away frоm the coast and towns, especially the dеsегts in central Australia
5 rерtilе L] е the way of life and culture of а society from а particular раrt of the wоrld
6 deterioration I l t relating to the first реорlе of Australia

While you watch

в watch the DvD and decide if thesё statements are true or false. write т for true and F for false.
1 А lot of Dreamtime paintings at Kakadu National Park аrе очеr З0,000 уеаrs old. tr
2 lап lV]orris thinks that Aboriginal paintin9s аrе similar to ancient rock paintinqs frоm other continents. f
З The Aborigines have lived iп the land we now call Australia for between 40,000 and 100,0О0 years. п
4 Ancient Aboriginal аrt describes everyday life, tells stories about anima{s and sometimes ечеп about wars. п
5 lf ап Aboriginal grочр painted kangaroos, they also painted tuгtles апd birds. п
6 Тhеrе haven't been апу Aboriginal rock artists since the 1960s. п
After you watch
С Complete the summary ofthe DVD below using these words.
Ьагk due human tandscape Loss mеmоriеs огigiпаt rapidty rесоrds specific

Ачstrаliа is а very Jarge country with а varied

(1) lt has rainforests, the outback dеsегt апd the
seaside. Australia has also got а чеrу lопg history that goes back to ап
ancient реорlе, Тhеу lived there mапу thousands of years а9о and sti{l live
there поw. lп fact, they are the oldest continuous (2') _
счlturе оп Earth. They аrе the Aborigines о{ Australia. Long Ьеfоге thеrе
Wеrе towns in Australia, Aboriginal aгtists painted the Dreamtime, the
Аtrоrigiпаl story of the beginning of the world. The ancient Aboriginal
artists thought that thеir paintings had special powers. lf they wanted to
catch а lot of fish, they painted а lot of fish. They also had special rulеs. Fоr
example, they painted certain types о{ pictures at (3)
times of the year. Today, many of the (4) rock paintinqs
are losing thеir соlоur. This is (5) to bad weather as
well as insects and reptiles walking over them. Naturalists Iike lan lVorris аrе
trying to {ight these agents of deterioration in оrdеr to prevent the
(6) of these wonderful paintings. They аrе the oldest art
(7) of humап civilisation in the world and thev must Ье
protected. Hopefully, these paintings will hеlр save the
(8) of the ancient world of the Aborigines in а mоdеrп
worJd that is (9) changing. lVodern АЬоrigiпаl artists are
also trying to help keep their traditions Ьу painting pictures on (10) , рареr and wood.
Contemporary Aboriginal агt is gettin9 mоrе and mоrе famous, and чеrу expensive.

D Discuss these questions With а partner.

. Aboriginal аrt is а tradition in Australia. What аrе some ofthe traditional types of агt in уоur country?
. Are traditional arts in dапgеr of disappearing? What аrе the рrоЫеmsthеу might{ace iп thе futчrе?
. which ancient civilisation would you like to find out more аьочt? Explain why.
article, mis5ing 5entences
mystery-reIated words, рhrаsа| verbs, wоrd formation
past simple, past continuous, used to, would, Ье used to &get used to
multiple-choice questions
taIking about mysteries, decision making, persuading & convincing
story, using adiectives and adverbs

Тhе places and things below are all associated
with mysteries. What do you know about them?
. the LoSt city о{ Atlantis . the Nazca Lines
. the Bermuda Triangle . Stonehenge
. the Easter lsland statues'fo|esi: а forest iп о tгорiсаl
аrео whеrе thеrе is а lot of rаjп
i,! rti с |)lt. eri.:.] r|s: people who
Quickly read the text about the Мауа and \,,

have Ьееп liчiпg iп Nогth апd

match the descriptions а-е with each of the
Sоuth дmегiса siпсе well
paragraphs 1-5. Ьеfоrе Еuгореоп5 аrгiчеd
а Look at theories about апоthег рlасе iп detaiJ, ] e,|1-iilt|ae: to surrоuпd ог

Ь Say why the mystery of thе Мауа wi Ье researched enclose samething

in the future. |,\,:i,e a,,!i: dе9trоу sоmеthiпg
с Look at а thеоrу about what hаррепеd in опе р асе
t,, с:,- -:r::. !,l'::зс! : hочiпg too
in detail. fl mqпу people fог the amount of
d lпtrоduсе the lVaya, thеir hаlэitаt and thеir
food апd 5росе available
disappearance. :.:с'е:lll:: а lаrgе пumЬег of
е Talk about different theories that аrсhаео ogists people suffеriпgfrоm the 5оmе
have about what happened to the Мауа, ] diseqse qt the same time

Yfuж М sý& Уý Ф# hFЪЖ ýdmУЖ ву cuy cugl;ottd

А lost Wor d lies hidden deep Within the а]IlГсгеst! of central

America. HUndredS of citieS and town5 Stand аmопg the trееS.
These Used to Ье home to millions of |.,]ai r,le Attle icaitl kпоwп
as the Мауа, who lived in the Central Аmеriсап jungle for
аррrохirпаtеlу З,000 уеаrs, Тhеу built ап iпсrеdiЫе civiLisation
which was at its peak for about 750 years, Fоr mапу of the

- :.]";::,liti;;il iЦ::фЦ:-Н::::+:++!iц,:::,:|,":::?;'#:"
proud temp es апd palaces, which аrе now in ruins.

So What happened to these people? Тhеir disappearance

is considered опе of the biggest mySterieS in archaeology.
Did they аЬапdоп their beautiful cities, ог did 5оmе disasteг
,,,! ]е them oLt?
Fоr decades, archaeologists have Ьееп trying
to discover what happened, and there i5 5till по аgrееmепt.
Theories rапgе frоm the invasion of foreign fогсеs and
migration to disease and the collapse of ап с,,,еiрор-] ated
Society.2 otherS think that ап срiсепliс caused
thousands of deaths, New evidence has rесепtlу Ьееп
Ыought to light Ьу ап inveStigation into the lауег5 of mud
at the bottom of а ake iп the region, ThiS Suggests that
а lопg La5ting drочght was ап important factor in their
disappearance. However, there are so mапу possibilities that
mапу rе5еаrсhеrS поW believe that it Wa5 а cornbination of
two оr mоrе of these things that caused the downfa

То ехаmiпе some of the theorieS about What hаррелеd to

the lvlaya, l Went to Сепtгаl Ame[ica. l viSited Мауап cities
and talked to the archaeo]ogiStS Who Were studying them.
Опе чеrу hot day, l Stood оп а riчеrЬапk пеаr the ruiп5 of
Cancuen, which was опсе а thriving c;ty, Thousands of Мауа
Get the meaning l
,lоэо-Uр D Complete the sentences with these verbs in
уоu do а missing sentences taSk, уоu should the correct form.
:. ior ]lnking words and phrasesthatсоппесtthe
j; "g Sentences With the sentences that come before аЬапdоп boast Ьriпg ftee Sчffег Weaken
, - : :fter the
9ар. These might Ье determiners like 1
i-.: lal pronouns, the words this and th40 expre55ion5 А bad diet will seriously your b,ody,
: r add Somethin9 to What has jUSt Ьееп said; or 2 Тhе robbers to the mountains to
. , :-:S5ionS that 5hoW contra5t, agreement оr sequence. escape the police,
З Did the archaeologist пеw
- =ive sentences hаче Ьееп removed {rom the text. evidence to light?
choose from the sentences А-F thе one which fits 4 Тhе king's mеп а de{eat in batt|e.
эасh gap (1-5). There is опе extra sentence which you 5 Тhе villagers their homes and rап
эо not need to use. into the forest.
i Тhеrе just wasn't enough food fоr thе residents. 6 Тhе castle sixteen bedrooms and
з t was decorated with red tiles and had опсе held ten bathrooms.
drinking water fог thе city,
iоr example, some think а natura disaster like an
earthquake оr а volcanic eruption occurred.
Today the lVaya's cities are empty.
Can you think of апу mysteries in уоur сочпtrу? What
This drought and wаrfаrе рrоЬаЬlу shook the peopJe's are they?
faith in their king, Why are реорlе so fascinated Ьу mysteries?
During my visit, it сеrtаiп]у captured mine.

arа l . - :э live there and riсh people frоm other cities would go thеrе
ее5. ] -: idays. But that аll changed ],2ОО
уеа15 ago. Archaeologists
эWп . :,lat invaders саmе suddenly,
рrоЬаЬlу Ьу сапое. They mау
: : эаtt ed With soldiers Ьу the riчеr Ьеfоrе heading into the city
]tion :--:-:, followed the path they would have taken and came across
: - Jz,lg асе next to thp ruirs ofa lаrgе pool. З Ther,
.l -. ,-р а раtomb. The invacers killec the city's leade:s jnd threw
се : , эсdiеs into the Water. The invasion must have Ьееп quick and
. '],ing. The city'S People wеrе ргоЬаЬlу So Scared that they fled
: :re rainforest.

.:-it а different story in another place that l viSited, the great

еr , эiТikаl. About 55,ООО people |ived thеrе опсе, and the city
,пg :.ied roughly З,000 mаjоr buildings. Tikal remained а lively
:. :, 'оr decades after Сапсuеп fell, but ечепtчаllу it was al50
,::-Coned, Why? Archaeologists think the city suffered а drought
:: nade it hard to grоW соrп, Ьеап5, squash апd the other foods
- :,] Were important iп the diet of the Мауа. Wаrfаrе mау also
, ,: weakened the Sociely а5 the people of Tikal battled With
. ."lооuriпg cities. 4 The Мауа thought of their rulers as
. -;, Whеп the king couldn't bring rаiп or victory, though, people
- : , have Stopped listening to him, апd their соmmuпitу then fell

', -aIever the саusе ol the Maya's disappearance, their downfall

continue to capture people's imagination for mапу уеа15 to
- : -е. 5 While l was wапdеriлg аmопg the pyramids and
:.rp eS at Tikai, l imagined the реорlБ livingihere in the city's ast
::, j, l could picture them huпgrу, tired апd Scared, fleeing from
- eir homes.
Like the Мауа in mапу places in the rainforests of
::пtrаl Аmеriса, they left behind а great city and а great mystery.
А Match these words 1-8 with their definitions a-h.
1 оссurrепсе П а something We See that Seems to Ье rеаl but actually isn't
2 рhепоmепоп П Ь something that helps you to solve а mystery
З hoax П с something made of stone where а dead body is placed
4 clue tJ d something that happens
5 illusion П е а news story about something that has happened
6 report П f а fact оr event in nature оr society, usually one not fully understood
7 tomb П g а person who solves mysteries or crimes
8 detective a h а trick someone uses to fool others

В Complete the sentences using both words.

1 cemetery disарреаrапсе cave legend
Experts аrе still confused Ьу the Ап апсiепt Native Аmеriсап Says
of the body from а grаче in the that the is haunted Ьу spirits.
2 odd abandoned theorieS mЛhs
ТhаtЪ Тhеrе's а light 5hining Yоur about the Мауап civilisation
iп thе window of that old are good ones, but you have to support them With
house. 5omething more thап
triсk magician evidence archaeoto9ist
Don't let the fool you; Does the have апу rеаl
whеп hе cuts the lady in the Ьох in half, it's опlу а that the Egyptian pyramids
were built Ьу creatures frоm outer space?

С Complete the text With these words.

a[iens incidences investigated mysterious
practicat jokes rе5еагсhеrS solved witnesses

Опе of еаЁh's little mysteries

We all know that the еагth can Ье а(п) (1) рlасе
at times. Аll очеr the world, Strange things hарреп and often ечеп experts
cannot explain why or how they occur. Take сrор circles for example.
Although some people trelieve that these circles are created Ьу
(2, most (З) feel
that thеrе is something mоrе 'еаrthу' about the circles' creators,
lп most (4) they believe that it is humans
рlауiп9 (5) that are rеsропýiЫе fоr the
раttеrпS, поt 9rееп men travelling iп UFОs.
ln опе case that experts (6) it was discovered
that two mеп from Southampton, England had designed the 12-mеtrе
circle whiсh sudden|y appeared in а lосаl {armer's field опе day. When
questioned Ьу police, they denied being involved, but several
(7l came forward апd that particular crop
circle mystery was quickly (8)

D Do you agree with these statements? Compare уочr answers with а раЁпеrЪ.
. lv]ost Ьizаrrе рhепоmепа can Ье explained Ьу scientific evidence.
. Реорlе who рlау practicaljokes and waste the time of the еmеrgепсу services should Ье punished.
. There have breen incidences of aliens visiting our planet.
. Researchers shouldn't waste their time investigating reports of ghosts and spirits.
Past Simple
А Match each sentence with опе use о{ the
Past 5imрlе.
] We watched а documentary оп the Pyramids
and Wrote а report about it. I
2 James woke up at fоur o'clock every
mоrпiпg. !
З Agatha christie Wrоtе over 80 detective
stories iп hеr lifetime. ;_.,]

We can use the Past Simple for

а ап action or situation which started апd
finished in the past.
Ь actions which happened опе a{ter the other
in the past, С Complete the text with the correct form of the Past
с past routines and habits. Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs iп Ыackets.
past continuous
соrаl castle
в Match each sentence with one use of the The amazing Coral Castle in Flогidа was the creation of а very
;ation past continuous.
сlечеr mап named Еdwаrd Leedskalnin. Leedskalnin
1 While the policeman was collecting the (1) (immigrate) to Аmеriса in the
evidence, а rероrtеr arrived to ask some early twentieth century and (2)
questions. f_l J (spend) most of hjs life buildin9 Coral Castle. То build the
2 l was reading about thе crop circles while my castle, hе (З) (move) huge stone
Ыоthеr was watching а DVD. ! Ыосks all Ьу himself. How he did this is а mystery because hе
З The detective Was investigating the crime (4) (not allow) апуопе to watch
scene at ten o'clock this morning. f l while hе (5) (work).

we сап use the past continuous for one of Leedskalnin'S most Sресtасчlаr creations WaS а nine-
а ап action that Was in progress at а specific tоп revolving door. Тhе door was so well-balanced that it
time in the past. (6) (ореп) with the push о{ а finger.
two оr mоrе actions that Were in progress at Not,ody could understand how this wогkеd until the door
the same time in the past. (7) (Ыеаk) in '1986. While engineers
an action that Was iп progress in the past that (8) (repair) it, they found that
Was interrupted Ьу another action. Leedskalnin had put а рагt of а truck called а Ьеаriпg in the
сепtrе. The епgiпееrs (9) (replace)
Ве careful! the bearin9, but the door по lопgеr opens as easily as it did
Rеmеmьеr that we don't u5е stative verbs in
orig in а llу.
:ontinUous tenSes.
lп December '195], Leedskalnin (10)
Read 2,1-2.2 ol the Grаrпmаr Rеfеrелсе оп page
16З before you do thе tasks. (realise) that he (1 1) (suffer) from ап
illness and he put а notice оп the gate of Coral Castle which
said'Going to the hospital'. Unfortunately, he
(12, (die)there thrее days later, b,ut
n:: .п in his creation. which tourisъ сап still visit.
::-.о :* ]

D Complete thе sentences With the correct form of the Past Simple or the Past continuous of the verbs in brackets.
the archaeologi5t5 thе site when they
some gold colns? (excavate, find)
2 The children what the historian (поt Understand, Say)
з to south Аmеriса last month, Ьut l the opportunity to See the
Nazca Lines. (trачеl, поt have)
the famous writer mysteriously before he
his latest novel? (disappear, finish)
5lt whеп the bizarre accident (rain, hарреп)

t-i*tc п\лоtr
А Match the words to the meanings.
] mystery t ] а facts оr objects which make you think something is true
2 disappearance I l Ь something we don't fully know or understand
3 evidence t- с а decision about something after having taken into account а l{acts
4 thеогу L] d ап idea you have that tries to ехрlаiп something
5 сопсlusiоп е the act of leaving sесrеtlу оr without explanation

В [-lirt"n to these speakers and decide whether the sentences

below are trце or false. Write Т (true) or F (false).
1 Тhе woman knows fоr сеrtаiп what !happened.
2 We know what happened to the two Г mеп.
З Тhе scientistЪ thеоrу was соrrесt, -
4 Тhе ехреrts know what hаррепеd in this case. fl

The answers арреаr iп the 5ame order а5 the questions. !'

lf you can't answer а qUestion, leave jt 5о that

уоu don't i
mi55 the information fог the next qUestion5. Then go
back and try to ап5Wеr the question(s) уоч miSsed.
Never leave а question unanswered and if you need to,
jU5t 9Uess. .

С (' You will heara radio interview about а mystery

on Mount Everest. Fоr questions 'l -6 choose the best
answer (а, Ь or с).
1 Mallory апd lrчiпе made the climb up Everest in
а 1924,
ь 1929.
с 195з-

We know that Mallory and lrvine

а climbed at least 8,000 mеtrеs чр Ечегеst.
ь reached the summit of Everest.
с were on the way back down when they died.
Some peopIe think Маllоrу reached the summit because
а they found photos ofthe summit оп his body.
Ь his wife's photo was found at the summit.
с his wifеЪ photo was not оп his body.
The discovery of Ma1lory's goggles
а tells us that it must hаче Ьееп dагk when hе died.
ь tells us what the weather must have Ьееп like when hе died.
с doesn't te]l us епоugh to solve the mystery.
Matt Steve'ls thinks Ма lоrу and l.vine
а de{initely reached the summit. lп 1999 an ачаlапсhе in thе Himalayas
Ь рrоЬаЬiу rеасhеd the summit. killed climber Alex LoWe, Pictu.ed
с рrоЬаЬ,lу didn't rеасh the summit.
above in Antarctica, and badly hu*
conrad Дпkеr, the diзсочеrеr of
N.4att thinks that MaiJory рrоЬаЫу felJ because Маllоry's body.
а his body had а rope attached to it.
Ь his body was covered iп snow,
с his саmеrа was found with his body.

Spe аk\чо1
А Work with а раrtпеr and answer these questions.
. Whеп you think of mysteries, what comes to mind?
. Do you like mysteries? Why?/Why not?
. What is your favourite mystery почеl. film оr TV рrоgrаmmе? Why do you like it?

Read the sentences below and decide which you would use to agree (А),
[acts disagree (D) or partly agree (Р) with ап орiпiоп.
] You're absolutely right. П
2 l true. П
don't think that's entirely Llоsо-Uр
З How сап you say that? П Don't.just give one-Word answers; ехрlаiп
4 ТhаtЪ exactly what lthink. П and justify your answer а5 thi5 Will make your
conversation more natural, lf your partner
5 l agree with you up to а point, П
doesn't hаче mчсh to say, try to get feedback
6 l'm afraid l don't agree. П from him or her to see if he or she agrees or
7 lа9rее entirely. П disagrees With What you are saying.

З lmagine that you and your friends want to solve а mystery. Sоmеопе keeps spraying graffiti on the
outside of your school at night and you want to find out who it is without being seen. First, talk together
about the different items you can use to so|ve thе mystery. Тhеп, decide which two objects would Ье the
most useful. Remember to use the Useful Expressions,

( ,,_

Discuss these questions with а partner. Иэеfцl {хрrеss\оцs

. Why do you think people аrе interested in mysteries?
. What qualities does а good detective need? Persuading and convincing
. ls а good mystery опе where you сап't predict thе ending? But don't уоч think that ... is а rеаllу good idea?
Surely, using ... Won't makethat mчсh ofa difference.
Whу?Лr'r/hу not?
. How аrе mystery books different {rоm history books?
... is а good idea. isnt it?
|'m sure youa agree that ... Would hеlр solve the mystery.
. lf уоч wеrе to write а mystery novei, what would it Ье about?
phrasal verbs
А Match thе рhrаsаl verbs to their meanings.
1 make out L а make а certain sound
2 ]ook into П ь examine facts and iпfогmаtiоп
З stick to f с опlу talk аlэоut опе subl'ect
4 take in П d mапа9е to See 5omething
е triсk, deceive
6 believe in [ 1 f Ье surе that somethinq exists

В Complete the Sentences With the correct form of the phrasal verbs from А.
1 lt WaS So dark in the rооrп that l сочldп't where апрhiпg was.
carrie а loud scream when she thought she saw the yeti|
з Do you UFOs? l certainly do because l've seen onel
4 lwasn't Ьу his pretending to Ье а ghost.
ý ъIl mе exactly what happened and please try to the facts.
6 The detective thе case, but hе couldn't find any clues to help him.

word formation
с complete the text with the correct form of thе words.

lt's rаiпiпg {atý and frФýýЗ

When it iS роuriпg with rаiп, we often sar'it's raining cats and
dogs'which sounds totally (1) , but RlDlcULE
sometimes it's not too far frоm the truthI
(2) rain is а very bizarre рhелоmепоп, U5UAL
but it's Ьееп reported from all corners of the оlоье. scientists
hаче come up with some interesting (З) ExPLAlN
fог the Strange rain, but haven't Ьееп аЬ]е to
рrоче апу of them
5о far. Let'S have а look at а few of the Stran9e5t оссчrrепсеs.
ln 19В1, the citizens of Nafpiio in Gгеесе Woke чр to
а (4) sight. Hundreds of small gгееп
", i}
frogs were falling frоm the sky! Тhеrе was апоthеr strange
(5) that added to the mystery. DlScoVER (}
Тhе frogs were not ones usually found iп Greece. They were
native to North дfriса! (6) , а town slMlLAR
in sочthеrп Tasmania experienced Something rаthеr strапgе опе
night in 1996. After а thuпdегStоrm, the реорlе of the town found
everything outside covered in а (7) White sTlcK
substance. Scienti5ts quickly came to the (8) coNcLUDE
that it had been rаiпiпg fish eggs оr jelJyfish!
Reports of Strange rаiп don't always involve animals though. lп 1857,
iп Lake County, California, the (9) had RES|DE
а Sweet treat] Fоr two nights iп а rоw, it rаiпеd suqar crystals!
Тhе locals made the best of the (1О) 5lTUATE
Ьу making syrup from the sugаr!

D Do you agree with these Statements? Discuss With а

. l don't believe in ghosts! They just don't eХist.
. Тhеrе must Ье а logical ехрlалаtiоп {оr.ечеrу mуstегу. We just haven'tfound them all yet.
. Scientists shouldn't Waste their time |ooking into strang" pb"no."n",
Used to, Would, Ве used to & Get used to
А Look at the sentences and апswеr the questions below. Complete the rule with uýed to or would.
can Ье used to talk about
а Му dad used to Ье ап archaeologist when he lived
states оr repeated actions in the past, but
in Egypt.
сап only Ье used to talk
Ь Brian would read mystery novels when he was on holiday.
about repeated actions in the past. lt can't Ье
с Тhе detective is used to investigating mysleries,
used to talk about states.
d Тhе new police officer is getting used to his duties.
Complete the rules with Ье used to or get
which sentence re{ers to
used to.
1 something that is usual or familiar? п We use to talk about actions
2 ап action in the past? п or states that are becoming familiar to us. We
З use to talk about actions or
а state iп thе past? п states that are usual or familiar.
4 the process of something becoming familiar? п Read 2,з-2,4 of the Grаmmаr Rеfеrелсе ол
page 16З before you do the tasks,

Tick the correct sentences and соrrесt the wrong ones in your notebooks.
1 l\4у neighbour used to disappear fоr days at а time, П
2 Did your dad use to watch Dr lulУhо Ьоу?
whеп he was а young П
З Would they live iп that haunted hоusе Ьеfоrе moving to очr street? П
4 Репеlоре would to look into every 5trап9е оссurrепсе that she heard about. П
5 l didn't used to рау attention when my grеаt-аuпt told me about hеr adventures. П

6 Michael wouldn't ]ike reading about unexplained mysteries when he was а teenager. !

с choose the correct answers.

1 lt was difficult, but l slowly got used in the suп at archaeological sites.
а to Work Ь to working с working
2 lч]у history teacher go on and оп about the lVlayan civilization,
а WaS getting Used to ь was used to с would
З Wеrе answering questions about the exhibits when you worked at the museum?
а you used to Ь you get used to с you u5е to
4 | аrсhаеоlоgу before l became а teacher
а used to studying Ь used to study с use to study
5 John hearing about amazing places because his fаthег is ап ехрlоrеr,
а is used to Ь would с used to
6 _ live in Cairo when you were doing your research?
а Did you get used to Ь Did you use to с Would уоч
D Complete the second sentences so they have а similar meaning to the
first sentences. use thе words in bold.
1 Tom used to read апуthiпg about the Веrmudа niangie. would
Tom апуthiпg about the Bermuda Triangle.
2 Тhе children quickly adjusted to their new school. got
Тhе children quickly their пеw school.
3 Jеппу is worried that she won't Ье able to adapt to the Peruvian lifestyle. used
Jenny is worried that she won't Ье аЫе the Peruvian li{estyle,
4 At first it was difficult to чsе the lnternet to find information, but now itъ muсh easier аm
Now, l the lnternet to find information.
5 Would your lecturer апаlуsе the possible reasons for the disappearance of the dinosaur? to
Did your lecturer апаlу5е the роssiЫе rеаsопs fоr the disappearance о[
the dinosaur?

Using adjectives and adverbs
lmprove уоur stories Ьу using descriptive adjectives and
аdчеrЬs of time, place, mаппеr and degree. They help
the reader to build up а сlеаrег picture of the реорlе,
places and events in the story, as well as to add drаmа апd
5uspense. Remember:
. when we U5е two or mоrе adjectiveý together, they
usually come in this оrdеr: opinion, size, а9е, shape,
colour, origin, material.
. whеп we use ad,jectives ending in -edwe describe how
5оmеопе is affected Ьу something, whereas adjectives
епdiпg in -iпg dеsсгiЬе how someone оr something
affects оthеr5.
. when we use mоге thап опе adverb in а sentence, they
usually come iп this оrdеr: mаппе1 рlасе, time. BUt When
thеrе is а чеrЬ of movement (eg go, ruл, walk)they come
in this order: рlасе, mаппеr. time,

А circle the correct words.

1 Не rап outside qulckly / qrric< у outside.
2 lt had Ьееп the most thri ling / thгiIlеd day of their lives.
З She wrapped the present USin9 а lопg rеd s] k / si < геd опg riЬЬоп.
4 They sat opposite silentJy / sil,^ntly opposite thе odd statue.
5 lnside the Ьох was а(п) unusual отап9е meta ic / оrапgе L]nUSцa meta lic toy.
6 Everyone was еmЬаrrаssiпg / embarrassed Whеп the Story Was leaked to the

в Read tbe writing task below and underline the key words. what will you write? who will Ье the
main character?
write а story which begins with this sentence: /t was thе scariest thing 5hе had ечеr seen.

с Read the model story and complete it with these adjectives and adverbs.
сагеfчltу сегtаiп enthusiasticalty grееп пегчоustу 5uddenty Weird young

lt Was the Scariest thing she had ечеr Seen, As а рhоtоgrарhеr, Jodie was used to seeing (1)
and wonderful things, but she had печег seen anything like this.

She was working оп а ýtory about mysteries and had hеаrd that а local forest was haunted, Неr colleague RоЬегt was
keen to go there and he (2) agreed to camp thеrе with hеr. But after camping out
fоr thrее nights, they had sееп nothing ехtrаоrdiпаrу.

Тhеп, at midnight оп the last night, moving green liqhts (З) appeared аmопg thе
trees. Jodie took out hеr саmеrа and Started taking photos. She didn't know what the lights were. but they looked
чеrу Strange. 'l have to get them оп film,' she thought,

When Jodie аrriчеd hоmе, she headed fоr thе dark rооm. She huпg up the {iгst photo (4)
апd stared at it iп astonishment, Bright (5) lights formed а сirсlе round the trees.
But the most Ьizаrrе thing was the (6) Ьоу who stood in the middle. Jodie was
17' he hadn't Ьееп there,
Pickin9 up the рhопе, She tried to Stop herselffrom trеmЫiпg. 'He-hello, Robert,'she stammered
(8)-- 'l think you'd better соmе очеr hеrе riqht now,'

-:эk again
] iead the model story again and answer these questions.
- ,Vhat was the sсаrу thing that Jodie saw?
2 )о we find this out immediately after the first sentence?
: was she when she saw the thing that scared her?
: "low
does Jodie feel about what she saw?
З do you think shе wants Robert to go to Ьеr house?

the correct раrаgrарh number from the model story next to these descriptions.
: Зriпg the story to ап end. п
э ЭеsсriЬе the background to the story. t]
: ЭеsсriЬе the scary thing in detail. п
э ,tгоdчсе an event that adds Suspense to the story,
п Lloso-Up
i STart with the sentence given and introduce the main сhаrасtеr. l] Whеп you have finished writing
уочr story. read through it to
-cok at the Useful Expressions and circ|e the correct answers. check that it reads well. use this
' s this rеаl or is it?
check list to help you:
а ап optica illusion Ь out of the ordinary с Ьizаrrе
1 HaS the Story got а breginning,
а middle and ап end?
2 stared at him iп 2 DoeS the sentence given make
а mystery Ь disbelie{ с sight 5en5e in relation to the rest of
j can't understand this. lt's abrsolutely
the Story?
а odd Ь uпusuаl с iпехрliсаЫе
3 Аrе the paragraphs сlеаrlу
m rеаllу Ьу this ехреriепсе. 4 Have l used паrrаtiче tenses?
а chilled Ь eerie с thrilling 5 Does the story include
5 Тhе story is strange, but interesting details?
а mysterious Наче l edited spelling and
Ь true с curious
grammar mistakes?

,аr to уоч!
Read thе writing task below and make а раrаgrарh рlап for your story. Remember to include adjectives
эпd adverbs to add suspense and to helP the reader build up а clear picture.
te а story which begins with this sentence: As soon as they opened the dooL they knew something Was Wrопg.
,', -

Usе|иl {хрrеs;\очls
De5cribing mysterie5
.е oUt ofthe ordinary/Unu5Ual
э zarre/stran9e/eХtraordinary sight/sound

a U rlоus
aе rie
cpt]cal illUSion
cut ofthis world
;trап9е, but trUе
strange рhепоmепа/оссurrепсе
Lveird апd wonderful
Before you watch
А How mчсh do you know about some of the famous mysteries of thе world?
Complete the sentences using these words.
Bigfoot Devit's Nessie Yeti
1 is an affectionate nickname given to the Loch Ness Monster.
2 Тhе тriапglе is the паmе some реорlе give to the Bermuda Trianqle.
з The ,АЬоmiпаlэ е Snowman/ or is said to live iп the Нimаlауап region.
4 Has anybody ечеr really photographed Sasquatch, otherwise known as :?

While you watch

В Watch thб DvD аgаiп and circle the words you hеаr.
1 The b,est рlасе to See thiS my'tery iS at the viewing / wаtсhiпg Site. just east of Marfa.
2 What do the lights look like? Well, it changes / depends оп who you talk to.
3 The арреаrапсе and disappearance / vanishing of the Jights was seen Ьу pi{ots flying hеrе.
4 'We discovered these Ьу mjstake / сhапсе off in the distance, close to the ground.'
5 But who сап explain whеrе the lights come from? Whеrе are they actually located / Situated?
6 lf the mystery is unansweгed, people will keep sеаrсhiпg / investigating.

After уоч watch

с complete the summary of the DvD below using these words.
divide head off investigate рhепоmепоп рrооf rапсh reported
The Сhihuаhuап Desert iп west Texas is thе |arqest desert in North дmеriса.
wiпtеrs are cool and summers аrе extremely hot. This аrеа is also home to
а mysterious (1) called thе'Marfa Lights'. These аrе
b,right lights that appear suddenly in the night Sky and then, jUSt а5 qUickly,
they (2) into the distance апо disappear. SomeLimes
they (З) into mоrе thап two lights. They арреаr in the
same (4) of the desert - пеаr а town called Marfa. The
lights sometimes ечеп get close to people's houses. one woman who lived
оп а remote (5) _ tells the story of whаt she ехреriепсеd
one night. She got in bed and suddenly she saw the lights (6) through hеr bredroom window. She
watched them сhапgе соlоur for а few minutes. Eventually they went away, Apparently, pilots who used to train in
desert in the 1940s also (7) that they Used to See these mysterious lights.
Whаt causes the lights? Fritz Каhl, who was one of those pilots, thinks he has а(п) (8) to this
qUestion. Не believes that the lights are а natural оссUrrепсе and that they exist аll очеr the world.
Howeve1 as lопg
as the Marfa mystery remains unanswered, реорlе will continue to (9)
the lights to find out whеге
they соmе from and how lопg they have existed, Реорlе Want (1О) not opinions and theories.
whatever these lights rеаllу аrе, they are as mysterious today as when they first appeared and it is douыfu]
that the
mystery behind them will ечеr Ье solved.

D Discuss these questions with а partner.

. what else do you know about the mysteries mепtiолеd iп А?
. Would you like to visit а рlасе whеrе а {amous mystery exists? Why?/Why not?
. Аrе there апу famous mysteries in уоUr country?

1 Unitsl & 2

, ооаVиlаrц
А complete the sentences with both words.
еmьаrrаssеd amused
а Don't feel about уочr арреаrапсе. You look fine.
Ь Why аrе you so ? l don't think it's at аll funny.
rеmаrkаЬ[е 9епеrочS
а Neil Armstrong's achievement was absolutely
ь Dad is both kind апd with others,
beLief leqend
а lt iS my that everyone needs {гiепds.
ь Have you hеаrd the of the ghost rider?
ridicUlou5 а99rеssiче
а please calm down. yоч shouldn't Ье so
ь lt's absolutely to believe that the house is hаuпtеd.
exp[anation illusion
а l know it looks like а pool of water. but itЪ опlу ап
ь lf there is an for this mystery, l'd like to know what it is.

3 Complete thе text using these words.

с[че disappearances evidence hoax rеsеаrсhеrs witnessёs
:- -эssее пеаr his hоmе and being watched Ьу several (2) David Lang disappeared i
: -: .З) __ to help them solve the mystery. Lang had simply vanished. Some time lаtеr, I
-: whеrе Lang had disappeared was marked Ьу а сirсlе of yellowed grass almost five metres across. i
. -- ^9 ever grеw thе,е again,

, э:hе case of David Lang has become well-known, most (4) who have studied i
-- : believe that it i5 а(п) (5) _. Тhеу point out that, despite lengthy investigations, i
ý.- 6) has Ьееп found that Lang even existed. Мапу believe that the story was made .

hе :_. а jоuгпаlist iп the '1880s. lt could Ье that the truth of the matter will печеr Ье known.

З Complete the table with break, keep, make and sаче.

:- -
а plom]se , 9
d|ff9l9nc,e 1 1h9biJ уочr strength
in touch trоuые the ice time

) сirсtе the correct words.

'] ThiS iS а real mystery. We have to loQk into / Stick to it.
2 Don't уоu rеаlisе he's letting you out / takin9 you in with his silly stories?
З Сап уоu mal<e out / believe iп that strange house ahead?
4 Do you approve о{ / on уоur ЬrоthеrЪ behaviour?
5 Don't wоrry. l have plenty of confidence iп / at you,
6 l've got nothing оп / in соmmоп with you.

1 Units 1& 2

А complete the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous of thе verbs in brackets,
1l (рlау) tennis three times а week.
2 Mum. why you fоrечеr (shout) at me?
уоu (brelieve) in the Loch Ness Monster?
4 (9о) on the mystery tоur tomorrow.
5 Тhе meeting (not Ье) at 9 am today.
6 Grandma (come)to visit a9ain on Sunday?
7 lп this picture, the Ьоу __ (not cry).
8 Li9 ht (travel) at almost З00,000 km per second.

в Complete the sentences with а, an, tbe or -.

1 ls _ girl next door very pretty?

2 ТhеrеЪ -_ free table hеrе. Оr sha]l we sit at one over thеrе?
З ls __ physics _ only sutrject уоu ever found difficult?
4 l want to buy чmЬ,rеllа and other things, but l опlу have hour to shop.
5 Nowadays, сhiJdrеп mostly do thеir homework on computers.
6 lenjoy learning - ,- English, but l don't like Gеrmап language.
7 ls Кеllу British citizen оr is she frоm _ _ Canada?
8 'ls thеrе сiпеmа пеаr Ьеrе?' 'Yes, Rex Cinema- is across the road.'

с Tick the sentences whiсh are соrrесt and соrrесt the wrong ones.
1 l was wearing my rеd dress only twice last уеаr.
2 Мчm cooked lцпсh, put it on the tаЫе and went to sleep,

3 Неlеп was talking on the рhопе while Julie was being iп bed.

4 lwould like the colour rеd when lwas young.

5 l can't get used to living in this spooky hоUSе.

6 Jason is used to wearjeans when he was at universiý.

D circle the correct words.

'l lt started / was starting raining frogs while l was walking.
2 You аrеп't used / use to studying in а liЫаrу.
3 Napoleon died / was dying mysteriously in '182'i.
4 Detectives got used to / аrе used to solving mysteries these days.
5 l didn't use to 9о / wasn't going fishing last уеаr.
6 Would your cousin visit / visiting уоu often when уоu lived in Yorkshire?
7 Тhеу wou d
ove / loved swimming iп the lake when they were уоuп9.
8 Did / Дrе you чsе to live in а cottaqe?

article, multiple matching
health- & fitness-related words, prepositions, coIlocations & expressions
present perfect simpIe & present perfect continuous, for, since, Ialely,
already, yet & stiII, countable & uпсоuпtаЬlе nouns, quantifiers
talking about stress, comparing photographs, sequencing ideas
article, giving advice

А How much do you know about long life? Do thе quiz
and find out| Your teacher will tel| you the answers.
1 What is апоthеr word for'long life'?
а longing
Ь longevity
с longitude
2 How lопg did the world's oldest person live?
а 122 years
Ь 112 уеаrs
с 1 17 years

З Which countries have the brest diets for long life? t rа it! ра rtiсul а г ch оr асtеr isti с
а China, USA, Gеrmапу соп'umрtiопi eating оr
Ь Japan, Grеесе, ltaly driпkiпв something
с Сапаdа, Вrаzil, Frапсе l if е е хресtапсу : th е l е ngth
of time that о реrsоп is likely
В what do you think contributes to long life? to liче
Make а list. You hаче one miпutе! dementio: о 5еriоцs illness
of the miпd, esPecially iп оld
С Kead the text quickly. ln whiсh places do people fа't а реriоd of timеwhеп
eat а lot of locally-grown food? по food is eaten

е Secyetg Lono Ltlet


iv о+
Д lопg, healthy li|e is по accident, lt depends оп good qenes
апd good habits. ýcreлfists Who qrе interested in investigoting
what contributes to long life have Ьееп fосusiпg оп groups
liчiпg iп several regions where longevity is the поrm,

А sa rdinians healthy living. lt forbids 5moking апd drinking alcohol, and

ln а group of villages on the jsland of Sardinia, 91 of the 17,865 discourageS the consUmption of most meat, rich foods and
people Ьоrп between 1880 and 1900 lived to their 100th cafleinated drinks as well as most 5pices, lnstead, they enjoy
biгthday - а rate mоrе than twice as high as the ачегаgе for ltaly. beanS, nuts, Whole Wheat bread, soy milk, tomatoes and оthеr
fruits as well as five gla5se5 of Water а day, All of these lоwеr the
Why do they live so lоп8? Lifestyle iS рагt of the answer The risk of developing certain di5eases. lп addition, every saturday,
people Work hard оп their farms апd place great importance оп they 8et together алd socialise with each other to relieve 5tress,
family, Take 75 уеаr old Sardinian Tonino Tola for ехаmрlе. It's А study has revea]ed that mеmЬеr5 of this community l;ve fочr to
11 аm and Tonino has аlrеаdу mi]ked four cows, chopped wood ten yearS lопgеr than оthег caljfornians.
and Walked б km With hls sheep, Taking а break, he sits down
With his family to eat, Nutгition is а factor in Sardinian5' longevity с okinawans
- their diets аге rich in fruits and ve8etable5, milk and dairy Ushi okushima has j'ust started а пеW job. Not long аgо she
prodUcts, fish and some rеd Wine, most of which аrе produced
began wеагiпg регfumе. Predictable Ьеhачiоuг for а уочпg
on thejг оWп farms. Тhеir genetic history also helps, Many of
wоmап, perhaps, but Ushi is 10З.
them аrе related to the first sardinians, who arгived in the аrеа
11,000 уеаг5 аgо, Genetic traits have Ьесоmе ýtrопgеr очеr the With а life expectancy of 78 years for mел and 86 years fоr
уеа rs and favour longevity. Wоmеп, okinawans are аmоп8 the Wоrld's lon8est-living people.
They епjоу years free from illness, have чегу low rates of сапсеr
В Residents of Loma Linda, California апd heart disease, and аrе less likely to develop dementia.
Маrgе Jetton is 5peeding down the motorway in her purple The]r habit of consuming food grоWп оп the island5 and
саr. Маrgе, Who rесепtlу turпеd 101, iS late for опе of 5ечеrаl eating in mоdегаtiоп -'eat Until Yочr stomach
iS 80 реrсепt fUll' may also contribute to
чоlчпtеег commitments she ha5 today. Дlrеаdу this mогпiпg,
she's eaten breakfaSt, Walked 1,6 km, апd lifted Weights, their loлgevjty_ FUrthermore, mапу
Ьеlопg to а mooi а support
Like mапу оthеr residents of Loma Linda, California, Marge is пеtWогk that provides help, /k/gol
а member of а religjou5 commцnity that has always sUpported may Ье апоthег factor, The Wоrd
Э Read the article again to find the following information.
rVhich раrаgrарh(s) mention

эmеп whо live longer thап mеп? 1 f
:эорlе whоsе religion doesn't allow them to eat some things? 2 This taSk rеquirеS you to read
! а text which i5 divided into
_^э role of gепеs?
ЗJ severaI paragraphs, and then
: :pecial drink that fights disease? 4П to match the paragraphs
эеk у meetings?
5 l
with 50me answer choices.
Yоч can Scan the раrа9rарhs
:-е реорlе iп the text who аrе the oldest? бП 7П qUickly to find the answers
:=ople who sleep in the daytime? SП to the qUestion5. Whеп уоu
э:орlе born in а specific twený-year period? have found the information
9П you are looking for, underline
..орlе getting together to hеlр or support each other? 1о П 1 1 f. question
lt and Write the question
it i
: эорJе who mainly work outdoors? 1 2 П
пumЬеr in the margin next ]
the underlined part.
part. i

З et the meaning !

i Find words iп the article which complete sentences

1-5 correctly.

YoL]r is the {ood you eat and The oldest person in the world was Jeanne
how it affects уоur health. (para А) Саlmепt of Frапсе. She died in 1997 at the
2 Food products made frоm milk are described as age ol'l22. Why do you think she lived so
(para А) long? Tick the_things you think she did.
зто means to order somebody П Shе ate а kilo of chocolate а week.
not to do something. (para В)
! She rode а bjke until she was 100.
4То means to spend free time ! Неr diet was rich in olive oil.
with other реорlе. (para В)
! She loved music and rесоrdеd а rар CD.
_ аrе plants used to give flavour
! at the age of 85, she took up fencing.
to food оr to make medicine. (раrа D)

Your teacher will tell you the answers.



-.:-s 'that which makes one's life Worth living'

, - ]
: i5 djfferent fоr ечегуопе. 'Му lklgol is right
": -: says lJshi а5 she nods towards her friends,
']-еу die, l Will Wonder Why l аm still alive,'

] lka rians
] ::-эtеs Xerolas parties hard and stays Uр past 2
.-=-, night.The amazingthin8 isn'tthathedoes
-- : n а remote mountain village, but
that he
:: it at 10З years old.

: - :,]е Greek isIand of lkaria, mоrе than а third

:':-е residents reach age 90, They suffer less
: -.е. and hеаrt disea5e and, moSt surpri5in8ly,
- -: of
- the dementia that afflicts other cultures.
, -; iving lkarian5 observe about 150 days of
lple, ,. з оU5 fasts а year, sleep late апd пар daily,
lcer --: j eat mostly leafy gгеепs, potatoes апd beanS.
a,: Ihеге is опе чпiquе factor that is not seen
- эlhеr аrеаs whеге people live for а lопg time:
:-: key ingredient to livin8 lопgеr is grоWiпg ri8ht
- :,leir gardens. lt's а selection of hеrЬs used
- =!Ё tea and they all have опе thiпg in соmmоп
;-_.i lоwеr blood pressure, а major cause of heart
: :а 5е апd dementia.

_ е;*4,
. ,rl
,, ,7,i ,"_"пltllл' l},i ,.t

А circle the odd ones out.

1 nurse ward sчrgеоп
2 уо9а meditation cycling
з proteins additives minerals

4 trainer optician dietician
5 vaccination operation injection
6 preScгiption weights treadmill
7 Ьапdа9е tablet crutch
poison dia9nose examine
В Match each sentence '|-6 with the sentence that logically
follows it a-f.
1 lcut my hand badly while l was рrераriпg dinner. П
2 Susie Ыоkе her arm while doing gymnastics, t
3 l've Ь,ееп going to an aerobics class for а month now. !
4 You should try and eat organic food. I]
5 l've twisted mу ankle, but l don't know if itЪ broken, П
6 Ben was in а tегriЬlе skiing accident. П
а The doctor thinks the wound is infected.
Ь l will have to have ап X-ray.
с lt doesn't contain апу preservatives.
d She'll have to have it in plaster for а few weeks until itheals,
е |t's great, l've lost weight and lfeel muсh fitter!
f lt will take him months to recover.

с circle the соrrесt words.

IMyth or medical advice?

'An аррlе а day keeps the dосtог away'is а saying that some реорlе reject as simply ап old wives'tale. But does it,
and оthеr sayings like it, actually contain апу truth?

Old wives' tales, оr at least some of them, do indeed have words о{ wisdom to offer| Take the 'apple а day' saying.
Appies are full of (1) additives / vitamins that keep us healtby and in good (2) shаре / figure physically. l{ we are
healthy, we have по need for а doctor. Апоthег saying is: 'Starve а fever, feed а cold'. lVlany researchers say that а
person with а high (3) illness / tеmреrаturе should imit what they eat, and опlу drink water. Оп the other hand, they
(4) dia9nose / advise patients Who аrе suffering {rоm а cold to do the opposite
- to eat (5) well-ba anced / nourishing
food. Speaking of colds, another oLd wives'tale (6) ргеsсriЬеs / treats dear old mum's homemade chicken soup as а
quick and simple (7) геmеdу / medication fог runny noses, sniffles and even (8) sore / tender thгoats. Тrу it, doctors
agree it works!

D Which of these ideas for staying healthy and in good shape do you а9rее with? Discuss уочr answers with
а partner.
. jоiп а gym or an aerobics class
о eat nourishing food that has iots of proteins and minerals
. take vitamins if l have the flu or ап infection
. drink hеrьаl tea if l have а sore throat
. take medication when а doctor advises rпе to
Эrеsепt Perfect Simple
& Present Perfect Fоr, since, lately, already, yet & still
в Look at the words in bold iп the sentences below
А We use thе Present Perfect Simple for actions and notice how they are used.
and situations that happened at ап indefinite
time in the past. We use the Present Реrfесt She's Ьееп seeing а dietician for а month.
continuous for actions and situations that НеЪ been ruппiпg in marathons since 20О4.
staгted iп the past and are still in рrо9rёss or l haven't Ьееп feeling very energetic lately.
have happened repeatedly up until пJw. Look Не isn't hеге. НеЪ already left for the gym.
at the sentences below and answer the Haven't you finished your work yet?
q uastions that follow. Не still hasn't bought пеw trainers.

