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Professional Nursing

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Professional Nursing Essay

Nursing care demand is growing. Nursing professionals should build moral impressions

to gain the patients trust and respect. Good communication skills improve the relationships of the

patients and nurses. Nurses should also respect the patient’s culture, beliefs, and values. Besides,

nursing professionals should establish sensitivity to diverse ethnic backgrounds as well as

cultural needs. Nurses should demonstrate professionalism to patients, families, and community.

Nursing professionals should be passionate and competent to improve patient care.

Healthcare professionals needs to possess various core competencies to effectively run

healthcare institutions. The core competencies of healthcare professionals include; Patient-

centered care – this includes pay attention to, updating, as well as involving patients in their

care. That is, giving them care with regards to their needs, values, and preferences. Medical

practitioners should ensure that the values of patients guide all clinical decisions. Evidence-

based practice – this provides medical professionals with proper scientific knowledge to make

well informed decisions (Black, 2020). The medical professionals utilize evidence-based

practices to research and contemplate the effectiveness or risks of a certain treatment or

diagnostic test. Teamwork and collaboration. This are important to improve patient care and

patient safety by improving the quality and efficiency of patience outcomes. Medical professions

need a mix of communication skills, problem solving skills, and interpersonal skills to work and

collaborate together towards a common goal of providing organized comprehensive patient care.

Quality improvement – it is a continuous process that encompasses all medical professionals

working together to produce better and improved services for patient care. Informatics and

safety. Implementing the developing technology (health care information systems) provides

better access to patient information. It improves the quality and safety of patient care as well as

supporting evidence-based care.

Talent does not beat discipline and hard work to attain success. Successful nurses may be

associated with natural talent they posses but they often employ discipline in growing their

career. The following are some of the characteristics of nurses that define the path to success.

Integrity. It is the primary core value of nursing whereby nurses have to respect dignity and

profession ethics without limitation or condition. Humility. Nurses should accept mistakes

whenever they happen and accept the need to be corrected and change. Caring attitude. Caring

for the patients is the heart of the nursing career. Persistence. Success does not come over night,

nurses should fight each day to become in quality and patient care. Creativity. Nurses should be

open to new ideas and new solutions that solve problems. This provides a new perspective to an

existing problem that can be solved easily (Black, 2020). The desire to keep learning. Nurses

should be accustomed with the culture of improving on their weaknesses through regular

education. They should also capitalize on their strengths by being flexible, free-thinkers, and

forward-thinkers on how to better improve quality and safety of patient outcome. Lastly,

authenticity. It is important for a nurse to understand him or herself and contemplate on their

individual purpose as a nurse. Developing the above discussed characteristics will make a

successful nurse.

According to American Nursing Association, nursing is “the protection, promotion, and

optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering

through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals,

families, communities, and populations” (Masters, 2020).


Promotion of Health. The term refers to the process of enabling individuals to improve

and increase control over their health (Masters, 2020). It is the process of enabling patients and

families to increase control over their health in addition to its determinants, thereby improving

their health. The term moves beyond the attention of one person towards a spectrum of social

and environmental interventions. They include, educational programs, health promotion

campaigns, new policies, as well as environmental improvements. Optimization of Health. The

term optimization describes the process used to improve healthcare providers distribution and

supply. This maximizes patient travel needs, service coverage, and health accessibility (Black,

2020). This improves the delivery of quality patient care. Alleviation of Suffering. This term

generally implies the impression of caring. Suffering is fundamentally the origin of all caring.

When patients and affected families accept and come into terms with suffering, hope of

recovering build up. Suffering gives caring an exceptional soundness and quality to something

that all categories intend to alleviate. This can be done by showing the patients continuous

organized care. The nurses can also transcend diagnosis through care and embracing the reality

that patient care goes beyond delivering medical interventions.

Caring consists of the confidence, compassion, competence, conscience, and commitment

of nurses. These elements are self-explanatory but they need effort and rime to ensure their

application in the work place (Finkelman and Kenner, 2009). For instance, my schedules at times

can be challenging. However, I have a commitment and dedication to serve patients by putting

them first and upholding strong values in their favor. The commitment towards my career is also

evident as I keep on improving my nursing knowledge and skills. I seek this through pursing

diverse courses to gain detailed understanding about my profession. Indeed, this has improved

my capabilities as a nurse and also improved the level of care I deliver to patients.

My nursing philosophy is based on offering empathetic, optimal holistic, competent, and

compassionate care to the best of my capacity. It stems from my childhood beliefs and values

that are accompanied with respect, trustworthiness, and compassion to serve patients, family, and

the community. I believe that education will play a significant role to keep a stride in my

philosophy. I also belief that the ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientation, religious preferences,

and cultural beliefs of patients as well as families should be respected without any

discrimination. I believe that my profession is more than just a career, I am passionate about

acquiring knowledge and skills to help improve patient outcome.

In conclusion, nursing demand is growing since many people are seeking medical aid in

an increasing rate. Caring consists of the confidence, compassion, competence, conscience, and

commitment of nurses. Nursing core competencies include patient-centered care, evidence-based

practice, teamwork and collaboration, quality improvement as well as informatics and safety.

Nurses should have integrity, humility, authenticity, the desire to keep learning, caring attitude,

and persistence when offering patient care. Successful nurses employ discipline in growing their

career. My nursing philosophy is based on offering empathetic, optimal holistic, competent, and

compassionate care to the best of my capacity.



Black, B. P. (2020). Professional nursing: concepts & challenges. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Finkelman, A. W., & Kenner, C. (2009). Professional nursing: competencies for quality

leadership. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Masters, K. (2020). Role development in professional nursing practice. Burlington, MA: Jones &

Bartlett Learning.

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