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Ethics in Healthcare

Name of Student

Name of Institution



Ethics in healthcare


Ethics is very important in healthcare since it enables the workers to apply the principal

values of bioethics to help them make clear decisions on complex issues (Spencer et al., 2013).

As a result, they can make well-defined recommendations regarding the patient's health and other

courses of action. Ethics is important in different fields that entail; business, medical, and

political areas.

Importance of ethics in the field of business

Ethics is crucial in every business organization because it enables the employees to

uphold the culture of sound moral judgment (Holland and Albrecht, 2013). Therefore, in a

company where the workers practice high-quality moral judgment, there is always peaceful co-

existence among them. As a result, the production rate rises since the decision making is much

more comfortable.

Also, ethics is imperative in the business sector since it enables the person to develop

good ethical values hence attracting more consumers to their products. As a result, the firm is

likely to experience high sales, thus good profit maximization. Additionally, it enables the

employees to experience peace with one another and work together hence increase in

productivity. Also, due to ethics, a business entity may tend to attract many workforces; this

enables the firm to receive employees who are more talented from various professions. As a

result of practicing good ethical values, the field is likely to get many investors through free and

healthy socialization.

Ethics in the field of medicine

Ethics is vital in the field of medicine because it enables medical professionals to employ

the use of critical thinking when it comes to the examination of different medical problems. For

example, some cases in the hospital require faster and proper care, for instance, handling patients

in the emergency unit. Therefore, to ensure that the patient gets the perfect healthcare and safety,

the medical practitioners use ethics to enable them to bring together values and facts that can

help in arriving at a logical action.

On the contrary, ethical values enable the physicians to uphold the culture of telling the

truth, be transparent, respect to patients' values and respect to patients and their families. As a

result, they are likely to build strong trust between them and the patients. Due to that, the doctors

find it easy to treat the patients, and the patients become sure about their safety.

Ethics in the field of politics

Ethics is essential in the area of politics since it enables politicians to develop good moral

judgment on political actions and agents. A perfect judgment allows the politician to make a

clear decision before involving in an activity. On the same note, it gives the politicians ample

time to make a clear judgment when choosing their agents.

On the other hand, in this category, ethics is used in the office and on dealing with public

officials. Therefore, a politician must practice excellent ethical skills while dealing with the

visitors in the office as well as workers. Also, they must ensure that they portray much respect to

the public officials to build the bond between them and the public.


Ethics is vital in medical, business, and political fields because it enables the health

workers, business entities, and politicians to practice the act of good moral judgment. As a result,

they can create trust and peaceful co-existence between them and the people around them.



Holland, D., & Albrecht, C. (2013). The worldwide academic field of business ethics: Scholars'

perceptions of the most important issues. Journal of Business Ethics, 117(4), 777-788.

Spencer, E. M., Mills, A. E., Rorty, M. V., & Werhane, P. H. (2014). Organization ethics in

health care. Oxford University Press.

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