а She has Ьееп jogging in the park for two hours!

Complete the rules.
Ь 5hе has jogged round the park twice.
1 Which sепtепсе emphasises how long an асtiоп
negative 5епtепсе.
at the end of а question оr
has been iп рrоgгеss? f_- i
2 which sentence tells us the number of times
а period of time.
with ап expression that shoWS
something has happened? ! with а point of time in the
с Тhе students have done а project оп fitness.
at the end of а sentence to
d The students have Ьееп doing а project on mean'recently'.
fitness all week.
after the subject of а sentence
з whiсh sentence tells us that the students' for emphasis.
project is finished? !
before the main verb of а
4 ln the other sentence, do we know whether the sentence for emphasis.
students have finished the рrо,jесt?
Read 3-1-3.2 ot the Grammar Reference оп pages 163-164
before you do the tasks,

- complete the sentences with the correct form of thе present perfect simple
or the present perfect
continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Неr aunt

(use) natural remedies for many years.

? (you / book) ап appointment with the doctor?
з тhе old mап (not catch) а cold since hе was young.
4 Why (you / sneeze) for the last hour? Do you have
an allergy?
5 Тhе l\4editerranean diet (become) very popular in the
last decade.
The doctors at this hospital (deve ор) neW treatments
fоr сапсеr since 2О04,
Tess (Ыеаk) hег arm and she needs to qo to hospitall
HoW mапу times
Lell) you not to spend so much lime
у оп your mobile?
! э Complete the sentences with these words.
а[геаdу for tatety Since stitl yet
1 He's Ьееп walking on crutches _- the accident.
2 ShеЪ Ьееп training with weights а month.
? ТоmЪ __ had his operation.
With 4 lhaven't been cycling as much as usua{
5 Has the doctor examined the patient _?
6 Не _ hаsп't made an -appointment With
the optician.
__i., lrl

А Praaise saying these words aloud.

1 fifth
2 fiftieth
З sixth
4 Sixtieth
5 ei9hth
6 ei9htieth -f?
7 twelfth
8 twentieth

в ' Now listen to see if you wеrе correct.

с { 'Listen and circle the numbers you hеаr.
1а1/5 Ь 1/50 с ']/15
2 а 1З"/. Ь 30% с3%
З а 5,000,000 Ь 50,000,000 с 500,0О0,0О0
4 а З,500 Ь 35,000 с З,O5О
5 а ]798 Ь ']978 с 187В

D Г you will hеаr someone talking about sleep and sleep problems. Fоr questions 1-7, complete the sentences
1 people driving when they аrе tired аrе at least раrtlу to Ыаmе for almost of sеriочs
rоаd accidents.
2 Оur Ыаiпs аrе designed to get ready for sJeep when they sense
З Оur modern li{estyles mеап our s]eep patterns аrе very different frоm оuг bodies' natural biological

4 Young children need to sleep for about every night.

Теепаgеrs naturally tend to Wake Up in the mоrпiпg than adults,
6 Difficulties with sJeeping аrе rероrtеd Ьу approximately one ot дmеriсапs.
7 Тhе speaker is disappointed that most sleep rеsеаrсh is саrriеd out Ьу private companies гаthеr than Ьу government
hеа th

LiSten саrеfullу to апу пumЬеr5 уоч
hеаr оп the recordin9, so that уоu
сап Write them doWn согrесtlу,
>ре ak\vla Llоsо-Uр
When speaking, it iS important that your }
Work with а partner and answer thеsе thoughts аrе well organised.This will help
q ueStions. the listener to follow whal you аrе \aying,
Тгу to 5еquепсе your ideas Ьу U5ing key
. How often do you feel stressed at work/ phraSes such as Io begin With ,.,, Дпоthеr Е

sсhоо ? thing is that ... апd Finally ,,. ,

. Wbat do you do to deal with уоur stress?
. Do уоu think stress affects уоur hеаlth or the
health of members of уоur family? How?
D Work with а partner and answer the questions about
Listen to Peter describing а рhоtоgrарh. the photographs. One of you sbould Ье Student А
Whiсh photo is hе describing? What piece and the оthеr should Ье student в. Remember to
эf information hеlреd you to choose? use the Usefцl Expressions.

Student А: Соmраrе photos 1 and 2 апd say how you think thе
people аrе feelin9.
эпtепсеs. student в: what advice would you give the people iп the {irst
,{ serious


Student В: Compare photos З and 4 and say hоw you think thе
Look at this list of adivities which sоmеопе реорlе аrе feeJing.
could do to reduce stress. put them in Student А: What advice would уоU give the person ;n the first
оrdеr of how helpful they are ('l = most photo?
helpful; 8 = least helpful). Then, discuss
your answers with а раrtпеr, giving reasons
'or уочr choices.
wa king sleeping
Usе|цl {хрrеss\оц9

yoga/Pilate5 chatting With friendS

da ncing г shoppin g Sequencing your ideas
reading f doing а team Sроrt То begin With, ...
tiгStlу, .,. / Secondly, ...
Well, for опе thing, ..,
Апоthеr thing is that ...
l also believe that ,..
What is mоrе, ,..
( :Еlr?rшhп Finally, .,

but not least, .., :

Э scuss these questions With а partner.

Эо you think younger реорlе get more stressed than older people? Whу?Лr'/hу not?
.'./hеп thеrе аrе stressed people around you, do уоч start to {eel stressed as well? Why?/Why not?
-aughter is а grеаt way to get rid of stress. Can you think of any other ways?
\ ',l_,li']l,j9,1r )

А Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Some prepositions сап Ье used mоrе than опсе,
against of оп очег to

1 you consume too mапу calories, уоu are at risk

lf becoming overweight.
2 Penny needs to wоrk hеr {itness if she wants to ruп а mаrаthоп.
З Food that is high in сhоlеstеrоl can contribute hеаrt disease.
4 Eve's реrsопаl tгаiпеr told hеr to focus strength-building exercises fоr now.
5 l{ уоu want to get in shape, why not become а member а gym?
6 Al] сhildrеп should Ье vaccinated diseases.
7 lf you eat well and ook after yourself, you cou d live to Ье 100уеагsоld!
8 Yочr chances of success in the race depend how hard you train,

Collocations & Ехрrеssiопs

В Match the idioms in bold 1-5 to their meanings а-е.
1 lfeel as fresh as а daisy after my holidayl ! а uпwеll
2 l'm rеа ly uпdеr the weather today. l think l'll 9о back to bed, П Ь rеgаiп епеrgу
З Let's go fоr а walk in the fresh air lt'll do you thе world of good, [] с ask fоr detailed information
4 Why don't you 9о to а spa fоr the weekend to recharge уочr batteries? П d Ье lively and energetic
5 l'm meeting afamouschef tоmоrrоw, so l'll pick her brains about vegetaгian food. fl е make you feel better

С Complete the letters with the idioms from В in the correct form.

с9 a\ о lпtёгпеt

lB.* Fг.*rt xsbe aв.,** ** ч*-"

Dеаr Аgопу AUnt, } Dear Tina,

lt's natural to feel stressed at exam tirne апd thiý сап

Сап l (1) about а
make you feel unwell. So, whеп you want а Ыеаk
рrоЬlеm l have? lrеаllу need some hеlр! l'm {гоm studying, Whу not gо and sit iп thе gаrdеп?
studying hаrd for mу exams апd last week l
The fresh аir wi!l (3) апd
Started to feel (2)
hеLр to сlеаr your hеаd. Опсе the exams аге overI
l'm tired аl] the time and don't hаче апу епеr9у.
make sure уоч take some time to
I'm sсагеd l'll Ье ill and might miss my examý, (4) Get lots of sleep,
what shоuld l do?
see your friends and relax! Do аll this and you'll Ье
Тiпа,17 {eeling (5) _ in по time!
Good luck!

D Do you a9ree with these statements? Соmраrе

your answers with а partner's.
. lt's better to Ь,е rich than it is to Ье healthy.
. lf уоu eat healthily, you don't need to exercise. \
. lt'll Ье fantastic if we live to Ье очеr 200 опе dav!

СочпtаЬ]е & UпсочпtаЬlе Nouns
А СочпtаЫе почпs refer to separate items. Тhеу
сап Ье singular and plural. Uncountable почпs
refer to abstract ideas or things that cannot Ье
counted. They do not have а plural form. Which
of the почпs below are countable and which are
чпсочпtаЬlе? Write С (countable) or
U (uncountable).
injection П biScuit п
knowledge ! health п ouantifiers
holiday П mопеу п D Some quantifiers |ike а lot of апd lots of сап Ье
biology П goal п used with both сочпtаЫе and чпсочпtаЬIе почпs,
but others cannot. Look at the words in bold in
rесrеаtiоп П job п these sentences and then апswеr the questions.
Тhеrе аrепt mапу people in the park.
в some почп5 сап Ье both сочпtаые апd
Тhеrе isnt mчсh new equipment at the gym,
чпсочпtаЫе depending оп thёir meaning.
She had оп|у а little energy left after the match.
How is the mеапiпg of rооm different in
She grows а few herbs in hеr garden.
these sentences?
1 There isn't room for аll of us in the car. which words аrе чsеd with
2 This is the most expensive rооm in the hotel.
1 соuпtаЫе nouns? and
с Tick the почпs which can Ье both сочпtаые
2 uпсоuпtаЫе nouns? and
and uncountable.
Ве careful!
1 glass п 5 medicine п Much and mапу сап usually опlу Ье used in questions and
2light п 6 ехреriепсе п negative sentences.
3 Water п 7 darkness п Read З.4-З.6 of lhe Grаmmаr Rеfеrепсе оп pages 164-165
4 hаir п 8 economics п before уоч do the tasks.

circle the соrrесt words.

1 You should drink plenty of waters / water every day.
2 Тhе news is / are very епсочrаgiпg.
3 you're feeling dizzy, 9о ouЪide for some / а few fresh air
4 We had some mеmоrаЫе experience / experiences during our trip.
5 Сhildrеп апd old people should stay inside iп а /- cold weather.
6 Peopleof аll ages should take regular exercises / ехеrсisе to keep fit.
7 lthink а Ьох of chocolate / chocolates is а great рrеsёпt,
8 Containers made of plastics / plastic shоuldп't Ье used {or food.

Complete the sentences with these words.

of а few а littte ап а slice of mапу much piece of
а Ьаr
1 Тhеrе аrе опlу people in the gym tonight. ltЪ пеаrlу empty.
2 You don't need mопеу to stay healthy and fit.
З The patient was given injection for the раiп.
4 sugar won't harm you, but а lot сап cause dental рrоЫеms.
5 l'd like cheese in my sandwich.
6 Тhеrе aren't - calories in this сеrеаl Ьаr.
7 We need - soap in the Ьаthrооm.
8 -Му grandma gave me а very good advice that l have followed all mу life.
- 39
W rrfiи11
Giving advice ý
When you want to give others advice in уоur writing, try to keep а "*,
light-hearted and епсоurаgiпg tone. This will make the геаdеr feel
that he оr she сап trust уоu. lf уоu are too critical, the rеаdег will
рrоЬаЫу not {ollow your advice.
lntroduce pieces of advice Ьу using these structures and
expressions: Don't worry if уоц ..., Make sure you .,.,
Ту (поt) + {ull infinitive оr поuп .../ Why dоп't уоu/поt + баrе ,йЧ
infinitive .,. ?, You could always + bare infinitive .., апd
Уос, shouidln'r) . Ьаrе infinitive ,,,

А lmagine your friend has asked you for some advice. Look at these problems and write а piece of advice in
your notebook fоr еасh one. Use the structures and expressions above.
1 l find it rеаllу hard to get out of bed in the mоrпiпg. 4 N4у head huгts when l рlау computer games.
2 l Want to get into Shape, b,Ut l hate Sports. 5 ,'m add,cted to cl^ocolate and cr'sps,
3 l always feel huпgrу as soon as l get to school. 6 l Wanttotake uр а hobbythatWill help mе getfit.

В Read the writing task апd write Т (true) or F (false) for еасh of the sentences below.
Yоu hаче sееп this аппоuпсеmепt iп your sсhоо/Ъ student magazine.

'l Your article may appear in the sсhооl magazine.

Do you have апу advice for fellow students who 2 You will give gегеrа nealth advice. L]
want to avoid getting colds and flu this winter?
3 Yоu will give tips {оr preventing illnesses, ]
Tilen wгitе u5 an агtiсlе! 4 The advice will Ье rеаd Ьу реорlе уоur а9е, ]
We will publish the best опеs next month. 5 yоu will write ап аппоuпсеmепt_

С Пеаd the model article and complete it with these words.

don't forget don'tWorгy makesure Shou[dn'i iryto Whynot

*gmгrтоп g€,пýе gightý the соmзгrоп cold
Аrе you one of those people who come down with colds and flu every autumn?
(1) ; hеrе аrе some handy tips to prevent nasty colds,

First of all, а hеаlthу diet сап hе]р to рrеvепt уоu getting sick. However, you
(2) Wait to get а cold and then Start to take action,
(з) give yourself а head staгt Ьу rеgulаrlу eating and
drinking foods and drinks high in important vitamins? Even if you do become ill,
ll-e,oad to recovery will Ье гrчсh easier,
Secondly, sleeping well is very imрогtапt to good health. Lack о{ sleep lowers
your body's resistance to illnesses and makes it hаrdеr to fight off colds. So,
(4) you get аrоuпd eight hours sleep а night to Stay
оп form.

LaSt, but not least, you must епsчrе that уоu are hygienic. Colds сап easily Ье
caught Ьу touching surfaces which have germs оп them. (5)
wash уоur hands in wаrm soapy wаtеr after touchinq door
handles, tеlерhопеs, lэчttопs and doorbeils.

As the old saying goes: prevention is better than cure. So (6) }

these simple tips and stay gеrm-frее this winterl

- ээk again!
] Read the model article а9аiп апd answer these questions.
' l,Jas the wгitеr copied wоrd for word {rоm the task?
2 Why does the writer begin with а question?
3 Ls the tопе ofthe аrtiсlе angry, encouraging or critical?
: ls it written in а fогmаl, informal or semi-{ormal way?

i Сirсlе the correct words to complete the plan for the model article.
: е: Соmmоп sense fights the соmmоп cold
::,agraph'|: lntroducethe theme /firsttip and state whatthe articlewill beabout.
:-.аgrарh 2: Tip discuss the benefits / drawbacks of а healthy diet.
::.agraph З: Tip 2: discuss the importance of colds / sleep.
'.,аgrарh 4: Tip 3: discuss why реорlе should wash their hands / touch сlеап things.
=э,а9rарh 5: Conclude Ьу making а 9епеrаl statement and rеfеrriпg back to the tips / adding ап extra tip.

- Complete the sепtепсеs with words from the Useful Expressions.

" .Joggin9 is а great Way to up calories.
Dгiпk some herbal tea and you'll soon Ье оп thе road to
Му sister is to еаrасhе.
4 l trу to up my metabolism Ьу working out.
You look great. How do you mапаgе to stay iп
Му grandma always says is better tban cure.
5 ,

] с aire's соmе With а nasty bug.

Build up Ьу doing these exercises. You сап make your article clearer
and more convincin9 Ьу statin9
the reasonS Why the rеаdеr should
,er to уоu! take уоur advice. Try to emphaSi5e
] Read thе writing task below and make а paragraph рlап for уоur article. the positive result oftaking your
Remember to use the right expressions for giving advice. advice rаthег than the negative
] result of not taking ir
,эu hауе seen tbis аппоuпсеmепt tn your schoo/'s student magazine, .]

.','rite your article. (120-180 words)

Usеfиl {хуrеss\очs
lt's never Ьееп so imPortant
for teenagers to l(eep fit. Health
Ье рrопе to
Do you have any good advice to help your come down with
lп? fellow students get in shape? have therapeutic qualities
l ds, lower resistance to
тhеп write us ап article! prevention iS better than сurе
)u We will publish the best опеs next month. take vitamins
]о n. the rоаd to recovery
з and Fitness
те ill, aerobic exerci5e
Ье active
Ье оп form
I Ье out of shape
э, buiId up your strength
Stay burn up calories
control уоur Wejght
get/stay in Shape
Ье 9о to the 9уm
keep fit
iпсrеаsе flexibility
*.** speed up your metabolism
5trength-building eXercises
I stretching exercises
Warm up
Wогk out

t 41
Before you watch
А Match the words to the meanings.
1 physiological п а а small quantity о{ something to show what it is like

2 treadmill п Ь having to do with the mind and thoughts

З sample п с having to do with how the body works physically
4 release п d let out, free
5 psychological п е slim, but strong and healthy
6 lеап t] f an exercise machine оп which you ruп

While you watch

в watch the DvD and decide if these statements аrе true or false, write Т for true and F fоr {alse.
1 Kathy Matt and hеr research team аrе provin9 that stress is,iust in оur mind. П
2 Stress frоm rush hour traffic shows up as а сhеmiсаl iпthеЫооd. П
З Adrenaline helps our body react quickly апd with more force. П
4 Cortisol gives usthe епеrgу for that quick physical push. П
5 Fоrtчпаtеlу, the body сап tell the difference between the two types of stress. П
6 Аll stress is bad. П

After you watch

С Complete the sчmmаry ofthe DVD below using these words.
effect tifeStyte tongevity minimat negative physical series stress

Without at least а(п) (1) amount of Stress to give uS

energy. we could поt get through the day. Howeve1 а very stressful
(2, can have а negative (3)
оur bodies. Dr Kath Matt and hеr colleagues аrе investigating What StreSS
does to а body, and proving that stress is поt just psychological but also
Whеп our body ехреriепсеs (4) 5tress, it produces
two hоrmопе5 that giче u5 епеrgу: adrenaline and cortisol. lt also
produces them in cases of psychological (5) Dr Matt
and hеr team have put together а(п) (6) of tests to
show thе effects of stress оп the body.

While ruппiпg оп а tгеаdmill. the woman's body rеlеаsеs а lot of stress

hоrmопеs, but she's also using up every bit о{ епеrgу they create.
However, whеп she is stressed psychoIogically instead of physically, the
same hоrmопеs аrе created, but по physical епеrgу is used,

Тоо much cortisol weakens the bones апd makes them more likely to
Ыеаk. This could create рrоЫеms that hаче ап impact оп
(7) реrhарs taking years off а person's life.
Тhеrе{оrе, it is impoгtant to exercise regularly. Puttin9 the body through
the stress of exercise i5 one way to get rid of psychological stress and iп
that Way preventing its (8) еffёсts.

D Discuss these questions with а partner.

. What causes you physical stress?
. what causes you psychological stress?
. what do уоu do to help relieve stress?
Reading: article,multiple-choicequestions
Vocabulary: technology-reIated words, word formation, phrasal verbs
Grаmmаr: future simple, shaII, Ье gоiпвtоrlчtчrе continuous & future
perfect simple, temporals
Listening: multiple-choicequestions
Speaking: talking abouttechnology, соmраriпg photographs, раrарhrа5iпg
Writing: email, clauses of reason & contrast


of lcarus

А Пеаd the following statements аЬочt the history of fligbt

and decide whеthеr they are true (Т) or false (F),
Тhе fastest jet powered аirсгаft trачеllеd at more thап
1 1,000 kilometres per hоur, 9.6 times the speed о{ sound.
2 The first аеrорlапе сrаsh occurred in 1928. ]
2 Lеопаrdо Da Vinci desiqned the {irst hot air balloon around
1485. [ ]
4 The average реrsоп would take around 3,500 years to walk
to the sun. []
lcarus: iпGrееk mytholoы, he
died when hеwогеwiпgs made
of feathers апd wax that melted
в Quickly read the text to find очt hоw mапу people whеп hе flew too closeto the suп
Virgin GаlасtiсЪ spaceships will carry.
weightle'sl hачiпg по weight, оr
aPpearingto hаче по weight
рriч ate е nter pr i'e! Ь u si п esses
оwпеd Ьу people, not Ьу the

Thгoughout history, mапkiпd has Ьееп fascinated With flying, ге5еагсh into Space tгачеl Would Someday mеап he too Would
Fгоm the myth of lсагUS, Who flew tоо close to the Sчп, to the Ье able to jочгпеу into Sрасе, Ву the mid-'l99os, hоwечег,
invention of the most advanced fightег рlапе, mап'S fascination Rutan had геаlisеd that Waiting fог the gочегпmепt WaSnt
With flgha has dг]чеп Us to сгеаtе Ьiggег and Ьеttег flying going to Wогk. lt WaS thеп that he nesolved to build his оWп
machines, spaceship, 'lf mу dгеаm WaS going to come ИUе , of floating
'l9ОЗ, mап's dгеаm We]ghtless in the black Sý and being thгillеd Ьу the Sight of
Iп of flуiпg like а Ьiгd came tгUе With the
Еагth fгоm oubide очп аtmоSрhеге - |'d have to get thingý
wгight Flуеr, the fiгSt machine to achieve сопtгоllеd flight,
Staгted myself,' Said Rчtап.
Очег Sixty уеагS ]аtег iп 1969, the Boeing 747 took to the
skieS, Мапчfасtuгеd in the Wогld'S IагgеSt fасtогу building in Rutan WaS епсоuгаgеd to buiId his оWп Spaceship Ьу the
l Seattle, USA, its Wide-body design Was able to сагry mоге ýloW development of аегорlапе design, Five уеагS
раSSепgегS than апу оthег аiгсгаft, геdчсiпg the cost of аftег the Wгight ЬгоthегS'fiгSt flight iп 'l9ОЗ, the
аiгliпе tгачеl. lп '] 97Б, Сопсогdе WaS iпtгоduсеd, ThiS Was аегорlапе Was Still jUSt а dапgегочS счгiоSitу. ОпIу а
the fiгýt апd опlу раSSепgег рlапе to tгачеl fаStег than dozen ог So people had tгiеd flying iп опе, Yet Ьу
the Speed of sound, Space tгачеl, too, has had its оwп 19] 2 hчпdгеds of piloЪ had flown аегорlапеs
amazing developments, lп "I9В1, the Space Shuttle of diffегепt designS that Wеге developed
gгаЬЬеd the Wогld'S attention Whеп it Ьесаmе the fiгSt thгочgh ргiчаtе епtепрг]Sе, The bad designS :t
геuSаЬlе 5расесгаft, сгаShеd; the good опеS flew. Sооп fасtогiеS
Space tгаче has сарtuгеd the imagination of in Fгапсе, Епglапd and Gегmапу Wеге
thousands of уоUпgstегs, Опе Sцсh уоUпg регSоп
'l ргоdчсiпg huпdгеds, then thousands, of :
Was Вчгt Rutan, Ai the 1 957 lаUпсh of SрUrлik 1, аегорlапеs а уеаг, Why did this happen?
the fiгSt mап-mаdе object to огЬit the Еагth, Rutan Вчг[ RULan believes l,he апSWег lies iп :::

WaS jUSt '] 4 уеагS old. Не believed that gочегпmепt two оЬSегчаtiопS: 'That hss to Ье fчп' апd
'МауЬе l сап do that',



Choose the answer (а, Ь, с or d) which fits best
э ccording to the text.
- What does the word its refer to in para 2, line 5?
lf а rnUltiple choice question asks you to
find What i5 NoT mentioned in the text,
а the t/y'rght F/уеr yoU muSt look for the information fоr
ь airline travel all the answer options. Whеп you fiпd
с the Воеiпg 747 а piece of jnformation, underline it and
d the wоrldЪ largest factory cro55 out that answer option. continue
until уоч are left With one answer option,
2 Rutan realised he needed to build his оwп spaceship
Whi(h must Ье the согrесt апSWеr.
а whеп Sputnik 1 was launched.
Ь because the government space programme was
too SloW,
с when hе was опlу 14 years old, Get the meaning!
d while hе was studying the history о{ flight.
D Complete the sentences with the noun forms
З What were the requirements to Win the Ansari Х Prize? of these words.
hе а to design а spaceship fоr private use
ode Ь to encoutage pr'vaтe space t.avel deve[op fascinate invent оЬsеrче rеqчiге
lted с to епtеr space and rеtчrп twice in two weeks Тhе о{ the computer
е sun d to make ten million dоllаrs for space travel changed the way we live,
t, оr п paragraph 5, what does the word commercia/ise Rob's with
m ean? aeroplanes led him to become а pilot.
а sell something to another business
Ь develop ап idea Ьу advertising
з lп the last decade there have Ьееп several
in space techno!ogy.
с make something well known in the business world
d turn something into а business 4 Detectives need to hаче good powers of
,со would What prediction about the {uture does the writеr
iiечег, NOT mention? 5 А university degree is опе of the
Jоr rгапч iobs.
.,аsп't а that we will travel on spaceships
S оWп Ь that We Will Stop visiting fоrеigп countries
с that we will go оп space holidays
эht of
:h пgS
d that humапs will always Ье interested in {lying
What is this text mainly about? Would you like to go on holiday in sрасе?
а sir Riсhаrd Вгапsоп's business Why?/Why not?
ь famous аirсrаft What do you think реорlе would Ье ab,le to
с private schemes to build а success{u! sрасесгаft
] the do there?
tу, Опlу а d government rеsеаrсh into space flight
] Yet Ьу
]р апеý
ed : - э optimism fina ly paid off. lп 2ОО4 his Specially
deSignS . ;-ed spaceship, sрасе5hiрапе, SUccessfully епtегеd
: . : зпd made lt back to Еагth twice iп hlr'o Weeks,
еге .: ,чеге the геquiгеmепts to Wiп the ten-miLlion-
Cs, of . ДпSагi Х Ргizе, а ргizе designed to епсоUгаgе the
lрреп? - -эгпепt of ргiчаtе Space tгачеl, RUtan'S success
Siп : -a Wогld'S attention, апd чагiочS Schemes to
---.егсiаliSе ргiчаtе Space tгачеL Ьеgап tо арреаг,
: such sсhегпе, siг Richaгd Вгапsоп has licensed
. _:.1поlоgу of SрасеshiрОпе tol his соmрапу, Viгgiп
с Which hopes to оftег огdiпаry people the
' .::-:Jпitу
- ] to visit Space. ВгапSоп Uпче led the follow-
: : .rt SpaceshlpтWo, in DесеmЬег 2m9, Viгgiп's
.. :эасеShiрs Will have ьNо pilots апd six раSsепgегS
, ]"-d Раssепgегs, who will рау $2ОО,ООО fог а
-: lvil float Weightless fог Six thгilliпg miпчtеý аS they
,]: .Ut at Space thгоUgh а lагgе Window, 'of all ihe
.: ,ve've dопе" ВгапSоп says, 'Viгgiп Galactic iS the
: -i,] most excited about, ЕVеry time l look Up in the
. .: п ght, l think about how iпсгеd Ьlе the оррогtuпiw
, ::эр е have Ьееп Waiting fог this mоmепt fог
- _ _:зпdS
of уеагS,'

=- , Deople think that опе day We Will Ье visiting Space

. aS We поW visit fогеigп соUпtгiеS, РегhарS
: er we will also have сгеаtеd space hо idays ог
: =:: с weekend Ьгеаks, Опе th пg is fог SUге: Whаtечег
.-..пS iп the futчге, mап ]S going to continue trying to
'.:tег, hiqhег апd fчгthег away thап ечег Ьеfоге.
Y ооаVиlаrц
А Label the pictures using these words.
headset kеуЬоагd mouse рriпtеr sсаппеr sсrееп Speakers tоWеr


в choose the correct answers.

1 Cloning is а process in biology used to lГ уо.l. с9црцlg1 is touch-screen,
а produce better and faster forms of space trave а you don't have to рrеS5 апу buttons оr keys to
Ь create а living thing that is exactly like апоthег Ь you shouldn't touch tbe screen when you аrе using i:
2 lf а gadget is portable. А device is something that
а it is lightweight and easy to саrrу а is necessary to make machines and engines ruп
Ь it is cheap and efficient Ь has been invented for а ceacain purpose
3 When you demonstrate а new product or invention, EIectrical appliances are things like
а you sell it to а manufacturer а robots and spacecraft
Ь уоч show it to а possible Ьuуеr ь vacuum сlеапеrs and dishwasheгs

С Complete the text using these words.

Ьгосhчге imргочеmепtS iппочаtiоп mапufасtчrе рrосеSS Staqe
Ап iпчеrrtоr's guide
So, you think you've finaily come up wlth the invention that will сhапgе the wоrld! Do you think that all those hours spent
making (1) to уоur original design and testing, re-testing and testing yet again are abrout to рау off? Well,
before you start соuпtiпg аll that mопеу you think you're going to receive for your fab,u ous (2)
you'd better think again. You see, it's а sad, but true, fact that the (З) of getting somethinq new оп the
market is а long опе. lпчепtоrs must travel а rочgh and rосkу road to get frоm the еаrlу development (4)
to thе аll-imроrtапt согпmеrсiаl liсепсе of their invention. So, bre{ore уоч'rе left with а cellar fu l о{ worthless gadgets that уоu
simp у cannot get rid of, consider the fo owing саrеfullу.
. Make а list of possible companies which might want: to (5) (5) your product_
. Send а lеttеr, оr even Ьеttег, a(n) (6) your product to the companies
describinq уоur corт оп уоur list.
Fiпаllу, Ье patient, stay саlm and печеr stop inventing. Even Alexander Grаhаm Bell had his bad days!

D Do you agree with these quotes? Compare your answers with а partner's.
. 'Опе rпасhiпе сап do the work of fifty ordinary mеп, Ьut no mасhiпе can do the work о{ опе ехtrаоrdiпаrу man.'
ЕlЬеrt Hubbard
. 'Man is still the rnost extraordinary computer о{ all.'John Е Kennedy
. 'Computers are useless. They сап опlу give you апswегs.' РаЫо Picasso
В Complete these sentences using а correct future tense.
1 Tomorrow morning l'm
Euture Simple, Shall, Ве going to, Future
2 ShalI l
Continuous & Fчtчrе Perfect Simple
з l think l

А ldentify the structures in bold iп the __ in а few years.

sentences апd thеп answer the queStions. 4 This time neХt Week l

а Stop pulling the computer mouse! You're

going to damage it. _ 5 l feel tired at the moment so l
Ь At '12 o'clock tоmоrrоw, l'll Ье taking my
tecbnology exam. Look оut! Yочr laptop is too пеаr thё edge of the tаЫе.
с Shall l help you? lt
d Robots will Ье раП of alI оur lives in the
пеаr futu rе. _
The computer соmрапу is going to с choose the correct answers.
Ыiпg out new sofМare пехt week. 1 Most teachers _ whiteboaгd tесhпоlоgу in the
cJassroom frоm now оп.
f The technicians wil| hаче installed surveillance а shаll use
саmеrаs Ьу next week. _ ь will have used
с are going to use
which sentence
А new science museum has just opened in the city
1 makes а suggestion or offer? ! centre. ?
2 refers to an action that will Ье completed Ьу а We are going
or before а specific time in the future? ! Ь Shall we go
3 refers to an action that will Ье in progress
с Will we hаче gопе
at а specific time in the future? ! _ the report Ьу 5 o'clock. Jane?
4 refers to intentions оr plans? ! а Will you Ье doing
5 makes а prediction for the immediate future Ь Will you have done
based оп счrrепt evidence? ! с Shаll you do
6 rеfеrs to а prediction? ! The education minister has confirmed that from next уеаr,
studепЪ _ the;r own compUter at School.
3е careful! а will Ье having
:этеmьеr а future tense cannot
Ье used with ь will have had
::,lporals such as whеп, after, until, thе mоmепt and а5 с аrе going to hаче
l:эп the main clause contains а fчturе tense.
as even if
-::ead We Use а present or present
_ tourist space travel iп the пеаг future?
реrfесt tense. а will there Ье
1ead 4.1-4,4 of the Grаmmаr Rеfеrепсе оп
ь shаll thеrе Ье
'65-166 before you do the tasks. с will thеrе hаче Ьееп

) circle thе correct words.

iobotics * way to 9о!

]nt : ;rary thinkers believe that rottotics (1) shаll Ье / will soon Ье
rff? Well, -i. -S impoгtant aS computers аrе now. lVlost probably, robrotics
i ,. hаче become ,/ will Ь,е becoming рагt of the learning environment
n the ::':.е lопg too.

:: -:ational robotics isn't just а revolutionary idea any mоrе; it has become
hat you
:: ], This reality is а humanoid robot called NAO developed Ьу а Frепсh
: : -эапу. NAO listens, speaks, sees апd reacts to touch. NAO is а tool for the
::::^ing of science and technology.
J:-эепts (З) will Ье using / will have used NAO as а tool to lеаrп about robotics
:- э эthеr Subjects such as mathematics and computer programming instead of
_ -
_. using traditional methods, lt (4) will Ье / will hаче been wопdегfчl for students
-: :э hands-on experiments and experience
how muсh fun robotics сап Ье.
: -="ently,
NAO (Academics Edition) is being used in mаjоr universities and
:::,atories around the world. but it (5) will soon have Ьееп / is sооп going to Ье
: ,
= able to the 9епеrаl рчЫiс too. Without а doubt, NAo
э : gоiпg to make / shall make classes mоrе fun for both teachers and students!
А ('Lirt"n *о this conversation between Jim and Valerie and decide who еасh question is about.
Write J (Jim) оr V (Valerie).
1 Who didn't know that there was а рrоЫеm? t]
2 Who likes to have long telephone conversations? .

3 Who suggeststhatthe other changes his/her telephone habits? f]

4 Who {eels that the other is not being very sympathetic? П
5 Who points out that long conversations аге not mоrе expensive? Г

в ( ' Now listen again and complete the phrases that the speakers use to express these meanings.
1 аппоуiпg mе . оп mч пеrчеs
2 functions согrесtlу perfectly
з disconnects us us off
4 begins to make noises sta гts
5 talk for Shогtеr lengths о{ time have shorter

С б You will hеаr people talking in six Situations. Fоr questions 1-6,
choose the best answer, а, Ь оr с. Сlоsо-Uр
You hеаr sоmеопе talking about а household device. YoU may not hear the exact
Which item is he talking about? WoгdS that you read in the
а а dishwasher anSwer choices, 5о think
Ь а washing mасhiпе carefully about What еасh
с а vacuum сiеапеr ап5Wеr choice meanS.

You hеаг two teenagers talking in an electrical appliance

shop. What does the girl decide to buy?
а а laptop
Ь an lVlP3 player
с а mobile рhопе with radio
Yоu hеаr а mап talking. What does hе say is the best
thing about thе product he's b,ought?
а lt сопtrоls lots of things.
ь |tъ useful fог travellers.
с lt's easy to USe.
You hеаr раrt of а news rероrt. What does the
рrе5епtеr say is in doubt?
а that suppliers will wantto design the seats
Ь that апуопе will buy the tickets
с that Ечrореап regulations will allow thе new design
You hear а woman talking. What do she and her
husband both want to buy?
а а cooker
Ь а hоmе cinema system
с а computer

Yоu hеаr а girl talking. How does she {eel about hеr
Ыоth еr?
She thinks he's going to Ье чеrу successful,
Ь She thinks he's wasting his Lime.
с she doesn't саrе whether he's successful or поt.


{ Work with а partner and answer these questions.
. What do you think iS the greatest jnvention? Why?
Do you hаче an email ассочпt? What do уоu use it fоr? How often do you use it?
l{ you had the оррОrtuпitу to learn at home using а computer instead of going to school,
would you? Why?,Ar'r'hy not?
lf you had to choose опе electronic device to take with you on holiday, whai would it Ье?

The following electronic devices have become part of mапу people's daily lives. How often do you
each of them? Which ones could you not live without and whу?
. aptop . digital саmеrа
. mobile рhопе . video game сопsоlе
. МРЗ player . GPS navigator

- Work with а раrtпеr and answer the questions about the photographs.
One of you should Ье Student А and thе other should be'Studeit Ё.
Remember to use the Usefu/ Expressions. Llоsо-Vр
When you dont know а word
оrсап't remember it, don't
Waste time tryin9 to bring it to
mind.Think of anotherWay to
express the same idea.

е exact
Student А: Соmраге photos
in the
1 and 2 and say what the
: each advantages of еасh situation are.
lS, student в: which situation do
you think is best to wогk iп?

Student В: Соmраrе photos З and

4 and say what the disadvantages
of each situation are.
student А: Do you think it's
а good idea to use robots to
manufacture things?

r}_ Usеfаl tхуrеss\очs

]iscuss these questioný With а Partner. Paraphrasing
' Эо уоч think technology has simplilied оur lives оr
,nade them mоrе difficult?
Will robots ever replace humans? /Wjll robots ever
Why? do the,job of hчmапs?
' ]о уоч рrеfеr face-to-face communication or Тесhпоlоgу has Simplified our lives, /Technology
communication via telephone or email? Why? has made our lives easier.
' Do you think using motrile phones is bad for our Сап you think of апу benefits / drawbacks of mobile
realth? Why? рhопеs? / Are there апу advantages / diSadvantages
of mobile phones that yoU сап think of?
' What are the benefits and drаwЬасk of shopping on
:hе lnternet?

! ооаVиlаrц
.word formation
А Complete the table.

, u9lb l почп ; adlectjv9

' explosion 9xp|osille
|.99l ] !9active

i 9Т_Р9Уе| l P9We'.
revolutionise revolutionaгy
industrialise industгy

ехсеllепсе excellent

lT9s]l" imaginative

В Complete the sentences with words from А.

1 No опе was hurt during the but а building was
2 Neil Аrmstrопg, thе {irst mап оп the moon, is а(п)
mапу young аstrопаuts.
з lcan't what it must Ье like to walk оп the mооп!
4 The initial to the iPad has Ьееп very positive; they've
sold millions,
5 lv]ark Wants to Work in the computer when hеъ older.
6 Did thе lnternet communication?
7 The man gave them а(п) , talk about the Space programme.
Рёtё didn't very well whеп l told him l'd Ьrоkеп his new
digital camera.
9 Не isn't чеrу good at aft but he is at science.
10 А spacecraft needs чеrу engines in order to Ье аЫе to
go to the mооп.

phrasal verbs
С Rewrite the sentences below in your notebook, replacing the words in bold with these phrasal verbs.
back uP btast off соmе up With hook up tog in Set up

1 l'll get the technician to connect уоur соmрUtеr to the power supply right away, so you сап use the Net.
2 l'll give you my password, so you сап gain access to а computer and begin your work.
З lnventors think of, suggest and make newand helpful gadgets all thetime-they're amazing.
4 The rocket is going to leave the ground and head for space iп half an hour.
5 Remember to make а сору of your work оп your сОmрчtеr at the end of the day. You don't Want to lose апуthiпg.
6 HowlongWill ittake Pete to getthe experiment rеаdу for later?

D Discuss these questions with а partner.

. whо has Ьееп ап inspiration to you? why?
. How do уоч think the home computer has revolutionised the way we work today?
. What is more important fоr а scientist - imagination оr intelligence?
. lf уоu were ап inventor, what kind of gadget would you invent?

А Underline the temporals in each sentence and notice the
tenses which foIlow them.
. Will you check that you have switched off the рriпtеr before
you leave?
. |'ll save the {ile as sооп as lfinish updating it.
. Please text me thе moment you have апу news.
. Whеп l get mу оwп computer, l'll Ье аЫе to chat with my friends,
. |'ll wait until the technician fixes the hаrdwаrе.

Complete the rчlеs.

Ъmроrаls are time expressions. Even though We often use them to
:: k аЬочt the future, they аrе поt folIowed Ьу а future tense. We u5е
tense. When we want to emphasise that опе
=:iion finishes before апоthеr starts, We u5е the Present Perfect Simple.
,', hеп we don't need to emphasise the оrdеr of events, we use the
?ead 4.5 of the Grаmmаr Rеfеrелсе оп page 166 before you do tlte tasks.

circle the correct words.

'] l Won't сhапgе my password until / Ьу the time l get а rеmiпdеr.
2 l'll buy an iPad when / before lsave up enough mопеу.
З Тhе doctor will examine the astronaut before / until she gets on board the spaceship,
4 Dr Jones will саll you the moment / until he receives the results.
5 The exhibition will Ье over Ьу the time / after David arrives.
6 Until / As 5ооп as the systems programmer has fixed the рrоЫеm, we'll get back to work.

I complete the sentences with the correct form of the чеrьs in brackets. use опе future tense and опе
рrеsепt tense.
1 The technician the security аlаrm before we
into our пеW house. (install, move)
2 __ my favourite TV рrоgrаmmеs when l а DVD
recorder (record, get)
3We the most up-to-date in{ormation Until We
thе lпtеrпеt. (not find, use)
4| the file Ьу the time you to access it.
(download, need)
5 The students а robotics demonstration aS 5ооп as they
_ from their iuпсh Ыеаk. (watch, come b,ack)
Jen nifer the online application fоrm after she
the песеssаrу information. (complete, 9ather)

rДhiпg. Э Complete the sentences аЬочt the future so that they are true аЬочt you.
1 l'll buy а new mob,ile рhопе when
2 Afte" l have linished my stud'es, my раrепts
з [V]y classmate and lwill have completed оur science project before
4 |'ll activate the аlаrm а5 sооп as
5 |'ll have finished studying English Ьу тlе time
6 'll lend you my spare mobile until

clauses of reason & contrast
Whеп you write, you will often need to justify уочr opinion, You can
use clauses of reason to explain tbe rеаsоп fоr something and clauses
of сопtrаst to express ап opposite idea or opinion.
clauses of reason аrе introduced with these words:
. as/since/becauselthe rеаsоп whу + ýub'ect + чеrЬ
. because o{/due to + noun/the fact that
. the rеа5оп for + поUп
clauses of contrast are introduced with these words:
. аlthочgh/ечеп though/but/while/whereas/yet + subject + чеrЬ
. however,/nevertheiess, + subject + verb
. in spite of/despite + поuп/thе fact that/-ing

А Tick the correct sentences and correct the Wrong ones in your notebooks.
] The rеаsоп for l was impressed was the centre's organisation, f
2 The astronaut gave ап interesting lecture, Ьесаusе some реорlе couldn't hear him. L
3 Тhе space shuttle launch was postponed due for bad weather. L
4 The technology fair was ехсеllепt, Ноwечеr, the opening hours should have Ьееп extended. f
5 lwould definitely гесоmmепd the product despite of its cost. L
б ln myopinion,young people prefer interactive game consoles since they aгe more challenging than traditional games.

В Read the writing task and the notes you have made апd tick the things you must do in the task below.
You hаче received ап email frоm the mапаgеr of а visitor centre you wелt to rеселt/у. Read the mапаgеr's еmаil апd
the notes you have made. Тhеп, write ап emailto the mапаgеr, usiпg all yaur notes.

Dear Visitor,
we would like your
As vou rесепtlч visited the Оrап Space
Exploration Visitor Сепtrе aS раrt ot а school яrоuр,
f;;ffi;;;;;;;;i*. *"irro ье чеrу grateful if you could [ake the
{eebback on your experience and th!
time to rерlу,
informative, ls there аПУ
Firstlv, We Would like to knoW if yoU foUnd
the Spacecraft exhibitionS interesting and
to visitors? *-,|
*"у iЁ"уlЬ"rа Ье made mоrе appealing Move iпlerac\ive, 7ейа7s?
in уоUr
part of the visitor centre WaS, We are very interested
Secondly, please tell us What уоur favourite
bpinion ЪпО ,uggestions you miвht have,----x *лп rocket exhibition ьесц\лsе ",
iЙiпt *ould Ье interested in such talks? -_,_|not re ally, because ",
'.uп.еЪ" com'"nt',---rnlu,,n,
if you have апу other suggestions or
PleaSe do not hesitate to let us knoW Fri,n
lar уаuпq 7ea7le
Yours faithfully,

Сlаrk Rуап
Quality control Мапаgеr

1 express уоur орlпlоп 3 make some suggestions п

2 apologise {оr something 4 write an informal email г


, Read thе model email and circ|e the correct words.
When уоч are WIitin9 а formal letter ог
email to someone Whose name you don't
-::r Мr Ryan,
know,begin Dearsir/Madаm and sign off
:т Writing in response to your email asking for feedback on the wilLh Yоuь laithfuПy.|f you know the реrsопi
] -зп Space Exploratjon Visitor Сепtrе. name, then use it in the greeting (eg DeorM5
: -::ly, rе8аrdiпg the spacecraft exhibitions, l found r1"" off withYou:s ii:::rely
them eХtremely '1r*.) "": :|n." .|
-'эгmаtiче (1) as / the reason for l learnt а great deal about the
;:оrу of the spacecraft. (2} While / Ноwечеr, the exhibitions Over to you!
,.] ld Ье much mоге interestin8 if theyWere more interactive.
G Пеаd the writing task and make
-: - this геаSоп, the rocket exhibition made the biggest а раrаgrарh plan for your email.
эrеSSiоп оп me (3) the reason why / since it is the опlу thing Remember to justify your opinion using
-:i is interactjve. l поW Understand better how spacecraft wоrk clauses of reason and contrast.
]) to the fact that / because of l ехреriепсеd а 'flight' оп а
-i: rосkеt, Yоu hаче received а п еmаil frоm а соmрапу
that you rесепtlу bought а te/escope frогп,
- 'act, lfeel that sUch exhibitions give students
а better idea of Read the email алd the notes you have
': iп space than talkS Ьу fоrmеr astronaUtS WoUld. conseqUently, mаdе, Тhеп writе ап emai/ to th е соmрапу,
-:!bt that the talks suggested WoUld Ье чеrу popU lar With usiпg all уочr notes. (120-180 words)
: -пg реорlе (5} because / yet they usually prefer to take ап
, :. ve part in Some Way.

