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To: Professor Plum

From: TJ
Date: 10/6/2019
Subject: Antonio’s Evaluation
Hello Professor Plum,
I have summarized the evaluation of Antonio’s performance from looking at his 4 teammates
peer-evaluation and his own self-evaluation. The document attached below is what I have came
up with in assisting you with finding a winning team for the state case competition.
As requested, here is the information below on the evaluation of Antonio’s performance. The
information below was created to inform you on the evaluation of Antonio and his teammates’
peer-evaluation. The information will help you understand if Antonio is actually doing his part
for the team and if he is an effective team member. Based off these evaluations, it looks like
Antonio isn’t doing his part and isn’t an effective team member. I will provide his evaluation on;
citizenship behaviors, teamwork, leadership and technical competency.

Citizenship behaviors
Based on his teammates’ evaluation. It looks like Antonio’s citizenship behaviors excel in some
parts and are lacking in others. Antonio seems to be doing a good job arriving on time for group
meetings but lacks to contribute to a positive communication climate………

Based on his teammates’ evaluation. It looks like Antonio’s teamwork is lacking in all parts. He
fails to do his part by acknowledging expertise of others and willing to take or give to others.
Antonio doesn’t seem like a good teammate and is lacking in all areas……………

Based on his teammates’ evaluation. It looks like Antonio’s leadership excel in some parts and
are lacking on others. Antonio seems like he is a good leader by pulls projects together but is
failing to show leadership in soliciting divergent opinions from others. Antonio looks like he
could be a good leader but not a great leader. He will need to improve his

Technical Competency
Based on his teammates’ evaluation. It looks like Antonio’s technical competency is high in
most areas. Antonio looks like he is a very responsible person by completing his submitted work
but explaining his work to others varies between his teammates. Antonio seems like he is doing
really well in this area of evaluation from his peers……………………….

The document was created to inform you on Antonio’s performance. This document helped you
understand if Antonio was doing his job and being a good teammate based off his peer
evaluations. These peer-evaluations show Antonio isn’t doing his job and being a good
teammate. I have provided the areas he was evaluated on; citizenship behavior, teamwork,
leadership and technical competency. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at

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