Project Report Guidelines

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Project Report
Name of product (Phase I)


Name of Product (Phase II)

Submitted in partial fulfillment towards the Bachelor’s

Degree in the field of Chemical Engineering
Prepared By
Name of Student
Ch- _______ ( I.D.No. _____ )

Under the Guidance of

Name of Guide

Department of Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University
College Road, Nadiad – 387 001
April -2017
Copy of Company training certificates
Certificate Page (to be signed by the faculty guides
and head of the department)

This is to certify that________________________ (CH-, I.D. NO. )

has duly submitted his/her Project Report on titlephase-1 and

titlephase-2 as a partial fulfillment towards bachelor’s degree in

Chemical Engineering at Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad in the

year 2017.

(Guide’ name), Dr. M.S.Rao

(Guide’s designation), Professor & Head,
Dept. of Chemical Engg., Dept. of Chemical Engg.
DDU, Nadiad. DDU, Nadiad

I ________________________________ declare that, the project report

on ________________ and ________________ comprises my original work

towards the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering at

Dharmsinh Desai University and is not copied from any published or

proprietary source. I further declare that this work is not submitted elsewhere

towards degree or diploma in any university or college. The whole content of

this project work is genuine and distinctive.

Name of student,
CH- (ID # ), Semester VIII,
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Faculty of Technology,
Dharmasinh Desai University, Nadiad.
Copy of Company training certificate
Certificate Page (to be signed by the faculty guides and head of the department)
List of figures page number must be in roman
List of tables
Abbreviations ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Nomenclatures (symbol, description and SI unit)
1 Introduction (about product page number must start from 1)
a. History, IUPAC name (History does not mean history of the company but the
b. Getting the details of the product and total capacity; overall capacity in the world
c. Market value
d. Competitors – technical as well as commercial
e. Technology providers
f. Applications
g. Physical, chemical and MSDS
2. Selection of Process
a. Discussion on alternative technologies
i. Identify various methods by which selected product can be produced
b. Selection of technology
i. Select process based on the company in which the training is been taken
c. Raw Material specification
i. Availability of raw materials and transportation of raw materials
ii. Raw material consumption pattern and sustainability
iii. Cost of raw materials
iv. Physical, chemical and MSDS
d. Detailed process description
i. Process Block diagram
ii. Description of process
iii. Process Flow Diagram(Flow sheet)
3. Material Balance
a. Introduction
i. Select basis based on the roll number
ii. Identify the chemical reactions and conversion, yield or selectivity
b. Overall material balance
i. Material balance block diagram
c. Mass balance across each equipment
i. Carryout material balance for each unit operation and unit processes shown in
the process flow diagram
4. Energy Balance
a. Introduction
i. Identify the operations and processes where heat transfer required
b. Energy balance block diagram
c. Energy balance across equipment
i. Carry out energy balance based on the flow rate and composition calculated
in material balance
ii. Calculate quantities of steam, cooling water, air, electricity or any other heat
transfer medium required.
5. Plant utilities (whichever is applicable)
(required diagram and description)
a. DM plant
b. Steam generation plant
c. Cooling tower
d. Refrigeration
e. Chilling plant
f. DG set
g. Air compression unit
6. Detailed description of the equipment
a. List of all major and minor equipments with number/ series/ parallel units
b. Capacity of each equipment
c. MoC of each equipment
d. Max and Min operating Temperature and pressure of each equipments
e. Conclusion (identify the equipments to be designed in next section).
7. Designing of Equipments
a. Major equipment design
i. Any separating or reacting equipment out of the list shown in previous
ii. Process design
iii. Mechanical design
b. Minor equipment design (only process design)
ii.Heat exchanger
iii.Storage vessel
iv. Evaporator
v. Filter
vi. Dryer
8. Pumps, piping, fittings and Control Valves
a. Various types of pumps used in the plant – their characteristics, suppliers
b. Details of the control valves required
c. What are various control valve options available and why a particular valve is
d. Cost of the control valves
e. Operational details of control valves
f. Draw all control loops in the plant
g. P & ID
9. Safety, Health and Environment
a. Identify all safety measures taken in the industry
b. Identify all safety related equipment – their location and reason for selecting
their location
c. Identify all the auxiliary equipment related to safety
d. Hazop of the plant
e. Identify various pollution control measures taken by the industry
10. Plant Location and Layout
a. Justification of plant location
b. Drawing of plant layout
11. Cost Estimation
a. Capital cost must be calculated based on the MoC for the capacity you have
designed in equipment design section.
b. Interest
c. Depreciation
d. Profitability
i. Breakeven point
ii. Rate of return
iii. Payback period
12. Conclusions
13. References
a. All the text books and reference books used during graduation program
b. No websites will be allowed.
Guidelines for Preparing Project Report:

All the students of final semester, B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) are hereby informed to
prepare their reports as per following instructions.
 Cover Page Design:
1. Cover page design must be uniform as displayed on the notice board.
2. For getting approval of your reports, you must bring all your reports in SOFT COPY.
Once your reports are approved, go for BINDING.

 There has to be two sections in each report shown with yellow color page
Write phase I or II and the title of the project report
 Keep one white blank page before each chapter with chapter name and title only
 Font : Normal Text- Times New Roman, size 12
 Chapter’s Heading - Times New Roman, size 16, Bold
 Subheading- Times New Roman, size 14,Bold
 Margins- As per A-4 size default settings
 Paragraph’s Alignment- Justified
 Line spacing 1.5
 Figure Caption ( Must be below the figure and centrally aligned)- Times New Roman,
size 12
As shown below in the sample
e.g. Figure 1.1 Chemical Structure Of The Product (source)
In case if picture is taken from some website or book also mention source of the
figure in bracket of figure caption
 Table caption (Must be above the table and centrally aligned)-Times Times New
Roman, size 12
As shown below in the sample
e.g. Table 1.1 Chemical properties Of The Product (source)
In case if data is taken from some website or book also mention source of the data in
bracket of table caption
 Page number should be at right bottom corner and all the pages should be without
boarder. Only Black color to be used in printing.

Dr. M. S. Rao
Professor & Head,
Dept. Of Chem. Engg.,
DDU, Nadiad.

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