,: га l, l really enjoyed my visit to the centre. l have

г :: э mmended it to а ll my friendS а nd pla п to visit again Soon. Dеаr cUstomer,
L a l -iespite / Nevertheless, l believe that reducing the price of а

L -,.:et WoUld ensUre that mоrе young

реорlе could visit. l see from our records that you have
L recently bought one of оur high роWеr
telescopes. We would like your feedback
f оп оur product and would Ье very grateful
)ameS. f if you could take the time to rерlу.
|аЬоу wtlalite gad 5зarqt,ziпq 1,_
_ эоk again! Fiгstlу, we wouId like to know if you use the)

) Read the model email again and write Т (truе) оr F (false).

telescope [оr professional rеаsопs оr --/
|il апd for leisure, Secondiy does it meeL your
1 needs? <-уе5, Ьесац9е ,,.
The writer gгееts the reader and signs off рrореrlу. ] l|e (,;cl t|a* ,1 , !,qhtwetqhl. oecт|'!se
2 Тhе writer has covered all hеr notes. П lt WоUlфlSо Ье helpful iГ you could tell us

З Тhе writеr justifies her орiпiопs. П which feature о[ the telescope уоч feel is
4 Тhе writer рrеsепts feedback in а constructive way. П most USefUl for уоUr needs, in addition to
5 The writer's tone is vеrу negative_ f-
Sug8esting any improvements We could make
to the model you purchased. \provilz а
6 Тhе ideas аrеп't сlеаrlу linked in the email, Г с cu-e
Thank you in advance fоr helping us to
Write the соrrесt раrаgrарh пчmЬеr next to еасh description. improve oUr product.
а Suggest how spacecraft exhibition could Ье improved, ! Yours faithfUlly,
Ь Sum up impression of the visitor сепtrе and comment оп опе
Janet Douglas
thing that could Ье improved, !
ProdUct Development Мапаgеr
с comment оп mапаgеrЪ suggestion for future event. i]
d Discuss favourite part and say why, []
е Slaтe tl"e ,еаsоп for writing.f
Usе|иl {хргеss\оц;
Look at the Useful Expressions and complete the sentences
Giving opinion5
with appropriate words. Sometimes more than опе answer l believe/fёel -..
is роssiЫе. In my opinion, ...
'1 Тhе CD-ROM is extremely and llearnt
То my mind, ...
... made ап impression on me ...
а lot frоm it,
... haS proved to Ье ...
2 ln my science lessons should Ье less Feedback
ье interactive
з Since the eqUipment iS it is easy to carry. Ье lightweight/poпable/practical/conVenient
4 То my it would Ье Ьеttеr Ье ideal/Suitable/appropriate for enthu5iasts
i{ there was
Ье extremely informative
а wider rапgе of со]оurs to choose from.
take ап active part in


Before you watch

А Work with а partner and answer these questions.
. How mапу different ways о{ gепеrаtiпg electricity сап you think of? what are they?
. which of these аrе rепеwаые епеrgу sources?
. choose опе rепеwаые and опе поп-гепеwаьlе energy source and discuss the advantages
and disadvanta9es of each.

While уоч watch

В Watch the DVD and circle the words you hеаr.
1 lt'S Ьееп difficult to turn that епеrgу / sUn ight into electricity.
2 А mаjоr supporter / advocate fоr solar епеrgу can Ье fоuпd in California.
3 lVany new homes iп Sасrаmепtо are equipped / provided with solar cells.
4 lf they use iess роwеr than they produce, the utility соmрапу sends them brack а cheque {оr
thе difГеrепсе / similarity.
5 Unlike pbotosensitive / photovo]taic systems, which capture the епеrgу in sunlight directly,
these mirrоrs reflect the sunlight onto а tube {i]led with а special oil.
6 5о lопg as the sun rises, solar power will continue to оffеr hope fоr а dерепdаЫе / rеliаЫе
- and сlеапеr - solution to the world's energy needs.

After you watch

С Complete the summary ofthe DVD below using these words.
affordabte huge pottution powerful residents rеsоurсеs Supporter

Еагth's most (1) source of епеrgу is actually out in

space. lt's оur sun. lVапу реорlе already use some solar energy, but for
solar power to Ье used instead of оthеr limited and disappearing епеrgу
(2) it has to Ье both (з)
and dependable.

Sасrаmепtо, the capital of California, is а major (4)

of solar епеrgу. lts (5) сап save or ечеп make mопеу
using solar роwеr through 'net metering'. This (6)
allows реорlе who produce extra power to sell it back to the utility
соmрапу at the same price as they would поrmаllу рау for it.
Iп California's l\4ojave Desert there is a(n) (7)
sоlаr plant that generates sоlаr energy. Whеп the Кrаmеr Junction
sоlаr power facility is working at full capacity, it сrеаtеs а total of 150
megawatts. This is enough power for about half а million houses.
Furthermore, it сап do аll this whi]e producin9 чеrу little саrЬоп dioxide
or (8)

D Discuss these questions with а partner.

. Do you think саlifоrпiаъ solar energy policies could work in your country? why? / why not?
. what do уоu think сап Ье done to hеlр solve the world's епеrgу рrоыеms?

Units 3 & 4

А Complete the sentences with both words.
'1 Stage proceSS innovation invention
а The development of а пеw product i5 а lопg Тhе of Tv has chanoed
оur way of li{e dramatically.
The first of development is We are living in а century of technological
the longest.
additives vaccinations bandages сгчtсhеs
а Children аrе given Whеп he Ыоkе his leg, thе опlу way fоr him to
protect them a9ainst variouý diseaSeS. mоvе around was to use
Ь l рrеfег eating food that doesn't contain апу Ь Тhе nurse wil] have to change the
оп your wound every day.
portab[e touch-Screen Shape figure
а We have got а CD рlауеr а Jogging iS а good Way to Stay in
which we take outside when the weather is nice.
Ь lf you aren't {amiliar with usin9 соmрutегs, ь The model has а oreat
lrесоmmепdа_ _опе, ShеЪ got опg legs and а slim body.
sore tender ward пчrsе
а l hаче а throat and when а lvs Jones is thе on duty
l swallow food it hurts а lot. at the mоmёпt,
Ь The раrt of my hand where l cut mysel{ is still Ь The hospital must Ье
and painful. kept clean and tidy for patients.

Complete the word groups with these words.

appliance diаgпоsе infection mапufасtчrе minerals rеmеdу surgеоп tгeadmitt
1 prescription, medication, 5 teSt, examine,
2 protein, vitamins, 6 gym, weights,
з device, gadget, 7 optician, dietician,
4 bui d, produce, 8 tеmрегаtчrе, flu,

Circle the correct pr€positions.

1 How healthy уоu are depends at / on how уоu treat your body.
2 Аll young children аrе vaccinated about / a9ainst some diseases.
З ВrапsопЪ соmрапу, Virgin Galactic, is focusing at / оп building spaceships for оrdiпаrу
4 Fаir реорlе shouldn't stay out in the SUn for too long because they аrе оп / at risk of getting sunburnt.
5 ]nventors hаче contributed fоr / to progress in technology,
6 l can't log at / in because my computer has Ыоkеп down.
7 Weall need to work оп / fоr оur health апd try to eat healthy foods.
Е Susan was feeling uпdеr / over the wеаthег last Weekend and took it easy.

Complete thе sentences with thе correct form of the words iп bold,
Т This computer software сап Ье changed to suit уоuг . REoUlRE
2 There is no in his hеаlth and he is still in hospital. lMPRovE
З That famous dосtоrЪ book оп health is truly , |NSP|RE
4 That architect b,ecame {amous because of his desions. |MAG|NE
5 Му doctor 9аче me а for antibiotics whеп my cold became worse. PRESCR|BE
5 This new rоЬоt is а development in technology. REVOLUT|ON

Units 3 & 4

А Complete the sentences With the Present РеrfеС Simple or the Present Реrfесt Continuous using these verbs.
capture develop eat lose rеасh Simptify Sleep trачеt

а lot of weight just Ьу Тесhпоlоgу очr lives since thе

walking fоr ап bour every day. late 60s.
The ЬаЬу fоr less thап ап hоur, The couple to lndia five times in
so please Ье quiet, the last two yearS,
3 Jane nourishing food to Тоm his
improve hеr health for the paýt уеаr. destination yet?
Space travel people's This computer company
imaginaLion [о. а long lime, types of software since 1990.

в choose the correct answers.

1 Dаппу will his new video game console Ь,у the The technician will have fixed hег laptop she
епd of the week- comes back frоm the uk.
а гесеiчеd а as soon as
ь have rесеiчеd Ь until
с гесеiчiпg с Ьу the time
2 This time next уеаг, we will пеw mоге powerful Ве careful! Your рhопе fall into the water.
telescopes to ехрlоге Space. а lS going to
а building Ь will Ье
Ь Ье building с will
с hаче built
Please don't leave you have finished the work.
3 Whеп . __ buy а пеw mobile? а Ьу the time
а you are going to Ь unti]
Ь you will с а5 5ооп
с аrе уоu going to
l think you wilI this book оп health апd fitness.
4 This соmрапу а new robot for the hоmе Ьу thе а enjoy
end of the уеаr. Ь Ье enjoying
а will have buit с have enjoyed
ь will build 10 This time next month you relaxing оп ап island
с is gоiпg to build
in Grеесе.
5 l take уочr computer to Ье repaired? а will Ье
а Will Ь will
bAm с will have
с Shall

с circle the correct words.

Eat less, live lопgеr!

Could eating опlу а ittle food every day help slow the aging process? We know that food is песеs5агу to keep
(1) а few /
аll living things alive. But why is it that (2) some / а l]ttle animals like laboratory rats, сап live twice their поrmаl life spans
when they аrе fed fеwеr calories? Scientists have known {or (3) а few / а lot of уеаrs, about 70, that animals such as dogs
and mice show increased Jongevity when they eat less food.

Dean Роmеrlеач began eating 2000 саlоriеs а day at the age of З5. His weight has dropped Ьу about 20 kilos and hе
calculates that ечеrу calorie hе avoids is wогth aErout З0 seconds of extra life. 'l am willing to give up (4) а piece of / а few
pizza to live апоthеr three hоuгs!' he says. Мапу реорlе avoid foods that contain (5) а Lot of / ots sugar and fat in the hope
of living lопgег. BUt is it Wоrth it and more impoгtantly iS it true? scientists have not yet found (6) muсh / many
proof, but what they do kпоw is that the key to eating гight is balance. So, is it worth living а little longer, but not
enjoying а (7) few / lэаr of chocolate once in а while?

Reading: article, missing sentences
'vосаlэu!агу: succeSs- апd ambition-related Words, prepositions,
collocations & expressions
бrаmmаr: modaIs, semi-modaIs, modals perfect
l-iStening: muItiple matching
.э the Speaking: talking about ambition and sчссе5s, decision
making, ехрrе5siпg certainty & uncertainty
:'mе5 iп Writing: еssаи presenting аrgчmепt5






:о keep
: SpanS
:s dogs
Е** ._a .a
-"s -a "s
aa лý
-: hоре Sýi .ý -"(r
a л-a "(\ i.
ё- "s,"ý
ý -.a-
,\\ ý
лJ' .-.
;{- ýлs 'sлý
л\d+-j+ ".' ,с,c
л,+ +
_-{С "s f{. -ý .ýz юЪz
,{ ýý
{i :i
What does success mеап to you? Put the following in
order of how important they are in defining success
(1 = most important; 5 = least important).

hi9h StatuS
реrsопа happiness
good friends
making а diflerence
Do а class survey to find out what the most popular choice is!

:] Read the article to find out approximately how mапу сс]:аrвсt: а medica! сопditjоп which
cataract operations the НСР does every year. causes gгоduаl los' of 5ight
t _,1,1ltc |аr |оm рlосе,whеrе othe,
people live

de'lti1 sеr!:е!lсе: а condition аr рrоЬlеm

that leads to death
e!i!l\iila'ie: to get rid of sаmеthiпg
iireie55!y: not getting tiгеd of dоiпg
,e5tara.ioF: Ьriпgiпg somethiog back to
its огlgiпаl condition

Dr Sanduk Ruit апd Dr Geoff ТаЬiп have ап uпчsuаl

реrsопаl goal: to cure as much unnecessary bllndness
in the]r ]ifetime as poss ble, 1 CaLa.i]ctS аrе
Ьу fаr the most соmmоп cause of treatable b]indness
in the developing world, and Dr Ru t developed
а technique that a]lows safe, loW-coSt cataract
operations, Очеr the years, Dr Ru t and Dr Tabin have
proved that hospital quality standards сап Ье арр ied
success{ully ечеп п теп-lоiе aTeas of the developing
wor d, Тоgеthег, through the work of the НСР, they
have made the impossilrle, possible,

The Wor]d Health Organ sation de{ines а реrsоп as

functiona ly bl]nd when that реrsоп саппоt реrfоrm the
daiiy tasks n life that are песеssаrу to survive,


l .7'

,i Sanduk. Ruit and

l _Dr
ur Geott lаьlп awalt
, "t "n "",u-o,
,_ ý"'u'*,
lоsо-UР Get the meanin9 !

. iе Surе that the sentence уоu сhоо5е to D Complete the sentences with the correct words.
] gap fits iп logically With the Sentence expedition miгасLе раssiоп
::. comes after it а5 Wella5 With the
,:епсе that come5 Ьеfоге it, 1 l сап't be]ieve thisl lt must Ье а(п)
2 l've печеr Ьееп оп a(n) to the mountains.
!ive sentences have been removed from з l have a(n) fоr music,
:hе textл Choose frоm the sentences А-F dusty rough daring
:hе one which fits еасh gap ('l -5). Тhеrе
s опе extra sentence which you do not 4 This is the most mission l've ever taken
leed to use. part in,
5 Ве саге{ul not to fall, Тhе gгоuпd ls hеrе.
lt was then that hе understood his life's
miSSion, 6 P|ease с еа, rу des|,, ll's чеrу

То {ulfi] thi5 goal, they started the

Нimаlауап cataract Project (НСР) in 1995,
\eve,Lгe,oss, D, ЪЬ'r re[us^s ,о give uo,
Еасh ореrаtiоп takes only six or seven Who do you think deserves the most respect fоr their
minuteS to perform, achievements? Why?
SiL.laTion, l <е rг"sе саг l^ave а se,io-s . Dr Geoff ТаЬiп, со-Dirесtоr of the Himalayan Cataract Project
effect оп thе quality of life fоr the Ь]iпd . Jennifer Aniston, celebrity
оегsоп, thеiг family and even his оr hеr . cristiano Ronaldo, football рlауеr
community. о Bill Gates, {оuпdеr of I\4icгosoft
Тhеrе are also Ti ganga medical teams . саr]оs Slim Helu, businessman апd world's rlchest реrsоп
,.,1,1o ttauel Lo
,e,note а,еа", bomeTirre. . Аmеliа Еагhаrt, first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic
оп foot, to treat people,

_,sual .
Jeveloping world, а family mеmЬеr who А child smiles at ап еуе
.dneSS -es blind сhапgеs frоm being Sоmеопе Who camp in Nepal.
ате :-rtes io the family ]nto а famjly burden: а
aпеSS :_-d who can't wоrk in the fields, а mother
:l't аЬ е to walk очеr rough ground to collect
- оr а child who сап по lопgеr attend school,
- hаче As Dr ТаЬiп says, 'lп the Himalayan
;р led -- Ьindness s а death senience, Fоr а long
]р пg . эeople thought that as you gгоw old, уочr
:hеу -,nS White, уочг eyes turn wh te and you die,'

. ]' Dr Tabin'S greatest pass опS, rпочпtаiп

aS : -g, led him to h s profess onal саrееr, After
эrm the lg the summit of lйоuпt Everest оп опе of
-,эеditiопS, he came across а Dutch team

- :,т ng а cataract ореrаtiоп оп а wоmап who
_-еп Ь ind {оr thrее years. З As Dr
зауs, 'lVy раrtпеr Dr Sanduk Ru]t and l have
.ed to wоrk to е miпаlе alJ
. Ьt'пdгеss lrоm lге Hima
ауаг rеg,ог
ir /} ;,#, Г;iы,',,{ý
':t mе, а goal mоrе dаr]пg than setting out to they work tiK э Ьriпg the miracle of sight back to
.. :he fiгst ascent of the East Fасе of Мочпt Everest" aS mапу patil роssiЫе Ье fore moving оп to the next
пi -gп the НСР has expanded lnto AJrica rесепtlу,
ц*l . : ld from the Himalayan region Wеrе the focus of How mапу cataract Surger]es does the НСР реrfоrrп every
€qр . , ,сrk iп the еаrlу years, This is because this аrеа
: ^е of the highest rates of саtагасt blindness ]п the
уеаr? Together With their padnerS, the НСР contributes to
the examinatlon and treatment о{ очеr З70,000 patients
: Тпе base of operations s ihe Tilganga lnstitute аппUаllу, including provlding Surgery to очег З1,000
, , ^tha moLogy in Nepal, which treats 2,500 patients patients, 5 And опе of the most amazing things iS
:- ,leek, 4 The teams often find that there ]s that this life-changing surgery опlу costs the НСР $20.
Ruit and . -:tr city or drinking Water, but Within а few hourS, The result of the HCP's wогk is not just the restoration of
iп await - -ап turn а dusty School bU]lding into a'hospital гооm' sight: it's the rеstогаtiоп of human life,
. -: :he Sight-restoring suгgеrу is carried out. Тhеrе,
е camP.


Y ооаVиlаrц
А comPlete the sentences using two of the words in еасh group.
1 best-selting accomplished devoted 4 loss fоrtuпе profit
Tim is a(n) author who Reports say the family
has written over а dozen greatly increased when they sold the property, makinc
novels in the last ten years. а of очеr а million pounds
faitures goats accomptishments jewetlery [and possessioný
[V]апуsaid that Steven wouId печеr achieve his Being а millionaire, hе owns
but after overcoming ail over the country and his wife wears designer
ma ny he is поw clothes and
а famous record producer,
detёrmined vaLuab[e stubborn
З riЬЬоп medal cup Тhе actor succeeded in becominq fаmочs because
Wеаriпg his around his hе was and he had lеаrпt
neck, the proud team captain саrгiеd the championship lessons at drama school-
off the pitch.

в circle the odd ones out.

1 dreams hopes fantasies 4 self-confident arrogant modest
2 ЫосkЬustеr flop rесоrd-ыеаkеr 5 flawless peгfect faulty
3 worship idolise епчу 6 infamous celebrated renowned

с circle the correct answers.

А true success story

Орrаh Winfrey, world-renowлed talk show host, (1) tiring / tireless philanthropist. talented actor
rеаllу tells the ragS to (2) wealth / riches story of what can Ье achieved when you really set - tothissomethinq.
woman's life
уоuг mind
Вогп into (3) пееd / poverty in Mississippi, l\z]issouri in 1954, Орrаh has often Ьееп called опе of the most
(4) influential / leading women оп the planet. At,andoned Ьу hеr mоthег at а very
уоuп9 aqe, Орrаh was raised iп а
ruпdоwп inner-city neighbourhood, Her tеепа9е years were full of hardship, апd it wasn't until Oprah WaS nearly twenty
that hеr life Ьеgап to сhапgе for the better.
working for а radio station while she was still а student iп high school, oprah's natural (5)
9ift / рrеsепt as а пеwsrеаdеr
quickly became apparent and her climb up the (6) ladder / steps of succes. Was а speedy опе. Аftег
(7) benefiting / boosting the ratings of а little known chicago talk show to the top spot,
oprah's ambition and
(8) drive / walk rеsчltеd iп hеr setting up her own production соmрапу.

The rest, as the saying goes, is history, Орrаh winfrey hаs Ьееп rапkеd as опе of the wоrldъ first д{riсап-дmеriсап
billionaires. Being the реrsоп she is, she doesn't keep аll this mопеу to herself. lnstead, she spends huge amounts each
уеаr helping others.

D Do you agree with these statements?

Соmраrе your answers With а partner's.
. Аll the mопеу iп the world can't buy you
. lt's harder fоr women to climb the
ladder of success than mеп,
. Power and possessions make the mап.
. Following уоuг dreams is mоrе
important than making mопеу.


'Л odals & Semi-modals в Read these sentences and match them to а
function from А.
А Complete the table with these modal verbs.
сап can't could must mustn't needn't ought to
1 You should set goals {оr the future. !
2 You сап borrow my laptop if you like. !
Function , Modal & Semi-modal Verbs You mustn't leave уоuг computer оп

1making а Ability (Рrеsепt, Fчturе) сап, Ье аt,lе to after work. !

pounds, That уоuпg man may succeed in the

с Ability (PaSt) Was/Were аЬlе to

business world. f]
i -- " 5 You have to promise me to try уоur best. П
d lnab,ility (Pa5t) couldn't, wasn't/weren't ь James could repair computers whеп
аЫе to
he was just а Ьоу. !
yоu needn't look for thaL information

апу mоrе. !
J ]earnt Mr Adams must finish the science project
;chool. Ьу lVlonday. !
I L"lK.i.Бrig"ii;;;i J"";ib""",., lt can't Ье easy to
if you are poor. !
Ыiпg up six children

Ве careful!
k tmpossibility Whеп we want to use mustfor оЫigаtiоп in оthеr
I Possibility could, mау, might tenses, we use the tenses of the verb hаче to.
эd Read 5.'1-5.9 oftfie Grаmmаr Rеfеrепсе on pageý
1 66-167 before уоч do tl]e ta5k5.

choose the correct answers.

1 Richard use а computer whеп he was only six years old!
п's life а can Ь could с might
2 to talk about our ambitions in class tоmоrrоw?
а Have we Ь MuSt We с Do we have
na 3 Не very Ьrаче to climb that mountain in WinLer,
tWenty а сап Ье ьshould Ье с must Ье
4 You become success{ul if you don't try hаrd.
sreader а can't
- Ь mustn't с couldn't
5 mап оvеrсоmе mапу difficulties in his life.
The рооr young
а have to Ь had to с mustn't
6 John worry about his future. Не is чеrу talented.
эп а shouldn't Ь can't с hasn't
ts each
7 l Ьоrrоw уочr laptop {оr а {ew days?
а Needn't Ь Мау с MUst
8 That роssiЫу Ье Betty! ShеЪ away at а сопfеrепсе.
а mustn't Ь can't с shouldn't
circle thе correct words.
'] We will must / have to Ье hеrе early tоmогrоw.
2 What may / shouLd l do? l need your advice.
З Jane, you needn't / don't have to рау now.
4 You rеаllу must / сап read that book. ltЪ great!
4\ 5 She could / was аЫе to win the talent competition last week.
5 Не must / shouLd Ье very ambitious to Want to become а manager.
7 Ечеrуопе might / must lеаrп computer skills these days.
8 Не could / needn't become famous опе day, Who knows?
,4 which of these words do you associate with ambition? put а tick оr а cross in the boxes.
'l persist 6 achieve
2 give up 7 Ье dеtегmiпеd
8 Ье ieve
4 not саге 9 Ье inspired
5 iose hоре l

i You wilI hear some sentences containin9 different {orms of

the words below. Write the words уоu hеаr. Llоsо-Uр
1 infiuence Ве ready to hеаr different form5 of
the Word5 you 5ее Written iп the
2 be]ieve
statement5, Read the statement5
3 achieve fiг5t and think аьоцt which words
4 determined you might hеаr in different form5,
апd what those forms might Ье.
5 inspired

е 1 You will hеаr five people talking about ambitions. Fоr questions '|-5, choose from the |ist д-F
how each реrsоп feels about ambition. use the letters oniy опсе. Тhеrе is опе extra letter
which you do поt need to use.
1 Speaker 1 А You сап have а very hарру i{e without being ambitious,
2 Speaker 2 L
В Ambit]ons аrе something опJу rich people сап have,
С N4y ambition is thе опlу tbing that inspires me iп mу daily ife,
4 Speaker 4 D You' l ргоЬаЬ у just Ье disappointed because you've failed,
5 Sреаl<еr 5 Е Some amb,itions аrе pointleSS, but оthеrs аrе чеrу use{ul in life.
F lf you rеаlIу want something, you сап have it,





l Work with а partner and answer these questions. Talk aboUt the advantage5 and
. Аrе you an ambitious person? Why?/Why not? di5advantage5 of еасh situation before
. What is уочr greatest ambition fог the future? makinq а deci5ion. EXpress the certainty
. ls success impoгtant to you?
and/or uncertainty that you feel
. Do уоч think апу of your friends ог family mеmЬеrs
Ьу USing appropriate langua9e.

аrе particularly successful?

] Lirt.n to Peter and Maria discussing а friend
cf theirs who wants to become а professional D lmagine that your friend wants to Ье а
football player. Тhеir friend wants to know which zoologist (а scientist who studies animals).
First, talk together about the different things
ь of the things shown hеrе she should do to achieve
that he/she should do to succeed in making
hеr goal. Write Р (Peter), М (Maria) оr В (Both) to
show who does these things. his/her dream come true. Then, decide whiсh
two things are the most important. Remember
)rm5 of
,.. to чsе the Useful Expressions.
пепts 1",'nouses appropriate language? !
Words 2 develops аll his/her answers? !
t Ье.
З makes the most арргорriаtе choices for the
situation? ]
4 persuades thе оthеr to agree with him/her? !

Listen а9аiп and underline the Useful Expressions
that you hear.

Usе|иl {,хрrеss\оч;
Expressing certainty
Without а doubt,ld 5ау that ...
|'m certain/positive that ..,

There'S no doubt in my mind that...
Expre55in9 uncertainty
ltЗ hard to 5ау, but...
|'m not 5чrе.
Discuss these questions with а раЁпеr.
l 5Uppose (that) ...
. How impoгtant is it to hаче ambitions?
]t'5 possible that..., but,.. . How are the ambitions of чеrу young реорlе
different from those of older people?
о How do you measure how successful sоmеопе is?
. Does success always bring happiness?
Prepositions Collocations & Expressions
А Соmрlеtё the text with these words. Some В lп the fo|lowing exercise, two of the options given are
of them сап Ье used mоrе than опсе. used with еасh verb to make а collocation. Fоr еасh
а5 ai frоm in of on to
question, cross out the option that саппоt Ье used witl-
the чеrь in bold.
Тý,зе F*сеЬесэig рlхеý,tф!fi gfi Фýп 1 9о: into partnership / а рау rise / bankrupt
IМапу реорlе want to Ье riсh and successful, but 2 do: а Joss / business / my best
not mапу of thеm mапа9е to achieve it, et аlопе 3 make: progress / а profit / the message
before their thirtieth Ьirthdау| However, l\,4ark 4 take: in mind / chances / my рlасе
ZuсkеrЬеrg is опе of these people,
Маrk ZuсkеrЬегg is one of the fоuпdеrs of С Complete the sentences with collocations from В.
FасеЬооk, the most рорчlаr social networking site 'l lf we don't make Sоrпе mопеу Sооп, the business will qo
(1) the p]anet. With close to 500 million b,efore long-
users, the site hе staгted while studying (2)
2 Our соmрапу is not losing mопеу, but we're not making
Harvard University has made him the З5th richest
man (З) the world today.
З you want to Ье successful, you have to take
The idea fоr FасеЬооk was quite simple. Мапу from time to time.
colieges and schools in the USA traditionally Му dad апd my uпсlе wanted to wоrk together, so thеу
publish а book every year whiсh includes pictures Went last уеаr.
of the students, tеасhеrs and оthеr staff, This book lam not going to do With Rоgеr agai.
is known (4) the'FасеЬооk'. Zuckerberg апd after hе tried to cheat me.
his classmates computerised this and the system |'m doing to find а job, but so fаr
eventually spread (5)

othet uг versiLies haven't found апуthiпg at all.

and schools. 7 l have been promoted to Head of Department апd thеу'rе
Six months after staгting FасеЬооk, Zuckerberg ooking fоr suitаЫе candidates to take
and his friends e{t university and moved to in the office.
California as they were determined to make а 8 Не hasn't finished the project yet, but he has made
success (6) the site, тhеiг idea trecame
mоrе and more poPu ar Until it became the hugе
рhепоmепоп we know today, D Match the expressions in bold with their meanings (а-е).
So, if you dream (7) being rich апd famous, 1 Freddie worked his socks off to get where he is today,
опе thing you сап lеаrп (8) Маrk ZuсkеrЬеrg 2 Tim set his sights on becoming ап artist and hе
апd his creation, FасеЬооk, is that you're never too achieved that. f-
з l don't think Julie's ever goinq to set the world оп fire
with hеr ideas. !
4 Ruth is up and соmiпg in the computer industry. -
5 Веп is ready to throw in thе towel. I l

а show signs of being successful

ь have а target уоU Want to achieve
} с work чегу hard
d do Something that creates excitement
е to admit defeat оr failure

Do you аgrее with these statements? Compare your

answers with а раrtпеrЪ.
То Ье successful you
. hаче to work уочr socks off.
. shou]d take chances when you сап.
. must make lots of mопеу.
. must Want to Ье the best.
Modals perfect
А Complete the table using these modals perfect,
could have must have needn't have should hаче would have
}п are
ach Fчпсtiоп Modal Verbs
}d With а certainty about the past. past impossibility can't have, couldn't have
Ь Lack of necessity оr оЫigаtiоп iп the past
с Criticism of past actions shouldn't have
d Ability and willingness about past actions that didn't hарреп could have,
е Past possibility may have, might hаче

в Read these sentences and match them to а function from А.

1 ! needn't have sold my car because | got а рау rise at work. п
2 John must have Ьееп at home last night. l saw his саr outside his house. п
3 Yоч сочld hаче passed the exam, but you didn't study enough. п
4 She was а talented dапсеr апd she might have become {amous if she hadnt Ьееп injured iп ап accident. п
5 l should have listened to your advice. l regret it поw. п
iomplete the rule.
they .':dals реrfесt аrе used to talk about the past. Тhеу are formed with а modal чеrЬ + + past participle,

;ег again зе carefull

',ээdп't hауе is used to talk about Something that happened iп the past but Wasn't necessary.
,farl ?.ad 5.'l0-5. of the Grаmmаr Reference оп pages 167-168 before you do the tasks.

- Complete the second sentences so that D circle the correct words.

1 тhеу hаче а similar meaning to the first
5entences. Use thе words in bold.
Michael Dell
i We didn't come because nobody asked
us to. would How (1) must hе have / could he have managed to Ьесоmе
gs (а-е).
the youngest СЕО of опе of the largest Аmеriсап companies?
lday. ! nobody asked us to.
Michael Dell's company - Dell Computer Corporation - поw
еаrпs mоrе than $50 million on а daily basis! lt sells computers all
2 l'm certain his determination helped him
over the world, You may ечеп have а Dell computer at home!
succeed in business. must
rfire How did he do it? lt (2) mustn't have / сап't have Ьееп easy.
Hi5 determination
him succeed in business. especially when he'd been told at school that he wouldn't get
anywhere iп life! Не (З) соuld have Ьееп / сап't have Ьееп
з Lt'S роssiЫе she didn't go оп а business
trip discouraged, but he wasn't.

She 9one Не was ап ачеrа9е student Who was interested in соmрчtеrs
оп а business trip. like lots of other teenagers, Не (4) must have Ьееп / can't have
lt was а waste of time to Wоrrу ab,out уочr Ьееп а bit different, though, because опе day he Ыought
саrееr. hаче а computer home and started to take it араrt. Не then
You worried rеаssеmЫеd it just to See if hе could. At university hе started
about your career, building computers for his fellow students.
Gеоrgе was wrong not to follow mу
Не dropped out of college and печеr looked back, Не
instructions. should
managed to fUlfil his dream of making and selling computers.
George mу
ln 1984, and with опlу $1,000, he started his own соmрапу. His
parents (5) needn't have worried / should have worried as he
t's imроssiЫе that this mап {elt апу fear have went оп to become а success{ul businessman.
апу {еаr.

Presenting arguments in formal essays
When уоu write formai essays of opinion, you should
try to ехрrеss уоUr ideas in а пеutrа апd objective way.
Although you сап drаw оп реrsопаl ехрегiепсе, try to
avoid exa99erating, over-9eneralising and bein9 too
emotiona as уоur arguments wil] Ье less believable, Yоu
should also trу to avoid colloquial expressions and phrasal
verbs, as we la5 contractionS.

А Tick the Sentences that could Ье included in а formal essay.

1 Nowadays, it iS mоrе important thап ечег to succeed at schoo ,

2 Ечегуlэоdу knows it's tota] у crazy to соmраrе your abilities to others',

З l don't understand people who can't Ье Ьоthеrеd trying, =.

4 lf you want to get on iп ife, you've got to do your best. f]

5 After the point in 9ettin9 upset over а silly test?
а] , What'S ]

6 lt iS important that We Set ourselves realistic targets. -l

7 То mу mind, the mоrе ambitious people аrе, the mоrе likely they аге to achieve thеir goals. t]
8 At the end of the day, you are the оп у опе whо can decide if you аrе successful оr not, l]
В Read the newspaper extract and writing task and then answer the questions below.

ls Ьеiпg rich апd famous а good measure ofsuccess?

ТНЕ CITY TIMES How e/se сап success Ье judged? lVrite an essay
Riches to rags to riches discusslл9 уоur opinions using specific examp/es.
Ъе suп is shinirrg again on Brian Sunderland, son of
multi lnillionaire \villian] Sunderland. Brian had an 1 What type of text Will уоu Write?
extlemely privileged trpЫinging and rvas educated at 2 What two things will you write about?
an excluSive plivate school. Howevel, two yeals ago, З How does the пеWSрарег extract relate to the
he lost his entire tыtцпе r,vl-ren his real estate business writing task?
went banklupt. Nоrц in а renrarkable tцrп ofevents,
4 Wil уоur writinq focus оп Вriап Sunderland?
he has Ьесоmе one ofthe nost successful young
entrepreneurs ofthe decade. 'I сап hаrdlу believe it
myself,' commented Brian оп his change offortunes.

Мапу реорlе become successful easily while

С Read the model essay and decide which sentence in others must try hагd to achieve thеir 9oals, (1)
each pair best comp|etes each gap. Write а or Ь.
One of the first things that comes to mind in
'l а But, ask yourself, is that геаllу what success i5 about? апswеr to this question is fame and fortune, (2)
Ь Тhе question is, though, how сап we measure However, if а реrsоп hаs inherited thеir wealth,
thеп this is not necessarily а sign of thеir own
2 а Our society admires those who аrе wealthy. success. we аrе successful whеп we achieve the
Ь Let's face it, we all admire stars with loads of mопеу. goals that we have set fоr ourselves through our
3 а Schoolwork's another classic examp е- оwп hагd work.
Ь Another way that people mеаsurе success is sсhооl (З) Fоr instance, Sco[eS оп tests are often usec
to judge а регsоп's рrо9rеss. lп spite of this, some
4 а lп my opinion, we сап oniy Ье success{ui Ьу trying реор е who sсоrе well may actually have lеаrпt
hard to achieve our goals. less than people with а lower score who do not
Ь The way see it, if you haven't tried, уоu'rе not реrfоrm wel under ехаm conditions.
lп conclusion, it i5 difficu]t to set measures for
5uccess that аррlу to ечеrуопе. (4)


- эоk again!
Э Read thе model essay again and tick the things the writer has done.
1 focused оп rich people t]
2 answered both questions in the task П
3 provided counterarguments in раrа9rарhs 2 and З П
4 failed to rеасh а conclusion П
j Write the correct paragraph пцmЬеr from thе model essay next to these descriptions.
а Апswеr the first question and discuss the issue. п
Ь Sum up and state уоur opinion.

с lntroduce the topic to Ье discussed making rеfеrепсе to the task, t_]

С Answer the second question Ьу suggesting another measure. п
look at the Useful Expressions and find рhrаsеs that mеап the same as these phrases.
Sometimes mоrе thап one answer is роssiЫе.
' rеаllу want success
2 Ье successful
succeed despite difficulties
Ье as good as а реrsоп expected
When Writing а formal essay, don't
5 develop
express your opinion in the introduction.
6 aim to do something Your opinion 5hould always come in the
7 not give Up conclusion, after you have presented уочr
argUment5.ThiS help5 to shoW the rеаdеr
З рlап to Ье the best how you have reached the conclusion
and Why you have thi5 opinion.
, er to уоч! . ,.., .,.-,лп'

Read the newspaper extract and writing task below and make а paragraph plan for your
эssау. Remember to рrеsепt your argument in а neutral апd objective way.

How important is it for young people to hаче аmЬitiопs?

ТНЕ CITYTIMES lrly'rite ап essay discussing your opini'ons using specific
examples. (1 20-1 80 words)
Teens in control
А recent survey hаs been puЫished that shows
that tоdаф teenagers аrе forming the 'ambitious
generation'. Мапу ofthese teenagels exPect to
attend university. However, they might Ье missing
оцt on what поrmаl teenagers should Ье doing.

rh ile
ls. (1)

d in
пе, (2) Uэе|ul {yрrеss\оцs

eve the
ugh our
rеасh а tar9et
make progress
lften used set а goal/target
live up to опеЪ expectation5
ье ambitiou5
I lеаrпt
ье determined to
do not ье motivated
Ье per5iStent in
overcome difficulties
эs {or

Before you watch
А circle the correct words.
1 Arnesen and Bancroft completed their crossing / passage of Antarctica оп skis in 2О01.
2 The two explorers trained hard Ьеfоrе / рriоr to the beginning oftheir adventure.
3 Their training schedule was extremely severe / demanding.
4 The lnternet епаыеd / was atrle the two women to share their adventures with the world.
5 Тhrоugh tough challenges you lеаrп to uпdеrgо / очеrсоmе рrоЬlеms and find suрроrt.

While you watch

в watch the DvD and decide if these statements are true or false. write т for trче and F for false.
1 Мапу teams of explorers have completed thё Antarctica crossing before. п
2 Liv and Апп talk about their experiences in thеir book, п
З The two wоmеп trained hard Ьеfоrе leaving for Antarctica. п
4 The winds wеrе very predictabIe, rеасhiпg 116 kilometres an hоur. п
5 Liv and Апп were аЫе to keep in touch with people during their adventure. t,-
6 The women's next goal iS to cross the Arctic. l
After you watch
С Complete the summary of the DVD below using these words.
achieved adventure continent 9oat history journaI managed misfortuneS ргерагеd unpredictabte
Liv Arnesen and Апп Bancroft had the
same (1) They dreamed
of becoming the first wоmеп in history to
ski across the icy (2) of
Antarctica_ After а lot of preparation and
hard work, ihey (3) their
goal оп February 1 1, 200'l. They wrote а
book about their journey across the unknown
land so as to shаrе their adventure with the
Prior to the trip, the two trained hard, skiing
down rocky roads and pulling car tyres behind
them, Тhеir trаiпiпg (4) _
them to successfully make progress over the
dangerous land thrоч9h (5)
weather and very strong winds. Тhеу did, however, meet with some (6) along the way as well.
Fоrtчпаtеlу, they (7) _ to очеrсоmе the hardships.
During thеir adventure, through thеiг lпtегпеt (8) they communicated with many реорlе from
] 50 countries. Not опlу did they share thеiг (9) but they wеrе also аЫе to relate to other
people's ехреriепсеS. lп this Way, the two Wоmеп still felt connected with реорlе around thе planet. Liv and Дпп
now have а new goal; to Ье the first women in (10) to cross the Arctic ocean.

D Discuss these questions With а раrtпёr.

. How do you think Liv and Апп felt during the expedition?
о What adventure would you like to go on? Why?
. Have you sеt goals for your future? What аrе they?



А Look at the hieroglyphs below and translate this message into English.

bj*trи \--=Е. ý q
The message:

Е Е Еl Е

* ql{b_fi
\€oёffi \ъ \\
Дý "**длл. -D-
trк Е] м N ю-пW

Пл*Ft е\--q
Еtr ЕtrЕ м
а & ЁIQж\_=-
в Do you аgrее with the message?

с what are some theories for how Tutankhamun died?

Quickly sсап the text, thеп compare your list with а partner.

King Tutonkhomun wos just the Ьопеs in Tut's chest weтe

пjпеtееп when hе died iп lз22 mlssing, ond thot he hod о
ВС. Не wos the Jost king of о seTiouS f],осtuге obove his ]eft
poweTfuJ 1omily thot hod rч]еd knee. As TUt WoS о tToined fighte.
Egypt foT centurles. When hе ond hunte1 the reseoTcheTs
dl-ed, Tut (os Tutonkhomun js sсгw these thjngs os evjdence of
often known todoy) wos ploced wоr iлjuгiеs от thot he hod hufi
in о JuxuTious, goJd-Ij]]ed tomb. hjmse]f in о hчпtiпg occjdent.
There he 1оу forgotten unti] the Some thought thot the Jeg injuTy
tomb's eventuo] discovery Ьу mоу hоче Jed to infection which
oTchoeo]ogjst Howoтd Согtет kj]]ed him. Тhе Teseoтchels
lп l922. AJthough muсh wos o]so discoveTed sоmеthiлg veтy
]eoтnt obout his ]ife, two thjnqs iлtelestjng: theтe WeTe pieces of
геmоjпеd о mysteтy: the Teoson Ьопе insjde the sku]], cousinq
foT bis eoTJy deoth, ond the mопу to Ье]iёче thot Tut hod
jdёntity of hjs fomj]y mеmЬетs. ьееп hjt оп the heod with such
Becent]y, howeveT, jmpтoved fоIсе thot it hоd ki]]ed hjm.
Х-rсу technoJogy ond DNA
onoJysis hove given new c]ues Jп 2005, fioweveT, scientists
iпtо Tut's ]jfe ond deoth. dispToved the muTdeT theory:
члdет the directjon of zohi
ln I968, Tut's mчmmу wos Howoss, heod о1 Еgгуlсt's
X-Toyed in thе hоре thqt Some Suрlеmе CounciJ ol Antjquities,
Jight couJd Ье shed on thе о Ст sсоп wos сотгiеd out. Tbjs
mystery of how hе died. lt sbowed thot the domoge to Tut'S
wos discoveгed thot some oJ sku]] occuTTed whеп he wos Ьеlпg
mode jnto о mчmmу. HФwoss'
teom o]so djscoveтed tbot Tut
wos obout 1.7 metтes tol] wjth о
fracture: а Ьrоkеп Ьопе s]im buj]d. HjS teeth weTe in good
condltlon, ond hе oppeoTed to Ье
Suрrеmе Council of Дпtiquit:!еsi ап
we]] fed ond free of djseose. But
оrgапi'аtiоп which is rе5роп5iЬlе for i{ hе wos о heoJthy young mоп,
the рrоtесtiоп of Eыpt'5 trеоsurеs then hоw did he die?
СТ 5соm а sPecialwoy of taking
Looking foT опswеrs, Hqwoss
Pictures of the iп'idе of the body Te-exomjned thё mumrлу jn
mаlаriа: а sеriоus disease caused Ьу 20l0. А пеw СТ scon Teveo]ed
the bite of а mo'quito thot Tut hod Ьееп Ьотп with о
ultimately: frпоllу, iп the end sёIjоus Joot condition thot mode
Choose the answer (а, Ь, с or d) which fits best oso-uP
according to the text. Remember that When уоu are aSked а question
1 Which statement about Tut is NoT true? about What а Word refers to, the answer usually
а Не lived till the age of пiпеtееп. comes before the word in the text. Look back
in the teХt and find Which Word(s) you think it
Ь His tomb was discovered in 1922. refers to, then try readin9 the 5enten(e U5in9
с New evidence about him hаs recently соmе to li9ht.
the Word(5)to 5ее if it makes sen5e.
d His family ruled for centuries after his death.
2 lп 'l968, it WaS discovered that
How mапу times has а СТ sсап Ьееп carried
а some Ьогеs in Tut's chesl were missing,
out on TUI'S mummy?
ь Tut wasn't murdered. а опсе
с Tut fought in mапу WаrS.
ь tWice
d some bones in тutъ chest were fractured.
с three time5
З What was NOT first discovered iп 2005? d fоur times
а the damage to Tut'S SkUll 5 What relation WaS queen Tiye to Tut?
Ь Tut's height
а his daughter
с the condition of his teeth ь his wife
d that he appeared to Ье disease-{ree
с his grandmother
d his great grandmother
what does the wоrd whiсh in the last
раrаgrарh, line 7 rеfег to?
а Tut's family
Ь Tut's health prot,lems
с ТчtЪ marriage
d our knowledge of Tut

Get the meaning!

Е Find the words in the text and use them to
weTe complete the definitions.
is ]eft build depiction direction identity infection
ed fighteT
lегS 1 А(п) is а picture о{ something.
]епсе of 2 lf someone is under your
f,d huTt
:- ,jnob]e to wo]k w]thout о Akhenhoten woý his fotheт, you tell bim оr her what to do.
)g jniuтy
:-. FuTtheTmoTe, they found whiJe о mummy kпоwп onJy 3 A(n) is ап illness caused Ьу
п which - ,-: evidence thot hе hod Ьееп os Тhе YoungeT Fеmоlе fTom bacteria or а virus and which affects а раrt of
--:ing fтom the most seveтe tomb КVЗ5 wos hjs motheT.
thе body.
эf mo]oTio. Cou]d Tut, They oJso discoveгed thot
ing veтy
lieces oJ
::iелеd Ьу yeoTs of diseose, one of the mummies in tоmь 4 Your is who or what you аrе.

_ :linoJJy died foJJowing оп
::::оп coused Ьу the leg
KV2l wos ртоЬоЬlу hls wlfe
Ankhesenomun, whi]e the two
5 Your is the shape апd size of
hod ' your body.
_*- discoveTed in 2005? bobieS found in Tut's tomb weTe
$ such pTobobJy cbildren of thеirs.
'- -_-эr oлoJysis led to опоthет Fчrthетmотё, they WeTe оЬ]е
: ].:bi]jty. Scjentists knew of
to identify his gTondpoTents,
sts - , ]:эпеt]с pTob]ems thot Tut Amenhotep lll ond the beoutjfu]
,-:-эd hоm: the foot condition queen Tiye, опd even his gтeot-
- : зrоthет possib]e рrоЬJеm grondporents, Yuyo опd Tuyo. Who did these things? Match the achievements
-- :re Toof о{ his moutb. This to the паmеs.
: ,] ihe theoTy thot Tut mсrу Todcy we know much mоте
)ut. This
е to Tut'S
: Ьееп born with otheT moTe
obout thё boy-kjng thon eveт 1 Не discovered the wreck ofthe П
wos being
:.-:,:s genetic pTobJems thot
befole. We know who his fomily
weTe, опd thqt he suffeTed fTom
2 Не deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics.!
:, : ::moteJy hove contTibuted
. = ceoth, heoJth ртоЫеms thot wou]d hqve 3 Не excavated Troy. П
ot Tut
d] With о - :jljtion to couse
Ьееп polnfuJ ond uncomfoTtob]e, 4 Не discovered the planet Uranus. П
Tut'S опе от mоrе of whiсh must hove
е jn good ::эrh, Howoss wos o]so kj]]ed him. But we o]so kлоw
:Ted to Ье :-.Sied jn discoveTjng the fгоrп depictions of the Toyol а неiпriсh schliemann
ýsё. But ::-,::,, of his fomlly mеmЬетs. coupJe found in his tomb thot hjs ь william Herschel
1g mопI ---:..l)ousJy, DNA onolysls оп
]jJe wos not о]] suffeTinq: they с Robert Ballard
. :-:] mummjes епоЬ]еd the оте shown hФppiry jn ]ove. With
'-:-jsis to fj]l in mопу поmеS d Jean-Francois Champollion
owoSý the jnvestigotions jnto the ]ives
.. Jomj]y tтee, bTinging of Tut ond his fofii]y, os Howoss
1у jп
.-:t infoTmotion 1ost fог scys, the TeseoTcheтs 'seek to Yочr teacher will tell you the answers.
-.veoled : _.эпds of yeoTs. They hопочт them ond keep theiT
with о , эl thot о mummy cq]]ed Which о{ these achievements do you think is the
lсrt mоdё mеmоrjёs o]ive',
most amazing? Discuss with your partner.
А Replace the words in bold with these words.
battLe frее рареr ten уеаrS the past
] lt took mоrе thап а decade for the gочеrпmепt to pass tbe law on hчmап rights.
2 The old document was tогп and stained, but luckily you could still rеаd it.
З After many months of {ighting, the soJdiers managed to liberate the village,
4 Му histol-y tеасhеr says that аrоuпd ten thousand реорlе died during the fight оп D-Day during wогld wаr ll.
5 Тhе city was wel] known in ancient times for its mапу temples and monuments.

