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First Sessional (ICE)

Section –A 3x2=6

1. What are two basic types of internal combustion engines? What

are the
fundamental differences between the two?

2. Sketch Ericsson cycle on P-V and T-S diagram & mention formulae
for its efficiency.

3. Mention various assumptions used in fuel air cycle analysis.


4. Define indicated thermal efficiency & mean effective efficiency.

5. Write formulae for percentage change in efficiency of Otto and diesel

cycle with variation in specific heat.

Section –B 3x2=6

1. Why actual valve timing diagram deviates from theoretical

one, draw port timing diagram for a two stroke engine.
2. Explain by means of suitable graphs the effect of dissociation on
maximum temperature and brake power.
3. Discuss with the help of sketch, the effect of compression ratio on
engine Performance.
4. How does the air fuel ratio affect engine's performance (efficiency)?

Section –C 4 x 2 =8

5. Compare the performance of Otto, Diesel and Dual air

standard cycles on different aspects with the help of P-V
and T-S diagrams.
6. Find the percentage change in the efficiency of an otto cycle
having a compression ratio of10, if Cv decreases by 2%.

7. A diesel engine working on diesel cycle takes in air at

pressure of 1 bar and temperature of 30ºC, the pressure
at the end of compression is 30 bar and cut off is 6%of the
stroke. Calculate (a) compression ratio, (b) % clearance, (c)
heat supplied, (d)heat rejected, (e) thermal efficiency, (f)
mean effective pressure.

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