в circle the correct апswеrs.

1 The Russian deplction / revolution iп '19'17 left hundreds о{ реорlе dead, injured оr homeless.
2 Тhе concept / р ot to blow uр the Houses of par]iament failed and Guy Fawkes was hanged fоr his crimes.
з Students о{ history must Ье objective / subjective when doing rеsеаrсh and Writing рареrS.
4 sherlock Holmes is поt а histor]ca / historic detective, hе is а fictional сhаrасtеr.
5 Не wants to write а(п) аutоlэiоgгарhу / Ьiоgrарhу of Nelson Мапdеlа.
6 ls this real у ап authentic / aгtificial sculpture of lVichelangelo's?

С Complete the text with these words.

a9eS back9round daWn enlightened ехреrt hiStoгians ittustrationS

Апоthеr tai<e оп historyr

So, who says опlу (1) апd archaeologists
сап wгitе books аЬоut times gопе Ьу? Unlike Anthony Веечог,
England's greatest (2) on the paSt, Jon
Stewart, the Аmеriсап аuthог of Earth (thе book), is апуthiпg
but an academic. IМапу wouJd think that Stewart's
(з) а5 а top comedian and Ыilliant
talk show host wou d Ье of no use whеп wгiting а b,ook about
history, But hе has managed to do it, апd in such а way that
almost ечеrуопе who reads it will Ье а bit more
(4) about thе subject.
Using humour as ап educationa tool, Stewart takes his readers
back to the (5) of time, gives his opinion
on how the еаrth WaS created, and then proceeds to take
rеаdеrs through the (6) оп у to finally
end up back in the present.
At times sarcastic and ironic, and as some critics claim, at times
(7) , Stewart's wоrk is both епtеrtаiпiпg
and in{ormative, Full of colourful (8)
maps and diagrams, the book is а must-rеаd fоr апуопе with а
sense of humоur and а thirst fоr knowledge.

D Do you agree with these statements? Compare your answers with а partner's,
. Ву studying historical events, we сап lеаrп from the mistakes made in the past,

Almost еvеrу 5ubject and field of study, like аrts, food, ро itics and religion, i5 inked to various а9е5 of history.
Some countries describe thеiг history in а Subjective Way,

Past Perfect Simple & Past Perfect Сопtiпчочs
А Past perfect tenýes are used for actions that happened before another action iп the past or before а
сеrtаiп time iп the past. Look at the sentences апd underline the past perfect tenses. Then answer the
questions beloW.
а We had already discussed the Seven Wonders of the World before we wеrе asked to write about them.
Ь Howard Саrtеr had been searching for the tomb о{ Tutankhamun for years when he found ir iп 1922.
1 Which sentence shows us that ап action which Ьеgап Ьеfоrе another action in the past continued оr hаррепеd
repeatedly up to that time? !
2 Which past perfect tense is used to show this?

Зоmрlеtе the rules.

чsе the Past Perfect to show that опе action happened Ье{оrе another action in the past.
".е use the PaSt Perfect to show that ап action was in progress in the past before апоthеr
::-iion happened or interrupted it.
1ead 6.1-6.2 of the Grammar Rеfеrелсе оп ра9е 168 before you do tbe taýks.

] complete the sentences with the past perfect simple or the past perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1 After the historian (рчЫish) his third book on апсiепt antiquities, hе won а
writing award.
2 Тhе scientist (not identify) the cause of death of the man before the DNA
results саmе in.
З The archaeologists (рrераrе) for the excavation for months before they
wеrе ready to blegin.
4 (they / discover) the lceman Ьу 'l995?
5 l\4y uncle (work) at а museum for twenty years when he rеtiгеd in 2005.
6 They looking at thе evidence when the case was cancelled,
(,iust 5tагt)

7 (you / analyse) the documents fоr long when you realised they weren't
3 Му mum (study) ancient Greek, so she was аЫе to read the inscriptions оп
the statues whеп she saw them.

1 complete the text With the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect continuous of these verbs.
bury саrry out excavate see Spend
тhё entrance to ап ancient
Greek Масеdопiап royal tomb
Manolis Andronikos
'.1anolis Апdrопikоs, the well-known archaeologist, was Ьоrп in 19'] 9 in Bursa,
-_rrkеу, and later he апd his family moved to Thessaloniki, Grеесе. Before hе
эесаmе interested in аrсhаеоlоgу, he (1) time
s:.ldying philosophy.

-'ldronikos (2) archaeological research in various

эагtS of Grеесе {or а lопg time be{ore he started bis mаiп research iп Vergina. Не
r,asn't the first to Show interest in the area as aгchaeologists
з) there since the 19th century.
^ 1977, Andronikos made опе of the most imрогtапt archaeological discoveries of
:^е 20th century. Не discovered а burial site whеrе ancient Macedonians
4) King Philip ll, the father of Аlехапdеr the
з.еаt. The tomb hadn't Ьееп opened before and contained mапу valuat,le items
:.lсh as the Golden Lаrпах.
S .lсе thеп it hаs been questioned whether in fact it was Kin9 Philip ll's tomb оr поt.
',evertheless, Andronikos епаЬlеd the wогld to see some spectacular antiquities of
=.cient Grеесе that поЬоdу (5) Ье{о re.
А ('Listen to these numbers апd write them
down using numerals. lnclude letters
where necessary (eg 4.10 am).


в When doing tasks like the one iп С in the next

column, you can sometimes predict the focus of
а question Ьу examining the answers given. Look
at the sets о{ answers 1-5 below and match them
to the questions а-ё.
1а а scientist
ь а visitor с i You will hear а radio рrеsепtеr interviewing
с а героrtеr someone at а tourist attraction. you will hеаr thе
2а in 200 ВС
interview in three parts. After еасh part уоu will
hеаr some questions about that part. Choose the
ь in 48 AD
с 1п 1428 correct answers, а, Ь or с.

3а in Britain Part


ь iп Rome а visitor
с in Egypt
Ь thе museum mапа9еr
с an archaeologist
4а to scare them
ь to steal mопеу from them 2а 4зАD
с to help them to leave ь 200 AD
с 410 AD
5а smoke from а volcano
ь rocks and stones fоr опе уеаr
с boiling hоt liquid ь fоr one mопth
с fог опе week
а Why ,,.?
Ь What ,..? Part ll
с Where ,..?
4 а ltaly
Ь Britain
d Whеп...? t] с Romania
е Whо ..,? п 5 а They were taken Ьу surprise.
Ь They were аЫе to escape.
с They didn't think there was апу danger.
6 а
Llоsо-Uр Ь
fоr аlэочt 79 уеаrs
fог about 1,599 уеаrs
Тhе question5 for each section ofthe с fог аlэоut 1,500 уеаrs
recording are separated Ьу lines, so
опlу look at tho5e qUestion5 а5 уоU
Part lll
listen to each section.
7 а the reai objects from Pompeii t
Ь the photographs of the site
с the models and street scene5
8 а to go to the theatre
Ь to have holidays
с to go shopping

,Ре аklчlц
: Work with а partner and answer these questions.
Do you study history at school?
What historical events оr periods have you lеаrпt about?
Do you рrеfег history to subjects like maths and English?
Why?/Why not?
What do уоU think i5 the most important event in the
history of уоUr country?

Look at these ways of learning about history. Put them

iп order of how effective they аrе (1 = most effective;
7 = least effective). Тhеп, discuss your answers with а
partne1 giving reasons for your choices.
1 watching ТV t]
2 surfing thе lnternet _
З going to liЫаriеs П Llоsо-Uр
4 going to the theatre :] Don't Ье afraid to expreSs your opinion.
5 visiting mопumепtS Г You don't have to aqree With уоur
5 visiting musеums П
partner on everything and disa9reeing
With еасh other respectful!y сап make
l 7 talking to older people ] уоUr discussion more interesting.
magine that а school committee Wants to get students more interested iп history. First, talk together
fr'lпg эьо-чt the different ways that students could lеаrп history in а mоrе interesting way. Тhеп, decide which
ear the :wo options the committёe should choose. Remember to use the Useful Expressions.
оч will
Iose the

Иэе|ul {,урrоss\оцs
Expressing an opinion
We!l, in my opinion ...
lt seems to me that ...
Реr5опаllу speaking, l think/prefer ...
l feel Strongly that ...
А5 l See it, ...
;:uss these questions with а раrtпёr.
l certainly don't think that ...
,',ly do people like history?
,',,lat peгiods of history would you like to go back апd iive in?
- э you think schools should teach history? Why?/Why not?
-эп you паmе апу films that have Ьееп set iп the past? Do you like this kind ot film?
,] l_,. l,,,',. ,

phrasal verbs word formation

А Маtсh thе phrasal verbs to their meanings. D Complete thе tаЫе.
1 setoff t] Verb Nочп Ad.jective
2 setup ]
3 take over ]

4 dig up l] analysis analytical

5 putott L] repetition repetitive
6 clie out prove proven
conclude conclusive
а Ьесоmе extinct оr disappear
satisfy satisfaction
ь rеmоче something frоm the ground that was
с prepare equipment fог usе Е Complete the sentences with words frоm D.
d Ье9iп to have сопtrоl of оr responsibility fоr 1 lVr Richards has а(п) about how thе
Somethinq Pyramids were built.
е start а journey 2 Тhеrе is по that а king was buried in
f discouraqe this tomb. we have to do mоrе work at the excavation sitc
з А rеsеаrсhеr must have good ski]ls,
в Complete the sentences With the phrasal 4 lthink we shou d the tests on the
verbs frоm А. mummy because а mistake was made during the first ones
5оmе scientists Say that the human rасе will The rеsеаrсhеrs took fочr weeks to rеасh а(п)
if а comet hits the
еа rth. lt's always difficult to something
Sonrebody else w'll have to unless уоu nave plenty о'evidence,
the museum after tbe l had а iot о{ questions but the scientist's апswеrs weren'i
mапа9еr quits.
3 Тhе technicians the Не опlу has а(п) knowledge of
соmрUtеr5 at the excavation 5ite. аrсhаеоlоgу. He's печеr actually Ьееп to an
we on оur tour аrсhаеоlоgiса site.
аrоuпd the Acropolis еаrlу оп Saturday
mоrпiпg. Do you agree with these statements? Соmраrе your
Тhе mапу difficultie5 the archaeologist faced answers with а partner's.
him the project. . Historians often theorise about histоrу, but they rаrе у
Did they this ancient have апу proof.
Grееk pot in your grandad's field? Learning dates and names of реорlе whеп studying
history, results iп putting students off this subject,
с choose the correct апswеrs. lt'S sometimes ОК to hold onto апсiепt things that уоu
find and not tell anybody about them.
1 lf you hold onto something,
а you keep somethinq inlosition
Ь you keep something
2 l{ an archaeological find dates back to
а раrtiсulаг time,
а it was bought then
ь it has existed since then

3 When sоmеопе passes down а story оr

tradition, they
а teach it to ап older gепеrаtiоп
Ь teach it to а уоuпgеr gепеrаtiоп
4 lf yol put forward an idea, you
а suggest it so people сап discuss it
Ь think about it yourself
Эчеstiоп Tags
А Read the sentences апd underline all the verbs.
What do you notice?
You have visited the Louvre Museum, haven't you?
Mum didn't епjоу working on thе excavation site, did She?
Эоmрlеtе the rules.
l-estions tags аrе short questions that we add at the
of а sentence. We use а(п)
question ta9 With ап affirmative
::1tence and a(n) question tag
, :h а negative Sentence.

В Match the sentences with the kind of pronoun they contain.
а That history book is miпе. 1 lndefinite рrопочп п
Ь Everybody wanted to go оп the guided tour of Pompeii. 2 Possessive pronoun п
эw the с Не taught himself to read hieroglyphics. 3 Reflexive рrопочп п
lried iп Зomplete the rules.
tion site. ,э use рrопочпs to show who or what something belongs to. We use
_ skills, pronouns when the subject and the object of the чеrЬ аrе the same. We use
pronouns to rеfеr to people оr things Without Saying exactly who or what they are.
rst опе5.
Зе care{ul!
-еrе are some чегЬs that аrе often used with а reflexive pronoun. Some of these аrе: amuse, Ьlаmе, cut, епjоу, express,
- о, hurt, introduce, prepare,
ead 6.З-6,6 of the Grаmmаr Rеlеrепсе оп ра9е5 168-169 belore you do tf,e tasks,

] complete the sentences with а question tag.
1 Dad finds watching history documentaries interesting,
2 This investigation Was а success, ?
з The guided tour won't Ье held tоmоггоw,
your 4 You'Ve viSited Stonehenge,
|'m in trочЫе.

аrеlу 6 Susan and Jоhп were 9oin9 to visit the ArchaeoIo9ical Museum,
7 Тhе rescuers haven't managed to find the skier,
r9 8 Everybody enjoyed visiting the catacombs.
9 Let'S continue investigating the Site iп the аftеrпооп,
lt you
,0 Don't forget about the history test,

circle the correct words.

] The detective чпсочеrеd the sесгеt Ьу itself / himself.
2 Сап апуопе / nothing tell me whеп Alexander the Great was Ьоrп?
3 Michael loves reading mysteries. This book must Ье his / miпе.
4 l'm sorry. Тhеrе was anything / nothing l could do,
5 The cat couldn't have dопе so much damage Ьу yourself / itself,
6 I\4y grапdрагепts don't оwп any StatUeS, ThiS can't Ье hiS / theirs.
7 We managed to read the inscriptions Ьу ourselves / themselves.
8 ltЪ а beautiful day. l'd love to go поwhеrе / sоmеwhеrе.
9 Апуопе / Nobody сап do that kind of workl lt's easy!
10 Are you sure уоu don't want nothing / anything from the museum book shор?
W rifiи11
Using qualifiers
You сап make уоur writing mоrе appealing to the reader Ьу using
qualifiers. These аrе words and phrases that make adjecives and
adverbs strопgеr оr weaker,
Most adjectives аrе grаdаЫе. This mеапs that they have
comparative and superlative forms. We use qualifiers to show
how strолg оr weak the ad,jective is. Fоr ехаmрlе, а baextremely
апgry, rаthеr/чеrу ti rеd, slightly/completely disappointed.
Some adjectives are поп-grаdаЫе, оr extreme. Тhеу do not
hаче comparative оr superlative forms. We usually use extreme
qualifiers with them. Fоr example, absolutely auiul, totally
impossibie, utterly r i di cu l ous,
Тhеrе аrе some qualifiers that сап Ье used with both gradable and
поп-grаdаЬlе adjectives. Fоr ехаmрlе. pretty weaИexhausted,
rе al ly goo d/ f re ezi п g, quitе i m р о rtа nt/exceptional.

А choose the correct апswеrs. в Read this extract from а letter уоч
recently roceived from your aunt.
1 Tnis book is mysterious, Underline the key words and phrases in
а utterly Ь епtirеlу с rather
the task. What mцst you write about?
2 lt's absolutely that the detective Was sacked. What do you think the tone of the letter
а аиrful Ь bad с disappointing shочld Ье?
Очr history test Was impossible.
а very Ь totally с а bit Y^,,. mum tells me you're
in third Уеаr
no*, Has anythin9 excltlng
These obl'ects аrе old.
а utterly Ь really с totally
i"rо"Йj ..'i"" l{ so, wriie and Lell me
about it.
These antiques are exceptional.
а quite -Ь а bit с slightly
wrttе а lelter to your аuпt answering hеr
question, (1 20-'1 80 words)

с Read the model letter and circle the correct words.

Dear Аuпt Rachel,

How are уоu? l ve got sоmе (1) lttter],v / reallr amazing news foT yotr. Today has been а (2) completely / pгetty exciting
day, We opened а time capsule at schooll

When oul histoIy teacheT asked us to dig up the yaTd, we were all (3) stightly / absoltrte11, confused. But soon the capsule
was uncovered. It hаd Ьееп buried а huпdrеd years Ьеfоге Ьу school stlrdents. It was dirty оп the outside аftеr al1 those
yeals in the ground, but the contents WeIe (4) quite / а littlc fascinating.
l was опе of the (5) absolLrtely / really lucky ones wbo орепеd the capsule. lt contained а (6) rathel / coll1pleteiy strange
school uniform, which the students would wear every day. Тhеrе wеrе some old books and tiny ЫасkЬоаrds whiсh thе
stuaents wrote оп because they didnt have notebooks then. What made the biggest impIession оп mе, though, was а
long Stick. oul teacher told us it was used to punish naughty studentý, Тhаt muýt hаче Ьееп (7) чеrч / ;rbsolutcly awful
Гоr the poor ýtudents!

дп}.wау, it was intelesting to see what life was like in the past. Мауье our class should mаkе а capsule like that.

Вуе fоr поw,


-ook again !

) Read thе model letter again and answer the questions.

1 На5 the writer орепеd and closed the letter рrореrlу?
2 How else could shе have opened and closed it?
З What exciting event does she descгibe?
4 What impressed the writer the most?
5 How has the writer tried to make hеr writing more interesting?

i complete the рlап for the model letter with these phrases.
contents of the са psute somethin g for the futu ге the background to Why you аrе Writing

Paragraph 1 Ask about the reader and say

Раrаgrарh 2 Describe the exciting event.
Paragraph 3 Describe the
Раrаgrарh 4 lVIake а 9епеrаl comment оп the capsu|e and suggest

: Look at the Useful Expressions and match the beginnings and endings.
1 What really interested П а l opened чр the tгеаsurе chest.
2 Тhе highlight so fаr П Ь visiting the Rоuпd ТаЫе was.

З Let mе tell you about ] с totally increditrle.
4 l соuldп't brelieve my eyes when l d me was the documentary about Joan of Аrс.
tses in 5 You сап imagine bow thrilling [] е the time capsule we're рrераriпg at school.
out? 6 lfound thetwo sisters'story L] f hаs Ьееп interviewing survivors ofthe wаr.
э letter
Э ver to you !

)аr З Read the writing task below and make а раrаgrарh plan for

Е уоцr letter. RеmеmЬеr to use qualifiers with your adjectives

lll me and adverbs to make your letter more appealing. Before уоч start Writing, remember
to Underline the key Words in the
rhis i5 ал extract frо m а letter уоu rесепtlу received from your uпсlе. ta5k and to ask уоuгsеIf question5
about What you have to Write.
hеr Your mum tells mе your class is doin9 а rеаllу excitin9 history project Тhеп, brainstorm idea5 aboUt the
this term. what exactly are you doing? l сап't wait to hеаr аll about it, kind of project you coUId Write
about and make notes. Decjde
Which ofyour idea5 is the best and
;Vrite а /etter to уо ur uпсlе апswеriпg his question. (']20-180 words)
u5е уоur notes to рlап and then
'.уГ Write уоur letter

Usе|ul {xpress\oyl;
lge Relating exciting news
1е Let me tell you about ...
l |'че got some really amazing/exciting news for you.
ul The moSt interestin9 part/highlight so far has Ьееп ..,
What really interested/made an impression оп me wa5 ,,.
l found .,. totally Unbelievable/incredible.
YoU сап ima9ine hoW thrilling/fascinating it WaS/has Ьееп.
Yоu should have seen his/her face whеп ...
lcouldn't believe my eyes whеп ...
l hadn't realised .., could Ье so interesting.
Before you watch
А How much do you know about the Great Pyramid of Giza and the surrounding
area? Look at the statements below and write Т for true or F for false.
1 The Great Pyramid of Giza is also known as the Pyramid of Cheops. п
2 The Great Pyramid was the tal]est mап-mаdе structure in the world for over З,8О0 уеаrs. п
З Giza is the second largest city in Egypt. п
4 The Great Pyramid consists of about 5 million limestone Ыосks. п
5 Тhе famous valley where most о{ the Egyptian pyramids аrе found is called the 'Valley of the Queens'. п
6 Whеп they were first built, the pyramids at Giza were white. п ]t,

While you watch

В Watch the DvD and circle the words you hear.
1 Zahi Hawass is leader of the аrсhаеоlоgiсаl team rеsропsiЫе for maintaining the Giza Pyramids / site.
2 EgyptianS are proud of these priceless / timeless monuments.
З The Giza Project is finding and protecting а пumЬеr of ancient objects / artifacts.
4 One day, places / sites iike this опе will bte ореп to tourists.
5 Even аftеr сепtuгiеs / уеаrs of discovering amazing monuments in Giza.theteam are still making new discoveгies,
6 The kings of Egypt are saying thank you to today's Pyramid protectors / guardians.

After you watch

С Complete the summary of the DVD below using these words.
ассогdiпg to compete officia[S peaceful protect stгчсtчгеS task threat wise wопdегs
Giza is the home of the Pyramids. Tourists соmе from all over the world to visit
these amazing (1) However, there iS great сопсеrп about
the futuге of these ancient monuments. Archaeoloqist Zahi Hawass is very
wоrriеd. (2) him, а tеrriЫе thing is hаррепiпg in Giza.
Near the pyramids thеrе аrе came]s and horses ечеrуwhеrе. Merchants (3)
to sell souvenirs to touгists. Не believes that чпdеr these
conditions itЪ difficult {or visitors to feel how ma9ical the Pyramids rеаllу аrе.
Не intends to (4) the Pyramids from the physical damage
caused Ьу tourism.

Giza is hоmе to the опlу опе of the Seven (5) of the

Ancient World that Stijl existS - the Great Pyramid. However. it's also hоmе to
more than four million people. This is another (6) to the
site of the Pyramids trecause mоrе and more houses are being built аrоuпd it. Gочеrпmепt (7)
can't do anything аЬочt the existing bousing, but thеу'rе hoping something else Will Stop the city
-. \
getting closer. Тhе construction of а wall around the Site has Ье9чп to protect the Sphinx and the
j. Pyramids. lt was designed to сопtrоl the пumЬеr of реорlе entering the site and to keep the
аrеа mоrе (8) lt wil] also keep out souvenir sellers and animals. As Hawass
says, this is а very (9) development that will safeguard the Pyramids
for {uture generations. lf thе important (10) of building the wall is not
, .ý complete 5ооп, the magic of the Pyramids may
Ье gone iп а huпdrеd уеаrs.

D Discuss these questions with а partner.

. Which апсiепt monuments in your country пееd to Ье protected? How сап this Ье done?
. Do уоu think it iS important to know about апсiепt civilisations? Why?/Why поt?
. Do you think itЪ important that archaeologiStS keep trying to discover antiquities?
Why?Лr'r'hy not?

Units 5 & 6

А circle the correct words-

: re people's ambition is to invent amazing пеw gadgets ог

, 9о to places that no опе has ечеr been
: :jсге. Some want to make (1) а profit / their best in business and become wealthy, There аrе others still,
, who аrе simply (2) stubborn / determined to succeed in living а поrmаl life despite the difficulties
-,.,; have faced, Debbie Grosch-Squance is one of these реорlе.

2Э06, Debbie suffered from а chest (З) infection / depiction which caused another more serious condition
,::эчsе of а virus. Doctors were {orced to remove most of hеr right leg to save hеr life. Despite this, Debtrie
;'-sed to (4) set the worLd оп {ire / throw in the towel. She had always been а keen runne1 and she decided
' :: she was going to ruп again. An (5) authentic / artificial leg was made for her, and Debbie spent а lопg
-э patiently practising until she could walk, and thеп гuп, оп her new leg, Today, she is not опlу back at
:-<, but she also ruпs rеgulаrlу and ечеп takes рагt iп ruппiпg competitioл5. Неr (6) {аilurе / accomplishment
1- nspiration to all who know her,

j complete the sentences with the correct words.

аrrоgапt devoted inaccurate реrfесt
1 НеЪ а successful lаwуеr, but he isn't а pleasant person. НеЪ чеrу
2 NоЬоdуЪ , you know| We аll have оur faults,
з тhе writer's historical novel is full о{ facts and dates,
г 4 не won't succeed because hеъ not to his саrееr.
hotd onto put off Set up take очеr
5 When the fаthеr dies, will the daughter the соmрапу?
6 Don't уоur Ыоthеr applying fог that jоЫ
Не may have а сl,апсе о{ geTting it.
7 Сап you help me to the video саmеrа, please?
Why didn't you the old document? l'm sure it was чаiчаые.
as frоm of оп

9 The З.2 million-year-old Austraiopithecus ske eton found iп Ethiopia is known Lucy,
10 ldream becoming an archaeologist.
,1 yоu can lеагп а lot
реорlе like Mark Zuckerberg.
,2 lfeel Iike thе luckiest mап the planet.

Тhе words in bold аrе thе wrong part of speech. Correct them.
] We haven't got conclusion evidence for the existence of Atlantis.
2 Can you proof уочr iппосепсе?
3 Most реорlе get а lot of satisfy out о{ achieving goals.
4 lVany,jobs аrе quite repetition, unfortunately,
5 Whу don't you analysis the situation before you give up?
6 Do you have а theoretical about the finds?

,е done?

Units 5 & 6

А Complete the sentences with these words.

Ье аЬ[е to can't could don't have might mustn't needn't shou[d
1 Jane take the ехаm again. She got ап Al
2 Yоu сhеаt iп exams. l{ you аrе caught, you will Ье punished.
з Тhаt coin Ье frоm ancient times. ltЪ dated 1988l
4 ЕчеrуЬоdу hаче an ambition or а ooal_
5 уоч achieve уочr goals last year?
6 You to Ье wealthy to Ье successful.
7 They rеасh their sales targets. l'm not Sчrе.
you pass the tools, please?

В Tick the sentences which are correct and correct the wrong опе5 in your notebook.
1 ago. П
Yоu сап have sееп Einstein last уеаr. Не died уеаrs
2 Yоu could have dопе well if you'd tried. t]
3 Не may arгived yesterday evening. l don't know. t]
4 Shоuld l have listen to what the teacher said? t]
5 l would have helped you study, but you didn't ask me. J
6 You mustn't have hеаrd the explosion, lt was so loud! a

с circle the correct words.

1 No опе had seen / seeing inside the tomb for З,000 years.
2 l had Ьееп thin<ing / had thought about you whеп the рhопе rапg.
3 Оsсаr Wilde had ived / hаd Ьееп livinq in Paris when he died.
4 Had they interviewed / Had they Ьееп interviewing the archaeologist before?
5 lt was obvious hе'd failed the exam. Не hadn't even opened / hadn't even Ьееп орепiпg his text book.
6 Had Schliemann looked / been looking for Тrоу for а long time when hе fоuпd it?

D Match.
] The boss печеr books flights for п а yours?
2 Тhеу агеп't enjoying п Ь his.

з ls that historian а friend of ] с himself.

4 This book isn't John's, but that опе i5 :] d themselves.
5 Have you ечеr done t_ е nothing аll day lопg?
6 Не doesn't Want to do t] f anything.
7 The mар is Jane's and the tools are also п g anywhere?
8 Have you seen my glasses п h hers.

Е Тhе question tags in bold are wrопg. Correct them.

1 She isn't а very ambitious wоmап, hasn't she?
2 Тhеу really believe in their dream, had they?
3 Кеllу has Ьееп to Egypt, is she?
4 They hadn't Ьееп careful, don't they?
5 Wе'ге going to win, shall we?
6 Let's try hаrdеr, aren't we?


Reading: article, multiple mаtсhiпg
VосаЬчlаrу: паtчrаI disaster-related words, collocations & expressions, prepositions
Grаmmаr: gerunds & infinitives, make & let, соmраrisоп of adiectives & adverbs, too,
епоugh, 5о & such
Listening: note-taking
Speaking: talking about the паtчrаl world, comparing photographs, asking for clarification
Writing: stоrи sеqчепсiпg events
А which of the {ollowing natural disasters оссчr in
your country? Can you describe what happens?

wi dfires
floods ,
classify: to divide things into grоцрs
tornadoes оссогdiпg to their tyPe
volcanic егuрtiопs deroil: to make а train соmе off the
rаilwау tracks
mоltеп: describes rосk thqt hо5 melted
Ьесаusе of gгеqt heot
В Read thе text quickly. Which paragraph gives pyroclastic: mоltеп rock frаgmепts апd
information about а record? gases that mоче rapidly down the side'
of а volcano

"4_ lt's rоiпiпg frogs!

The fostest wind speed ever rесоrdеd 5l ] km
on hоUr -
оссUrгеd dUring о tоrпоdо in the
USA iп l999 Scientists с оSSifч tornodoes Ьч
the domoge thеч соп do, А tornodo With Wind
Speeds of l l О <m оп hоuг соп sweep оwоq
епtiге houses ond throw corS through the оlr oS
if thеU Wеrе госl<еts. А tornodo with Wind Speeds
of rпоге thon 4ВО km оп hour hos the power to
deroi troinS, tеоr 9roSS frоm the ground, ond
ечеп гlр povements frогп the street, BUt thot'S
not о l tornodoes соп do, scientists beljeve thot
tornodoes соп sucl< up the SUrfoces of lol<es,
riVеrS ond other bodieS of Woter, Whеп thеч do,
thеч con tol<e fгоgs опd fiSh olong for the ride,
ond thеп drop them fоr оWоч, ThlS mоч hоче
Ьееп the couse of the'frog rо п' in о town in
Serbio Smo l frogS roined оп the town, sending
residents running fоr cover os the9 tried to
escope, 'I thought гпочЬе о pLone соrrчiпg frogs
hod ехр oded iп mid-oir" soid опе resident

i! Floming twisters
As if tогпоdоеs оrеп't dongerous enough, one kind
]s mode of fire! Wlldfires оrе So роWегfUl thot
thеч соп creote theiI own Weother. As these fires
Ьurп, thеч сопSurпе huge quontities of охч9еп. The
intense heot couses the оir to rjsе, when fresh оiг
гUshеs in to repioce it, Stгопg Winds оrе ргоduсеd
Somet mes thiS mol<es the fire spin lil<e о tоrпоdо,
These fire whirls, or fire tornodoes, соп Ье l5 m
wide опd gгоw os toll os о 4О Stоrеч building
Тhеq qелеrоllq lost по more thon о few minutes,
but some hove losted oS long oS 20, Тhеq оrе, not
SurpriSinglч, опе ofthe most donqerous поtUгоl
disosters, lп J92З inJopon, ofireWhirl killed
ЗВ,ООО р"6р|е щбо hod gotheteo in о^ оро-
Spoce to escope being injUred in оп eorthquol<e.
З Read thе article again to find the followin9 Llоэо-Uу
Fоr multiple-matchin9 task5, don't
Which раrа9rарh(s) mention
eХpect the questions to use the
:hе destruction of рrореrtу? 1] 2п 5аmе Wording aS the text. Look in
how tall а паturаl disaster сап Ье? з|l the text for Sупопуm5 of key Words
in the question. For ехаmрlе, to
Somethin9 that iS made in cold conditions? 4L] ап5Wеr qUestion 1,1ook for words
а well-known historic event? 5 and phrases in the text that mean the
the пчmЬеr of people who died in а same aS destructioл апd property.
specific event? бп 7_]
а natural disaster that resulted in а Ьizаrrе
эчепt? 8П Get the meaning!
something which happens more frequently D Complete the definitions with these words.
п сеrtаiп seasons? 9п ava[anche blizzaгd flash ftood
э naturaI disaster that doesn't la5t thчпdегstоrm tоrпаdо
чеrу lопg? 10
ratural disasters that сап move heavy
1 А(п) is а violent storm with
strong winds that move in а сiгсlе.
cbjects? 11п 12п
2 А(п) is а sечеге snow storm
with strопо winds.
3 A(n) is heavy rain
accompanied Ьу thunder and lightnin9.
4 А(п) is а large amount of
water That suddenly сочеrs an аrеа,
- Dodge bolls 5 А(п) is а lаrgе amount о{ ice,
, : Jt l,ООО чеоrS о9о, hundreds of people Were snow and rock falling quickly down the side of
-:teriousltJ l<illed in the HimoloчoS, А recent а mountain.
.:stigotion concluded thot thеч Wеrе cought in о
ll km Stогm опd couldn't ovoid being hit Ьч chunks of ice the
е _i oftennis bolls thot fell on their heods ot mоrе thon
:s Ьg . : <m оп hour, Hoilstorms oS dеоdlч oS thiS оrе rоrе,
, roil
llnd itself is not uпсоmmоп. lt is formed in storms which о{ the natural disasters described iп the
ч .n roindrops ore соrriеd into ехtrеmеLч cold оrеоS of the readin9 text would Ье the most frightening?
)ir oS --эsрhеrе ЬU powerful WindS, The longer the tiпч specl<S
SpeedS :е ЬоUпсе оrоuпd in the Wind, the bigger thеч become, How do реорlе and the government гёsропd to
ver to .n the pieces of ice grоW too big for the Wind to hold natural disasters in your country?
ond : ihеч fqll to the ground oS hoil, Hoil iS most соmmоп
hot'S - ng lote Spring ond еоrlч SUmmer When severe
ve thot -derstorms ore mоrе lil<elg to occur,
еq do, - Gos ottock!
r ide,
-aп о чоlсопо erupts, о glowing Seo
ove len lovo otIen llowý down ils
].S, dеStrочiпg ечегчthiпg in its poth
еп d

. о чоlсqпо соп рrоduсе Somethin9
.1 deodlier: о рgrос ostic flow,
g frogs
_^h iS о cloud of gos ond rock thot
]nt - rеосh temperotures obove 5ОО"С.
: fLow croshes down the side of о
]опо lil<e оп ovolonche, These flows
)пе l<ind . соllч rеосh speeds of mоrе thon
rhot : - kгп оп hour, А рчгосlоstiс flow wi]l
iе fireS ::l< down, destrog, burg оr соrrq
Igen, The ,lg пеоrlg everчthing it meets. lt
resh оir :- destroц buildings, foгests ond
гоdцсеd. 1lond, PeopIe Who оrе cought in
tогпоdо, : poth оrе оЬчiоuSlч оmоп9 the
l l5 m -]гпS too, but еVеп people thot
d ing, : с ose Ьg соп die os the result of
linUtes, :]thing in hot osh ond goses, lt
] оrе, not -] thiS kind of floW thot fоmоUSlч
lotUrol . :rочеd the Rоmоп cities of
<illed ^]peiiond Неrсu lопеUm dUring the
эреп -ct оп of MoUnt Vesuvius пеоrlq
quol<e, ,: thousond чеоrS ogo,

*, .**lrr**,d
! ооаVиlаrц
А Label the pictures with these words.

drought earthquake famine hUrriсапе [ands[ide tidat Wave

в choose the correct answers.

1 The еуе of the hurricane is Fault lines аrе to Ыаmе fоr
а its сепtrе а wildfires
Ь its peak Ь earthquakes

2 Тhе Richter scale mеаsurеs The magnitude о{ something

а the intensity of ап earthquake а iS its great Size
Ь the height о{ а tidal wave ь is its width

З HaiI stones аrе you аrе feeling aftershocks, you have just suгvived
а small balls of lava а а hurricane
ь small balls of ice Ь а strong earthquake

С Complete the sentences with these words.

caSualtieS crust havoc organiSations rапgеrs wагпiпg
1 Surprisingly, thе пumtrег of аftеr the tоrпаdо was quite low.
2 Natural disasters рlау and wreck lives.
з Forest аrе constantly on guard for the first sign of а wildfire,
like the Red Cross аrе usually the first on the 5сепе after а disaster.
5 Earthquakes are а result of the movement of 'plates' in thе earth's
6 Fоrtuпаtеlу. the authorities issued а(п) abouttheflood, so реорlе wеrе evacuated in time.

D Do you agree with these statements? Compare your answers with а раrtпеrЪ.
. Аll countries where earthquakes often hарреп should make t,uildings resistant to earthquakes.
. Natural disasters can't Ье avoided and there is nothing that реорlе сап do to рrераrе themselves in advance.

Gerunds & lnfinitives Gerund or lnfinitive?
А Read the sentences below and decide whether the С Some verbs can Ье followed Ьу а gerund
words in bold are gerunds, bare infinitives or full or ап infinitive with по сhапgе iп meaning.
infinitives. Тhеп, answer the questions below. Other verbs сап also Ье followed Ьу а
gerund or an infinitive, but there is а
Volunteers wеrе vеry happy to сlеап up the beach.
сhапgе in mеапiпg. Read each pair of
Collecting fossils has Ьееп his hоЬЬу for years.
sentences and чпdеrliпе thе infinitives
А hurricane is sometimes strong enough to Ыоw down houses.
and the gerunds. Тhеп, answer the
She must do а seminar оп language teaching.
question below.
The local government raised mопеу to hеlр the environment.
The flood victims described the tornado as being very scary а The wildfire continued to burn fоr days.
Do we use а gerund, а full infinitive or а Ьаrе infinitive
Ь The wildfire continued burning for days.
а Jenny remembered locking the door.
1 after а preposition? Ь Jenny remembered to lockthe dооr.
2 after сеrtаiп ad,jecives? ln which pair of sentences does the
з after а modalverb? meaning change? !
4 after the words too and enough?
5 as the subject of а sentence? Make & Let
6 to show purpose? D Read the se]rtences and underline the
infinitives. ..
We can also use gerunds and infinitives after certain verbs 1 We were made to stay inside all day.
and phrases. Complete these sепtёпсёs with а gerund, 2 Мum made us stay inside аll day.
а fulI in{initive or а bare infinitive. 3 Мчm won't let us go out in the rаiп.
1 we had better (Ье) careful whеп using
this machine. Complete the rules.
2 Му dad suggested (visit) the nature The verb rnake (: force) is followed Ьу а
rеsеrче. infinitive in the acive voice and а _ infinitive iп
lwould rаthеr (go out) than stay in the passive voice. The чеrЬ Ie1(: 6//9ц7) is опlу used
tonight. iп the active voice. lt is followed Ьу а _ infinitive.
We аrrапgеd (climb) to the top of
Read 7 .1 -7 .5 of the Gramrnar Rеfеrелсе оп pages
Мочпt Olympus. 169-17О before уоч do the ta5k5.
ltъ not worth (explore) that cave. ltЪ
too risky.

Е complete thе sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 You can't hеlр (worry) about the environment these days.
2 You risk (get) wet if you don't tаkё ап umbrella with you.
з тhе residents were made (leave) the town after the earthquake.
4 Не denied (Ье) scared of thunder and lightning.
5 lt's too warm (SnoW) today.
6 Тhе rescue team had to stop (rest) after working for so mапу hours.

F Circle the correct words.

Тhе disappearing island

-ап you imagine (1} to ]ive / living оп ап island that might (2) to disappear / disappear underwater iп the пеаr fчtчrе?
,','ell, the iпhаЬitапъ of Tuvalu don't need to imagine this. ltЪ а reaIity and thеу will probably Ье made (З) leave / to leave
:eir island soon. Тhе rеаsоп for this is global warrTring. This is expeced (4) to Ыiпg / Ыiпgiпg further
in time.
:.anges to climates all over the world and cause 5еа levels (5) rise / to гisе.
-зчаlu, situated in the Pacific Осеап halfway befueen Hawaii and Australia, is опе of the most beauti{ul and unique
. aces оп ёаrth, but its highest point is.just under 5 m above sea level апd most areas аrе only '1 m above sea
:vel. Tuvaluans are interested iп (6) making / to make their рrоЫеm known to the world. (7) Living / Live оп the
s апd is already difficult and they need help iп (8) findin9 / to find а solution. lf this doesn't hарреп, Tuvalu, with
: population of about 12,000 people, may (9) Ьесоmе / to become the first country (10) following / to follow
-Цhiсаl Atlantis into the осеап.
А Write these numbers using numerals.
] thrее hundred 4 {оur hundred and fifty
2 fifty thousand 5 ten million
3 two thousand five huпdгеd 6 two huпdrеd thousand

В ( '" Listen to thеýё numbers and write down what you hear using numerals.

з Llоэо-Uр
4 lп some tasks where
5 you have to complete
notes, the ап5WеrS
that you hear will Ье
С Look at the sentences in D and answer the questions below. in the correct form

1 Which answers do you think wil] contain пчmЬеrs?

(поuп, adjective, ten5e,
etc), 5о you don't need
2 What раrt of speech do you thinkthe other answers will contain? to make any changes,

D (Vou will hear Part of а television documentary. Fоr questions 1-9, complete the sentences.
1 The ЬаЬу mammoth lived yearS а9о.
2 The design of their bodies meant that mammoths were аьlе to live in conditians о{
3 LучЬаЪ body was comp{etely because iL had оееп preserved in {rоzеп mud.
4 The condition of LучЬаЪ body shows that she had Ьееп very
5 Scientists know from examining hеr tusks that shе was опlу old.
6 Mammoths lived оп еаrth for almost З_5
7 опе of the thеоriеs for the disappearance of the mammoth is а sudden сhапgе in the eafth's

8 Some mammoths' bodies have shоwл that they had been hunted Ьу
9 Lyubra's body has given scientists а better understanding of how mammoths

А Nenetý Ьоу touche5

а mammoth carcass,
Lyuba. outside the
Shemanovsky Museum.

реаИцq Llоsо-Ир
Work with а partner and answer these questions.
lf уоч don't understand
. what comes to mind whеп you hear the term 'the natural world'? something your partner
. How often do you stop to take in the natural world around you? Says, ask them to repeat or
. Аге humans considerate towards other species that shаrе thе same rерhrаSе What they Said.
паturаl world with them? Why?/Why not?

Label the pictures with these words.

captivity. iпtеrfеrепсе destruction, pottution in the witd, freedom паtчrе, охуgеп



пSе, ]

] work with а partner and answer thе questions аьочt the photographs. опе of you should Ье student А

апd the other should Ье Student В. Remember to use the Useful Expressions.

student А: Соmраге photos 1 and 2 and say how humans аrе affecting оuг natural world.
Student В: Which о{ these situations do you think hasthe worst effect оп the паtчrаl world? Why?


Student В: Соmраrе photos З апd 4 and say which animals you think live in а better way.
Student А: Do you think zoos аrе а good idea? Why?/Why not?

(-:@l ltэеfаl {xpress\ovl9

Asking for clarifi cation
] iscuss these questions with а partner. could уоU repeat that, please?
' Аге паtчrаl disasters соmmоп in уочr country? lf so, which ones? Would you mind repeating that, plea5e?
. How do humans destroy the паtчrаl world? l'm 50rry. I didn't quite 9et that.
. which two паtчrаl disasters do you think аrе the most destгuctive? 5оrrу, What do you mean Ьу ...?
. Why is it important to protect очr natural world?

, *. .,l
Collocations & Expressions
А Match the expressions in bold with their meanings a-f.
1 l knew we wеrе in deep water when l saw the bear ruппiпg towards us! Г а Ье чпrеаlistiс
2 The hospitals were snowed underwith casualties after the avalanche. f Ь tre very fast
З The пursе was а ray of sunshine. 5hе used to make mе laugh ечеrу day. I с t,е very busy
4 The police were as quick as lightning. Тhеу came as soon as we called them. ] d Ь,е сhееrful and make otbe-
5 Katy has her head in the clouds - she thinks thе riчеr will печег flood again. ] е Ье sensitrle
6 Everyone loves Реппу because she is down to earth, friendly and helpful. ] f Ье in trоuые

в circle thе correct words.

supervolcanoes аrе probably the most destructive fоrсе (1) on / in the planet. There аrеп't many of them, but i{ опе
erupts it would almost сеrtаiпlу threaten the 5urvival (2) of / Ьу thе hчmап rасе.

Тhе lагgеst supervolcano eruption happened about 74,00О years а9о in Lake ТоЬа, Sumatra. The eruption was so
huge that the ground was covered (3) within / with З5 cm of ash as fаr as 2,5О0 km away frоm the volcano. Тhе
Ыаst also hаd а huge effect on global temperatures Which dropped (4) under / Ьу around 5'С. This drop (5) in / at
tеmреrаturе Was devastating апd scientiStS hаче discovered that it caused the summers in Europe to Ье freezing
cold and also had а catastrophic effect on animals and plant life.
Supervolcanoes differ (6) than / from поrmаl ones in mапу ways, А поrmаl volcano is cone-shaped and when
it erupts the lava bursts (7) out / up of the top and flows (8) thrоugh / down the sides. Оп the other hand,
supervolcanoes form uпdег9гоuпd. Ма9mа slowly rises from а hotspot deep down in the еаrth, until eventually
huпdrеds of thousands of years later ап епоrmоus blast оссurs.

One of the largest supervolcanoeS that eXiStS today is in Yellowstone National Park, USД. Whеп Scientists
were doing rеsеаrсh (9) оп / {or the volcano they wеrе rеаllу surprised (10) Ьу / off what they found. Basically,
the whole of the park had а massive рооl of magma uпdегпеаth it, measuring 7О km across Ьу ЗО km wide]
l\rloreover, thеу discovered evidence to suggest that the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts every бО0,00О years,
Unfortunately, its last еrUрtiоп was well очег 600,000 years а9о, so it Seems that the clock is ticking!

-r _.--j -

:':, ' -#

С Discuss these questions with а partner.

. Do уоu know апуопе who is а ray of sunshine or who hаs their head in the clouds? Who?
. Do уоu think people who are down to еаrth have mоrе friends? Whу?ДVhу not?
. How do you соре whеп you are snowed uпdеr wlth school work?

Comparison of adjectives & adverbs Тоо, Enough, So & Sчсh
А Look at these sentences and answer the questions below. с Look at the words in bold in the sentences
and answer the questions below.
а The wоrldЪ largest чоlсапо is situated iп Hawaii.
ь А tsunami isaworsenatural disaster than а flood. а ltЪ raining too hard for uS to go out.
с Earthquakes hарреп the most frequently in the Pacific Ring Ь ShеЪ experienced enough to get the job.
of Firе. 1 which word is used to show that
d Тhе wildfire spread faster thап we had predicted. something is more than we want or need?
е others
1 Which sentences contain the comparative fоrm? ! and !
2 Whiсh sentences contain the superlative fоrm? ! and ! which word is used to show that
something is as much as we want оr need?

Look at these sentences and answer the sentences below.

а Jenny isn't а5 clever as Julia. D We чsе so and such for emphasis. Look
Ь This winter it has snowed as heavily as it did last winter. at thёsе sentences and answer the
с Тhе warmer the weather, the better sam feels. questions below.
'1 lп sentence а, who is сlечеrеr?
а Many natural disasters аrе so difficult to
2 ln sentence Ь, did it snow more heavily this winter or last predict.
winter оr did it snow the same? The emergency services did such а great
3 ln sепtепсе с, what is the relationship between the weather job duririg the flood.
and how Sam feels? The tsunami struck so quickly, we couldn't
believe it.

Complete the rules. What раrts of speech follows so?

We use + adjective/adverb + to ShoW that two people
эr things аrе similar in some -way. Whеп they аrе not similar, we 2 What parts of speech follow such?
can use -
а5 + adjective/adverb + а5. The structure
- comparative, + comparative shows how опе action or
Read 7 .6-7 .8 ot the Grammar Rеfеrелсе оп ра9еý
situation affects апоthеr. - 170-171 be{ore you do tfie task.
Complete the second sentences so that they have а similar
mеапiпg to thе {irst sentences. Use the words in bold.
'1 ln Еurоре, tsunamis аrе not aS соmmоп as in Asia. more
ln ASia, tsunamiS in Europe.
We had expected it to rain mоrе heavily. as
lt didn't rаiп we had expected.
l drink mоrе water when it gets hotter. the
тhе hotter water l dгiпk.
4 Тhе h urriсапе was so strong that it caused а lot of damage. such
lt was that it caused а lot of
t've печеr met реорlе more friendly than -these islanders. most
These islanders are |'ve ечеr met.
6 It Was so windy that the helicopter couldn't rescue the flood victims. too
lt Was to rescue the flood victims.
7 Тhеrе are more tornadoes in the USAthan iп the restoftheworld. highest
тhе usA has the oftornadoes iп the
8 Тhе rеsсuе team needs to work faster to savetheml епочgh
тhе rescue team isn't to save them!
Some {orces of nature аrеп't as bad as others. than
Some {orces of паtчrе оthёrs.
10 lt Was such а relief to hеаr that he'd survived the ачаlапсhе! so
l was that he'd survived the avalanche!
W rifiиr1
ýequencing events
Whеп you tell а Story, it'S important that the rеаdеr
is аЬlе to follow the sequence of events. You сап do
this Ьу using сегtаiп phrases that help to show how
events follow оп from one апоthеr. These phrases
also hеlр to сгеаtе а sense о{ dгаmа in the Story.

А Match еасh phrase 1-5 to а phrase

а-е with а similar meaning.
1 At {irst, ]
2 At last, . t,]
3 П
А few minutes lаtеr, ...
4 Atthat moment, ... П
5 At the same time, ... f-

а lV]eanwhile, .,.
Ь JuSt then, ...
с lп the Ьеgiппiпg, ...
d lп the end, ...
е After а while, ...

В Read the writing task below and then tick thе things you have to do.
wrjte а story that begins with these words: Не соuldп't wait to get off the boat.
1 Write а story about а Ьоу оr а mап П
2 describe the boat iп detail J
З паrrаtе an event the hеrо was not looking forward to at all П
4 use the words giчеп exactly as they арреаr П
С Read the model story and circle the correct words.

Не couldn't Wait to get off the boat. ,After several hours'journey and а lifetime of waiting, hе was
almost there. (1) At first, / lVeanwhile, Simon hadn't been аЫе to make out exactly what was ahead,
but as thе boat got пеаrеr, he realised it was the volcano he was looking at.
(2) Two months / Теп minutes later, the boat docked at а small hаrЬоur and he Went ashore. Не
stood still fоr а moment and looked around him, enjoying the strange atmosphere. Тhеп, hе walked
fоrwаrds. growing mоrе and more excited.
(З) Then one day, / Before lопg, he found а path and strolled up it. Тhе volcano's landscape fascinated
him as he got closer to its peak. There was а15о hot steam pouring from little cracks iп the lava.

(4) Just thеп, / ln the end, Simon glanced up. Steam was rising up in front of him. Не had reached
the crater. Twisting rоuпd for his camera, Ье caught а glimpse of the sun, lt was setting behind the
cliffs in the distance.
(5)At last, / After а while, he had sееп the famous volcano, Не also got the сhапсе to see the most
beautiful sunset he had ever seen - and all this on the same day!

_ эоk again !

) Read thе model story again and write Т (trче) or F (false).

1 Simon has been waiting а long time to visit the island. .]
2 Не doesn't know what the чоlсапо is at fiгst. f
З Не is usеd to atmospheres like the опе оп the island. п
4 Не {inds the hot steam fascinating. п Llоsо-Uр
5 several narrative tenses have Ьееп used. п
Whеп уоU are Writing а Story,
уоч can express your ideas more
j Write the correct раrаgrарh пчmЬеr next to these descriptions. clearly and qive the reader а
mоrе vivid picture ofthe people
а Set the scene апd describe background details. П and events Ьу U5ing precise
Ь Вriпg the story to an end. П Words to describe thingS. Fоr
с Say what the main character saw from the volcano, П example, you сап use store ог
g/апсе instead ofiook,
d Begin with sentence given and introduce the mаiп сhаrасtеr. П
е Describe the climb up the volcano. t_

Complete the definitions with а word or phrase from the Useful Expressions. Sometimes
more than опе answer is роssiЫе.
1 lf you at something. уоu look at it intensely fоr а long time.
2 l{ you сап Something you manage to See it.
З Yоu if you walk with difficulty because of iп,jчrу.
4 You sоmеопеЪ if you attract his or hеr attention.
5 lf you you walk slowly in а relaxed way.
6 lf you somebody, his оr hеr face is familiar to you.

Эчеr to you !

З Read the writing task below and make а раrаgrарh рlап for
уочr story. Remember to use phrases to show the order of
the events, so the rеаdеr сап follow your story clearly. Uэе|иl <хрrе5s]'оч|5
Write а story that begins with these words; Тhеу all{elt as if they Ways of seeing/looking at something
catch а glimpse of make очt
were standing оп top of the world ('120-1В0 words)
catch sоmеопеЗ еуе notice
9aze at observe
glапсе at recognise
glаrе at Stare at

Ways of walking
creep skip
limp stroll
mаrсh wander
Before you watch
А Match thе words to thе meanings.
1 barometric pressure П а person whose job it is to study the wеаthеr
2 data П Ь predict ап event before it happens
3 forecast П с the force of the air аrочпd the Еаrth
4 humidity П d а flat area of Iand with few trees on it
5 meteoгologist П е the amount of water in the air
6 mission П f in[ormation collected {or analysis
7 velocity П g important task оr job
8 plain П h wind speed

While you watch

в watch the DvD and decide if these ýtatements are true or false. write Т for true and F for false.
1 Tornadoes usually move faster than ЗOО miles ап hour.
2 The раrt of а storm that рrоdчсеs the tornado is called the ЬеаrЪ са9е,
Tim Samaras always finds time to admire the tornadoes he's chasing.
carsten Peter says that photographing tornadoes is difficult because everything happens very fast.
5 Тhеrе аrе approximately 1 0,000 tornadoes in thе US every year.
6 samaras takes about 20 seconds to piace а probe, turn it оп and ruп away.
7 The storm сhаsегs bad great luck in Manchester, South Dakota,
8 The probe used in lVanchester didn't produce any interesting data.
After you watch
С Complete the summary of the DVD below using these words.
attempt determined directty functional опсоmiпg rapidty resutts wагпiп9
Photographer Carsten Реtеr hа5 an unusual interest. Не travels with а 9rочр
oftornado chasers and puts himself (1) into the path of
tornados. His pictures might give meteorologists а Ьеttеr Understandin9 of
these hчgе storms and hеlр them develop (2) systems
that will save реорlеЪ lives.

Some of the photographs that he produces аrе taken from а саr travelling
between 100 and 1 30 kms, just ahead of the storm. Things can change very
(3) whеп you're chasing а storm!
Peter also Wants to (4) to make visual records of storms
using а piece of equipment called а photographic рrоЬе. Recently, Peter
was with а storm-chasing team led Ьу Tim Samaras. Тhеу placed their
probes in the path of the (5) tornado. тhе Weather рrоЬе performed as it Was supposed to.
but, unfortunately, the рhоtоgrарhiс рrоье caught images only of the edge of the storm, поt the сепtrе. дt least
it WaS still (6) after the storm hаd passed, which was amazingl Althou9h it was disappointin9
that it hadn't Worked as expected, Peter explains that the closer he gets to hiS 9оаl, the mоrе interesting it iS for
him. Не seems to have faith that they will get the good (7) they Want the next Lime around, оr
mауЬе the time after that. He's (8) to get the results he and the scientists need.

D Discuss these questions with а раrtпеr.

' How would you feel if someone told you that you had to take over РеtеrЪ job? What would you telt him/her?
. Would уоu Ье рrераrеd to work in extreme weather situations? Why?,lVhy not?
Reading; advertisements,multipIe-choicequestions
VосаЬцlаrу: media-related words, phrasaI чеrЬs, word formation
G!,аmmаr: passive voice: tenses, gerunds, infinitives & modal verbs, impersonal &
personal structures
Listening: multipIe-choicequestions(pictures)
Speaking: talking about the media, decision making, showing that уоч are listening
Writing: essay, editing уочr work

van in
l, USA
А Look at the different types of media below.
Write Р for those that аrе print media, Е for
electronic media and В for Ьоth.
1 Ыоg t] 4 e-book
2 magazine п 5 message Ьоаrd a
3 newspaper п 6 Web site п
В Do you read апу of the above? Which ones?

С ouickly scan the five advertisements. Which

magazine has the most issues per year?
а реrsоп оr place

Parents! Get hold ol National Geographic

Litfle Kds magazine to give уочr pre-schooler
а head Stаri| ThiS award-Winning magazine
iS Specially designed for 3 to б year-olds and
is filled with photos and lively Stories that
help develop early rеаdiпg skills, lt also has
interactive picture gameS and puzzles to teach
logic and coUnting,

5imple Science ехреrimепts
)' humour and rhymes
) focus оп different cultures
Read Nаtlола/ Geographic Little Kidswith уоur child
and provide the most importanl gitL you сап give:
time With уоU!
N atioп al Geog rарhiс Explore r

magazine iS packed With high-

interest science and social studies
National Gеоgrарhiс Kids magazine gets kids content that inspires kids to саrе
excited about their wоrldI Fеаtчrе stories include about the planet!
articles on wildli{e, entertainment, science, ) writtеп Ьу science writers
tесhпоlоgу. extreme Sporl5. adventures. amzing and specialiStS
kids and wоrld wonders, ages 5-1 2
sections include:
)' 7 issues per year, опе per
) Video Game сепtrаl
month dUring term-time
) Grееп Scene N ational Geog raphic Explore r is
) Art zопе the опlу content-based classroom
) Guinness World Records magazine for this age group that
l cool lnventions provides science and social studies
wildlife watch conten,t While developing reading
)' Weird BUt тruе and Writing skills.
Sports FчппiеS
Large pullout роStеrS оr maps, соllесtаЫе trading cardS, contests, Stickers
and mоrе.

Your family is interested in subscribing to а magazine.
You have found the following adveЁisements for
magazines. Read the questions, and then look at thе When you are answering а question Where
there are two or more answers for еасh
adveЁisements for thе answers.
option, уоu сап lookfirst atthe texts that
1 Which magazine is ideal for your fоur-уеаr-оld sister? occur most often as answer choices. lf
а] сЗ you сап exclude these а5 options, уоu сап
ь2 d4 automatically exclude any anSwers that
include them. For example, in question 2,
2 Which magazines аrе рчЫishеd in mоrе than опе уоч сап first look at text number 1 Which
langua9e? occurs in а, Ь and с. lf this teХt i5 not about
а '],2and4 с '1,Запd4 а magazine that i5 publi5hed in more than
Ь 1,4and5 d 2,4and5 опе langua9e, the answer уоч are looking
for must Ьё d_
З Which magazine was first published more thап а
hundred years а9о?
а 1 с3 Your dad teaches science at рrimаry school. Which
ь2 d 4 magazine would Ье good fоr his classes?
4 Which magazine has articles about sроrt? ьз d5
а с з

ь d Which magazines hаче maps?

а '1 and 2 с 2and4
ь '1 апd З d 2and5
7 Which magazines аrе not aimed specifically at
NATlONAL children?
National Geographic
11agazine: lnspiring people GEOGRAPHIC а 2апdЗ с Запd5
:э саrе about the planet lnside Anima!Minds
Ь 2and4 d 4and5
: псе 188В, 8 Which magazines include features children find fчппу?
опаl Geog raph ic is а 1and2 с 2апd4
' l ati

-пiVеrsаllу recognised for its ь 2апdЗ 4and5

^ gh quality. With informative
9 Which magazine always comes with the same free
articles апd some of the best
:hotojournalism you will ever
а'| с4
acme across, the magazine
^aS а massive readership
ь2 d5
аrоuпd the woid. 10 You want to go оп а world tour with уоur family.
Which magazine is best fоr you?
:хрlоrе the most distant соrпеrs о{ the Wоrld and оUr
а2 с4
-niverse with National Geographic|
ьз d5
) 12 monthly iSSueS photo contests
* produced in 32 languages ' map supplements
' Get the mеапiпg !

Е Complete the definitions with these words.

rd]eS content issue photojourna[iSm readership
еrе \,Jational 5upptement
rгаиеlеr, the world's
^rost Widely read travel
1 А single сору of а magazine is known as a(n)

",]agazine, iпsрiгеS
,eaders to trачеl Ьу 2 Giving the news using mainly photographs is kпоwп
эоkiпg at the world
:,,]rочgh Stunning З The of а magazine or
эhоtоgrарhу. newspaper is all the topics that are included in it.
)оm . There аrе 8 issues 4 An extra раrt of а magazine that is produced
lat separately is called а(п)
реr year,
!dieS . li iS published iп 12 The пumЬеr of реорlе who regularly buy а magazine
languages in 21 countries. is known as the

n every issue readers enjoy:

9 lnterviews with explorers
) FamilyJriendly destinationS
* Food fгоm around the globe More and mоrе people аrе reading e-books and
Эасk опliпе пеwsрареrs. Do you think thё day will come
уоur bags and truly ехреriепсе the world's
.]nique destinationsl whеп we по |onger have рriпt media? Are there апу
advantageS to thi5?
Y ооаVиlаrц
А Circle the odd ones out.
1 headline title adveгtisement
2 host reporter preSenter
з саmеrаmап critic sound епgiпееr
4 correspondent report а rtiсlе
5 subscription documentary soap ореrа

в circle the соrrесt words.

1 l get my daily рареr at the newsagent'S / lэооth оп mу Street.
2 Тhеrе are sечеrаl types of media / press, including пеwsрареrs, TV and the lnternet.
З Whеп l'm watching football, l usually turn down the volume Ьесачsе the sрогts соmmепtаrу / rечiеw
drives me mad!
4 There were пеws {lashes / strikes every hоur after the attack.
5 Statistics / l\4easurements shоW that mоrе реорlе аrе getting thеir news опliпе these days.
6 According to sales quantities / figures, many local newspapers may Ье forced out of business.

С Complete the text using these words.

adaptation author columniSt editoг pieceS

А mапЪ best {riend

John Grоgап had had ап interesting and varied
career as а journalist before hе turned to writing
books and became а hugely successful, sel{-
employed (1) . Не had done
evervthino {rom oolice (2)
which involved writing about сгimе5 committed
Lo being а regu,ar (З)
writin9 for several newspapers.

The опе thing that John often Wгоtе about in

his соlчmпs was his pet Labrado1 Marley, РuЫiс
reaction to theSe (4)
iпсгеdiЬlе and many rеаdеrs wrote in asking
fоr mоrе of the same, Очеr thе пехt decade,
Grogan wrote а weekiy соlumп about his чегу
naughty, but чеrу loveable golden LаЫаdоr.
whose adventures wеrе followed Ьу thousands
of readers.
After Marley's death, Jоhп decided that he
wanted to go one step further: hе wrote а book
about his pet and Sent it to the well-known
book (5) нагреrсоlliпs. Тhе (6) who rеаd it loved it, the manuscгipt was
accepted апd thе book came out in (7) in ОсtоЬеr 2005. lt was а huge success, appearing at
the top of the lэеstsе]lеr lists fог mапу weeks. lп 2008, а film (8) of the novel was made to the
delight of the mапу Маrlеу fans аrоuпd the world.

D Do you agree with these statements? Discuss your answers with а раrtпеrЪ.
. Опе picture speaks а thousand words.
. Watching TV is always а waste of time.
. Don't believe everything you геаd.

Passive Voice: Tenses The Passive Voice: Gerunds, lnfinitives &
А Read the sentences апd notice the changes that
Modal VеrЬs
occur. Then. answer the questions below. В Read the раirs of sentences and notice
Active: The presenter interviewed the actress.
the changes.
Passive: Тhе actress was interviewed Ьу the presenter. Acive: Children love their parents taking them
1 Who is the ob.ject ofthe active sentence?
to the cinema.
Passive: Children love being taken to the cinema
Ьу their parents.
2 Who is the subject iп the passive sentence? Active; When are you supposed to write the соlчmп?
Passive: When is the соlчmп supposed to Ье written?
what is the verb iп the active sentence and which Active: Tom must рау the newspaper subscription,
tense is it iп? Passive: The newspaper subscription must Ье paid
Ьу Tom.
What is the auxiliary verb in the passive sепtепсе
and whiсh tense is it iп? Complete the rules.
We form thе passive of а gerund with
What form о{ the verb interyiew is in the passive + past participle. We fоrm the passive of а full infinitive
sепtепсе? with to + + past participle. We form the
passive of а modal with the modal +
+ past participle.
Complete the rules. -
Read 8.r-8.2 oftfie Grammar Reference оп page 171
We fоrm the passive voice Ьу using the auxiliary
before you do the tasks.
verb in the correct tense and -
the past о{ the main verb. Тhе
of the active sentence becomes the
subject of the Pa55ive sentence.

С Complete the Sentences With the correct form о{ the passive voice and the verbs in brackets.
1 The equipment (test) Ьу the sound епgiпееr now.
2 This photo (take) at the Nature Preserve in Вечеrlу Shores, lndiana.
These days, mапу books (make) with гесусlеd рареr.
4 The article needs (edit) a9ain.
5 тье event must (сочеr) in tomorrow's newspaper.
ь The winner of the gаmе show (9ive)the prize
next Week.
7 Не wanted his photos (exhibit) iп Paris.
8 The economic crisis (feature) оп
the front page of Тhе Times tomorrow.

Rewrite the sentences in уочr notebooks using the

passive voice. Start with thе words in bold.
1 The W сhаппеl will Ыoadcast the programme
tomorrow ечепiпg.
2 lVlany реорlе watch Oprah Winfrey's chat show
every day.
3 They should usе better quality рареr for newspapers. ,-
4 This саmеrаmап has filmed mапу episodes of Days of
очr Lives.
5 The teacber gives the schoolchildren а lot of homework.
6 lVla ny ,jou rna lists аrе covering thе natural disaster.
7 The presenter will have asked the contestant twenty
questions Ьу the end of the quiz.
8 Тhе weatherman had fоrесаst the heavy snow Ье{оrе
the drop in tеmрегаturе.
А Look at the picturёs below and write down three с ('You will hear eight short conversations. After уо_
things that are the same in all pictures and three hеаr еасh conversation you will Ье asked а questio-
things that are not the same in all Pictures. about what you hаче heard. The answers are show-
as pictures. Circle а, Ь or с.
а ь с
а ь


Things that аrе the same in all pictures:

Things that are not the Same in аll pictures:

G Шоw look at the pictures in А again and listen

to the dialogue. Tick the correc answer to the
question you hear.

Listen саrеfчlIу becau5e the рiсtUrе5 &
Won't always Ье in the оrdеr that уочlý
hеаr them mentioned.

а ь

z' 2'
3: з-

5. ,|

i Work with а partner and answer these questions.
. HoW often do you watch the news оп TV? HoW imрогtапt is it for уоч to keep up with current events?
. What form(s) of media do you рrеfеr to use to keep up-to-date with news and events?
er yoU . Аrе you interested in the private lives of celeЫities? ls this more important оr interestin9 to уоч than world news?
]е5tiоп . Do you think thеrе аrе апу рrоЬlеms with the way some people who work in the media behave?

3 Look at the features below and decide if they are more likely Llоsо-Uр
to occur оп television, in а пеwsрареr or both. Write Т for
television, N for newspaper and В for both. Whеп уоU?е having а discussion, it *
i5 polite to show the other реr5оп
] advertisement п 6 live music t] lhal you are inl,erested in What he
2 weather forecast п 7 intervieW п or She i5 Saying. А5 Well as using
ы З letters ра9е п 8 hоrоsсореs п
thе Useful Expressions below, you
сап also make еуе contact With the
4 Sports news L] 9 ТV guide п other person and nod your head
5 world news 10 celeЫity gossip п from time to time] i

- lmagine that your school is going to publish а school newspaper. First, talk together аЬочt the different
topics that could Ье included in the first issue. Then, decide which two topics would Ье thе most
ц interesting for students.


@ ffi9 UrJ
ED @
Discuss these questions with а partner.
l)эе|иl {хрrсssiои3
showinq that you are listening
Does TV present what is rеаllу important, or what will sell mоrе? Ye5,
Do уоu think that the media cover too muсh t,ad news and not елоugh Ri9ht.
good news? ТhаtЗ an interesting point.
l 5ее What you mеап.
What was the last news story you hеаrd that was good news?
l understand What yoU're saying.
Are thеrе certain things that journalists shouldn't rероrt on? WhуДVhу not? ТhаtЪ exactly What l Was thinking.
Реорlе often say that no news is good пеws. Do you agree?
ri г-"flгgИи[лrц
phrasal verbs
А ln the following exercise, two of the options given are used with each verb to make а phrasal verb.
For each question, сrоss out the option that cannot Ье used with thе чеrЬ in bold.
] tune: in / through / out
2 pick: out / up / for
З ring: in / back / аlопg
4 bring: out / at / round

В Complete the sentences with the words from А.

1 Make sure you tune next Tuesday {оr the final episode of Тор Сhе{
2 Мапу TV presenters don't pick tbe clothes they wear on TV Sоmеопе else does that fоr them.
З l rапg the producer but hе Wasn't there, so he's 9оiпg to ring me
4 The publisher is going tobring а пеw book ab,out healthy living,
5 Тhе dосumепtагу was so boring; l tuned half way thгоugh|
6 Someone will pick mе at 10 o'clock and take me to the TV studio.
7 l think most героrtеrs tгу to bringреорlе to their point ofview.
8 The radio station is asking listeners to ring i{ they want to take part in the daily quiz.

word formation
С Complete the text with the correct form of the words.


lf you thought Ьеiп9 а (1) was all about JoURNAL -ъ

going to red-carpet events and interviewing superstars, you'd Ье
mistaken. lv]any trave to some ofthe most far away рагts ofthe world %ЁФ**.
to keep us informed about what's happening there.
These l,inds of people аrе (2) called USUAL
correspondents. They rероrt оп а раrtiсulаr sulэjесt or country and
they include (3) correspondents and those PoLlTlc5
who rероrt оп wars and disasters around the world.
Опсе they rеасh their destination, they try to get close to the
(4) in order to provide the TV channels апd ДСТ
newspapers with (5) оr video {ootage. РНОТО
Тhеу аrе sometimes sent to чеrу dangerous places, and that is why
Ьеiпg а correspondent can Ье the most (6) RlsK
fоrm of journalism,
Оп the оthег hand, itЪ also опе о{ the most (7) Sдт|SFY
forms of journalism. So if you're ап (8) ДDVENTURE
kind of person and wапt to go into journalism, maybe becoming
а согrеSропdепt is just the job fоr you.

D Read whаt different people say about jobs in the media. Do you agree with
them? Discuss with а partner.
. '1 think being а correspondent would Ье а чеrу exciting and fulfil iп9 job because l'm

а very adventurouS реrsоп.'

'l think working iп ТV would Ье such а satisfying and fun thing to do. l think itЪ an
easy job where you еагп lots of mопеу.'
'l think working as а journalist fоr а сеlеЫitу gossip magazine would Ье so exciting.
lt's fascinating to know how famous реорlе live.'
Passive Vоiсе: lmpersonal & Personal Structures
А We often use verbs like believe, сопsidеr, know. expect, say, suppose and think in the
passive voice. They can Ье used in ап imреrsопаl or а personal passive strчсtцrе. Read these
sentences апd notice the сhапgеs that occur. Тhеп answer the questions below.
Active: Many реорlе believe that the news оп TV is accurate.
Passive: lt is believed that the news оп TV is accurate. (This is the impersonal pasSive Structure.)
1 Whiсh word is the subject of the passive verb in the second sentence?
2 What word follows the passive чеrЬ iп the second sentence?

Active: Реорlе know that documentaries are sеriоus рrо9rаmmеs.

Passive: Documentaries are known to Ье serious рrоgrаmmеs. (This is the personal passive structure.)
3 Which word the subject of the passive verb in the second sentence?
4 What verb form follows the passive чеrЬ in the second sentence?

Complete the rules.

We form the impersonal paSsive Structure With it + passive verb + + clause. We form
the personal Structure With почп + passive verb +
Read 8.3 of the Grammar Reference оп page 171 before уоч do the task.

comPlete these Sentences using impersonal and personal structures.

1 People know that TV commercials influence viewers.
тv commercials influence viewers.
Tv commercials vlewer5.
2 Реорlе say that the new serial is а great success with young people.
the пеw serial is а grеаt success with
young реорlе.
тhе пеw serial а 9reat SUccess With
young реорlе.
Реорlе think that the пеw radio station plays the best music in town.
lt the new radio ýtation plays the best
music in town.
The пеw radio station the best music iп

-- believe that websites are

People а 9reat sоurсе of information.
lt Web5ites are а great SоUrсе of
WebSites а 9reat source of information.
Реорlе say that taЫoid newspapers аrе full о{ sensational stories.
lt tаЫоid newspapers are full of
SenSational Stories,
ТаЫоid newspapers full о{ sensational
6 Реорlе consider documentaries to Ье educational and interesting.
docuйentaries are educational and
Documentariёs educational and interesting.
А red fox shows interest in а daily
newspaper hanging out of а letter
Ьох in London опе morning.

W riflи11
Editing your work
Always edit your writing carefully опсе you have finished as
careless errors сап make а bad impression оп the reader.
Whеп you read back through уочr writing, try to find and
correct еrrоrý in word оrdеr (question forms, objecs of
verbs, adverbs. inversions); spelling (homophones like see
апd sea, silent letters, dоuЫе letters апd irregular plurals);
punctuation (apostrophes, speech marks, fuIl stops, question
marks); vocabulary (especially prepositions, collocations and
рhrаsаl verbs); and grаmmаr (tenses, чеrЬ forms, 9erunds
and infinitives, агtiсlеs, conditionals).

А Tick the correct sentences and соrrесt the wrong ones in your notebook.
1 Some celeЫities will stop at nothing to Ье in the рчЫiс еуе. !
2 Have you got а press pass. П
З Тhе rероrtеr Spent all night working оп the Story. П
4 Why does the рrеsепtеr look so seriously? П
5 Twenty people arrested tonight following а street fight. П
6 John is said that he is а success{ul editor

В Read the newspaper extract and writing task below and then answer the questions.
Тhе edr'tor ofThe City Times wants to know whаt readers'
ТНЕ CITY TIMES opinion is of the incident. Shou/d stars hаче the rght to act
Celeb arrested after striking photographer whеп their privacy is invaded, оr do the public have а right tc
It seems soap star Yvette BarkeT cant always see how thеir favour'te stars //'че iп real life? Write а letter to
handle being in the limelight. Ъе celeЫity was the пеwsрареr and Ьеgiп 'Dеаr Editor,'.
arrested outside а supermarket yesterday after
hitting а photographer with а healry bag. Тhе
1 What is the newspaper extract about?
star protested at hеr arrest saying that it was 2 Why has the newspaper еditоr asked for readers' letters?
shocking Йаt photographers could take pictures з what two issues should the letter deal with?
Without permission, 4 will the letter Ье written in an iпfоrmаl or а formal
register? Why?

с kead the model letter and {ind and correct ten errors.

De Editor,
I аm WIiting ln Iesponýe to уоцI leqцest for ]ettels following YYette ВагkеIЪ Iесепt arrested. I woulrl
like to shaTe mу views оп the subject,
Filst ofall, it ls often ýaid that fans are juýtified in want to lФоw what theil fачоцritе celeыities are
like in rеаl life, AfteT all, fans spend а lot of time and mопеу оп them and ensule they stay in а
еуе. As а result, their is а huge market fol StoIieS Ievealing thе personal lifes ofthe Iilh a;d fаmоцs.

on the other hand, it is undelstandab]e that peTsonalites want their pfivacy. whether stars shоцld
take action аЬоцt inyasions oftheiT privacy is а valid quеýtiоп? НоwЪчец their complains should
Ье made in ап appTopriate way and_hurting anothel peIson is fаr from acceptable, No dоuЫ mапу
реорlе, including fans, will Ье puzzle Ьу ВаrkегЪ actions,
То conclude, it is паtцrаl that fans want to kлоw evel}thing about celebTities. МеmЬеrs ofthe press
must Ieýpect ýtars wishes, though, апd ask peImisýion to take photos, so that unfortunate incidents
сап Ье avoided.
Yours faithfully,
Tony Nugent

-ook again !

) Tick the things the Writer has done.

1 used the соrrесt register п
2 answered the questions iп the task ]

З expressed his ideas iп ап illogical order п

4 stated his орiпiоп сlеаrlу in the conclusion t]
5 used the passive voice to sound more objective п
6 used ап appropriate greeting and signing off t]
i circle the correct Words to comPlete the раrаgrарh plan for the model |etter.
Раrа 1: State the rеаsоп for writing / your opinion.
Para 2: Diýcuss Whether fans / stars have the right to Iearn about famous реорlеЪ private lives.
Раrа Зi Discuss whether fans / stars have the right to take action when their privacy is invaded,
Раrа 4: Sum up / lпtгоduсе and state your opinion.

F Use ап appropriate word or phrase from the Usaful Expressions to complete

the sentences. Sometimes more than one answer is роssiЫе. ln formal Writing, u5e the
passive voice to make your
1 dоuЫ, ап ечеп bigger рау rise will follow next year. Writing more formal and to
2 Whеthеr you have а right to print gossip is а(п) question. present your ideas in а more
objectiVe Way. Ве careful to
Said that newspapers аrе а thing of the past.
Use the appropriate verb
4 lf it Mr Jones, Grant would not have а job. form and tense for the
5 lt i5 say that аll journalists are highly paid. subject, the auxiliary чеrЬ ]
апd the past participle. :

. ._.. .,. _.__.__,,..,..l

Over to you!
G Read the newspaper extract and writing task below and make а раrаgrарh plan for your letter. Remember
to check your work carefully for errors when you hаче finished.
) act
ight to
Тhе editor ofThe City Times wants to know what
:er to rеаdеrs'орiпiоп is of this issue. Whу do some TV
ТНЕ CITYTIMES persona/ities receive such /arge sa/aries, and is it uлfаir
Shock at newsreader's massive рау rise to оthеr hard-working реор/е? l'y'rite а /etter to the
Тор newsreader Mary McGuire found herself in леwsрареr and Ьеgiп 'Dеаr Еditоц'. ('120-']80 words)
tteгs? the news today as а huge row Ыоkе out following
the announcement ofher annual рау rise. Mccuire
iS set to take hоmе а Ыeathtaking $2.5 million
this year Some say that the rise iS completely
uпассерtаЫе given the current economic crisis.
Иэе|utl {,\уrеss\очs
Presentinq argument5 in ап imper5onalWay
lt iS natural/shocking/understandable/
unfair that/to ...
... islare reported/said to ...
lt is often reported/said that ...
No doubtДVithout doubt ...
lt cannot Ье denied that...
... i5 а valid question/point
Ье justified in
Тhе fact ofthe matter is ...
lf it Was not for ..., ... Would (not) ...
lt WoUld Seem/appear that ..,

Before you watch
А How mчсh do you know about films? Look at the statements below and write
т for true or F for false.
1 Тhе Academy Awards@, known as the Оsсагs@, have Ьееп presented аппuаllу
since 1 927 Ьу the Academy о{ Motion Рiсturе Arts and Sciences. !
2 Chadie Chaplin was American and hе was Ьоrп iп 1900. !
з Тhе first films with sound were called ta/kies. -
4 Тhе fiгst documentaries wеrе called actua/ity films- П
While you watch
В Watch the DVD and circle thе words you hear.
1 ln the '] 9'ь сепturу, inventors learnt that they could сrеаtе moving images Ьу showing а series / succession of
pictures very quickly.
2 People could рау а bill / fee to iook into the mасhiпе and watch simple movies.
3 crowds of реорlе went to see their productions / films, and new 'movie palaces'were built to show them iп.
4 Atthe Ьеgiппiпg o{the 20'Ь century, film / movie dirесtоrs beganto record rеа happeningsand imрогtапt events
5 Actors, lighting, and ечеп computer simulation / animation аrе now used to teach us about the real wor]d,

After you watch

С Complete thе summary of the DVD below using these words.
аWаrе begin depicting ехреriепсе followed globe medium Sеriеs Sophisticated
Fоr mоrе than а hundred уеаrs, film has Ьееп опе of the world's favourite kinds of
enteгtainment. Films let us (1) adventures in faraway places and see
things we have печеr seen before. ln the late 19'h century, inventors produced а machine
caJled а kinetoscope. This showed a(n) (2) of images very quickly. А{tеr
paying а fee, реорlе could look into the kinetoscope and watch the {irst kinds of film.

The kinetoscope was soon (3) Ьу the film pro,iecto.. Рrо,jесtоrs were
used in the world's first cinemas. The first films wеrе based оп the simple excitement
of (4) movement. The subjects were simple, fог example moving
trains. Ноwечеr, {ilms soon became mоrе (5) and complex. Ву
thе 1920s there were mапу studios producing films, and film 5tаrs, including Charlie
Chaplin and Маry Pickford, became famous (6)
Early films also provided а different kind of service, Ьеуопd simple entertainment.
Documentary film makers made films about thе news, about historical events, about
presidents and explorers. These еаrlу documentaries helped make реорlе
(7) of their world. Тhеу informed them of things hаррепiпg
around the (8) lп thе days before television thi5 was very
important and it meant that film was used as а(п) (9) for
ехрlаiпiпg the world. lt offered реорlе а different view of their hоmе planet.
lп опlу а hundred years, film and documentary making have changed dramatically.
We сап опlу (10) to imagine what the future of film
making holds for future generations.
Actors and сrеw shoot
а scene for а film in

D Discuss these questions with а раrtпеr. Mexico city in 1951.

l{ you could make а documentary film, what subject

would you choose?

What do you think has been the most important fi]m
iп history? Why?

Units 7 & 8

] sоuпd ]
а flash
2 sports ]
Ь scale
З news п с егuрtiоп
4 sales f d епgiпееr
е rап9еr
5 чоlсапiс
f f stone

6 flash
7 Richter g line
8 hаi! h соmmепtаrу
9 fault п iflood
j figures
10 forest п
з circIe the correct words.
] Apparent у, itЪ quite calm iп the еуе of / frоm the hurriсапе.
2 Тhе соrrеsропdепt realised hе was at / in deep water when he heard the bomb explode.
З The writer was snowed uпdеr / over with the film adaptation he had to do.
4 She walks агоuпd with her head up / in the clouds and doesn't realise what's happening аrоuпd hег.
5 When is the publisher going to Ыiпg out / оп the new book?
6 Peter is чеrу down to / at earth апd realistic aiэout everythin9.
7 l tuned uпdеr / оut half way thrоugh the conversation because it was so Ьогiпg.
8 We went to pick out / up the сhildrеп frоm school Ьеfоrе the stоrm stагtеd.

З Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.
1 They talked to the and he's аgгееd to host the show. PRESENT
2 Shаl we get а for this weekly newspaper? SUBSCRlBE
з Doctors without Borders is а(п) that hеlрs реорlе in areas where
natu.a1 di5asters have happened. oRGANlsE
4 He's extremely and likes to chase tornados across the сочпtrу. ADVENTURE
An ea,tnquake is опе о[ lhе rгоsт forces of паtчrе, DESTROY
6 How ate hurricanes frоm погmаl thunderstorms? DIFFER
7 waves сап tre extremely powerful. TIDE

Бl 8 lS it expensive to put а(п) in the newspaper? ADVERT|SE

Б D Complete the sentences using these words.

aftershock b[izzard cruSt landslide magnitude tornado Wildfiгe
1 Тhеге was а huge after the main eaгthquake.
2 Тhе Еаrth's is moving all the time,
The earthquake rеасhеd а(п) of 7.2, so it was huge.
4 Heavy rains caused {loods and a(n) iп the area which covered the village.
Тhе resulted in а metre of snow and damage to many houses in the town.
6 destroyed а whole city as it Ыеw through it.
7 А(п) burnt huge expanses of{orest last Summer.

Units7 &

А complete the sentences with the gerund оr the соrrесt form of the infinitive. use the verbs in brackets.
1 ls it worth (talk) to hеr? She is stubborn and won't change hеr mind.
2 Тhе journa ist was made (апswеr) questions about his video Ьу the loca police officer
з we had better (drор in) and see if Grandma is better.
4 John suggested (issue) а bad-weather warning but his colleagues disagreed.
5 Will the рuЫishеr let us (print) the article in the college newspaper?
6 Luckily, Susan rеrпеmЬеrеd (tune iп) and listen to hеr favourite radio programrne,
7 не would like (write) а book about his hometown some day.
Are you tough enough (get) close to the action?

в circle the correct words.

kilatrea vоiсапа
lVany is ands have Ьееп made Ьу volcanoes and (1) the most / the more often they еruрt, the
more the islands grоw in sizel lceland апd Hawaii аrе some examples о{ (2) so / such ап amazing
thing. Тhе islands of Hawaii rose out of the sea as а result of volcanic activity on the ocean {lооr,
The(3)lar9est/ агgеr island - Hawaii consists of five volcan oes, Опе of the чоlсапоеs on the
is]and, Mt Kilauea, is still active and is the (4) mоrе / most active Vоlсапо оп earth. Since ']954
there have Ьееп 34 eruptions, and since January 198З, volcanic activity has Ьееп continUous.

This volcano is (5) so / such easy to rеасh that the HaWaii Volcano Observatory actually Ь,еgап
doing rеsеаrсh right оп the mountain. lt is also safe (6) too / епоugh for v;sitors to climb and
for this reason it is the (7) most / too visited чоlсапо in the world. The summit of the volcano is
high because eruptions hарреп more frequently there than at оthеr locations on the vo]cano.
The future of Ki]auea looks like the past. Тhе mоrе eruptions, the (8) hi9hest / higher the
volcano will go.

с complete the second sentence' so that thеу have а similar meaning to the first sentences.
use thе words in bold.
1 Сhагlеs Richter invented the Richter scale in 19З5.
тhе Richter scale in '19З5.
2 co]umnists hate their editors telling them what to write.
columnists hate What to Write Ьу their editors.
Whеп is lVark s article supposed to Ье Written?
when is lvark his article?
Тhеу should issue а tornado wаrпiп9,
А tornado warning
Тhеу will have done thе filming Ьу this evening.
Тhе filming Ьу this evening.

article, missing sentences
Work-related Words, coIlocationS & expressions, PrepositionS
reported speech: statements, questionS, commands and requests, reporting verbs
multiple matching
talking about work, comparing photographs, considering alternatives
rероrt, presenting factцal information


А Describe the folIowing jobs using these adjectives or
any.otheTs you can think of. Would you like to do апу
of the jobs?
Ьоriпg dead-end exciting exhaUSting manuat
rеwаrdiпg stressfut wett-paid
. doctor . office worker
. factory worker о photographer
. journalist . Sales assistant
. nurse . teacher

В Work iп pairs. Think of а job and get your partner to

ask questions to find out which job it is. You аrе only
allowed to answer yеs or No.

с Read the article аьочt Мiсhаеl yamashita.

which sentence best describes Michael's arrest: to make
attitude toward his job? noti се 'omebody
ап d
а Не finds ;t exciting.
atteпtion to it

Ь Не thinks itЪ well-paid. frаmiпg: where the

рhоtоgrарhег sets the
с lt is Stressful most of the tiпrе, Ьоrdеr' of а рhоtо9rарh

Michael Yamashita has combined his two passiorrs of photogTaphy So r,\йat iS the SесIеt to Michael's success? I was cuTiou.
and travel for очеr 25 yeaTs as а photogfaPher. foт Nлriorr1 to knor,v what he thought made а good photogTaph.
Ceographic Маgвziпе, In 1999, ап assignment fol а seIies of 'In the case of Nлfiollal GeogTaphic Magп:ilzc,, I like to
aTtic]es on Матсо PoIo took him fтоm Venice thTough ITaq cail thern 'page stoppers', The1, ате picttrres п,ith such
and Afghar-ristan to the iS]ands of Southeast Asia. His otheT gleat visua1 impact that the vieWeI has to StoP tulnin8
assignrnents have included travelling the length of the GTeat Wall the pages. Yоu'rе alTTestcc1 Ьу the h.dпil]& th; t8ht, Й
of ( hina and through lapan, Го Ье а
рrпtе*,iБпаl phologr.rpher
Yamashita says, it's iinPoltant to Ье 'in thе Tight
tоlоur,огthe,ubjecl,al)d)ou\tarl.atit, 4 Fоr
рJасе to gei me, thal i\ ап ideaI piclurc.'
the тight subject at the right time.' 1 'PTofessionai
I asked him which photos frоm his car.eer he was
рhо(оgrарhеr" ; rе paid lo Ьс Illcl r ]' he поtе,,
paTticulaTly fond of. 'one time I WaS in а little village
Michael mауЪе paid to Ье luсkу these days, but he hasTl't spent in Tajikistan, waiting to Shoot somethi1-1g at sunTise foT
the и hole ot bi" саrееr а. а рhоtоgгарhеr, l a*ked hlm hоц lle ап aTticle or,] Матсо Polo,'he said. .I was
had во( inlere,ted in photograplhl in lhе гil,t
Placc, l5рспl about with nobody ar.ound when I saw а kid l,alkiig
four, уеаrs iп Jарап in the eaTly '70s, and tъ,о of those
уеаrs I dоъ,п the Toad, Тhеп, more kids joined him. , 5
was teachlng,'he rcplied. 'Тlrеrе M,as а huge demand in В1 lhеп lhе*uп rrа* ritiпgbehirld mе, lt \л.l5 c\tremel\
for Englisfu' he says. 'And it was а
8Ieat job. But the Teal reasorr bright, .rnd foctr.ed оп thо,е kids, lr \ ou |оо|. al lhat
l.,v!,as thele \,\,aS to
8et in touch и,ith mу Ioots, GIои,iп8 uP in рiсluгс, thе shadow i5 righl behind lhеm, Гhаt mеап,
the United States n,ith а JaPanese name and face, I печЪr ieally that they cal']'t see mе Ьесацsе I'm irr the glaTe of the
[eIt l00 реrtепt Аmеriсап, 2 5о, аItсг.lUd) in8 11ittогу Sun. So, I got а vely паtulаl рiсtuIе of Lhem preparing
in the States, I decidecl to go tJjарап and have Й ех-реriепсе foT schoo] in incTedible light,'
of living theTe.'
so what drives Michael to achieve excellerrce in his
So did Michael buy his first саmеrа while iп japan?'I did,' fie]d? Не told mе that thele Wasn't much economic
he says. 'Like ечеlу amateul, I bought а саmеrа to basically motivation giчеп the difficulty in selling рiсtцrеs, so I
rесоrd tr hal l и аs .eein8 .rnd doing, to чепd
PiclUret Ьасk to asked him what he thought it took to Ьесоmе а glеаt
family and fTiends. I spent sоmе time leaTning about it, and pho]ographer 'What it takes is basically passion-.
I iu<l got rе.lllч оЬ5ечсеd ьу |hе wholc
рrосе,,, з дt 6l Especlally today, witb competition being rl,,hat
п,) piclures got Ьеllеr. PeoPle told me l,bouId.ho* ihern it is, to Ье а stlccess you really have to eat and drink
to otheI Photographers,' he explained. Eventrrally, hе met photography. It's passion that drives уоu folward,'And
ап agent and decided he Wanted to ]]е а pTofessional, and he if there's one thing that Michael Yamashita certainly
hasn't looked back since. hаs. it's ра*<iоп lor hi. art.
grарl,.- J Six sentences have been removed from the text. choose from the Llоsо-Uр
sentences A-G the опе whiсh fits еасh gap (1-6). Tbere is one extra Whеп you have decided
Sentence whiсh you do not need to use. Which misSing Sentence fitS
А Then, уоu'rе like у to rеаd thе captions and Ье drawn into reading the who е story. in а 9ар, read the paragraph
again inclUdjng the miSSing
В BUt sometimes good fortune can play ап important rоlе. 5_ontence to make surе that it
С lfollowed them, and they ended up iп this schoolyard,
D Тhе mоrе l got into photography, the mоrе l loved it.
Е But hе was печеr dгiчеп Ьу material gаiп,
F You have to Ье really obsessed Ьу your сrаft.
G We were the only Asian family iп the town whеrе l lived.

j et the meaning !

: Replace the words and phrases in bold with others from the text that hаче the same meaning.
1 Не had а job photographing the Great Wall of China, (para '1)

2 Michael Yamashita isn't an amateur photographer. (para 1)

3 Не is crazy about рhоtоgrарhу, (раrа З)

4 А рhоtоgrарhеr needs а 9ood representative, (рага З)
5 This а picture that l am really taken with. (раrа 5)
6 His reason for doing it iS that hе oves it, (раrа 6)

Do you think it's impoгtant to Ье passionate about уоur job?

Арагt from being passionate about уоur job is there anything else mоrе impoгtant?
What sort о{ jobs could you feel passionate about?

aL1l'l o1,1:
Yamashita is particu|arly
fond of this photo
ih of а group of Tajik
schoolchildren preparin9
sLl сh for sсhооl.
i],п itlg
ilt, tbc

-in g

:hа t

: lhc
..] rir,]g

:са t

q rr,hat
.'.,' Anc]

А circle the correct words.
1 Please welcome оur main spokesman / speaker for tonight's business meeting, Ms Sheila Grant.
2 Тhе general mапаgеr used the ргоmisе of а соmрапу car as а(п) Ьгiье / incentive to his sales team.
3 oh, did ltell you that one of the b,onuses / perks of the job is уоur own parking space?
4 lп most Western countries, wоrkеrs receive а репsiоп / benefit when they геасh а certain age.
5 Graham was retired / fired fоr constantly coming in late.

В Match еасh sentence 1-6 with the sentence that logically follows a_f.
1 l wouldn't advise you to take that high-riskjob. П
2 Before we сал consider you for the job. we'll need two references.
з l b,elieve l am а sчitаые candidate for the position.
4 Let me introduce you to опе of mу colleagues. !
5 She realiy wants the position.
6 Hundreds of workers were made redundant last month. ýо
The соmрапу simply had no work fоr them to do.
l have а diploma iп social wоrk as well aS three years' ехреriепсе. *t{ý
с You could Ье seriously injured, and whеrе would that leave your family?
d Каrеп and l have Ьееп working together for years now.
е ltЪ everything she's ечеr wanted in а job: travel, mопеу and glamour
f Реrhарs you could get them frоm your previous employers.

с choose the correct answers.

месhапiс wanted
Tom Stephens had опlу Ьееп working at the mine
for four months when the чпiоп told the wоrkеrs
they wеrе going оп (1) indefinitely, Poor
working conditions and very low weekly (2)
wеrе what had led the чпiоп leader to make his
decision. Tom had Ьееп (3) fог пеаrlу а уеаr
before hе got this,job. Now once а9аiп he was in
а ditficult situation as there would Ье по рау uлtil
the strike ended. How would hе sчррогt his wife
and children? Never опе to give up, however, Тоm
1а walk out Ь strike с revolt
2а Wa9eS ь salaries с incomes
Ьеgап sеагсhiпg the рареrЪ employment section
3а uпwоrkаые Ь unemployed с unoccupied
every morning for (4) 4а works Ь spaces с vacancies
while hе came across countless adverts for 5а hеlреr Ь assistant с volunteer
(5) wоrk, it seemed paying jobs were а bit ба employment Ь hiring с work
hаrdег to come Ьу. Тhеп опе day, when he had 7а application ь interview с qUestioning
just about given up hоре, he spotted ап advert in 8а hard workers Ь works с work force
the local рареr for а mechanic, Despite having по
skills iп this profession, Tom went down to the
(6) а9епсу to аррlу for the job. То his suгprise, D Do you agree with these statements? Compare your
he received а call а few days later inviting him answers with а partner's.
for а(п) (7) . Tom and the gага9е owne1 Doug . 'Аll wоrk and по рlау, makes Jack а dull Ьоу.'
Brown, hit it off immediately. After telling Tom that (Anonymous)
there was always room {or (8) in his garage, 'Меп, for the sake of getting а living, forget to live.'
Doug оffеrеd him the job. Tom gladly accepted. (Маrgаrеt Fullеr)
'Nothing will work unless you do.'(Mlaya Angelou)
'Choose а job you love, and you will never have to work
а day in your life,'(Confucius)
Reported Speech: Statements
А When we report speech we usually move the tense
back into the past. Complete the tаЫе.

D Сhапgе the direct speech into reported

1 'Му sister Wants to hire а рhоtоgrарhеr for
hеr weddin9,' she told hеr friend.
she told hеr friend
ве carefull
Verbs in the Past РеrfеС Simple and Past Perfect Continuous 'We've decided to apply for jobs abroad,'
and the modal verbs would cou/d and mght do not сhапgе in the couple said.
rероrtеd speech. The couple said
RероЁеd Speech: Changes iп time and place
3 'She was working as nurse when l met her,'
В We also usually сhапgе words that show time and John said.
рlасё. Complete the tаЫе. John said

'Why was Топу fired?' l asked.

l asked

'Тhе employees are expecting а рау rise

next month,' he said.
Не said

'When is this соmрапу going to hire mоrе

реорlе?' he asked.
Не asked

7 'Does this mап have the right

qualifi cations?' asked the businessman,
Ве саrеfчl!
The businessman asked
Арагt from the сhапgеs in tenses and Words that show time and place,
we also сhапgе pronouns and possessive adjectives if necessary.
8 'Mr Wilson mау Ье promoted this mопth.'
5 RероЁеd Speech: Ouestions а colleague told me.
eS С Look at how these questions are reported and notice
А colleague told me

ег what changes occur.

'Does he еаrп а good salary?' l asked.
пlп9 l asked iflwhether he еаrпеd а good salary. Find the mistakes iп the reported speech
rсе and thеп rewrite the sепtепсё5 correctly
'Why did you leave your,job?' hе asked mе. iп your notebook.

Не asked me whу l had left my job. 1 l asked when had he appiied fоr that job.
2 The direcor said that the соmрапу had
Complete the rules. done well this year.
We usually use the verb to rёроrt questions. lf
а question begins with а question word, then we use it iп the
3 Tom told us that his parents had retired
two yearS ago.
rероrtеd question. lf а question doesn't have а question word, we
use _ оr in the rерогtеd question. The 4 We asked John if he will get the job.
wоrd оrdеr changes when we report а question. 5 She said me the wages had Ьееп paid the
work - previous day.
Read 9.1-9,З of thе Grammar Reference оп pages 172-17З before 6 l asked where Jane can Ье.
you do the ta5k5.
- 11з
Lis*c ч\па1
А choose the correct answers. LiSten out for'red herrings'
thin95 that can mislead yoU
1 lf someone says, 'Му job is not exactly exciting', they mеап it's into thinking something is
а quite Ьоriпg Ь very exciting true Whеп it i5n't, SpeakerS
2 lf sоmеопе says, 'Му job is very rewarding', they mean they . ,
often Say 50mething ne9ati,,:
and 50methin9 positive in
а get satisfaction frоm it Ь аrе well paid the 5ame sentence, so listen
l{ someone says, 'l'm passionate about my work', they mean they carefully fоr the очеrаll
а love theirjob Ь hate thеir.jоЬ meaning ofWhat they 5ау,

lf someone says, 'l only wоrk because it's песеssаrу', they mean they
а choose to wоrk Ь hаче to work
lf someone says, '|'d rather have а dапgеrоus job than а Ьоriпg опе'. they mean they рrеfег
а to take risks Ь to Ье bored

В (' Lirt"n to these speakers and circle а or Ь depending оп which sentences are correct.
1а The speaker еаrпs а iot о{ mопеу.
ь The speaker doesn't еаrп а lot о{ mопеу.
2а The speaker thought the course was useful,
ь The speaker didn't think the соursе was useful.
3а The speaker didn't like his previous collea9ues,
ь The speaker iked his previous colleagues.
4а The speaker was lооkiл9 fоrwаrd to the course.
ь The speaker wasn't looking forward to the course.
5а Тhе speaker thinks she'll find а similar job in the fчtчrе.
ь The speaker doesn't think she'll find а similar job in the future.
6а The speaker learnt а lot
Ь The speaker didn't lеаrп а lot,

С (' YЭu'lt hеаr five people talking about their jobs. Fоr questions ] -5, choose frоm the list Д-F how еасh perso.
feels about their,iob. Use the letters only once. There is опе extra letter which you do not need to цsе.
1 Sреаkег 1 А Regrets саrееr choices made earlier in life

Speaker 2 t] В Опlу works Ьесаusе itЪ песе55аrу

З Speaker З t] С Has the career that hе/shе had always wanted
4 Speaker 4 П D Doesn't need mопеу, but works out of choice
5 Speaker 5 Е Еп.iоу5 his/herjob Ьесаusе it is helping оthеrs
F Рrеfеrs to Ье bored at wогk than to take risks
А Work with а partner and answer these questions.
. what job would you like to hаче in the futчrе?
. lf you had to сhооsе between а satisfying ,job and а well-paid опе, which would you choose?
]95'- . Would you like to do some volunteer work? lf so, where?
(ег5 Look at the list of aspects of а job. Decide if thеу are advantages
Igative or disadvanta9es. Write А (advanta9es) or D (disadvantages).
) in
1 stressful п 5 disappointing П Llоsо-Uр
Don't ju5t give опе-Wогd
2 well-paid п 6 tiring П anSWer5. AnSWer the questionS
З exhausting п / Satlstyln9 Ьу giving reaSons and expanding
4 rеwаrdiпg п 8 boring t] on your ideas. То make the
diScU55ion mоге natural, uSе
expression5 to 9ive yourself time
to thiпk.
Work with а partner and answer the questions about thе photographs.
Опе of you should Ье Student А and thе other should Ье Student В.
Remember to use the Useful Expressions.

student А: Соmраrе photos 1 and 2 and say how уоu think the реорlе аrе feeling,
student В: lf you had to choose between working in business оr in the medical field, which
would you rаthеr do? Why?

Student В: Соmраrе photos З and 4 and say how these people's jobrs аrе different.
Student А: lf you had to choose b,etween working in соmрutеr sciences оr in teaching, which
would you rаthеr do? Why?
Usе|цl бхрrсssrоиs
,.,. considering alternatives
on the опе hand, ... .
оп the other hand,... .
Discuss these questions with а partner. Although itЪ true that .,.,
you could also say,,. ,
Would you rаthеr have а job that was dangerous or Ьоriпg?
Some might say ..., but
What аrе some jobs that уоч think would Ье {un? othersthink....
ls ехреriепсе оr education mоrе important when аррlуiпg {оr а new job?
Do you believe that some,jobs аrе suitaЫe опlу for mеп and some опlу for women?
Why? Justi{y your answer with examples and reasons,
Collocations & Expressions
А choose the correct answers.
1 lf you work shifts, you work
а part-time
Ь either during the day оr night
2 When а соmрапу lays off workers, it
а makes staff redundant
ь hires more staff

3 When companies lачпсh а new product, they

а withdraw а new product from the market

Ь make а new product available to the public
you reject an offer, you
а decide the offer isn't imрогtапt епоч9h fоr уоU
to солsidег
Ь decide to accept it because it's а good offer
lf you need Lo take оп staff, you
а need more staff to complete the work you have
Ь need fewer staff to complete the wоrk you have
When you get the sack, you Prepositions
а аrе told you've got а promotion С
Ь аrе told to leave уоur,job Complete the sentences with the prepositions.
Some prepositions сап Ье used more than once.
в comPlete the sentenceS usin9 the collocations about at Ьу fог in of оп to With
and expressions from А in the соrrесt form.
we must find а solution the staffino
1 John will if hе keeps on ргоЫеm аll costs.
being late every day. You can't blame me the соmрапу
2 When companies they being dеЫ.
always hope it will sell well. SаllуЪ reaction the redundancies
3 We despeгately need to took me surprise
if we're going to meet these deadlines. Тhе соmрапу will ргочidе you
4 The lаrgеst factory in the area i5 9оiпg to а special uпi{оrm.
_ half its employees! He's been out work {оr уеаrs.
5 Never until you have fact, hе hаsп't had а job since 2005,
thought it through рrореrlу. my орiпiоп, реорlе who don't get
- sometimes hе to work time don't саrе
works from '] 0 pm to б am, and sometimes from their job.
бamto2pm. behalf of my colleagues, l would like
to congratulate уоu __ уочr promotion
You must try hаrd if you want to succeed
rеасhiпо the too
your сhоsеп careel

D Do you agree with these statements? Compare

your answers with а раrtпеrЪ.
. lt i5 чеrу important to do mагkеt rеsеаrсh Ьеfоrе
launching а new product. Otherwise it might
поt sell.
, . l don'tbelieveyou should getthe sackjustfor
е- э being late. |t's not а biq dea|, is it?
t . lf а реrsоп works оп thе night shift it Will atfect
his/her health eventually.
RepoЁed Speech: Commands Reported Speech: RероЁiпg Verbs
& Requests
В Tell, say and ask are the most соmmоп reporting verbs.
А Read thеsё sепtепсёs and notice However, there are other reporting verbs that we сап use to
what changes оссчr in the repoЁed report what someone says mоrе accurately. Read the example
sentenceý. of direct speech and then tick which reported sепtёпсе sounds
'Don't Ье late for work!' his boss said. better. Why?
His boss told him not to Ье late for work. 'l give you my word that l will help you,' she said.
'Fill in your details on this form, please,' She promised to help me. !
the interviewer said. She said she gave mе hеr word that she would help me. П
The interviewer asked me to fill in mу
details on the fоrm. С Complete these sentences with advbed or refused.
'l won't accept that job оffеr,' he said.
Complete the rules. Не _ to accept thе job оffеr.
We change the imperative in commands
апd геqчеSts to а
'You should apply for the job,' hе said.
in rероrtеd speech, We usually use
aS the reporting
Не _ me to apply for the job.

чеrЬ fоr commands and we usually use Ве саrеfчl!

as the reporting verb Тhе rероrtiпg verbs advise and refuse are followed Ьу ап infinitive. other
for requests. reporting чеrЬs аrе followed Ьу а gerund.
Ве careful! 'l didn't steal the money,'the young mап said.
Remember that аll other changeS that оссur Тhе young mап denied stealing the mопеу.
Whеп reporting statements also apply for Read 9,4-9.5 of фе Grammar Reference оп page ?73 before you do tlre task.
commands and requests.
эпсе. D Сhапgе the direct speech into rероrtеd speech.
1 'Make ап effort to finish the rерогt tomorrow,' he said.

rffing Не told us
2'Don't{orgetto рlасе an adveгtforthejobvacancy" shesaid.
lпу Shе told me
3 'Please Ье оп time for оuг meeting this аftеrпооп,' he said.
эS не asked me
4 'Don't waste time sur{ing the Net during wоrk hours,'the mапа9еr said.
The manager told us
5 'Get in touch with the sales department for in{orrnation,' the shop assistant said.
The shop aSSistant told me

get 6 'Please make ап appointment with the mапаgеr if you want to see him,' she told mе.
she asked me

d like Change the direct speech into reported speech u5ing these reporting verbs.
advised apologised denied offered reminded suggested
1 'l didn't make а mistake in the rерогt,' the ассоuпtапt said.
тhе ассоuпtапt
2 'Remember to lock the door before going home,' he told me.
)аrе 3 'Let'S promote [v]rS Jennings to mапаgеr,' said the director.
тhе director
оrе 4 'Shall lcali the applicant?' the secretary asked.
тhе secrёtarv

'l'm so sorry that l'm late for work again|' she said.
_,ct 'You should get а rеfеrепсе {rоm your last employe1' she said to hеr Ыоthеr.
W rrflи11
Presenting factual information
When you wгitе а rероrt, you have to present factual
in{ormation in а clear way with appropriate headings апd а
clearly stated aim. You usually have to discuss your observations
about what has already hаррепеd and make recommendations
for future action. As the report should Ье written in а formal
register, you should try to present уоur ideas as objectively
as роssiЫе without exag9eratin9 оr being too critical or
enthusiastic. You should also avoid реrsопаl, colloquial lапgчаgе
and use lоrmаl StrucLures like thе passive voice.

А Write Н for heading, О for observation or R for recommendation.

1 lt was felt that а reduction in working hоurs was necessary. tj
2 The standard of training was чеrу ow. п
3 Working conditions ]
4 опе solution would Ье to take on extra staff. п
5 Аll employees shouid rесеiче ап increase in salary. п.l
6 solutions and recommendations

в Read the writino task below and underline the key words. How mапу things are you asked to do in the
task? What are they?
Yоu hаd а temporary position as а teaching assistant iп а рrimаrу school as part of
уоur college studies. Yоur college
teacher has asked Уоu to writе а rерогt оп уоцr ехреriелсе focuslng ол hea/th aлdsafety mаъrs because а лumьеr с
accidents hаррепеd during your time thеrе, Shе has a/so asked you to suggest some so/utions. ('1 20-1 80 words)

С Read the model rероЁ and circle the most aPProPriate words. Тhеп рчt these headings in the correct
lntгoduction Recommendations fоr fчtчге action Gепеrаt organisation Supervision of
Health & Safety at Barnsley Primary ýchool
The aim of this report is to say what (1) was wrong with / l didn't ]ike about
health and safety issues while l was working а5 а teaching assistant at
Ваrпslеу Primary School,

Тhе most (2) serious рrоЫеm with / horrible thing about health алd sa{ety
was the lack of supervision of pupils. Fоr instance, during Ыеаks teachers
(З) wеrе rarely оп duty / печеr hung out in the playground. consequently,
fights and accidents often happened,

(4) Furthеrmоrе, / Апd апоthеr thing, the sсhооlЪ day-to day running caused
сопсеrп. Fоr example, the building was cleaned just before school Ьеgап.
As а result, four pupils and two teachers hаd serious accidents because they
slipped оп wet floors. Also. the sсhооl gates were left uпlосkеd
so that (5) anybody could walk in / outsiders соч d епtеr the schoo ,

lп conclusion. а safer environment for pupils and staff is чеrу imрогtапt. Two
or three tеасhеrs should supervise pupils iп the playground during Ыеаks.
Similarly (6) the gates shou d Ье locked / someone shоu d ock the gates
every morning. Fiпаllу, general cleaning should Ье done after school hours
to рrечепt accidents.

- cok again !

) Read the model report again and write Т (true) or F (false).

] The aim of the report is not сlеагlу stated. п
2 The rероrt covers all parts о{ the task. п
З Two раrаgrарhs have Ь,ееп Used for ob,Servations t
4 Similar ideas are dealt With together. L
5 Тhе conclusion includes several rесоmmепdаtiопs. t]
i Write the correct paragraph пчmЬеr from thе model report next to these descriptions.
а Discuss the most serious issue. t ]
Ь Sum up the main points and make some suggestions. !
с State the purpose ofthe rерогt. П
d Discuss апоthеr issue. Г
i Complete the definitions with some of the Useful Expressions.
1 А iS the money an еmрlоуее gets ечеrу mопth.
2 А is а short rest during working hours.
t iS the en,ioyment а person gets out of his оr her саrееr.
4 i5 the time уоU spend at work.
q is something you receive in addition to your wages оr sаlаrу.
6 аrе times Ьу which something must Ье done.

Cver to you !

G Read thе writing task below and make а paragraph L|оsо-Uр
р|ап for your report. Remember to present уочr When Writing а report, u5е fогmаl linking Words
information in а clear way and to use headings. and рhrа5е5 to соппесt уоUr idea5, Furthermore, /л
е9е qddition, what is more апd Moreover аdd information.
lber of Yоu had а surnrner job iп а cafeteria, which you didn't /ike Д5 а result, consequently andTherefore а result.
at а//. Тhе rпапаgеr has asked you to write а report аЬоut 'hоw
Onthe other hапd, However, Дlthочgh andThough
what cou/d Ье dопе to make it а better piace to Work introduce an opposite idea. Fоrи5tdлсе For ехаmрIе
('120-180 words) 'п. and such с5 iпtгоduсе examples ofa previou5 idea,
lIace. Finally,ln сопсlusiоп,То сопсludе апd То sum up Ьriпg
the report to ап end.

Uэе|шl (хрrо5s\оч5
Recommending and 5uggesting
l 5uggest/recommend that ...
one solution Would Ье to ...
lt Wоuld Ье а good idea to ...

Work and working conditions

bad/good atm05phere
job satisfaction
relation5h jp5 With colleagUeS
Working environment
Working hочrs
Before you watch
А Discuss these questions.
. Look at the photo of Маrk Thiessen. Не is а wildfire рhоtоgrарhеr, Can you guess
what а wildfire рhоtоgrарhеr does and describe it?
. What do уоu think are thе good and bad points of Mark's.job?
. What kinds of skills does а good рhоtоgrарhеr need?

Whilе you watch

в watch the DvD and decide i{ these statements are true or false. write т for true and F for false.
1 Nationa/ Geographic photographer, Mark Thiessen, gёts to рhоtоgrарh wild animals. П
2 Every summer Маrk drives east to photograph wildfires. П
3 A'fire whirl' occurs whеп some ofthe flames start twistin9 together. creating а fire tornado, !
4 МаrkЪ goal is to рhоtоgrарh the реорlе who have the tough responsibility of fighting fiгеs. П
5 Маrk thinks that the sight of trees damaged Ьу fire can tre quite beautiful, almost magical. П
6 Every time hе finishes taking photog raphs о{ а fire, he{eelstiredand really depressed. П
After you watch
С Complete the summary ofthe DVD below using these words.
majoгity оссчраtiоп оссчr opportun!ty

Mark Thiessen is а Nationa/ Geographic

photoqrapher. Тhе (1)
of his pictures are of things Iike dinosaur
bones or реорlе, but during the summe1 hе
рhоtо9rарhs forest fires. Не drives quickly
frоm рlасе to рlасе, interviewing firefighters
and taking pictures. Wildfires frequently
(2) in the USA during the
summer, and they аrе (3)
fоr реорlе being injured or losing their homes.
Mark had kпоwп hе wanted to Ье а
рhоtоgrарhеr ечеr since hе was а child. Не
Used to liSten to police radio messages at night
and whепечеr he heard of fire, he would wake
his mum and they would (4)
to see it. Опе of the rеаsопs whу l\4ark is
so interested in fires is because they are
unpredictable. Не thinks that makes them interesting, but also absolutely (5)
Маrk also has а second (6) he is а(п) (7) and сараЫе wildland
firefighter too - the реrfесt mix fог being а wildfire photographer. When Mark is with the firefighters,
he {eels раrt of а team, А team that does а very (8) job. Being пеаr fогеst fires
gives him the (9) to take the best photographs. Even though Mark knows that fires
have the ('l0) to destroy а lot of iand, he is amazed Ьу their beauty.

D Discuss these questions with а partner.
. Some people risk their lives to make а living? Would you? Why?Аy'y'hy поt?
. Does it take а special type о{ реrsоп to do а dangerous job?
. Being а wildfire photographer is а dangerous job. What other dangerous jobs сап you think of?
]iраd]iпg: article, muItiple-choice questions
!] (:]a;]][_'lij i;; i 1l: holiday- & travel-related words, word formation & рhrаsаl verbs
,i,"a,-ltT,ai," conditionals: zero, first, second & third, mixed conditionals, conditionals without
if , wish &if опIуЁ:] : ;l g.:: multiple-choice questions
5nea i:iгig: talking about holidays, decision making, stating рrеfеrепсеs & giving reasons
'il,i . ii il,|i : article, adiectives


А Which of the following countries would you like to visit?

Rank them from ] to 8, (1=уоur favourite; 8=your least
favourite). Which is the most popular and the least
popular place with your classmates? Draw а bar сhаrt to ъ
show thе results.
lce and
Реru ] Thailand ]
PortUqa ] the united states

Sсап the аrtiсlе to find out what the average winter

temperature is in lceland.

раrIiг_!йепt: the gгоuр of

elected people iп а сочпtгу
who mаkе оr change laws
the Narthelп Ligllts:
со!очгеd lights often 5ееп
iп the night ;ky in places
пеоr the Аrсtiс сirсlе
eJacier: а lоrgе mass af
fогmеd Ьу sпоw оп
mоuпtаiпs that moves чеrу
slowly dоwп о valley
frзttit: о сrасk оп оr below
the Earth's surfасе

Located in the North At antic Осеап, lceland is Europe's аrе heated natural]y Ьу undergroUnd Volcanic activity, ]п fact,
Westernrnost country, With the гпоst northerly capita] city in епеr8у produced Ьу these 5рriпg5 is converted into electricity
the World, Vikin8 ехрlоrеr5 migrаtеd here frоm поrthеrп Europe Which provides power and heat fоr реор e's home5 апd
mоrе than а thouSand уеаr5 ago. When they establiShed the bUsineSSe5, AS а re5Ult, lceland ЬurпS Very little fossil fue1,5uc-
Wor d's first pal iaп.ert. The country'S nationa ап8uаgе can а5 oi and 8as, and has some of the с eanest air in the Wоr d,
sti ] Ье traced to the one spoken Ьу the vlkings at that tirne. lf only every country cou d Ье ]il(e ]celand]
Today, ]ce]and has а popUlat]on of iust очеr З 1О,ООО Опе of lceland's most popular hot sprin85 is the BJue Lagoon,
реор е,
5pread over 1ОО,O0О squаrе ki]ometres. Despite its smal size, а hu8e iake of bri8ht Ь uе 5eawater iUst outside Reykjavik.
there аrе mапу rеаsоп5 to visit this rеrпаrkаЬ е соuпtrу, Most Surrounded Ьу volcanoe5 and ava fields, the В ue Lagoon
Visitors' first port of са l is the country'S capita, Reykiavik, а receiVeS rпоrе than ЗОО,ООО visitors а уеаr. After а lопg day's
5mall, clean city kпоWп for it5 со ourful and stylish architecture.
5]8ht5eein8 or а on8 ni8ht of partyin8, ViSito15 сап rеlах in the
lf you love culture, you' l геаl у елjоу thi5 place. The city centre
la8oon's 5teaming hot Water, Which has ап аVеrа8ё tеmреrаtuге
is fLri of Shop5, art ga lerie5, саfёs, апd bookshops, п 2ооо,
of aboLlt З8'с. Some Ье ]eve the Watёr5 are аЬ е to сurе сеrtаir
Reykiavik WaS awarded the tit е of Еurоре's city of cUlture,
i lnesses and improve skin qua ity,
than]<s to its impresslve art col]ection5 and TnuseuTns, and
lVe]y ni8ht ife, Тhеrе i5 а rап8е of outdoor activitie5 to еп]оу elsewhere in the
country part]cU arly аlоп8 the coast,'lceland is an adventure,'5aic
The good neWS for viSitors iS that lceland's temperatures are
Soi Squire,Whose ce]andic соmрапу оr8ап iSe5 adventure trip5
fairly mild, even in the Winter When they stay at around 4'С,
around the country 'Wе have Еurоре'S biggest g п.'е.5. Тhеге аrе
Durin8 Winter months, nights are long, and tle i\]..iheгn Litrl..
mапу active volcanoes а5 We l, Skiing and cave explorations аrе
Ьесоrпе visib е, lighting Up the night sky With а spectacu]ar
diSp ау, ]n summеr, the country 8et5 а most 22 hоurs of 8reat things to do,'As опg as you have basic caving knowledge
and equipгnent, уоu can ехрlоrе опе of lceland's mo5t
day ight, and native lce ande15 and Visito15 alike епiоу partying рорu аr
outdoo15 until dawn. attract]ons - the unusua] ava caves. most of which fo rmed
1О,OО0 уеаrs а8о, TheTe are al5o ice cave5 fоr rпоrе experienced
But there's much mоrе to lce and than partying. The соuпtгу саVеrs. The be5t known iсё caves аrе in Vatnaiбkl]ll, а Vast layer of
iS опе of the moSt volcanica ly active nationS in the Wor d, ice Which, at В,OОО sqLrare k] ometre5, is Еurоре'5 ]a.8est glacier.
and there аrе а пumЬеr of hot 5prings агоuпd the ]s and. А l It's а so situated iust above an active vo сапо|
Сhооsе thе answer (а, Ь, с or d) which fits best Llоsо-Uу
according to the text. Whеп reading d tactualtext dbout а place, f
1 How are the hot springs ofthe Blue Lagoon heated? yoU can expect to 5ее information dЬоut Lhe
following things:the geography (ie, where
а Ьу the sun jt i5), the Weather, its history, places to see
ь Ьу volcanic activity
and things to do.The questions you hаче to
с Ьу еlесtгiсаl роwеr answer wiIl mainly Ье about the5e Ihin9s. 5о
d Ьу fossil fuels Ье prepared for detail questionS,
2 Where сап you find strange rock formations?
а оп the black-sand beaches
Ь in the city ofvik What iS NoT stated in the text?
с in the Thingvellir Valley а Аwагds аге given to architects.
d iп Reykjavik Ь Тhеrе is а lot о{ daylight in summer.
с Тhеrе is very little аir pollution in
з whеrе is the mid-Atlantic fault most visible? lceland.
а Reykjavik d lceland has Ьееп inhabited {оr about
ь The Blue Lagoon 1,000 years,
с Thingvellir Valley
d Geysir What is the writer's opinion of lceland?
а Тhеrе isn't mчсh to do there.
Ь lt's small, but it has mапу aГlraclions,
Tourists look down on thб mid_Atlantic fault с Only cavers enjoy going there,
that runs through Thingvellir National Park. d lt's too cold to visit iп winter.
Whо i5 thi5 text рrоЬаЫу written for?
а tourists
ь scientisъ
с business travellers
d lcelanders

Get the mеапiпg !

D Complete thе text below with these

агсhitесtчге destination роrt of catl
sсепеry sightseeing vehic[e

(1) iп lndia is
amazing because the country is а land о{
contrasts. There's the wonder{ul
(2l of b,uildin9s like
the Taj IVlahal, as well as the stunning
(З) ,: tropical rаiп
ricity forests, deserts and beautiful beaches,
Make New Delhi your first
:i. such (4) thеп hire а(п)
(5) to ехрlоrе the
rest of the country. lt'S а 9reat
оо п, (6) for touгists,

in the
(ertain What do thёsё quotes mean? Do you
f exploring cave5 and glасiег5 doesn't interest you, head south. Ju5t agree with any of them?
outside the town of Vik, уоu сап check out the hu8е rосk fогmаtiоп5
,e,'said :hat were once believed to Ье monsters turned into stone, These аге . 'Tourists don't know whеrе they've Ьееп,
гiрs а dramatic part of the scenery оп one of lceland'5 most impressive travellers don't know where they're going.'
,е эlасk-sапd beache5. (Paul Тhеrоuх)
з аrе And finallи no trip to lce]and Would Ье complete Without а visit to
. 'тhе world is а book and those who do not
edge ihe Golden circle, а pathway northeast of Reykjavik that connects travel rеаd only опе page.' (St Augustine)
r]al Gullfo55 (а huge'Golden Waterfa l'), the hot sprlngs rеglоп of Gеуsir, . 'lf you reject the food, the customs. fear
апd Тhiп8чеlliг National Рагk. The rnld-Atlantic fat] t that гчп5 through thе religion and avoid the реорlе, you
)nced се and is literal у pU ling the is]and apart. Nowhere is thi5 mоrе might better stay hоmе.' (James Michener)
ауег of evident than in the Thingvellir Valley, Whеrе the lапd is actually
aciet Separating and the stony grоuпd beneath уоur feet frequently mоче5.
Hold on while уоч hike!
Y ооаVиlаrц
А circle the correct words.

Тhе GiапtЪ Causeway

5о, being the world (1)traveller / visitor that уоu are, you think you've seen аl the worthwhile
(2) sites / positions thе globe has to оffеr? Well, реrhарs you should think again. Nоrthеrп
lrеlапd, and more specificaily County Antrim, has а well-kept secret that it is mоrе than willing
to share with those tourists who like to get off the beaten (З) гоаd / track.
Wherever you go in picturesque County Antrim, thе sсепеrу is delightful, but the Giant's
Causeway in Моуlе is not to Ье missed. Consisting о{ approximately 4,000 interlocking stone
(4) rows / coiumns, the Causeway stretches {rоm the base of the cliffs Straight out into the sea.

Legend, and the Causeway's unique (5) formation / rап9е, su99est5 that the 'stepping stones'
wеrе thrоwп thеrе Ьу the lrish wаrriоr Fiпп МсСооl as а (6) way / mеthоd of trave ling to
Scotland to fight his епеmу, Вепапdоппеr. Whether of natural оr mдhiсаl origin, the Causeway
is а must-see fоr аll tourists or trачёllёrs.

В Label the Pictures With these words.

backpack сагачап coach tочг cruise hiking sightseeing

С Replace the words or phrases in bold with these words. D Discuss these questions with
cuisine счrгепсу itinerary rеSоrt а partner.
you need to get some foreign mопеу, go to the bank and get some.
. Do you like trying the lосаl счisiпе
1 lf
whеп you travel to othe. counL.ies:
2 l am looking forward to trying the local food whеп we get to Syria, . when travelling, do you like to
lt Says оп the programme l got {rom очr travel а9епt that we will bre have ап itinerary or would you
in lVadrid оп the 23rd of Juпе. prefer to find your own way?
Очr journey Ьу sea to England will Ье lопg, but don't worry, there'll . Do уоч think it would Ье Ьеttег
Ье loads to do on the ship, for tourists if there was one world
Му 9randparents spent their holidays at а very popular holiday place currency?
for tourists in the Сапаrу lslands.
. lfуоч had the choice, would you
гаthеr go оп а crцise оr а соасh
Conditionals: Zero, First, Second
& Third
А Look at these conditional sentences
and answer thе questions below.
Zero conditional: lf you {ly first class, you
рау more money.
First conditionaI: lf you choose this
holiday, you'll have а wопdеrful time.
Second conditional: lf l went аЫоаd every
year, l would Ье very happy.
Third conditional: lf l hadn't slept in,
l wouldn't have missed my fli9ht.

which conditional is used to talk about

hypothetical events оr situations in the С Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb
past? _ in Ыackets.
which conditional i5 used to talk
1 you
lf а lot of hand
aboUt Something that is likely to
luggage, you won't get tired. (not take)
hарреп iп the present оr in the future?
2l{theweather пiсе, toцrists
hаче а 9reat time sightseeing. (Ье)
which conditional is used to talk
aboUt something that is unlikely to 3 lf she travelling, she
hарреп in thе рrеSепt or iп the {uture? wouldn't go оп so mапу holidays, (not like)
4 We_ оп the coach tour if
Lisa had told us about it. (9о)
which conditional is used to talk about
facts and general truths? _ 5 Wben you the fli9ht
attendant gives you а boarding pass. (check in)

Mixed conditionals 6 Yоu travel abroad if you

don't hаче а passport. (not Ь,е аt,lе to)
в А mixed conditional is whеrе thе two 7 l{ lwere you, l Tahiti. (visit)
clauses in а conditional sentence rеfеr
to different times. Look at this mixed 8 l{lVчm and Dad the
conditional sentence апd answer the Ыосhчrе carefully, they wouldn't have Ьееп disappointed
questions below. with the holiday. (rеаd)

lf l had gопе оп the excursion, lwouldn't

ье at school now. D Complete the mixed conditional sentence for еасh of the
situations below.
1 whiсh conditional form is the if clause?
1 Мum didn't Ыiпg her driving licence, so she can't hire а car.
which conditional form is the result lf Мum her driving licence,
clause? she а са r_

Тhеу booked а package holiday, so they don't have to рау

Complete the rules. extra {оr meals.
We use а mixed conditional to express lf they а packa9e holiday,
the present result of а hypothetical past they for meals.
evёnt or situation. we {orm this mixed З We didn't do апу sightseeing, so we don't know what thе
conditional with /f + city iS like.
+ infinitive.
lf we some sighЪeeing, we
J lslne Read 10.1-1о.5 ol the Grammar Rеfеrелсе what the city is like.
ntгies? оп pages 173-174 before уоu do the ta9k5. 4 We saved enough mопеу. so we are able to afford а
|о good hotel.
lf we enough mопеу, we
afford а good hotel.
lorld Mum and Dad didn't take u5 to Spain with them. so Wе'rе
hеrе with Grandma.
уоч lf Мum and Dad Us to
lсh Spain with them, we hеrе
with Grandma.
с /:-Ё-'
[,=,-r--,|, ,l : h,! i

А circle the odd ones out.

1 hоtеl deck cabin
Read through the qUestion5 and the
2 location Scenery view
answer option5 before you listen.
3 сhаJlепgе рrоЬlеm ехреriепсе Think аЬоut the Sort ofthings the
4 peace{u1 exhaцsting calming sреаkег might say for each option,
5ometimes the tone ofvoice will help
5 flying trekkin9 hiking you decide too,
6 food pгofits refeshrnent5

в С Lir*"n to these speakers and match them to the D ( You'll hеаr people talking in eight different
type of travel. situations. Fоr questions 1-8, choose the best
Sреаkеr 1 t] а trekking
answe1 а, Ь оr с.
Sреаkег 2 п Ь cycling 1 You hеаг а woman talking, How is she feeling?
Sреаkеr З г с travelling Ьу ship а patient
Ь excited
Sреаkеr 4 d travelling Ьу train с аппоуеd
5peaker 5 L е flying
Speaker 6 f f driving
2 You hеаr а young woman talking. Why did she
take the job?
а She wanted to enjoy the island.
с ('Now listen again and write down the words each Ь She wanted to work rеguLаг hours.
speaker used that hеlреd you find the answers in В. с She enjoys рrоЬ em solving.
1 You hеаr а young mап talking about an adventure
hе Went оп. What Was hе surprised about?
а that they found some gorillas iп the end
Ь how lопg the trek took
4 с that the guides didn't know where the gorillas
5 Were
6 You hеаr а mап talking about а holiday resort,
What is he describing?
а hоw beautiful the аrеа is
А mountain[6 ЬаЬу c|imbing bamboo Ь the changes that have taken pIace there
с what is рlаппеd fоr the futuгe
You hear а tеепаgеr talking, Why didn't she enjoy
hеr holiday?
а She didn't like the place.
Ь The weather was bad.
с 5hе didn't like being with hеr раrепts.
You hеаr а mап talking about а journey he's going
to make. How wil he trave ?
а Ьу train
Ь Ьу ship
с Ьу рlапе
You hеаr two people talking at ап аirрогt. What do
they think is the most likely rеаsоп {оr the delay?
а bad wеаthеr
ь ]ack о{ опьоаrd refreshments
с а technical рrоЫеm with the aircraft
You hеаr а young woman talking about а trip she
made. Why did she set herself а challenge?
а because she doesn't like travelling alone
Ь Ьесаusе she doesn't like eating alone
с because she doesn't like meeting other travel еrs
-, Work with а раrtпеr and апswеr these questions.
. When was the last time you went on holiday? L|оэо-Uр
. Do you рrеfег active or relaxing holidays? persuade
. Would уоu prefer to stay at а hotel or саmрiпg site while оп holiday? Why?
lf уоU Want to
the other person that What Ё

. Whiсh country would you like to visit? Why? youte saying i5 true, don't :
just state your preference i
э Look at the items below that someone might take with them on а
or express уоUr opinion,
Always justify it Ьу giving
camping holiday. Put them in order of how useful thеу are (1 = most useful; reasoný.

8 = least useful). Then, discuss уочr answers with а partner, giving reasons
for your choices.
1 suitcase _] 5 tinned food ]
2 first-aid kit ] 6 camera _]
e5t З laptop ll 7 money J
4 torch a 8 tооthЫчsh L]
- lmagine that you and your friends are рlаппiпg а camping trip for а week in the mountains. First, talk
together about thе different items that you could take with you. Then, decide which two are the most
important ones. Remember to use the Useful Expressions.

.i aS


lat do Usе|цl {хрrе5s\оц5

Stating preferences
l think ... i5 much Ьеttеr than ...
То Ье honest, l'd prefer ...
Discuss these questions with а partner. l prefer...-ing to...-ing.
. What аrе the advantages and disadvantages о{ ТhеrеЪ по comparison.l'd mчсh rather,..
travelling Ьу рlапе in comparison with other means of Giving reasons
trапSрогt? lsaythis because ,..
. Do уоu think that everyone should travel to at least The main reason for my Saying thi5 is that ...
опе different continent during their lifetime? опе ofthe reasons ldecided оп ... is that...
. Do уоu agree with the saying 'Тhе journey is more l chose ... because ..,
imрогtапt than the destination'? WhуДVhу not? l 5ug9e5t.., because...
word formation
А Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.
1 Which is tl,e la,gesl Lravel iп thе LJ К? AGENT
2 Тhе р апеЪ was delayed Ьу З0 minutes because of bad weather- DEPART
з тhе {light aTtendant looked at our passes as we qot on the аеrорlапе. ВодRD
4 тhе пumьеr of visiting the Acropolis hаs dropped Ьу З0% this уеаr. TOUR
5 The Sаgrаdа Familia in Ваrсеlопа is а perfect example о{ Gaudi's ARcHlTEcT
6 The weather was tеrriЫе duriпg оur flight, so it was по surprise that the was bumpy, LAND
7 Grеесе is actualy а very country-you сап goskiing and mountaineering thеrе! MoUNTAllr
8 We wеrеп't vеrу pleased with оur in Frапсе. Тhе apartment wasn't very well-equipped.

phrasal verbs
В Match the phrasal verbs 1_8 to their meanings a_h.
1 get away [] а Start а jоuгпеу
2 check in ] Ь board а рlапе, train, etc
3 drор off ] с arrive at а hotel апd collect your key
4 set out ] d move frоm pLace to рlасе
5 get оп i] е take someone sоmеwhеrе, usually in а car or other vehicle, and leave them thеr:
6 put up t] f wave goodbye to 5оmеопе leavinq frоm ап аirрогt, station, etc
7 get аrоuпd П 9 to escape
8 see off h аssеmЫе or build something

С Complete the travel Ыоg with thе рhrаsаl verbs {rom В iп the correct form.

Неrе we go| l'm at Gatwick аirрогt Тоmоrrоw we're going to 5ее the Тrечi Fочпtаiп and
waiting to (1) the Coliselm. We"l have to (4)
the рlапе, Му whоlе family came еаrlу if we want to see every.thing though.The hotel
to (2) bus will (5) U5
. l was sad to leave in the city centre at 9 o'clock. Арраrепtlу, the best
them, but happy to Ье оп mу way! way to (6) the city iS оп foot,

larrived at my hotel iп Rabat at б am, We desperately need some rest, 5о we're on

trutsoon rап into trouble! l cot]ldn't а small island off the coast of crete to
(з) to the hotel until 17\ frоm the сгоwds. we
2рm, so l had to wait fоr eight hours in have decided to (8) our
the саfб opposite, Not а qreat staft! Ф tents on the beach, ltЪ so peaceful here. О

D Discuss these questions with а раrtпеr.

. Have уоu ечег tried to Put чр а tent? Was it easy? What happened?
. Do уоu like to get away fгоm the crowds оп holiday, оr do you рrе{еr to Ье
sоmеwhеге busy?
. lS thеrе апу inteгesting architecture in your country? What's it like? Where is it?
. Do you like {lying? Why?/Why not?

conditionals without if
А Read the sentences and answer the
questions Ьеlоw
а We'll set off еаrlу provided (that) you
аrе packed and ready to go.
Ь We'll set off еаrlу as long as you are
packed and ready to go.
с We won't set off еаrlу unless you are Wish & lf only
packed апd ready to go. С Look at these sentences апd answer the questions below.
а wish/lf опlу l knew where the musеum was,
ND 1 Do these Sentences have the same
ь wish/lf опlу l had taken the guidebook.
meaning? с
гАlN wish Patrick would stop talking during the tour.
Which word could replace provided
rthat) and as iоп9 as? Which sentence(s)
Whiсh words could replace unless?
1 refers to the past? __
2 refer to the present оr to the future? and
3 expresses dissatisfaction with another person's аппоуiпg
Now read these sentences and answer habitS. _
thе questions below.
а We hаче to set off before б o'clock, Complete the rчlеs.
otherwise we will miss our flight. Wish/lf опlу is to||owed Ьу а past perfect tense to say that we would like
Ь Supposing our passports were stolen а situation in the _ to have b,een different, Wbh,4f олlу is followed
оп holiday, what would we do?
there Ьу а past tense When а Situation in the _ is different to What We
would like it to Ье. We use wЬh почп/рrопоuп +
+ + bare
which word iп bold infinitive to talk aboUt other реорlеЪ аппоуiпg habits iп the present.
1 mеапs imagine? Read 10.6-10.7 of lhе Grammar Reference оп page 174 before you
2 means if we dоп'0 do the tasks.

D Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs iп brackets.
1 They themselves at the campsite providing they like being out in паturе. (enjoy)
2 As long as we the lосаl customs, we won't have апу problems. (respeсt)
You must drive саrеfчllу, otherwise you an accident. (have)
4 Unless you through customs, you сап't board the рlапе. (go)
5 Providing Вriап follows the track, he lost. (not get)
6 l'll pack the suitcases as lопg as you the house before we leave, (tidy)
7 to Japan unless you саmе with me. (not move)
Suppose you tired, would you go оп the tгеk? (поt Ье)
9 Supposing we earlier, would we have paid so much fоr our accommodation? (book)
10 Make а list of the things you need оп the trip, otheMise you something. (forget).

Е Look at thе situations and complete the sentences using the words in bold.
1 Sam forgot hеr passport and поw shеЪ stuck at the 4 We are оп а guided tour ofthe Acropolis, but
airport. forgotten we can't hеаr what the guide is saying. speak
sam wishes she her раsSроrt. we wish the ouide
l аm trying to relax Ьу the рооl, but the children are mоrе loudly.
making so muсh noise. make We are holidaying iп Frапсе, but lcan't
lwish the children communicate in Frепсh. communicate
so muсh поisе Ьу the рооl. lf only l

3 Mum is always complaining that Dad works lопg hours at in Frепсh,

the travel а9епсу. not 6 l am very upset because l lost my саmеrа. lost
мчm wishes Dad lопg lf only l my
hourS at the trаVеl a9ency. camera-
Make semi-formal descriptive агtiсlеs mоrе appealing to the
rеаdеrs Ьу using strong adjectives. As well as helping to paint
а сlеаrеr picture of pIaces, реорlе and events, descriptive
adjectives make your writing mоrе interesting. AIso, use
compound ad,jeсtives as they сап help you to describe
something precisely without using too many words, which is
impoгtant in ma9azine and neWSpaper aгticleS.

А Маtсh thе adjectives with their meanings.

1 non-stop П а known аll over the рlапеt
2 fun-packed П Ь very peaceful
3 picuresque П с amazing, Stunning
4 world-famous ! d full of activities we епjоу
5 idyllic П е that doesn't end
6 breathtaking П f very pretty

В Read the writing task and then write Т (true) or F (false) for each of the statements below.
You haye seen thЬ announcement in а travel magazine,

Fчп iп the sчп! 1 You will write ап article about а holiday disaster, L.]
Do vou have а favourite holiday 2 You should рrоЬаЫу focus оп а wаrm рlасе, ]
а"riй.tiоп or resort? write an artlcle З You will describe your journey in detail. tr
describing it and tell uS Why уоu'd 4
recommend it for Summer hoIldayS,
You should explain why others should go there. ]
i-r-,e Беri urtictes wilt Ье
published iп 5 You should write about What you сап do there. гl
next month'S iSSue.

write уочr агtlсlе.

С Read the model article and complete it With the adjectives 1_6 in А.

lf you want (5) days, Funchal offers swimming with dolphins, surfing оr раrа9lidiп9
city's nightlife. You сап experience all this and more in Madeira's capital, making it an ideal рlасе for а holiday.

lf you still haven't booked your holiday this summer, then make for Madeira. lt lives up to even the i
higheSt expectationS,

1з0 -

-ook again !

D Read the model article again and answer the questions.

1 Which рlасе is the article about?
2 What can you do there?
З HaS the Writer tried to attract people to the resort?
4 Which {eatures attract уоu most? Why?

i Write the correct paragraPh number from the model article next to these descriptions.
а Sum up апd гесоmmепd rеаdеrs visit holiday destination. П
Ь Describe what rеsогt оffеrs чеrу active реорlе. П
с Describe activities {оr аll tastes. f
d lntroduce the rеsоrt saying where it is and what itЪ famous fоr. f

F Look at thе Useful Expressions апd write Р (Positive) or N (Negative) next to еасh one.

Cver to you!
G Read the writing task below and make а paragraph plan
for уочr article. RеmеmЬеr to use а variety of adjectives
to make your article mоrе appealing to readers. аsе|иl {хргеss\очls
Yоч hаче sееп this аппочпсеmепt iп а travel mаgаziпе. ldiomatic expressions i
Ье а complete let down п
Ье in for а pleasant 5urpri5e t]
Wish уоч weren't here!
Ье well worth the money/a viSit п
Ье overpriced J
Are vou а lan о{ activity holidays, but. come in for а shock
ЙJ Й;j а really bad experience while оп fail to meet yoUr expectations t]
iiБiiojyZ йitЬ article describing it апd
you woutdn't recommend it to
live up to the highest eXpectations t]
.t't iЙ" Ь"* wilt Ье published there'S something for ечеrуопе t]
"*, month'S
in next .,, is not to Ье missed ]

Write уоur агtiсlе. ('120-'1 80 words)

RеmеmЬеr to include а title fоr yoUr article
and use language which will keep the reader
interested. U5e rhetorical qUestionS, direct address,
idiomatic expressions and imperatives aS Well as
plenty ofdeScriptive adjectives and adverb5.

Before you watch
А The RаmЫаs is а famous Street iп the Barcelona city centre. This is where many
of the artists and musicians of the Spanish city gather to entertain people.
Look at the statements about the Ramblas below and write Т fоr trче or F for false.
] саrs can't travel on the RаmЫаs. п
2 lt is lively and dynamic from еаrlу mоrпiпg until midday. п
З Опlу Spanish musicians are allowed to perform on the RаmЫаs. п
4 Тhеrе аrе flоwеr shops оп the RаmЫаs. п
5 Тhеrе are thieves on the Street. п А human statue in silve-
body paint and costu rте
While you watch in Barcelona

В Watch the DVD and see if your answers in А are correct.

С Watch the DVD again and circla the words you hear.
1 The unique and stimulating / fascinating аtmоsрhеrе ofthis Mediterranean city
makes visitors {eel like they're attending а party that печеr ends.
2 That makes it very enjoyable, at least for me, апd inspiring / moving too.
3 Оп the Ramblas, exciting апd astonishing / rеmаrkаЬlе things just seem
to hарреп iп ап impromptu fashion, without апу need for practice.
4 lп Barcelona. а 9an95ter statue оп а dais in the street is а соmmоп sight / spectacle.
5 This оftеп shocks bystanders / onlookers and results in laughter frоm spectators.

After you watch

D Complete thе summary ofthe DVD below using these words.
ачепUе сопtеmроrаry convincing рогt mаkе-чр раssеrs-Ьу practice stalts

Опе of the most beautiful and interesting places in Ваrсеlопа is the Ramblas. This wide,
pedestrian-only (1) rчпs Lhrough the middle о{ the city and ends at Lhe
(2, lt i5 lined With trees, саfбS and market (З) The
реrfоrmеrs who gather there make it ечеп more special. Тhеrе are musicians рlауiпg
(4) music from all очеr the world. They аrе joined Ьу actors who
present theatrical pieces which sometimes include people passing Ьу. Апd all this is done
Without preparation. Тhеу don't seem to need any (5) - they just do
things оп the spot. Тhеrе аrе also dancers and circus artists. Perhaps the most unusual
реrfоrmеrs оп the Ramblas are the humал statues, А hчmап statue dresses as а character
and applies (6) to every inch of the body that is exposed - this
is often silver оr 9old, The реrsоп then stands very still in the middle of the RаmЫаs
pretending to Ье а statue. The реrfоrmапсе is so (7) that реорlе
sometimes don't notice that the Statue is а rеаl performer. Тhеп, when а human Statue
suddenly moves, trystanders and (8) аrе usually shocked. This
makes everybody laugh. Life оп the Ramblas is печеr boring. Barcelona is а lively city,
full of excitement and fun.

Е Discuss these questions with а partner.

. lmagine you are а street performer or а hчmап
Statue оп the Ramblas. What do you think
your day would Ье like? How would you feel?
Would you enjoy it?
. Do уоч enjoy busy streets with lots of shops
and а lively atmosphere? Why?/Why not?
Units 9 & 10

А circle the correct words.
1 Оur flight to Reykjavik is at 1 o'clock, but what time do we have to check in / get away?
2lfyoudon'tstarttoconcentrateonyourjob,you'll get out of work / the sack.
3 l always prefer to hаче а(п) destination / itinerary when l'm travelling, so l know аll the stages of my jou rney.
4 Shе doesn't just want а non-stop / dead end,job - she wants а promotion and а career,
5 Оur flight was very pleasant, but the anding / departure in New York was really rough.
6 Unfortunately, lots of workers wеrе made rеduпdапt/ unemployment last mопth.
7lnsomeplacesaЫoad,youcanusedollarstobuythings,butusuallyyoumusthavethelocal vacancy / currency.
8 We must stop him from visiting this dangerous rеgiоп at / in all costs.
9 Are you 9оiп9 to try the local sсепеrу / cuisine while you're travelling in Asia?
10 Тhе first port of tour / call on очr Greek lslands cruise i5 Santorini.

В Complete the sentences using these words.

application backpack income гапgе rеfеrепсе staff track voyage
1 The mапаgеr looked at Trary's job and thought she might Ье SuitaЫe for the position.
2 The Andes аге а huge mountain in 5outh America.
з Yоur is really hеачу! What are you carrying in it?
4 Тhе kind of lifesýle you can afford depends very much оп your
5 l managed to get off the beaten оп mу holiday and spend most of it on remote beaches,
6 They want to take оп пеw at my соmрапу, so why don't you аррlу?
7 A(n) through space to other planets might Ье а new kind of tourism iп the future.
8 Не опlу had one lеttеr of from а previous employer, which wasn't enough.

С Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.
1 Jake warned me to Ье рrераrеd {оr lots of whеп looking for а,iob, REJECT
2 Do you enjoy iп the mountains? H|KE
з Тhеrе are many types of to choose from if you visit the UK. ACCOMMODATE
4 Тhеrе is an amazing rock аlопg the coast very пеаr here. FОRМ
5 our mапаоег needs а пеw to hеlр him out with his workload. ASS|ST
6 Excuse me. Do you work here in the museum, оr are you а(п) ? vlslT

D сhооsе thе correct answers.

1 Тhе tourists set at 8 o'clock in the mоrпiпg.
aof Ь out соп
2 Tom can drop you _ at wоrk because he is going in that direction.
3 Whеп you сhесk _
at the hotel, уоu must show уоur раssрогt.
а uP bin сЬу
4 Unfortunately, the company has had to lay _ more employees this month.
а uP Ьiп с off
5 Whепечеr l go camping, it takes mе ages to put _ my tent,
а Up Ьiп cat
6 We are going to thе airport with John because we want to see him
aon boff с back

Units 9 & 1

А Change the direct speech into reported speech.
1 'l dropped Sandy off at the аirрогt yesterday.' Реппу said.
Реппу told mе
2 'They're going to interview me tоmогrоw,'Jаsоп said.
Jason said
'Will you trу the local cuisine оп holiday?' I asked Апgеlа.
lasked Angela
'Whу did you set off 5о late for the airport?' Tom asked us.
Tom asked _

'Can you wогk shifts this week?'the manager asked me.

The mапа9еr
'Don't forget the tickets]' l said to my sоп,
l told my son

'yоu should ask аьоut the perks of this jotr,' my friend said.
Му friend advised mе
'l have already done all the sightseeing l want this week" explained Аппiе.
Аппiе explained
9 'l give you mу wогd that l will give you а рау rise,' our mапаgеr said.
Our manaqer promised
10 'You should а lways get to Wоrk оп time in the mornings,'Terry said to me.
Terry advised

В Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in Ыackets.
1 What kind of job {you / do) if you had а сhоiсе?
2 |f| (аррlу) {or this job, l would have regretted it.
3 lwish l (9о) on that sightseeing toUr yesterday.
4 They (рау) our wages at the end of the week if they can.
5 We would have congratulated Jоhп оп his promotion if we (see) him.
6 lf only l (not Ье) ilI оп the boat.

с choose the correct answers.

1 As long as you looking at architecture, you'll love this tour.
а еп]оу Ь enjoyed с had enjoyed
2 lf only we а пiсеr hotel!
а found ь had found с would find
З thеrе isn't too mucn traffic, we'll arrive on rime,
а that Ь unless
provided с otherwise
4 We will miss our flight we set off поw.
а if only ь otherwise с unless
5 lf you are а professional photographer, you good саmегаs.
а used ь would use с u5е
6 lfwe late,wewould have finished the project.
а had worked Ь worked с will work


7','1 7,,t
&]с lI 1, I

fact sheet, multiple-choice questions

,|':a;Г',:,."i: crime-related words, collocations & expressions, prepositions
],l a';]".]] r:];i ]': reIative clauses: defining & non-defining, participle clauses
l i].iiэ,пii-i..,: multiple-choice questions
i.,р,::аi:irlГ: taIking about crime, problem solving, suggesting alternatives
'll]l j:i:]]g: е5sаи Ьrаiпstоrmiпg

z1;-\ l.
А Who аrе these people? Write G for good guy
оr В for bad guy. What do they do?
1 judge t] 4 detective ] Alcatrozi а поtоriоus islond
2 convict t 5 vandal t] ргi5оп iп sап FrапсiSсо Вау
3 arsonist 6 guard mе m о r abi l i а: оЬ ects that
аrе collected Ьесаusе they
оrе thought ta Ье чеrу
в Quickly read the text. Who doesn't рау to interesting
get into Littledean Jail? Where did you find раrапоrmаl: impos5ible to
this information? explain Ьу паturаlfоrсеs оr
Ьу science

кпоwп а5 the'Alcatraz of the Forest'due to its location iп

the Fоrеst of Dean, Littledean Jail is поw home to а чпiqче AdmisSion prices
museum of crime. Аdчlь ý7
Репsiопеrs ý5.95
History & mystery Children (8-16) ý4.95; чпdет 8s free
Whеп it was originally built iп l791, Littledean Family S2l
цаs lhе mosl рriSоп о[ ils time, Ifyou're 100 years уоuпg or ovel, thеп
Iп 1854 the.iail became а police station and
admission is FRЕЕ!
fтоm l874 it also set-ved as а court house.

Тhе police station was cloýed in 1972 and Орепiпg times

о0 thе last court sеssiоп was held thеrе in 1985.

Тhе [оllои ing уеаr it и аь sold [о ап iпsчrапсе
соmрапу. Тhеп, in 200З, the jail was bought
Ореп frоm Easter to the end of ОсtоЬеr;
Thursdays to Sundays & Вапk Holiday
Ьу its present owners, who hаd it tчrпеd into Mondays
their hоmе and а museum to house опе of thе Day visits frоm 10 аm to 5 рm
world's largest private colIections of сrimе 0ast епtry З.45 рm)
Occasionally special tours апd er епiпg
Litt]edean Jail has lhe rерulаliоп of bcing опе visits fоr groups of 20 or mоrе сап Ье
о[ BriIain's mosl hаuпtсd buildinss. SiпсЁ it arranged. but only Ьу kind permission
opened, the jail hаý attIacted the interest of o[TheJailer. (He's опlу а little scary!)
mапу ghost huпtеrs апd investigators of the visits [гоm schools апd colleqes аrе also
раrапогпlаl whо hаче witnessed sопlе чеry welcome, Ьut studentý mчýt Ье under strict
unusual events, Оп опе occasion, museum superTision, as Тhе Jailer has Ьееп known
exhibits ýtarted shaking, lights began flickering, to lock troublemakers in the sраrе cells!
and lhеп there шаs а complele loss ol роwеr,
5оmс peopIe sa5 thеу have aclually sееп
ghosts there! How to get there (and escape!) &
parkin9 facilities
What to see at the jail Тhе jail is just 20 minutes frоm Gloucester
апd forty-five minutes frоm Bristol Ьу rоаd.
The largest private collection in the UK CToss the Sечеrп Bridge at Chepstow and
of British and foTeign police items and then head down the А48 to get thеrе.
equipmenl. including police weapons апd
uпllоrms Cars сап Ье parked at the епtrапсе to the
jail while coaches сап drop off passengers
Exhibits оп lvell-known clime characters at the special bus stops. These аrе situated
fTom books. television апd cinema аррrохimаtеlу 80 metles fтоm the entlance
А mоdеI of Litt]edean Jail that has been lo the jaiJ оп either side of the rоаd.
created frоm 56.000 matches!
Read the questions below and then look at the
article for the answer5.
То апsWеr question5 about а text that is made
1 What is Littledean Jail usеd as now? Up of different section5, do the following: first,
а а jail and а police station qUickly read the Whole teХt - don't Worry aboUt
Ь а family hоmе апd а mчsеum unfamiliar vocabulary as you won't need to
с а court house and а jail understand everything in order to answer the
d а police station and а family home question5; then, read each question апd go
directly to the relevant section.
2 Whеп сап you visit Littledean Jail?
а оп some Mondays
ь ечеrу Tuesday
с all day Wednesday
5 Whеrе can cars park?
а 80 metres from the entrance of the jail
d FridayS throughout the уеаr
ь outside the епtrапсе
3 What can't Ье seen at Littledean Jail? с оп the Severn Bridge
а а swordfight d at the special bus stops
Ь а model of thе,jail What can't you do in the Forest of Dean?
с uni{orms
а eat а meal
d weapons
Ь {ind а place to stay
4 What should а lаrgе grоuр do to visit the jail at night? с visit а museum
а call beforehand d see а ghost
Ь аrгiче Ьеfоге З.45 pm What is said to have happened in the Ыuе Ьеdrооm?
с get thеге iп the mоrпiпg а two Ыоthеrý had а fight
d have supervision Ь two Ыоthеrs killed а lady
с а lady dressed in white died there
d а couple killed the mапЪ Ыоthег
Who would Ье most interested in visiting the old,jail
and the hall?
а criminals
Ь Sports enthuSiaStS
с young children
Places to stay, eat апd visit пеаrЬу d реорlе who believe in ghosts
The Forest of Dean: an аrеа of great natulal
reauty with ]ots to see and do and а rапgе of
1ccommodation to suit ечеrу pocket. In thе Get the meaning!
:orest, not опlу can you see the beautiful sсепеry,
эut you сап also visit the local butterfly museum
D Complete the definitions with these words,
п lт епjоу а mеаl iп опе of thе wide variety of сочrt hоusё investigator jaiI reputation
"estaurants in the area. Fоr lhe mоrе active
supeгvision weapon
l,isitoT, thеrе аrе walking touTs, caving, bike
гidiпg - you сап ечеп go fishing or play golf. 1 Тhе opinion that реорlе have about you, which is
ber: based оп your past actions оr character, is known as
ау Littledean Hall: This is а grand house which уочr
dates back at least 400 yeaTs and, like the jail,
is said to Ье haunted. In fact, it's thought of as
2 A(n) is а рlасе where those who
опе of the most haunted houses in England! have committed а crime are sent to {оr punishment.
People have rероrtеd seeing ghosts in the house 3 A(n) is something that i5 used to
and grounds. Опе of the scariest parts of the physically hurt another реrsоп.
] hочsе is the Ыuе Ьеdrооm, Legend hаý it that
п two bTothers killed еасh оthеr in а swordfight When someone watches а person and makes sure
,) очеr а lady, апd visitors have reported hearing that ever}thing they do is correct оr safe, that is
so the sound of а swordfight, as well as пчmеrочs known as _.
r Strict sightings of а lady iп white.
The place whеrе criminal cases аrе dealt with and
поwп people are found to Ье guilty оr innocent is а(п)

А(п) is like а detectivej he оr she

tries to {ind out who is guilty о{ а crime.
g rоаd.
r and

ls there а lot of graffiti in your аrеа?

) Lhe
Do you think graffiti is агt or vandalism? lf the walls of
tuated уоur building were spray-painted, how would you feel?
trance What do you think should happen to teenagers who аrе
caught spray-painting buildings?
! ооаVиlаrц
А circle the odd ones out.
1 proSecution dе{епсе th eft
2 rob mu rdеr stea l

з sentence а libi ехсц5е

4 verdict comp aint decision
5 try find 9uilty convict
6 t,urglаr pickpocket detective
7lawyer ,jud9e defendant
8 evidence cot]rt р гооf

в circle the correct words.

1 lf / commit а сгimе, Ье рrераrеd to suffer the consequences,
you Ыеа <

2 Тhе judge ordered the defendant to pass / sеrче а sentence of по lе55 than ten years.
З Large stores often еmрlоу security guаrds to prevent shop ifting / graffiti.
4 l'm innocentl What глоtiче / с це would l have fоr Ьгеаkiпg into my own house?
5 We feej sаfеr knowing that there are police officers оп {oot, guarding / patrolling the streets of our town.
6 Billy has to do ten weeks' community / socia1 service to рау for his сгimе.

с complete the sentenceS using these words.

case handcuffs те[еаsе sсепе triа[ witness
1 According to the пеws, his from рrisоп is scheduled for пехt Tuesday.
2 Ап еуе- has E,een found who will арреаг in соurt.
з The crime was sealed off Ьу police officers.
4 This was the shortest l've ever attended; it was over in two days.
5 Somehow, the suspect managed to slip out of his and escape.
6 This is the most difficult |'ve ever had lo deal with, but l Lhink we'll win
Whеп it goes to соurt,

D Read what different students say about crime.

Do you feel the same? Discuss your answers with
а partner.
. 'l'd геаllу like to have а саrееr that was somehow
associated with law оr fighting сrimе. Ithink it
would Ье чеrу exciting to wоrk fоr the defence in
important саýе5, especially if you managed to сlеаг
an innocent реrsопЪ паmе. lt would печег Ье boring,
that's fоr sureI'
. 'l think that some сrimiпаls, not the rеаllу violent ones
obviously, should Ье made to do community service
rather than having to go to jail. The prisons аrе
overcrowded and it costs us а lot to рау fоr рrisопеrs
whо serve their sentences in prison.'


D circle thе correct words.
1 Аrsоп, whiсh / that is а very serious crime. was
the rеаsоп for the fire.
Relative Clauses: defining & non-defining
The members of the jury who / when we talked
А Look at these sentences and write the relative to Were very nervous.
рrопочпs next to the correct uses. тimъ father, who / whose саr was stolen, has
The сrimiпаl who/that was given а life sentence reported the theft to the police.
ыоkе down in соuгt. тhе area which / whеrе the сrimе was committed
Тhе famous actress whose hоuэе was burgled is has Ьееп sealed off Ьу police.
afraid to go hоmе. Тhе day when / whеrе the рrisопеr саmе out of
This is the prison where the convict is held. jail was а 9reat day for his family.
The painting which/that was stolen from the museum
The detective that / whose solved the сrimе was
is very чаluаЫе.
given ап award fоr his amazing wоrk.
I will never forget the day when mу саr was stolen.

1 _ оr refer to people
Е choose the correct answers.
2 or rеfеr to things
З _ is used to show possession
4 refers to а period of time
The Hall of Shаmе \,/
5 _ re{ers to а рlасе Get some laughs {rom these
truе Stories aboUt stUpid criminals (1)
wеrе found out because they lacked соmmоп sense.
Read these sentences and underline the relative
clauses- Тhеп answer the questions. Опе criminal (2) said he'd печеr attacked апуопе
wrote а rар 5оп9 (3) _ was about а crime (4) _ hе
1 The lawyer whо defended the criminal is the best
had committed. Не even паmеd his victim. Now this
iп the country.
2 Тhе lаwуеr, whо defended thе criminal, is the best bad guy is singing the blues - thе jailhouse Ыuеs!
iп the country. А cashier will печеr forget the day (5) а thie{ came
into the shop (6) hе worked and demanded all
lп which sentence is the relative clause necessary the mопеу iп the cash drаwеr. The thief didn't like
in оrdеr to understand the main clause? ! the amount of money (7) he got, So he tied up
ls this а defining (D) оr а non-defining (ND) the employee. Тhеп, he got behind the counter and
relative clause? ! pretended to Ье ап employee to get more mопеу_
lп which sentence сап whо Ье replaced with Uп{огtuпаtеlу fоr him, the police showed up а few hours
tbat? fl later and arrested him.

А convicted mап (8) lawyer managed to work очt а

Соmрlеtё the rules.
relative clauses give essential information
- fine rather than serve а prison
deal had to рау а $9,600
about the sub.ject оr ob.ject of the sentence, and who and
sentence. How do you think this man tried to рау the
which сап Ье replaced Ьу fine? Не gave а forged chequel Не got ten years in
relative clauses give extra information about prison.
the Subject оr ob,ject of а Sепtепсе, ThiS information isn't
-necessary for the sentence to make sense. lt is separated А wоmап (9) was reporting to the police that her
car had been stolen, mentioned that thеrе was а саr
frоm the rest of the sentence Ьу
рhопе in it. The роliсеmап taking the rероrt called the
car рhопе and told the mап (10) answered that hе
С Read the sentences and answer the question had read ап ad in the пеWSрареr and Wanted to Ьuу the
саr. They аrrапgеd to meet, and the thief was arrested.
1 The mап who/that we saw iп сочгt had
handcuffs оп,
2 The bank rоЬЬеry which/that hаррепеd this 1а Ь which с whose
morning was оп the news. 2а which Ь when с who
3а when Ь who с which
4а Ь who с whose
lп which sentence сап we omit the relative
5а that Ь when с who
pronoun? ! ба which Ь whеrе с when
7а whеп Ь whеrе с which
Complete the rule. 8а whose Ь which с who
We сап omit the relative рrопоuп in 9а whose Ь who с,
relative clauses whеп the relative рrопоuп i5 the object 10 а Ь that с which
о{ the clause.

Read 11.1^11.3 of the Grammar Reference оп page 174

before you do the tasks.
Lis*c ч\чq
А Маtсh thе collocations.
1 п а
look Ll Ь
fоr wоrk
а crime
3 get п с the |aw
Remember that уоч don't need to
Understand every single Word yoU
4 commit ц d to crime hear You сап usually Work out the
5 break .] ё into trоuые meaning of What's being said from
the words you do understand.

В ( li.t"n to these speakers and circle the соrrесt words.

1 The speaker is descritring something positive / negative.
2 The speaker is talking about а(п) fаilurе / achievement.
3 The speaker is talking about something that's чеrу like у / unlil<e у to hарреп.
4 Тhе speaker is talking about sоmеопе who is disab]ed / dead.
5 The speaker is fогсiпg / encouraging someone to rероrt а сгimе.
L ('You'll hear ап interview with а youth leader аЬоцt the work done at his youth
centre, Fоr questions 1-7, сhооsе the best answer, а, Ь or с.
1 lап SayS that the main purpose of the youth centre iS to 5 lап SayS that many young people at the сепtr:
а help young реорlе find work. а have committed а crime.
Ь hеlр young реорlе to spend their free tlme positively. Ь know реорlе who have committed а сrimе
с епсоurаgе young people to do well at school. с get arrested Ьу thе police.
lап says реорlе are less likely to commit а crime if lап says the police
а they do а lot of activities like sрогts. а often make things better for tbe уоuпg
Ь they have а good CV реорlе.
с they have а sense of achievement. Ь have а bad relationship with the уоuпg
What does lan say is often the start of уоuпg people's реорlе there.
attitude problemS? с аrе usually unfair.
а doing badly at school What did the young реорlе at the centre find
Ь having parents who аrе too brusy particularly сhаllепgiпg at first?
с having the wrong friends а plant'rg trees to help the local environme,-
What is lan's attitude to graffiti? Ь having to wоrk tоgеthеr with lосаl реорlе
а Не thinks it's just vandalism. с mixing with disabled people at the youth
ь Не thinks it сап Ье aгtistic.
с Не thinks it's less serious than оthеr crimes.

>Ре aklvlr)
А Work with а раrtпеr апd answer these questions.
. Do уоu think уоur hоmеtоwп has high сrimе levels? what sorts of crimes are committed there?
. Have уоu ечеr witnessed а сrimе? what happened?
r what kind of crimes do you think young реорlе аrе most likely to commit?

З Read the task iп С below and on ра9е 1 9О with your раrtпеr. Опе о{ you should tick the items below
whiсh describe what student А. will have to do and the other should tick the items which describe what
student в will have to do.
1 listen to уочr раrtпеr carefuliy L-] 4 ask questions п
2 think about аl{ реорlе involved l] 5 ехрlаiп what the рrоЬlеm is п
З say how old the реорlе are t] 6 give advice п
3 Work in pairs. Student А shou|d look at the pictures and чsе thе information below.
Student В should look at the pictures and use the information оп ра9е 190.
Remember to use the Useful Expressions.
Student А: Ask these questions to find out what уочr partner's рrоЫеm is and
thеп give уочr partner some good advice.
. What i5 the ргоЫеm? Lloso-Up
. What аrе the options? Whеп giving уоur opinion,
. What аrе thе disadvantages of each option? remember that there is no
right or Wrопg а nSWer. Yоu
centre сап сhооsе one ofthe option5
given to уоU or you сап come
сrimе чр With another option that
уоч have thought ofyoursell



е find

эп mег:

Usе|иl {хрrеs5\очl5
Discuss these queýtions With а partner.
suggesting alternative5
lnstead of ..., he/she could ...
lf l Were him/her, l'd .,.
. why do уоu think people commit crimes? What about ... ing?
. what do you think ordinary people сап do to hеlр reduce сrimе? .., might Ье опе way round the рrоЬlеm.
. What аrе the most and the least serious crimes you сап think of?
Collocations & Expressions
А Answer the questions.
1 lf something is against the law, are you allowed to do it?
2 lf the police place а thief under arrest, do they tell him оr hеr to go hоmе?
3 lf you have а police record, have you ever committed а сгimе? _
4 lf you Ыеаk the law, аге you doing something wrong? _
5 lf you аrе helping to tackle crime, are you а criminal?
6 lf you plead guiltytoa crime, areyousaying you'reinnocent?
7 lf you solve а case, have you Ьееп successful?
8 lf somebody telis you to mепd your ways, аrе they asking you to help them commit
а crime?

в complete the sentences with the collocations and expressions from А.

1 lt's unlikely he' l gеГ а job as he has а
2 She was placed after they caught her shoplifting in the supermarket.
3 Dropping litter l5 in England, so make surе you put апу rubbish you've got in the
bins provided.
4 lf you don't sооп, you may find yourself in real trоuЬlе.
We сап help jп оur road Ьу forming а Neighbourhood
watch scheme.
6 The пеw detective wi]l печеr Ье аьlе to if he doesn't try harder.
7 Неr lawyer told hеr to _ to the crime, so she would receive а lighter sentence.
'l didn't mean to Оffiсеr. l,just didn't realise that l shouldn't park my саr hеrе.'

с circle the correct words.

Сrirпе ýсепе Investigator

lVost of us аrе famiIiaг (1)with / within Сгimе Scene lnvestigators, оr CSIs,
because we see them in various television series all the time, Тhеу аrе usually
glаmоrоus image is fаr from the reality (2) off / of being а CSl though, which
сап Ье very unpleasant and even danqerous.

Crime Scene lnvestigator5 Work (З) at / With police officers to investi9ate

serious crimes. They are (4) among / а[эочt the first people to аrгiче at а
crime scene. They are rеsропsiЫе (5) frоm / fоr collecting and interpretin9 апу
evidence they сап find that may help catch the criminals involved.
ltЪ true to say that it takes а special kind of person to Ье а CSl, Тhеу have to Ье
patient and methodical, and a]so Ье аЬ]е to рау чеrу close attention (6) to / toward
detail. CSls mUSt печеr hurrу, even whеп thеу'rе (7) iп / under pressure. This is
because if they rush (8) between / thrоugh а ,job, thеу may miss а tiny piece of
evidence which could solve thе case. And that really would Ье а сrimе!

D Do you а9rее with these statements? Соmраrе your answers with а

l think it's impoftant to try to tackle crime as it will make оur towns sаfеr,
lf а tеепаgеr has а police record, his оr hеr ]ife is ruiпеd.
Whеп parents tell their kids to mend their ways, itjust makes things worse because young
people never listen to Lneir parents.
Participle clauses в We сап also use а participle to replace
а relative pronoun and verb. Read these
А There are two kinds of participles. The present
sentences and underline the relative clauses
participle (verb + -iпg) and the PaSt participle (verb
in sentences 1а and 2а, and the participles
+ -ed or irregular form). We сап use participles in
iп sentences 1Ь and 2Ь. Then, answer the
participle clauses to make sentences shorter. Read
questions below.
the sentences and чпdеrliпе the verbs and the
participles. Тhеп, апswеr the questions below. 1 а Тhеу took the mап who had Ьееп arrested
to the police Station,
1 а Тhе роliсеmап looked around thе crime scene and
Ь They took the mап аrrеstеd to the police
the роliсеmап found а weapon.
Ь Looking аrоuпd the crime scene, thе policeman
2 а The girl who wants to speak to the lawyer
found а wеароп.
is my sister.
2 а Тhе man was {ound guilý and hе started to сrу,
Ь Тhе girl wanting to speak to the lаwуеr is
Ь Fочпd guilty, the mап staгted to cry.
mу sister.
1 ln sentence 1а, аrе the vertrs in the actlve or the
1 lп sentence 1а, is the verb in the relative clause
passive voice?
active оr passive?
2 lп sentence 1а, is the subject of both verbs the same?
2 ln sentence 1Ь, which word is the participle?

lп sentence 2а, is the verb fiлd iп the active or pasSive

3 Which words in sentence 1а does it rерlасе?

lп sentence 2а, is the subject of both verbrs the same?

4 ln sentence 2а, is the verb iп the relative clause
active or passive?
5 ln sепtепсе 2Ь. which word is the рагtiсiрlе?
Complete the rules.
Present and past participIes can rерlасе the subject and
the чеrЬ in а sentence i{ the sub.ject of both clauses is thе
6 Which words in sentence 2а does it replace?
We use а present participle if thе чеrЬ
and а past participle if the vertr is Read 11,4 of the Grаmmаr Rеfеrелсе оп pages 174-175
before you do the task.

С Rewrite each sentence using а suitable paЁiciple to replace the words in bold.
1 Whеп we opened the Ьа9, we found some stolen goods.

2 Тhе wоmап who was caught shoplifting Started crying.

З The prisoner was injured while he was trying to е5саре.

4 Thejudgewho was сhоsеп forthe соuгt trial hasa good reputation.

5 We were woken up try а truck that waý pasýing outside our house.

6 They found lots of evidence and they аrrеstеd the mап.

7 Who аrе those реорJе who are waiting outside the police station?

8 The police caught the thief on the road which ioined the two villages.

9 The crime which had Ьееп investigated fоr years was never solved.

]0 Не was sentenced to ten уеаrs in prison and hе will Ье 54 when he gets outs.

When you Write ап essay, it's important that уоч brainstorm
to come чр with as mапу ideas as possible connected to
the topic, and thеп grоuр reIated ideas tоgеthеr, lf you аrе
dealing with the advanta9es and disadvanta9es of а topic,
write down уоur ideas, decide which are advanta9es and which
are disadvantages. and then decide what the most important
points are and iп what оrdеr you will рrеsепt the arguments.

А What are the advantages апd disadvantages of community service as а form of punishment? Look at the-
ideas and write А (advantage) and D (disadvantage).
] lt can make criminals think crime isn't serious. п
2 lt сап put citizens at r;sk, п
З lt cUtS prison costs. п
4 lt allows people to stay with their families. п
5 lt helps society. l

В Read thе writing task below and then tick the things you will do.
Your English teacher has asked you to read the extract from ап article beiow and thел to Write ап essay.

lп the past, crimina]S Wеrе either ýепt

] write ап article !
рri)оп оr given а fiпе, depending оп
2 discuss prisons in detail _]
sеriоч* their crime nas. roday, doing
community service is alr alternative form
of 3 focus оп community service i]
punishment. ls it а good way to deal with 4 discuss the advantages of community Service t
young offenders though?
5 discuss the disadvantages of community service t]
6 give your орiпiоп оп the issue п

Write an essay discusst'ng thе рrоs and сопs of соmmuпitу

service for уоuпg offenders.

С Read the model essay апd underline апу of the advantages and disadvantages from А.

Теепа9е crime is ап uпfогtчпаtе faсt of life. Тhе question is, though, is community
service fоr young offenders а good idea?
То begin with, thеrе are mапу trenefits of community service. Community service
] makes sure young offenders аrе punished and benefits others at the same time.
lt takes away their freedom and it makes them think about their role iп society. For
example, cleaning up рuЫiс areas or looking after реорlе in the community force
уоuпg offenders to put оthег people's needs Ьеfоrе their own.
Оп the other hand, community service has its disadvanta9es- lf dangerous
criminals are allowed to live iп society, people might Ье at risk. Fuгthеrmоrе, уочпg
offenders who only receive community service may not think that itЪ а serious
punishment, апd they won't Ье put off committing other crimes in the future.
lп conclusion, lthink community service sbould only Ье used fоr criminals who are
not dangerous and take it seriously as а punishment. conseqцently, each case must
Ье judged individually to make sчrе that the punishment given is suitаЫе for each
-ook again !

) Read thе model essay again and answer the questions.

] Does thе introduction rерhrаsе the wording in the task?
2 Has the writer included аll the arguments frоm А? Why/Why поt?
З Which words and phrases аrе used to link ideas iп the essay?
4 Has thе writer given а balanced view ofthe pros and cons?
5 Where is thе writеrЪ реrsопаl opinion expressed?

i Match.
1 Раrаgrарh 1 ! а DiScusS the arguments against.
Uэе|цl tхргеss|очls
2 Раrаgrарh 2 ! Ь Sum up апd state уоur opinion.
З Раrаgrарh З f] с Discuss thе аг9umепts for
Advanta9e5 and di5advantage5
4 Paragraph 4 f- l d lпtrоduсе the topic to Ье discussed. pros and cons
t the- for and a9ainst
: Look at the Useful Expressions and cboose thе correct answers.
have (its) advantaqes/diSadvantaqeS
ье а waste of time
'l Тhе offender was sentenced twelve months in prison. саu5е more hаrm than good
atobincfor Discussing crimes
the pUni5hment fits the crime
2 Some punishments can саusе mоrе hаrm than а fine
а benefits Ь advantages с good а pri50n Sentence
З Реорlе who the law should Ье punished. а Warning
а commit Ь Ыеаk с prevent
community Service
Ье sentenced to ... months/yearS in рrisоп
4 The first-time offender was let off with Ье guilty/innocent of
а acrime Ь
wаrпiпg с theiaw
а Ье let off With а Warning
break the law
5 What are the arguments for and рrisоп sепtепсеs? commit а сrirпе
а cons Ь disadvantages с against tackle/prevent сrimе

Cver to you!
G Read the writing task below and make а paragraph
рlап for уочr essay. Remember to Ыainstorm for
ideas and then to group-related ideas together.
Your English teacher has asked you to read the extract
frоm ап article be/ow алd thел to write ап е55ау.

YeaIS ago, liг5t time offenders wеrе givetr а

n,iron !"n,.n... Ciuing thеm а rеаllу
bunnb,o"n, the бrýt time thеу commiгted
to offend
iЛ,r-,".."п' they wеrе leъs likely
M.nb. today's young criminaIS tvL,uld
,iend rhei, ,uys mоrе easily iI they were
given harsher sentences,

Wri'te ал essay discussing the pros and cons ofgiving

hаrsh sentences to first-time offenders. ('] 20-'180 words)

lп for and a9ainst essays, State your
opinion in the conclusion. you agree
With both sides of the аrgumепt to some
extent, then you сап 5ау So. НоWечеr, уоu
Should clearly state the rеаsоп why you
feel that neither Side i5 alWays right,
Before you watch
А Discuss these questions.
. What kinds of animals would you expect to find iп ап animal rеsсuе centre?
. Аrе thеrе апimаl rescue centres in your country where you could take ап animal?
. Would уоч like to volunteer to work in ап animal геsсче сепtrе? Why? / Why not?

While you watch

в watch the DvD and decide if these statements are true or false. write т fоr trче апd F for false.
1 The animals at the Рhпоm Tamao Rescue Сепtrе wеrе all legally traded before they arrived there, п
2 The Mobile Unit iS Working to Stop poaching. п
3 The government о{ Cambodia isn't helping to stop poaching. п
4 some of the animals at phnom Таmао will печеr leave thе rescue centre. п
5 Poachers make а lot of money {rom selling the body рагts о{ animals. п
6 Lucky, the elephant, was saved {rоm poachers two months а9о. п
After you watch
С Complete the summary of the DVD below using these words.
demand grind human itlegatty роасhеrs profit геtеаsе rеsсче vatuabte victims
Many wild animals in Cambodia are endangered because реорlе hunt them and catch them
(1) These hunters are called (2) and they seriously
endanger the species which are their (3) Тhеге are mапу tragic
examples. People sometimes buy а wild апimаl to keep as а pet. After а while they find out
that they can't really look after it. At this point, most animals have lived with their
(4) оwпеrs too long and they сал't go back to the wild. They must Ье
looked after for the rest of their lives, usually at ап апimаl (5) centre.
ВаЬу gibbons hаче а particularly hard time. Тhеу are а type of monkey. At the centre they tell
the story of опе monkey which was kept in а tiny bird са9е for two years and still needs help
to become healthy a9ain.
Howeve1 other endangered species, such as elephants and
tigers, аrе often killed for their body parts which are very
(6) The poachers (7)
some of thе parts into а powder. Тhеп, they process the powde-
and sell it. As long as there is а great (8) fo-
these parts, the problem of illegal poaching will continue and
роасhеrs will Ье making а hugе (9) The
staff at Рhпоm Tamao Rescue centre have to work fast. Thev
want to sаче these animals апd try to (10)
as many of them as they can back into the wild, оr at least give
them а sa{e рlасе to live in for the rest of their lives.

D Discuss these questions with а partner.

. Are thеrе endangered species iп уочr соuпtrу?
What аrе they?
. Does illegal poaching exist in your соuпtry? What type?
. How сап animals threatened Ьу poaching Ье protected?

_] : i]ii_ |J. article, multiple matching
fashion and shopping-related words, phrasal verbs, wоrd formation
,]; а:-i:г-i:]i": causative, inversion: under по сirсumтtапсеs, печеr, not only ... but also, it|s
(oboutlhigh) time
l_;: i],: i,] i ,,i ;': muItipIe-choice questions
.-,::] :]n lii '..i-i: talking about fashion, comparing photographs, giving yourself time to think
'l],] i"i-L: I review, supporting your arguments





. give

- type?
--ý -
Masked monkc'dance iп а traditional
tsech,.r €tival in Buhtan, Asia
ч ,{,
. ?"},)lLrзfon
"9 l!|]t]

А How important is fashion to you? Compare

it to the following: v intoge clothing: clothes

. education . art frоm the post that аге of

. good health . music high quolity опd la\ting
. Sport . literatl]re value
Lycra ": о stretchy
material usеd e'pecially
в What kind of people wоцld consider
fоr mоkiпg clothes which
{ashion to Ье important? fit чегу tightly
charity shop| а shop iп
с Quickly read the text and find two people which о charity sells used
whо haven't сhапgеd а part of their look good\ which аrе donated
Ьу the public
since the 80s.

Looking at fashions ot hуgопе eras, it's difticult not enough, they're back in fashion now! l also Wore а lot of
to laugh. Just look at old photos of your раrепЬ with vintage clothing becaUSe not only WaS it affordabIe, bUt
perms, wearing sherrýUits апd shoulder pads. Yet, also very good quality, ln fасt, l Still buy vintage stuff -
tfiis is и/hаt was fashionable iп the 80s. we talked to there'S nothing in the Shops to match it for style.
four people who lived through the 80s, aftectionately
kпоwп as 'Тhе Decade That Fаshiоп Forgot!'
Му kids ask me to ShoW them photos of myself
Ьеfоrе l got married and it'S really еmЬаrrаSsiпg.
Му look Started With mу hair. l loved the big, spiky The clothes we wore then look ridiculous поw, But
look. l got it cut regularly апd then l'd have it dyed. Му to Ье honest, l don't know what's worse - the shoulder
natural colour iS red, but l'd get it dyed White blonde. of pads We Wоrе then or the baggy trousers my daughter
course, lthought it WaS extremely Stylish, though l look Wears поW. She looks like ап overgrown ЬаЬу in а big
at old photos now апd just cringe, Make-Up Was equally Saggy парру. AS for my sоп, Why does he think that he
important. l Used lots of black ёуеliпеr looks cool Whеп he Wears his jeans So low down? lýn't
around my eyes- At the time, l thought it funny how Something So awful сап Ье considered

it made mе look mysterious, And attractive! We Wеrе influenced Ьу Singers jUSt aS kids
then there were the clothes. are today, but Singers in the 80S Wеrе pretty tаmё
LeggingS Wеrе the cooleýt thing compared to Some that are around today, l don't know
back then. l rеmеmЬеr ýеёiпg What l'd do if mу daughter саmе home looking like theml
Sоmеопе at а сlUЬ Wearing black What l rеmеmЬеr most of all iS that We loved getting
lace IeggingS and dressed Up and We Werenl afraid to make а fool of
thinking they Were oUrselves. l Suppose Some things never change.
the coolest
thing ever.
Everything WaS big in the 80S - jewellery, Shoulder pads
and hair. You either сочеrеd уоUr hair in half а can of
hairspray, or you had it permed. l got mine permed
because lWanted to look like Kylie Minogue. lthink
She looks much better now, and l hope l do, too. What
l remember most about the 80S WaS Lycra". lt WaS
every,lvhere. lt became popular When keep-fit clothing
crossed очеr and Ьесаmе part of mainstream fashion,
€- l used to Wear tight pink Lycra 3 leggings With black
legwarmers or а puff-Skirt, and high heels. l Still Wear high
heels because l'm оп the short side, but l wouldn't dreanT
of Wеаriпg the rest of the outfit! What amazes mе iS tha,t
) Read the article again to find the following information.
Which person/people ...
Fоr mUltiple matching tasks in Which
mentions make-up? 1 п different people de5cribe or give their
says fashion trends геturп? 2 п opinion about Something, рау attention
to any negative Statements that are made.
соmраrеs опе bad fashion with another? i
п There are often questions aboUt the5e

didn't dress like his/her friends? 4 l such as,'Who doesn't ,..?}Which реrsоп
ikes good quality clothes? ý WoUldn't .,.?; etc,
doesn't like what his/her сhildrеп wear? 6
bought second-hand clothes? 7 -8
Get the meaning!
changed his/her hair соlоur? 9 п
сгеаtеd his/hеr own look? 10 п Е Complete the sentences with these words.
feel еmЬагrаssеd about what they wore? 11 a12 п парру teggings heets
1 l hate wearing shoes wiгh higb
2 l need to сhапgе the baby's
IMum, have you seen my red ?
l Want to Wеаr them under my pink skirt.

е affordable mаiпstrеаm ridicu[ous

ý 4 Take that hat off! You look !

aoq This necklace is very expensive, but the еаrгiпgs

,8, 6 l prefer vintage clothes to fashion,

lcl с'
), ьл

Here are some looks from the past. What do

you think of them? How do they соmраrе to
today's trends?

Ide r
d ту оWп daughter Wears leggings поW l suppose it
dS ust goes to ShoW that trends соmе and go .., and,
,чhеп you least expect it, they're back!

r .,ra{iФт1 g?и*gаfl
Fоr me, the 80S Were аll about music and fashion,
'd Watch mу favourite bands on TV and then try
to rесrеаtе their look in а Way that Suited me. l
iked wearing dinner.iackets With Striped Shirts and
]eans - the jacketý made me feel sophisticated
ечеп though l was from а rough neighbourhood.
padS Rolling up the Sleeves made the elegant jacket look
of casuai, апd made me think lWas cool, l USed to get
l the jackets at charity Shops because l couldn1 afford
high Street prices. Му friends, оп the other hand,
vhat preferred Wearing T-Shirts and ripped jeanS With the
]atest trainers, Whatever We Wore though, We tried to
iпg ]ook like individUalS. lt SeemS to me that these days,
io n, teenagerS just blindly сору modelS and SingerS; they
donl develop their оWп Styles, Му son disagrees,
аr high though; he SayS that today'S fashion is much more
dream original than it WaS iп the 80s. Не thinks that the Way
iS that We USed to dress iS laughable.
'i оOаigrдflйгьi
А Match these words related to fashion and shopping 1-8 with their definitions а-h.
1 refund П а lопg thin platform where models wa]k to display clothes
2 rесеiрt t] ь паrrоW 9ар between rоws of shelves iп а shop
3 aisle П с а раttеrл of squares, usually of two colours
4 shop window ] d the frопt of а shop where goods аге displayed
5 lаЬеl tr е mопеу back fоr somethin9 you bought
6 catwalk t а pattern of lопg паrrоw lines о{ different соlочгs
7 checked П 9 piece of рареr оr plastic attached to something that gives iпfоrmаtiог
about рriсе, material. etc
8 striped П h piece of рареr showing that уоU hаче bought something

в complete the sentences using both words.

1 rап9е quantity рurсhаsе bargain
Му mum believes iп quality over |'ve made а fantastic !Тhе
so she shops at boutiques designer dress was а becau::
where the is small, but exclusive. got it at half the рriсе.
2 shopahotic shop[ifter hirё Ьоrгоw
is someone who lives to lasked if l could his tuxedo
shop. А , оп the оthег hand, is refused, so lguess l'll have to
simply а thief. опе instead.
з 5uit5 fits Ьrосhuге catatogue
Well, the colour сегtаiпlу you. Not the travel
Whу not try it оп and see if it ? to hand me the clothes
exchange rеtчrп оffег discount
Неllо, l'd like to these Don't miss оur special оп
shoes fоr а larqer size, please. Also, l want to designer Shiгts! Come in next week and get а
this shirt and get my money fantastic !

back. Unfoгtunately, it's too big.

С Complete the text with these words.

casuaI designs fabrics high-heeted modeLs outfit shоррег smаrt

ltъ all аьочt the clothes!

welcome to Fаshiоп week! lt's all hаррепiпg hеrе! Everywhere you look, thеrе
аrе beautiful (1) - wеаriпg clothes, clothes,glorious
clothes! Тhе followers of fashion are out iп full force, and this year's
(2) аrе 5чrе to please everyone {rom the ечеrуdау
(з) looking for а rеаsопаЫу-рriсеd
(4) to the rich апd famous searching {оr that one-of-
a-kind gоwп. Yesterday's catwalk show featured (5)
shoes апd boots Wоrп With dresses and skirts. The Ыight and соlоuгfчl {lоwегу
prints and soft siik (6) аrе sure to Ье popcrlar. Дs fоr
the rnen's collection, jackets wоrп with baggy trousers made for a(n)
(7) yet (8) _ look suitable
fоr а hard day at the office, оr а fun-filled evening out on the town.

D Do you agree with these statements? Compare your answers with а раrtпеrЪ.
. lt'S better to wear fabrics made of cotton. silk оr wool than synthetic ones.
. Веiлg а shopaholic is ап illness.
. IМапу people wear the latest fashion in clothes even thouqh it might not suit them,
А Look at the sentence and then answer the questions below.
Мапу celeЫities hаче their clothes made for them Ьу famous designers.
1 Do mапу celeЫities make their оwп clothes?
2 Who makes the clothes?
3 Which auxiliary verb is used?
4 what is the form of the main verb?

Complete the rules.

u5е the causative to say that we аrrапgе fоr somebody to do something for
"/е We form the causative with the correct form
:s. of + obl'ect + past
эаrtiсiрlе. When we Want to mention the agent, we use the word Ьу.

в Tick the sentence which contains the causative.

е 1 Bill had exchanged the damaged belt before he went to work. f
2 Bill had the damaged belt exchanged before he went to work. !
'Wе сап also Usе the caUýative to talk about ап unpleasant experience that hаррепS to somebody.
Lуп had hеr favourite dress ruiпеd Ьу the drycleaner's,

Read 12.1 ol the Grаmmаr Reference оп page 175 before you do the tasks.

С Complete the second sentences so that they have а similar meaning to thе first sentences. Use the
causative and the wordý in bold.
1 Jоhп is polishing his father's shoes, is
Jоhпъ father Ьу John.
2 Тhе shop assistant didn't wrap the gifu for us. wrapped
We didn't fоr us Ьу the shop assistant.
3 Susап is collecting Mrs LiпtопЪ shоррiпg frоm the department store. having
MrS Linton {rom the department Store Ьу Susan.
4 Someone has stolen my mчmЪ bag. hаd
5 Му aunt is gоiпg to Shorten my new jeans. have
Ьу my aunt.
6 The young dеsigпеr will hаче made Betty's dress Ьу the end of the month. hаd

D Answer these questions using the causative.

1 Did you style your hair yourself?
No, l Ьу а hairdresser.
Does your mum do the grocery shopping?
No, my mum Ьу the housekeeper.
Will your Ыоthеr mend his boots?
No, my Ьrоthеr at the shoe repair shop.
Did you and уочr sister use to do your оwп washing?
No, we used Ьу our mum.
Do you irоп your shirts?
No. l fоr me.
Аrе you going to return the Suit?
No, l Ьу my friend.
Lqsлi-си tь,лл
А ( Lira"n to а short interview with the editor of а leading {ashion magazine
and fill iп the missing words below.
'l Тhе speaker spends аЬоut of hеr time iп her office.
2 Тhе
The soeaker says that shе
speaker savs she is
l а(п) in the fashion industry,

В Now look at the questions below and choose the correct answers.
1 How mцсh о{ hеr working time does 2 What does thе speaker say about hеr evel
the speaker spend in Ьеr office? of knowledge in the fashion industry?
а пеаrJу all of it а She's опJу rесепtlу left соl ege,
Ь about ha]f о{ it Ь Неr only ехреriепсе is о{ modellinq.
с чеrу little of it с She's very experienced in the industry.

С Underline the words in В which contained thе соrrесt answers. Are they the
same as the words you wrote in А?
D i you will hеаr а radio presenter interviewing lп thiS type oftask,
someone at an event. you will hear the interview itЗ чеrу important to
in three parts. After each part уоu will hеаr some take notes а5 уоu ljsten
becauSe уоч Won't hеаr
questions about that part. Сhооsе the correct
the qUestions Until
answers, а, Ь or с. after you've heard each
Part l section of the interview
1 а ап event оrgапi5еr
Ь а fashion designer
с а top model

2 а every year
Ь ечеrу two уеаrs
с every thrее уеаrs
3а enter а modelling cornpetition
ь vote for their favourite models
с take part in photo sessions
4а health & fitness advice
ь advice on what colours to wear
с make-up advice

Part ll
5 а the shops selling clothes
ь the live catwalk shows
с the make-up and wedding dress sections
6 а have it cut in рuЫiс at the event
Ь pick up а чоuсhеr
с епtеr а competition
Раrt lll
7 а people's old clothes l

Ь recycled plastic bottles {

с о19апiс materials
8 а ltЪ mоrе expensive than оthеr clothes.
Ь lts quaiity is рооr.
с ltЪ not чеrу рорulаr,

l 152

А Wоrk with а partner and answer these questions.
. Do you like shopping fог new clothes? Why?/Why not?
. How important is it for you to wеаr fаshiопаые clothes?
. what kind of clothes do you usually wеаr?
. Do you choose what соlочr clothes to wеаr depending оп your mood? Give ап example.

] Put а tick next to the fashion-related adjectives that аrе positive and а cross next to those that аrе negative.
1 stylish J 6 ugly п
2 com{ortable п 7 well-made L
З mоdеrп f 8 rеаsопаlэlу-рriсеd п
4 beauti{ul 9 old-fashioned п
5 рооr quality t] 10 expensive п
Work with а partner and answer the questions about the photographs. Опе of you should
ье student А and thе оthеr should Ье stцdent В. Remember to чsе the Useful Expressions.

When taking part in
а conversation, it is
important that уоU give
уоUr5еlf and уочr partner
Student А: Соmраrе photos 1 and 2 and say what kind of situations each style time to think. Most
of clothes would Ье suitable for. conversation5 often hаче
student В: What kind of clothes do you prefer to Wеаr most ofthe time? Why? 5hort paUses qiving the
5peakers both the tjme
to take in what the оthеr i
реrsоп has Said and the :
time to think about what ]

they Want to say next. :

Student В: Соmраrе photos З and 4 and say how these реорlе are involved
r, in fashion.
Student А: Which job would you рrеfеr?

i Uэе|иl {,xpress\oyls
(ý:i@n Giving yourself time to think
NoW, lеtЪ see ...
Ju5t а moment, please.
Discuss these questions with а раrtпеr. |'m not 5чrе, Perhaps ...
. what kind of clothes are in fashion now? WhаtЪ the Word l WaS looking for?
. Do уоu think itъ а good thing that fashions сhапgе every year? whу?дvhу not? What did l/you Want to 5ау?
. Do the clothes а person wеаrs iпflчепсе what you think of them? whу?дvhу поt?
! ооаVtлlаrц
phrasal verbs
А Match the phrasal verbs 1-8 to their meanings а-h.
1 do up п а wеаr clothes that аrе smart
2 take up п Ь make clothes smаllеr and tighter
З put on с {asten something with а zip or button
4 Wear out t] d shorten clothes Ьу folding uр the btottom edge and Stitching it
5 try оп L] е use something so muсh that it becomes useless
6 take off ] f place clothes оп your body and wеаr them
7 take in _] g see if а piece of clothing fits you оr looks пiсе
8 dress up t] h remove clothes frоm your t,ody

В Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from А.

1 Make sure you the dress Ьеfоге you buy it. lt looks чеrу big.
2 Please уоur t,oots before you come inside. Тhеу'rе covered in mud.
з уочr coat Ьеfоrе you leave. ltЪ freezing outside.
4 You will уоur trainers чеrу quickly if you jog every day.
5 you don't need to fоr dinner Wе'rе опlу going out for pizza.
6 She has lost а iot of weight алd hаs to аll hеr clothes.
7 l must have put оп Weight because i can't mу skirt!
8 lvlv пеw ieans аrе too lono so Mrlm will them for me,

word formation
С Complete the sentences With the correct {orm of the words.
1 А belt and а соlоurful sсаrf are great to make your outfit stand out. ACCESSORISE
2 Being сап Ь,е very expensive! Designer clothes cost а fогtчпе! FASH|ON
Kate N4oSS has Ыоught out ап rапgе of clothes that you сап buy in the high
Street ShopS, AFFoRD
4 The models at the photo shoot looked so опсе they wеrе all dressed up. GLAMOUR
5 l love уоur new earrings! You always wеаr such lovely . JEWEL
6 Dolce & Gabbana's new is fantastic,
hеrе аrе so mапу nice clothes. COLLECT
7 The fanrous singer has quiLe ar way of dressing. 5hе always looks so сооl
and stylish. ALTERNATE
8 Тhеу sell their clothes to the biq department stоrе in London's West End. EXCLUS|VE

D Read what the different students say about fashion. Do you feel the same? Discuss with а раrtпеr.

l love being fаshiопаЫе and always l don't care about the

grаЬ the opportunity to dress up latest fashions, l think
and look glamorous. l don't care having ап alternative
if the clothing is expensive eitber. style makes you Stand
I{ уоч want to wеаr clothes from out from thе crowd and
а designer's latest collection, you shows your personality.
hаче to рау а lot of mопеу for the
items, lthink itЪ definitely worth it!


lnversion: Under по сirсчmstапсеs, печеr &
not опlу .,. but also
А We сап use а negative word or рhrаsе at the
Ьеgiппiпg of а sentence for emphasis. Read the
sentences below and notice how the word order
changes in sёпtепсе Ь. Тhеп answer the question
а l have печеr sееп so many beautiful shoes.
Ь Never hаче lseen so mапу beautiful shoes.
lt's (about/high) time
What happens to the subject and the verb when С Look at the sentences and answer the questions.
Never Ь at the beginning of the sentence?
1 ltЪ time you bought some good quality clothes.
2 ltЪ аЬочt time l bought something {оr myself.
3 ltЪ high time hе had а haircut.
we can also use under по сirсчmstалсеs and
Not only ... but also for emphasis. Look at the Do these sentences refer to the present or the
sentences below and complete 1Ь and 2Ь with paSt?
the subject and verb. what is thё tense of the main verb in these
1а Тhе stylists not опlу choose the clothes, but sentences?
they also choose the jewellery.
Ь Not only thе clothes. Complete the rules.
but they also choose the jewellery, We use ItЗ (_/ )time + _tense to
2а You аrеп't allowed to use mу credit card uпdеr complain about or criticise something or someone.
апу circumStances.
ь under no circumstances Read 12.2-12.З of the Grammar Reference оп page 175
before you do tfiе task.
to use my credit card.

D choose the correct answers.

SE 1 Not опlу а lot of mопеу. but they also Ьесоmе Under по circumstances _ the jacket without the
famous. receipt.
а models are еаrпiпg а can you ехсhапgе
ь do models еаrп Ь you can't exchange
с models еаrп с do you exchange
эUR 2 Never such а rude and noisy customer. Not опlу _ very expensive. but it is also very old-
а have lseen fashioned.
ь l have seen а that dress is
с lsaw ь that dress was
З ltЪ high time уоч some new trаiпегs. с iý that dress
,slvE а bought
Ь have bought
с did buy
4 Under по circumstances my favourite jeans.
а уоu Wеаr
Ь you сап wear
с are уоu gоiпg to wеаr
5 Never so many bargains!

а I hadn't seen
ь hadn't lseen
с had lseen
6 lt'S about time We to the 5ale5.
а have gone
Ь Went
5upporting your arguments
When you express your opinion about а film or ап event in а review, you сап
make your arguments mоrе convincing Ьу giving examples of what you are
talking about. We сап use the following language to introduce examples: Ёоr
ехаmрlе, ..., Fоr instance, ..., ... such as ,.., One ехаmрlе of this was .,., Тhis
was particularly оЬчiоus/поtiсеаЫе whеп .,., Take .., for ехаmрlе апd lп this/
опе case,... .

А Match the arguments 'l _5 with the supporting examples а-е.

1 The models were obviously inexperienced. П
2 Тhе colours used went really well together [l
3 lt was obvious the аudiепсе wasn't impгessed. f-l
4 LotS о{ the equipment Went Wrong П
5 The show was given grеаt геViеWs. П
а one critic said it was the best show he'd ечеr seen.
Ь Fоr example, several реорlе left during the interval.
с ln опе case, а model was looking down at her feet as she was walking.
d This included things such as the lights поt working and the music system Ыеаkiпg down.
е This was particularly noticeable with the оrапgеs and yellows used Ьу the first designer.

В Read the writing task and choose from the sentences а,е the one which best fits each 9ар (1-5).
Yоu rесепt/у attended а fashion show that уоu weren't impressed with. Yоu hаче seen thb аппоuпсеmепt оп а fashic-
website and decide to write about the shоw you saw.
1 What do you have to write?
Hare votl gоt ап еуе lог fаshiоп? Doe, rероrгiлgаЬоrtt 2 Will you write in а positive оr negative way? Why?
j."" оЁ..,rlл,rik life appeal to rou? Тhеп
,Ь. Й'.
iЁth",, b,'.od,b n"d З What kind of things should you focus оп?
,hо* yorl аггспdеd, The 4 Will you write about it in ап objective way оr frоm а
.,'Ь..l.ооr,r", Ъ-,ч", оТ,
Б",,i..чiЁ*, ''ill Ь. рuЫishеd оп оur ц,Ь,irе, реrsопаl point of view? Whу?

Write your review.

С Read the model review and put the example sentences in the correct places.
Fоr instance, the trousers were too
Fashion week Ьlчеs long for апуопе to actually wеаr.
.As а fоllоwеr of fashion, l look fогwаrd to attending the big events in lп опе case, опе of them fell off the
the fashion саlепdаr. (1) This уеаг promised to Ье the best eve1 caMalk.
and was opened Ьу new designer Moldo, However, the show turned Take Fаshiоп Week for example,
out to Ье very disappointing. which l haven't missed for the last
{ive years,
Moldo was presenting his Summer Collection. The designs, though,
Wеrе mоге SuitаЫе for autumn. (2)
Old songs Ьу groups such as The
lп addition, the clothes Were
Beatles were unsuitable fоr а mоdеrг
impractical. (3)
fashion show.
As the designs weren't brad enough, the show itself had some major
if е Eor example, the colours of the
ргоЫеms, IMany models wеrе obviously inexperienced. (4) Another fabrics used were only Ьrоwп
low point WaS the music, (5) and grey.

The show was Ьу по means uр to standard and сеrtаiпlу didn't do а lot

for Fashion Week's reputation. Let's hope next year's show will Ье better.

-cok а9аiп !

) Read the model review again and tick the things the writer has done.
used ап appropriate title

2 given Ьасkgrоuпd information to the event L]

з described some negative and some positive points П
4 given ехаmр es of things that made а bad impression П
5 commented оп the consequences of the show L]
6 covered а]l points mentioned in the task

Write the correct paragraph number next to these descriptions.

а DеsсriЬе some gепеrаi рrоЬlеms with the show. t]
Ь Provide some background details and say which show will Ье reviewed. t]
с Dеsсгiье the clothes modelled. п
d Makeageneral comment оп the consequences ofthe show forthefuture. п
- Complete the sentences with words from the Useful Expressions.
1 l like fashion. l'd say l'm а(п) bUt l'm deГin:tely not а(.)
2 lenjoy Ьеiп9 a(n) and working in the sLudio, b,ut l'd hate to Ье а(пt
l don't like being watched!
З At a(n) , models walk down the
4 This is а grеаt , but l think you should usе а different fоr it, Wool
isn't appropriate.
5 Nina designs iike high heels and {or thе Ьеасh.

Эчеr to you !

З Read the writing task and make а раrаgrарh plan for your review.
Remember to support your arguments with examples.
yоu hаче seen thb аплоuпсеmепt on а fashion website апd decide to write
about а show you saw that made а positive rmpression on you. Llоsо-Uр
Before yoU Sta rt Writin9,
Underline all the things in
Fаshiои U)ebsite the ta5k уоu 5hould include
in уочr review. Make
What Was the highlight of Separate noteS for them and
decide which ofthe words
this year's Fashion Week
from the Useful ExpresslonJ
for you? Was there а show yoU coUld U5e to describe
that particUIarly impressed each one. Don't forget to
you? Then Write uS а review include examples.
describing the collection,
the models and the show in
9епеrаl. The best ones Will
appear on our website.

Write уоur review. (1 20-1 80 words)

поdеrг l)sе|иl {хрrеss\оч,s
Describing fashion Useful adjectives
acce55orie5 design fashion show high heels (in)appropriate colourfuI
catwalk designer fashion victim model (in)experienced d ull
clothes evening Wеаr follower of fashion swimwear (im)pгactical fashiona ble
collection fabric footWear (Un)impresSive trendy

.. i]

,l,. i l ,- _l
] How mчсh do you know about silk? Look at the statements below and write
Т for true or F for false.
'l Siii<worms опlу eat the leaves of the lVulЬ,еrrу tree.
2 А si l<worm needs опе week to grow to fu maturity.
З lt takes а si l<worm fоuг days to сгеаtе its сосооп.
4 тhе сосооп of а silkworm is usua] v Ыасk_
5 А сосооп is made of опе thrеаd that is аlэоut 800 metres опg,
6 You need appгoximate]y 1,000 si kwоrm cocoons to make опе metre of si [{аЬriс,

Watch the DVD and circle the words you hear.

'] А hаче affected it, but at опе factory hеrе, the ways of the past i па;. ,' зi.,] the same,
2 Неrе, the continuous поisе о{ thе о d ".i: 5]. i._i.i,гl;
ooms Ьriпqs опе back to the past,
З These noisy 19t сепtuгу ooms create some of the world's finest si k {аЫiсs fоr сuгtаiп5 and text] es L;l -с sTc
4 Above him, thеrе аrе specia рареr cards that саrrу the designs fоr compllcated ]..t_er-5 // .].s q.s, "
5 Hand-made silk also makes а specia noise and Ь,еttеr hо ds its : -; l,.e , [l:rll.
6 Тhеп, the threads аrе рrераrеd ассогdiпg to bow they will ýg,r'1,",:л .1gl:r;],
7 Ечеrу piece of coth is l-n.]e :L ]ii]:.l , lj._ji:] ] l i:]._:.
8 lt seems that the Setiflcio has lе ]el-i , _-l l,-l the агt of ma<ing si k,

, Complete the summary of the DVD below using these words,

ijieciIon пa.lw.jчзг i;Ii"lc iлсп-l; ргa]a:е;s i"ij|] lhге;d .r/с;ii;г,;

The Antico Setlflcio Fioreлtlno is also kпоwп as the Antique Si k Factory of F огепсе. Тhе silk produced at the Antique
Sill< Fасtоrу iп Flоrепсе is different frоm that produced in otber factories, At this special {actory, thе fаЬriс is hапd-wочег
оп antique (1) whiсh wеrе built ]п 1780.

Тhеу арр у the same (2) principles thаt have Ьееп used fоr hundreds of years, Веfоrе the weaving
even begin5, the silk (З) is ргосеssеd оп machines that аrе ] 50 уеаr5 о d. The workers have to place
the si l< thread оп the bobbins very carefu у so it doesn't twist duriпg the weaving
(4) , Тhеу then work slow у and weave опе thread at а time.

Тhе silk that comes {rоm оthег factories usually hаs about З,000 to 4,000 threads гuппiпg
n one (5) оп еасh piece offabric, (6) , the
hand-made si k has about ] 2,000 threads iп thе same space th]s makes а b,etter
qua ity (7) that is also much stronger,
Тhеrе аге а пumЬеr of оthеr diffеrепсеs between the two types о{ silk, First of аl ,
the hand-woven fаЫiс ooks muсh mоrе beautifu: its соlоur changes iп different
Jighting conditions, Second у, it hо ds its 5hаре better than mасh]пе made s] k,
тhеrе is опе other unusua difference: the hand-made sill< makes а different noise
whеп you (8) уоur hand очеr tlre fаЫiсl
At the Antico Setificio Fiоrелtiпо, style ancl tradition come together iп beautifu ''Ы
hand-woven si k fabrics.
Discuss these questions with а partner.
. What other hand made products сап you think of?
. Do уоu think lt's worth the time and еflоrt to do things lэу hапd
оr iS it lэеttеr to usе machines when possible? Why? / Why поt?
Units 11 &12

) - Match.
1 police L- а а sentence
2 commit п Ь window
з plead L-] с а crime
4 shop f d service
5 Ыеаk п е rесоrd
6 community Lr f 9uilty
7 sеrче L g the law

Сirсlе the correct prepositionS.

1 'Take up / offthose muddy shoes now!' she told mе,
2 Kate i5 not familiar to / with the trends iп fashion these days.
3 Athletes usually wеаr up / out their tгаiпеrs чеry fast.
4 Stylists are responsibLe with / fог choosing а celeЫity's clothes.
5 'Ве careful you don't dirty уоuг shirt or you'll get опtо / into trоuЫе,'
6 The Ьоу didn't get away at / with stealing. The police caught him.
7 'You are in / under arrest fоr the burglary at 24 Riчег Road,' said the officer,
8 lt's very cold, so you might want to do in / up yourjacket.
9 Shoplifting is a9ainst / frоm the law and you can get а huge fine,
10 Everyone has to put off / on slippers before entering the house.

,_ complete the sentences With both words.

1 rеfuпd djscount theft thief
а Sa es assis+ants сап get а а Не began his life of сrimе as а
оп апу of the products in the shop. and went оп to burglaries be{ore he was caught.
Ь You must rеtчrп the dress within 14 days if you Ь Тhеrе аrе cameras all over the shop to prevent
Want а
atibi motive triа[ verdict
а Не can't Ье guilty of the сrimе because hе has а The defendant was hoping for а not-guilty
Police try to find a(n) when Ь Тhе lasted for months and was
they investigate а crime. in the news every day.
[abel receipt bargains purchases
а Jane liked а sweater, Ьut when she saw the price а Mary usually makes hеr Christmas
оп the shе put it back. at the last minute.
Ь Don't lose your in case Ь Let's go to the mall. l heard there аrе mапу
уоU Want to exchange these jeanS.
rоЬ stёal suits fits
а lf you frоm а shop, it's а ТhаГ shirt is lovely and it really
called shoplifting. your colouring very much.
ь Не was arrested because hе tried to Ь Look, my black skiгt me now
а bank. after аll the weight l lost.

Units 11&

А Complete the sentences with who, which, whose, where оr when. Тhеп, tick the sentences where
that сап Ье used too.
1 The lawye1 WaS arrested last night, denied Stealin9 company money.
2 Jane bought а lovely evening dress was а Ьаrgаiп. L]
з This is the street the tегriЬlе accident happened, t]
4 Tony's father, job involves а lot of traveIling, is а detective. t]
5 weekends аrе а time а lot of arrests аrе made- п
6 А famous writer, was 56 уеаrs old, was murdеrеd last night. п
7 The thief was given а two-year-sentence WaS taken to рriSоп. п
8 The policemen patroL the streets оп {oot make реорlе feel sa{er.

В Complete the sentences with а present or past participle using these verbs.
investigate live оffег se[[ 5епtепсе take wait watk
1 The young mап to two months of community service Was геliечеd поt
to 9о to prison,
2 lt must Ье very unpleasant fоr реорlе in areas with а high number
of crimes.
Тhе depaftment Store great discounts WaS fUll of customerS yesterday
4 Тhе pictures at the crime 5сепе show how the house was Ьrоkеп into.
5 Police the сrimе are lооkiпg fоr three mеп in their 20s.
6 Those реорlе outside the соUrt are journalists,
7 l\4ost of the clothes in thiч boutiq.le are very expensive,
8 Тhе top model оп the catwalk at the mоmепt i5 mу Sister,

С Complete the second sentences 5о they have а similar mеапiпg to thе first sentences. Use the words
iп bold,
1 The police had never seen such а terrible сrimе. sееп
Never such а tеrriьlе crime-
The hairdresser is going to style DеЬЬiеl hair tomorrow. hair
Debbie is going bv thе hairdresser tomorrow.
You should go home now Ьесачsе it's getting late, high
ltЪ поW because it'S getting late.
А large department store will seJlthe пеw designer's clothes. his
The new designer Ьу а lаrgе dерагtmепt store.
Сhаrliе was charged with burglary and assault, charged
Not only Ьut he was also charged with assault.
6 Mum does my aunt'S nails ечеrу two weeks. gets
Му alrnt Ьу lйum every two weeks.
7 Martin's саr was stolen last week. had
Маrtiп ast Week.
8 Employeesshould печеr forget to set the аlаrm whеп closing the office. no
U пdеr {orget to set the аlаrm whеп closing the office,

lnfinitive Past Simple Past Participle
Ье was/were Ьееп
beat beat Ьеаtеп
become became brecome
begin bega п begun
bite bit bitten
blow blew Ь lown
break broke lэrоkеп
Ьriпg brought brought
broadcast broadcast broadcast
build bui t bu iIt
Ьurп burnt Ьurпt
buy bought bought
сап cou ld
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
соmе сатпе come
co5t cost coSt
cUt cUt cUt
dea l dealt dealt
do did done
draw drew drawn
drеаm dreamt dreamt
drink drank drunk
d rive drove drivеп
eat ate eaten
fa ll fell fal еп
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fi9 ht fought fought
find found found
fly flew flown
forecast forecast forecast
forget forgot forgotten
9et 9ot 9ot
give gaVe given
9о Went 9о пе
groW 9rew 9rown
have had had
hеаr heard hеаrd
hide hid h idden
hit hit hit
hold held he]d
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
know knew known
lead led led
lea rn lea rп t lea rп t
еаVе left left
{end lent le nt
]et let let
lnfinitive Past Simple Past Participle
lie lay lain
li9ht lit it
lose lost lost
гпеап meant meant
make made made
lTeet met l]let
рау paid paid
p1,oVe proved рrоVеп
pUt put pUt
read rеаd |rеd] read Irеd]
ride rode ridden
гiпg rап9 ruп9
rise roSe rise п
rUп rап rUп
5ау said said
See SaW Seen
sell sold sold
send 5ent Sent
Set Set Set
shake shook shaken
shine shone shone
show showed shown
shoot shot shot
sh ut shut sh ut
sing Sa п9 SU п9
sin k sank sunk
Sit 5at Sat
S еер slept slept
slide slid slid
smell smelt sm e]t
speak spoke spoken
speed sped sped
spend Spe nt spent
sta nd stood stood
stea1 stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
stin k stan k stunk
SWeep SWept SWept
swim SWam SWum
t.]Ke took taken
teach taU9ht taught
te] told to]d
think thoUght thought
th rоw threw th rоwп
understa п d understood understood
wa ke woke woken
Wеаr Wore Wоrп
wiп Wоп Wоп
write Wrote Written


lnformal letter / email to а реп pal
Whеп writing an informal letter/email to а реп раl.
. make it сlеаr why you аrе writing.
. use iп{оrmаl, friendly language and short{orms ofverbs. lпс]udе рhrаsаl verbsandidioms,
. ask lots о{ qUestions to keep tbe rеаdеr interested.
. ask the rеаdеr to rерlу to you.

Pla п

Dеаr ,.., / Hi -,.,

Раrа9rарh 1
lntroduce yourself and expJain whу уоu'ге writing,
Му паmе's ... / l'm .... / Let mе tell уоч about _..

Paragraphs 2 & З
Give details about уоuгsеlf, your friends and уоur famiy. Ask the person questionS about
the same things. Talk about the things you have in common (if appropriate),
How mапу people are there iп your family? Му f amily consists of .., / Da you get оп
wel] with .-. ? / Му mчm апd dad аrе .-- / How da you get оп With .., ? / We hive lots iп

Paragraph 4
Talk about things уоu like, Write about уоuг hobbies апd what you do in уоur free time,
Тhеп ask for the same information frоm the реrsоп уоu'rе writing to.
l'm iпto .,, / l'm а {ап of ... / l'm kееп ол ,,. / What do you .,. ?

Signing off
As < the геаdеr to Write back апd sign of{,

That's all for паw. / Write back sооп! / Looking forward to hearing frоm you. / Кеер iп
touch! / Love, ... / Take care, / Вуе fаr поw,

lпfоrmаl letter checklist

. Have you followed the plan? t-
. Have you used appropriate language? f.
. Have you checked fоr mistakes in 9rаmmаr/ spelling and punctuation? f
' ls your letter weJl organised and interesting fоr the rеаdеr?

Eormal letter / email
Yhen writing а formal letter,/email,
. clearly state the reason fоr writing and what you want to hарреп as а resu t of уоur
. always Ье polite and usе formal language,
. answer all the questions апd/ог rеfеr to al the points in the original letter/email if you аrе
rер ying to Sоmеопе.

Pla п

Use а forma greeting.
Dеаr Mayor, / Dеаr 9ir/Madam, / Dear Мr ..- / Мrs ..,,

Paragraph 1

lntroduce yourself and уоuг rеаsоп for writing.

/ аm the studелt representative ... / l аm writing to iпfоrm you .,. / Тhе reason l аm writing
is .,. / l аm writing wjth rеfеrепсе to ... / l аm writing iп rеsролsе to уоur email / letter,..

Раrа9rарh 2
Give mоrе information about уоur rеаsоп fоr writing. l\4ake апу suggestions or
reco m m еп dations.
First|y, rеgаrdiпg .,. / lп addition, .,. / lwould like to kпоw if/whether ... / 1would Ье
grateful if you cou/d te// mе ,.. / Please /et mе know ,.. / l was wопdеriпg if ,..

Paragraph З
lVake апоthеr point, discuss and make any fчrthеr suggestions оr recommendations.
lt wоuld Ье better to ... / Опе solution wou/d Ье to ... / Ап a/ternative idea might Ье to .,.
/ Would you /ike mе to .,,? / lthink we shоuld ... / lwould rесоmmепd .-. / lwould also like
to ask аьоцt ,.. /
Paragraph 4
Sum up уоur arguments and give а persona opinion (if аррrорriаtе). Say what you want to
hарреп next.
Given the above, it is mу орiпiоп that ... / l think we/you should .., /
Тhапk you in advance far ,., / l would аррrесiаtе it if you could reply sооп.

Use а fоrmаl рhrаsе for closing the ]etter.
!]oak lorward to hearing {rоrп yocl,
Sigп off iп ап appropriate way.
Yours faithfцlly,.,- (if you don't know the геаdеr's паmе) оr Yours siпсеrе/у, ... (if you know
the rеаdеr's паmе).

Fоrmаl letter checklist

. Have you followed the рlап? t]
. Have you used appropriate language?

' Have you checked fоr mistakes in grammar, spelling апd punctuation? J
' ls your letter/email wel1 organised?

lnformal email/ letter
When writing ап iпfоrmаl email/letter,
. make it сlеаr why you are writing.
. use informal, friendly language and shоrt forms of verbs. lпсlчdе phrasal verbs and idioms.
с ask lots of questions to keep the reader inteгested.
. ask the rеаdеr to reply to уоu.

Pla n

Hi ..., / Dear ..,,

Paragraph 1
Thank the rеаdеr {or his/her email/|etter if аррrорriаtе оr ask about him/her and say why
you are writing.
Тhапk you for your email. / lt waт grеаt to get уоur email.
How are уоч? / l hоре уоu'rе well.
That's why l'm writing. / As you know, ... / !'m writing to ...

Paragraph 2
Give details about why you are writing and say what neWS уоч'че got.
l'mрlаппiпg.,. / l'm thinking of ... / Wе'че decided to ... / Did ttell уоU аЬоut...?

Paragraph З
Give more information.
iп additioл, ... / Also, ... / As {оr .., / Ву the way ...

Paragraph 4
Finish off your writing and add апу final points you want to make.
Fiпаllу, ... / Let mе know if, .,.,/ RеmеmЬеr to .,. / lcan'twaitto..,

Signing off
5ее you sооп! / Кеер iп touch. / That's all fоr поw. / Write back sооп! / Talk to you later!
Love, ...

Email checklist
. Have you followed the plan? п
Have you USed аррrорriаtе |anguage? J
Have you checked for mistakes in grаmmаr, spelling and punctuation? п
. ls your email/letter well organised and interesting for the rеаdеr? п
Whеп writing а story,
. spend а few minutes thinking about how you want уоuг story to deve ор and make notes.
. make sure you include а сlеаr beginning, middle and end.
. set the scene in the first раrаgrарh and create а strong atmosphere.
. use паrrаtiче tenses such as the past simple and the past continuous.
. use phrases to sequence events clearly,
. rеmеmьеr to include adjectives and adverbs to add drama and suspense.

Pla n

Paragraph 1

Set the sсепе and introduce the main сhаrасtеrs. Iйаkе the introduction sоuпd interesting оr
dramatic. Use the sentence you are given in the task i{ necessary.
As sоол as thеу орепеd the door, they kпеw something wаs wrong.

Paragraph 2
Give background lпfоrmаtiоп about the сhагасtеrs and what is going оп,
The Ечапs family hаd bought this beautiful old hоusе in the country.

Paragraph 3
Describe the main events in order.
At first, ... / Тhеп, ... / Тhе mоmепttЬаt .-. / Меапwhi!е, ...

Paragraph 4
lntroduce а twist iп the story (if аррrорriаtе).
That was whеп -.. / Sооп after that .., / Suddenly, ... / Just then, ... / As sооп as ..,

Раrа9rарh 5
Bring the story to ап епd and say what the outcome was.
Eventually, ,.. / We печеr went to that area аgаiп. / Sally knew it would печеr hарреп again.

Story checklist
. Have уоu followed the plan? п
. НаVе you used appropriate language? t]
. Have you checked {or mistakes in 9rаmmаr, spelling and punctuation? t
. ls уочr story well organised and interesting for the rеаdеr? L


When writing an аЁiсlе,
с think about who you're writing for and use а suitable Style.
. write down уоur ideas and select the best опе5.
. think of а title that Wi|l get уоUr reader'S attention.
. make sure each раrаgrарh begins with а topic sentence.
. use direct and indirect questions as well as а va riety of short and lопgеr Sentences to captu re the reader's iпtеrеst,
о put the main points o{your article into the middle paragraphs.

Give your article ап eye-catching title.
Соmmол sелsе fights the соmmоп cold / Кеер fit and keep you shape

Paragraph 1
Get the attention of the rеаdеr and introduce the topic of your article.
Have you ечеr wonderedlasked yourself/thought about .,.
Сап you imачiпе .,,?

Paragraph 2
Give some basic information.
То Ьеgiп with, ... / Firstly, ..,

Раrа9rарh 3
Add extra important in{ormation,
Exercise speeds up your metabolism апd hефs you /ose weight mоrе easily.

Раrаgrарh 4
Give уочr personal {eelings hеrе. Say what you like or dislike.
Тhе best thiпg is ,.. / lп mу орiпiоп, ... / Дs fаr as l'm сопсеrпеd, ...

Paragraph 5
Summarise апd give your opinion. Talk about а future event (if apPropriate),
So, ,,, / Always try уочr best алd печеr give up! / RеmеmЬеr рrечепtiол is better than cure.

Апiсlе checklist
. Have you {ollowed the рlап? п
. Have уоu used appropriate language? п
' Have you checked for mistakes in 9rаmmаr, spelling and punctuation? п
' ls уоur articie well organised and interesting fоr the reader? п


When writing а review,
. think of а suitable title for уоur review,
. try to catch the reader's attention in the first paragraph.
. rеmеmь,еr to sчрроrt уочг arguments with examples.
. rеmеmьег to give уочr opinion iп the last раrа9rарh.

Give уочr review ап eye-catching titie.

Para9raph 1

lntroduce What уоч are reviewing,

Тrу ... / Why поt try ...? / lf you like ... / .,, is wоrth а trу .,,

Раrа9rарh 2
Describe what you are reviewing. Give the reader an idea of what you аrе writing about.
.,. set iл ,.. / ... соmЬiпеs ... with .., / ... is ideal for ...
Fоr example, ... / Fоr iпstапсе, ...

Para9raph 3
Give further details about what уо.l are reviewing,
Ву the way, ... / That doesn't mеап that, ... / Оп the other hапd ...
Опе ехаmр/е of th]s, ... / lп this case, ...

Раrа9rарh 4
End the review give your opinion.
l highlу rесоmmепd ... / l wоuldп't recommend .,. / ... shou/d поt Ье missed

Review checklist
. Have уоч followed the plan? п
. Have you used аррrорriаtе language? п
. Have you checked for mistakes in 9rаmmаr, spelling and punctuation? п
. ls уочr review well organised and interesting fоr the rеаdеr? п


When writing а report,
о allow yourself time to рlап what you will Ье including iп уоur rероrt.
. consider the advanta9es and disadvanta9es of each option.
о think of а Suitable title {or уочr rероrt.
. remember to use headings to organise your report and make your ideas сlеаrеr,
. use fоrmаl language апd Iопg fоrms.

Health & Safety at Ваrпslеу Рrimаry Sсhооl

Say why you аrе writing the report.
Тhе aim/purpose of this report i5 to рrеsепt/rесоmmепd/rеviеw/ехаmiпе ,,. / This is а
rероrt оп ... / This rероП will рrеsепt the findings of ... / lt wjll also make suggestions/
rесоmmелdаtiолs for ... / ltwill also suggest/recommend/discuss/analyse ...

Раrаgrарh 2
Discuss the first point оr option and evaluate it апd/оr make suggestions.
Тhе first option is/would Ье ,.. / This mау Ье а good choice ... because ... / Оп the other
hапс1, there mау Ье some disadvantages.

Paragraph 3
Discuss the second point or option and evaluate it апd/оr make suggestions.
Ап a/ternative possibility would Ье to ... / Alternatively, ... / However, ... / This option has
severa/ advanta9e5ldisadyantages ..,

Paragraph 4
Bring the rероrt to an епd Ьу summing up the suggestions made. Recommend опе о{ the
options оr rе{еr to future action.
/n сопс/usiол, ... / То sum up, the mаiп recommendationslsuggestions are .. . / As сап Ье
seen frоrп thiý rероrl ... / Fоr these reasons, / feei that the best орtiол i5 .., ,/

Report checklist
. Have you followed the plan? п
. Have you used appropriate language? п
. Have you checked fоr mistakes iп grаmmаr, spelling and punctuation? п
. ls your герогt well organised? п
Whеп writing ап essay,
. think at,out the topic and your opinion on it.
. ргеSепt the arguments for and against the topic iп раrа9гарhs 2 and З.
. use examples to 5uррогt the arguments you make.
. summarise your arguments and express your opinion in the last рага9rарh.
. use formal оr semi formal language,

Paragraph 1

lntroduce the topic.

соmmоп {оr people to
It is .,, / Мапу people feel that ... / Реорlе sometimes argue that ... /
Most peopie 5ау that..-

Paragraph 2
Рrеsепt one side of the argument and give examples.
Firstly, .-. / Оп the оле hапd ... / Fоr ехаmрIе, ,.. / As а result, ... / Moreover, ...

Paragraph З
Present the оthеr side of the argument and give examples.
Оп the other hапd, ... / Anotber сопсеrп 15 that.,. / However, ... / Сопsеqчепtlу, ... / Fоr

Раrа9rарh 4
Summarise your аг9umепLs and g've уоur opirion.
On the whо/е, ,.. / lп сопсlusiоп, ,,. / То сопсlчdе, .., / То sum up, ... / l strongly believe

Essay checklist
. Have you followed the рlап? п
. Have you used appropriate language? п
. Have you checked for mistakes iп 9rаmmаr/ spelling and punctuation? п
. ls уоur essay well orqanised? п

Using Iinking words Expressing ап орiпiоп
lп the first photo .... but in the second photo .., Well, in mу орiпiоп ...
lп the first photo ..., while in the second photo ... lt Seems to me that .,,
lп both the first and thе second photo, ... Personally speaking, l thiпk-/ргеfеr .,.
Although in the firýt photo ..., iп the second рhоtо ... l feel strongly that ...
lf you look at the firsVsecond рhоtо, ... А5 l See it, ...
l certainly don't think that ,..
Talking about similarities and differences l (don't) think/believe ... is important because ...
Опе similarity/difference between the two photos is ... You should(n't) ... because...
Апоthеr similarity/difference between the first and thе .,. is а good idea because..,
Second photo is that ... lt's not sчсh а good idea to .., because ...
The опlу similarity/difference l сап see between the two lt would Ье better to .,. because ,,
photos is ..,
ln the first photo .,., whereas in the second photo ... Asking for clarification
Both photos have/show ... Could you repeat that, please?
Neither of the photos have/show ... Would you mind repeating that, please?
|'m sоrrу. l didn't quite get that.
Recommending Sorry. What do you mеап Ьу ...?
lthink thе firsVsесопd option is best because ...
lt's better to ... than ... 5howing that you аrе listening
|'d advise you to ... ок,
Му recommendation/Suggestion iS that ... Yes.
Persuading and сопчiпсiпg That'S an interesting point.
|'m sure you'd а9rее that... would hеlр solve the mystery. l see what you mеап,
But don't you think that ,.. is а rеаllу good idea? l understand what you're saying.
Sчrеlу using ... won't make that much of а difference. That's exactly whаt l Was thinking,
... is а good idea, isn't it?
Considering alternatives
Sequencing your ideas Оп the опе hand. ...
То begin with .., Оп the other hand, ,..
Firstly, ... Although it's true that..., you could also say ...
Secondly,... Some might say .... but others think ,..
Well, for опе thing ..,
Апоthеr thing is that ... Stating preferences
l also believe tbat ... l think ... js much better than ...
Whаt iS mоrе ... То Ье honest, l'd рrе{еr ...
Fiпаllу, ... l рrеfеr.., -ing to ... -ing.
Last but not least. ... Тhеrе's по comparison. l'd much rаtЬеr ...

Paraphrasing Giving reasons

Will robots ечеr rерlасе humans? l say this because ...
Will robots ечеr do the job of bumans? The mаiп reason for my saying this is that ...
Technology has simpIified our lives. One of the rеаsопs l decided оп ... is that ...
Тесhпоlоgу has made очr lives easier. lchose... because..,
Сап you think of any ЬепеfiЪ / drawbacks of mobile phones? l suggest ... because ...
Аrе there апу advantages / disadvanta9es of mobile phones
that you can think of? Suggesting alternatives
lnstead of.... he/she could ...
Expressing certainty lf lwere him/hеr, l'd ...
Without а dочЫ, l'd say that ... What about... -ing?
|'m certain / positive that ... ... might Ье опе way rоuпd the problem.
There's no douЫ in my mind that .,.
Giving yourself time to think
Expressing uncertainty Now, let's see ...
lt's hard to say, but ... JuSt а moment .,.
|'m not Sчrе. |'m not surе. Регhарs ...
l suppose (that) ... What's the word l was looking fоr?
lt's possible that ..., but ... What did l/уоu want to 5ау?

a9ainSt the laW (U11) launch а new product (U9)
at all costs (U9) make а difference (U1)
Ье а ray of sunshine (U7) make а profit (U5)
Ье as quick as lightning (U7) make progress (U 5)
ье down to earth (U 7) make somebody redundant (U9)
Ье as good as gold (U1) make trouble fоr somebody (U1)
Ье grееп with envy (U,l) mепd (my) ways (U1

Ье in deep water (U7) of{ the top of (my) head (Uз)

ье snowed uпdеr (U7) оп behalf of (U9)
Ье tickled pink (U1) pick (my) brains (U з)
Ье up and coming (U 5) plead guilty (Ul1)
be/{eel under the weather (Uз) recharge (my) batteries (Uз)
break а habit (U1) reject ап оffеr (U9)
ыеаk the ice (U1) Save (my) Strength (U1)
ыеаk the law (U11) save time (U 1)
do business (U5) see rеd (U1)
do somebrody the world of good (U з) set (my) sights on (U 5)
do your trest (U 5) set the wогld оп firе (U5)
feel blue (U1) solve а case (U11)
feel as fresh as а daisy (Uз) Somethin9 dates back to (U6)
get the sack (U9) tackle сrimе (U11)
go bankrupt (U 5) take а сhапсе (U 5)
go into рагtпеrShiр (U 5) take somebody Ьу surprise (U9)
have а police гесоrd (U11) take someone's рlасе (U5)
have in common (U1) thе Ыасk shеер of the family (U1)
have (mу) head in the clouds (U7) throw in the towel (U5)
hold onto somethin9 (U6) uпdеr аrrеst (U,1 1)
in fact (U9) under pressure (U,1 1)
keep а promise (U,]) wоrk (my) socks off (U 5)
keep in touch (U,1) work shifts (U9)

а dropin (U7)
approve of (U 1)

t,е а mеmЬеr of (U3)

Ье among the first (U11)
Ье associated with (U1)
Ье at risk of (Uз)
Ье iп deЫ (U9)
Ье known as (U5)
Ье очt of wоrk (U9)
Ье surprised Ьу (U7)
Ье under pressure (U11 )

Ье vaccinated against (UЗ)

blame somebody for (U9)
burst out of (U7)
Ьу surprise (U9)
саrе about (U9)
congratu]ate somebody оп (U9)
contriblute to (Uз)
covered with (U7)
depend on (UЗ)
differ from (U7)
do research оп (U7)
dream of (U5)
familiar with (U] 1)

{ocus on (U3)
get engaged to (U 1)

have ап effect on (U])

have confidence in (U])
have (little/lots/something) in соmmоп (U1)
in fact (U9)
in my орiпiоп (U9)
in the world (U5)
lеаrп from (U5)
make а success of something (U5)
on behal{ of (U9)
on the planet (U5)
оп time (U9)

рау attentionto (U'11)

provide somebrody with (U9)
reaction to (U9)
rеsропsiЫе for (U]1)
shout at (U1)
solution to арrоЬlеm (U9)
spread to (U5)
succeed iп (U9)
surprised Ьу (U7)
the real;tyof (U11)
the survivalof (U7)
the top of (U9)
wоrk оп something (U3)
work with somet,ody (U9)

back up = make а сору ofthe work оп уоur соmрutеr (U4)
believe iп = surе that something exists (U2)
Ыаst off : leave the ground and head for space (U4)
Ыiпg out : publish or produce something (US)
bring round : convince somebody to сhапgе their opinion (US)
check in : arrive at а hotel and со lect your key (U10)
come up With = think of and suggest ап idea, а solution, etc (U4)
date back to = exist since а раrtiсulаг time (U6)
die out = Ьесоmе extinct or disappear (U6)
dig up = rеmоче something frоm the grочпd that was bruried (U6)
do up = fasten something with а zip оr button (U12)
dress up = wеаr clothes that аrе smагt (U'12)
drop off = take somebodY somewhere, usually in а car or other Vehicle, and leave them thеrе (U10)
get around = move frоm place to рlасе (U1O)
9et away = succeed in escaping fгоm others (U1O)
get on : board а рlапе, train, etc (UlO)
hold onto = keep (U6)
hook up = connect to а power supply (U4)
lay somebody off : stop employing somebody, make somebody redundant (U9)
let out = make а сегtаiп sоuпd Р2)
log in = gain acce5s to а computer (U4)
look into = examine facts and in{ormation about Something (U2)
make out = mапа9е to See Something (U2)
pass down = teach а Story, tradition, etc to а уоUпgеr generation (U6)
Pick out = choose (US)
pick up = 9о and collect somebody in your саr and take them somewhere (US)
put forward = shаге опе of уоur ideas with others so they can discuss it (u6)
put off = discourage (U6)
put оп = р асе clothes on уоur body and wеаr them (U12)
рцt up = assemble оr build (U']O)
ring back = telephone somebody again, rеturп а call made to you (US)
ring in = to tеlерhопе а TV оr radio show (US)
see off = wave goodbye to somebrody leaving from ап аirрогt, station, etc (U10)
set off = jочrпеу
start а (U6)
Set out : start а jочrпеу (U]O)
Set up = get something rеаdу (U4)
set uр = ргераге equipment fоr use (U6)
stick to = опlу talk about опе subject (U2)
take in = Ье dishonest, trick, deceive (U2)
take in = make clothes smaller and tighter (U12)
take of{ = rеmоче clothes from your body (U']2)
take оп = employ somebody (U9)
take очеr = begin to have сопtгоl of or responsibility fоr someth -: (U6)
take up = shorten clothes Ьу folding -р :hе bottom edge апс s:::- -. : (Ur2)
try оп = see if а piece of clothing iirs lol or looks nice (U12)
tuпе iп = isten to а radio рrоgrаmmе c.,,.,,a,ich а TV рrоgrа--: (US)
tuпе out = stop listening to something о, sc-ebody (US)
Wear out = use something so much thа: ': ..согпе5 Use eS: ||J12
work оп = try hard to improve оr achiere s)-e'l n9 (UЗ
Unit 1
С student В: Use the in{ormation below to answer Student А'5 questions.


What are уочr options? Tell him that the outfit isn't sчitаые and оffеr Say поthiпg about the outfit and let him
to help him choose sоmеLhiг9 Lhat i5 more 9о to the раrtу iп it, hoping for the best,
What is the disadvantage lf you tell him that the outfit isn't SчitаЫе, he lf people at the party make fun of his
of each option? might Ье very upset оr think that you аrе being outfit, hе might Ье апgrу with you for
unkind. Не might поt want to Ье your friend not telling him that it WaS not Suitable.
апу mоrе. Не might think it is your duty as his best
friend to tell him thе truth.

Unit 1'l
С Student В: Use the in{ormation below to answer Student A's questions.

What is the problem? Yоur Ыоthеr Nicholas is not doing well at school and hе hаs rесепtlу become involved
with а group of teenagers that go out at night and do graffiti. You think this is his way of
showing his dissatisfaction with his school апd the system in general,
Option 1 option 2
talk to раrепЪ talk to Nicholas
What are your options? You сап go straight to уочr parents You сап talk to Nicholas directly and listen to how
and tell them everything you know he feels about school and what is happening in
about Nicholas' behaviour. They will his life in general. You can suggest that he joins а

What is the disadvantage

of each option?
forgive you for speaking to them hапgiпg out with thе teenagers and hе may
instead of talking to him directly. Your eventually start committing more serious crimes
relationship with him would suffer. and get into trоuЫе with the police.


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